Whitby Chronicle, 17 Mar 1860, p. 2

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$3,453 (;. iena uy te peorsosu faîithîuli>' silopresipu- ....4 am ant oai Ilaliiten 10 inelasieu liyyet it b ao pleasiti.6ly dosa, that euen thse samsoa $151 75, fon fenisg tisa mark- ne s-ho pays the piper, dues s vitî s nilIm. et pcaperty, s-icSsisouls sot-ansi neyer, geai!natures while hasiiag e-ccthtesusount v- intenddsi be ha sralhe on lise fonsea»1tIse attentive collecter. Tise susai saiary Of 1859. Thse otrael for the s-ode wsn attacheoltluhebiseolice,S101), iu b>'nosensi art lt iuntil aller tis a assmet for 1859 apequato te tIesa ervices performeci. A issis 'hoen made, and, aecoeding ta the con. large portion of tisa rateipuycru ihavaesIxpe. traet, vasnsotie bh a euuntil tise liat of rieneel lusis induesanci forbearanes, asul )[ecl 1860. Dadaatlag tiuirfora tiieWv ara astisfiid tisaI a reasouable enecase 'te% leaTi tise aCt ai!iubilitW efoe vouls ivgluogesi asatisfacion. Lt jus. 1859.,.. ............ 9. u 2 90 ices hadon, aed s o nid 4faitisiai cor- Ta thusmil ha as6iadesi markset cantt uitahhy ravardeu. Debeeares, du lt ilin. 186... M 33 White 0otIes bject et Tuswn Taxes ansi Uuopaid interst on marketBais. Collectea, e ilesire le alludse te aiolher ..W .................. .. .50 00 point. In Tovas, Cities unei Villages, tle vhoie aYsten of Cisletorsin w rosg-. Tise taxescuid ci hopsd eiratiy b>' tIserate- Tcet #b68G 23 payera imb the Towen Trensauer, theceti> Tut sf011lît0M tuuso-s>-ss Mt59: aauing a consisersile item pofitxpopituce. fýmh - n o i tasio laI àisn..iss. .$1403 4Mltethtla lxesa.ducea- linS'. - neaelî Iaxi caiourlsi uîscelaI as. yssr. Ail taxas Dot palet by let Nov., adîl 186 ................. 112 88 on 6per cet; &ailunpaisi let Dise,, aihihan Pol'i Te, Pound Focs ka'. .. 200 00 adtitonal 5 par oint i andi fer uit uspaisi on XIfop.esdent taxes tpe 1859 .. 3 8 tlet IsJan. fofloing, place tisa seceaur> 185 alate15nouri oat tae- varrants in tisa banda ni a ceapntable toc 185rt1of185iacaarding bcollection. Fuetisa-e....îint no ratepayar port i Fiance lammttea ta vote gtishe Municipal Electiona is Jan., -lhat Autt.......... 300.00unloas ia-cas peodtsos a roSipt ion tIse peynsme loie taxes foc tise pravieus year. $3810 22 Ir wy mistakea nol, this pain in aiieptesi in - - ______ tIe Tovna of tIse State of Nes- YorS oii the Obsserver. We shouisi feei usisamnul taee surIs a docunîit emasute frein the yoongesl apprentie in one office. Lt vîill ba feuss inlathe report ai thu prorcodinge ai tIse Court s-cnbouim etfliicrafiis. Anneai Meeting ai Co. 3lngistrates. At tIsa ansual meeting of tise Misi- Ioules oet hc Ceunty ef Ontarie b, Islcisolhes Court flouse on thoeI 3th do>' cf Staccl 1860. Joihn S. M. Wilrox, Esq., seas callesi te lise chair, ansi 1% Lunci, Biq., acteci as Sec- satar>'. Preaent-the cbsicesso, J. S. M. Tii- rax, lIse Cleels of the Pence, Rl. Lunsd, Lu. tiser Barassies, Oco Brahazoti, JetsnîRot- piiff, Jamss Dacs, Cain Campbell, lra Vala, Ezra Gambie, ansd les Carputec, Esquirca. Tise fo)llou-nul proeedinss bushpigr TIse lit ifCoustabies foc tIse ecssuing ycar vas maindeout, Thoemas Dauford heing appeistesi BigIs Constable. Orderesi that the iolarY of -lIse IigIs Constable lia $20 for lIse euuing yean. Mou-rd hi>'gr. Buteliff, secouidesi by Mr. Bturs, ansi oeied tisaItîse Gusoiec's sa- lar>' for tIsa essuisg- year ho $200. Movesi by Mr. Itateliff, antI oeaonded by Mfr. FareweluI, andi ocieces thst lIse commu- nicatli o i-ethe Wurdes respeetimul tise Shacitfsfees for surie-eiug uices, osand ad- jourses i snîl tise nexl siteisg of tuse libgis- lresise ssion. Bach Tas-nKip Coaîiail. Amitu fer 1859 eues- Ilartuii.. $123 991siManschculusrduesea nu Otien pla1naU. la be met, intoff8176 i nn-mi-=ovr Caua.L. Il voali sot ha hIunme-IsciotrMns bSS. lde aaa-î.tréis185tof 168,of o hai ieuscaand laborlng clauses Utatoesaur- Tua Cussnil metnt atheIsTown fii tîis lusuwiid oeiy 0% bd 1ag tise ansoant st fer Iy sucS ais alteratien. An a rule-thia ils>'. cair.emmrr rso-tslev -down uy the ewooos aaCanmittes ar1859 portion of onr population is tise mot Tise cerlifiesie andi petitins cf MmrGs Iut~el ff ~Ij*30 htig clIetes, y prom-pt peylig part ni Use cousmuiy.- praytng f-riief, veru îîre>eteil h>'%M. Irabad f oly 400 ein colectd, e Th slw cache beongte te UperJ. i.Camnpbell, iod a osinof $sue oruered be6evéat is c I-Isuor ovin tirai timease is aciehlegt Ie[psrta se psisl telier. tls !snuenza t IIlishoeailes i bons latbi t, etn, o sfraqunaly ineladingeu-an Tas-n M. Campbllhiaises p".e-entc4î tire.petitien May aet. .Ne aime ialade h aunus Counciiioeo. Tise prasent yean afferedc a cf M. Sincîsir and cohers pnsiiig tîal - tiking iiistralion o this a tac. bie shnpk-eiicisg ho aloe1 e t sli ligissrs b>' aof 8.8-..a.radn taxes of 1859 0 tIha quirt_ Tie luraer cf tise petiisis s-a ..sfralisangi a prtien of it s-luI amendaeant ta aur MunicupaliLawis-.n thua grasteel.anil s hs>lau- ps-su.,d ho tisee ct Dt le Avileable et tisa mucs,, a yet 1110 s omater wva liitS voisi e a change fer the prayesl toc.- 0Tire Auditere n>ps-os qcisilenil in luit, &aisieoe taI -li liabrealiseL. Thera- Stter. Ties ubjocî las-oriisy of eonalde- c<insuittac. Soesudiscusu;ien tiois pace fore ne lante tise tas-abum orrras. ration, and shoiud net bu lait silgI of. If enthu item of $40 ta Unr Foreusas. M. Th ise fuel at thtie tas-n for f859 corne a saauieg of oxpense csin bu aceomptishesi, Camnpbell insu-oui to silor osi> $30 inaIond eut nl etty vils aa char baim s i ut tansi t tIesana tisa- provisionumadle for aaetien$ss0 ta r. aariug irtes ate sîiî-o Ssils $133 ta tisa goos. Ansi y have mors prompt payaieant ai- laxes, vithoul niue% that lis total attcnoiuîicu ut tise Cetin. hfavesishlsâm aid resit,14not- distrais,Iln or injur>' ta-anl one, an im- cli during tue >yer made trp ibut 20 cisys gratifylngnt $1 150 par day. Tlue niotion ou-sa]est wiaL~bsbmd lithépeymeat ai $60, on &o. portant peint in Municipal Goveresent 10 h Ie csting vtesof the fle-o, Brabazon - -entcO,,sm' oiiEpacaiase, $100.1 gaiseil. ans itCmplielî onî>' u-ting for lIhe usîensi. msent. The item oh $80 te JoesiiuoWright Iq.dnîn ridMge, ansi pvardsofni$4-.iehco -rsovrî> irseias 00 on scameloraille ndsuit i Tise ta. "Party LSalage." dimthes-eesI b>' tise wnets ofsss.Camn- rds amust of taxesefur-lies-mpuupia sfor Iamest miotel>'monnerbas the boi, Brabazos ansi Wii Onu motion ef M. CAnîphal the iegrii wu 03,ff491; mt quaI 82,00 ff visif iinlliluset>isea rcentIy tahon tIse G/oS, opinion of M. Jets Biluiegg s-as rereoc mm er0Uownsi op is>'thesamt tises eýrandiite auitrin-liei te linSk. Tise articles ho Se takenas to tise brut muant ni csIar-ý odboyio iems of exp«âm._ ha mue 1i u Il hir tng-sbly, nuanfuiih, titg tae amusunJ ironstlMn. Wright. exàsttc. l ltC r Tire te s hy r.Inte 'oConreil directed tîme Ieeve ansi s-shiir eblales hlbaaoIdenî aauayts -is sts> ri îoCieres tegeltIshe report publinhed iin lie t ta«Ca-f h* Ifle ofthe121, s-a finsh an article Senu i eu Albert paper. mN exactak estapayor Net se bles-rs d ttY Rsuige" esv pargrspbu The Couicil lteon djorrnuesi itiitisen sitk cw levau Wsrn"es-Who utipuion rons visci s-e liuten.silhs a stisfila heC iondeay Intsirsc, bthe questien cf as asie>'oe figureste pso-s a deficiane>. s-ebave aodarn oxpenienftad tfa transir e stsopping up tIse ols #rockS a h oe n l-lsste ilusi bos- &u leda, I9 1uDy sieWuag tée theàie Ion -ha taieon . expcudea. I /t sAssa msa of0 «1TTis. bus is, tuatinlathia Canasil-. edm ug on Tas-n Maamfiacturau. l111 Co >' n - delt>'1ote ar; ' sm texuefor lIse modIs nuaevs lu tde n m>'bu eunudisgntceciamue cfl'amuhr hat lancoiseqoanca of tIse Courtâsitting, the mae otm umàm»%. Th bd o uardp oUis Napeîeaui 1 Wis>, theabasence oaiheMorid tbe chaicnsa. or s ata muoa st . bers% lusUppe- Canad, in tise cause of ne-oaithie comnittee-Dc. Gun-ilie meeting me more vathade adjouaoeuhte lnlnîîdtauvvmare "Ousi nt ttise>' hoeounbettes- haes-a>intlloablei ocanso lelnîtihy mm ano dosend10Telrsla'euenn ha eâ&ikniy upprêeclaqet lu&amMU lo~g thIs y hais lt xisha under lIse des- S-Lt patîluesof tkorepe. TIsýré a smid, curae cent> klva yoc'vRil l1k# 5 a m ayo sy e wgitein justificationi TEmprs-cz LEcvTeaL.-A lecstuesivi "I«si- auln ahai. W lad of themeures-forismumehlmg bwsa c odeivesi an Monda>' ovanueg next, beoîra ClUgi-4taqet ou Saisul -d ua pec- «4 h SW r-MÃŽ -tieiiWhithy Total Absinience Sorbet>'utahtie lmu"d d u c i 1860-...$6_U3, u-te prmonae gu'ontpublie Parsabat taIhail afthe MeahanicaJsatitate b>'Dr. au soMt d e ans ail mcxl -$ssi > furtis eestiacnIs ofa le- e =ia.-N b-Breelof Obav. ail desa n huisliel d cratco 1*du s bve 1511 île thelu' Sid tse notion tima shungal toIlauceamt ai îa6g iWho.,the>'ar ise eRelIs-uity~iI>, nad Iliat t115W MA&owtv.Covapaote LotIçe ai Fre ai te Twn Cmmaof ola 4veeuu0 tisir ceinet, Ibcir parpa.51 atre> meb e- enl ilSPriewn foîr t mal &adAp W Umet "iliisTeown, haire wmae ms du-in ac.h Mdapilo dtei iml"e lra Ve c itheiop thir ais- tL04gPs-armsIn errai- yr- Uuple t upo se thotla-th ulnutOO ua. dasuin; tla >' hm bat M. Ve lend a lok la a da as- ta 494 M ty dicIarged tlial-dt, le lwheeluIl On avIae tee li tise Dame of m Relbte i& Thughtmad ws-5fl auý s-5 wee mltiOlgrailidsiltiste £ Wlj s-~eatise "Mt meît"Party omalty's" lerut, in fiim tfl hy eu rimtaIe q, aw« vm M t "atoaisa t - teso pr aient sel m tehland. cartf "-Jobh» . aMed e le What i10;the rosat te the Iluti? pluit > N e m b e.ve ybeau ps-os-bed sieu-la ÙË tà« Oudâ- % , 6tlengbend bythe howeiaui,,usn t carcerb«h Wee.l UmailsuiWith. 15Seuior amdiJ., d ab ifa ec o ers- 65W5oal' thetlyrma>' vwhktiesr Wasdeu, Mufacture ex"me u 1l liskt@-uleupsd the ptmee 01 lsee eeope., orYam--. 11W. - -Pasas 0IW a aitongeilton use présein 'Te prmss-ultv lanes it sBàte me urte Easetla Ccpdié . ILGse. yeur. IiayI wiiibave $202, eundry &Ce -,naa te-11 çy s-bn or4,algiIoret, Boy'.r t&'casaits, peu asince slt January 1860, éan _ e-er.WIk or intr %rgaid or i h - UnitedSt 8ats-and gi "Wrte withb»ae Bell iia ae Çtlt~eati tsgedt6 liabiluties of 1859 ; althoajks knovîiedge -af tise prl'on aboh -thé Nati -EL »oai&4on *Co u ie» ccouna in larerpart,' are -for 10aglie.lied niethil niqf ecaing wlth Party tueteg. s - Ã"hhinkmoreor-nsu hasthadeccior '-questions,.wbuîlh a certain cique o rosle -- insposie tizzosthltc Eorno Prees of Uppcn tdD1tmus-4. YLGèrM. - eaea fil0 1 The Councili fot 1859 pfild Canad ,îd -sot lbctolenatqsi -a s-euh. - ý d or, 16»a~yei--. J. thse éection effxp es of that yeàr, amonént t lnEagn l; iws-ul bahootas dos-e; ansi- iag ta $151; àansinos-', acruîrding te Mr. gelltY lu: rater sifpa tIio i lsonlui be ~t8olu-.Grant. Wlau' ditar, they 'a'isous hd ul>ncoMpâtjbbity af partyisespoîloin ritir 81k%ù Sîance-_Jassne Grant. pràvie for tise like, cipenuss of 186r0li plibliÃŽ Tredou n etise United* States 14*s"pof Witby Ânulitoîa Iteport. Wis- ,as msh reason uikIsIliseCotitcil edet sbareiartv lndos ra lia-n orep 41*w étie-nsiu-Adm. of tise preseft yaar ho requiceol0.P t e l P"çiaioIbhn i lslid tiisear c t11lip Toscnaihl f Pialerlng Anitora Report. for tbsha hle of tise axpaei o 101 . i haldiea mantoinesi bora.The result. s-e CrWilanThos-' charge tse psae tla.lise liabilltitîs of 1860. Ptm 1;di ssagag t im hceiLConuse- 81- ; tusaghng 10it cirapr ec, tsia NIoice-MissioneiyMeeting. - The JlFtchmasuait' ssion appearu 10ta la f ulnes, aedlatrpoionnspepco -8lialWotice-..SG. Dgty à Co. lad fouît rith aveu'hing li andi about tise aiail shoaiae itfi uoesl. tov. a ueseveytsin is-is t en- Thée olyiaecoptios of Party vIsicIs cas Tis liialtratums.dicess oye ;', and latie eventa-isahve Bo our r ouglit to Ibive lu ihat s-hidi bnots l e ýWànted a Doy. i l mabelmetissI hoetanlsd good governmoitusalIse end], t0flise line edbi inaletmpr ta h an i afpplicationo r isCiplu as tIse menie. le eohn ither nislitor gýod lu whitisyhot epounsn o cba r drildve e deereaa wod of moprovl.al poition in the a prurîrraksin of trifin- le. nrlg tie yasa 85 ans189, se moti ai; and tir aonly jIswnsiiiiim vortîs Ijtj haehaird en aouosi, 1 ad7ai. rerogniing i htwi-I hnsfritself -- la~kng CoumcilNaas>n by Isoermanage ansi ettere ls esntiseuglits, suirothn tise> Wlltby, Saturdy, MMIchl , 1860. ment oftour tewîîs-ac. Tlise 0n luxes PîcsC e .cerybosiy Or hot, - - era reducSi -by lisonsfrons $7512 lu 1857 - t Lt a hopelusi ruga. Tir a Bmilton ONLY 0MRE-D QLL.&A YEAR t10 $,491 inS 1891iand tisaIt-dustion in Timeu is hais disposes1 tus admit 1lite Ilhe ___________________________ tise faut of $26000 ni exîracxpaditune amlii- elote n tref u'thé it- Wien Na.' ýTie Tes-s Fianses aaltise itW&tcla' idýte -tise latter year. A cîcar surplus Of toPe roritesi tisasTure-uivri Premier sbe $123-1 l ishseu for tise pal yeac; on tisa brote hlln esouls." TIsa bottou s t coul- -. daiseoturae raunt a aon equal la $1017 pitcly eort-esi fromnunoler tîse Gril hoast. Tt nsay lie tisa I ?r. ais. Walîace's paper h-bas bas itlier paid or previdell lln, andtIe1r. bu ie aos tuc enavîigyit eue-. peciaus Wuscltrit conieus 4 pctr peisTo anite 3tt Ps.everyliig as veoag, -deelarea ta se ara Tha Pcesantmest ai tisa Grand Jîury nt te>pitas It Tinlu tseveey:wonq po. iaraisg ettndelitansithat lisoAow s-n5 -thse Quarterj ie. ale ligis. 1h Ioula like il. Not a aieet gning la mein I Ot upoe surIs tvasiue, -ei imuas iroinstiaI prias, >iot lihe attemp andi tise srsrvy croatiug obreet that gices WC are amnuteci t tIse amount of ignec- livig ade inonue aiape¶e auotr. Last, ilerraltay. asca display-ed by thea Formsecfthue s-ail nadir thse captioa cii qowd Flnan- Cleto iTsaTxa Grand Jury, so ttie Quarter Sessions, in cesu,"everypintia atrained tla miarpresenl - uoelclng-, Ireugli the presesOusnofs l otia thea fiaau11al ate afftis e"i., The truli At flita iast meeting of tIse Tovn Cotioril bedy te cest blunse1 upen tire Coîoty Cons- itep r~i on, und igures, area ataalîy tIse Coleter of taxes peetees a patuion cli. Woc e î îe#-tu aebeS s tourve& tu prf ov10the-orid. tista qecian- eraeicrns i Mrlc . McMGlIIbas aise tisas a naeopapar beIto 01Iftie deunt>', byl aif 1, 9&0 nos- exles on lusti jearaisas. perforerusalthe dities et Coliector foc r e s-, isulàl net féeol em4 uresurprised, but eshaloporatiouuiaed tisat itisasbcaused b>' conuécutive yeees, andI altisough hie office cemig frous gMr. Bioues, inch igwnorance tise mlsnsaaagment of tie Coucli Off bIaI, la tIse usat uxpapular in tes-s, tilioe la i, Pardonable. WC vei-e exîremeity-giad year. _We a uiî readiy as- lmrias,anfsu. about tise mot papular Towna Officer in tIsItisa, Coaety Cicrk vas present, le hie ed un tise m ertliue, an»d bow erraneous tise Corporilc. Tis a sesct crses ficiy govn, te ropresent thes malter iis st ruc tise ligures9aiUr. isoana Wliaceitor. vinces bfore ieanah"ittng antreaties ; and igIs. Thse illiterate productien il 1sef 10 Tise puue.a-ilalIlfe asaupr Au. oves frein stones ansi rocks (of the tax- sonschisg s-a shouici biesh fer, antI reflecte -ditom- uepr Mati us o.. $, 4o.5 paying commsuait»> ritIsh ie magie vftld very lutIle crédit on tIsagenlemasn, eho ts. 100M lita answ isl......16-489 lha draros milk and haney. Witis al chaus- sunsee lu igiten tira people ef Nortis Ian ealnsan 0etisi vtiri isaul ien ofer.fi8edeuy ont pîeased vitt tIse intetidesi eoi e e nneo>,tth ai.s uprs cn- esquss-y rhicb viii resultini aisadiscomliuce thareît a eesr, n oepseh-oa. jas th ie nîat censuao iii diaproeatiese o t .oenlI .Arepesalcol nauo hata lpper Casnada eoutais efroue 400, 000 tW 500,0 khabitants Ct>xcv rA.enrmus P.rcOiRe-. fes er- more thoan Lover Caeada. vrm crelt mue tise Anditors' reprt pubi- M. Gait brinseon his Fiamariai sato- liQties inlethîe eeklIyni Satîray;va e, tfs-sa et -a h11 alci therefone neputiis il eccte inuotisettIodaIeetrGsea -l rv veuswS-ly, en feurtis pae. te w dyslqmto en' iUpr ------ 6 - hi s1u in udli aui La""at ra. the Hajurdau.CO . -Th "O tsm >segesbv bcJsfeand :P.RH. 0* sunel and Nias MCMari3cs 18601M. WoO&d.ThteIMionWood uaesineul ai it in aansia e is ides- ofthe laie mc. .y y D aSimj Wood off ÇeravalL bsotiaer-ia-lmv aoflise 1- I i ijhass-Wb"i V1 lSte y7n Bey. D. Sralciaaa IOhop ai Tecrto. iabout lan, buti i, it ld »Mila be of Thse a-1-er B-oni, vilcis arrived ast Mahco e e n ut is w dam e leamy eBatea pu Thureda, *oosiag Lissa bar. ezeepuîieg inabSt*ele- lis los11- the measis . . ,yrepeti t a rge qat!u7e.ard uof amîmetM wieb fa do 1off s-racle stuffum liseteuÉidpM asgàajs Il l coma lkmd w osi eamend- r-at aibnau pjcked nt tise place. aide &4epttel. I'eii<>po"Se amie tisa Cou&dl met titthse -Tpwao 'asltItIduDear Sir,- gatinetlay aening. Piaapnt-Hia WomlIlp 'Tis very plessant te finit tisal:tise bail. beMadr, Messit Pçrvy, Draper, Brown, aras of tisa couatry,inParlitit i PMirogres&, Yale - , adgCairon. m i ihuosemach ociior ansdlde6tiich' ines taETlTsI~lIU - Mc. Postuetr Geisorai simith'a expose0 iofjTque Van SylrJ prayisz'?,309 eIiof bis doingsinleEÙsglnnd un itih tho uer- of Licemsé b habc smade foîr.the Cetre rul Eoropaan- Courts ire visiiidyaml ni Bbtel. bbr 5 a eurc irti sy ieP rs 0f T. I. Lewri for an incraif o bfaa"ay. tisat his zabluon for puttla ' iii Bcuolutions Dr Gao. MeGil for an incease ofisalary. leensuittee ,pasied stsantimosly. Wc have -Mr. Brown.'lisai nothicg ln eltiser ieouse that igist bc onu notion « ÇMr. iit'tsn, Mir. Van bce calied a Vëry litly debate, Peveral Siyhce'ipeltiîfon ross rofeihraui1tItese tand- notices of Motion iigsillcainl ofr omisg iiig Comaittee on LirOaseam strife have béen ptt ouitise papes, anti as AndI on motion of Mre. Draper-tIse poti- ususl thoa dougty Isemiser for uhe North lions ofLawiË andI floo. IeGills-ee refer Rdiig of Iceds antiGranvile- Ogle I. rosi te tise Stutssiîug Cemmittee on applicia- Gosean, Esquire-ha is alsisseu. Among tiens te ofli&cei0t -i1 ethers-is tise foli*îsg, intended i o an ex- - tFPeORTO. , ti51o15be51'1liste hUle hy Ducy BrOce, 0f tisa Finanses Conimittee.-Mr.lcosn. Faq-ofcoumse-iîuttded 10 perenl Mme- 0f Ih Comille on Tvo lcop ber- s of politieo-raiigýots s ocieties fres ne- :gr-. Daper. n for tisa CroWno in sis ast law. TIsaI. lInDraer.tIse free axerciue of cyaseianict-intIhe- vo- FIt.rc Ami A5SESSMENr. iuslacy puessit tif el-ecg'r objerti ru-Ielliu- On mocton of Mr. hBrown stIse Couscil re- liginuil et' iliie4I, la tIse loliesoble solvec into esumtte on luis repoct. rigIsI of avcrylBritishIsusbje-et, ancdothatri Tuo report rerommendeol paymiet of ne- plsoe,%ny. rn.beroed tIsaepale, of -çes cos'ts'doR Wilson5 fuc druftiîsg Rall- olive or 1Legisioîiveeposllaîr,-ec le iiilict, way Bylaws $d0. M. C. Crniecon for opon hlm ony species of disjrace or depri- drafting a similise By-lsos, $50.; H. Brai- vation ferchein.- a member of ussy essocia- denî, SOcîs; N.WIlvn $ 25. , ristien witlîin tise Queen's pouce andi net TIse romînitte ufter a short delilsera- proibited by Issw, is repsîgnan Ie the 1lies rose, ccpocled prssgcessi mail obuiîied spirit of thie free Constituitiono isoder,- s' ih Irave te ait agaisi. va lire, iii direct vielation of Ise grent TOWs- raEs-ev. îprincipaol fisCivil miouIliloius Liberty'* Tise Council resois-ed istu committee n ansds abhor-ent te th ire hrutalnsi -eiiis luis report, and reportee tise repart vhich ospirit ofthorspmetest uga, suîd thlîbutIbis> ws-sadeiteci vithoît amendaent~Thse re- tlouse, -suithout &lin.-sgileif cileul ipon pourt cecomened payaienut of tise foliés- te express uny jsrigrflent ipan the iereils ils1 aceoiios-Jolis Madli, voul4$5 52;; or demceriis of oiy n9socintirin or bcdy',se- WVu.,Bass, $&> 50 ; Win. Ilurnes for fenç. oret or heh Oncligiuuis or politieal, is of ieg Towni preperî>', &., $151 »95. opitluitI Iat al lishe Qucen'os sujerls siieiid s4uTOO'8 csvt-urATlSs. e eqol beforetlise loy, ansiIe entcooled IlisWûrsip aid n th tale (ie ils thofficees cf publie trust iand espossibili- Bis'sVrslip aidorstir tutil lie pu-ty, vithaut refereocc te religions or polisi- lioes driofiedi up luiin lascces-cisuce vith rai udistinetionusnui upei tise grouuuols ossiy thse resolistions ietishe Counicii, pcsying for of personsi meit undl qsilicusios, asnd the esietnient of o Proiuibitory Li'puir issuin, duc regard le tise e-licieicy asnd Law ucandtise umeîsduent*of tIse Muosrî- nroiie fte ulcecer pasl set so us toallov cf Reeves aond Dipus- Whether lise redonishle ueusler for ty lees-es beisîg eleil lny oaudictrlvote or GritliisîTou-n uillinicet tise challenge anul tIse ratepayers. Bus Wocuuiip siso iifaru- couse baidiy te tiëscsratchi mil Isbciuiuib es tise Counicil t;it tise infsitt cf '11se girl eol, for Goaa is about ns peciiaciolis iand etsppiog nI Mes. Weuliisr Ihoaduci, sandîlcisaukrous isi lie osber tsi pretly sud sa- itIsatleebhui given ociiens te tise Ciief Cri-lcoO ,bt sidituý~e istsu stablu for ils .iuterment. anliauit the Chief la ioea bte l pts otl isiot lIs Costaiie~ cpeues oc n lsig uînosiflouse alloios-g them ful time und auepe esi le $6, wrhieli lhoeus-ede ieCouncil to itesse te spreaduciesmsuivrs out ta tiseir order te bo puiti. heurta coulent. Gowaun piches asointe so - F-lE501Tios.George Brown'a bombig Feuicrelion iteso- Oui motion of NIc. Perry, sodse-d otos(vhicis ar e sene ihely le ire bruýt rMr. Vain, tIse comitteeo Sn strecis nisoUp> ansi proposes Ihul herester nochstsile improremenslsosere usthoîlueci 10 uviens a s-ote on u Mliinceiai mensure uiait he able sues net axcecdisg $30, ferthie improse- te displare theu seeeiuig tisut eembees meurs of streuts aus si ulewalsks, a correct oftes vole fer bisthue-y do ioot approve, occunit te bocisept of tIse sne susorder jîsi te keep liea in power. IHo visîsnto that tIse nussoîsl misy lbe duiieseu1uiuithy nubstirule direct vaies Of vusul of conifideuce betvuci the Wards intire gesierul oppro only nusrocousos f gelting nid of ebneoxîo's .prisios tIse prscriot Je-su. rairrs und It dont linson but lue niaovlbu On îsotion tif Me. voie, lIse Mayrc ssriglît. Tise CÇo isitiiucr of (Crow Lanusi .instrsetesi tri iolify N. G. IReynoldis aussiliosbranglit bus s billbus the Upier flousse, Jasmes Wallace. ro stop nuis elisole masde viuiels bus aiready golnilrosîgi a secondc y ditiemos Centîre Sret; uand uiit if ilise maling, thse objurl of uhicb is te ansesu sine vere sot flird up sebîhis six uays,the tIse prceure in his Di-pistesenl respeeisg 1Corporation senuiciproieced 10 do so ossi dispseediclaimes undicter imupoctant Mat- .lholsiRaisi Reynoldss astI Wallace uabie for tees. UsIder tire systeus inu foec, nov lise tIse expenue eiserc<uf. Governor in Couneil te decide silons uci 1 Os motion of Mc. Desper, sereusled iy lSins, ans1 useli d<toy nusi uissuisfoçriesu Pecry, consent va givlu 0ailose Mr. foiiov. The bill protides olat tise ot Bigelose te excorate asdri rois em ttheci iaissione-c lubuself uilIlave uisiri-uytos usr of iis prruiosed buisdiing on Paunis dulatoc i ndtisn if parcheso are disiis- Street, alun te oe-rîpy one thîrel ef île Su. ied, us appcn ai uobcIsmside to tise Esc- fer bsilding porpeses, slile thsceibuilding e-nire. if thua bill passes busnes s i te vas in course nf eecrion. T'ise drolin 10 Crp#n Lund-i Office viii bie grectl>' fisililtt hoe mutin ucler tuhe dire-ctionscf uthe comn- end cimuch of this- uenieuen at presee1t mittee on sirce-i nu im1,ucreuente. uxperbenec in cstablishing -isse&c.,wl Oui motion cf Mr. Perry, secondd Iby lie neoideci. Fcstecdusy in rIse Asesstil Mr. Bras-, the Tressre; "misasîhocizeci there vas snime shsow of life ou tise motiouu wo place te lise creelît of the Scioei iaru-ciof tuSe member for Laimbtn uslis relurns lIse aira of $1,000 for the vent, 1860. of tise mnieisi cellccted by he tIcCrowis On motion of Ne. ulraper, tise Trtasic- i.undsOilce front hoidees cf los uurisg lise er vas astheord la psy A. Cimeron, lest Ilîrer ycaes. Tisoe ar trinsi tc Chief Constable, $6 75 resti ozpenscs- of maise il apipertlînî lira Gesenumest .bscying an inant ieiaegisg te a d-tilute bai ben oa sissi io aoei 1girl. efaccoars, andi mode aucli a picture of tise nvB-ru'c TO itEPEAL nByL-"w e. 4, (nEL.t-lINO cenditoan of tIse veatltisal, reaily tise people Teo cSs-RUCrIOISt0%nSIDEîou-îs&Co.) ef Quebe mnsmt hou-e sspposcd yous vece nesciy ali buntrnipls. Be rosa ansvered M. Pecry ohtisijcleave lus isîocee by John A., viso representeel iim us han- aisee y-iav, ta preide foc tIse rensevag iag gene about preauring up tise cruelt' ef aneo froue uldevulk-u Le., andI repealisg e1 ie) oes iusdshriglîvmr .sections in lise nid lvlase. Thse IlY-la more esere-ifuli>' ha woîîid net if lie vere in vus reassis et lime, asi tise second rensi- paver. The rapiy vas eruislàîiug, espeeiouiy ;ing sedereci for tise next nie-eting. ieilu-star bsulneofteppe 505-htSilitT vîxs. viich GCenereî'et resociiy agreed te pro- Oe motion cf Mr. Pecey,,a reslotion dure Oint no landis Sudl bren ctreiei for pueul irstnscting tise Tces nia esm at of payaieunt bat tisaI on tise coutrur>' 1copy of tIse pinicul lin- toecrisiftIse par- lisece- parties suera nabins te me-et thse isens ms-ita listeris. soiu e dt ley linusiot broc molotcd. Ser- SM. Perry inioi iuig the moies esen- ecusi otiier unrubers indiignaistly deniesithue rtaineci tee ey fueobie resait soieShie existence of thue alegeul miser'anusil htie 'printbng- of th isut Sud elce-sdy producesi, leîuencr cf Messis Fcley anîl Mctlougiuii, ;resliing euen more hashie coutil hSove as- aho ouppoctee tise Olsi Cana, rouisi nol tueipsoe. Hlilustrateiut ntomaie engris os-et a geuseral epudiotion cf hSm cuit ini hisse a numiser of peneons vho neve-r tiiet fsrssualpepris. AftPr tubs Mons. Eu-1 1they oveol a penny foc taxes te tise Town, gene Urget Pillie?, - sho se ass-its ises lhey saiv their naousas on tue lot, Boîte lIst vinrer vith bis ceccntriciîie-r made tiseneikcsswsry inoiricu asnd founci moee in cossfonrnity vith pmreolouis tire lum suie 5ourse-ii, Me. Vast-oiguuet illIco- fuir plis:if liv consenut for £41 :18lîc.- lues-c ilsu esy tssfutiiibilteo wt il 5e fsrtleIsiL. J Ywliiisii, fuir ptsiutlit; W. I.1111 more effective .'sdmiçnuisinaiof tifue('monslisg ife-,-scsui. Inunse-tiite execssios. L di.ds.Os Moussus>'itIvurs re-ndla seceutul Lutiu: ci l iurke-Vedicb foc plsiuiff lime und olta i't rsameip u& c01suustttue Is>'ccols cil£208l18 3d. Il. J. MscdseiI, andc passe-s iufte a linn>' debole-. Tist billfuir plaivrsif; 1). hhtlitine for defcssait.-. su-buensabe tIse- Cusmiuinrsetus deide at iiiiiiedis. uxrcntotm. once suclufte opeesosus invisurigatisn of Llichs-k e-il raDonaeldson,-Verdict ~Li sispusieel inteas, andsitliii nsîiciputed forcPlus s iff fuir 38 Ils 7d- lseedisote lîsot usuueh gretrr sespattrimmill lureitier ursecuii. W. B. Tremayna for plibutitl'. cisacucteriue the precendings uf tisa iSpaet- il, .ons-iifis e dfendusl meut. i. ,,rtr rs ringlc-Vrrieit fuoeilain- luon. Mc. Allen ni Torno apassacci ali tiff for cri1:3 $ld. tniusediule exe-cutil is tIesasse Iliaseise ougit asecondsurendl - W II. taisiyne for piaitiff N. G. ssug to-davr esu tainaîdî5i sit-ire puen- I lumnos foc-eiant. ih.thuie y e-oufieuimsemst iii tise I'niui.itissyre lg s iCle.-Verdict fisc for plain. so-st aslla curr nas tiltisher frusiul PUlbiieiii£5-. ;rli- S. B. Fairbaînks Plaint- or lrisute ais i sihost it ru s oruus sur fui ,r - M-lbunus isc oeht. ruse su-nons, aussidisisu' .,tise- du-isue IL usine Lynuf',îiu/ ratIIhilby Si-as Miii sali tinst ssimc tf tise ise-st pairtus ioî Ie-ciCollapear -Verdict for piairtiff foc £40 plidîîrtud cf ils huit treees lu>' gongs of ir- li% d. lisme-dinte execiîhion. N. G- rui)tissibie maruuu-sres, s-hui ivas isûtles Isinptnsuiff ;B. J. Siactioseli for de. ilisnus- aussi hun tise crinsinai isov contaiutot fendant. ruants. 7iess-sesn ela rst AfcKerter.-Ver- WtiieI1sus erisisg, 'IMclh-M-e-n inii dut for iuutiff foc £301su. Ilinmuediste use AssierlilyLi dsearisig sgini rre-tesute exruti(, S. IB. Fairbanks; iihaubuCAt- i onc u ndisucirgisy. ar sesu t lusne lIsi onise>iluitBilings defendonts Attor- tif uuuuuî Y. ils- -1uuo"s, i h-là-tuiiuî fu S uev. peur ce-st us tise- iigue-si ie-gîl itîe, sscndituhe hscu c e terens.-Veàdiet for plain- i.sn e-,,itsCsusdis salmsiet tus a lsuis tiff ferr uTs 7.,j (jJohunuuBillisuga for plain- sire tit I ii. tnff ;N. 1sMisfer tefendîsi. linnsgii for us ulsu>' Logir s. n.WJarren and Firbnk- ((iOXN. Tîis 'eut iil action bcaugbt by the defetud- ont l a gainsî J.IB. TWarresnundIS. ir. Fur &alaFsqires, of Oshiawa, as rvt5lLmbcltt. Tu tstecrs!'i lise Epliscopai Cusurcuubtith iPlare, fis'ont dose b>' pliitiff st lise etuîrch. Illue uefeoce vas tlîst the defuîîd. Ti thcr dilor f flic 1iiitly ('tronidie.ni,îhs dis! suemupie> tIse pintif, tlubtise - viiole juli l ise csuirclu vas let b>' castreet Si,- WIen leur Piossfrie-.i. !iiirîui, l Mese- Kises-usa nd se>' for pubtiin the traveclig nuse-Isi sitiseIe l >isili ledoeul se h tuiirelce oi 3nuc 1,î the ls, aid that tsuapiniflîI'ils inurd ueInSuscib fr Vlpoy 1v he centructors, aîîd nt Iinit pupe-e, ps-us: therufîse 41,ruait, 1I osotedefeus rlIu oclr lutne i->'ssd Ise re-fuiidd.- tVilh tIsh lotsTe l. Bei*I us cube-i lseiulrietu n sd flseî 1 ,aea h IraI dtsrtnseiu,' eee-ryiu,s 0eg est us tmouîlî as Oil. Thse pple- sons hi be-1 a Cosutppuun- coe ni voîur liv tseurriloos Tus-mm affaire, lite DoreituS uRuPI)nfem, ce- reenwood's Tiuseý-r.No ussisionsiandere, drt in- uedors, cilfoul f.gseholtorscpillr e>'ussn ands eliiscruiciei, s-cru e nbu'adusittesi àMe-.-Beachs sas 'a gentiemas and a s netlar,' ad ucernedsucna carouine. A Sceaci Cesunly poîbu' sus u e t ise sid. A ces. peetablie (cussy Organ s-aslise --andod e- jerI; th 1ereult s-nhave. MY>'37J cents, ans! dineuc atoIse agusutise-uses b, are pieper ise hois ture, lIgrill My mone>' andi dnne-e. îlot, roTs tise ralrkmaou tie 4'1le-n sriatsintIse nsshilsofetthe Ceuuly.-' htitinglut h emne ta rat rohen the ugerut wsons lus ni. Tes liear tisst Jas.i Wallace isacituse-lat n-si, liii', bonsflsf otripuci, biebellied u Cearrti,' di sacli a lttie reluisis. Lut ch14 Town tin4s' brÃŽng u lesid thrIsid Court Bousre. tracm, vutI tise galisoat 4caPlie ad lise rei1n.un te or etrant. Dsl Ossua aggytiig tv.r utslis ea gusA-. 'leu lisera 10 Uhe nisali uimcois ""ac, asi d t ieate - mesbic sebaume vhipplgs et gentleen -ofaIWbhitiq » Beoc-Àija.Wiseul dieu lism e nmm fmrn? Set th iseuan tise rat,lebo i ù, singer &ieÀii Yia, mais hepon Offce taveuslgatiae! Fise'sutui.,agMng"is slintIff f, isîl,. N. G. Hbamifeu- plantif. t. J-. lis u fusedefndant, hlead e- Lamrecuc.-Vardiet fer plaint tif £3,à - q,. N. G. flam fur piloif. ,reIfor dfrndiusl. ujiIi. t ai s-s Boser.-Vcrslict for pliiliu TI J. Billlinga toc plainiff. A le Cou- focrclefesdat. Gruause- r, Migoisr.-Foesiiltfor pintullf, 1 7. W. H. Tramayne for pliiaiff. (]0. lia for defesiiant. Rasa r-, 'sisu-Velrdiictueorphaiti, $139 G'.. issa forr hkinliff. .J Ivlafs lifor isuidt. 1 1 Wisitliy, Marai 14, 1810. 't5 Coli1 cpeudst aI9 oCboc titis moring. ilsBo0mar, jaclge lîunim, presidlug. . lacites, Gco,] biaisxi, Euc., J P, antIJ-s M Wiico, u%, j P. à r s r. DmdeWne.-ItepladO lu-sue. is isfendanti h Iscae a u O-Si tise gooss, r propeoof tisa platiffla Se arhses, jthse propert>' of Wa. *W, LewsuMore-i,, tathar ai &m. isderisa -,citOtt" e plantf claluai! thea gode es hie Os-n e-qurt>' . vediefbs-âelhs lult, alegis> <raid bols-a.fatior andsn- IL.J- Wiiiu for- ief.dmel, N.G Ha tor plaietillT Xirmnmc j > riogga-ne me: lion le thmis-au lW"s-eghts10ha noe-a $116 Aoutlf om m ea' geO5 .Tise defoiti. alirs10teha"-n - pPut OM th The Quecu vs Lau,-ie Von Sicd1ffr- Flue prisosuer inti llecasa sua icet] str* barc rages i vuste-ping a dbsudrl lieuse. Fise fouios-ing is tIse isdieteris ther ruse. Ci5515fuiisyorirso ITui um itunr lAd%* hIurQs ilia ,r frs.-uiit t ysuu r'sl..s-isusi1 u disver s- tuilu, d tr str omsii.i ltes Ie-eds hduniiilsIsib.suiè te yi-su usr li1t U tuc Ti.uniuilt.i (l- ue i île,-CPIIIIIY o<t55' LssseoVous tirt5e-r sîli ui5n k"leep sude-toti e . eruhi lusuu thi.e lreul ai dhbSis imà dd ae. a isseuuuiscnireuulahdels,i si5 5lsceiii [m atri sid lae Ieb othrc s-ad iteuii& se- 1. slie nd Iob 0& ulld-muots luéuS it«lu Ile u5gass > su-isu- is iluu -ehrsuiple t4ult iht-s "a le i hlpair>' ('tif8,Pacry Brown, ansil lisigSt, s-are witeessua in tise case- Tlue priseserwvas feunci gult>'. ll ffl< te ose enotheisumprioaaitent 1inl Count' Gaoal. 7%/ue Quesn r "ri n-WL' eaut. The parties aetthid the carn court. Tise plainliff, Fralice,, ndui5 fessait vora adusonisisid b heos~ pruimiaelin opes Court la tu bes eat ta break the ueace in tatus-e T/uc Quer e s- A.a.JffAgu id amulut.The lodictusent la tItis cisrgitise pcisouer wvih icommiwW felenleai assaulî apou Johnsa MI il Dea vertai, on tise 14ls of Fehnarul . cm ase carepbyno(ay aif.àped tlt lfagidmleaue e aioe. Tise fônloal evience-oaithe praseetr. JohanMIcr«a ussiai do. W beamiertons, et Glavor'a isol un tiie1 offFelir>'. Wl.12t in te Iic& fe lErGdllivrsy-. i e IM!tolaliuI8sg l tus àeGllilny-" &M ta bi> .ym1 Peieer nappedi11P "s-bat Isumsin ainit of<yeeiIl ibat of hvmek yoar- -d mea*f- I s as tW s âh1101107OW* ad,0sleàl3rs Itr afler Laving delivceiled etu sivea 'tIheY ailow tisiigs tO 90 blii lethOS furor tttempitadtulicadelayà. 0,5 ý Oay elening lut, lu tis-a' uinlsly, t Poolusailnr GentrAË4,eesoltion la favor af grassiisg au idceasdaulsidy ilu tise Can- dian, Otclisi teallsallcaie Oi, ansi aithsugh Meses.~rl5Vn bs0i0,Wisoo ld osa or t»o àetu,êi--iôwOL a turilyansi. çren defi. onul poin t îiey diii ast prolofg thie debale beyosd rehooaisilIoutîslis. :18sthoeeluise of theo doctission, Mr. l3rowns ipuenc.3 te, s,,iatliet îlougit il Tory wrong ta suiio ietoontry iris son inressoolbusdc ofS4lG.Oti vitlii5t ficut isçuiring r.igîillly onto tise farts as asl.ncell isy hie Minssc, as te tise ineceuse f Doceson postage <emasci from the Foreign mas o&r., &c. Mr- Onî'tt iok hius up sndsaii uiehacositinot iiiov tlago le tise country, Ilsat il vis propuseel te anu usaI sen1te epublie huetlens. for st r>esl va epais1 titi5Cois- psy$220.,000 pCr uosnotusand therefOe we.4taiAWOg ay Êt224 1 ibrd fehy; 1ideciara, thes melIisl sud-I roc TIIII ceriainiy in fnt a rat-1 bitwy ne, it _ mugt lie a alunk lu i enh .1,eiowhe samels! autIBnd o4 Idt ore heie, ve don't *ani the be Ci tiemiisi gii ilborhoodI A fo g IistIs n isle firat, 'and the1 jjjfifl 5y8 th cc'r own stirlls, &e."i "iserdena tai, 11mw their owso lofer- 'le i tsSiiîor.n-C h.I ilbsoiiî llie er aktiontia lias just roïdla W bsîud, it1ue 'cTOvostisk" l i's isi M.Y ces DOW it. omelis. Buy 2240 lb. te tise toii; Pont Office investigatios i 1 Co)ustl ýûtBliuse and qçommou sriîool -ot .s od ..kinig, whlipping, pit, ras ant stand it. 1 am a gônçp- thiislîcuraouitI eshybue c$16,0u0. NIsr. Fu Brownsi ocre very fcui uina, tellitise CRERONIAN. erer andI remualieu Iis vords. Mcr. FoIe-y .8 hou-oser. roDu!udIsre ilthtithbc eGlltrac>t PicriislittMti>i 13 hall bue beoisasb>' Ibo eonsis,au o itlsser- tie ehicIs dis iimsno cedit, astI seiieislie Yb hIrP,,ditor iifthe Chromfc!e. v joluuguisiviy baîssiedc, vIesit o-us -ciues-îtirnun.ceupns 1ud flot b this nnp canti uuldlllny sgie tiiliig tise-y hal uuuiesalates, tIse Tryu- ee k-lnvlgCeot it> - te-ictiedintn îsuunsgeîoehit brOllglttiup oeue of tisle r esselate Port. of Ouas ic tuîu fulcs.'Te Asihirs ah- ,and. Tise coîrduct cf NMe.JiMn Sonrfill stsrac ancdist s exîinditure-s for MuDclonnisi, andi is i buediohe frlontIs, nîcos it155., 5>5 - elcor, ccrdlii&4leoandselvuluibie do- lit fise eootrust vitis bit o f ihe pure Ciii s mnnt.As> one- isterusttul, Ibe-gTers- -iosnsl Mlucim inlidet-for lue soici,iSterli to suir Csuîuity T easurer, Suili- ilis n vos> raIlie*imera otîurese sener mis -'irs sucIeurseif, t10lnisalt fsioîg tIse enterprise b>' elelsy, osa nd ht tisughie. liculelUsc 151 4d tbotnglutil TiglitîltaIinc1utrysnytiuuIlstk- scurepu-u tlie s utssof $406 ca sn $4s place, yot il vus suere inupnhan te oesýerre in lue bandus of lite Trenstirur, nut lise cesnvicine, ulsot Canîada, 1uld iostyinsfur -iris1usrtIiuiir iiete s-aore tiOSc portion cf ils coîifie-u"ie-lushie lisse-, inus1liscetîîi IhItaiiiie-1i iotserio intheO tsliglite-sI ie-n ai umisar. lieu-i 75ide-spridrd in relIsisg $500 cshsgit, ilshle- o fgisiiu tsp. l'lue efp-ipr ,clr uoeusitl, B3t1sseub Cosîiitee- rose amudireloncd he ls-resotuticîsil~ion. i>1 ibiergua sukrn"is nisieh iseIcled ianimasusl gressutitiste Sss- iflii 3.4 nonSiIîerFsu- treal t,]u-icge oji uciisy, os e-snciiil of Tr"e esc-I su 1it I )e-retluc-l, 1859, 5 i îisnir exteidiag teir lisse bu- sulinisriuse sîstiu sosu Isuge- e th Ie crettit ci thse Congos- Coule-, Isolise Sîciti eof ;îisînî, frontu tv it the .àist ? A tcuîusty By--isusa 5-ss mucids nuis uruiiiie osporcadi sue-r the cois- su roliani- .riil lieode-loiteii t thIslisut, une-unt, and lfroein tbis coiiegubs trihaEurospe sussut1sup, iiitsu usade by c cieslur. %ihislfinas arfr Iruoing e-buler ssoe.- id 11 Ilscinsti, sceaus, isit J.iiry. 5fr. roons linsi soros. tiat tuis epor lsrrsi -us1te nor ceîit rs5, i.7,> 8, lît- M.Bon fusioetatdi cr e-sli. Iise rfuir a reply. lunt reccireuion 1tesy- îi.ts in rille-iittW0111.1 BROOIK l.i coese p, biut elsîlil it e t1i comsstit lui pus-ostiii 1h NMare-h 18601. a% Consuuujtecof 19 oseusiersto l e t is s. liquiries lue linasuspuises of. - lis olsijet Il-Quiuutec Seso-siouis. saici vas sot dela>, hut lue vasseci o piutivv usc,11h 5l tSe. moueouonrecrdcil istlic diiiouit tinkirut'Mrh .0, 80 irighil 1e vote aaiy sue-h iarsci unis ii5i- lTise --it cf Quarte Sessiso nsi suit previesîs isiqsiey. JMonî A. Mcioloil Ctiuysurt oir f Outariis, cîsedu t the- ssid dotlsith i l slis asjre-h, lic sughlursit l-s-se- utt tweun c ulorS tubs dsuy. - ho allsve- te isuit lis meîisus-wiih tise liii hIc, r Jusuge Bamara poresislisg. ('eo. - speakser bad risicc oui ef arde-if ho wiencitmuhoe- . Ji.., l'~and J. S. M. IVil- ailoun uie suspenîsionssifte m-ie- rcos,I-ein ex. Eu- . J. Il., ussociates. tise rereproiou of tise report, aussiq uitleelins luorb ei sÇ rsîd.iors iisrin. besu roI indulgce fie lis nînu motioun, lie- coulî caliés o--r, the fsilssuissg gentlemen as- îlot weli refisse i lu s isi udoeraciesi, os lis u-ered ;, surir %saines iandul snrrqsrn. vos put sud Ii.- i..îud tust finrte recels i- Boiden, Fescessun. lie of thie ru-pusur, nie-n e-uslui isît tsoh 'usamusN, Wsiiy W.But be-eusrecrcidfuir tes Lays, urus c.-tried ou I-iMim.[1Cisctil h; Wn.Boinoes, once. I ,c ;1> Il. lidily, lînueS ; Win. Ourdusi. Cl5nniiies lui lisrssiriSieci&., 1 csuseri su :îJame-s 0. . Ris>, W i S . Csstceols(t-e errîset i ls.'lii, tiile Iii -lersît-. Ii(Ie-rillsgiChlessna hiuus>isu, tîsiîe-cfrIc- >1ptiionclurs-c sutuns-al' - Is tlit is lilu tuîe-adli ;Jas-. Ilour- in-, tise- virlins Staisdilig i iii ha5laitdemi,IW lit ; inu. Jsîusstaî, IScost ; W t. rapirsu iie >s-rusns cf ue ~ .eisu*tee .ssu, ) ;lu JohnluisuC.Mitcheli, Picesein, cii Pulic Aceois, sussulturelOppositisn t 1lisM sisset, îWutîriy ; i n. Nelsont, .Seoui; tise nisis>' cf soulte, sudilucs-e-cret jisy cr Jasieis NS Sith, Wiby ; .iusuSumith', siues-sii- sis- e-ieuscILt'Ilieslanni- >ieut ..ISusiba- Josephu Thlutp- o f tise- ue-sie-n foîirrsustrs wssut i iin s>o-uî, Shlieu i.. lthe otîsr. Me-Irssile>' (ît renutiv u'sciied sn I rondl rai] cnts sesîs -oi thinssilo % h00 bus4tisuCUNTY COURlT. Mer. hren's sure lbe ihseci, buse tIse un-oo. wn mre giveii tise feîloieig lion allr de-bate nsu lost 57 uu 50. lPue-. case-s. lis s issue stareci nus> 5e-fuis- o van. Thiiss l>e-rîc ra ilîai.-Vnrilie-t for piuiurtiff se s sui lam owta tise ltlcl Prmsiere,huit o ill for £64 ', Sol. N. (0. hum, attornie-yfon non, aAs ul i s5u5s ire minsi texipertto 0pitifflt innsoite execouuins. rcop. e1sA-e 1r--tii e<cr.lsuas - nruse tâlxine for plaiug ff . G. Ra nfireu, *!ira, î Tiseplain i laim1 p> *4 thàt tise plai tiff w- hot hieoL'but , aliowedb in, dfedat l'Oie .rnce veitfor p*linhifor 1. ' R. Trieas eofor Ilini;Jo, ,slte y R. J ýilson for defersdott Pliclan vr. Brown.-This ei0 brouglit for, cecovery of thse aioâtO1e tIcIli t fuir £50i for anlouos rot lue is4 ferred In pliîiif by il. E.IbOý Wùe defetidllnt, liat fr 111,qsc l dtii it. . È l3rÉ lîîrlerda isoe fini pbintlf oII toileot . asi~R for ao siiîiilar amoltihi, lj agreed bclweîo plainti iasl t1 dit if Brown coosucitolect the nêO;icf Diordrisha mgîs havehie ose if k money -,or 6l Oniis autliercet;& thai if ho could net colle porte ;nQ tIses B. E wes liaIt ta Ct ý ctI e , isisir iti î li , tuion. For îthe d'eluil Il wus coheîildthot tule.tronsac*IjO5 1 nItogeir 0nue Iseloeen tie Plaisuifutad& i.. Browns, astiLot wiîh tIse ona Vta t the lime the transaoction loul. 1pî' tie partnersiip wsnodissolved,aned UthPil receipi wsossigneci by H. È. licosotfor E. Browîs & Co., aller tho dissolotion.~ Jury alter an houes dclihcruîioo, bsooll is a verdict for tIse pluioliff for thecli srosst claimeci, £59. iR. J. lsor;f,, i0. Ham coroîîsel for deredant. J.,;Ai.oîi.-McG'eeAippellsmuî n. lor and Corrssal, R&spodents.-.o1 risse cuse up 0is apprai frous WM. Dog0 Coq., osîder the utasoer asersaotiad Tise reopondeîîis wcre Owoers of oaiiscesbiir1 machine, nd Ogreed tb lhrcsh pojsse sir for nppellitnt. Afier tlsoy bhallierloruol the usevice, epllellulit- refusei b pay gý deuissoso l, ereupons lie uppelloot tiroisiit befise Uicesîmagistrale, Mc. lo, vhs altcr liesring hie evidence sili ides, sidrcirdtue sppliais tuispsy for tli work donc he liserepndeîiîs us ilreoîý thîrsebissg. Mr. Bl J.Wilsoo oppeomd,, tse part of the uiîPcllillri, n'id 2Me. Iil. Micoelsli to Sorsotise colîsirtior. tec argumsent Isy roi oidcousîsel on ' tsitico, tise court sideci dtiat lise cunvci nuh51 boc uiiied, 55 tise Justice badl, jurisdictiss iniitise rose traiterctUie Mal, and fervîît 0net ; soui lthülise prssperîs boaiwsusthe Disvisi*on Court. ihir rcouclocird tise court busiiss. TIse <Grand Jury mosde the folloins. PlileSENTMidNT. "T'ie Graond Jury for our Sovereigu îtk Lady the Queen, is od ur ficthe Couuis3il Onstorio, upon iheir caiols pecueut.", "B1eg lease to scîsoco us--foilovo: I uipon astolirt exansiitos of the juil ssdil inniiil, frous lise perfect cicuolieso uit goosI order of esery part of tue jsee'ui tise iigiscFt 1rlnis s]lise toe l slioriti ii tise diseiiaîe of tirir dues. Tl, oece higisly iieases lisfuil luit o feirp sssuicO seotisiti ii tise juil, tise No, ls osly 8-7 males siid1 ifemole. Thec rie ihi-y are iisargrîi uiîh istus folîoss Lsiceisy, 1 tbseiileeiig liscrtsdiur, Iwri nss, 1inluqsiir, 1 keej)iii lieuseiof illtisor liii>'tiik ihisojs sin îmt cnnt ccime 8Jks1îossi-iifercthe Coiiisy" "Tishe flronel Jisy-sosse of o-hueliait travoelled ini counsg bore, a distansce of oc cu isundsrtiti ileî-osidcr it a liuolh4 io ci iecoiuîielied lu disasorut tiseir 00 it s pirisse, andi do liseby exprreiltîeir asite isiiesit st tise actio of the Couitt> Ciou cil, in doe iriviiig Ilires of iheir rmil-g, 0 psud tsi suris ou ]riteoccuuiooa ;and ced lies%- res1sist the upiion of ihc courts tri tise justice or lcgslily of the ty-lad' tise Counsy Coulisil oî1s tub subjeci.' Foreeaoo "Gransd Jury iiioi1 W'hitiy, (Co. Osîtorbos, Mioccisli1, " 1 Ilis Boîor iii diseisurgiîsg the Grand Jul ccsisrlscd tpoîs lie hisscliip of couipclliil GirandciJucors o tsattendsi iithoiut resussl ties. Tinat hoibui ocrer hoard isefer tise hy-iow pauseiisy tise CoonlyUCou11ci; and ilist the sebole Jury systeus ecs1su lu bc omeiscid. Fuît it vas rery veos lu couspel mcii to coule ihure a distance il riss hsuiciros miles -sn tise publie busirAs li hi w On exlsi-.e Mr. MîIeonell addrceedthe court tO leliningthuit it wsus sscithe, actioni of tk Coiity ('otiocil, whiicli lîd depcived Gssld Juortes'cfrtiscir puuy, but tIsai of a bidbu body-the Pirliaiscot. It vas tiese Iulti ansin b bist vsece the Couîsty Coascil W~ theo psower tisey pumses a by-iov, Alloil!s isleage lu 1peit Jiscors, iii rases lunebisi inilcuge wsnîot liecotufore aliowesi. ma our Collector is a favorite. An(l while 1 ýl

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