Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1860, p. 2

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r lton Lat do'. ';o.. . à.. 00,9pai M Drokih, P"îeý Ahet, Port Fer.. sndSqot. ......... pa LLeouo., o ~a..........0 00, no Aeot doTvu.ld, ............nior17 30j Brokln,110eAlertn, ort Ptaro-nt' Ynirn, Ut qhiogllVeei ulis1,Bel At the T1~d*n li'di, ee(> ?I.oîîl'oday hiln,,a ~rowxook vtrcxt. o.od t o. 800yôvf secnd Frlitathe lu evcrI 130io<i, SeereturIn L. g, ipo.l.N Brne nteooSraneet.i! L. O. L mo 79noet,, .1 thas (jiaheIlotel, Jlrokllii# t)ii rt lrldoy i an. er illlît h. L, 0. L, No. 057, moet Ihi IJe0td'sIMotel, DulnsCreek, on ilit et Mt rgsy i every iîioiith. ,W. jcîmli%,g, $ceretarv, soiim fctjîîjt ,W liti; liviç'tnî, Ne. 31 lîill c(l1l ýmqt <hy t. î i ~,A. 4). ' GdTo i stolitr.i, it(hn'sIli ~VhItbylitillarîueti oýty, lut Suui'. Hal, (MdTtiiplar, Son» M lf, Tîîexility a.îi Epiuicopat Chîttrcli, St. Jolff',, King Strec't, t1 o'clock, a. tniii. id3 eol~uc1c .n. Atr uâo hodnm) JVE. di. l>INPLAND. * orueo f Jlvroî îîud :llîry sLdetm', il o'cluck, Ul. 1 tld 0140k P n.11E V.: T. LOWRIY, Col) rritîtloaiîal Chîircli, corner of Ityroît ad Matry 9ti etti, 11 0o'uuck, a. 11.ufn., a).6plit. 111WV. J. T. 131;RNE. W'eleyaîî Motinlist L'hulrèlh, cornuer of Ccotru and Utary Strct, 10 30 o'clock,,ii. iti.,iud itiV . . TNT. Bpsi(1lîoîî-ci, 3 u'olock 1). tu., evury fiun- dgy. -Y * Ni',w vAdirertIsements tbis Day. To theo Magistiates of~ the County of On- tarlo-IL. J. Macdoncll. W' Publie Meeting at the Town Hall. . Comptition-Wm. Mullrien.v 8heritY's Sale of fiands--Neliion G. Re-y. Rcbool Ezaminatioi-G. Y. S<unitlî. For Sale at a llargain-J. H. Gerrie... .Approntico Waîtcd-Joha JJiyan..,- $1 t000 to bo Lent. r Peut Oilc-A. McPhersonv Cardý-E dwards & Iloddor, Life Association of Scothnd-J. Grant. hlolloway's Pis and Oiutmorit. ]3urnett.s Cocoaine-J..IL. Oerrie.T ~be eni~Z1 thod» QU anduntidc.l Wilhcaiuaprlnte4 word,, rattîoîhîadlîtrncI çiilyWC advocaïe Whltby, TuesdayEv'g, Mareh 20,1860 Attend theo adjourned meeting on Town Maanfactures ut the Town UIt]!i on 'to mor- row oentng'nt haîf' paI 7 o'clopk. Ih thie Toronto Globe of Monday xnorn- f hg, on the Ih'st. pagreive find ant article hoadeci44 The Gait Jugglc," comminciua as follows ' The Miuistry have succceded in con- *1myting the Motîtreni gazette into n wor- a.hpper of Gait it wac rbbyntdtl çuIt to do0 se, but thte Montîcal Comînerci- îa.Adiertiscr la stili. obdurate. It cariuot âceo.anything divine in the *îgl. l<î The Globe Ilhon subjoirîs au oxtruet fa-oui the article reforred te, in whichi occurs tbe following ,sentenice; IxThere la, tlcofore, if the puiblishod a ccounts are correct, an unaccoîînted deli- .iecof £100,O00."l Theorommercial Adeertiser, asatîmin" that this Proposition ks truc, and tlîat -CI 00, 000 May be fairly -viied LIS pat-tof Lie cost of Mr. Gu.t's achoîno, procoodi to et;- tieizo i Ls resul w ýâ unsatisfactory plalitn- profitale. Aîucog ethor objoetiaiit alleg- cd, is the fact, thut up tea te time of the Fcbruary iîîstalmenta paitl in on the ncew *toec ctVary fe'w of the Municipal Loan aond, or 0i par cent Currcîacy Debenturos, * ud becn tondorod for conversion. PAYWEKTS lx IBONDS, n-45 5 111M1= Am.de". ...... s.... Iis difficult te account for-t i]istïïW of tue Moutreal Comimecial Mdve,iuer, apd of course it is uselesà te dizonuarga. menti fo;unded on such au orroneous ce?.- clugion. The only other objýeion of any wigbt, Alleged againht lte suecesa of titis LaiIsthe oee alrcady rêfesWedtbthst se -few of the Municipal Lcaau Fund Dtebea- ltres Jlave been tenderei u ay: ùu- . <Wc hlave o'facaJboard iLremarked, tat if Mr.. Udit was really, desirAoi,tbefe the exehange ofthqse debentiares foi p~ 1centi stock, thatina order -to accomplighit i readijy and, pronzptlY, , al -that waiu. .flces-ý sary wuat .a intimation frein hlm, t.o. te holdcri 6f theze bonds in Englaud, tftt bie Got ôýnada was quit. unwillia ndut >able te mako any advances 'infuture, for the paymcnt of tho balance of .iuterest un-, eolloctcd fromi the anunicipslltiea. Sucit au intimation, iL le supposed, tvould bave creat- cd a rush for te coRveraioil of these securi- tics. There Mnay hve becen objections te snch a course at the Urne Mr. Gait wu, ifa En -land; there appeair to bo none now, mnas- mucit as guecb an intimation lia been mton uitinistakonh)ly given in Mr. Galt's late, ex. planations of tlîe views of Govt, on tItis point. Little fear nccd be entcrtaiued but that before the 3th June next, almost every Municipal Loan Fund Debeiture wil be converted ut par, into 5 per cent stock or bonds, and a f3aving of one per cent ia e rcst efl'ected on thet very large amount of tho Municipal Loasn Fend debt, IL must prove disheartoning aud discour- aging to publie mon, tîtat tuzir most care- fulF-y prepared and most boeieoial meaitures of reforin, should bp discussed and be de. cidcd upon by a cursory, and cousequently faulty itwcstigntion on te one ltand ; aud with a bitter and factions spirit of hostili- ty oti the other. The eue party tbiak they ciscover orrors;p and wvould fain decide on Lhe mernts of an elitire polie>', by its faulti. ness in one detail. The othor part>' under the leadership of the Globe, eau see ne unerit, but cat i fnd plenty of faults, with- out atîemptin-P to substantiato their asser- tions. llaviing lit upon--oeae vu.'gar aud catît Plut-se wvhicli will talk with a majori. ty of titoir unreleetinc tupporters,, they at- t empt te ciet by ridicule what the>' are nable to accouiplish 'by argument. The1 Party cry on tiis question la s"Tire Gait Jatggle"., Wo thitnli tte Scoution an un, fortunate one. What kg this but the old ni otaed plea of aitluferlor intelli- gence striving agninst a supetior one, thei resultas of who.ic investig,.ations, bbc prin. PI es if wlîoso science, and the benefits of ivloso lu-ora, fi k aliko unable te under- stand, and unwiiling te acliiiowlcdge sud -appreciate. Church oft Engtn id Misiaîry M1eeting. A meeting ln aid of LIe Clunreb of Eag luad Missonar>' Sotcity waa lield aillhe Mc is'Hall, fa t lIis Towvn, ou Thur&- day evening lust. lThe Rev. Mr. P6nîlaud occupie lte clair. Tîte meeting wus nu. meroual>' and vot'>' tespectahly , abterîded. Amnongat Lloso prosoatî ve noticcd Roi'. J. Gitunus, flcv. Mnr. Lowry, 11ev. Mr. Byrne, Ilon. .1. Il. Camerone H. J. Macdouel, E sq., Mayor. of Whitbyy , Z. Drnlamn, Esq., Judgc of Cunt>' Court, J. H. Perry, Esq., Jaînes ltowe, j, John Watson, Esq,ý S.I.Faîirhanl'tls Eaq R, J.-Wilson. Esq. Ibotaas Dov. Esq., Manager, B3ank cf ,Motîtreal, Wýhitby, andi W. Il. Tremayne, E.iq., Coîtî>'ALLttne, &c., &c. The it-st resoliîticuamoyeu la>' Roi'.J. <ivens, and sceonded b>' Wm. MeCu-bo, Esq., vas caried tînanimousl>' afol- Fobvs :- i 'ihat te tijeet coîittcînîtued b>' Lhe con- stitul ion of thc Cîturch Socie>' being such as ai-e ail cuIter directl>' or iîadircîly cf a Misi.iona->'chartac4tr, must cormnd td I- selves le 1h, hcuri>'suporit cf ever>' medi- bet- o iteelt-ut-eh, i)ttttic-ulanly as the Socie- t>' istl! <ltarly ntetliuitî, 'rnctically spoaik-1 îiI tîtaougli uwhieît aIl, %%hotiter ricit'or puer, withaiathtec 1iocese, Itave an opportu- uit>'o c ontniitiît.,accot-diug 10 thib induTiSts1leltc extenisiout and support of tle itefect ou Mr. -the serrowJug, psaf4 te Tdîy, About' Àv&i Vé',a1b iek en -the Mo.w0iing of Bunday>qeô t'ývu zliietie toÇýt Hall heard -ý, îringe niseewile n'iteh' viciait>' offtLe, fis market. He vasander île iïmpresion that ia vas s sugnifron tIse cels'of te police ptaîiousud afîcr Maiç< some enquirie.9 tire,- -wert toresaine his 'ronds., taatfoe liluteà' l rneàdaud informed Sergeant.Bedgu-avètit*thercr vas s 1ai tireha17 'ear -the ilsh markev, stouùitig fr:t.'Te sergeanft.acoÃ"m-, paaied.b>' à censtabIë, snd te watchman, iaetantly proeedàedîte qi&pý!te aco iztnd a Young ma standingu'up to iiswaist -i thet water, He àppeae% îQ lie under týhoiax- luence of liquor, agd*4 iîbI.-to'ýýgeton toý the Esplanade. A pkile ýw6ô s h-nddout te? brougit toth ie sals e.oatcmjpt'ed te6 stand tupright but failoW ite attempý arids fell tebte ground -ont hie face. W4.eitcc- barrow vas procured iand le', was, conv'eed witit'out Ions of urne te thé statiort. ,Whon lte constables were atbout te riss' limx up preparabor>' te tak-iuý, hlmm ie lehestation he sigited iteavil>' an4 falling back into fite' barrew etîddeniy expired. Ho was ecarried int*, te etation snd pîaced close te île steve. Warm bakei were wrapped round hlm sud every effort made te rostoeoauj mation, but without avait. Medical aid lad lante mcaatiine 4een sent f or, and Dru. Rose sud Haliowel výore apoedil>' in atten- dànce. On their arrivaly lowcvcr,lte>' prqonced île anfortutiate man beyouîd teé reacit of human aid. In te forenoon he vas idenîified a Robent Spunrili, a cierk fante convoyaucing department of Mous. Read, Leith: sud Read's office, Clurcit-etreet. He olceuged te WIiîbyi and lad oui>' been lu Messns. Uouad's eniploy - about tlree weeks. lie was a widower and vas about twenty-four yenasof agoe. He vas observed inîoxicated ou the proviens eveniug, sud as le boanded at 11eu-d'a taveru, Front-street, ht is conjectured tiat he lest lis va>' whlI walkiug te bis beau-d- ing house, aud waudered li the viciatit>' cf te fish market. Hia cap was fouud Iyitîg1 on, a box acar lte place lae wua obsienved vben irai accu b>' the police, and it ls titougît ltai lie lad becut aleepiirrenthie box, aud starting suddenl>'pl1a Éle ý toï île water. t ii uiuia Au iutquest vas leld on ýhec body on Monda>', iticit wasadjotiî-îtie-ntil titiî a ia order te ascertin vliere deceaSed lad spent te tume fi oni seven o'clocçà te leur of tite accident. The result: cf tle inqueit las not >'ct resehed us.- Sté Patriclo,. Daay ltToi-outt For main>' >ears, obser-ves the Leader, perbapa île anutieet-ian> cf lt-cands"tale- tan>' Saint las net passed cli' se tînietl>' lu Toronto as it diii ou Saiunda>'. Wl>' sucia au occasion abouid ho a turbulent oee iv caunet coaceive, but fi bas unforîuna;îly net infrequenîl>' bappcned lIaItte demon- siratfons of île day have been atteuded b>' censequeuccaserions eneugi to tte peuce sud reputation cf our good cL>'. lIe pas- sions cf meut vIe sloubd ivo on tenms tif» geed-fellovsip vit esel ether have be- coe exelsed, and se'metimos LIeoveti- teontit day cf Mat-eh las beeri one cf tiot aud bioodeited. To vlom tIe fanît is ut- trihatabte iL is needless nov to enquire; indeed, such an oxamination vould Ite vithout benefit. Loi vs hope ilaut, ats bleue sconcs of disarder and violence have passed ava>', lte>' ili bc forgotteuî, and occur agaha ne more. As iras remu-t-ked ou Saturda>',fivas decided tîtat rue public procession eheuld hctmaide. Nonriras aea-e au>', althougi thîe day vas cxcecditgiy fine sud favorable for sncb a patu-de. Thti sons cf tîee "lEmerald Ilie," lowcver, ob- aerved île anniversar>' in a diffua-cnt nian- ner--some b>' atteaîding Divine service ia tle mioruin, cters b>' parti ipatiuaglunte exditeomeut cf a foet baill match jr, the ail- terneen, aud etletu agai by 8jîctilýiithe ît evening arouud LIe festive huard. At her, G!cleck hbigl mass vas peu-feruied in St. Miclael's Catbedral, vîtiel vas uw l b>' a large congrregati.on cf between tht-cc and fourt- iousauad pea-soîts. Atter the ter- vices, a sermon vas pneachied 1>' tte ili. Mr. Walsh, vIe spokie lu cloquenrt anad moving terme of île piet>', vit-tue and iin- domitable persi-verance of St. P'atick- Thc discourse vus listened to with irnai-ied attention titrougitouL, and wus apparetttly lu complote îtisoît vitî LIe feelings cf' n fittinistru-tioîis of relli 'land deie lIe boe s ui - e -- ---1011. ln dîasethle description givon in LIe rcpesusatFnloeut. J 1 anrnl nvr'a]cd fla<yLbrLuîl o fie ase beiug ver-y vague,.lThe jury loîvever, the argumnts coaaaiîed f n-thetoa-ilor-e- JfoI. udm Ln taa vnyIabeapdasaadylad bonntheeouraofice.0îe - ferred te, and lihe vuluit>' efailtIliese an. tIress, i ihWas ligtteed te ilu marked - ' ud rlted a erdict foi- Lteplainmt' fo atention oandrtas n eundavedc o h litf o *gumenîs, excoit the lust, depeads critI thpia use ed the second We publishin h otîor ebluntîîs, ant'adi-en- £50, Camen & Maîcdcuelh for phtîhaîsh,iy H. reloulutioni, wih *u vs îcouicd b>' '.r. tisemont fi-cm tle Peut Office 1)epartment Cat'ner-en & J. 11. Camer-on for. deferîdant, CjuçttOon as lt h: £1001000 defictune>'. PcysfAlW5leigPotatr rm udylb Dale vs fiai g/rt et al.-Ejectmeut. Ver- The flgur-dspublisîcd b>' tiseAdvertiser a-i>'1inu teiordsrofievrng Postunastrs frmSuîl>'laor. duet for plainhiff. Defeudarai did net up- iw formiiî te proceode cfthIe negociation tha LIrd 'île lte options 1 il îe le eu-peu-n. N. -G. Ham for pîsinuiff. eNlie 2,S000t>0 anadaLoan-ro: iveut trul>' s la inteous, but the labour. masters tlemseivesý, vIeber île>' vil.l de-carxisi. Y ors at-o few" are unlappil>', but tee- appui- liver mail mater ou île Sabbatl eur not.- .,m'ii rocoivedilucasl, £i,8.55,060 A 8eu-île te te spiriLual condition c lt0 Pi.Th Po Vic u bs~oa iif uîael /e Queen vs J. Gr. Bowe.-Fiorgory, do do Jheîdàs 43,056 4 7 titiss icasehhIee&a"clined forownr-y sin-asurîe Int1ot iî uc7e3 0 oe, aud blaut the considerationthla.t large bho ,oesd, se ilat perao vielae lo a hscetealeSdfogr w te = t c ilt de.... - 4 00 ew0 hae bencsangingý cf a figure lu a receipi, making S313 litumbers cf our fellow Churelmen areo-laîehai-f _Ïdn 0o u- ctrso ia ppear fer $66 iustead cf $16. The pris.letesonit' titute of' lier tuniztitratipns white ter. ae anday nteraing, Mtay sav'e ileniselves the Olier S'food onttcru bail from île lait Assi. £2, 700,0 0 o aincaus of supplI ' ÏheIbm vanta> ortttoso trouble os Su'tdays rous itence on-van. t-es, 'whîen LIe Jury vere unable le sgrec.1 If tene figur-es woro correc t Ienatgu- cof cdr rapidl>' irccaitg population, airong.Oaiolngvrîepier 1rcip-a ution was fxe t omisu, u l ment$.baaed uponauon ae'cccuubid deficlea- 1>'acl Le ais tu aid ti ilety. 'HAMILTON CLiîGaAUlh T h ~ev-..îis cwse ao rsot roceeded witî lu' consoqucuce qy would ho sufpo#god Jbi,on reforcaçe A tIi-cl resollo; ivhichit h vas i'tea4. Institut. offers superior a4~vattagcs er 0 . attià'Assize. lthe.pt-fouer wasliberated to thepubahsld retai-ns as ë6ntaiacd ha ed sîonld b. usoved by tlie Cihef .Josthcc, dentg. Ih la spolten cf l ià-te i,-tigesi euxlh i erogul'zanco te appear ai thc te mesago euil dova lo he Otss ef wlto lad promised te addreissthe meeting, tien, sud've have fsecutestimonialse lex mAsIl s. 1 Pi>tl4sutoult on ihis subjeceaud ttur-uaiugItebut vWas attable te attend in coeequence , ec h frnet eti îeleder7Camoron appeared on bhallf cf pas4 n 4,it wjll be dis 90OV04 thIlat uTf tIc houa-at, ihi te Court adjcuned, - Pi-price 1-lacCrewn, wtb W. H.lrcms>'ze, Couat ~4i ~ ~ as 4 5 'r e o ia e n d n g ts b 'ti cip l. S tti f o it A tto rn e y ' . C u m e ro s a p p ea re d u b e 'ý th Wv i- aic1re itlo ýrrct, altai mIw-Uuunov -d lu>' hbu.Mr, Cutirou and ge. Ppro s lî ftcdfnat cve àtô*comt i o f - d'icircy whollyunpsrdonaitle,.l it'the dinàerof-the St.' 'âtrlck's - Societ.; ,,oainiuit téeÏ ~ '~tm~ propose, the, itih-of te G'v.rmù4rSeàeai; wlen le féIl', feùl of 8Il te -,Gov4ruorsoîhat-wo bave liad for eaquar- ter of-&century. -, esednoofbu'os- Lo~hsi. e Ioalckal heÃ"'vno, frov Br J. I Orae'telSiremuôv,nd 0'ad i a bag, aud lIbeilkid'it "'un idpulai )Geov. a~r~.':j'~'~n'spcfi'pur-pose, àxcept, t a i o cf d is r e it i u g a I t' I 3 t s Q o - e s 'mrý Feebàns conyse was altoger te swein;.Jpt bît u.. Feehanis thc bo- voircn f4r, MMGeo #bC'swor n e- *m ~Bril4hpowerli n erica. -The aupbem et Yf r dTaiman Feebaui irwus nt t tltJllkiiigofJead~e b>' wliom tl~'~~~ a:ta> Lbthemeut màrked erubbùi~sn..- jr.' 84dy une,caoor two ei~i~dtr~4t~ eo4~.À.Vôdeussingu- s~l~ b>'4tti~4 * Lwasthe>' lad uétdI à,sJanner lIa i i. Halle>' na>' ~ssbIjrcma~ior;foe' whcu, ut a later p ,i~in the evoniaîg, le -pliedt toas «nYuy-Ieft thafreom, and lose wbo romain- cd tolo OPOils teoaceal »:fir filpati- once«; Ud- lu' aitîci-ere waSÉsàsmethingcof a scene., Leaors.'-Peehan anîd Halley' ouglaht te lave aib3lu7uued froun wiuat bbc>' must have knowu would bc aru affa-ont te the grcat ruajol-it>' cf tîtuse pt-set; anîd iL la te ho hoped LIe>' willI 0at, Icibre tlicy agatin exhibit iu public, that sucl couduet lu cul>' calcuiatcd te hu-isug discredit upout theunscîves. Onitario Sprit. -Arnizes 1800, The business bîefore te Courit cf Assize ivas'concltîded ou Fuidrty eveaîing, wlian ihe Court adjouruîed. Aliîlao.,l thte Court dii unot openi natil past Lwo o'elocl thae fins aL Ii>' tecesson ttii' le dcket t stre80 ftew, and tIec rirnal busiiem sol0 licIft, the second da&y ivas suficient fur thte Chef Justice te despatli ail. -ThIe foilowiug lus a lis>.f tle cases at Nisi Prius. Bryce et ai vs. .Sltrple. -Verdict fou plitintill -<;:i î 1l. Joluit Lt-vs for plainifi'.I)ufe-udant did utot ultu-ar-. llank cf U. C. vj. Cooke et al.-Xor. diet foi- Ilaîitiir £96.;lUig d. W.,11. 'T -enayne for plain tîf ll'* . Iice vs. liecaty'7-redicL forralîtin- LifC-Ç i M. Anlibtose ',fur plaiuîtiff. Ifrde vs lWa//aec--Verdiet lf-ta- ~tin- tilT £ 163161s9 9d. Ainhi-so for plaiitifl'. Pi,'kering vg. .Stralten. -Verdict 'fou' ,luintiff lor £486 16esdM. J. BeuIl for p'ainîliff. MéCG-ire tg. Laing. -ntuerpcade r issue Le La-y the question as bo thc ovîiersliip cf cetuia pu-cllrt>', seized undor exeouticra b> thé Sltorifi, ai litesuit of Laing ugainutthe plaintifl"s fathor. Thce.Jury itnttis cae tr beitîg ioc-k-d up aIl îitiht could flot agra- oanîd were di-< clargcd. Thtis vas the second Lime te case had 'boa before tite Court. Autlite lut trial thae jury gave n verdict lin fayo-of' lhe plaintii', vhlel ias set uside und an uev nriai grauatcd. H. Camentautd Johnt 'Ley8 for plaintiff, Camtnnand Mu-ecdoîtoli for defendant. islop a-s. C/ramberlciin.-Ve.1iet for plaiuîîiff 1>' cousent, £32 8a Gd, S. 13. Fairbhanks for plantiff. Iislopp vs, Laistsng.-Verdiet for plain- tif' b>' ceusent, £56 1s 6.1 S. B3. Fai- tankçs for plaintif'. Dalby vs. Crozier.-Ejectment. Ver- icI for plaintiff. ýA. M. Clark for plaiîttiff I)efertditut did not appoar. .Shell vs ÀSeaton-Ve-tlict for du-fendant £5 10 321 Caron and Maedcîacll for- lIaintittI. Johni hou for defe1udaaat. lThis 'as a lon-, disputed accourt îuvolving Lte nuestioli as Le the value cf suiv legs. Wcatsan vo Killa>y.-Ejectment. Ver- dict for îihaitif' . ILCanteren for plain. tiff. N. G. liun ftor iefeniaîiî. Vùalew n vs. Ifariadem.-IecorV uvulah- Lynde et ai vs. W/rilby Steant Mill Coinpany.-Ve-dict b>' conseunt for plain- LitYas for M.'; 1 a3~s5d. flrow-n et ai vs. W/îitby Stearn Miii Coinpaniy.-;.Vundici b>' ceusent l'or plain- tiff £240. £Cowg1ran vs. Il'?ite.-T-esp-ss. Iu titis case il app9ared that tle 51er-if' uion a /rab cacposs, gave defeudtîut possession of cer-tain parts of a lot ini lteraIt, vîiel pîantiff'dlaisaei tb ld union naIonise. TIe t 1 t] i d fi p t. (Il The OýndJrors -of -or'-Soverigl tie Queeu, for the Conty of Ontaio That deouqly. thaikkfal to the divine source of altblesin.-sthe>' avait tbexseves of thisýôccasion, o..c-Wtlaé *o c u i aitj,_ wli'eh s happily . ditinguisit the preseu t A siaès'; sua d lA14vugý. coupe- q u n y , l a d e ' îÎig t" d uies t e fo r , t liey to ok i c Qe ppor îunity fo m ke î al e u sud discriminatiugr inspection of the-'Conty, lates te the reasoriable wants sud coemforts of the prispncrs, &,e,.-A ud w lilst wliling.- 1> ccouéù-iag ev cq","îy praise justiy ddue ito .Gaoler sud his subordinates, forlthe gener- ai lealitessaadordrlyregularity iwhieh pervades Lte.establishment, tey deem il tbeir duty, distinct>', te state thoir convie. tien of the eéxste nce of" ver>' reprebeuible dofots, bthî ini te' plan aud det.blof 'the building and appeudages, viz rits incon pa. tihilit>' with 'due -ventIiaîion and -w'ib pro-- per classification sud veaanuiioraîion and se- forrnatory euploymeënt'ýý of tliq puioners; the want of water clsets, suid dis gustiug substitutes of pails ia the celîs, and the taail nature of sone of thc partitions. The Grand Jury hosvver cadidly ad- mit, that desirable as the foregeing objecta ma>' be, tIc>' are perfectly unattaiisable under the plesout syste n d, pena! code, and LIe>' believe suchi can oui>' be earnied irito sa.ti8factou'y and efficient practical operation, byiucans of comnbiued action on thc part cf sevoral coaveuxieutly ' oeated coutities, or extensive districts ia the estab- lishmont cf woll constructod gaols, te beý used for thoe orrîuon use cf te said Coun- tics or Districts. And thle Grand Jurors, weuld passiag>' otbuerve Lhat the prezeut happy absence of imuportant cascs fui judiciol investigation, place tin a meuit prominent inannor the lu- couiîit>' that exists betwecu Lte enormous expeuditure requisite te suppor 't îe present judicial systomn, and institution of the sever- nl couaticu and the iuuîdeguacy sud Iiglly defectivo resaitudenivativo therofroun as respects the,,repressioti anîd abateinent of crime. Blut tie Grand Jury fa contemplation tluai tîtse iunportani matters wili be taken up, and consiiderod inatu euligitteued and cornprchousive spirit b>' the (*overamenî Inspection, decun it expediont te refrain fa-ou niaking an>' furtîter suggestion of a roformuatory nature, ini regard te tIc me- mntous stîbjects abovo rclùrred te, inter- wovcît as titey arc jute Lite ver>' fabrie of societ>', which th ' y trusat will'ho met by tîoso Who Mnay eveuîually have te coasider te saiue in a spirit consoniant with Lte calm deliberate and roasouable requirements of Lte community. The Gurand Jarors *ould aise desire te inîvite the attention of LIhe Legi.ilature, te the injustice lualicied up)on Grand Jurors int iluole bcid uno proviioîfin the Statate te authorizo the payatent of ruileag,, o te e in comiîg, to attend the sovorai courts, and tr-ust that tItis defect in thte law will be re- medied by an eniactmecut duriug thc preselît Sigued fa behaif of Lte0Grand Ju-ors. J. il. TJIOMPSON, Foreman. viuiussss iECctOacOATIOl.-If the ananliat in tLiis case wcre duc te Lhe pt- lieiter ef thc JVatc/aiuaa, and Lb. lowa hiable for it, wcndeî- if lie would daim iL ? Ilis uaheretofore, uss aRuilway dirt-ot, escaped cetriubting is qtota Le Railwa>' expeuscia, whuerc othors have, pnid over t! îin thcuasands ; nu->' e las dislteuo'orahby lisftvowed his ovut soliîc obligations on- tercd inta ivith lus Ce-dirt-ots 'sud loft thito foot bIc bill ; but lu LIe preseait case wc expedt te lave te satisfaction cf seciuîg iiu, as a raîtepatyet- cf île tovn, coînpelled to contnihute bis shrtre cf or littIe bih.lIlinhs nmade iimeif snfficient.. 1>' prominout lu Railwa>' latters, sud hais madc noise enetîgit ut Railway meetings COj- M. J. H. Gerrie ffer sabatgain of sente valuable proporty. 0]-. Heur>'Street Selool exumination takes place ou ilurada>, parents, guai-diaus and tle public sitouid umaie IL a dut>' te attend. a:>-All Ma é istraLes cf île Count>' should FINALE F THE 5 tIU -5'S EiRY A iFAI. -EXECUTIeN 0F STEV'ENS. ANtD RAZ- LETT. Clarlegtovu, Va.,Mai-eh 16." lThe teva vas tlrougcd wyul visitera te-dJansd sey- oral cempaluies cf tuilitar>' were in attend- u-ueo. éctevens and Hazlett vere bang ait noon. TIse>" sppeanéd .resigaed _,t iem'? fate. Stevens 'died ici-y lard, vitile fla"'. Iott died' vithoni sastruggle. 13 cil oxhibht- ed grcat finmutess au-d reaiguation. Ihére woa-c no religions exç 1risef irt the alos as Uhe prisoners persited in reflusing aIl-îe kindt>' cilices ef'iteý'ininia'r'y',jn,;theïr' last muoments. - lIe>' woraebell Sphrltuassa sud ad a peculiai- teligion -of thieir own- vhich enable d îlIcUý tomeetteir fate yulh cbeorfuiruoansd lsignatioq. ]ohc LIeu- bodies lave h4_ea frvarded te Mai.- eus Spriug, SOubý' Ambc>', N. J. îîey- will -adi Ial"hoxio 'fa thécrl>' mrningý tr-ain., TH 2E FUE NPRO BILL VuroZ». - St. Louis, Mareî l9i-G-St~lewart iras1 vetoedthe free neobill. Gov,.-Biaielc f hllii, d4W,7 ±erday afierooù. t '-t Thevotesef Iêrpd of sktpkip,-4om. petitinof te Me*Jodlst, Çonferetxce fa'ré- *erence btirte epaiureLof ble--fuudS cf Mr. SitiPson moYed on addrcss te lis -Exeelleno>', -pryingtitat provision 14à b h tmad& te cenipeausate tire parties wlo pro. pet'îy, as deaireyed:ia lte mentit cf June lut b>'an overflowv of water caused b>'teé bresking of,-One of tle leek gates 01rthbit -Wellad Canal. -Mr. Ros said thte maLter uiitouîd ho se-ý ferrcd te tbe Board cf Arbitraters. The motioa vas vitîdravu. à HOMSTIAD tBILL. -Mr. A. P.McDonald movod' île second readiag of has bill te exempt lomesteads sud certain.etiter properi>' uader a certain value frem aie under exocution. Mr. Wilsonansd Mr. Stirton supported LIe bill. Mr. Gevan admiticd titat a mneasure cf relief, aucit as proposed bf-this bill vas ne- cessar>, but iL vas defective la se fisr as iL had s resterative effect. The prescat ca-e- dit ayatem, ico, le couleuîded wu d-djc- ti'te. Mr. MeNickeu alluiled te the' greut çdi.. trous which pxistcd uîiong portiorus nf tiie farming conimunity, and said sîeIiî miust be done for Leir relief -for te rt- lief of te peor but boucs-t intu.lile to -1k occasion te hatve n word crn tte ndetoit- ofaligain enforcing la îvs aigaiuîsi tî'.uny, liîuîd said if these Iaws wet-o eforced, ai good baukrupt baw passed rni! a liouuesiau-ill!, a greai end wouid be gainetu. lIc îotîld support a seccid reading cf'tlae bill, ani thon ihe several iblls4 oite st cccoal.-d ho referred ta, sselect coinnaittue- Mr. MOWAT supported the bi11. iLs provisions were ef a niosi boîteficial cta- cbaracter. Nothing bie conîcrttied, eotild more incite a m'tan te ludust->' thantthle knowledge tai conte wlat iua>, lie wouid retain tihe fruits cf Itis labot-, se fat-us lais hlîe wau concerned; IL wats rig-lit and polite totake -stops tLeoncourage art uit- tachnenite itie *geil. The detitilscf te bll were flot perfect. t thbbcprinciptal vas god. Whai principal hud brou ado1,i- Led ini sîxteen states ef' île reigliborirîg union ;it ias lu accordlautcçiviti the spi- rit of our lava, sud the but-s'hould thc- fore passa Suveral membere .spoklu infayot- aîd agalusi te measure, vîca te House divid- ed, sud te second readiug was eannied b>' BIIIBP.«Y AT Et.EC-~TI0\,i. M.Gowan moveil te se-nwI reaid- ing ocilebill te prevent brilerY at tlect- ions. .0Or liberty', liesait] du.pettilu-d cint the purlty of eut- ciehtiorut. antI teooiît.:in that purt-I>, uothiuîgsiteulal le h-ft tinhone.' lie nîentioed us oee sia>'Oy utrti c t election, îhe hiring of tennuis, ad sa;id tIti. pýt-ee s snîld ho abolilidc. T'laws coneer-iing electueus verc noL at a.l! stuffi- cient!>' stringerit. AlLer i-aLler alengLbened disusseon Lhe bill was rcad a seond ime aud i-eferred Le a select con Imittee. Tle lieuse adjourned soon after cieven 0'clock. Nzia o iEW Assa Steantship Asia arrived, saune dates as lThe Cireassian with Galwuy dates 3rd must., sud London dates b'telegrraeîi 10 -r hast., ai-rived bore ibis forenoon. Tite Circasuian dates ai-e 3 duys laber titan titose already received. lThe apeecht of te Emperor Nu-poleon in opening, Lhe Frencht Legislationays, tlat Tusan>' le teo bs asepai-ate kingioni, titat Pat-ma and Modena nia>' ho ait xed te Sardinia, aud ilat France requires Savoy for securities ef ber fr-nters.-He lopes tle gi-est power, viii0'lse'thenocessit>' cf ibis. Lord John Rusuell lias iutrodued a Re form, Bi11, it exteuds île elecion fanclise te ten poundu ocupanehes in contîks, and six pounds ini borougits,. 25 of amalleat bei-ongLe are te lave eue iusîead of ivo members sud seats ts gained are bo let diotributed beivenLe mesi popular coun- « lIes sud boroagho of Irelaud and Seotlaud, get tvo additioual membeti cacit. lTe Alanic Telegi-apit Company' its adopîed tLe report cf île'Board et Dirc- recors, sud agreed te raise. bvteuîy thons- aand pou ndu te resauscitate tite cable or re- t cover ùs"aîch-of IL as possibl e. lite Steamer Nfmroditadbecs wrecked on passage frern Liverpool to Cok, ail c board aient it uflmer re d ownd i- ' - ' - -ITAL .1 TLefrenisLegislature epened ou -the lati aL. Tite Emperor's speech pt-emises ever>' effcorq Lehémaintenançe, of poee rejoices sat ap4alle relation s wih.ail Eu. 9 ropean'trowenj*ud.' liçpes. fer " spéecdl peace wlth C~ochin Chna, and jut citas-. tlsement of Oiiefor bLd tr erfidy. lTe P aIuroahng, aaottlement snd saya tai h.Le iras avied lthe Khu1g of Sandiniat tha 8lts ea'sy 9U5tî4,aztnezed but bti isies cf' lIalfaimIProvincess>' aybeetitortala. il tales THE, ANNEXATION MOYEMB"T. ME RINCE. 911!WAusy'1-.sr FATAL COLLIEILY EXPLOgeN. TIe tc4miri Teuoni arrveester- dates te Marci t i. Fier'commerelal nova is ne later <tIan te Aia' s;iTfiteannonce- ment cf te bas cf lte steamer )Tuijzan rcacitcd London on île -4t1 Çiist, by. tele. grapl froat Qaeenstovn, ai wlieit porthîe - Canada touched Iliat merning. - Te £tna arnied ait Liverpool on tle same .day.. Pýaris.,'Sùuday Eve' ng.' T Oft te Emperor's speech coucor-aln annexa- tien witb Savoy' sudnà ice has,"beêà reeeived ;_in Nice vith ilnitusinsmîit'-ÃŽ linpar- 7t>' lasgreati>' ugitavd'. Vionta, Sunda>' -- To îhe enquiries aud represeutations made b>' sôme féreign ýpoîvora, Ausîria îreplies tattsinirdtg net îuing dinecti>' affected b>' île aftuexaîiou cf yavoy eFranco, ale will not protest against thaut annexatiou. - Modena, Saturday.-Tlo Papal govera. nient laitta probihi ted commercebytani between îArîcot.a and. loMagaa, î-Te inruc-ants promeut aigainstiti. Affitation coîntinutes'-u inIe Ma-ches. lthe 'iaded pnopmieîot-s refuse to pa>' lteir'ks. -S "iousaxuds of ciiizons are signiug addresscs to thicgreat Powers, lu favor cf' âniexa. 'Ilie soldiers effiited in 'Àustnia continue te arrive inuthîe States cf te Clzùrch- sud Romte, Wedaeday-T.it Pope ài said boo cwiîliug te grrant concossiens.,if, îLýe, Legatians vilI submit. liTbe udnt c tie University' lave demauidbd -te-re-ad- mission cf tte eight studentà vho, kadiseen of toopu totîl% Urniversity, tereby- ie-*- veîatiuîg disturbnce; Notinig important, frein tire war' in Morocca. c 1- The Londpu Coutrt Jourmaassorti. po. sutive!>' tiat tle Prince cf %W svuld l'avo for Cantada about thc latter part of Mltîy-prolbabl> lu île Reiosmn 90-an slîip. Iunstructions wili be sent- eunt tôeîle - Catadiaut autîtoriticu le inake île n'ecessary & arraugemeutîs for lus recepticat.- IL las been aaaetained tihat 80 m'eisud beYS wet-e ciLler snffocated &* blimned to dF;ltb' AnTxloiA t L'aRraou'Clle St. Louis, Marci 18.-A street eronn¶, ter oecurred yest'rda>' fternôon at Jeffer- son ciL>', betveen Jamtes HIugeh, dept> ivarden of the penitertar>', sud Mr- Douer, fernîcrî>' a gua-d cf te prison, resaltink la almost tunuediate deatb cf lotit. Tite- e4utsO wats an old-grudge, arvae b>' re deuit political ditl'eireaee s. -futi~~l lies. ' ' - - - - ýTIc folioviag despaîcit, briid one day's later - nova -freat caIiorui, .re ceived lore b>' île overlsnd mail lat. * éSun Francisco, Feit..25, 5 ý P' 1,000bLet-s wero 'deoputéired b>'tire ver- l1aîîd' umail >'esuerday. R. EB. Bre'usît s mordhant ef Sait Franciseohmira 1 ' zu rér- 1 cd frorn te Wu-sioeminest, kCwàzV le>', brnging specdlmens of iilver er0wc assa>'over 030,.000 .per ton._- ÇALIF4OSNIA STATE ELEOTIos - Dentocrabie primai-y eleebions'Lavc bslen bld in sevonteen counties. Jhe delegstes le île Siale Conventicuasf: s à&ar fo.ae146 for Lýtaîham nd 44 for-<G".y and Woiler, iudicaiig, vititeut'ýdeub4t, iat tIc LJutîam infiaeuoe viii seure tire Cali fornian deboguaticu -toe ite Caiesten* 'r volitio. lIc iumdelegaýtes from 8Sm Fanacisco are lu favor cf aendfing- Ausin E. Sînitl te Charleston. Hl isailson cf îlhe Heun. Wxn. Snîlubî,f Va.,and la favour-- aiblet leDaniel S. Dilkiuslô f .Y,Çr DISCI5ARGE cuMa. ]BOZINGTON. 'Ne'w York, Mitrclh.' r.Bzn*, wbe was appr-lnl4 é'ù~tsatb Lweo of île Sut n fficerasushln enîbezzling *200,000 rttir'of--Peut 'Office aerip from -îlte Pepar.nîjnenatWnaiiit4n, wau Yestelrday disctariged f-om' *cal-à 'COL Fcre't oni*a despatel,-. -settfng frut ilat-tIcýaeopant of-IfMr. l3ozington, vhile. iu* eQftce, lad beca exkamined,imffd ivere fônnd -te be'eorrect. OPENINO 0FLAKE: ERIE: KAVIpÂTXON. Dunkirk, Mai-ch l9- Navigonjesope bet wreen tiisud'tlie.wete > pots st'k Erie., lThe Newr York and E i<q rsÃŽj Sct-cv Steamer Ose I$iI1r, and Néw -Yo. foa tedaY afterioon wyuL eargmbes-' Cr toi-k sud 'ver. - The -tea'm'érOceam Ieft for Tledo ai 'tie' sainee blu.'- a ýhC vife cf Mr. Jobs Lyedo of aptg. - t'O58, 50e. BRrley 50( *Hay $10 Sleep $11 iPpiatees, Tnrkeys à Geese25e -Apples 50, Judos $71J Sait $1 20 Cori Woo EDW, FOR BAI T HE Dennds frontiug -on VW ece. Tii pa- the i audgem dette. in te tît lotNe.8 on 1 flîtiiling forrai PnTintifig î- tice good Lots near As aIu inuit be-sold cLeap s Whiîby, Ifn County of Oui T7o It. Facias, issued of Quee's Bel direcîed again of Jamnes ieodý sbroag, defeasi of -Toronto, p' baken ie o exe - -est of île seid X. Arrnîtronj lands as folIos Ten acres cl Seuil, West c -27nd Con. -f t scribcd as fîlb mencung ai a IvM'st corners enty totur degs t>' six lukucba North îxien six clajns auî --ou sd iven, degrees along, to t.oheplaceof of Mary Street _o~n acourse So 4 toi-section vitt between the E -lot No.'25, I - iahins .39.iiu -endoftbe Sou -TleanSouil, V * --ern, boundqry te dis.tance ot tin hesaid ou 16,e ast sc thle Nortb aide 16 10daims and bte second cor "F'lsst talnz til( '2 ains more pnitg --t a retum w 1 1-1 ýluui5Liljll Lurilvu uliun tue uescription ortlie

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