Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1860, p. 4

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ram Logan,- TIIEET, WHITEY, as, pnit mp on tie lagtoitt Aiocri-' aadlUl mp-ovo i st>'bos, wltb Gsivaulged liglitaiaîg rodi. sment b>' pout or t la.rw4e. L EsubsWiber roquestai publie atton v ttion to, his new ->stock cofeuperlor os. They Includo the follovlug now patterns,: 7WE PRINCE ALBERT, DAVY CROCHET, PROTECTJONIST, GRAND TUBE, - IRON D UKE, Caii aud examine?:, - JOHN I3RYAK. 82 Brook Street, Whltby. L IL. SCFIOFIELD & Co# IMPORTERS 0P Btaple and Fanicy Dry Goods CEZIEIAL STOCK 0P Orocerles, Croekery, China, Earthen AMD GLASSWARE. QI TEE W~T~3~ CInILE The CIRCULATION of the CHRI4CLE 15 ' BIE/ATL Than that of auy other local - Iapcr ini the Proyince, and FA4 EXCEEDS Trht circulation of ail the other papers in the County of Ontmrio united. WEEKLYI CIIIONICLE ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY $'2.50 PER .IINUM. The Chroniole is the Paper to Advertise in. BRITISI-I REVIE4 y.EOýNARD SCOTT & MO, NÎW Yclix, continue to publish the folicw- ing ieading IBritish Ieioticais, riz:- Lcruer of Brock andt Coilune Stroofa, Wilitla>' rU£ LONDON QUAllTaaLY (Consorativo.) MIE Sub.cuiha-auo iar n ecelipiof Fu-esia an- T rivalis oftliu ai lo(oAdi recet freli the MXauniwriacii-e, asndtiarc- mol,'las14îow 8as ir> bouo l th trdo estof Monrntua. A-ON SALE, Alargo ant i a-,l Stock of Du-y (ioôdaikcpt onstaitly oaa lîaad. IIL 1. SCIIOFIELU &Ce. ON SA LE, 'A eompioto Steck cf ail i knls cf Goerleg, anti a fall litok ef Laquaiors, Clucice braandi% Vini- *«o i obi, L. Il. SCIiOPFIELI> & Co. 30 Barrels cf Oha] Itcîilcti Wliisku-y frein ON SA L E, A elsoicandulf nIl amsortmuat à Crocear>, Culna, (âlass andi Earrhisiwaane. Li Il. SCII(>FIELD &-Co. êlCheats Fresh Teas from 2o. Md. to 3s. 9d. per lb. 27 Boxes Tobacco from 1s. to 2o. 6d. per-lb. 4, Bales American Grey Cotton 40 Boxes Soap. 10, -Boxes Caudies. 36 Casks of Liquor. 200 Barrels of Salt. 10 Barrels of Herring. L. Il. SCIOFIELD & Go. Theo Subserihers lias-e rosois-eti on comiug ta Use veau- 1800, te adltaro te tite1 Whioh wileomble tliats teo sdi mneli choapor, md givo earal sutisfacthon. L. IL. SCIIOFIELD c TW O oomfuraibeawelhlîg IHoutses lu tise etooflaTown, to relit lcW. Apply Wo taitu- ide bteti to thesubsoni- er ,> Note on Book acmanat, wil piastday ot Janary, 18600, rciaptetivo secoantsà. 2i. rnat aDmnuaiua"îw(Whig.) ruai itouRTu nî&Trsu îtiVIatW (FrCocChurch.) - 4. rME WESTMINSTEi&E savixw (Liberai.) 1LACKWOOD'8 EDINDUItOff MAGA ZINE -(Tory.) Tîseo peiodicals ably reprosent the tiarecegaat political parties cfr(Great Bn.- tain-Whig-, Tory, andi Radical-but poli. tics formai oniy eue featuro of their charact- or. As Onrgtans cf the moat prcfcund wri terai on S lou ce, Litorature, Moralit>', anti Religion, the>' stand, as tho>' evor haro gteoi, univalled in-the worid of lot- terc3, bcbng considered indispensable te tho seholar sud the professional mari, while to the intelligent roader cf every clasathe>' furnisif a moro correct sud sataefaictopy re- cord of the current literature cf tho day, throughout the world, than eau lbe possibly obtaineti fren an>' othor source. a EÂUILY COPIES. The receipt cf ADv.ANCE SanaTai froua the Britishf publisif rs givet atitienal vaiuie te the Reprints, inasmucif as the>' can now be placed in the hands cf subscnaben's about as soon as tife original ûditions. Per atnu. For an>' eue of the four Reviews ... $3 00 For an>' two cf tise fouir Rcvicws..5 00 F or any throc cf the teur Rcvicws ..7 0 For ail four of the Revie ama......... 8 0 For Blackwood's Magazine--------..8300 For Blackwo'>d anti one Review. .. . 5 00 For BLackwooti anti two lteriews ... 7 00 For Blackwood anti thnce Reviews ... 9 00 For Blackwooti andtte four Beviews.10 00 -, f04ey current in the State wluere iseuecl eoill be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount cf twenty-flvo per cent. froua the abuuve pnicos will be ailowedti o CLUBS orderung four or more copiles cf 511>'one or more of tbo abore wcrks. Thus : Fouir copies cf Blaickweod, or of one Reriew, wiIi lie sent te eue addrcss fer $9; fouir copies of the four Reviews anti Blackwood for $80 ; sud so on. POSTAGE. Canadian mail subseribers will lie sup. pliod free cf U. S. Postage. Roaittance for an>' of the abovo publica ticns sbcxuld always bc addressecl, poit.- paici, te the. publishers, iLEONARD SCOTT & C0. 46w- No 54, Golti Street, New York PEBLISBED EVERY TWO DOLLARS PER MINUit. II1 HEEXAMINER lia, thaiselagent clrculatio of cfan>' papen pnbllshed lu Peterboro', a n iluoreforo thee hast auvertising-muedium inlu tes United Counties. - qoa-odvertiors ver>'liberal. GIRAHIAM & RENFREW, lien t»t~aI@Wzn"anum in the 014 Newcastle Ail oraers suUresed te the publlai rs bc punotumly tteunded te *HTBY -POST OIZ. ARRUANGEMENTS ]FOX 1800. U TNTIL furtiier notice, Mlails, Wll b.eio.ed-é audcduo for delIvery'aot th1e'o ou sfoi- Iowa: Down Malu golu East I-.biw, Bi- mainville, NewematIe, Clarkisiton and Pîort Ilo ~oand other cor respondlng officcs, nlgi the R.I.travelling Pon't fl1ce YlaarFtat, in- eluding MI lpineou onthe Wcsat of ittugaton, ast * JAttorr for Montréali, aind pae atfig ston. airc oniy despatched by the niglit mail go- Ing Ent4 Ait a P.ini.-i; Up mai l.going iVegt, lncidiug Pnh*artor, Pickering, oronto, andaI places West <of To- ronto, al'& thoC0. 'i. R. IL. tr= $ltg Poust Office gtaing 1M est, close. ant 7 a. Iandtt #1p. i. Due for deli vervliere ait 10 ami., andlut 7 n.m. The Matila, for lCcicerinfr ant ibi>auban.are oniy moileti by the morninhf train srning Weat. North Miaià lenve daliv alter tli5 , rrivai of the train froni Toronto, for lirocklin, Manches- ter, Fort Fry edLiind»av, banille, fBois- vetnPrtHoover, AshIburn, Epsoan, Uticit sud Uxifri igc, aloo for ail the correspoaudlng of- loy, Blroughuam ,13#iastan, (ircnwond iaand ,Kiti- sale dauly, sud on Taiu;iay, 'iuurs4daZ and 8Sf urdoy for Altona, liaréïmont anad itouf<- ville. M1alsm are duo for delivery froua tliosi offics at #bout 5 30 P. in. ENGLISIT MAILS.-Froin the Igt of Apul. 18,59, ail letters for Gireat hritain vusut ie pre-- paid, by postage stenp. LoUtera i itonded for Europe onffl be pogt- ed bolore 7. o'clock A. ML. ou Moaîuiaîys%., 1 REGISTRATION. 0F LETTERS.-Tae chargo for Risjtraition, in addition to the poat- agae,;i. ao foilows, on eaaeh letter viz To Ruy 'place in fintisif Norti AmÂiertes, 14; To any piace iu the Uniltedi States, ( postag muaitb. prcpoid aisu> )Sd : zg To an>' plgco lunCGreat Britaulu andi Ireinnd(potst- aga must bc propiti also) 7Xd To any plnce in tho Blritimh Colonie. ior rosses;- sions, sent -ria Fugianti, ( postage auanst be prai- To ayplace inra nnce, or otiorForeign cou n- tries, via Englt, u amouint oqual to tlic post- 1*0 rate. PARCELS up to 8 lbi. weigit can %e sent by post nider rceuhtiolas at 184i 8d por lb. tole rrnidby n dYn' yun c ruaay be cdhy pn'ment o t ditional. oiie No maîfi a re def4latchod or roeiveti on Sun day. (n Boolîs anal printeti matter for flae Unitedi States4, the. Cainatdai>aitaasire must uce prepada by postage stuaanps, ai on satatla nî.ttcrêTfroua tgo United] States, tho Casauaa I'aPostaage wiil ltee to collect on dolivery. Ali transient Newaspapcrs4, inic-luiing tiiose for Engaunai, mnst baiprépuald a>' 1'ustago staitip or t.h1cy caauaaaot lue forwnrik-c. Newslpnpers for tie lBritisha Test ITiliem, or Newtoiiiidlnaad, nîu:st bai tipAduil'yIPostage Stamp, 1%il cacla; aand for liaduai, Cliiaun, Atastrit liai, nad otiaor piaces licyoad son, 2Q4d oaci. OFFICE IIOUliS.--Weok dimy, froin 7 a. m. to 7 p. in. Sundnys, froîn i t a1 . ni. Postage Stanias cen ho pinrchtised et the Poah <Jflice. A. McPIIERSON, P. M. Wiithy, April, 18159. O '18W. DENTISTRY 1 DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY. DR. C. C. JEROME9 Suirgeon Dentit, I N refrrint' flitaushs to lbis nîsunatrotis frientis A anti the paîblie gonorali>' foru-thitm llsu- pmige since lie corînirced pruseice lintils T'awua, n ouaIdha] luiretake occasioau ta> shute te auhi fluose who are roqisirinirtiiii e t lti e u lias.io% îobtaufaiaeut n aiaiiue ofar aoukits>' t vulcanlaîcti uîbhu, itapon %aluieha lie aili iisc-rt al kinulmuiaiii tyles ni'reetia, 4rcueaîpcr t/ian hais ever heen done he/aria Iwitfu th i,,proctu-as. Dr. C. C. Jimaosutx will guaarita-- ho fat ilîo miost tifflilat case Witii thae gu-eîiust piuecisiuiu Is al fall cuaes, parties cxis hunva, la'ck Téetlu witlid Outilurs, whiela i., ils aveu-y respect, fur superiaur te aîîs- otier kluîalof w#,rk kuucwuu ias ise. 'riis waîu-fis.h-igluly ippriavati ai ff I>-tl of thisa diuit' l>amtsslia Non w York, unid lau-ia- cipal ctles tlsrotiglaotit tue Unteda Stat-. owliag Wo is heitg at'rclialiglite nda fi ,.aon cou-calme nature, andat ixi, aller a test of'thu-i 3-eu-s, tiocinuti iigher ndria] sare preffansiahou (ifais goiti oraur other anetalie plate. IJat. Jatimosoa would wisha it ho bcho crite in minul tiant lue las t'a-cati>' ndotaceti tise ricos 4wiuit-ia liaretofome orue tisa standard. lie votld rîso fuuthcr gstato that lie liais bauco eaaasfusutfv taiat' tuefos'a nuineti inaticuisl fuir severil rîa'uilis pasi, tinriig %Ywii unilahouitsi upit u sgra-uu unisber of caes, iul lauahiîIstanaecs thetuasi cf satisfaction hais boen sanaufeteti tu>' ie patiensts. Gold, Siver and Platina Plattes -sifi up in the Lateait Styles, Ciceaper than uçttl, and 1;Uurrantcri. Ail Suirgictil cpcrusfaasonc f tIse 'reetl or- Gumq witiluîr, aaîusab>' naîîuuaof' chectuicitv. 1Paruties (ar attention giron to tise neguii:oaîoc lil- l 's T o o t u. - Consultationa Firce. A Il irork IiurMaPl Ieu P.S. Cull âsiu a] inise speeitiiiis c f tiiwork Oefiîu-ugettint' yaous haut ha laerteul eisawiueu-a. 0.#kd in tAuuawxLI'O stiocat, oaer Loues J& I>owcWU.qStore, Break ,-eet, Oti It. Isept. 15, 1859. ly-sw w d". , tIS*W* eon Ali . wq en ie t . orîe 0 .broad, on ve4q0bWO B3OARD 2Y DIRECQlW~.-The Bon. ,ti MeGiII, Pf'ý dont of, tlîe'Bsuk fMontes. The.- lon. Jizitie. «MoCord. 3ntajamin B. Le- Moine, hq Cushaler, NE uuodu Peuplq- Ilenry Stirnâ, Esq, fi .P,.P. Alax. Sim,~n Bsq. B. 8Tyler ,Ewi., Morobant. .H WlsltaaÏfy9*1 Y4 . 1.P lNS1'(~rOR F iNC18-W.MERamsay ThJo CoonislwAWeotabid 'li 18M -ud IR. Strigprannumf Subsoibed Captl-4>0ne Million sterling.- Contîtnted liv Actiaf Parliament.. 1 Agencleono laiceCaulonicua, hereominis are recelved ania]Cloins smettled. l. Agent at Vati-. H. Dartruii. Ageucles in every Part of thfe wrl\ 19 Royal Insiirance Ooipauy. OFICE-22 TOIHO;NTO ECILANGE. OAPITAL-TWO MILLIONS MT. Paint Punuzia, 185--TwAo bindred Thousanc Ilerv'e Fends ona.lane]1<Am<-el an cdaims, over doJ JJuadred 27uow'nil Poundit SterUng. F lF.IS ANEon Buildinigs, Fniture- anda Mrfualzof every dcleicrption, of- foctud un the moiit fivorable tetri. Shocrt perio-1 riAks tuulesn on Merchandize for oue or nuire nîinst. Lif I nsannance 0on iery adlvaayngeoous terinis for thae taasred, witf a aanîanaîl bouitas and divlsioul; of p.'Aflts ever>' five YL-surs. JOhn qAGNEW, Agent, lWuitbll. Wlaitbv, June, 18ri2. 20 PuoeNIX INSURANCE COMIPANY. EÀWltr]?OILD, (ONNtJCTICUT. W-PAID UP (CAÎPITAL, $C0,000.ffl p OLICTESt graaaîtc.ul inu;neduîtely ou applia. tion, witlaout refa.rcner te thei Menti (Alice. C. LYNDE, The Scottish Provincial Assurnnce Comnpany. KtablsUed A. J). 182u5, and ti coprated lupà Secial Act i I>arliarnerd. CAPITAL - £1,000,00 Montreul, P GCrefit st. jantes Street. SECRCETAII.-A. 1)nvidi4on Parker. I NTENDING Agssurer. ara rospaetfully ro JLqiesteti to peruse ttis (Cotnapnnyv'o; Pr'spoc- tis, wfaerc-ir it will Le o liidtitat aveuy adeaun- taqe, corisietcnt witla si-earity, f. oftered. .riae rates of Proaîaiulaas efirgedt ire low. wlaile tho lionuses ucluaroti wilI bearcouaapaîrison with hie P'rofitsa allotteil by an>' ot thae otiier leuding oflees. Particular attention i alsn di reeteci to an equi- tabloe rgtlation adopted hb>'tiais Compainy, as to surrender valuae of rolianqinished Piolicics. IV,îrrauy-JOIanAgesi -gClt; Robert J. C1 uiian, M. D>. Medicial Ativiser. I'iti-<cz A l.1rlT.-N% eîLAgntew, Ma. D. Medi - a-al dvi.er. f-ni State Pire Insurantce Company of Lon- don, England. cIlÂRTEM) Y CT F In T Af(F liTiSil vÀILTAMET. CA PI TA Ir,. ..L500000 STErllLLYy.' IIOAItD OF ouIRECoils ,(airman-Tie liguthtu. t-rd Keaite. 1l. B. Slieritlaauu, %M. ' (Coluiaa-l .Jaies Adair. Viue iev. W. l'eiin. Pecter Carst.ii r,', Escu. The lion. 13. iotluhv jaul n laauues Uaî wiiai t irip, Esq llc-ary iClau-k, E,. 1) .l IqichlaIolanuys, Elia. WVilliauu, jlanryoa a sqM. A. F. M. W1 i Cm 1 Peter Morrimiiia, isq.,fNluaoiginea Pirector. Auitr.-Aibrose Mille-r, Esq. Soicirs.- lessirg. Milieu- & Ilîau-uuî. N, 'n.Wli 1 I7]Itby, .jai ALEXANDER STEWART, Manager, B,-ii /NArtk America. JOHN AGNEW, Agent at Wkitby 1.5, 185. 51 Protection against Lous and Daianage 1 British Amea-ica Assurance Company, toy Fire. ,WESTERN ASSURANCE COMIPA.NY, CAPITAL £100»0O INSURANCE effeceai on Buildinigs aindti ier couteitsm. Everi ha haaruration u auaslicd un aiplicatiosn to uae iiuslou-gîacl. JOHIN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron Strneet, Wlitby TIIE CELEBRATED ron Tnx uso REo0 Cnt. Braises sud ail kindis cf Fbesh Wounds sneX,4ent te the Humain OUFMEiNG-,O X PAIN, A»D MEa Inflicted en animaàl. hWit lias been useti muoeeull>' fer tIse Laist Ses-en Yearsç, antibais nos-or been knowui te fal.. Matie anti seld by Pickeniing, C. W. Wlaiili>', Jun. 24, 1860. - 2-1>' INt'0R)Ill(.>lA'nE1) nader an Aei cf the Tluimd iSessici iof' the lcveusth ProvincdiablPau-liai meniat £bc Iliiîes-Causada. CAPITAL £100, 000. lrnra eteectea] oui Buibdinsgs andti tsir cuiheuts.eu Fmri-r' afariuautioii upiaaic]on ap plicuîtionu 10 the taidrs§igued. Mar-inue liski. for the beamota or far Puris. * JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agenst, Byroni Street, Whiby Phoenix Fire Assurance Co. ot6BAUîD STREET AND 014ARIuNG ClaiS., LONDON ESTABLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, M1OFFAT & GO., Agents for Canaida. I NSURANCES egalisat LOSSES b>' PIRE andi effocted ensatisa inst afusou-a'-letennis, sa]d LOBSS ES paitiwitlaoiuisréferencé W tho Board in London- R. W. WOODWARD, Abon4 (-oniatijoJ f tA' Wiiitby, Aut' 1Q, 1859 PoR SALE. =Soliciior, & Biiock Street, Whim4y « 'ÇM1îbgWl 0t'îî c-e(. CI "flr,. Wbitb'y, Jb. 8; 1060à; 92tË FOR SIALE, ýOnE Impro vei Parm laDrigo5 acres.. On.e i Maipoea50 acres. Wild Landis in Mars, Romierville, Eu- DovReFungerord. I Hfanpton, Town ahip'o 'f'Dariingon,, one of ýthe ver>' bout ln thoTownîhip cf Dar- goTowxi Lots' In Bowmanville, Brooklin, Hampton, Port Perry, andi Sarnia. t Alto a few Town Lots in the Town of WHITIJY - 1 For gale Loue and on 'Long Credit. Meehanicsansd otfrera desirous of build- ing eau have fromn 12 hio 18 months to make the first payment. Seud for a Circular. Atidreas, pogt-paid, J. H. ERRY, 4 ~W/it mi. October 17, 1859. 59 Tarm for Sale. 2 oACRES 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 2010,1in lOti Concesion of Thorala; 15 Acres cicarcul. This Fnri» i. itnated witiia four miles of Boaverton, on the traivel raid ta Mara; the lana] liof theo beait qualit>', anti la in the centre of a goot i ettîciant, with a Schaeol, ana] a Sawmiil couveniont. Also Nortia lalf of Lot 4, lu the lOtif Cones- sion cÏ Thorala, conxisting of 95 acres 12 ef which are cleareti, andi fronting ou the. kotage Roati, near Camoron's Miii. - TEtaifS LIBEIIAL., M Appi>' to D CAMERON. Beaverton, lOtus Jul>, 1857 26 TOWN LOTS. F Ot Ble LotoNon. 122 and 1239 Town of Wliithy. The aboya Lotsq arc mont eligibi>' situîated for building proc- thcy aueccomed and situa ted i tfaebont part <f the Town, andi will ha disposed of, on li bonadlterins gje7 A clear dced waill bc given, frec froin a] incaîmnirance. Apply to V. C. M4A YIRHOFFER, Whithy, or to J. A. MAYERIIOFFER, Chroniclo Office, W luth'., First Claus Farm for Sale, 100 ACRIES. THE West haif lot No. 20, 2nd Cc ces- sion,"of the Townshuip of Whitby.I The whole cleareti anti undcr cuitivation.- Vii fcuced anti suliatantial barn, shedia,XIur, buildings, anti root cellar ucwly erocteti. For terma &c.7 apply to Whithy, Feb.I3, 1860. hty LI VERPOO0L. - Blacksmiths & Waggounmkers Shops Fo- Sale or to Let ant Liverpool, T nWENTYN MILES EAST 0F TORONTO (A JLDe and Station cf the Grand Trunuk Rail- waîy). aÉcla Shop ias a Cottage anti a quarter of îîîî Acre of Lana] attacleti. ,Tfîeele r-nims h uav av ilately crcetcd %itlu- in a short distaiice of tir, hangston Rond, and theo Riiiwauy Dopot. A gooti bus;iness in botia triules can bc doue b>' tadau> and good work-. For ftirthe r particularmapaply te MR. S. PURDY, Jniy 29,18.57 Liverpool Pm8 Wü1d Landa Wanted. W IXANTED, h tthe Township cf Mara V'400, to M acrescof Laîti. I>ersons has-W hte saine to dispose of 'an Iuas dreais, posat pai, Bqx 678, P'. 0., Toron- Wo siatiig lot, ooueeisou, prace sud terns. W'oonto, Pub. 4, 18î0. 4-2w FOR SALE. 8 4 aieres ofaexcelleu-t Lana] bu the S. E. angle eto Lait 18, li the 8 Coun. of Uxbridgo, tise tianber on tise Lasdti j,lrgt clasa pine. Alsqol'or saue or te, ut, 8 acres of eleareti lana] part S. W. anugleocf 'g, 2nd C'on. of RIeaci fou-- axarl>' owaaed b>' Mi, Robet. Thuis baisd is unudorcitivation, amuiin excellent ou-dem. It wiil b hold]to suDitrclasors, or 'aili bo lot ho a stcady teanat, Fou- tonnas»ajupi'tte ýR1S. JOIINSTON, Malton, C. W. Toronsto Townshaip. of te TIIOMAS BEALL, Wlaiby. Mn. Isaxie Rouis wilb ulîow the lana] in Uxbridgc. Maultera, Nov. lu5it, 1859. 44 A N excellent nqW Frame Cottage, nearl>' in the heurt of iie iown of Whitby, andi within n few yardaef the Main Streaf--Pundas Street-together vnat wo-fsftlis of an acre of lana] attaclueti. De h ouse -containas six apant- monts, bas an ce1 elbeut ccllar, aud thora is goed stabling anti l hnecossar>' ont-buildings, andi a supenion pudp cf good a]wtor on tho spot. For Taninai,c.,iwlsieh will bo found ver>' liboral. Appi>' t& J. A. MAYERUIOFFER Is.ChronieaOffice, WhitZy. VALUABLE tROPERTY for SALE. T UE Store anti4wmrisos latel>' occîspieti by Mu-. J. A. Melillan, at Utica, in the Town- slsp h eacs ejthor with a quarter acre of Lana] attaciedt 1 eto. This stome li s-or>' favo- rabI>' sitnated fo*iny. busiess. The Villageoe Utica is lu tue c4roocf tiseTowrishp, sud il the traisel-en tsfro onlpssstrough ItZ' Toms 'avwili be sade tWsuit purohaser.oAp- plicatin te be de te plcaio t b -JAS. B. O3AMPBELL, 45 AahUru P, O., Beaeh. Ju4th lUO. - m el fitUeds ai.pyeemut :!n ti1cm*5SXOt i' F. , - - W. H.HIG S, whitliy Ph1 8~ ii4 FQR SALE CEF A -bilL I2VILEE ANPTGWXýT tcontigioiJito tia. BoavorteaM Iiaf large sud profitable bMiliing busineo =canledon. hre. F&Vorable tarins mat'le matie W'ith the Proprietor b>', a i'ractieal.Miiler. Apply to Mfr. JAMES ARMSTRONG, N. B.-Thoe is a flrst-rate opening aIfBea- -erton fur th.esFtsibliaiuuxeutofag Founir>'. J. A. %eavorton, Jutly 28,1857. 28 FOR SALE CIIEBAF. TOT No. 27, in the $rdi Concession of Wiiti,>' W(the NS aEM djoliaing the Town of Wistby Aply,,tetheIlon. I. C. Wiumiav, CarringPaS, mu.W'Ir.xurs, Esq., Belleville, or to J. V. HAN, Whitby J ulylS 15 817. 2 el Steam and I'laster Mill for Sale. rr 'H' T A.;IGNEZIS 0F 0. STONE, OFFER- j.for s4ale on çasy trmai tho Steain Plaster failli aindi Frnitnre tiacein, at Port W iiitby. Application foehocruade ho J. L. GRANGER, or N. MILLER, Wlitby, Maril 2,1859.f>b. 7 FOR SALE IN TUE ýTOWN 0 F IVITBY. LOTS NOS. 2, aud 22- TIEY ARE SITU- Lateti on Dundaus Street, la-twecn Mu-. S. Cocliranae and Lynti&s Cu-cei. Application to bc maode to MtRS. ANGELINE WEST, Lot 335,ath concesion Pairliuîgtoil. "Chrisitian Offeriug" please copy until forbiti Valuablo Farm for Sale. TMAT ainable Farn ôompoged ofN.E. Toh Lot No. 4, iii the 4tiî concessuon o ik Containing 50 Acres, About 120 acrest choppati Tie above F;.u-tsiis sittoateil in fIsce centre of au- excef lent wlient-groi rag ioeiality, anad %witiuin about s4ix mâles of, tie imporn t Towan of Whfithly. Tenusa moderato. Titb inclispiataîble. Appl'cation te ho madle t4) JAS. Mu/A UN, WI thv1y-,JAS. LOGAN, Lèt là, Brokea Front, Pikoaagouto TIHOMAS -IHUSTrON, W/aitb'y. Aloo, for Sale A quîanhity of good CEDAIlPORTS. .AI'PLY AS AlIOVE. October 3 18159 55-31n W & sin Tazm to Let. A Farn to I-et for a terni of yenrs, iu -' the Townsuhip of Darlinigto.-, about two miles enst of Bowiunnville village, con- taining about 150 acres clear, with gooti 11uildings. Appi>' on the Farni to Mrn. DANIE1L GALBRAITH. Darlington, Oct. 20, 1859. 40-2w TOR' SALIE, Comfortable Fenil>' Reidenco situsteti in Athe Village of Liverpool, Township of Pick- ou-lig, adjoinaiat' thc Frencimann't4 Bay Station of the Grand Trunk %iilway, 18 miles froua To- roauto, consistini of a Cottage Containuaag Niue Rocans, witls oer>'convonlence reqimiite;.p largo Bau-ma andi Staîble attacieti; s neveu- faîliug wel I cf wa- ter; tihe Grounsti re tustoftill> laid oîît, andi pisinteti with if lado Trocs; ao, a Largo Gardo-n woIl stooketi with Fruîit 'nu-os; the whloi coi-crs two acres of Ground, and cannot ho suirpassoti las the Town»sbip cf' 1'ickeresig;ffor is- conveni- once anti resdgY a ceas. te t]ol-iailway. Ternis matiees>'y. Ior furtiier particulairsaysplyto the suabsarilsor, Yorkville; or to Mar. William ;Ptrd>' nuoiî the îsromitias. Posses;sion givon forth- D. O. JENKINS, Froprietor. Whitby, Jul>' 28th, 1659. 86 Tci fansin tho Township cf Toah, Cunty cf Ontario, with imn provements of 20 acres ou each Lot. -For particubars appl> hi H. J. Macdon- el], Whitby, Barrister, or to D. Cameron, oaronP. O. D. GMRN Oct6ben Il, 1859. 592us40-2in-w TO LET. /1111EsWore anti dwelling ieOuse nowccupiod JLb>' Jama, fçPningle, anti known as the - STONEM STORES wuthe, owam cf Whi*tby. Poisession gIso-enbu tise frait cf Septembor noxt. ApplY te lVhltli>',Jxsy28, 1858. W-litb>, Jb. 16. 1860. SimriCa Sleof, Lands. Count>' of Outail tYVir.fua of a Wri.t cf To> Wii , . Feni Fadas, iaiiue ont ci, Rer Mjesty's Courrot Queems's Beuch,- tit Toronto, su1 d t6 me direétea] ýgain»t the landei ainditenemniawbich tIwere of Cornwsll Fare- well deccaseti, at tl.e time of his denth in tise baudso of Ellen Farewell, adtuiuistratrix, &c., defendaut, at thé suit cf Arthur -O'lea pliaintifi'. I have suizeti sud talen luexecution aui the intene.tt whieh the soiti Coimswal Pare- wolli dteeosodi i. t;lifo, timo, sud-at ,tie time of hi. tideatlm md lin that c;tdumreel or frac of baud, hcing tlîree quater. o1faiiae b e the saine more or lesai, bemng coniposeti of part of lot number iffreo-n lu tue second conceasion of- the >,Towraasb cf,.Pickering - coixenme*îsg xliere ai post lias been planted ti a-a iisnce cf - two danais tlasrty seven anti a liaîf linakai oua course ucartis sevents two degu-eai east froua tua soutia wet angle of saiti lot Thenice nontis, aiev-, cartyTomu- degres, Eas.t two Clanins aievenkglc, TI ence nortia aixteen deurees;, wemttamed chailus and tweialy flive linksa, iiore or lesam tothe sentis- side ot the public road, Then-e nonilî -W'etërlyý uuongýJieionttlsde oflhe saîa] poulie roadtwo ci-alm aidoven linkus. 'Tha.ncouîi, 'six-, heen degrees esst, tlirce dhains andti lfty bne ink i more or leas. ho tu:e plaice of 1 eginaiin'. Alszo ail thtat certain paîrcol or tract 6f landti st- uasted, lyiaag ant i sag in tife Village of Osha- wa, a.sd beilg coin poset of n puant ot lot No. tan iu the 2ustiCoiu. iftliTowua-fip eofEaAst Whit- b>', sud hutiti undti honnded ss»ôlow:eom- naunclug ia fu-out of the saîli Codncess;ion nt the dis;tatacecf oiieeliuuiinfit>'links cix acourse north, severat>'four de rees castit from Ithé scith wost agle ofosala lot tlience nortiaseveuty 'Éur ulegribes, easî one Chasin Ifi>' lules, àThoîc noirtiî ixtcenixdegu-cei,'aiest one clianarseoity one Ias icaosan ses-osi>' tour dopes.o, wiest ene clnin filt>' liii, Tlîcsu aioti su degrecest isuaclii samveîîty out limiti,. AIl wltcla land] siind tencuierats ilîcreon or the saiai dotaisdants i-taie or luS erteittoreina I shala offar fovr sale aitPuablic Aucti'n Ïas foUlows, viz :- olinitdcesribtîcitîrce quarter. cf ait acre. oui the promises asit 1)uffii'- Crack ou Iondis theo Twetihy-ifii dduy .if April, XkD 11 a0, st the lcuîr c oÉ n e'slock a. uni.- And thea hast desu-rihetion thc pu-eiie itcs nt hnanloti fliondîa>' tte Tweasty tlaird day 'of April, A. D.- 186aQ, autise hour of Two ocîssef, p. ni. ]NELSON G. REYNO LD>S? Slaeriff. C. O. Per C. Noua-se. Shierif'. Offiec, t8& W ta. Wluitb>', Jan. 21, '0. FOR SALE OR TO LET. 31ýPRIOIEID FARMS E a01 4 &É1% lst.-100 acres south haIt cf Lot No. 10, 3rd concession of Whitby, knowu as part of the ARMSTRONG. ESTATE, Oui>' two nmies from thse Town of Wisitliy. 2ud.-50 acres- South Wcst- quarter cf Lot No. 28, Oth concession of Darlingtoù, about cight mailes froua Bownville. Sd.-50 acres Southf Eat quarter cf Lot No. 18, Iltif concession cf Mariposa, about 9 miles fronm Linday. The aibove meistioneci Lots are firs t-ciass.; Farina, lu a bigla state oif cuitivution, goodri Buidings, anti aear important Towns. Wiil bce solti reasonabie, anti ou favora- ble ternis. Appi>' to J. H. FERRY. AgenfortheOwnier.ý Whitby, Oct. 6, 1 gent/ort/a Storo to Let. ITN tIse usts central anti business ma.. piart ofilie Town cf Wfiitby, that mU plendid ncw Brick Store, under- inti tise Law <)llcesof W. H. Trre- iaaaayne,, Count>' Attorney, aitnatc on Dundas Straet. Thîe huildir.g li 40 lu> 27; thon. islea show noor os-eu- lie Shop, ansd 2 or 8 good aparfincasainithe building, can bc lot with tii. The show front is tlIe Tmoit coeuspienosan sd attractive ini tIse own. Possession iimedèciate- s 1>'. For Ternis,&c.,-apply to - JOhIN ARWAL. 91-ilm. Pnnaastreat, Whtby. OUR MUSICAL PRIEM. "OAUR MUSICAL FRIEND I'anRare Coin- Jpanion for tluoWinîcn kontlss. Ever>' Pianisi%, I1ifhol d procuire tlsisweekly Es-en' Siîge.,PublCio _ohVoca Ysu VoluÏni, containint' 17 Nu mbors, et $.Soaêb consaatl>'on baud. '-Agonts wanted for tif ca publications. C. B. SEYMOUR & 00O O . 107 Naeau 8t, New rork Grand Trunk Railway Rotel. (Soulsaido ?aikwaFJy ptPrtWAtl. T ZE UND]T1SIGNe7D BEOS TO IXPC>RM j.-hiaifrjni; isithe public, tistisolainow lu possession of tho aàbove hôtel, tise businessa ofwl hh lliiafsea-younonlissown aceouint>. Good Liquorls, Wmeis anti Brandies, - Excellta tabling- 1ioflattention formnn - afsdboni. ia uTrtRl"nl 19jWit>,Ja.15 8-0 Ussde, tn iihièSs-r$ Avr botlelt fast:i s-O' At4aeut mïli iîeni gampaid u-p. Igttera-enudleaing culh,,i the risk of the PÙlshi :BOOK AI r IRPRINETA Puabic tbhî ha Isslm procer - - Otes-ssityles of T> c ro 1Ar Foundicssaa iapý1 -~ lrs-ejssPre.ses ainti Auctiuin Kuhi fmorseBihis ticuaiOf Priaiiag ftu-aslaslu TTRPEN O)F TE VVîiic Raideuse-4 -ZACHEUS HI -fE IF OFF c LERK F TUE -,*pz ithe. Court luiuse n1LERK 0OF TIE (!iU hoJegî4"str.i- of ie Bu-ueR S LICiTO, &CLH 0OUIÇTY E1NGI1NEEýR CutHonuae. j LERKFJË$ÏDIVISIs. -attife(Conu-t lir'uce W.' H. TRIEMI B ARIIISTE ý.N Blok d fce ioo. CA3IERQN & MA - fARRISTEIlS & ATTO woflceat tuie ('onu-t h11 GEORGE U1. DA & C's.lIidwnoStoeBi N. (G. 1 ÏRRSTEPIIN S,'Ti V b.NELF,-NDm' G.'IH..DAUT: J) EPUTY REGISTR.kII, - eF rdinar>', anti oxuasine a Ibýe Couint, cf Ontairio, hiiocl JOHN MeN 4 ARRISTER, ATR] o J Crner cf.Chan'cisatiU -site thse Caib stand,) Toroirto. I CLVLL& HA TTORNEYS &<OOUKEÇ A Rd Wing, lMitanesgta WILLIAM TIEMPI K ING STEET, OSH West. M V 17V iL or1.

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