Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1860, p. 3

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~- w. FOIR YEAIR . FMpING it on band as pc itAu dt: 14 86 B4ceived as >aaco aes for 18589........... ....87 47 Non-ruldent Tex.............. Ciergy Reseie fandt...... ... Pound.keepetu lnems.......... Prom Collectr as Taxes fo 159 For sbep T.cense, ..... .......... por Tas'er Licenset.. .0....... 241 12 2 10 4200 00: 70 00 800 Amoimi aidConnty Treaauie,,bMmue of taxes for 1858;- John Suier, Eqt'LS- -" Trustées'ucfl8a carté...... " For postage, Pintiuy1g and StWionary, ........ 6 As rettirned Tazesp.r orerF6f Couneli............ u< For Ronds '" -u, " To Scbools, apMcal asempent fi15..... 66 County- Treasure1ý (Oounty-Rafffl) feir 1859,. .. As salaries to Councfllors forls%........ 64 -W "-"to tlerfeers ..... -... n utdo - balance for*1851 i6 Receiver General m- Liseuse Rtèeeue ............ Balance ln bauds of Treasue..... Balance in'bautds of Treasurer,-...................... Balance gnt collect*rs taxes for 159 ........... AMuunt returned on Non-resident Rellu teoounty Treasurer. Balance of Non-regideait fond fer previcits, vears againaKt C0. Trcaýsu'rt Baance of arrearus of Taxes agauitt tli,ëe ý a-uîrer of the Cod'uty o<f York as appeaua by hi. isitemeut,... ....... .. ........ 192 Ol 862 '16 89 82 $8822 84 LIABILITES. Duec County Trenaurer for Taxes.fer 1859, ......................$8 6à Collecter fer sli>"............ ........ d Mr.B.. Piank taxes(errIseamn) . .. 66 IL XeFarlane fbrseetgjreaer15. ... 66 Roid ?omiisioners fer wôrk conltracted,............ ~t Sebool secion o.7,balanceet apecial ~ts " Bain for atationery, ..o.......................... . 85 00- 19-20 O Ol $578 45 Wé, the undersi gned à iïtors, for t1ico Oorporatioui of thc 'Thwnqiip of Uxbridge certify that; we hive examined the Trea- Surer's books and accounts, and that the above is a correct Abstract of the Receipts and Expenditures, AssLts and Libiif0,'U to the 3lst December, 1859. rs h len Cho -ROBT. SPEARS, Treastîrer. -tbeo1list cf the, sterehnesafer field ertiliery increasing te number cf batteries cf lu- -fautry by creating tbree new regintonts aud Mie re-etablisbitîeit o f artillery trains4. The MÃ",uteui cIao itubliihes the pro- gramnte ef Lb.. opeuing of Lue Legi-nature ou tbe finit cf Marcb. IL also atinoutîces tuat the two Meorish dcputies ari-iveul yes- *terday at-the camp cf Mrshiai O'I>onneîi witb a view te propose an interview be- -tween Merahal-Ot>oiîcil andi Mulcy Ab.- bas, and the Minister Kattetika on the lpai-t or Merecce. This iîtteview tank pla-e on the rond Le Longers. Theit ltpîointt dia. cussiid wes the coccupation of Tetuan by the Spanitîrdît, îvhiclt was ebatiiittily ob- jectd te by Lbe Muerx, wltcreu;îontIàrslti O'!onneil was on thte pointtof breîking up the conféretnce, but tnt the reqîteat cf MuIcy Ajbbat it was coutinuad, witbeîît lîowever producing any resuit. The Moors asked for a fotrther delay, wviich was refuseid by blaraitO'I)onneli, mwho declarsd tht. truce te Io terminsted. TheiiaMarshaI returrtud te Tetu#n sudliînmedittely sent" for the poo commander cf the Spanish navali force, in oi-dur -Le concet witlîh it iirelative tLe Iur- ter active olterstieuts. Tie.dolinite rephy of Austria te te En- gIish proposition for the settlitunt of te Stilian question. ia issucl. Re"sons arc givent wiy Austris a ntit accelît Ettglanîd's propositi as s basis for ait arrangencuit. A Paris elegrittcoufilnis te Statent -thit Russa and Prumsia lat] joiuud utnut îTprosalt fer a citferenceof te lve (Great 0I;ç- eil$e -- Nogcciati&nm betwoen-tiîp posters ou tlue iLslien question wene, iL u%'ns s,îid, beittg -rapidly carried osit.tttru Tho urgniiiztitiett of Veultiunils e itaini eltraneous to Lit e ngoCiatilita bu tweeni tbe'poerA, but ielittîiperor hyaily inuitttinl ahi the promtisus cf Villafrantca suid if Lbey hatve nt Lbecit telizerh, the ' iuvit eaui ciy Ibc attt'ibuted LteLite Italian ----revoiîtitinry î,arty. litistitin cofîîinuts hersli to te exprea- sion cf lica contviction that te re-esab- lisltîitent cffLite fortmer dyrnsaty aîtd ite ~- realilatien cf te projeet of an Iian îtcuti- teulerathen, woukh titmîcitbetter guaratitue tc future of the peltistia. 4 5QIttAT IttitTAIN. In tleIlieuse 4f COuinons Mr. 1d- l k ciffed the attenitin cf Lb. Ifà,litic Le a heti- tien coîuplaining of a iîneditutcd brvacli of peace botwoon a lritiit isatiject andi an Amorlean citizent for Lite sa îtieddbahi- 1pionaliilp ef Engind, anîd amkwil wietber te (JovernuitiltaU1L14 LWut#44f9ny iataps -tea çit down the fight. ý 1rG. C. ~lewis sald the sutbject huid lfsi u nder theê notice of the Comiiason- Orebf Police, Who wouini Lku stops Lu r peeuhtthe, flélt witlîli tho bMtropoliLan Police, district, but apedocud ttc yen as te the eteps whîciu sould bc talion oed that lieut. lthe f-louse of Lords Burl (1rnar'vott caled attentien e the statuinent that Spain, lu ber propoed condition of peace se, Morecce, denîanded an extentitin cf 8Spsniah terrltory ini Africa, and asked if tie Gov'erumenthad any notice cf titis de- arusfrein the original decdaratioQ of SiLn dWobdhouse said the Governint had been inferîned that Spain'sgdeîntands aore a large indemnity for expensucs tueur- red iu numerous commercial advaiîce sud extention of territery.- The cstablisiino f a PRomian Catholie -- Bisbep at Fez, and the amuission of a clip- lomatia agent at the maaute place i report- ed. QuèecuVictoriabcld te second] leve of tbe scason on the 94tb. Captnin McClin- -teck, commander cf the lasL Arctie equdd- ron 1 was preseut and received te bottercf Knightlioed. 1 SPAIN. The Moorish bas lunte battlc cf Lthe 4Lh -was estiîuated at 1,000 £ho Arabe, upou thoir defeat, comit-t ,t et) gieat excessec and ceuld net bu re riin- cd, altbeugh sixteen were put to death oui thue spot. .Letters affirmthtithLie Pupe had recciv: * cd a communication' frein the King of fiardiula, demoustrjiug te imipessibility cf Lie rottent of LB c Umbrian nmarchecs Lo Reine, and proposing a treaty of cession The negativA reply of th.ePepQ Was ceuched iiu the strengeet terme. The steamer Louis, bound Le Marseilles, had frntndered lu the Mediterrattcan an . tut '5- "t 's ~ fifty persons were drowuad. MARRIRD. IAÂRRS-GOItDON-At te residettcO et the btida's father, on te 7thi mat., by Ihe Rev. A. Kennedy, Pickering, Williatm Hiartia, Esq., Montreal, son et Lhe ROev .Hlarris, lata uiister et the parisb ef earu Forforahire, Scotland, te Jatie. se Couddaugiter cf W. Gordon, Js.e 66Bajuidu Whitby.- IIENTERON 1UTlWrLlBY LbC Rev. John 1Hunlt , iitby, Matrdi th Mr. Richard 1-luderaont,-te MUiss Anti Rutbweell, beth of tic tow nsiip of Mat'> borough.'1 boro, te iis El izabeth Pherrili, of Whbit- by. PIIIPPIN-COXALL-By the sanie Marlî 7tb, lMr. Nicholai' Phippin, of Pickering, te Miss Thomasina Coxali, of WhitbY. W1IIITtI l AItKIiYI" -CiluuNmuIL,%OFICE~w, Marcli 15, 1860. Tihis weeks market an far bas been wel attended, and pricet; hid generally advan- ccd until the news by the North Amnerican bail transpiredl, which caused a decline cf 2 or 8 ets., Our faruters une dubt are ta- king the advanttage cf the gond roads, which are btter tait usual at this asen of the year, to6getiter with high prices. The deliverina are far beyond te expecta- ions cf buyerg, %Vu ntay quote prinmeFail Wheat $1 38 a $1 42, as high ,as $1 45 was paid to-day in Lwey instances, comuton cf which there iw flot inueliefferýng, te santpiegenermlly being very fine, %$1 20 Le $1 30 ; Spring %lteat is noL su ilentifttl, vary frein $1 02 dil 07 ; Puits active ut 50'e a 60c; Uats dîtil, 30c a 33c; Fiowver-saieg 300 bar-rels $5 fur superfine, no other grades oflering. flitto-Spritîg. $1 2o to $1 7e. leur $51 @ $il. ?Ulta, 56c. a 60e. Baeriey 50C. a 55C. Otint.130e 0 33C. Rye 50C. a iiOc. lin;y $10 Qj $14 7e ton. Pork 1il Lii «;75. SSlteep $:l «e $4 50. Eggs U941 01l; ïJ dnz. Fowls 25e. «0 80C. 'f pair. 'I'iriys SUebo. 0 75e. cacît. Geusu 25ce(0,15e. App1les 50e Q $1 00 %1 bupiliei. Sai t $1 21Ù «&itarrul. Cord WVood $2 00 0 $2 25 Il~ cord SPECIAL NOTICES. WV,: consider we a 1em doing cur merebant readtif, wlîe purchase gonds in forcign markuù4m, a service by oecaionally drawing their attention (o à firét clsss and honora- ble houss. At preentwe suaI onDone tice tit o lt and extoive tea im porting and grocr%,' Itôse of Neosri&. S. G. Dough- ty & on., No. 26t, Broad street, New York, fo1r moeyoara largely engâged in a trade wlth Canada, Mfr. J. -eiodert;on,, 1ate agslgtdtt A 1't of the Watertown atd Roe iai1 road, 1% now passing threugh Canada West. as re- presentative cf tite bouge. )Ar. H. isaa Young mai, cf excellent mercantile abiiity and plcîtsing mnanners, and, we have no doubt, wil faithfully carry out any sn- gagemuents ho Inay entcr into with cur tuercltantg. A. f. WETC~, Auditors DAVID WALKIS, 1 LIFE ASSOCIATION 0F SCOTLAND;.',.- ISBELIEVED TffATEQUALt.4DVAY7'4G)iTýOAYNOT BE OBTAINED FRO>14YY 0OTHER OFFICE. FREEI)O% FROM RE.;TRCTONS.-Tiia Policias nlow belig isseud ara ntliustasily froc frolnt Restnictions (as cutnuironly imposapi hy other compatîtest), send contier important previ- leizos. Titusa rélate te o an ea1/ fPrffl',-aisaiciitaLi o- f Re#id«ncé and Ocoupatiom,-Mditar!l and NaISlerow'iu d.; and alford, lui muet cases,almogt completa pro- tection tignlit 6rfoiture. SAFEMf ANI1) IER.itAN ENCE.-TIie Association, nnw et Twenty on en Vsa' #sInu4itig, le ene eftîe tnost extenivsin dttl neeestol Lite (Offices, sud teu-i posmesses au leutetit of attîty and permanence net eoteitn u maller inistittions. RilsIC OF PARTN eRSHIP.-The Policy-holders ara wholly exempt fre ite liablilties cf partnen.bip atindlte Sente Assurer1ara gtîarante.d. PROF IT StMIlt EM ,.-A Siture cf Profim tsi t-.lld Year4,i Le every Policy-liekiar of five yeart§ stadin a tie~ricditg nuiaibalance, and le appliedi ose te roduce the prasatit outlay for bis Poliey.0 The allocations tà Peilcy-bolder4s ot the Fret Seirias, (namiely thm ette yet etttitied te Profits,) have titis yeur beeu ése inulit as 87X4 per cnt. (namoly 7te bd per £) et flite atnual îirenttîitne. ExAKptEs- 1JL 00ST ; X- -Are -c ie Ate--Agoe --gAga ($486 s) 6),. 55. 50. 4.5. 41" . * 1 25. PREMIUMS. uns stipn- £ sldl£ sld E s;di£ e d E id £ s d £ s d £ ed lâtad in I'ii 5 lu>o153 15 t144 5 OIS71 8 82i1821111 00 21 il021 Il84 SHARE F, F IFTfor 20 1 Il 112 41 18P>7 84 the YAitr ............24 1il 2 3 1 1 il10118 1 2&41 8997I l>REMIUMS TIIUS RFiii1 DUCED te ......... 40 18 918-1 Il il27 18 228 8 7 2f) 7 4 17 16 81r 12 0 18 14 0 hv pîtvmetît of Otîly One-haifthte 1reutit4 u frli rite rt S ixz ears, witlt latereeit on tite BEIXO 8 it'l ALLY EMPOWEUED hy ROYAL CHIARTER snd ACT of PARLIAMENT for LIFE AS$-VRANC'E iii tîhe CCJLONIF:z, tIte Assoeiatin ile enabîed te otter the iiame nIvaniges to Ileidetîte lu Britisht Nortit Arîcrica ases ('ontstttny whîielî li i Head ilfilcs itt <tititila. Ani, wltile th il mtîflordlitîg tacil itie mitperior te wiîat ninet otiter P.riti. h Officesi cat ofer, tiie A&%uciTIvo-4s l tOtf recent oriSin, or ot litaited busiuîces4 end reccurt. IL le uni th ie nost extentsive sud Lesuulatuonget te Britii hAt4%uriiuekOffices; ttii Policy- liolders tin t.eliritilitAmerleati Provittees ittet ite efint eoL thlarge annutai busiiteds trhaîo4ected là Greaut Britaiu atnd Irelatitl, and Lhe ample sud eonstautly accurnulating fenids, îtuw vtelglititait iIncane of ipwards oft alSO.00Oii ler sîunn. HEAD OFFICES IN BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: CANADA-Mmtreal, 9 Grea.t St. James Street. NOVA,,$COTJA, Hdîifa.v-NEW BRUNS WICK, St. John. O>' THERE 18 A SPECIAL AD VANTAGE - in Assuring before the approaclring Close of thte Book@ for t/he 2lit ANNUAL BALANCEI?- One Yetz,'s earlier Participation in Profile will t/tisb. e ured. APPLICATIONS WILL BE'RECEl VED UNTIL St/t APRIL. SECRETA1lY-JAMIES GRANT. AÇENTS: Wlithv-.J. IlAM RIRY. Bewmittivil le-lR. RUSSIL 1TOCOMBlE, Britr Ncwcesitle-SgAMUZEL Wl LMOT-. Plort h)oe-W. F. UARL>EI, Commnerciail Bnuk. Oâiliaia--AMUEL C00'IIRANE, Jr., Bîtrister. 1 LIFE ASSOCIATION 0F SCOThAND, FOLTNDED 1838. ILL US TR ATI OYM orthe: irâM w iibIiE5YT514 tD Tiz t xiF..Çs u()yAs5iANII A 8urecf rnfit lealleitedyealpte evi.ry P.î)iicy-lloid.er of flve years' standing et the prceditirte initi al"tece ud is apIpltedose a rcditea the prennt etitlay for Ibis Pblcy A PO1CY tOLDII f.~1000 'tg $ 1615), wlîe ctiitered uttiea61), reeives titis (car trountte profite, $11v..41, viz., $1,M) per $4 .of hiie ?rellitiutn- If'Ieo have participated ince 1845 ilus total raei*pte ftotn profits atibouîtt, %wîti tîturi, to ic elo istan............ 244.08 Ifit lacve pnrticipatc-d oily milice 1950, lie tuai î'ecotved........... 1481.44 If lie bis-te partivtpu1ted oilly ettîce 18,55, h.obits received................. or5.2!3 A pol.0y I FpI cf £11»0 »torlilig, who entured ut tige 50, roeeivest ti. yetir front te profits $18'.17 vi., *.50pet$4 qf ]lié§- preniittii. ifti lintve p'rtlciilîated mince 184.5, hie total reccipta tfronti 1*off% it sutit, wttit ttîtaereût, to Ii') l iu, i............. $649.1-1 If Itelio epatciatd ml ie> 1850, lie lias reccived................. 10.0 If lie ltaiia pirtieipated tly mitnce 18-15, Ilias11,2 received .....-........... 442-68 . POWJCY lIOLDEII e Eof 1Qo terlîti!, w'li' cntered ut tige 45, ruecel vs titis yenr troui the profits $47.i;0, viz., p151 er $4 of lus protinun. luf ha utve-particiPtecd mince 184-5,1îis tutol re 0.1tl.f.A ,.b.fit..,,aoillt with iiteroet. te l.o lies tItan........ ................$18t,.04 <JîAINMANUYAcTUSE5-L - Montrent If ha bave partielpatod onily mince 1855i, ha lias raeele .......... ........M8.78 0 deserveiL great credit foi- aking the lead T 11»sa Alu haveOut rit1ia 'ute tirAe nt .55ie îiîas otietdos, . u.... Lit.tha.e..t871As- in te manufaucture of etaple sud usettil ar- eurcd. (Lwli ttust uthtaeices)butt the Poliey loider lias re,îlly mejeul t/î.in uring 7ieown ticies;- under thc present high Tariff, ca l teafor ie liasubet e3lied on Lii,ù;ay -lia g itsemihlees t.11aito î ulanted. pitalc an uepm cantet bc more use- (&e lari7ePiopoî-.i'f-trepaXia. fully eunpioy (L We notice, at presant tie STE 1A PCA ADVNAG broou, umatch, psu sund wasli board mtanu- Inaiaeuring before t/te appro«Aeing Close of t/e Boolcefor t/te fatory et Itir. Austin A~dams, cf that city, 218t ANUAL BALANCE. sud are glad te aee that Our friend, Mr. Qne 7 ert' arlier participatton in ro~.I- cl hrdilescur John Hoelland, le on a business tour ft ilttrb egcrI tirougi WVeqter YCanada, as repî'esenta - 4PPLICATIOYS WILL BE JAMI E S GXRAN5T, Sp.eLy Livu c tiatestab itmet. - outreuil, 9 Greait St. Jutîîe St. Febrnsry, 1860. NEW ÂDVERTISIEMENTS AGENTS.-Whitby, J. Ilam Perry; Bawmttnviîle, R. Rtîasell Loseemba, Barrister; Newcagtle, Samnuel Wilmot; Port Hope, W. P. llau'per, Commercial Bauk; Oshawa, Misoionary -Meeting. Samuel C ockrane, Jr., Barriéter, The lien. Sir J. B. Robinson, Chief Jus- 'WAXTED. -g~~ ice, wiii sddress Lbe Church cf Englaud BOYÇSUL;TOIIED te takze c§rec Missienary Meeting this evenfiîg, at Let.h re s. pya~lcCrnc0h e. g Rof- ci MeehanilcW lall. - Wlîitby, March 14th1 S6t0. luti-siti > 1Etnuderignued has taketu the aboya Iluteil, ;J-9 ~ ~ qWT0LEl lercb)y giv'-îî tat nt th c -n 't uilela al itted up iii Lie beet g utethi e Ui Conel, u b ild LLh tuod tblinit, flîuoSny mhods, ud cl veryst _.:: 1 Villoge cf Guodwutd, uit tention ps'd t6 insu sud borse.. W- The begt 13 r Tuesdiiy, the 24tit day et April neitl, wiîues, liqiiers anud cigarute bLar. TIEW it 13y-libtW will b S fr he perpos.etfclos- M 4 !tiird 'tinesionlin l te TowneltipofUxbridge, D N IS R . .9 nud eitmioniy k'iown u Lb. ltliroiL a >t roed. IIROBERT SPEAffS, ~~~oi Wt lly e.2,80 Towniehip Clark. . P-1 nAli Rmoal-efDe NOT CMeIL JONES' Den 'havyelIorne hav NÃ"TICE. ~D;moved tte giap,auroomL;, North 'aeîo r . )f The ubcribers beg re9peotfùlly te ln- et Brynu l Otel, Broek keeet. tonm their fiondsansd cs5temners that they > È amilieS atlend der reeidences. j.92 VI e hae ald ôt teirstoc teMn.G. C. WhiLby, Maroh 1, so-Bae oti baesl u w ii stca o rryo.h u leGrecs, who w lu infuturecryothbu 16sie i tesamepremises heretofer c- AIYRSÀNb IVISION COURT y- cnpied by Messrs. J. S. Donaldson C' .o B <>enesuda"wiîî be âd~< pi hnt.* st . reWicstd Le eate uLb"srbaute *nd lheYrePofttlly lic tfoage su-on botter paper. Bu at tie Chrenicle medite y MsealLcatun sett"fled ont the li ..,,..tu nble atOiag. Office. Mri ilb. saed vwitheitfnrther noti#,e. R-DOA 95 &Co .rABFR-.PIIERRILL-By the osatOou1an àDO v ~&Co. i .IION. Whty a.2,1 the . sainsday, i. Jo n t'£,%ber, et Scàr - .5 O A D O t -t' -i.' rf~ z z 1) - ----t PJ * -~ *-0 4~; t-. - .J. ONLY $75 FOR ONE 0F SIiNGEPL'S CELEB1IATED SE WING MACHIINES W~AItRANTF,18 t e b lte came lu sveryrespect saits oi yI.M Inger ie Lt MY ~ae t te 10.IIav ide n mpevn cut o n",r',lre 11 1 ze muicîhtie byCO i patntlethr at h sitha wtie t eîon tîka 1usd tin betoit su hs n hatc bai er , uitg e ie oit contintili oku itoitt loî tdstig1. u t,'g iee Tit ofeeetv e ap l uitîg 0,ilte 1atent lestit 1.ere erl oh tdb y Ii ' m rv n a Tues. nîchihcsa e 4 w ut 0! exet o en e u îopetec fea t, aei aaa 'w Itlop No. 1 MACHINE $75. -No. 2 MACHINE1 $85.- -No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE, AND IMP1-OVED,$-5 I hasve received umaraeetestiniontiuie trotîtBoot uîîîd Situe Miiitntfiutrers, Tailors, Dress Mak- ere, lrivate Fuinilies, atid.otlieri, whio titre uîiîîg uin Mir-vits imitte lu recomîeudlig thueii Yor gZetiaaiseu.' Iea lte followhug certifleateq, w»ritteu lîy tîit tîu larget;t and nîuett extensive Bz>ot snd Site. Maiuuacttrero.iu Canada. We. take plepstre Iti beirieg tee;tîoty to thé, omnýplet. workitîg ofthe liacitites M ittitetr- cd h y Mr. E. J1. Nuîgzle, htiiivitîg bcd tItrp' lu tise fort i e Iset msi nthes. Thiay arc of Sitiger'e Pauttern, and equal to amy uotur tiviituiïtititne ut te kiîîd. 13ROW'N & CJIILDS. W. bave tiseil seveit ot E. J. Nagla's Sewiutg bficmini,e t mir taolury for the pust six rotitît, uni havie 11tc bos0itatioluilut ayitîg thaI thtey ara lu evcry rosît-ct eitval totte 1iItttpproved Anter- Jean' Mciuli ies,-of wlutelîwe lisve several ln Uime. CIIILDiS, SIOE R Alcommunications relative te Sewing Machines, etc., utut be prepaid, as noue ethers will be received. E. J. NAGLE, CxInKSwx.Mcî5tEvînîuET 265 Notre Daine Street, Moutretîl, C. E. Factory ever ]iartiey & Gilbuîrt'is Canal fklin, Mautrasli, C. E. lS9ew-40w 113EGS t anonce te bis nuinerutîs friands sud cuatomers ou bisextenmive business ot that ho i. t',.>r eîrrying1 CAIRIAIE MAK1NG, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, On the prenhisea lieretofore eceupiad iiy lMv N. RAt', ou Mary Street, ietweeu Byron sud Brock Streats, wbare be is preparcd, as iieretofore, te, execute al erders intrusted Le bis care. CAlIBIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGIIS, CUrFfEIS, &C.,= W-DMuufuctured aud Sold at thte Lowest remuuteratiug Prices. AIJ, WORK WARRAN LED L UIB.Pi? and PRODUC'E TAKEY IN £IXCHQLYAGFut MARKET 1'RIOMc D. FORD'S long cxperieucpet thirty years lu tho' principal MNanufactorias cf'te Statusansd Canada bas given Lbatt exîerienîca lu every UraîuciofethLie business svbich few have beau able Lu arrivc at, anti for-bcauty cf design, elegance uf finish, durability, and solidity of wtorkutanship, bis werk caninot ba exceiled. TRHE ubcriberm eg rs1ectftilly te liform tîir friends ad custonicrâ gcnrl, tlit they have lieuîîoved tu Wî-dlactc*s Newv Brick Bilock, Brock Street, ivhue hey bnvs pep n taddition to tîteir A LARGE AND> WELL SELECTEDSTO.CE 0F> ,BIsuk andc Green ofthLi Choiomt Brandet. Chewi-i.d mokng. RanI o aasue' La -Denuiigo. - L undVole !aiuIa1 ins isn rtafs Mesov '0,Yelo , omagadCrse l'teslko, ace,~yu~.-- Andoev er ai tiouotfauiy 1or wiil bay ar- opte a Lb iees prce orCahorCuntry Fro4uîae. - -t- lfdi:1 Y tJS. A0--JDt-JN 8o14- atP 2 '1AIa , *ing sepeuri' l@that .- :No Perse» bas ever ireturnied au yof It$,n but nt tîêeittar.,al who have meadiLgv ýtkle -ighest primte.- JAMES il. GER.RIE"S, Drgg Store. - Wllirl)y,.Jati. 12, 1860, Crowu Lands Dejartment, Qrmzc, Z4tfijeb. -i860. OI isliereby Von, thithe lte llatîte ý tonshp -ofY-CYa l inthe cnîltv ce Benfrew, 17- c., wilI h.eafo sale 01on stxf at ter tihe 28th cf next-menth. FoerIliste of the. lots snd conditions of a1itpýn- ply te jàmes FPý Moffat, Eaq., Crewýn ]aîd Agent, at P-eiinbrelce.,, Crown Lands Depame ù~t Quuc 1tl Lb. 1860. NOTICE lit hereby giveu that the lotsi; l the townsliipef lin ed aia. (où, the river Ottawa, West of the twsi tJopI,)in t-ho temporary judielal district of N ifsng, U. C. will ha epon fur sale on. and afr the 21»tt u1 For liste f lots. âne conditions cf sale.'. pplyVý tn .Tani P. Maffitt. Esq., Crown Lanid Agoni, ut IPemn)rcke, lnthe oocnntv cf Rarfrew. REMO VAli. Un emvd i tiscf rgp aii .t u No. -1, Commercial Buildings. Breck Street, opposite the new Brick Block. ef James Wallace. JOJIN MO(>NEY froin Presett- offî-rg for ed. nt hie pottery in Prescottl at exceeedingly low-_ Agen-. Wiitllr. N'. 1P. Mercliant§; and I)ldes will flnd lita tîteir advitîttige te instpeetMr. Moccney's tafcl,at te agent in W'hitbv, and eXamtine lus 4liNt et prices beforeecetan peiepîrlac Whitbv, Nov. 17, 181m os58-w-44w NO0TI CEP IS iîeretv given, thut application will t,. MstlQ te th ro rVil1îciIPar se',a L tx e pliefor tut Act. te anind the Acta ireorpora- tiugo the. ?-ot Wliitby and Luke Hluron BlwNay Comnsry. Wyithy, Feb. 7. 1840. . 91 ]Dratioh Americati Circular Delivery& General Advertising Àgetîcy, 22 Mi Françoie Xavier Street, Montreal,, Canadat East. T- IR sifieriber respectfally ifies lrqoteti lpulic thathle Il% ttowprepqreçl Le .receioý- Orders for 1lrinting, Addrcsefing ant Ditriin- tinp Bills, Circulars, &0., aIse Postilig Plile4irdsw and irecoiviug Advertiemcnts for insertioit tiue»vnaions CitV'and vinil oira Ho 'vili likawige be prepiared to receivie, and' by tîxeaus ot lis nînerons Agents, arrtilze for insertion, AdvertîLiset tsi îbe varinîîiipe tlîrotîgbotnt Upper and Lewer Canada, th~lo.$ er Provinîces, sud tho Unitgd tt4eise for thc delivery ot Circnlare naecK1gt, Toronto,,-, lamulton; &e., Lime clferilng se edver- tigerî,ansd àa-parties wimliîtýe to -eitire *egmIUî. eud mystetnitie ptitlicity ,fer tbeW.:,tîat. ruantq, a certain and specdy nns o f doiug ser, et a great esving of Ltte, tkitbie aud-exjiWsa#. 1114 Arrangements -beiùg neé*, eoUmlewdý, b4ý beop to solicit feî iti*' lwé Conmjtniex, Merýt- citants Maiutnfaturerà,TradesMen,1o -0j- ers au id otiteri, the transaction'et aU encb -buste' whce, li- h. bopg--te-asure tholà *ili W utrietly stteulded te with èacuallsx îaîddics- patelitand Itattemraselucthat fr. njjI l i;5>long eein Ein glsnd, lathià !lincof- B.sinless lis Weycli s in cune.ctico 'wlth the Monrtrealj Preas, ho-will b. .05111.4te ýgive enti-, satat- facilon.-f - OBERT MOOUE. 4. G. Dinniag,- Eeq",temrtnry ofthe Board, ef Tiitde and XMarchants' Exchtwge; -. R M. famnilton Pitq.,Cumterus and Porwardý- !n1AgZek t 1tîte 4rand Tl nk Railwuiïçm iW.-Mettutbsw,, Lq., Merehainý, James Dongali, E.tq., Meéîýbtt E. H. Parsons, D., 4Wr.%« ç ritor ot Co Wîeell 4eite t --t-- i.- - 64 ài di - I? sti~ s [I a i .... . ................. . ..... . ............ ....... ........ . . . 1 1 ------- - ----------- e ]C> ,1ý,V-Call and sec Specimens. Whitl;y, Anoust 6.1859. TT

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