Whitby Chronicle, 10 Mar 1860, p. 3

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HÈourd of sobool Trilsteen. LAli Wlsitby, Marh 3, 1860. The Boacci lfScho~ol Tvustece met tnu.lle, The eC Ton euion ~6dy-lsg--Tefla.arrivet at ing ineaber were prent :-Meassrs, Boit. foir- dcys gdbýgh, eCtairimn,,Brown, Perryt Fraser, lefs Liccil ad eiAaan. Abset-Mgr. Sprciwvle., passnger The Chairrniiexplained. litat', iaStheFrîs waited on thc Mayor, and inormed isu of bcd 8S pa ýteresaluticoffl ic Board respectingdihe 22ceean av .iaiount te cpnid lor the use ýol'ftic Townt ' In tho1 1alb h ild. The explanation op. taise tip t eared taho isi tr.get Nose c 1fr. tBran,tisacenouded hy MINr. Fraser, 1( ucuoved that tha repart of' the Commitci on anfise tlus tlenry street srhao.al o lptd.-Corirîd. liisti [ , r. Braoen, seconded by Mr. ,Pcrry, nia- gatcd by ced that tiec hairman ho requestel ta ma-lte min r.a arrangeaienâtetahave a idetvalk, swo Pire froi,: plnswide, laid dowîî ta dis water closeis tien. t 1~try s tect scbool.-Carried. :Mr. Perry, seconded lîy Mr. Watson,Nare uaaved tbat tlic Ton Consieil bc requisseS ta place ta tec ieditai' thse Board oi Schaal Vie nt Trustces, ities mai' $1,000, and thas a iceqte. eopy pi' Sis cslution ha foaredd ta the inatter un MIayor ta loy bei'oco the Counil.-Carried. M. Fraser, sacondrd hy Mr. Wats, 1101a02V rved tai tis a irman gront an rdîr i îecaaîî le "fore ffI.îapela lic suai of $5, foi lîlleta uti ciatiii 0crds of' sand far tise Aindersni Olliaot, mietsc n.Cacried. tlar On motions ai'Mr- PecrY, îîcaadd lîY dits tinS, ~,r. Braown, a reelution pascd intscting tise page~ le Clîirhianen grant lia order for tt, the tiiîtidt unni oif $60, iseiîîg6 îaîitlis iîterest on sri cht.ol debentures. ai-e alani On amotionî ai'M. Brwase,,c esolution alunis Clio ssosul utlcriziag flic clairmsii ta grass anS adai' Li5 order on te 'rrssui iita or aof A. rrctfnt, I Lo-an, for thae oin aif$6, ii payaienlýOt at muairir secouait forrtSn box prociiccd by the Chair cital nlar rvan lor tie se-QOf tise Blord. mlri ain Tho Boanrd thonaadjoîscard until hilaict Saturday ini the mut. Quei TheaCC QU-EDrC, Mondcy Macclilii. afîha Pcn To day an addresî ta tise Gacernar Tusdayu General,* proyiîîg for the remissias ai' thê i sentence of Messrs. Felîo-en andf Casel- s sasi, sns carried in fticeAssmly ty a 7'/îî E 'sots of 58 ta 34. 2, 185 C,j Billes were introdiîccd ly Mr. DUNBIARI Tlcii RtOSS ta pris-t flic ndultccatiaîi ci'arti. îlcnssril c cffoo ad îdrit nkadtotapravide for Dr. <7cî lte inspactiail theeai. ii mail Te u aîne the procecmlsiîgs of'Cîis Cosi- tei'iai punias ccd tea ctiiorize the appitaieiniat if'lut siiii inspectara a isancd gsiinîtrea. aYiiitisi To aisend theo Otrecspiectiiiîg'Iclîgraph isbec 'Conipanias. - idrlo Ta provide for ani îqîicy ita lic lis a hiaturs- oi' îîcy hili r ac nianni cciicarcyingposa- lsîig. I eigaifrtrmEuropeoe ieii-a e t sis areutt Proîiiie. p. iic Ta enable lier Mjstys Coui, h tf.Ji,,1. uS ta this tics iii Lasar Cancada tuIs rlit ii S sa- liii at,,1 sniîiiiclatecs ini disrute hascen ii Cio il aiS tsu siiiijicte iiiîîtaîcs of the lîtcî.. S, iaH lly NIc. 1î0WVATT, tlamiund hel lilau or./lu day6 Repleiiti ini Upi-sr Cainda. thici arc Itv M. 1). uROSS, to r4ultelictuariglil i"dSsucl ftîcsans ni:îciid ini facigamai55, is, i'udltaS hall, immirting tliciefraita icide i Lace,- Te Caenada. se. Ial BlyNl. Camai-on,, l prîliit thett saleoif aii intoxuraing iquais initheliivionci. ,iij1 'Ill'allia iîi beiirs vi cie aluiiilt(, aselct cnnisiiitlc i t îr, ike the S1a11i A Pelcd ureau,, Curinig, Foil,, Si McI. -W. niait,'t'uraoite, ["ccci, Sini1îioii, anSdM Nie- lilin. Ths ciîîîîîîitnîî%%asit ih ly s., the lie Ibusc. ituasglae A îaîicîy if addrsac ietlînCîcarridS 1w iitîaît dclîîîîî, und the Huais odjouraîd. ,,)u ii QUEsEC, Muiidsy, Mai e-17. 12110f Ttec houai met utt lruc ieîik, ht i tsi, muai. connequaîîce ofîthe deitl if Ilai. Mr. Cioctîci. ciioks it iicnidiately iidjouciicd. lDAVY officiel AiPiiiot. timi tFesm the Caada soe.) (,ite Qurbea, Mîceh :31d 1860. BUL'1 i Excellrccy tIe Gsvesnc Geîîeral lis douce,7 bien pîrnsed tulalietehie fotlniiig op lîîla1î poiniîenlî, iZ 1- Ilicasia Dr. Heu,-1 Coniliiiin, Agssciata Cari- Sîitliiid. ne, Counîy aof Lincolnî. Afrd Wyatt, Asaciats Cîranai, Cane.- ty oi' Oîîais. ---s Jamsnîn ivey, of' S. Tisomas, Esq. TIllE Ci Bartistic et Law, ltbc aNotary Public la Uppean'îadas. Celei Hia Exailtency the Casernai Ceocrai liai haaî plcaaad te griiit c Licîie te NWi- 'IttiTI- lians B. Qmary, of te City of Landen,, nv st EnÀquise, M. ID., tua aîîahloin ata praclico Prlxiiîd. kPliyai Surgacy Midwil'ecy ln Uppar Canoe- D.,, 1, il, %Yu Is Èxciileiîcy tîue Coscînar (terai a tas bufurtiier tirsn ptccscd ta gi eut Licanas ta Fracaais T. MeLees, ai' IlcamoviIuI, Es- r quise, Janici .P Teague, ni' gh0L City cf i tli Lonmdon, Esniro, William Spinuger, ai' In- 10 gernoît, Esquire, ad Jois William Fac gtus, ni' lVudstock, squire, under tiui 11,. Provinions oi' tisa foc-ty-first Cisaptar ai' ha Catiaot.t<ted Stuetutas for Upjrer CanadSa, istitue t *iuAii ct reopachintg irimeso- 1-tty,'" ta proatico 1Jlsysic, Surgecy, anS nun Rett hidwifcry, as utidcmtocd ad roctiord Saâ il by 1Hioccopottiets. r bal il ---n iisia ntliitwiave lIG n ur gr ,ona a - u W U Al Atse suaceus le tifs munt lue baseS t inS apon baîmeat deaiing eith car flolisee. tai 01 lY ail netS fricndsthip, love, and sympa. he bi thiy. Life, wittsaet tlsese, in cisasy indeed. i A man, is auj ueigistartandc Simoun tetî' 09 lMi devoid ai' common /iossesty, is stabnte s cas tg, n eogeay ta tii rae anSdc a uteost frosu ie respectable socioty. tu Lita a i'reebaotercai ttc ase, te in a a.e0. tA anS s bywoci irsuCaery seelI.ccdeced geaoi caaimunity. Hanat mien loak cpn tic es8a pistresceucus o the body palîtia. Ris tui8 Coaîteauce betoteni a Sasenceit decpica- bu, tle sereteis. Tise frons ci' Heaventocet s the5 u pon tic, tis doac 'us to saffer regret, re- Mt th masse, 1 ud abame. ha» Contmat suri a man witi tise uprigît W. taneit an. Ali thse seigtbortaod laces tin aSd seapecis t'uni, are lis friends and cysu' 1010 phiatizci., Thse idose and arpbon amuise 8. vith ad mii taisiti. Ho ie a modteS can i',t"Do ta, who n referenc e ÎES made fur imitation. tf novu, sud leaves tise wqrtd btter ta te fou" i. aasetino vises- tati saiS, iTte get- i.- of urestuuv by a tyiug toigtu la a Is- teli. Fsl iitssd toand frao ai'daes tisaS séel teS, deatL. Âgaod ue e mgra rtiglf- teole <it n ss gras chesi, "4 '"Dig fava cubter tisailverasMd gaiS. Bj chue -trust1 snd as t nost ;ca visdaantd iuiao ti& ad ucorstândiq. , ui.r laso 4m a 9 srtheS <iluais, aSisha t and ùbbvyesaou n,Ç F!oIiph. b". . .2 wiis*a ' lititessanls PMSudi POM dù W àb Tub iiv cin, ofItItI tilius, id fo Marir xitiiin Cblitel-I h fliaillet l'.iii in tl exertaim a%:.( 11il i iii ailier piuearlii9t tou i tho Sit dius t TF0c s dan ec dia, g, t tiv "Ill t.jceimtu mliitai Dîttq Ffour htye1 r BSeel Stes Pota .Buv arl G-k t St. John:'F, rn laSer nanco cpocî on dis eru. Thîe mlii- cr New, Orla cli Conet n( psiqnengers anc aved. - 3Britisli,,Paclii tic new coi iglinet anS Fri :erried iî yl nont. Thîis la at tise trenty, scriaI etratilars the Garerr oluodirsicete1 ai lte clargyc , Eu h j It3tehat0 c ai jra e 'ns.Iîîr-a.îs ta lie. cnt of Fronce dc. îIs-lle* Sm uSaent Tisse, 'of' th,wi ttintioi ol' pjilcs i,îreated la "d to the sds.e'titliiiit onthisii ,0 te ss'ci.-Edch tes-afthe pare- un, el es-sîst ei-aPille and ta> scar-îîaî-ted ',,l11the oordi ry, New Yack and lýI adse" Il' leaar-k is est riait su011holding te titwais tise oye id ttche ll :ei 5 sîîsrioiis. Wa lira froc ou- 4i1i1cia, that th.is,eureryiitare iiiiing Ithe pericii i retias lnui an i driiivei edisotisn, ltig tisis aîîl'a, peitrating, diota. .s-iicls xtiali the prilcapte ëol' un -0sii thîe blaîmi, reaises the superfi- imm~atioa ssiilîout di .1c, aîd ire- Lliiiiri.iicy amid tîoaîîi tise ski,,. irter Saniisanit Sszrt- Court ai' CeieiictQi-uic Sassions sinc, and Coîîîîty Cari1,t opina an niaS. 'TlieAsoizsnThursdcy. gaîutot Buet usCeiita. Cdiioo thie Munirtai Pi, S éept a Siio meiilii e a iti80ns met Si rccsîusisdisg ta xc friands ci cao' O.-tygizid littcrs. Un. s pioprietoey mcdicimîî -, it dosanent iO cuirea] 1tltiie ls ilu' -,. ta luair ta," ily Dyapmpnia ansi -is attesdant ni if Scrasmmgîmeiît ofIreiiitoiuaclb. ci, long Sla l'in avîi ai, anc r ors me; oaci afl' uc tir se never -d is aRîîaIdiug menit leait ha. ti siucessinta ur ci tuansgivra it iii aipassesl hy no er iciller lin O urateniou 11:13lieu col. ýs iutjict hy a yaung ainsi il aOur al'- tlorhdî seitteIftnýg fataSoe eeks irai,indtigestionu, tos,;of atpaetita, vim?, bes csliccly ci'iui'd is a ,ys bytiee tise <f, ihaa bitra 1lîsnS,-cdi ,,-îs vli laviStisn set -th us mcstin, anSdo-ailS it if ttey mIlii cnideuue iiiit%î tiae. humve ex1rsescoir opinioanof tii )%vi ýecinuy. le l-y .1tieIli . GCuie Ioe e-t,&~ et i et, oim ti I- V.Si' l. 1la-.t tiret ci. tIN- (tiionliiist., a Cî-eenwaod Warieîi if asiSon.- -li Oshawa, ai Ssii y, th th It o irfi i r. 0'illimu Il. Oc, of IN-flusDliuuîteh, N. Y., on tte t., tire viife oi'Dr. -% K. Imsin, i f Oshîaa, i' a Saugîýtar. DIEu). c K Elt. -AtWli tiy, Ç, Fuidsly tise Jctîuuy, yisuiugrat ii8irif lic. J. fY-At lBellevillc, oa ir~e Gtnet., mi F. Dasy, Esq,., affî- peîlexy. K5-At tus îacidauuce i Pickering, 29lîsFeuaey, IMr, Besjamoin aged' 51 yeas-S. ilS-Ors tisa IGt ullti. e tresci 7utu conessinof' lîittny, Ics. L Pruîs, îinsuireTîtyri of hereage. A oas a nativeof ai' aerlsiie, ,PECIAL NOTICE,. lItEA'5 T ILSISLID Siin;JAMES ci.ujissca lbx'ated Feisorie oPills, CTED . -LETTElS TJAL. PATECNT. df'amui pe-ga-ivàie f.- of J. Cutorte, il. ,Iygiciams gI,:uiueuiu,5 n C, quien,. su11iiuito uiedtcii.oe utu iilimuin the t11 iliao îu,tîutuut amutdtucho.,ti isuueees Stucfauiuil i"inii'utuii nmhjra. l ce ai'xCieustd,. asalit Im,trsîo- iiiicye naYiu,ii re plientt air.- a,t limtieli il h la amla -lJ- uuit. It ri sirt tiîui,uaiuug s- dIsesiusStly sut ragulauiv. botltipibrimueDonllarS. Ieacn tire Gov. LStuumap if tiront Bri., uutt preccsst cmesi r.i' %ervou aundS 1-- ali iti'etusmc, tie thmi uiet ndLitaiiiO ,[Iguie souilig la ia, tioco l'iIIo umitî ethi;t aamiures ete sui numu. umullvu fuitodia, 5 ctuuuigl-u s :rquim-iy, daoumet iouitlla irui, caltel, or any ttiiagtictfui :atisessautitu- rcetiminBoicafliusy et packasge, igemît toc tire liit'Stzeiaiiît CaaSa. dotItosm~j E~-uss .Y. sucsâ 5cr Ct'iimd% Vogt. -s.tnut 6 postage -aupi anoloudi ittocîieS Ageunt, wil. -isrsa boetet se hy rsucisaii. For usae y l lis in Whi y 50GA. ilisc, Duc et; WV . L bni, runi trant. CONSUIMPTIVINO.-T,headcertîssi' isig tucenîsreosireit t, hslttt lisfoie iy il %,or aeiutiu teluuay, citer liuilii v,,ernil yeîurîsei 'ith ses e ,f IttatdsinSoa dsiasuseiisi$tnptucn-se to nitia hanse., ii ui. feiow-atlfsrcrâ meforscre. 'T)a att l, Scicq (t,. witt c'npy if tireupreoci a usaS(fjreaut,)' ssrý ut ireouumfuie uî- cuis; ansd listing e, whicts ttuy W- Ill si crs Cu r sith a r4..'1 I se.. Te au s. ssntSt the amie *, îîlel 6pesey ~si id try ifis relieass 1itIttisa t inu mis' a * .-Ili a ories tctreinerihduin*iul bssitrs miniT1Iy MAItîC BTS. ,q-Spriiig, Si te sl. 4c. li $51 0 $8. Fl50 .a6r- . 811e e 32c., bOus, a 60£ $10 & 814 Voit $8 tae$t1 75.> $ 4 0 $6. ep 8.e 151, ler 1&e.0< 20e.tac -tes la sr l$l '0F) ~&uut (nt trr~~r 1rauts FOR, YËA1 ENDING..31ST DECEMBERI 1859. RECEIPTS. Jauary I. Balance of Cail, lu bande ai Treasurer freai 1858, $ 0h71 a09 Asceaiti OF COUSaInycRATiE 1857 caLU.csea sIN 1889. 44. Anialunt cecelved irom Townshsip ai Beach lu fuî,.. 1850 2t te e 44 Sheriff'i oints on do... ' 51 75 Fro4stu4 Ticterest an do... 141 72 .4 4 et romVillsgeOsh(aiwa la fuî,. . 210 53, AsucARsiOr COUNaiY iRATES rOis 18588 CLLECt,-rEsim1859. Amnotînt receivéel froîts Tosenctîip ni' Pickering in fulîl, 4032 60 et et .. ai'fEî,t %Wiitby,... .......8464 00) .8 et ai' Beach ............. ..28117-20 Townof hity inful,..1422 10 et Towncsip ut Scigng,... 145 60 t . 4. ofUxbridgo,.1427 40 et eni' ,ofiera isetRamua, 913 10 l.egtltlte grant l'or Giniatr Scisol- balance fr 18588 ............. :........................0600 10 44 'é fr Criaiîal Justice lacliîdiag Joa tiat'y Sassions aof 1859,...................... 3153 84 Âaiount rrecuived frosu Townsliip ai' Pickering lanlfull, ai'o Break, .............. nLi14 osinte........ 4& it oai' liorab,............. 64 ofaiScugag ............. ai' henni In part,...... .4 6. oai'Uxbrisige la part ... 1Villatge -ni' Oliawa ta part,... b,'~ è,e MLuiii.TIE5S IcURocca stUIte leT JANWÂSY,41559, $25120 54 2455 82 721 85 t 4018316 30189 104 1424 (06 S$14684 61 Aniaunt rceived froni Auctioncers Licence. 9 t $20. 180 001 Mt bagitrates fac Pine,,a... 1214 50 J.V.Hameon ai. Jsury Pe, 119850 Rati. Ptdiis an ne. outro pecty purchîtsseslfromC o., _128 10 - $ 8142 10 LEISCLATV I'5 esiai.NTaSi. aof Mar ad Rins,... ai' Pickering,........... ofaiRecs,......**.*...."*.*. uof ii Scott,............... o5 f Scusgtig .............. suof i'Thocais ........... .. suof Uxitris......... ..... us aEset llttty ...... 4t Fac Senior (iamisiar Setînot in part, .4 44 Oshlawa,..... ......... Il us Uxbriege,.............. Amocunt cecein'cd 'com Gissemrmeni for Administra- tions ai Justice for 1859 i paît............... BItLS iscarTu. Amosint-miteivedl from Msnicipalieieu fond ta pay cou- Pous on ncn.rentdant Deheattîres Nos. 8 anS 4, dustai Juuaî'y snd ist Juty, 1859,.... 1024 10 714 001 226 10 170 (0 424 10 860 10 465 10 248 10 12810 - 100 110 - - $ 46780 550 100 4001 00 4001 01 $1173857 $188000 s $657600 1859. 4.- us4 1. Paid'Tre,'Rurers tlîeir Comaissini-oi'21 per cent. si County Ratas 1857and -180,..W14.... Toivosilp -'rcacurer of' Pickering, eset .Wlitby, lte'ch, Scîîgag, Usbridge, end Mnre and Ra Municipal Saheal Asoananiettflor 1859...... Bitli payable under Itiscaunt on Ilat Deccîiîhr, 1858 Bank Agency l'or retlriag do -........ Scîndrias l'or slacting Jurais in 1858, ............. Sundry orders issue d hy chairmnoai Quar terSes.'58, Catisty Olhiccrs arrearsofai'salarias fut 1858,... Sciool Sîsparîntendeiits nccouits taeOIeS. December,. For Senior Oshawea and -Uxbriilgc Grammar Sehps, balsance of Legisatiie grîît l'or 1858t........... Shariii"s comsacollrctitig ltcach rates.............. D. G. hlenitt, halancsel'or attending Couacit tan 1858, Sundriea for contingencias la 18588............... Provisioal Dohenture Na. 11,ilus Sept, 18658,.. Iiîtereat on do iriii matsrity............ Patij Couyty Debantutla Nos. 7 and 8, dise lestJan.,'5ii, Pipttnat dCo. do I 18 and 14, due Sspt.,1859, lntes'ea1.1t Coupons es. 18 on Provialonal dete, due Itarch, 1889,............... ............... 14, Scpt., 1859, 7, Cmiity 18t Jsn'y 1859, 8, (10o 1îSt July, 1839, 8, Noacca s.l st Jany 1850, 44. 4, do isi July 1859, isINEVANCc aONcoc'xr BUILINGtaS. PaiJ Equitabto Tas. Co. Prein. an $10,000 ta, Mar.4, '60, ..Western las. Ca . 1,400 ta July 14, 491. 6 8,000 ta Dec. 1. 64Britisis Ain. bis. Company, 2,000 to Dec. 4, 644 82 2269 Bo 500 10 8 76 52 10 666858 482 50 183 70 600 10 51 75 14 10 287 80 4000 8 85 $ 9019 82 j 12100 00 5014 00 504 00 012 100 576 10 288 100 288 100 _ - $ 5172 001 il 10 50 10 12 50 -8 173 501 i.EGSL.ST5VE SCInoei. CHANT&i ttPaiS Treasiîcec ci'Townshsip M unicipalittas lfor 189,. .. 42060100 6%Seniçr Otoshaaansd Uxhrldgi Crammuir Setionlsan accouil'our 189,............ ............... 4690 10 -$475 00 MUItaCIPAL SCIIOaL .eSiiESSNT. P9.ttaTreasurer il' To uaisup ni'Pickecrtng,-.......... 1024 10 i. - t. Bcocis ..............520 109 0 4 44 TIserais, ....... 170 10 1% .4 ~scugg....... 5 109 .4 le 94 colS,......... ......2260 10 s'4s.4'- txrdge,....... 424 00 -- t2429 10 Pal5 il. J. Meedanoîl, clèrk, ln ful_,. ........ in. Paxtoni, Treascer te 8tis September... Jaohn Sh ier, Engincer, Se lest Ottoe, ............ J. S. Sprasea, Galtc, taemIs Octaher, ........... John Wlton, ktepîr ni' Court flouse, ta 4ttî Oceober, Dr. Glutn, Goal Surgcon, te lOtis Sepecrister,.. Auditaci i'or 1859 in fusl,..................-- Local Scheoal Suîprriatendeîsts, &ce., aonscaunt salair- tes anS attendante,........................ Clecis vérk aitegistry Office,.............. I.... Law Oits quuîching Bylaw,..................... Cauaty Suliciators ordereel ViyCuail, ........... Ststanery Postage, Baa t................... Far Wolf bassies, .......................... Ctiînilloris for attendance Jenuary antd Jone Sccioni IVarutealfor Expcese, &c.. ý.................. 1H. Ilicea, huttseng c, ........ .. ...........s.. Suadry Printiag accouîts.................. cariNT nsnRsiuND .00 eOLarAotia. 750 10 225 10 810 10 187 60 75 10 120 00 a 4-43 53 385 71 44 95 20 OU 162 99 18 10 436 50 10010 22 10 827 29 --$ 4478 46 PalS J. S. Spcosslc, order,.........................1118 28 George Cosrac, cipenter nons. ................. 6510 Sussdriaî ifur Cacelsîod, furaisbiag repaire, &Q,. 276 il Raton21l'r 18entawneiisýip ýTreisresr a'r o o Sîst, aTho.4rai 85,âcîîo nshickTmrncoiso on d So.t Rates for 18 59, ........... ................... pttsOtuiiiitor Ou.55tx5Ali or qumit SESuastoX& Paid Il. J. lhiitdoneli, Cîerk ai' the Peaco, sundry orileci .W. Il. Tremayne, County Attorney,.............. N. G. Roynoldie, Siîeiff .................. .... Caronsers anS otîser Inquets................... Sundrirs, sraod, Goal anS Court Ilouai ........... Prtntiiug anSdiBooksaccoîsatq.......... John Atkinson atm aceaunt iloavecton LacS-up,.. Il. G. Bacon, .4 4 Pontage atd ud'rniating sccoutita,........ Coiataubhès .................. ......... ...... JURtRStPIa Cii JtRYLIT. PalS Juirors at do do do 5'do Psu saundrie s s - - - *48121 j 589 841 $ 251 781 1822 99 269 80 1824 91 156040L 1600O0 402 102 97 10 1462 17 75 1808 43 - $t5080 92 Quniter Ssnons, ... Mardi, 1889, ' 199 70 dudo i. d... une, 1859, 2201 65 do do . Sept., ' 1859. 28116 du do . her1189, 118 50 Asaizi, do ....Marci, 1859, 804 80 du do . No'r, 1859, 229 40 ieectieg Jureira, 1859,................ 508 00 Indigenit Wiiassss,................ 62 50 Peud JotanMe y 1 ycars' ealary tea lct May, 1859, kouper ol' Nsuîrws Bridge,...,... .......... .... 6. Do. a-caunt for Niross Bridge, JohnmiCarets, taba anSdnîteiate l'or Scugag Bridge, Comamisidonars arder for eack dSuie an Stiicua Street, Andrew Annes proportion ai ceet ai' Bridge au basa line, IWest Onsa.......................... Comissliners acier foc verS Suna on Tassa tîne te. 1801 10'1 li8 40 40 00 2 901 296 77 5010 OU 10000 auJotn Prince atteeading Talboat Bridge, ............... 100OU PalS bihls pay'ale, Nos. I anS 2 reticeed,..... ....... 950 OU Diacotit anSd(lanS Agemicy an BiUi a te26 29-- --$ 970 20 Blalantepet Treocr's Caih Book Silt Dscenmlcc, 1859, $12846 84 $48191 72 Whitby, March lst, 1860. We, the undersigned Au -.itor.- of the Corporation of the Coutity of Ontario, hereby certify that the above is a correct kbstra*st o ROBERT H. LAWDER., JOSEPH DICKIEY. Abstract of Assifls and Liabilities of the Corporation of the County of Ontario, 3lst December, 1859. ASSETS.LIABILITIES. Balace te badsetTrasurer as par Caih Buok alat Dmc 1859, $12846 84 Sue f1maiTownship uofltaaSd-Rama un acoumt Coun. ty caies for 1859' ............................. 846 85 6s Reset .................. 325 si dé Uxbrid;e ................7807 44 ss 64i Wtttby Sut ............2505 60 . s whisiby ..............2541 95 Town ous Tevu oi Wtitty . 1776 84 55 isvillageoro . W..........817 001 Se n e(OuniY tands solit18LE.Peccy vida inteceat su is - iotat. Ptillipa s 1857u- Non-residecs5!taxes ci' aundry Minicipaittesfocmaing seurty for Noa-reidant Detentures ÜLiÉofhly t£9,400 0 0 ... Aicecat stil te tac cocied fraai Uovernse.st ou sàuént of Sesluraseniis fer adainitrttloo of rdntiS ffatJ ineh 1889, noa ceicreabeingrectived ani p prezimat^euetia um iS oe ef Geol, Court Bouse,, tend tlereo atécwaaiMsd llevaton Lest- lp.............................. 1 ... ........ Mo 00 Bills peyehlc No. S3mdsc Stsceout SIat Doot 18wo9.......... A4,rs 8f Salaries due Tresisarc Gaoei (Ial Sorgeemi, anr1 Boost Ieohai............................... dn ecemt ue -L Sctoeaî Superintemidstflor 1859 s-n-ar casiscertasied......................... - Municipal Sehoqdet essmussts lac 18590 uot jet paiS over te the TreareceofuSet Wityv, Wtitloy, Macs and RamaAnd Beach 2j pur cent euaiicon payable ta aundry Treasers onou p *6n CenOoumty cateel859. ............... 79t1~ AsjochiiiISessiona orders ioeued in 1859 nu paiS815tDc Spitry eSounSsta r:ir..ini IWOu18 K t Gasol sud Canlr .ei.es......... ............ .................... 91 0 Ibran1889 as perepécta ofCi'meiclttes onu]finance anS $ 14Oscessaient.. ........... ... ......... ........ 9<0 <1 - li Prtettn;g. .......... 00 'oeutiugancicc ... uta-t s - .WrkdaaeeoBoadaMBhii<0 - -Jurcy fieu diaeJurera for 18Wnoaplai or erpsd.. $40m000 171100 844 99 561 83J 1479 25 10500- 26,27j 220 10 91~ sotazisresu s.uaso.snci'. Nomaesidt a 1600 0 O: f the best quuity.- THFÉIR ANNU1 flI~~ c be to haÙd by next- Steamer. March 8,1860. COUNITy 'Is I1AMILTO1N &ROBERTSI "'HEA 'T TIEIR NEW, STAND, GIEO rVeR-ami TLVO. Together wîvth, a géneral- assoiluient of Just receivea fs'om tihebAmercan Market, a q7 8çe 4ip0 vis :-Cloths; Cfisitneres,,Tweeds, Satinetts, Je Ladies, and Gents Hlats of théi Iatest styles. -Bcu in grent variety. , >a Shoos An immense stock of Teas, Tobacco;, and geueral (frbcËtle& LOWES & POWELL -Brook Street Wbltby. NEWADVRTI~METS. BY-LAW JNO. 'sT" u.ssisaTisBti c'y JOS. IPIERSON ESQ., dilîs ccii recqni' t ytIh TOWN HALL - A Bp-làas. toetatUegha* certaii n "ele if Subjeet of 71M1Cons. andl aiseo lofa 26'. Il utdl seSît .bupoîal Sa lAcinthe i (ions, <iA 2htTumlWhp.f <Us- On Monday-nýext, aroh l2tl, bridge. It siît ho costumeS dwttitsa .iandiiomo tElIIFCooaionlocf ticéTowiaslp et lyse barder sS1prop1itetetiiutirated seth Wood hetrdge .'atse tollosetmi-Thssithme lfeS and Betsctroptgeteipuai. - Price 5 cents per lsve tesiiuuc cf condudnsLots N'..& and 4 capy. --ilil- ustheo bitunceRsiens, lil'I mii me c i th Ta ha liaS 114 Ste Chronicte Office, anSdoasuuvey imde tsi'Jo icimit, vq,-P. Tu1. . atiuilisa5e rub:- s uilu ppe t7 tdi report biirl i dté,% at ittd Ottoss 7 -.-- - Wlilhy Jmumuc 13166it't, lsienunio 5Si5Ohie e PUBLIC ýMEETING. on O ni Cvis, ,1 - No.a t 0l tl aS.Jthtttbi' e4 I1EREBY givetusice tisai a.Pulielo .04nsudscetuetI N 74O60ý'W, 120h ut M4eeting nS t o;'Xattpîyoi -seltc held thse-s tN. 0 S 'ilnltle:i; tas0W, ctlid*ti - ate Tennis Uot..oa ntsasigs etiat ciMai W s Wedneiiday Evg, 'MaTch l4th, u o on,'o Se u is shn tuu Attiheurofl'74 Sciock, l'or tte pu-pos viSet,iad tiso nsbocee iubs'finaete bc-the of taklng- [oto cofiiidiristian ttc repar rS . Wsths seeii .t ilhceoi', ttc eaimittec a ppoiiitcd on tise sabjere ci' Aad be it fertiter. enactid, tls.t tise thp sur - voetitby, anitdexibliso iti e o rt fthiet ti tuuBue s iiia c ilotttdthe ele so n ,,. fatMoa nsertsviainttc preuisslas to te setut 1~.t di OlîConcalSonnhu, iiis Il1. J. IfACDONELL, 3215 % V, ront tés'eeiiiWestlangle ot No.6e - ut, in th thc tès C sclal, ssrand % t le ythn, huae. N. Oe0W, t ellsit and WSHlerthoisseN.v> Ton.IulI, Wlsttsy, Marais 9 1880 8V 5chonein sud 28 lins thuuuee N. 31( Z90 I - 3,hiainis thomeiN 41, 10 choiean7 - - DACJ(A IWEIn. loutuucNo. steOut. ou lon e eff liai uULOÀ TLnova) ta ee bc lnhsvide aidtheiosboveW eodf flirof Broan ed Dfpiceudoeeiu, lVhitls. tins laciieli 6Linaeiii otAýude h 51,15 A1OVEELL CNOW, AD t't'_ gisvucaia nteOothecui, sd le bliUd'tlu L BVWL trlysint N aOl e tosNoS fthé tiesual icier). taisc thé eesteru lit st isu so l iS rs a u ose ut e si'cnuwlftute issus . i -- ep, Mi.ryrao. .1cS flsma> Fn a e~t 01( dned s Imh& oebf.Iseo. uier ty ts seit apitlth o* cifls? 55R BU SEAU14, lete sparudtSe insise eis Soatigo and isiitoai - p Qtk Thse test brassas of Wiae, 1iqat nS C- enad iitt-ntteo o»tluiio. Tlisn hotel sinleIsuuiîd 16 thmo sic>hurst oi' tîo Townu of W hilhy, frd isl h 1 hefeîud Ite cthe msmt cOuvirai C us sppuogplico for fomeraand id 1hcaile sEru, trscellsi Es 13voaa IACK. Itilsday, sud WtSio, b6S t t I melSmeeuting o1tlie;0, w erpohiti. Y1911SALE 1111 TII LET. doof LI"hsatd .8-aib otm hl iT IIE WESTERN 1105185 Eand irenmtee s - a.TE i J. ctiutic Stittieâ, Stlmuls, &i.,' ndS ncrtir - - ' &î o0e f sgi-rleiinuut eunves)ilutty làeQ',- Uxbrtdge, Phb.'14ý, I - 11itusitid on Daiildo,-Stmost, ta, tîuowan Théi ai lire aan4lto Il lt anci' ly 1.ny l' 5'tîtelu ue a ntîsat-spbai eoir Queb6o O 9r=,n a n The stad l issnie efeust a liu Tv. je,-r su- Fur Terni', &e., tspely t -te ---Isleecesiceed i4 vlsleq orcte u e shsprenioi.m Jlj Ji1A< Wtuttby. Mrnrst 5,thé tO.s iei Sa. ST. A iU~iILtI.RCll ?LEY rmsela e., ofse-s. cshavii le let wit llh Loii asnd Qeuiat Atiit wbitrty5 Marhe, s. . - - a.--8. UARNÉT.i- rMTÀsl4f55 U kUS DISALER8 IN Poil hope-Mssis 55,550 sr Iec1 LTOTCB-s hrch gA' otiat nit thse neat of adui etvhe Cona e ho bls tai$tihe villga of Gk)sedicI, cne TtlCaiil. , 5 Iltit' ay i psal t. a àw ile oefies' te >hssacîc,o@e- in lSia sit aai se olosecae toi'tene- sait eoccotlowa mas the Old whsb uIuIa ceai!. - - - -i Qem~'ee, Macelu SaS, 1560. 'q NOTI ;LL prase ntihi ey. &IM QR s- - - - - i$=844 96 W.5 he Corporation itou ~of the Oomat&y ofOnarofor7 theyesx. l80heretby oertff jW e0T, btherda o<th& j4s foi tjicsof the uzni S &ýnon3 ëel18~> 5gofar mwel - -q orc bWc o h7 sâa-Iàabil nu,

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