Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1860, p. 3

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on Wut caume lice ëf claim. çht depnesaloU 'lsh journal,. Savoy. Lucien Bona. *ël uà King cf roiteratos its Sall¶ince b.. Aified, Th o au o dIin e. itobotaicu >r fui a sopar. eor, Enianuel >y Franceoifs lbasuadoa. MOVEMENT. ,LES' VISMT rk, Nfrci 19. earrivvd ycston. ba'qlags 1ondon ýOmnacrcital noms The. aniîdnnce. uer Jungara'an., mtby, tbic. i v1ic11 pont tie inte day. -Tluatpart ef iu [fallait par. é ýfilitiîicit and so)mo foroign il-s iintercp$tfiinet namaaaeatiuu of Papaitl goveru- VVcu lby transit annlgaaa, The il. Agituto 4. Tic Iatiîldd tlheil. taixes -41 for ()f' numxa. Ueltia continùe îc Citurch, sud e P>ope la mid couonstiOf t!.,e 'e studemts ef' uded tic n-at- La who hitl been it ai dotachuijnît y, thereby pro-m a the mur, lu Mil msorts lie. f Wa iwould latter part cf leowlr90-gun fcia ont tei oc the 1 ioccsaa aht 80 ni en end J oi, burued te aiauduu Cole- Il,, street eccoun- ucti nt Jeffer- luges, deput>' id Mr. Deaien, u, isultiniin hoti, 'The ravated ,tuy ne Pd mail1 1881 P.m.Abu d b>' tic over- . Briritetc,,a ml jubt retrn- n Caroen Yàl, ver oe iii tas lieabeen Tic ,delogatcs s fer as heànt i -14 fur Giryn lutidoubti liat cniro the Cal larloston (Con- îtesi froua San ndilng Auptin c la aison cf awii jP avour. of'N. Y., for 7L%*G' s i 1u îu iupiciua of tf Plet Oflico t Wuhlington, rion cuitot7. patebi, ictticg Si. Bozingten, 'IatiOýn is open 1 porta î ofLaIt, .Eraq iaiIroad Sin CIevelaa4d, le, annived yO- Qc f -corn, nen Ocean loft tuf a SU,. JOHNSON-.Ati rsdec 1o e 16he., 0la ,Dr.-- it osoo.b l b, .t 1 * Aret An; 70751 dapugh. r o d e2lo e qt. ooo h~ J O liieài l7tn nst~ I 36 Te of mInigt o r.t, Manro!~.Matle5 gifrnMai Maeheise, ie*o mst'al aSOIrY sie 0atudnec fulr 'ciolupiote dionios iti nmreti t pmoelia 10 bme2#t tieat down l e $ 2. oedyÏdal t s otii Spniug sold for $1 05., Pesa, pleut7 et 60o a 62c. Oatt. scance, none effenlng. Te-day neîhiug doing except la pea, 260 bnmlaelà Bsoi t 60c, lie unsellled tatol ,of the *ealior, no deuil kept farmers WheaîF5îî$1.28, C $1.89._ Ditto-Spring, $1 2è te $1 Soi PJeur $ül 0 $6. -'os, 00e. a 02C. Banley 50C. a obe. Oass30eC 0 38q.0 JXyo 5Oc. a 0e. IlIy $10 0 $14 :P ton. Pcark $6 to $6 75. Beef $4 0 $0. Shecp $3 0 $4 50. Potailoos, 25c. Q 30e. Butter 1là. @ 20e FEggs'Ud Q la 'R do%. 1FOwis 25c. 0 80c. !& pair. Ttirkc'3s 50c. @ 75c, oaci. cao e25e @.'iOc. Appica 50e C $1 00 'f baî.çlicl. ilideg $5J. Sait $1 20 Il barrel. Cord Wood $2 00 Ea $2 25 1 cord NEW ADVERTISEmENTS. EDWAIlDS & 1HOUER. rALOR11, >R A PUI1S, & <)TFITTEiIS, X Oslisîwjst<4cetie h41lugla huai-it.sanliie uUIP.uii eut ai ieaoj4 481081- ]FOR SALE AT A DARGAIN. 11î1aa1ediiîfcy West of Mr. ài.[H. Pcrry's reg!i. cuce. This propcrty is oll! kuown uts one of the lhandgonenct situations for atproprlate rosi - douce in the the Town of Wlait y. .A.LSOj:0 tot No. 8i on Dnuda* Street witl tI1c twmo Story Buailling fornaerIy c- ple &by tl"7IfEý.S' 1'r-iitilsaag tfice, contailln Lnga rge store ami: commuodioias Dwelliug Mise. Aiso geversal good ,Lots liar the business parts o' ftie Towai. Asgalli antbuicoud ant coine price, tlaey mili ho muld élacap snd on tiane tg) éuit purclsairs. AMES YtoIL.GERIE. County cf Ontarioe Y Virlue of tire To Iit : ~Writs cf Fieni Facias, isaued eut 0f Hon Mjesty's Court cf Quee's Ranch, aI Toronto, eut te nme direcled againuat tic lants aud tenemenha of ametMgson aind James R. Armn- strong, dcfcndants, aIt ic su.it cf the Bnak of Toronto, plaintiffs. 1 have seized and talion intoeoxecution al, tic estate or inter- cest cf the sait James Hlodgso'n and Janmea IL. Armîstrong, iu lha undcrnîeutioued lands as follors:. Toeu acres of l'and bcing cemposed cfthie 'SouthiWest coriau ef-Lot No. 24 in the 2nd Con. cf the Towiship cf Wiitby, de- sori1jed nsi fliowts: I'ha t ssay. cona- naeiciat a post pîaneatothhieSouti Westua corner cf said lot, theuce North soir- cnty fouirudegrees, East six chiainsandaîi six- ty six linksan ad tiro Iliirîl linîks, theuce Northsixheou tegreos, West fifteen chai no, thence Southi seveut>' four tegrees, Waast six cisins caut ixty six eudt tir third liukggj' tic sida lino betwrecu lots twenty four ant twouîy ire, tlience Southi aixteen degrces along lic aide lino fiflecu chisa le tic place of laagianng. 'Also-Commîeneingcn thie North aide of Mary Street aI a distanciaet fire chils on a course South 74 0 West troan tha lu- terseotion with Mary Street ti the lino between theo t an sd West lual ves cf saitd lot Ne. 25, tien North 10=1, Wast 31) chasins 12 litnkcmre or lessate the North end of thie South hmît of sait lot No. 215, Then South 74=>, West along lhe North-1 rnu bouandar>' ot the South liaif ut' aid lot No. 25, 2 ohains more ur icss Le a pull snt ticejistanuo( f3 chains (romt tli no ho- tween the sait lot 215 aud lot No. 26, and on ic REast aide et said lino, thon South 160 ,East :19 chiis,82 links more ir lems t ,the North site et' Mary St. nt'îrcsuid, (hciiag 10 chains and 68 linksafroan the tront cf lie secondt concessions,) thon North 74e, isîst along tie Northu sida cf Mary Strect, -2 ednins mueaor loua ho tie -place cf lac. gigîniiîug, aud ontainiug by admeasaîre. fiuant cigltatceres, ho tiecsanme maore or tous. A 1,on-Ait and ingular liaI certain par- col or tract cf laut aud pronmises hcing par't et' Lot 2b5 iii tie 2u.d Con. of lihe Town-' ýhip cf Wlitby, commencing on the lina * itween theiast and West iaivca.ef sitid lot, 215 on tic North side eftMàry Shoot and' îah the distanace of 10 chains f6S Iiia (romn the Souliain limit cf said lot 25, thou Nortla 160, West .19 chàius;,. 82 linkis to tie Northieut et Lie South hait of sait lot 25, thon South 74D, West 5 ehains, tien 15outa J 6=, Eastl hoMary St.,, thon North 74=', Eastt along tic North site cf Mary Shooet, o5 ciains to lie pince cf lbe- Alsom-Village !Lots Nos. 49, 50, 51, sut 100 Eat of Brockc Street, in tie Town et WViihhy, eeooriling te Perry's plan et lot No. 20, lu tic 2nd Cen. oethoicTownship of Whitby. Aise-Senýti Eat quarter of the Souha iait otilot 215, lu the 2nd Con. et tic Town- auip, cf Wiby, 25 scies mors or loua. Alwiich laudsaid thoncients thhenn, on thelb.aid defoenata' ostite or intoea tberelu, 1I asE offon forisaie aI Public Auc- libn, 'aI an>'office, ln the Ceuntfleuse, ilu tic Towof t'Wiitby, in tbe CounI>' et Quaion Saturda> tbc Tirent>' hit day, et Jue nexî, attweire c'clock, Neen. NELSON G. RBYNOLD,9 Sieriff,. C. O. lFen C. Wounez I siiekiff's Office, Witby, Minci 200 1860. 1103-tf.1 LZ70Y 0a1-DUrtIcper eonly mines 1f 1850 ha& -;Il A ý1t OLIy H"« eetiew ? 550b5lam reeeip~s Prato l.O0par$ w4, yt Ioe ns5etbs imim.I bY ù"......-'s'. If hhavep ho 1141s0,.~oeefred........008 HOLDIM t f £j o!qutelig,,miwlé iesl age 411rclatl ea.rîhipo $8076,vif, 8.0 er$ e lspemn'T111 ae 0)rtlciai pnî ,isjtr,- oelp. fon prmofit. amentmiIneeî,l àls lan.........*18 If ho iats pstieipae oatyaine. 850 h. hasicee................5 .7 Ifhsiaafvh*epirt'. oiavep b a re Msisi19,vetiW g àl-at îapo ul t r.nt.....b.....adeh, iogmiifIm m.i sard(slu tosl olber offies,) qiattho Polloy Roélder lbas roily sfpdM f8.. auh lu thonam,. Ina auuring before t7w araeic<ng CohUtt~Bo1.frL 2 1t AFFFTI4L BUAINOR. __One.tiyearirier Èpam>4ptson in Proatia i't4eelj 1g o=y SAPPLICA TIONS WILLSBE RECLIVE V2Y'TIZ, OtA PIL Mourol. I ret g. ame fe.JAMES -GRANT, 'Seorc4ary. AENTS.-Whýtby, J. Ilas Pery; Bewmaû~ill, p. Rîassefll d'ObeJartr Newcastle, Samuci.wilmot; Part 1ope, . . Harper, Commnercial BanIç-Osh&w. Samuel CockraneJr., Barrnater, a LIF ASOCAT1ION 0OF SCOTIAND. « 18 BELlE VED THJ4T EQUAL ADVMAtoxcj ý3roi, ya2uBEOBTA1VD RO .x 0OTHER OFémoi EIfA PREEDOM FR0]f11 l1E5TRCTl0NS._Tho Polie»e o ~igiae r annlyfe r Resçtrictions (ase ommtonly impos5ed by other coinpaasadcno motn rai ines-1. Tianse relate W nptmo n o 110wiu .bodiing !oue ar -L' usIY ocfona a teto 2 Na oct Serviture -*v; aen ifurd, l iust vasoalmusîcomplote pro- SAFET AN Dl'EUMNENCE-T.Assqocintin, nom of Twenty one YVeargy' standini u of tie 1n10t cextenslive and snecossfnl Life Offilies, and thaug possesses ann el le fsaft nu 1 >Orintiticenîot contaihed lin t4aller iiistitttionîs. ssl u nO a RIKS(3 ARTNERSIIIp.--Thelie-hlrsrewoIyxmpfouti.aitisf Pfrtncrslaip and the Suma Assnred airoernareood. ex I'IOFT 1Sil, ,IEk-e,,;hare of Pro)fits !à 1loatd 14ioevryPiie-o, ro' i.ya lîudi. it tlaeplrecedinig annal balance, n r sly o as 0ry dac-ie ofIcpre eaitoîi, for li >lc.The allocationliina Flid" r on..,e(nael hoe lasyt entitied tW Prolitia,) have this yeaîr been su anucë as 813o pr ce. (nmely ts dperas>ot the innuelprmnns EÂ rbe umc 9SXpe et nm ($48641 67) Ou Sc gi Ai, age 4rAge Ag a~ ($86 ?t 60. 55. - 50. 45. 40. aL 8.a tR U.A shipa-£a d s d s . i'ad 2 s JEd sE sd l ..1. .5 10 053 15 044 ô 0 $71 812-11 828l10025 00118l4 SIAit OF PR'hOFITî'for thue"c-ar ............ 24 11 3 20 8 1 16 il 1018 18 1 12 4 4 10 18 9 9 7 6 8 4 4 IIEIM8" liisRF, MOI)U'E ti . 40 18 9 3,1Il 11 27 18 21 37i20 7 4 17 16811512618 14 0 [lA F-CEIJI ShTIi.-I'hicc.uof £500 Sterling ad! ulemairdsiîy ho e f'eansd k Pt up b snet o' ofly Oue-lsalf tae irenuaius for tIi. First Six Y cars, mith Inter« 0o ta BEING SPIÂî ALY EMPOWERED i y ROYAL CHIÀRTER and ACT of PARLIAMENT for LIFE A99U MlANCEZluInithe COLO)NIES', tie.Associationa la enablcd le offen th a me ndyîntg.sho ieideitslu ritau a rtaA ia Company wlich hus ait dOffiéce vasanifllai, thic Asocixaom as net of receul onaglu, 4r ef limlitedinusiness and reconrocis. iLlal oe o e tnexo extensive aud snccess;fui samongst the Britiah Assurance OUeas; the Polioy- Isalderl in tlh Britisha Anaricen Province. liciethe beaîelll of lie large anneal u inss irinuanctcd lu Great Britain anud Irelaud, aindthce aple aaad eoushantly acesumuiatiag faîmads, nom yieliiiur an lucoane cf npwardi ofeti£15,000 pýér anua. HEAD OFFICES IN BRITÎSI! WORTH AMERCA: CANADA-MUreal, 9 Great Et. James Street. NOVA SCOTIA, Halifa.n-NEW BRUNSWICK, St. okn. Cj- THERE 15 A .9PEC1AL ADVANTAGE in Assuring before ite approac1îing Close of tlh Boolca or thte 218t ANNUAL BALANCE:- One Year's carlier Participation in Proilt8 ltlatu8 be eecred. APPLICATIONS WVILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL,5fiic APRIL. SEC1IETARY-JAMES GRANT. AGENTS: Wlitbv-..IAM PERRY. Bowmttavilc-It. RUSSELL LOSCOMBE, Barrister. Newcsas4tle--SAMUF'EL WILMOT. ilort hlope--W. F. 1-ARPER, Commerciianek. Qailisaa-SAMUEL COCHIRANE, Jr., Barristcr. 9 PUBLIC MEETING! NirTlCE as ierehy given thaach i frtlier acd- joairneuil ucetaaag tthlie iatapayers miii bc ha lieid at the TOWN HAILLE ON, lVedueaday eveiîing next, Mareh 2lst. nt licîf-pat seveii o'cloek, to tuike aLuo cousid- cr:atioiluMe i.ultjccl of TOWN MANUFACTURES, anal reeclue tise report of tise cornittece aq- peisatea tisereoaa. I i11ntil1 Mfayor. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Qui,>C, loti Mardi, 1860. l)epartmeut Order, 1 N o. 49. 1 TO rOSTMASTERS IN C. W. 1 RieFE1I1INC'T<) ARTICLE 0O0F THE Uuguiaasiiiais cof tlis 1D paiuent, Polit mas- te-rs lu(0ssaa ctSCu furncd bthaeyare roeiev"ci romiatise oilignision-4 bepititlleir Or- flues toi thse (Joli very ,pfiaLrs &c., ou Suindttyg. 2.-Tise Lelter Box for the posltiug cf etterK nit cctipebaskept saceesibie o hie Publie et ailUis. aaad, as dirchod hy thaelie- gnair. ions, ataond hasve au opeiaaii lui the road or sht refori thispurpose, go thuaI l era îsany 1ho posteîl duaiug tise siglit, or wluen ise Office i. ahut. 3 -Wiueu aulnder the authsrity cf this Order, ils (Ililce inranaaadsai West lmi ciosed to the Putb lic -mî ngimudsy, it, nstho eiosed ho ci luena aiike anti114) (exceLpaliusa or partial deiivcu'y to -har iu.isliadi vittis -tî sn bositaoed?. I'esatmnshecr Genicaal. N, 1.-linsecoracî, witia thise aovî, iusarsac- tiora, the i'c t ofthce ilau thiliTown aviii ceuise t)bope fo the dolaveru <of I eters &ic ,on Silliays.A.MC1'lhl IlON lioatialder. MsrcliIl1116< f 10 APPRE-NTICE WANTED. w ANTED u n pmaîotiee te tire Tin huai- ascs, fn boy frouaîtbesecoîantuy preforret.j Appiy Le JOHIN BRYAN, Broek Street, Wlitby. WIiby, incie 19, 1840.î3t fh1T O BE LENT FOR A TFRM $1 5~u. cfSyeai5i onthie seenn ity of esu Éste, AppIr PAt tue oMfe" coftlias paper. Wlaitby, Maranh 19, 1800. 103 If. HAMIL-,TON coLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, Tl'HlE ABOVE OFFERS SUPERIOR AD- Lvn*gufer students prepaning te matai- cunt 5t ytnivei1tr eliher lan-Lawmedai- oiuo or Arts.unwl efradOo»plm A prospectu mIboorrdcouapc- tion te tice 9.'HILLIPS. Whittuy, Marcil9, 1860. 1(18-iL. SOHOOL. EXAMINATION! :0:- T E XAMNATION OF THE REN. mii laite place atIii. Sebool House on THRSMDAY, the 22nd Inst., at wbich, parents, guardians, sud al] fronda of Eduestion are res-p-ctfilly re-, quctadtoteattend. Heurs froan 10 le 12 s. m., sud froan 1 te 4 p. in.G. YOUNG SMITH. Wiitby, MJareh 20, 1860. 108-1ian To the Magistrates of the Co. of Ontario. REEVESkAND DEI]'UTY REEVES. 0'rICE Io laereby gciven thait e Spnciail C4en- N ersîl SessIon wiii bc holdan at Oae Court lonse, in the T'rom of Whitly, On Fri iday the 28rd In st., fori tho parpese of aaaditi ng accoaants cof Congt4a- bles, aind thé transaction of other impujortanat business. Itim depiraible that. ail Mugai..tratcs alaould be in atteutiance. t'lerk of the Pence, 'Whitby, Marcla 19, 1860. Watchman, Viudicator, anad Oblserver, eopy once. COMP ET [TION. TIIE SUESCRIBER 14 I>REPARED) TO sdIl ail kinds ofwork lu his fine of huasi- nems chocaper hisalal> utîer esLabilaiment of the kiîad inBrookliiia citas lsi.u mork is made aija ander ilsown iustrnction, iL can ho maur iantcdho give atl..et'î3hlt. For clcauaness thae follomiug îaaicea -il, speak: Mens" Ware. Best Freueh Calf Boots ...... .... $4 .50 64 Caniadu 4"...............4 2.5 46 Kips ...................... 8-2 5 "t (ow Ilide................... 3 5e I Lace Bom .s................. 175 a lrogauu..................... 2 00 1sî adie-s' WarE. Bunkins..................... 1 25 and ail otîter articles in the above lino to cor- repod iai ric.WILLIAM IIoBRIEN. Brooklin, Mairci 19, 1870. 108-tf WOTICE la heisby "ivn liat nt tic next .Lmeetinct -e onnil, te lhe held at the Villogo of GoDodmot, on Tuesday, bthe 4th daY 01 ÂpnlmeXb, e By-law mliib. pvsed for th. purpos. ofclos- ing np a certain Etbd Ailotrauce on tiellales bé- tmoon lot. suad 80 acoas liheasoutiait'Of the third concesmion, là the Temnsipexbritlgo, sud- comrnony knovi ais tho Old Whitchurch road. BET EAS Wiitby, Fei. 2318,880.- ion me Lin oonamislon.10 Oshama, AÂ1g9. ,i BRa re ~spial1Who fà0it cm 111h SI aàl: Tii aubsrbesarepractieal anti en de ýt. heninuof tirmi vsbôt te I 'W*itk ansbp,aofgrexte dnrabilty tAFORD TO BL Sn thomir tbal ar lb . lthelSoroti il articles sold at tl iet lving pries 1 kndsoflu'nbr a'dfarinraproducel I t: ornon approve<1 credît. Pieuse bag.Ail meuirrn", te& l'AN WA~ &Co. - ~4 W'cV3ft13 i. B EGS to announco te hlm DWfletds inds and customera that ho tr. V.W iarrying on bis extensive business et CARIAGE *MAK1NG, IN ALU ITS BRANCHES, On the promises herctofoeo oceupied by Mr. N. RAY', on Mary Street, between Byren and Broek Streots, whero he la prcparod, as biereofore, te executo ail endors intrusted te bis asro. CARRIIÂGES, BIGGIES, SLEIGIIS, CIITTERS, &C; ALI, WORK WARRANTED L1TMBJkR and PBODUC& L1I(EN IfBx.CHA-4NG1i at mAIXET PIZICEs D. FORD'S long experience of tbinty yeans in the principal Manufactorieg of the States and Canada lins given that experience in every branch of the business which feir hatve been able te arrive at, and for beauty of design, elegeuce of finish, durability, and solidicy of workmanslaip, bis work cannot be excclled. r.-OCall andi sep, Specimens. Wlaithy, Anoenst 6. 1859. -Zs ONLY $75 FOR ONE 0F SLNGEW'S CÉLEBRATED SEWING MACIIINES-1 ::-- 'TARUANTEI) te be thcie ii vr>repctasleu old by I1 Snger & Ce(1. au tic VV States, for $110. Ihaenaal n mpoereat o gr'. large sitelmachiebyMI ateul lesther eau lae ititaeei mitiot t il. Slnernsakera lied agas bection te ".i., lieue n.a- chilnes before, owiîîg te thiecil ceutinaa ymoking off on tic dcl ndlastinga ci . .tîes' gaiterit. The neccastity of aipplying cii 10 patoent lesîlior is cntirely obviateu l'y liais nuua'iimpnoéliut. Tuies. iachisiîs airaiwitliut exception bic borda c licapasl evor efforait for sale linada= PRICES: No. 2 MACHINE $85.1 No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND IMPROVED, $C5. I lucre rceived nuanruu testimeniala froui lIed uni? SloeîALtMaifacturers;, Tallons, Dregi Mait- aira, Privaste Fasuaiilit., and ollers, wicaire tais1 g nay .Maciiqe-sîi uaaite iu reeomuacnding them for geaieral uste. liealtIse ftî!lomisag certifiechea, mnitteas4 h<~ Ie two larguaI aud most extensive Wact andatShi Msasilsafihsrerslu Canasda. Montresd, Dec. 1859. WVe take pleasure ini bîaring t-irai îausii t ti, cou.pieo monkimaitof thle MiachinlsMiusuua Getn- cd hi' Mr. E. . aîgie, ilicving hasît turee in U,14 for th lamt six auîaaahiss4. Tlsey asre of Siusgcr'a. Patteni, aeut qusaite or f ouar Uaqusa'nhauae of tise iind. B3ROWN & CIIILDS. Mioctreal, Dec. 1859. WL ]eluie seleven et' E. J. MagIe'. SEmoiug Mailisnina us r faeorv fur thie putlsix ilunti, sausai iavusiieiIiouls aying liaitthey arc in c r> rOs .t0( î to ise anoat epprovet Amer- ictu1 whilcse.h-, wlîîme have soverai lu u114e. u 111lIi>), SCILOLES & AMECS. Ail communuication% relative le Sewing Machines, etc., mueI b, prepait, as none oticrs mii liecraeivet. . J. NAGLE, CAÇADIAX SEwNc; MACHINzE sTÂAusnHXaxr, 265 Notre Pame Street, Montreel, C. E. Fitorv ovair Bsrtlcv & Gllbert's; Canail Basin, mont"ea, C. E. 59OW-40W Crown Lands Depatet !QEEI241h reb. 1860. OTICE ,h thae lot. lu tii. N tomasip e C luintii. ounir cf Renfrem, U. L, vAall be open le maieou ona -, ter tic 28111 of netI monti. Ï For liait.of the. i:ts andoconditions o e a plY WO Jamnes P.ï Mollit, Esq,., Crmn £;D'd' Agent, at Pembro.. The snbscn*beu beg respectfblly te la-; fonma "bi rrd micsekr it" they bave sold "ot %.han sýtiteMn. G. (i.ý Gresa14 WÈOmOw' 0 ZOfut=re carryon the- bu.' inou in the mam premises ,-berMtfore oct. cupied by Meurns. J. 8. Donaldson &, Coe sud lhey ruescay sellait for thoir suc.. cesser a share of publie patronage, J. S. DOKALDSON & Co. THRE HAKILTON TIXES, AN EVENING JOURNAL, Mlled to8uijseriber at $5 a.year in advae THE WEEKLY TIeSoný T UE TIMES aites Dmoution cf l i sthatie e la Ex1mitelOf lth.e Esoulavei the. Adnàl tnuton of the Govirumeu1the iBàllot- Niî.Seftaiiauoleti*;Thi.e ansnotk iio-Wth:Reilam Psrt* t beDomi o of, Chqu~eaicounsdôirgemont te Mannfaetuaes; Frsc tond. fer'Sotlienil Homeateai emption anud Aeprâal.menlt ws * eIctiooon, tIhe Reteoôf iteresl - "à aaàruptey-BaIl;- lité eo-, fonan, of thc Smsà Debl Court.; sud the appli--" cation of the broom,,to lifècoobmsbsyýlapli han9 about lb. law.ng Fanii to Lot. 50Arscleared Linbin a t" 21y, iln iticonçessiocf Whitby. Apply pensonslly to SL7 aB.Ep ERY, Wiiitby. - 1 1» -L-ý " ac Iýinûng Offic, " "eaiin ppintin la presses, nemi, and ti ype, udeve-' lbiuigoom lee for a go ceuItr>' n'emi- W.H. Higins s Obronicle Ofcet q 95 ~~Wbfby. le BrtishaAmorica, CLrcuha Deliv;ey&4 HR-ubsrlbe seepcU~llynotifies te 'the Apublie that ho ii Dowr prepared to reoéiweý Orders for l>inting, Addresi l nDiâtribu- and*e it Advertlàeme* ýfor lisrtion in tz fCusgt t éd Pro0ialiJonrbdol. <.,Bewlikewîw,"e b.prepairad to receive, aud by'nïcana of h;B numeroaas Agent., arrnefr insertion, Adrertisemente ini the arions I'Oprb tlaroughont Uppor and L~eçyCaa the î Lw-- er-ProvitcSoi and thé.. U*ie- Saiteaso for the delivery of irculasin QnebeEuton,, Toronto, .Haiani1toný ' &e tinsofe0ngto aver- tinerîSandlparteswivilto seenre rega4aa mnd systematto pnlblicityfo their annouîe mente a certain and apocy means of doing no, ~sirat r avang of tine, trouble and expense. lsArrinementà beiaag nOw côaopieted.bh beg togoica foanRalwaiyComnpaflxes, Mer.-1 chanoti Manufadcnrcrs, Tradesmen, Hotel Keee- ors anâ others the transaction of ail snchb bs- ties@, lwldch be begs te onste them will bc rtrietly otteiided to, with pnnctnal1ty and dot;- Patch, and flatteria Lîme t thait from his long experienceii Eugland, in tl;is lUneof Buasinaesst as we1ll as In connection' with tihe Montreal PreoM, ho mi lieenublcd to give outire satis- faction. ROBERT ]MOORE J. G. Dinniln, Fsq., 8ecretery of thc Board of Trade xi&Morchants' Exchdngc <BR. *skoýn Lq 1 Customs aiaad Forward- ing Agent to the L*rasaîd rnnk Rail way Joua. F. W. Menishaw, Esq., Merciaint. James Dougail, Eq. Mrciat E. H. Pairgons, %.q, Editor and Prc prietor et Comîmercial Adrertiser. Crown Lande Departmeut, Qumc,. lTth Beh. 1860. N TIC h4CRlaheraibv iven lia thie lots ini the to wnship of Ile an 'adMaria, ( on the river (<ttaWaý West 0f the township of Rolph,) in the tempurairy jidiciai dis-trict of I(ipissaaag, U.C1. will be oppeai for sale on and aftcr the 2lIst of next InouLu. For 1L-t4 of lots. ari<e conditions of sale, aappiy ta James P. Molliat. Es., <rowu Lanad Ageant, et Peurokre, lu the eounty of' Rent*rew. AINDCE W RUSSE LL, 98Asitn Jm.L&'.r REMO VALj. jias rexîaoved lais stock et Drugs, relut., &e. tW No. .1, Commercial IBuildings. Brook Street, opposite tb. newBrick Block ef James Wallace.3 il'. ~ 8.-s-S O go n "an [i~3 e-t -~ cri AWOY ÂNUTMED.t aeol rqo HURON HOTJSE, T E ndesed has taken thoe bovo Hôotel, mwidch ho hais newly fitted up lin tic be«t matuner for tho accommondation of lthe publie, Good stubling, ciao roomy sheods, aud evcr etý- tentiou raid tu main aad ihorse. ge' ThcebAt w mnçg, liqaaors and cigars aitftiae bar. WILLIAM TFHEW IDENTISTRY Removal of flïe[l S,-Johies. JR.JONES', Dentisttry Roonna auve been .13reanoved to Ibe itpaiclona rooms, North door of Bryan'a MHotel, Brook Stroet. 0ct4-Familieg aUtendéd at tiier reuidences. BUT THE t"RE A&T J.A$.H K I' esue eseS prnounil le b. tiheatneit ea g Br îng 011 Iunue.Il gives l. nghe. glt Sold at' 8125 PRGALLONf, berthe ' otro 10'imy eisone ui . NO Perion Las over rÈetumned any of il, 9 bu't on thee ui~,m i hi ua.d it give JàAMSiH. 0GERRfWS, Whirby, Jan. 12, 1880. -fI =li or ex- .LLàlTy. iuae %pon- Zo.reç»"ngt C.utW., Toiroute, Pcb. 8, 1560. A 4w LIT ERARY IRZS mUdgit ï nwIdIet tlib er-. A is up port exte -nde'd Ï0 bis effortis, mcéli â-frOn a dtoute te encourage-lu hemw- evera limiteui aldegee-a; tâte for itera- bure amueugt the readens etofllw.nid li pblenintiznateai hs intention et et- fenlng auai premium ferzoriginal literai>' protuçlons, laprose andvers.... Tic liraI distribution cf, premnui mi take p lace on Tuesta>' ie t day et May next, sud miii b. amartot sfollors: $ O For tie bout original Biaa> on li2 te (ouant>' et Ontario,, ltbe advan- tages of ils geogapmpIil position# its settioment, progos, and resourci. ~ o For lie best original Euaay ou cation andphyaical ediscalion. $5 Fer lie boit original Fsssy on Nîma. PAPSES $5For the best original Euéwai on Coux. ITEPRISE. MA copy of the Semi-Wekly Ciesicle, for eue yoar (postage freej,) for the boit original .Ânthem on SPanrG, SIZTE PRIMU A copy of the Woekly EChronkle for oe year, (pontage free,) for the second boit orignal Anthem on SranrG. H. J. MacdonellE.-, Ma lyor of Whib John Suier, Esq,, P. L S. &c. R. J. Wilson, E&q., Barnister. IL.-J. Gunai, Esqi, M. D. R.checleye FE24.9 IL D. Competitors mnuet senctin their prodae.~ lions under seal te thc undersigned, on or bofore the iSth day eft- April next, Bach Essay and Authem te bear a mette, »nd tebae accompanied by the. nme sud ýa&m dress of, the irriter, mith tl moeon the cuvelope euclosing tii. saine. . The. several Esayàaud .&utlioms le be- corne lhe propcrty of tie pubiier. Competitora for the. second and third, prizes to be coufined le persona residiug lu the Connty of Ontario. The fourti, flfth sud sixth prizes, te ho exclusively confined te tthe Teaciers' sud pupils within the Counly. W. H. HIGGINS, Chronicle Office. 'UjWhitby, Jan. 19, 1860. Protection against Loos and Damaege by Pire,, dWrE.cTE1iN ASSURANCE COMPÀANYu CAPITAL £100 00f' TNbURANCE effcctcd ou Buildings and tuicr Icontents. Every information supplied, on application tW the nndorsigued. 11 JOHN AGNEWi Travelling Agent, Byron Stret, Whitby TUE CELEBRATED G&ERMAN OI'L.!# Cntsp Bruiuaesffanýd ail kinds W Fb.' *Woaands merdent b lb. Hwm Iu Boftties at 25 to 5Oots Eoëhp Accordina te i.;Thii.011,will cure al froui woaands, sud is an infailible remcdy for tii. reý- lief cf HORSES &CÂTT-LFJV- suFPEawé MRx PAIN, AMM T« REALNGOFAULO~B In*Iietedoo aniials. jW' Il bhm been uuoti suecSfuily for theLit Seven Years, and hmi -neyer been kuow i al. Made, snd moit by A. KNOWLUS. Witby,; o. 24, 1860., . W IBILCK'gi KOWEIL. Oîm.s 4fBiýee and Dunda# fdé, lVMa1. No. 1 MACHINE $75. s Il . 1 ,dOmmb.M

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