Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1860, p. 3

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Duiro, A- a ài Min. wed t1le bashftnl mneed'nt g o for and me have cou. I we wanted Yom bhat Uio> Cali,'It< - Iffore w begin, >be the damageo, Sgo it bind."1 ri«e I take whut - go aiamn reini a humy; lie tho ltLr Patch he's goLt W fetch ister commence&l ýupied but a fow- aid the doighte& My' olai wumaîs. darteil eut of the w«s left. goite ouit for 71» ibat .suvprised. 3 hài appearaucee dlItai of sausageo, minm-se ,with tLb. moue>', and vo sasages.\MAt lie>' amegood. If' tiaca baok, and hlgbest 'luterçut ýe Great Dcsert, by an Engîluli Eaq,, .pWho read te Royal Asiat. Artoe b.eat lu , il &iirone pealu traveilor, ail efctas. left theni-thei vo atone douro ho archeticture ciLils is reaair. 111e a custie, ily out. Fur. is *Wefound <tIred witb iu. haracter, bear. Le the Grceok erablo (lis hO 0 the anciet wl n, laUme lu d isopreuaicas yenèsitted, sAnd teuLlon of Orl. -glaand Fur- large fur%.# 1 ug te farsaing omi onie huai. 'Iand-J ButI ýk thàt I ceûid. île tanna than" I> unipa>' fer iund dollar,' rm b. tarm, thouoand.dol.. ,t the sanie îmany tools doa tu carry q te ire bilp - mt thymi for, igrandfain- Xbey do Who> lia ten in with ' one Sa4t'eiub> tbe not .cultivaéo w.!!l; but 1 fras it ,rup agÉood i- tu put on It. -t, but they cultivate li back ona the oduce on the e of the r»tont., (l Yo. Yet përon s d is5 a Ad& e d R, A 2 d ~< Mo i a1tiail e. 5 i810 bal 60 5087 1 82î~ô~O011 .01AR o p ITýe24 Il 8 2088 '88>1821)05002,1 Plt$JKMUMBs Tiiuo 2 lLî9 DUCEDJ ....40 18 9 88 I1112? 18,; t 42?47 é8~gflî ~~IL~DI~~~TEM..POîI.îO 17 làSeit udÈ ffe silo 12 ta pu ly Orn0111 os, î1rPth* -i -il DRIG PRCALY EMPO WERY'eI) ROY.&L C~~ uÀco ALA<N'O adahgste Reudeu t a British North ÂîaiertOeluW4-r «n, lalla bes' ad (iiore, lu Cîaaa.Anfwiletius êlrdîg uiatg uperfor ta W14 ,teot ottrir 1r ai L,h fil oaof arts MsOM ort 0 oa<i t-of rec@uj origiD, oor illaîtdbîiesa~ eotéa ,l ono f tie aat eteaiiveaaadueeesfu 5h n sthejrkl A.ssnraaao lous; the, Poliey- *~~~~~~~~~~~~~m hdesltieirthAneen rinsbaethe'boaaii fl cftise large aîaaaîal bain... tr&aaaiatod lit Great Britalùa ud Ireluad, andfe aM4ansd outatyiaseQuati taus now yaoldllag an Ineome cf hîpwards.O o . 0 , or ununi. autilàig td Rt>AD OFFICEJ IN12 per isa'nORH Mm u CANADA-IoWect;9 areat St, ames 8taeW NOVA SCOT14 , H4ifa.V-NFeBUSTWO4 m ,i 0:> TH[ERE 18 A SPECIAL ADFANTAGE in Assuring beforel thte approacling Close Of ike .0oks for tte 21sf ANNUAL BALANCEJ* 41One Yeaeecarlier Participa4o n tPropiëtea u/ult/usbe securad. APPLICA TIONS WILL BD RECElrP'D -UN7'11 Wi APRIL. Baawiîialtl-i?. ItUt3SELIL LOSCOMBitl, Barriatai.. Nowesiti $AMUEL WILMOT. P'ort lhupcU-W. hF. lA >11 , ILCoiaaaaîirctai Bniak. Oâiauwa-SAMUTEL COCUiRINE, Jr., Biaruapiter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .~ . ..... eni.i F EANI:) j 0P ENGLAND. m i À Vo o, 299 Lombard Street, London. fîg C APITAL: S--3 TWO lYILLIOIS STERLING, Lie ri .f - Quebeo èxovernmont bgency. liasiie»?, eoîiiîectud with the and utiior PUBLICI DEPARTMIENTS atiteidýd to. Alaêc gecaîru.d hy t1ii -miilhsrihoir. AIddrcas vprepuid. Laî.d aid I( ocerai Àguiit, No. 21i, Atîile Street, BUY THE PURE KEIIOSE--NE OIL, AT J 4U, il, GER1tL's LEItOI'M Lt; Awybrm, Morehn Ld Ci -ad ail wb rite reud and workb1 proîa'soice tte ie thinvt t <acid o.pew4 Burit- )Kt 'il in nue, k Itgvurtho l.rIlOtel§t liglit, asnu ainell, sai rut-ri,» roio trizuanalng. Sold at $1 25 PIER GALLON, A.LL <.U$ATOM ERS SÊRVE,» ALIKEI, tlao IO furanîa w iloh e ca fus <I) e>wil adver- ber tlaat thue I>vit pofo uyKoraw(ine Uit bc- iaag <utîrior, lhti ttt Nu Ferson has ever returaed any of It, blt on the coîîtrur)-, all wlîu haive uaed it give It the liigliest pritime. JAMES II. OEIRI'S, DrucS tore, Duaidai, 8trot. Whlrb'y, Jain. 12, 3t460. * NOTICE. 'A, poroxaa lltntrd ing to tokc ouit Sliop or 'acilLic.eîsesira tisa Muaicipallty for tha promait ý'oaîr, imist attend witla theIr Bonida- taon at thoefuwit lialt ona Monday, the l2thj lumt., ut 1)30uekii. mr., l'or tise Iurlpoao of ru - coiving the otaie, on payintifieiiy Impector ofL esesTouivuof Whidy Wliitby, lMrch- 1, l1860. EXPLANATION. 1ruggisti profitsa, but wiii'aielt it aind the huit COIdI Oil t a$1 25 uer galion tu good paying eus- I uxpe Mr. 0. wihl tiake cure isow ho asivertiai- os about ottaera'sCIlIuig iaîteriur.Keraco, is laii siuul)lled b>' ttc 'amae iarty I deaul witli, ainsiI alwa>s calder the bcs5t. GEORGE YULE. Wbitby, ae 1, 180. DENTISTRY. Removal of Dr, J, 3. JoLesi Ir-%R. JONES' Dontint7> Booms bave boca .1/ renîoved to thie bspaIcUnai rouns, first door Fortha cf hryant's Hotel, IBrook Street. 0flý-Fami1ias auended at titir resiee. Wlaitby, Marcb 1, 1860. 98 OËWM. MCI3IIEN.r1j 1 W» - *0:- ilW b Tr.ÂAlIESe ' a etlemens' fashloaiable Boot jU iud Sho Maker. A13RMOKIN, C. W. A ow stock ut Loatlier ans iflndlngs. AU lnl want cf a reall>' goosi hct or alace slaold *dIl at MoBRIEN'SI5, 131OOKLIN. The inatenal e elwascfL es ot quailit>', ans i bé- workwan- Tue ndouiigxodroc.ilvesithee irât prises aut tiuo Rjorul Ccuuity Agicultural sud 'Townshuip hixalitias -W i LLIAM MacBa.E'Le. I Whitby, Pub. 23, t 1E.fr'< 6t. A1ND) LARGUE BUEIVE FUNDS. PIRE DEPARTMENT, Tiais Coîaîpalny luwii Iluildin"a and aIl oth>ar deaicriptliunOf l>soperty rucinait Lu or »carnag. bil ie, un the s niat LiZera Teêrmj.. AU juait lommaiu prohli,Ïfy aatted, without do- dlicton orialscouran, anid iitliaut referunctu Etigisisd. The large Capital und idicions mannaginuaiit ut tii»Us Cniiay intaiuaClà the mobt perfcct maf'uty. LIFE DEPARTMVENT, Lro- niciptitioai of Profits Consisitenat witll d lted i>etirity, ind uvery beiefiteu- brauca-CI liat tlie a cil» fLité Aà§buranco afforded ltce4ci Ptm i fr New I'olIlujaJonc Ini six mouti,. uf tiîuu ;aat ycur. £200,000 STERLING! Itiicuiiie iroin aIl source>. Ini itô . 2859889.j Exlilla'tg a lau nwesIn 0Du e a tneOcf £2593489 Thio faîndts lia land cxcue-d £7OO;OOo, Exlilbltlaiuau laurceseln 0one yeurar iiin M £801000!1 amîaple detaiha ut tiie Ccnapaany'i operutioni., ad1 cvery awect-*nury Informatuion iuripilied ut tihe JOHN ÂONËW, WhIy >Agent for Town of Whitby, whty u.25, 1880;i NO TI C E CotIuIte>of<)zutaarao, t Sliurbyxiven, that tli. '1u Wit. f UotimKofAa.,izoa<ndNhimi Plriai,,, Oycr aat Terinier, aid Genetral CGo] Iiciivery. wil h)le ioldon ilii arid for the Coit5 of' Ontario) aut the CiptrtIlIotio, Ili tle uwu ci Wlhby, on Thuîrsdayy tho l5tiî day of March, 1800 ut the bour.'f 12 o)'cioçak mon, of' whlîiîal Coroneors, Jtistieca c f'the i'eac, sad Conâtabfecsv unid lil otitîcr concerned, wllulau notice and i guveru thetnu>ulvciavucrdingly.t NELSOI<G. JREYNOLDSt, ShLera, C. O. Pur C. Niowîs. 1 Wilitby, Feb. 8, 1860. 92 I Tenders. for Printing. s EALEI'renders. wil bc recuived aut the 0f- flec uf the Towii Clerk, uuatil Friday, the tith day of hhareli, ut 1~2 o'cloek, asoon, for doin 0 the Prîaiting, Biiadiugand Advertsiaing roq nroa for the Corporattion of the Town of Witby, te the lst Marcli, 1860). Forins cf tender, anad sîmpleo f râaper, &c., can bc had at the abu vu officu frona 10 a. iii. tu 1 p. tri., daiy. THOMAS HUSTON, lown le,*. Town Clrk'â 0OIe Whitby, 28th etb., 1860. 97 EALU BY PUBIC AUCTION. To0 be old by publie auction by'tho under- sîlgnot, pura5ualat to a power of sale cor .tainied in a certain mortgage, made by Pbii Whitney and wifo 'to me, boarlng* date the l4t,È day of J une, A. D., IMM9 to llowiaug land sud presis, vax. T hoeIIrtI 15 acres, ct the south 915 acres, cf the weast hait cf the wet hait cf lot No. 4, in thje Sth Con, of the townshilp of Beach, In thdo Ccnty Of Ontario, on Tuesday l3th of, March, 1860, ln the villageocf Epaéom,ait thûacur of 10 o'lock in the foraioimn. Torna made known ou the day of Rle. DONALD McDEIMID, Bosch, 22nd Job. 1860. 99-aSm s-w 71boebii, tieht, ttie, &sud àterut erally Poo" 5Iin the Underftienoneda# e tenementa theréon, 1seût,ýb m à n der, and by virtue ý,et tunWrtofPo Fadasto,ùme direeted, vaz:- inthe Court of Qucen' Bencb. Th ity' IankP.aintiffvs.Jh ik and Japnes,G jod, Defendanta. 'WÏ he Court cof ýùeên' Bénch and Wnmes Good, Defendauts. Lot No. f, Iu tho 4th concession of the Townsl$po ot eachf edntaluni gby.a4dmoa. Tii tbe Court of Ibolbmon Pleas. ÀIIs nd akugular, tboserertaiin pürcels or Iýtractue land ,'and promises 0s1 ubte, iying and beging iu the Township of lVliitbyý, in tb. Countyp f Ontario, being composed of that part of Lot nuiber twouty.six,. in tbe second eontess1on of tbe'said T*bip cf Whitb "" knowb andd c'ecribed ciLs plan thereof, madob>' John Shier, piro'ýilicaa Land Survoyou. au viflagge loti; numbers five, six and fo,[,7ne, EasL'of Brock street ou eaid plan. Aiso,-alright, tile and in-. terest efthtle said William Lhaw, ini and to Lots numbers twenty.nine and tlirty, (29 and 80) in the second tier iin tho fifth dot.î. ble tvage of village Lots West or Brock stretat, buang part of Lot nuniber twouty- âavon,, in the frst conmiesn cf thbo Town- la the Coutity couart. '-Jesiab Pomercy; Piatintifl, vs William Tcdd and Thoomas Todd, dcfeiadaîuts. U otiage.1,lutoSdoicuinfUx 820 1,11u fru i .ndroa igte No. ~. ~M5W.610 W, 1 chain tand 50 iiks tliscaîc XN %80 ,NELSON G. rE-]ýYjNOLDS W, 5 chains and 22 litakis thonce ?L. 87z $0 W, 0icif . 8iaîitaueN.4 ,10 1aitiis and 7à, VkibcrifPubO.f2c, 160lot Ne .12 an té Oth C'>accs4icn. The aiid roud Whity, Pb; 2, 180 Çtu bus oue cdaa wide and tue aibove descritud tio(iiihlnarked by pouits plauited ait the FOR SA E."Iera anluu erut, auîd thoehis blaazid lu F OR SAlE t uo<a(lu îiaîr) tLu be tUic caistnal iajaut thora- A. D'ALMAÎN SUPERFINF Iladau cond tinait the 14th da> of Fab. 18eo. for cash. Enquire ait the CiliHONICLE Of. - Twi<pCek fice W!Iltbv. 18 8.5-.N T E TIEabove ia a true cep>' et a proposedl T'Yjiaw whieb was read a second imne Lhis day, atnd Wvhioh viii be passed at Lhe next meeting of the Counicli, after publica- tion oft-tbe sai4 hly-law for eue month hif ou te Wbitby Chironicie nevapaper. Crown Land Department, ROBERT SPEARS, Tounthip Olrk. Quebec, Zrd Febu'uary, 1860. Uxbnidge, Fcb. 141 1860. BY4LAW NO, A By,4w umebù/ ?srtain nes YqfRoad aeeeslos ~and 4, in jý Cim.and al von & * 3..M , il anc ifttk96g Con. ovekaip cf T opm h tr the'a n ? baTovaishl, ni V- bridge,.enaetmai as illow:-Tsat thae foi- IOwlng ncaw Ilia.cf. rond >on LofaN'a, 8 andi 4 ln the 7th-Conacossion. Qbeln a secortulaini I a *aurvey axaude b> J'blilî 8[aei'r . 1'. L . un doth, aijyear byAbl, .rePouht bearitf 'date, W lSlhy Juse 18, lobe, luereunte attlàned ho b, andithe 1îaets heb*r ea'abihed as apubjie s w~,vfr. Vohtendi#g on Lot No. 8, at ait lo ln t e wstern lixait of te ruad, ur e bY sad John SlÎWir, 'la June 1854, and rütug n thuoice N. 6é0 Wt 2 hm theue N~. 160 W8 ouaais '4B4alin soîni N. bQO W, à cliim ý litikiitheatN.820 W. ï cluai 18 links totho utorlylinait cf tile allcw tsnce ter rcsd, tetwebaa the Ota and, Itu< Conees- siunw. Tis ald popcaieaaud' to be 40 font wide, andi th above utosribod ihue, te boutie soti weste y Jahit thereol7. And be it tarth'er enacted, '1t t ilei utou- veyed by and decorlbod, in the report of tiie oasd JouaS tieir beaniîag date J)co. p,1859, horieunto att4lalaed b., aaad the sainitaLereby ostabiied i a puùblie Highwa)yý viz. coiun- cI lut Y) Iii 1, intU Ic aCcîeiveon, ttthu dis- tanice oft8 elsiisand 5# liniks on a course N. Por he etoitna itiE o . qws $5 ER 1~o h etoiinl~eyo us $5 For the licoL original Essa'on Coua- TESYb A apyofthe SmPWek:z Croli. foAn e> otae efeekiyfor he beclt foria e ne y e (os f0.) orth le1 BIXTE PnhzU. A ccp>' of the Weekly Chronicle 111v yeare (postage free,) for the second1 orignal Antb.m on Sraiai, H. J. Macdoneloà. ayo fWhty HJ.nMSiedol, Esq., . ayor. cfiit .John Sile Eq. P. Lse. S R. J. Wilsn, sq., M.rrle. R. J. GainaiFEsq., M. D. R.Coeoi>' squstM. D. hirp ompunetr s at sndl the rir pion or tiens e se ftau of idriges, ou or beforeud the lStbdyofearlaneit Eand SEssa sudatni e bear amette, sud drufte b.ir aoomaied b'the. me sud ni- desueop et Lb. vnthe saL.mte o Thieope enoaloFsin tad memst, e Tme thevper E f tye nd Aniser. o o te 112i VILAnaaieeuy gventlilat tle 1<11 un tltê .N ou Zuiowdull, ini tf.e Connty of Peterboroughl* U.C., 11will lie îc.for sale cn misés ufier thc eVET ofinoxt anonti. For list>. t' lots uad eoaîditioasa ot solo, appt>' te Richard Ilugheti,EÈaquire,Crown 1.and Agent, it Bobcauygooru, li tha townsilaip cf Vernlaaa., ANDItEW RUS:SELL, VI Assistant Conintissionej Save Conts. LL aronaiiairc to tae ai1hcrbcrs are isediaitely, as> alluaea "iitits> iiiimouiliiatoua tlotla Mairci, wall bco uiaed othia'at ur-ttaar nnti-e. J. S. I>ONALDSiON & 'Co. Wiiitby, Fob. 21, 1661). 95, BROOKLIN QtJARTERLY FAIR. 1lF irait llieiî Qairterly Fair. cf the J. V il geo fet r cokti, w iti hc ild at C. DÂWES'S, GILOBE HOTEL, Thursday, 13arch 8,, 1860. Jnersi of stock aind fat crttle, iettaat aorne aiad fruan a dtatnc<a, lavoecxpresAmed thuir lia- tention to bus î'rcieaînt lale tnutri Oe thxe iauî day, âsud ai theimunuie place, wii biidld thue 0f theo Agricuitiarai Sodot>' cf the Townshlip nf Wiaithy. [bse large putera for lit cf prises] MR. J. C. STERLING, the popular AftÜtctnerwi l eienu atteaidaince, anad givia bis ieviees 'uitaitouiy diiring the duay to parties havaig lcrees, Cotule, Grain &c., tO dipose o0. By enter ufthte Preaildeit andDiroetnrg,, --ýWULIAX YOUNG, Britàh Agicxitunie Seeds Warra4'ted. T IIIE fSuibacriber ,a'-raci taapp;0 ai Iii.' h bc iulrod warraautel pâuarhad fresia. at te priccai uincxed. Skuroaig's purpie top Swi*luC 2,4centsi. (10 reci t7jSwedc 7yo E.sr A ot',ian do 874 , l'<sieaai5îwhite globo 58 Fuottertu hybrid yellcw 40 6 Long whiite * 5() cents. Large Beigian 50 cgrnta. Long reil Altriiiham - 60 COUtS. Râpe 20 conte. Y ello w G lo eb ,40 on . Lon grd 40 cents. Iivig ported dirfect froti a British seedai- maL ct the highteait standini, tainhbcrber cul, wittî ccsfidience, recoan entil Itsoostock of Seeuis te ho of tise Ver>' lir Iqnuaty. Evor>' encouragement givon to Soeie1es and ethers ta- kin'- large quuititi(.s. Ordo* panoctuall> at- tounded tu., WM. tmIL, Jr. Broughami, Pickering C. W. 90 NOIEle orebygv a th at the nx N meeloting o u ne il, te o holsiut te Village cf Gcodwoosi, oua Tucsâay, the 24t1a day o Apri cxt, ByLWwlacIopasaiesi for terLb Ifcls ilng 1P ai Certain lRond Alowan temes nc e- Lwoeet lotso8 ainsi 82 aroi;ssLb. t half cf the third coneijton, ia tue Towuih' cf Uxbridge, ainsi comual> kuwn ais te O Wbitehireh Acres c~lerLad e r t Apryonsoad;'t Coun aatOntrio, t Js boreby ' 'oaaî tutiftthe ter Seiicu.cof tise Pesce, sud Conisty Curt, will bu tuolden is anad for tie Couuaty cf (ntariu, ait the Cunrt Ilotuie, ini tue Town cf Whitby, ona Tuea'day, the l3th day of Marelà, 1860 ait 12 o'clock, amon, cf whic a ai Cormners. J ais- tiea ot the e .ce, aund Cuaitaibtem, isid sii -th- trui ceacerned, wili toýke notice aasd goveri NELSON G0. 'NSL' Shurlif'>. Offico, Pt Ncia Wlaitby, Fob. 8, 186% 92 A a lighit acknowledgment of the liber. ai support extended to Lis cifforts, aà well as from a desire te etbourage-in how- ever a iimited a dcgree-a taste for litera- turc amongst the readors of the Cltronide, the pubiieher intimates his intention cf cf- feriiag annual prcmiums for original literaqy productions, in prose and verso.> The firat distribution cf premiams will take place on Ttacauday, the firat day cf May next, and will be awitrded as follows: $ -Pu~~7r thebtiialE a o $20tO o tb. ofeuttoriinea sa c thgsof eun> fonanhie, theosiion, its seutlemet, progrees, sud resources. Bocox» a'aszo. ~ tIS Le Wtaneuhce ooDis uue<asflie Dussendcst omst hL1ei Yctyu For the best original Essa>- oui u1 e ~ OE UATOr-.erahingsfedu. C RR i A G E M A KiN G9 IN ALL IlS 13IANClES, On the Prenhiseî httt'tororo occupeai by lr. X. RA, on Mary Street, betwon Byron sd Brook Streetà4 ihere ho is prpared, as hurtfr, te exceute al orders iatusted Lo bis cane. CARiIÂGES, BUGGIE SSLEIGIIS, CIJITu.RS, c, lirUMufacturedlanu Soid at the Lowest rçmunaerating Pice. ALL WOJIK WARRAN'rED LUJI±<and 1'JWDUCELIB EOLVE ut zLRJRIr PBICES D. FORD'S long expericce f tLit>' ycars i the principal Nanautones et Lb. States and Canada bs. given that experierce in every brancb (of te businiess whieli few have been ale te arrive at, and fr licat>' f design, elegane f finiâh, durabilit>, and solidt>' f worknanship, is wrk çaruiot bc xceled. W h tb , s us 6 85 . 4 c all a d sueoSpe iaeaisè - i n tbyf aîuuia"6. 859 HE su scrib r o ipeuuttnlly to in foin licht frienduu aind ceiteanors boaasaly, tbat*t oy A LARGE !.AND WELL SLECTD STOCK. 0P CONsiSSUIGOF - Blaek sud Gretin et the Cheieast' Brandie Cewngsud Saiackings RosI lsi ava ni' L Douingo I Lger andi Valencia RaiL gtemid(<lhtraai C i ia e d ,d lt r ch ia L e i e s d O r a n g e C )i 0A 1 U i mueovade1 ,Yellw, isAuned stusCrushods i. pios Plokios, Satees, Syrtçaa ' ce aus,ai A n s < v e r d o ito - n f a m l re .r l ea , w t i c h i t e > ' a r e d e t e r m i a i e s i t eu e e irte t m a y l e e e pnae forCah-eCuntry 1rouo. vB '0fiI.Jme N.RaW±tod lot cf goosi ttýr and ches. etal> o a fONALDSO'N &à.o Iis n=Lice. CAII~ -jXlISubýcîfberr av icave to inifonni tho 'pul-)ic that 'tho>',1jave OPCnd Obbsppei South East of the-Bank i 1 ' Il>'opposite the Mat] ÎXke -heeth~ eL aie rod to aupýY iki 'who favor t inwith a caîl, with evory article in th & i9« é psnesu< The '19 àcnie*s ,re >ractica1 and conupetw*orkvrn nof loîng dkp"" yéýe, as th deote the enti ne f hiiown labor to thei r buinffl the>' eati produc ,é artîcîehmiïif beLtoe wrkmanbb;p,,ol sreasaer durability, and more elogantly.flnaihed, é&dý LWAFPORD TrO 8ELL ,TI-IEM CJEAPEI Than thosa wbo bave te bire tbe labororelies. Ail articles aold uit Liais iowestliving pricca fe& Cash, or on approv1edý eredil. Pleùei eall and examine.. Alikunds cf lumber and fanmers produco taken lu 'exemnge. - AI! worý warranted. DONOyt4,WALEY&Co -Wi XER 49<S'bFik -4 h ONL-Y $75 FOR ONE 0F. Competiters for th. second sud third, pnizes te lie coufted te pensons residiug la the County 'of Oataro. The fotarth, fifth and uixth prises, -to lie excîtasivel>' coufined-te 1thé Teacimrs and pupils vithin Lthe Cotant>'. - W. H. HIIGGIN;Sj Chroniclo Office.) Wmatby, Jan. 19, 1860. 1 .. - -4 z U ARRANTPD to ho the anie in v rY rea'Pect as touao solfl .>Y L M. Singer & Co. lu te s' ta te's ,for $ 11 0. 1 isive hîusdc n axprove înnoat on iDg e'r'a lar gb ie tM aci ni e, by w hieh- p t en e t i e a o u ti c ' d w t o t c l i o e m ak e r a 'i tud v u f i r ea t i iohj c ti o im . i n g t h e f e n i a- c'hines b etiaro, owigto te cil cittacly Dlworking oit on tIse cloatand lstings o.. .tdicai' gaiter>0. T i s i o c h s t v c a p i v î u o u t e t i n e n l a t i e r i s e î t i r l y h a t d b y t i ti &§ n a w i i np r o v e u l b r nt . T h e e a t a a l i l i e s u r ~ w i t o n t e x c p t i i a I s e b e at a n d c e a c p t ; o v e r c f e r e s i f or s a l e u l a n d a a l . PRICES No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND IMPROVED, $C5. I havo rceved nu ierri tcmi iiioiaiata frou, Boot and ho e M hh factlterbi Tallors, Drems Mk- c o L , 1 r iv a te F a n i i s, a ic td h cr a, w ii o sr c ii i g 11) y M a tic i ' 1- i eiaî î o n r c o a an ie i iîi g t la n hN i o it r i' a , D e c . I S S t . o î tr c a , D e e . 1 8 5 9 . W e tak e pl onuaire i an bcjaalne trut io uy , t -ti c W e lhve ned eve ii f E . J. N agie'. Scew ing coaupletc working oft lac bliclitaa.»-4 hii aamatiit ir- Malaiineail, oua thC, or- for thae pait six uuoaitlls, cd bas' 5r. E. J. NO$Zlo, lia"iag baut(tsrea ilUmtae iaid lhaivoe0lieitti1il i aing tlaat tiiyre la torduhe lest six iioslIaiJ. TI.ey arc- ?f Sti'er'aevar es>'c »aiItoilic uacsittpproyodAnie-r- Patterai, and equsal te uny or our sequ*tancc i1au ihaiiuc'-lwliieli we have tsoverai in cf Lb. kinid. use. BRIOWN & ClllDg. CILS SCIIOLES & AMES. Al communications relative te Sewiug Machiherî, etc., must bce prpaid, as none othons vii lie received. E. J. NAGLE, CANADIAN SEavîsa MACIINts ESTÂnLaSu3fNTu, 865- ,Notre Dano Stret, Muatret, C. E. Factery biver Barte>' & dilbent' Canal Bain, Montrcai, (X E. tiUsw-40w ~* PM~PtX3a Crown- ,9155 lgr ,,Il»' Npp taWestP aL rý .ouz> i98%& fo'enat, tpon the. paîi aip Capital Stock of thÏ i intütioai for die ouTrenit lasýt yeasr4 (belng at . the rate ofeeght per èeh.. pcv annlu-m, hula tîsfs <h>' b'eon deae itut the samewiII ' bo patyablé 1ut the rBaik ani 1a branches, on anâd ailIer Thiadiay, th% firaf 2.y cfMareh next. isth to the 2lith et Febrtualry, èi By 23'rdeo t tie loarci, BnalofankCaie. * RMO VAL. unds reanoved.Ïhis sitevk c rgaof aaîî, ~.l ýNo. il Commercial ]Du1di"gîs Brock Street, opposite tbenewflniek Jil0ock cf Jamnes Wallace. 7 Fire- and Liff Insurance CGpa4. cripitbi £5009ooO Sterlng. boffICE -INMONTREAL: Hon. John2 Young, iTliommi Key, Eaiq. Henry Thicis Eq; David Tcrrancé, Es-ql Agent fôr 1XLi&i,;> Sud suirroundiaig I imtrict. iL ý '-.WOODW A D. Wufb"a.21ï iîZîd;7-aa BL àk a e ha d Cheaper làrn-ah To-ne u ii15fudt uîrint aiui TIENÀi"à AKbJEST N; tien, eau be 1usd clîsper sud quicker ut Élc- Ciaroîutcie Office Lhis an>' other esa1iblua ment lu the CoUnty. W. B. UiGGINS 7,A RTHRNWARE 01OHN M>ooNEy frcns I'resctt offur. r salle, all kinds ifEarthvnwar(e aisauèiafiLetnr- cd ait lais Pcttery li.Preàcctt, auL exeo-ediagly 18w Agen . 1WIaiiy N. B. Mercluaiat4 and Iiwe il iii id iLt t tiseir advatiiage toin»pc.,t Mir. oiaysuîc,. thae aigoeît - in WliS tby, anae Ii ikibt uf 'pnicea4, betore otàculag oxpaiive puarviiuascs§ Wlaitby, Nov. 17, 1859. 68a-W-44iï WOOD,*" , Le-,* Tp HLE Subicribe,>. are aow _preplre4l to fir- n1îiail the patronsa of thîe 'Whrýthy IBrew with aun excllent article in sucli qusaîtities as me>' bo requiréd, ansi on ternis te suit ptur- iluloglaioeoqual th the li nrtod .urtielc.7 CLARK & WOUOLW.Ai<n: Wbathy, Nov. 16th, 1859. 64.-44w. NfOTICIE 18 lor I>y g-en, tistapplicaion will lbc asadeè tu Lathé'reviiil 1aiiart , ,aiti L îxt kSes icao, or auai ct tu aanecd tdie Acte itucorpors»- tii ta 1tWiaïtb.y auzd ULae llrui, Ilaalw Wlaitby, Feh. 7, 1840. British Ameubcan Chonilar Deliveny General Advertioig .Agency, =2 St. Fraucois Xavier 'Stret, Blotreal, Caiiada East. 'J'IPfl subaribeur rospcotfnlly flbtiiog te thg publié-, t h tali aIu-w prepared to rceftve Orders terI'ràihgAddroesiag andsiàtribaî tiaag BHil, Circeiaril &et, alsu oig lacard auns rcceivingAdvértisaraentofor in>.ertioai lu the voricus Ceitv saindProvinicial Jonraa. Ro will iikewbime he preparesi te reeovive ns b>' naof h.u numorons Agents, ragei< insiertion, A Ve!tlsmentâ e i aions Pe rP througtiont 'opr saisiLoer Causoda, the Low- or -Provinces, ansi the- ITuitedStte, ulo o the deiivery utf<Jircualais in< nebeo, KingaLtùaa Toronto, ilmilton, &o., th uso"feriig te det tiers, aad #Il partiea wisluing tu t'coure nigiha aaaid systeniatao- piaticity for tiaoir aiuauaaun1 e.a ienti,, a certainsand spoody nîcaris cf diiie lse, ait a orest saVi cf Lime, trou tale aud OXpcaiU. lm aiArran1çements beiaag aUUW lottedi ho begs te suliatfrou hl ilîrl C'unia;IÊi ea or& ehtits, MIlautaetutrerrionn i c Htet eep. ors aaid cters the trangetica of Ï11 suet, bui- Dti.a , iticli lie bega tea sser6 theni wil b. atrictly ottended te, witbqaunctaality aaid deà- paeloiî anad fIitters i jinseif' tiat tn. i i lig, excîac , ls itglaind, in thie hlie cf ties ýU4u gw-a lauecuaiectio wlth . eMoutreail Iri., ho wihl ho eimbled tu glve etitire saLis- -090ftiRTMUORL Iliadtiffin t*q-4Seerelur>of tIhe i3oard of r;ufan s;àoiwi' Exchuange. -ingu Agent t'O 74 W. mer] E. H. purs WhiLb$t Januaity 9, 186a. *1 'j 4 1- 1 1. -- 1 1 1 ýl .1 1 1 1 46, CL y j i - ËUS tu ainnoubee to his nutiacruis friends and customets thât ho ià j'Pl nn Iiie du.vt.ana;vd tttlielnr»oo m, TiIIILD PRIM ÉOUIITH PRIZE. riy= Pain. 1 a

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