Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1860, p. 4

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- ""'t b1Icgt following5 .now OJ" 897Vu-e "9x, THE PRINCE ALBERT, -PROTEOTIOJ 1T k o 'rrnw S .. tFI ~ED&Cod Btapleanacy'yGod t> ~CI 1151 '*705! sU! dîo(l ~.îi~~'> >1 t sss.',i1"rnI. ils'lTi'îU C z soi t - ~55> ut' I uns s~) I si~'~, J~ The OI¶W~JT~Ac.TrO~ ,o±~ di~RONI0L~ il f s h D4jusues josîvei7pufv ?Royal Thurance Co=ipaiýy. 'OFYCE-22 TOUO'lTO EXORÀiaN<. Co AIT7g WO MidLiONis 8T Ï358-Two lsnindrd Tboiwtnd 018. oxins Steling AUe Athe 1 w a a a ra ~~~rn - ÀàQ to mt ailxn w vri w ILLEUX _-POaS$ - J a 'd *Pound# &?erlig. ÀJïzoniBuildingsp uatr Tha th~t f é~y ther localoferydcrpie- P a p er i th e Prcýiuce, xid taken on bielellundizg p y~Jso oa vast o r', MT@FOR 180. foi'I 1mo d, tsm iofa e.will be losica JOHN AONEW, ThDown Malsm goîni Enst v~-ssw,1w The circulation o pli the 'other raevilieKbwenùîîc fi44 lgtoh allaPott IWU.NCCOIAY 0O~,n'id othier'corretapossitfieat0 ' ATOICNETCU. a. T . . n t ir a v e l i s g P q i t O f i c eN NEsC T I C U T.i -~~ paprs i te o y8o i~ 1lacai t t# tfingsowist -'JDjsGPT Duà;fralseryat Ions.m., anst7 p. ni ptT Uie.'lietters for Molitressl, and~ea.FoîoEng.ESrstoLd ilssîmeditely ou aisplca. ston arc oîsîv dempatched b?>' the iglit usaâil go .IP~, tl ot iefreisee ta tise hlessd sfcS~. ir:ý à '-s7"?_ wiC' t t-,ri, Vpmail 0Jeo!ïg'we1ct,, iueIs4issg11D3sbstp , YflJ.1~~~A.LI ~ronito, olso tise G I l .tîvellissg poit Office -.. h ONLY"Tie' tis i' lclcrisg Djiisstý ~ ~«Q~OAJf»UZUTI At D th te Third' onl'mi.llby"ls~ niriing rasiss goltng Whist. I issoio ieEeesî rvnilPrl N'orth Mssli4 leovsj ciiiîy, atter tise oriyal 0f tisent of l-imsrCa1o thes trainfrc Toronto, fo; :l3olii, Misnches-.pe ~ Ç~ ~1$pû tar, Port ,POrrr-ReacelLnss ai, Besi. andUVxbriiel,aso fori lthcresp o f' ! MisgàsIr lso -made 4sipelt frse tinsà f<sr.Assdý untus. Every inifori st-iùs sîpie u loy, Brésuglssm Bitissîni, Grenwoodastid .Kin- Pialliots~uesgi sale diiy, anai on Tuefesclo>', Tîsurtdadi u id farlie lLskL for tIse Ssoi orjcrPrl Saturda>' for Altoîsa, Clorcîssont,.itd gSôtoft-' JOIhN AGMNW, fM J-WEEKLy, 0.50 ville._ ____ Mlails are (lue for deUver>' froni tîshofficesli Travellinz Agent, Bvrosu Street, Vs' 1itby VXD A arTI t obut S 3 f). Ins. . - The Chroniole is the Papeer to - dvertise in., ANI> Yom Kcontinuie to folio -1111 AJP4 A~~'~ ' -iug-leading Britiis Periodicals, vis:.-,- 1 L. - Ver1~Irc u»d.OobaruoStrts,-~îity maR xLo uUAETicALy (Oopservat.lve.) ,T Ci-mh.~8n~ei1er -ar lu rtepto!Fral »'-r«E EDINBUROII aufiiw (Whig.) %Mivakqve Uço4s direct from istIe - " - satÏêgrtusci ,siof i Ca TEE NORTu! BRiLTISiI EariviEW(Free Ohurch. -N -SALE, MIE WESTlMINSTEIR iuYvw (Liberâ-l.) j Ails d Iu6d it~Sock of Dry 'Géondskept« LO"Kwbo,'le ED1n URUAGAZINE(o'> LJ ..SÇIIOFIELD e ' Co. e- - - th These perlod ical by cr-etts -ON SAÀL E,4 A empl~eStdk ôat'knda ! roerie., aud 1 ufsil SuekofLquos, hoice.brousds Visa. tagel18S, 30 1Barroes" f' O01& Rectified'-Whiamcy frein' 6.lippewa. i'- c . ' - 0 N-,,'8,A L E, -. IfSCIIOFIELI) &Co. -é'4,Oheits Fresh Teas from 2. 27 Boxes Tobacco -from le. to ft4m0rpanrýy.ÇOttOn 10 3oodýe~' dl'"o Slî. SCHOFIELD & Co. ThéisSsbs'ibersini% e1 olve i0 comisg to .1. nLisu~suUeî. I.5> J OF.5LtJi o . ZQLET. elsesper, tisree great political, partis sifGret Bk'i tain-Whig, Tory,-and Radicl-but poli. tics forma onty cn-fcture fhoircliarot.- or., .AsOrgans o! the'" Miost -' rofoun4. writers,,-nîScience, literat -, oraity end Religion, thee-att.eid - is thcy :ever have stood, unrjvsed in ti eWorv--Çoflet- ter%~-, bcing ccnisides.d ýisispenaeibIe te the-sàeholar. and thse'-ef on,& man1 whie to-tise iute#igeniti.ea4er of every sa-he fuïïïlh a ussore cirW, and.-tafn~ry-e cch'd 'f thiourreut, & IittUre cf F1bâ .day, «ii ýhu~the woFij'hsus cen b. staibly eltsdfrein any iirrjource. -- -- Thse reccipp inOX-SIcIET frein thé British pubihê iëg-eaditional veluetie the Reprints, ipeswsi;çh sethey ceci row be piacedin thse hanhýds 0f 4bscibers oAbout -as-soon asetise original editioni. TERMS. - -' "~"' Per aun. For aray cce cf tise four Reviews.'. . $3 OU For any -two o!ftise four Revicwis. . ;00, For any ohfe thie four Review ... 7< ûoU For all=fo th e Reieiyà.. ..8 O0 For Iltàokwcod's Magazine,........ aUoù For Blackwood and one Revicw.... 00 1'rBlackwoéd sund îwe Revicw ... 7 O0 For Blackwood a.nd thrpe Iýeviws., .9 OU For)3lackwood anîàtise fout Boelwaà.Ï10 00 ifoney curre>t in"tke k'tate wo/ire isaued uill b. t-eeivMd tp* .' -1 dacut b? tventy.flOe p&* ct ri the abr-vc prices wili-be aliowed ta CLUBS orderîng four or nare C eiscfaur6o more of the above wor 'S. -i'îlsfJ-r copiscf""ackw.ood, Or oq cne cie wil bo eiiî b anc 'ddregs" fr $9; oiirüî i0' cf the four Reviews and Biaokwôod;d for $I30; andegocus. -- -POSTAGIM. pleýd free of UT, .usae . u-40 DSOTkCi WEtT1BY RE" MIE.00., tid !s'eilltckd'f lSssrsu tq tiis e o4.IM i4 lb c Tenus I$4 ..itr auuuup'-Situdens land& uts LIorbl' I, sieo r Boouk account wilJI-l~<' y t itatâ;litht, , iécond- Nt- t. S t a ti n e r ' - n' "ý " J - U r h ' ~~i<~ry#, 's4~ "i it 81-1> ~"< -'-~ W. H. UJOGINS. ENGLISII MAILS.-Fbunt-se lot o! A1ril. 1859, auileltters for Great B4t#siuamai bd pro- tpald, b>' Postage kstampd Letters intess .ded for Enrebsisoulsl ho post. ed before 7. o'clock AI. on Mxdst.- 1REGISTRATION 0 'F ]iETTERS.-The 'ehartre for Regiltretionis, fa ditioto lu ie pot- «Vm5avufollonuk -bum ach luese viz - lTo an>' place esI-ritisis Nori ÂuseIcad; --To an>' pl-i.-'tith nitedStatuae ps.m g must bc prepa e4iwo)8d 'To ssyplae i(4XrèiÏtBriWîsnànd Irc'land(post. agé- mnust be prêpaid aie) 7X4d Ta au>' piacc ii tisa ]ritiush Colonies or Posses- ,mons, ment via Eîslaid, (postage inusit le pre- To assypinc u rueoohroeg on PARP liSpfos;8 bA.wcghî cen b'sect by pomt 4ë r - à * "In sBd'per lb. te b4 days, Viç Oii'$okm and priuted niatter/or the United tut.es, tise Cenadicu lPostasge m-uit ho propad belpastageetampoq, aud u ssucis n3ctteir rom 't e Unithd Stùtes, tIhe Cassedinn Postage sviir ho 10 olleeýon dellvery. ,i ýAil trasieulý Newapapes's ii*euîiclig tîsese ýor -Engliindt' i»ust be -prùpuîcf îlo PctssgeStu 'or tIe>' e lie eforwssrded. ~Newâp er».for tise Britiîis t In ldien, ior oýNefouu d;ý ins bc éyài 1 Postage Wtsxp>1de'ols;ind4for ?1ud&aUhliis, Austra ?iudt Ir ecebeyosid isua, 24d eaeh. OFFI CF, I-OVRS.r- Week tIcys, froni 7 a.cni. t6 7 P.M. tSundat>Csfroâ 9 tolc. M. ,Poasisge Stssnspa con be purclssaed ut the PuaI A.M IIERSON, P. M. Whitby, Aprilu & o... - s a w. DENT8TR ýÈDETISTRY! DR. O0:O. JEROM El rN returnilng thanks to bis nmieons 4friena ..L.eînd the ÉnIlie' fénerilly for ?helr ibIeri-1 patrouaigç sincehlie ommreigée(ipraçtiue4pà>*lii& 'Lowni, w Ã"uJdd bre tatko occasion to>r4te t4doi+ t41çÎ4e r(»cqtýrjvA cArtilftcjsWVecti ,i, itiesrh lasIM A\ ôbuîîîIrûuelliue t' r Nrliiîg tite vuIcaiiiseoçl rîîbler, 4ju1 ,wlich holiewitl iIz»eçýt aili ki»ds o "d a4ylds o'TellFe~avta ha. ever bein dotie beforel with tIi i pruvems. 'Dr. ~J' C. Jao~t. igurntuu tu flt the montdilelt cas§e wth tho grofflest precislitî la acli, nIl cseeparties e.in have Blook Teuli with- SoIid Gums, wicla, ii1i every respect, l'ai etîperiur tu nu y oti, loiîid owrk kiîown hl'nt5i.;"is wur~la hiigh ly olpr-oved of Iy cll oftthe Véadiing Dcntiiat4 liiew York, uud î;rIl. ipulcitiesýthrougIkOlIttile Utuittud StUte».Dowit toIts bocg mueli igliternsd of à no-curusxve natùrü,cànd it la, nfter ai;eat or tlirec >ez&raý, dèemed higliertnd more proferable thoan'guld Ur gny other înetaclîo plate. Daà Sxohawoudld'wieh it to bc bornte in mind thâ ho 440 grettýly redlîccod the î'rioeh whivh horetdi'orýiwetë the aindurd. lie wuid aiSc fnirtiler $ata tiltat lie hua been colistitntly nsiiîag the obomoe namM o4 interlal for severol moujthà 1>051 duriiug-wiiioh ttimehie bas put up a grent wnbor ut' cames, seallul il juiaouce ticle 1»sti uf suLsfi& iaisho bjeuistuuuiistLd by the Patients. r 's (.1, d.rr Ée-'Pîatînaplnte 8 'Uit tipln the"Liàtëst "Styles, (J1&aper t/ian U#ua l, and iWarranted. ,Ur' Attenltion& g veo4u ie rgltu0n.ofCiI1 P.8 c.an i fde!ÉàIýi4*5eiüitÉrà f rAworklj ~t e bepl. 'I'1p 1859. ~ -w 1#hi by ~ bÃŽe» p OsitO r .T e xed SCIJOICE selectIon-o! Bible# 1usd Tema.Vromnfuut moents, beaitifuli bousîii mosssocý0an4 C,) ctiierwisde and (ver>'ù,r&e atbeau '~i'iF - - "4'i-ii- I4àG ! i~55i AM 8". T~#'>~ 4 rcarnO u-nd~t45 C - Whitby, lob. ff;~~î - -9 ~r, 8 8 .9; "î iÉi,~~,.~brnam 41,6 :"0 w4'4 cREe OF LAND, gtet loi' oed 'stable, iWoïd -Mr.5lfL 167 osr utos& bard pu hli sltuetôd,.aend weilladapt4d f ehr a, gu dener or butefhcr. The above prfflrt>v.wiIl b. sold et a borgnin, or caâh. "Fof t idt et leury le Wh! tby7 Pcb. S 100 SITES, TWNL»Ms . OlNE împrqvcd F4rrn-In Wiitby, 100 S'Acres. Que Impro!cd Ferm in Dertington 50 acres. Wild' Latldo lnu 'Mai-a, S omî'vllle, Eu In !)àip u T w sip tD riigtcji oný of the vcrybeat n tise Tolwnilp o! -Par linglon. Mechafflcs eand others 'deaiyoisof build- ing, can have* froni 12 -ç,,'ssb.î rnoenix Erire Assurance Co. Sendfr O rar.' Addr' psost-j>add OMBA3D 5TI5OET AND) CUASSSCe os, Lie»wo% ."- .H Wili4h. ESTABLISHED IN 1782. October 17, 1859. êUJ.E8P~IMOFAT coi a.rm for Sale.* Agens fr Cnsd. 20 ACES r S'NDID LAND. LOT IfN18UIRA NC FSa 4~t SSby lR n 000 u l ltis Coîscusadeton ot Thonsis; 17) effecte ma thezt fcîvora .io tenmsï,r aia Acres e leare-d. TVils Frus us situated witbin LUÀSSES pei lwd t(refureiice lu tise Uoard ini four miles,§f 1 v -rofs"ostise t>vel road; to Londun. - e - t f a frof >lse.bustsislty, asnd -à. ln - H,,W. WOODWA RDK ' 'and ofSa trunii t el4ehr0iii acso Commissioner .Aereha-,1t~, 4»Isrl f~l. oL 4, il, tjseloth.Cwec- ý4een,Cotent3' cOrOnt'zri. 5b'f i6ds sis ntio dii -aci thé ofP Wh1yAug -0 8Wwlsiclc arce leeredtsanll-frtigitseIra Hoe Isuralnce 1JomUY :rXh .ApY tos - 0F N9W YORK. C»JO -:0: - Baverton, ts Juily, 1h528 (JsC(apita4 allp«d in, *1,000,000 trto1ý Sunlu8 overp. .-r - treoLt. offg" Pl .-VaIluabletFal criu Abei t-20 * ;,hsopj5d. itiit s ixftW s4tg Wlmitby. 0 lldjoî0li e a JAS. LOGAN A 'quactit>'o ,0(ol CEt) For'Salec us sautlySI ide of Brck Street. Whitby, or ; tise, M rkihen' ' Whifby>, Jssy 28t, STONE LI In tise T ow crof W l*sithy . - t4a tiefstupteisiber iso-x1 A ppîyts FiC lass, Tarm for Sale, 100 -ACRES. 1I'HF, West husif lot No. 2Q., 2nd Comees.ý »io'OUh'Inlijof wbi-tby. The- whole ceaed'ansiïeréùl'tiv'-stio'li. WeiI feuced and substantuaI barsl, slseds,: our- *buildisgs, - niroot coller cewaly er-ècted. For terue &c., apply to - 'Z BUR hAMy I PIRE AN1) - &RîNFi. EF incdersgnéd, sgcisteo!t11 hove 4l T ctsCoinpau 1s ropared s'.n'o Pô,li- cie Of Iusurasxou agnis osa os b ireteDae- gors -,frlulensi Negttion ssndis asron. WVEPHEN sEAJI, DuindsSt. Wisitby, Nov. 25, 1859. ?2sw46w-ly rF' Y~.2,Lombard Sb-eetg London,. CA PITALE TWO MILLIONqS STERLIG AND LARGE REEIVE ÈUNJS PIRE DEPARTrMýENT, Tiis Cempaut J'mieraesBsmiàduncm uud tl)cl ôther descitdsut]rpny rgaiiwstLosr.D> t A i jsa 1aesponp$ttLy , tîr Ç~~I 50 clsstioni~ ds* nod wlou reforeisce tel Tise large (Ciiît tssl uu i*sidicotles ningoeôntl et thîs Cossipon> iasmiJ4es thleunuat pensecl6tiBîey. lireeil mS t a a ktuno o! in e auiear ed o I ý4centrallisnd husinsi s. Ipart ofthierown ofW'lsitbly, tlsat ilondd nçw Brick Store, under- -ai 1QawOffices uOf W. Il. 'rre- 'sîsyse, Jouty ttoney itusite on Ilundîts SteT. èie1siiding 1ls 40 ly 2, ; itere !sa show room ver Use SbOp, ad 2 or 8 good apsrtnients le tise building, irýccxi be ]et with tile Store. '1'he show front l is e meoapicuoils and attractive iii thoeTowu. 1Possession iliut,.diate- ly. For Trn,&. apply to. 91-'mm Dundie, aIreet, Whiib- V la e o tf S p r t ie e~ 11îy , i'à ~ Ppo Pr -Ã" ILG H . W RTNELI4q, FOR 8 ALE OR TO LET' rrHg WESTERN 1013E sand promis4es is- -Lcludîing Stasbles, Sisedîs, &e., îsud qu.inter -sero of sàgo'dçî-îcst cu vssstIy andIe-m cfViiiisy Th pf'rii~o aisve e ouewl bssilt, ansd are ileagi excellent state, of ruypesr. The; staid. imone of tise bemlt. hd Tojwi - For Ternis, &c., appiY Ï0 - DENNIS.CONNORt, - MICH.AEL IMcOAULEYý Witit'byreissis, 4s. Wlsitby, ~uls8, 48110. - ' TUI ALL TUE ;WtRLB,. TIW, *nbieriber havig'ét edcboienes T e ho w oflerrs tu 'sei 1lXritlnt fof a terni o! pre nu§ejs ui the À TÏownshlp of Brck, enastiig tof e STORE &4D>VZLIJNG HOUSE, Wltli two Kt osuJtuJomad Parlor' snd ettaohod - -tliè,xe ~a weli furnisheq- .qul nnel insotaloînitisv, d1ure" rate of elghlpr.cent per, eum, 0 £25pc iUifl~l ré1i~V.eut: reO*051 >PIIADEIý. r il 011l>' twO-nmiulei froni the Town o! Whitby. ûîTs U~'wMt 1qunrteI. of Lot No. 281 6th concession of Darlinu&on, abouct -elgist - rd~2Ã"~ $oi1 a urer of Lot No. 18, l]thC 4oîiççseipntof Xripcsae about 9miles' frein 'lindaY. -T~he , bovc uueutiouçd LotsBye firs4.jass Patis, un a high stâfe Ã"ÉUf ftin,good bic terme.,Apyt-- Whitby, Oct. 6, 185 'ýQ ies -2 É lee t t TOWÊrLOT ë.Zn 2~oaVsp~'~ C'f 1., 1 C'î aE. N TJEY BESTW ixieb giatweewMr. S nyof01« leaseocopy Té tWlf rb , 1 i.y'y16 o utn t 1' 1 i àhô ty 'i <ouxttof Q u U» Be 14 trr forý Sale. nt Toronto, and terê*iectd~ heb1mdg aîdterssisents whieJi'ee f, i*el ee -W el à e t e o ae d , litt U e i m e o f l sia 4 q h ýi n b ti i. c o n p 6 o s e o f N . E ' V n d o0 ' a dirw e l , n i i i % > k 4t is co n cession uof 1ie - Je fen d a uf, t t ii. s u it of r J n ~ O i a > sg~ plintif. 1 hve seiz d nnd t k eni'iir exeentio j, 5 0 A c e s Fi u î t e c t w t & r s l ~ O n w l a r e- welî, deceuwed, iii Ii, su4,imad tthimne thýte l un e ntre of t land, living tlre. qàartr» 0 ,f'un u , èe b . the. di ' Igocality, land ithjiîs ume more ore sber o rpoed of part of li liîu ort. n t T uw n t lu t u f bter f t e n l t s e d C oncession t of tle Township of. Pi eringr- co auineeiig le Iiciipntble. wliere a Poolt bas beî ~ st4ata ,d tanc, f e to AS McLLA N two choiss tlirty uc syeu and 9_1ï, fliuks 'on a r, L o , l o k n F ro t , c e su * e c ts * e àei ta s fro m th e soutîs weiat:angle ot sssid lt Thioce nrtlt1sev- O'Ù fA8 HUSTON, sitY'fo uir dgreLs, EssI two ch ai luhiks, T mtn*ortis'ixteen darc,,e hura bins Wlik.sladtý eiity five linka, dsore or iegj§tqthe soutis - siide ol tise puîblic road, 'Thenlce laoitlweterly Dr Sale ligtssotsid flmsadpiferdtw c!-uiÀjbilnd devee Iiniki.-,Tbene',Oou'h, six-' AR PL>STS, 'enogee atheeeeudftynine oe'î4ï AS ABOVE. lîk îQ eor es teo tise plce <of4- g nz n -D55-8tîu w & rn Almo aI i 'iÏt2certàiriparcel] or treof huund ait- ussied, lyiisg andI keing in tihe Villageof Osha- or toLot. 1 lot No. leuuoV in thezmsd Cois. u UcTonhiofcîWi bioULS'AN'D PLEA by, aîsd bmttéd iud boumdqed as 1*0iidws': coin- u u a e di g e l i ii n g i n ý f r o ni t f t il t ui d t C o n e e s s A o n at t h e *distmsic ofoneliifty linka s o a coursew C O T T A G E ," moi , svensfour egreef4e t froli le sntis "lad, in' tbe North 1% 0&eot01e Lhslfy ik, es Whitby, on tise Eats tii xeiegre4 west ieechoix' mcvesty wezst une ,li jýln- Teeeoslmtu îrsxpply (if by ]et-. dugitis sss O?ç csiî limù n1ks. I. Trvna ynies o rce 'AIl ý1ýj Dl nd sud toemîceents threoeu or bi;cribyr, Caibi otle dt' endiut B oBlate or lierestIherein, I ~ubsribr, ashli, ..ls hofiar;K.','sole at P'ublic Auction as fellown, eiz:- Ise 4 ~tdee.eriied il ee quiter-of f t D. 0. JENK'IINS, odc"e:. on tihe preuiaca, ut Lullu'a (lreek on Proprieio. àloide'ý the Twent)y ,tliird day of April, Â. D. 1 6 5S 6 8 6 18 6d ',*t t h e inu r utr T e e o'<lo ck a. z m . A n d t Ie usa4t ideseribed buontise prehui.,ea ut Osliswi& on Mondiij tihe Tweujty third ,dss> c fApril, A. D. El.1861o, ut.tll,is ouiîrt'Tw .ô0,Oio n,. N .ONG ; iLDS, r m u se now occiipied Sî c f, C O îl kton "s t a.he. Fer (;. Nourse. T ORE, ~ Slerifrs.flc s &w tél. Posisessiioni givon on JAMES R(,WE. ~ SHERIFF'S SaE 0F LAN the T o W t : . f - > ' ç c o n d d a y cf : Jane,- A:'-DJY Sors, -at Twclve o'ciock, uop.,will-îbe' âyid hy, Public C Auctioàik at n>' Oficej inth'ý Court Ilouse,in'te Town of; Wtiitby, tbe;:rfgbt, -titie,aend,întereast wbicb the..underrmendt'ned defendantàev'- cru liy possess in thse sdidermenîioned lands anmd tenu.meuts therednh, seized by me un- der, and by virtue cf certain Writi cf Fieri Futcixss ta nie directed. viz: - In-tie Court of Qsseen'sïBêncb.-' Tli èCity BcukiýP]aiütiffsW 9. John'BÊ[cks and Jamfes Goqod, Defendass. In tise, Court o!fQuen's Bch. Tise City Bafk, ]Plaintifs va John Hicks anti Jamcs Good, D'efendassîs. Lot Nýo. 9 instise 4th concessiou cf the Tonwcsii o'Ie ,contading y m* vv itby, -Feb.1,.*lIfio. AÉWANTEJI.inleTowsislip ut'Moru A i b 4 0 0 ta O N ) Lieres o l L asu d . '11 s Prsois llttvsids- the s st(;1 dispose of -wiî o i, dreas poa uic, B-ex;ÃŽ78, 1'. t0., l'o-on to atutissg lot, coi500ts$jOis, prie and teins. roroiito, ke.4, f 860. 42 .. -FOR SALE. A N e xcellen t ncw ,F ra mpe C o tt ag, c er i>' i1 witliiwé efasw yrd o tseMoetreet-Dmsdn btet-t etîr,*ith-zwo-flfîtls ,of ssi cie or land aetýàgvd. -Thse housse oomtant;ssix uport- ýPC»»uie î'l4c; ,tW.kelltt ~ôJsr od.tt&s.sék la good atablisse sand si sseeesary 0on -huildinsîg, ccd àa8snporior'l)iî -inibofjôd voter on tise spot. For Terns, &e., %wîsielc. :will - be fouud very- Ilberal. Apîs> to- J. A MAERJOF-itïR,. la-----------Lro'isiolo <5for~ Wstl 13 ~ ~oe n rein îtemet-el y oecupied 1hy i. f r . J . . M M il o n , u t U t i e n, In t h é T o w nl - ship of Reacle togetiser witli n quarte acre of Uond nttsuùlîed therçto. This store ii; verv fss.vo rsibly itiatesi forouy. hu»iues. The Viillage ut Uten, ise eninofheTownship, and ai], the travel (n thio Brook rpad passes through it.' Teni wllbeuie a sst urlsses.Ap- plicotion to be mode to JAS. B. CAMPBELL, 45 Asbrl ,lienell. lot.-100. acres south hait' cf Lot1 No. -19, 8rd; concession cf Whitby, kisown as ARTRO î léCourÏtcf Cqmoînso i . ddasodn tsoupanififla~ Al sud singular those certMflparcer>o -tractseôf and -sud -preindies sitifte,lIyfng - and- bein-ÉY*iusthib-Towuhip-cf'whltb jin tise County cf Outârsi4 1il, bn Idý.o second <itcession tof tis-aid' T'o*IIiîp of Whitby, kn-owt isuiidégcu1bed Con-a>plan Land Sireyor I;:m kî vi el ot<-gnôi gà ou said, -plan.,As t i tercet et-thi. W* ýots nutbbe1 ttWen-tYnmeadtf~ tnd 80) iîa t he cc r'id'-tièi' in -the fifth dca. ble ruge 'of -ilsuge- Lots ca cfBr stree4 beiug part cof Lot number tsrelty. seven, lu thseftràt tWoniession:o! t1h Twu- sisip o! Wisitby -aforesald. TIE PETERoLJHRYW At' QsDilar pe3r acui, payaàble lna dvaase. uYsjtion twic agarge .~La»usly.othrpIsbîislied in the United Conistoabf1eteiqpO asd."VIetorja,'àfid 14 Oie Ail rder add estle dto th eo-P ub iàbe z, -" Ill b, pT.,so&uci. attended tp. Th eterboro' Examiner9 i u.~>îýM0 SIEflEVGÊý C' 'C~ iu1ns~' 1 -'C I f * OIC*fC ~5h'Ch'!'Ctt'i s*~llo i * tsi -a te ýps -il 1 1 9 - 1 1 ý Rf.5I~a'u {ÀR IV~ R EGISTRAR. x Whitb.. -LERK OF, H.J O tN$PICToR .'-làr tise Coi; 'W. 1 Rkr1lffmat tise SGEORG Street, Whitby. STEI TIRE, LIFB F Ae for t over Donaligon Whitby. scg D UNDA';Sl Etst o! W J. W. Ci * iJbridge. OFlie th Medieil BHa . puB6sntiy itt '--- JO] L Ci ý 1 1 1

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