Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1860, p. 1

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TU ESDA Y;.&TRURS DAV-9' A kl$ Prbuinting steblahnî, 'Brok Street, 'Wbl. IgrNet Dorto tteé Rêe1ttyOfi. kAT or ADTIRJsM9P: z - (nder ton limes* ..........$6l -Above ton limeà;, firsi Insertiaa (per lino) Ob OS À liberal distioantsfi owed to Morchatti cim -e thers adveortlsuîng by the your., Thluptisper has cierge circulathan 'n thooun- tjkofuntâtro, and areèdby over>busineass ama, li Whutbyand lviol~~ le pnbilid eca the marnmngsf SATURDAT' lnaoeouweec, nt M OE DOLLAR PER »AN&UM, plable strlotly lu advaceo. TtîoWeokly Chrouile h1m icmlargeat trenie- Sto'n ofemAy otbor oountry paper puhiished la niATV.s 0F Tiimtrux t<WFEKTY. Utieder teeoums.................$10o Abavo touitlinos fingt Insertion, (per lino). O 10 Xver>' umbsequet iiuisantun ...l... ......o0 o4 -- No paper wil ha disc<ntinîîod miiiahi arreer- t ges iro paid mml. thmé rlsk of? hma PU biisio wlien aclJrossed W. Il. IHIGGINS, Wlmtby, C. W BOOK AND JOB r jM~IE PROPRIETOR 0F TUIE WIIITBY 1 Cuu,<uîu,~Wcmulc neMi Cetftmliy infarmu CIe publie thuit lia hua .;preeuncX saunie aof th e nost modern styles;a? Ty pa frent New York cnd atlî- o Fa e ii idis m apncmjîreil ho oxceute BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ai every mIseiltiemi ll' a smpeior style anld wlhdespatc1lu,entt i owcst romîîîmnermtimîg Firmt-cimu Prsse amd ]rimtingMaeiîbiery, Miuction Bis. Ilerse Bills,un miri snjlar doeip. ÛTImî of l'rimîing furnislied witliti iln un our o? W. 11. IIIGGINS Chronic'le Office, Whiirly, C.~V JOTIN ALL lTIIOMPRON9 W iTAUDEN OF TIE COUNTY <IF ON. ZAÉH1E US BIJINIIAM, TUD(4 0F TIIE CIOUNTY &SUIZIOGATE Coilrts4. ifIleet ml iieeortIime. I NELSON Gý ItEYNOLDS, S IERIFF. W- OFFICE AT TIIE COURT JOhIN JIAX PEIRY, 1)EGISTIIAR. OFFICE ON BlIOCK ST., LWliitby, H. J. MACDONELL.- c LERK 0F TuIE i'IACE. OFFICE-AT tho coumt ibeuise. ýi1 -.1011IN V. IIAeM, ç (iR F TuIEC<UNTY COURT, AND leRogistuy <tice, Brecîr Sticer.i W. PAXTON, .ir., T EASUIR'It. OFFICE AT TIIE COURT 1-1. J. MACI)ONELL, SOL[CIT>R, & <CIEl<K 0F TIiE COUNTY Camunei.fccînt tîma Cîîrtlleuse. 1 JOhIN silIER, C0îUNTY ENGINEICE OFFICE AT TIIE Coert Ilmuse. fi lERI FJT DIVISION COURT. OFFICE cJmt thie Cmi i l imise- JOhIN (ORI>ON9 INSIPECTru i ofe? rvEl(;IlTS &'MEASUR1CS for ithe (mmi m uimtano WV. 1-. TRtE.MAYNE, BAH iI1IS T ER AND COUNTY CROWN BAttiirumay. (>lle-l n Ânuialh'a New Brick llaa-~~euudlmir. 10 CAMEhION & PMACDONEL BAliIIs'tCR & ATLt')ItNEYS AT LAW, B.mwliitois tothe, rlimCii i-Couîmmil Oînai.- ir lhlica st thae('omît I ltme-Soiti Wiîig. GEORGE Il. DARTNELL, BAItRISTEli, ATTORN EY, CI>NiEYAN -Bcor &c., &c. Offic e -r J. S. Donalduqomi &Co$. ÎÙandwmînte Store, Breok Street W hitby J. V. IXANg1 BAItItISTER.AT-LAW. OFFICE-3R<)Cl B Streuit, Wmitmy, C. W'. 1 S. B1. FAIRBANKS, OLICITOR NOTARY PUBIC, &oc. &o. sOsbmiwna J W. 2 N. G. IIAM, A)IRISTER AND)-&TPrÉZNEY-AT-LAW. Botimee-opposite tua liegistry tflhlce, Brocok 1 $TEPIIEN SEARLE, 1IRE, LIFE ANI)3MARINE INSURANCE T1 Agent for the daim ty of Onîtario. 0111e- over DIYonmdso's Ilîrrdîvîre Store, BrocmkStreet Whitby. - 7 SCOTT'S IIOTEL, DUNDAB STREET M' IlITBY,FIRSt DOOE D Euttaf W. Laiuîg's Lhiorp. 15-l1w. J. W. CALDWELL BROiVN, - -fIONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER FOR U tmîking Aflîiuvits%, Aeainutimmt, baund, Divi sion Court, Netmny iPubliecmmd <lenal Agenît, Uxbnidg.Otillce-Kung Street, nemriy apisie theMedical Hall. N. 1.-Ail huiniesîtrmsted ta Iis ce e wil ~' b. proinptIY utteiided ho. - 8 - JUOhN lILLIN(GS, L AW, CIIANCEitY & CONVEYANCING Office, Prince Albert. A. MAIRS, B. A., A TTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN »M .Cîmaucery, Ceuiveyancer, d&c., Maiii Strcet -G. H.' DARTNELL. TN~TY IEGISTlîAR, MASTER EXTRA- .odiunry.,anid examinier iu Chmmucery, far the Caunty ' Qtuinio, Irock-sh., Wlitby. 47 YoInN MNAB, flARRISTER, ATTORNEY, deo. Office- Corner of Cilumreli and court Stroots, (appo site the Cab stand,) Toronto'.8 - COLVILL & IIAMILTON, - A TTOBNýYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Red Wung, Minnsota. WILLIAM TEMPEST, M. D). 1ING S-TE2£T, OSHAWA, CANADA - ..West. .17 Amos W. CRON, A ICIIITECT, CIVIL ENGINEII AND JJfENyR y]HANNANq Ç RiI0F4.,COUNTY AND SUPERIOR courtsz, and Mes&îfl«aor to the Couumtycotmf- et , .. 1s i - i-- - '- i -<--i-i 'i - '~-:' - --~ -- -- w. . A.ND c46IhiiS, i ('*1T qg, NEOTINES JV~Q1.L, .f RtSo ATrORSBY A&T- lÂW- Offie- ovor tie 8tor",s 6 enllnio LEVI; ÉAtgBÂANKS, Jr., BnAiIIF FTRST, DIVISION COURT.* Ad droo..Whltby.R . GEORGE D»RABA»ZONP i('IONVEYANCER. COMMISSION=R FOR j-,takirig Affildavits In the Queen'. ]3oaeh, &o. Wiek, Brookc, C. W.i s URGEON, AC<COUCIIEUR, &o. CORONER for the Connty of Ontario. R. J. GIJNN, M. D. 1 URGEON TO THE COUNTY UAOL gByron Street, Whitby. 0 0 S. JONES, 1OCAI, DENTIST.-OFFICE IN BROCK tLue Rogistry <)fflee. Ail oparations warranted. R.tcrnocc, a fair trial. 1 G. A. CAR15ON, M. D. P&C. Office andi residence-ContreotbI, Wlîitby. l'articlear attcntion given ta Chronoe diseaimos. N. B.-Advice ta the poor every Monday, ra- tis 48. E AST WINDSOR H1015E, WIIITBYq w1w. GADBBT, PIiOI9BtEi. r IEaboya Inotei h% itnated ln a pleamant auJ retîired part cft' te Town, on the t'rot road. (-bailacconi iiodatiop for- travellers. Good stahiimlg mimd attemntiveo ostiers. 22 JUST -RECEIVED, 1j bmslels Couix, 50 fltiqlsîels CeovxR 55K» 100 50 lîmmuhels Timo'rmy Srmî, for saile low. Il. W. WoIIDWAItl, 9 Commision Merchant. Dtuns t RUGII FELITZ, T ACIIER IN MUSIC, TIIE <rgan, l'iunaForte larnmcnv - thirotglî Bru" aiil ail kindmi a Strinmg lmstrmîmeits,114 propareci--to recoive ai tew mimera h>piis et tui or lus residemîce. 4r J. C. IIANCOCK, W-BOOT AND) SIIOR MAXER,dn nOM RhCIAIl Biiidingp, ]rock-f4t. I %) V i tv.Wgrk iniffe to order ofi Ît rod Mazrinm ad by x'cene. work- mon.pat e parnidnc. 8 icte n AWE RICAN MOTEL. W ALKER & PATTFRSON PROPPRIE- tors, cormier cf Yomîig anid lront Streets. Toronîto, C. W. 1 OAKWOOD JIOTEL, OAKWOOD, W. BANKS, 1'î<OPRIETOR. 0Good accommodaitioni for travellors. Bs XhURON IIOUSE9 rouiv WIiTITT, C. W-, - 'LLIOTT SPR<l WLE, 1'lOIRI ETOR.- E GaadAÀ c i nfiat li<îm.il. P. MI. CLARK, i.,%rut mmiii &on0., MERCIT.ANT TAILOR, No. 74, KING ST -Wiest. Tmronto. 10 X1ARTIN'S (Late Wmalh'a) IIOTEL. L 1i1; 1) fi A Y T TIE, SUBSCIIIBE1L JIAVING TAKEN TIuE umiorcIel frimue Mr. dooke, is chie toacf- toril tIheat aceauîumna<lmtioîu tothe pinnie. 44 JOSEPH NOURSE, C LERK T WELFTII DIVISION COURT 0F Northuemberlamnd andt Diirliiani, Insmîrance Agaîre t, Comme cmer, &o. Adruremi- Wiulitun huurrgli, C.Ritwriglit. ONTARIO IJOTEL, el-BRY AN I., ]ROI>RIETOiI, BROCK 0 I Street, Wlity 4od Stnbling ced attemi- riatstlors. CANTON IIOTEL, UFFINS C1IERK? PICKERING. GO<'D J.Jmccrînodattiomî for Tnilvehicra. W. CUTIII3ERT 1 4R Sni Propniotor. PIIILANDER M. CLARK, jIIGHI CONSTAB3LE, COU NTY ONTARIO, maid Imîsîcetor cf Limeeses ini thie Miuiipal- y aI the Tove cf Wiithy.. J. W. CORSONI, M. D. FO ERYPI! VSICI AN TO TIE BROOK- lylhshuh Iite hIlYsccn ta thea New 1;,îrk Dlgipewm'i'my; i/îilaw ethte N. Y. Aedeuny e? M micimîe LiceuuitimIe ef Upper Cumeda, &o. liesidenea :-bnkimmhun villmagei,oaemile hnortm of thme &ommmist cilice. BOUQUET S&LOONf B ETEN TIIE TIIEATRE AND ROSSIN llousau R,,, ing Street West, Toroeto. Ganie S(apper., J)mnners, bysters, &o. Ail kiedmi ot Gîune un Seascu. A choiemea election et fine W imseand hegars. 30 .1. 11. FPAîRAIt Agent., HENRY HANNAN, PLAIN AND1)<)iNA MENTALPlA INTER, PGlimzier, Papar 1lmuuger, &e., Wlmithy 21 W.HI. BILLINGS. BARIRSTIR & ATTORLNEY AT LAW. BSoiemtmm aim Clmnmcery, Wuîirhy, C. W.- Oflce-Weh imee's Buildings, Break-st, Whithy 31 PERU SALOON. JFARRAI, LATE OF TUIEmYOUNG Je Caiad," near the Rayai Lyceuni, King ftreet, West, Toronto. lioice «Stppens auJ htefuesiuiemîrs ut am iii mrs. 1 JOHN METCALF, 1 ER0F TIIE FIFTII DIVISION COURT,' Jcumxprising tue Townshmip Brock. Ad- es:Canningtaui. 14 FRANKLIN IIOUSE. LINDiISAY, C. W. BF.JEWEýTT, PROPRIETOR. COMFOR- *b table accommodattion for Travellors. Whitby, Jan. 21, 1857. 1 -A. K. RICE, nABINET MAKEit, UI>UOLSTERER1, et., %JGeni's; IlahI, 1Bynon Street, Whitby. P'a- C . crame, tlydooïand al kinda of job- hinig, auJ rcpairnmg of' Furniture attendcd to. Fnrnitnre carefuiiy reinoved. -RAILROAD JMOTEL, PRTuvrxltmtT. FARMER, rROPRIETOB. 9ý THIS Re * lIuse passeuses gooui accoummodation for Travellers. Gnod Stahling and attentive Ost- lors. 5 A. PRINGLE, 1ERCUANT TAILOR, BROCK STBEET.r M Whîtby. THOMAS DEVERELL9, r>UILDER, &ec. &oc., GRIEEN STRE.ET, B51 Whitby, C. W. Jiway botweeuWbitbyind i7xbrldie7'h toi basbeon rOitWd dftmrishod.na a ont, nîiàîyéfr 'ithe nibdahi<>a. ? of - iors. Every sttenton, pad - ta travéIloms, sd the. btsoomojaonpvL4e for nian ad Ih»os. 1 a~aY, OstieralýmWeyliAttend 'UE unadorsigned hep ta inforni iig, frienu&u -L - ad the public,-haî ho ts uow In possession- ettle aboi;e Ioidl, thebtishes'd wlutehg, lie wl la ftureCarry on,ulesowim accoua.- GoodLiqmuors$, Winoés auJ-Blrandies. Eyxellent; BtàblI»g. Crîa atninformuin and Iô'o. - i EDWARD I{AY.ý- W<hitby,May 6th, 1857. - 1 THE, tossiNH1101USE- l30E1mriEU0 OuE AND 111(0 SMR3MY T011O(T. A . BIPROPRIETOIZ; THtIS poseseg facilitios for afording sulperior aeeom- modation to the travelling pulicti, oqîîal té the best Enropean liolols, or to eny other astabliish mont on; the Aniorican Continent. 28 RÂILROA'D OTEL, B EAVERTO14., GOOD ACCOMMODATION good Stabling, and caref ni Ostiers al iways in mtteudance. 15C. J1. M. FRASER, Proprietor. AXES! AIES!! » ERSONtIii went of a good aixe, cari have A. thle marnie amnppiying to the mudwsigned «t #tho Wiliiâby Fotindry. Axes repnired on the crtest notice. WNarrtinled (Câmmt Steel. CLARK IUUTCJII N.:' 72-4in Axe-maker, Wiîitby. A SITUATION WANTIED D flayoungmtan 22 yeers of ape, ho can w rite a good hand, and is willing ta makoe hinseif useful in erîy capacity. 72 Addres.i O. D., Whitby Post Offic WOOL CARDING. Tl lI Subserihariw propnremi to do al] kinds of TWool-Ciirdling, Clotlh-Dresiîîtg, &e.,at bis4 aid Establisliment, Piecring. Wooi Cardingaut2d. par 1lb. LEVI E. PIKE Whitby, May 24th, IMO1. MALT VINEGAII N ALT VILIEGAR cen now b. had !in largo iLor mmatl1 quantifics, et the W hitby ]3rewerv. VINEGi(-wAR!1 VINEGAR 1 1 l'li nderaiguîed talces leav ta iforîn the j i'îhtaliitamîts of Wiiithy, anîd tue puîllic, timlat lie la now nanfftilring Vinegar ofa isuperior quality which lie is preparad ta smupiuy WiîOI e- salle Io lercimmts and ofliers, nt greatl1>-redmîced lîrices. Tlue Trit<ie libarauly deut ii.AI' urderu. by mail ptinctislly ttanidcd ta. Addross, NATHAN MILLERI, W/ltitby Atignot 11, 18.58. 80 DAILY STAGE. F ROM BROUGHAM TO FRENCIIMAN'S Blay Statio,1oai t te Grand Trnumk ltmilroad, aanneatiuîg with the W- Morning and E vening Trains. _4ý JAMES IIUBIIARD. N oeniher Ird, 18-57. 42 LIME FOR SALÉ. CONSTANTLY ON IITAND DURING TIIE i 1mlii xr ping and S'î'nirîer Frcli EmiTr Lieumm,, wvîie i will lbe sald for Cual i etly, ni 2s 6d per arre MATIIEW CARL, 7 Port Whit4m WHI SXEY. TUST reeeived e conslgnmaent af Whimkey, fin uen e of rime best Distillery's li inme Pro- vincu, inmiiakages of frottIISte 50 gillmuis,wilih the stîhacriher aflers; for sale ut a ml.ry law figura f'or Cash. THOMAS MOO0DY, Commiissione Agent. WESTERN BOUSE, DlUNDARST19Rmicx, Wi uvu Y. rIEABOVE REISS IAVJC -BEEN JL-j ngt îîpenad b y theua uuensigumeci.wuure travelhors eun now fi nd good ancouuiuminion.- The i-oulqe Is well ftirnuisiei, ivail kejmr ancd the mosieoig ucartmueits raomy mmndl ai'y. 'Tera is go,"d conifortahie 8tabling, and thé be-st atten- tion is paid to menu aund horse. Thc buu-room lu lange mmd convomient, ud well snpphied witm the hast Winets, Iiqiiars and Cigtrs;. l-and- smmly fitod upm itting rormîs for pritîtte par- tics. MICIIAEL McCAULEY, 17 J'ozri to,.. QUINN98 HOTEL, NO, 8, PAiiT-AU-MA-TEi.OT 51îiî'ET, LOWER TOWN QUEIUC. W- CZose te thecemStuuloai .aadinq and opM8ioste f/ce BrüUi'c..-mc'ian 1jkrcsa(4iî IJ.1AVELLERS AND YISITO1<S ii thc An- aient Cilty o? Qnehcc wiIl flnd stpaerîe- conimodatlon at Moderato charge.f it the choie hotai. The hotel la vcry ccnveniutlýiy miatcd -neur the a Bik,Steemhoat wharvc, ,aîd prini- cipal business jîluees o?' thc City'. «The-table and hanrmire supplici witl icr yý proourableceatabletmindldrinikible. Visitons wi Il fnd aven>' attentionm pmid ta tîmir comfent andi eoumve-nieiiemmumd every informnatiomnnti directioni ast t suumniding locelities, prncip~al places of resont, semery, dec. JHNAQIN 18 Propnieton. GLOBE MOTEL, BROO1KLIN. T II1 E unersigumed lmuving tal(ý.- passes- o? tIe above wel kmowu banal, wlmch wili' ha eandected as fenîmiarî> with thme strictemit pro prier>' and regacrd for thme aumnfort ced conveni once of the publie. Tie proprietor assures luis mmii> friands 11ai eîerytluiog is mmade ncmd y ns forumer]ly tbenter- tain theni ah the Globe Il tel, ummI rimaI lec will ha persanpliy present to giva tlicmu sucli a ra- cept'on Ras was lus woet. Tlîe lianse las been thononghîly pcperedl, peimied aud renovatcd, and la fittcd tmp in oveny rasipeet iniil ich annar as hoemnne satisait- tion. Tha bar aud table mujmplicd, as; formenly witb the lest catabios anJd rnkabies. Cllend 5-1v.C. DAWES, Propnietor. TUE TEÉRAPIN. H lE PROPRIETORS 0OF TUIIS WELL known Saloon are, mow la occupationaof the aid ST. NICHOLAS. King street, ror-ant (fonbenI>' kopt b>'Mr. urhey. The preumisek bave beeniewly renoveteri thronghomt, sud' fittlcd n-) luthe firetistyle. Ever>' procurahie delicc>'inu sason. A cigar divan fittcd împ se- pýataly into wbieb'ono but tibe si brandi; are perumihed ta cemier 23. 1CARLISLE de MoCONKET. - RAIILROA-D I110115E, C ORNER 0F BROOK AND DUNDAS Sto.,1 %JWhitby, (lIate Wiiceksiou's.) Thc Sub seibar hegs toaennouicota the imhaibitanîts af Wtiitby, and thI eàhveimg ommznlýty, that lie lias teken ite ehove fIrsti ciasHanse, whloh ho fo lýed up ia, new muclonvonient nMauîmer. .Kit-ateTblebî;ser!eodatthiloteî. Dia fors, Luneheous d&à.1 eee bIadait a momîleuts notice. -Al Lquos- kept -on lthe promises are 'wsrateithe gmsue riole, Choice C'*Rarb. THOMAS DOWNMNJ. Whitby, March libo 1Ù." '- mhendov etint liow e lad ko1 ët piei lofthude îioro! ypJjm'bufGoeo S oflg. iSS tr sts t 1 JDAILY' "JTAGË BEW ïENWïùTJY ANDJ .)T LNDSAY A =y WI XTJ3Y 4 VERTON. - J)AS SENGERS cari trevol ,throëuglî froM sither place the sanie dy', T he Stages froix Lindsay audBeaverton ar- rive in tume fe:" the cars gomig Osa$-d west. - N.RAY Stag oflice, w nnoy,- .Ju1na 80, 3858. NOTICE. IAVING pirhsed the eetire stock of il. Dail o, with an addition et Cffl ÂANew Estock, ..M~ we flatter amrslves that we eau give entire sutti-- f.îction toalal who may-favor un with a ccii'. jOSEPII HUOKINS &Ca. llnooklil, Novemberloth, 1857.* 48 -Old Newspapers for Sale.- A lan'qe qantity of oldNIOWPapessimnppioc1 plist year, for sale chcati. 8 AUCTION BUSINESS ATTENDEJ) ta ai; sinai, bZ, J. C. Sterling. .AAil orders rating ta Auction sales by the tinderssnedc, shouud bo loftant the Cîmnonicle Of- fiee, W firby. Müsgrs. hliggins & Mayer-hoffer are dnly anthîarizad ho appoinît mny cicys of'saie, setie terms, &e., and ta enter intn sîmelu athuer mrrtmgementfs rclmtiug ta my amution hiincai As thîey nmey comsidar Proper emdmucesury glial, ho on hîand te nntify uîuy agreemnit thuecy u1nimke on rmv beli]Yî. t5ahas atten(idein, iuulh parts of the (iouetr~- J. C. STEltL1S 0. Wheat and Wool. T'~E undermigned huis just recceived or- 4 drs ta purchRge severmul thousand bushels of Feul and Spring WIIJEAT, aiso, aay quantity of WOOL, for which the highcst market price wiIl be peud. Cash for POTATOES. THOMAS MOODY, c'ommim'uon Agent. Wbitby, May, 1959. 1 NOW 18 THE TIMIE. GET YOUIt LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark's lut rrize Picture Gallery TIF yomu deaire a correct and life-liko Ambro ILtyp'e, Cauneotype, laettcrgrapli, or Leather Traimfor, or a likonems in a Lockot, Broaoh or Rting, ter J. A. (-, cndo 1h in the hast style, anduc mt short notice. WILKINSONS I40OCIÇ 35 ~Brock S.trei WkeyIn. HI. W. WOODWARD., COMMISSION MERCIIANT, INSURANCE mimnd eneral Aîicumt. Oflice-Lateiy accu-i Pied hy Jeuines CldatWury . W. i Iimrmcum:cxs-TImuins( larkson, Esq., Pro-( aidmnt Bonmd o? Tramie, Toromnto; W. 0. Cuisselm,E Esc1, Mnager, Bîmnl 1. N. Anri.,Toronto; W. %'. R-ansorn, Ysq., Maîiagcr QaeheeBamuk, Teroera; W. GhEmmeEq., Mfilton Nlills To- remtoa-,lioni. P. Mcdill, 1'resident Bank of 'n-( tcmii, Montreal; Messrs. Mmithnd, Tylee &k Ilutchituan, Toronîto; Mesgrs. Amderson, Evmmnst & Ca., Montreal; NVsr. WP1rice & Son,Qie- hec; Mlesqrs. H. J. Noad & Ca. 52 lyi GERMAN flOUSE, FRONT STRE.ET, TIF.NTON. T IE Siibseriher begs ta annoinnea-to the in-1 htal-itanits of Trenton and the Truîvehing couituinity tîmmt the aboyafiriqt-cias lise bAs heemu fitted up in a ncwnand conveniait mamner. A Fir8t- C7as87lable , ia ervecl at tii. otel. Ahi Liqkens kept on theu prouuilses are cf the hast quality, elmice Ceamrs. Ahua, a Livery Srmmole ini connmectimme wmtlmtho mîhovo premises. 1Trenton, Aug. 8, 1851.. 80-11mW ATLAS IRON WORK5, CW» Front Street, Toronto. ..'eJ C HARLES VALE & Co., P FG ta infanmn tlue pubhlic tîmat thiey hanve ne .) canstreattcd tIoi ue-extcuîsuî'"" pretilsas an Front iStreet, (fornmerly mccipicd us flime lntmnio Brewery, inii lIm lmt coniplare styue lfor carry- ing ou1 thue )lîlmes et, Iron Founding& Smith's wor k in umil itm branches. They invitaelinspetion of thmir nummnenous Pnt- tenuis o? <irnitinentmI uon Pouces, Bîmconica, Venandalîs, Vault 1>Iira,, Plain and Ornemental Cast Iran Columim, Windew Caps, S!11s and Ai? CIHTE-,CTU1?AL wozu<;, o? every descriptan ; Caakcing, Paanar and Box Slaves; Grates, Cvemî Momntîmu, Canidrans, Sugar ReInles, Plaini Castimngs and Forgings, cli of whlîi h ley ofler te tîmeIl Trac acuîd cîhhers om ind- veuilageous ternis. týjr ionntry ordens pummue tually atteuded to. Toronto, Octoher 20, 1857. 40-tf The Undersigned is prepared ta an>' quantity 0f Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, &c. THOMAS MOODY, Comrnimtion .Ag SALT FPOR S*, CIIE.AP. Whitby, Sept. 28, 1859 r ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, DIVISION COURT AGENýT,,&C. Will ho wiling ~toatetdiipromiitly cui care- fui]>' t anay business uitl wictî lue me>' le Rosidence-Voomamhoni, Brook, Couîuty nt Ontario. 86w-tf NOTICE. fl OSE NI)LOT ho let la the Towan of Whhy ossession given iuninedlately, lIent #3.OOpe m 'Jh~ 'yKÉLLE, 1 obruar 154 186. 02tf1q STMPSON & 'PERGU5boiq 1Qntea t 9,,eIptarere Hote entüt;édtýbthe wli é,ýnew th nestruemsanti cexpatcb. !l1 -- - uiaisg o#wlth thÏ QoWeruluesat UAS OPENED AN OFFICE IN-'QUE- ,;-bec -for iho Tu'nsRuitln.'of tbè Bui- :negs of Partiesrei in aUpper%ýuunuid ,or elàeWherè, %ihayrn'n Depar nm.-il no h ocnmn ,Persons cicturaua of seeuningPetenta for LandM, or bat ing Cleims of alypotber kiud* ag siýâost tue Gavemrnenlt, or rcquiring âimy infamntimuobtRuair Cah hi-ma Crown Lauda. or, ot>q- J>iutlalioîOffices, inay have their buusic .ess- dihligcntiy attended. tobye Resi. dent Agent, w11ithdut thé çxpepsèeand la- couvenience ru? a journe>' ta 'Qubec.. Pateatsof Invention tak.en, omL --- AI rp ci ammnientions, addressed to Bo1X 886, post Office, Qîue)èC., wIilre Quebe. Sept. 28,1 1859.- I. J.ÇTpBBS -TOSEII RAINER inieta - T tnrer-af .Pinnos, -ilelodeon», &C., madgan glerai workinan fur tho ropair of mli kimîdi of M4tisiemi lnsl)trii,îients, lm now preplm-od tg)ree-cî and exemite ail or- dors entrusted 'tii hm. 'Aliwork ni:îtii fàetinredý byeiîlnvilihe gmmmrnteod ofequal workunatn s8 ptoemmly in'tla lProvinîce. luansfrîîam 1150 ta$800, aecordrmg ta queali- ty of imstrmîmneîîît. Pianosq, Melodeaits, and 4tber Miusical instru- monts mii liertireci to ordbr. Part pmîyn,.iit takaît in trado. Ailodr, 4,lit' il dircied P. (). Wliitlhy, af Ivif t et is 0-m hanse, retir of tha Gruinar Sehool, ivill4-si i i uiiDeattonded o. 2 ~jUîjT 0OPEJluN,, CANTON T. COMPÂNVYS Newv Store, 151, Kii-st., Eýnut, nlear tho St LmwemeHall, Toromîto. T lIE ('.ommîpamî, fornimi for tie lin portitinn of ttir îîn. iimîlmltc.rtitec l'Tons, direct front the pme of gr-oth, now ofl'er ta the lpublie santie ot thie mîmamt Spic.idid (,top of Ter:m ever sold li Cmînd'i; maid ai prices for Casli nmly, timat wilI hoe sire toi aise a cry agimmuit milmy imtoes-, ted parties, %vlia hiave been t;(llitîg for %-cars Se- con C]amCi asTees,,mt heavy profim. Toimmitotto, IlShort profits aîmd quick retiris,1 m-111 bu rstrieriy aflmeria-l to hy tht Ceiimy. leas %il] bo retaieiid nt W hmesalmi Prives. ftîimicîmihiling mm11 piarties tii BUY FRAGitA NT N EW TEAS, nt timo Lowc il Possible Figumre. T"" Vom pany hIave beemi cîrefumita select, timromîg l thîir Agentsim Clit ill me of thmse ]plrndd Temîs, î,mmmly emtttate m Lonidoniand Dnibliiîlil mkt.«, s0 tlmit cmsmme-,wlo re- inember tela l'iiemmns fimvor of Teas seld th era mUumy iow hie s'mi }liedl witlî thmnse elmeeriîg mandi invmgorittmng mu-i ices. Va invite ml trial ta test aur msetiomîs. Tl'ie priées ivill speak for tlicn- salves. Look mt tlmem- Now on Sale, Five Jlundrcd (licsts1 1hkpe I. 5c..I rî'ci Per 1mi,... 5cm'i GMpar 11). 40m. 4nodl per Ili ...4018 Splendid Per b O!. Itplenîditl per lu,.Sac , Siperior piiet ... 2e.. hemism[liti. per lb... iOts 1-fatal iCepucrm. Seliaci l>reîrietors, Couinmtrv- Store, andI ]Jiardiiîgliommieempers, (OBSERiiVÉ'! tý IForty pound packages, and up- wardst, of TJ'A, sent carrimippe free, ta env part oft Camîmda, Umn mecipt oa' the Ui?11. Tîmosa wlio do liaI hmmv Mse1Imipge a ilinmtitv 4 woild cia itou ta clib toýy tltêr %vritii thoir fieidt;. 8ý Satis- factionmi rmmied. wCoffee l narticle nadîîltriited( ta sncbl a figttml ittit tiatperiplo e t tig lu ad. 'lThu iimy leromis cf ott'ening pure and unitclikriittudalirticles r- -iestmtijloher deliciouis 'ruîtîu:'Y COFFI. I, at 25ets. and wc will iirim't-i tirenatseldolen emjîcd. Fimle La Ommvi,20ets. W itemesiiier the iuner, 151 Klng-st. two doars fromntMmarket squatre, maid piease coin- mnuniemite titis uîùws te your friends. Toronîto>, $clt.,22-, 1859, -1. OF BUFFALO, N. Y.9 A FT1? unmii umpredautad aniciafimipratice or ever îlîirty yensf, huimg abutuiretiriug froue acti va i ruetic' cithe neqîmtof'iiuniermms4 ?iends iii ml I-irfiseo thie counitry, liais consenut- eut toakîumî o iiedial* lmeîimintiouis, mîpn wîmieflilue busiuteltwed thec cure naid kiowicdgc o? his long exp eîiamîaa, mid bi i et tiuum %vitli thc Jliffrc-iil drnigists fon sn'c. 'lO tîtose whie arc mmie3isiiiitecd vtith Ie l)mcior imilligieead ho mi-te mlieu., it lit but etssmVta se>', tiut lue Tl'or femr rsprascribatofer omu4,000 te 5,0t-10licr.îiis, mand alwmmsAwith theagremtest aicees. Cfis"t t e îibfli d allier uîiedimmh mocm, yIildi-îl residil>' to lis trectiiemit, and pan sons eaumnie. tîiil-ireui liinilrecls e?1,miles tu ha cuire-J. 'lie itir, iowevan, lins 'mut been able, like otîmers, ici isuia oerytmiuug witlu amie prepar. lieu, but liii, put wp ripus nedieiue iii tii- bottles, mnhiliutire iuumuuuml,ucd h anJ 2. The nmiîîban 1lse I3LOOD PU5RIFIER. Sulpenior ta hlie- pumnst axtraet o? Sarsuparillia rnude emtircI>'-oi roons andl lieu-h e? tIilis mmii forýg oigu ce iumi thie hast prumperticu. ofîvlume ire extirmclmh bm ii" entire num a linical prat-ems. It netsii miin gr lose-s as 1111mactivea hmie, ini suemlle aies us mmi nltenutnvc îerkimug directl>' eun thec Livt-c iud-Kiduieys, exjîchimug nleretromu mii merbidmi.imier, t1uisbhniguimg lito uaction ail tuho orpinsîailiti itm a>'uuvceconie iniiatmive, muid uimi'bche rlied onu ocuire Limer (limplaimta, and (inpiiits <of*t/me Kieys, Inmpient Cou- -u.apti»n, 1mm;c.u.Gcunermtul Lebi1itî1 014 (Il- casSroiî., ut-J//ieumrn'irn;its, Sâri'., Nér Eai k-lty.eu-'ypel-8, Indîgetim.', InuJlrsnifiu o/-mi/ <i. ce, maid ail ae hi.a viiich havithihi irîiiilea disimnderccl or limpurne siete ofhlîîî-d. Ilim o? a streuigthaning matureîr, and wihI ii-ar weakcîu or puomratethetuabldy The nuumlmmr 2 is uta FE VEiR ME DICINE. Amnd mima i umuer be hmi ecxcept i coîmueciôn witn N o. 1. lt willtibamîera IuJL uatoruiRhemc- matîmm, ait kindg qi .Fener8anad 4gu théMecorst eflects qf 0*oldaùad ail .Pain., mo/et/er Chronie. or Aciite.-These màedicines w%11 efleet CURES,ý ual reuuovalstram ane partat.tbe bodyto thicj cther.- urReniember ho prevent confâBsiomb,lf4sut Modicinas are pr6perecl -b> '(-)LI) Damnait Fmxm BRuICK DzuX.sNnGueemWlIo basg. praet.le u f- feaoovor 27 >'aars. 'lo prevent frmid, a correct likeamoss of Alme Docter is on the wrapîîer afeieh liottm iad, 'iDr. Fred. Dolienbatugh d Caý,,BufMùa, R. , 'i blown lu thbehiei., Dlret6mms neeampuylugý eccl banle. o. 11gioli -for $1per bottle;z No. 2 for 7F comt& . Witlî hle simiple, ai oi- tîe>' mra olI'erte to epublje, reiyingj on ilmairi 'inhumes !n rcomhnoulxmg ,themsuMives, For-, sahe by - A.H ~ RE Wlîihy, S pi. 1 , 18 9."Aent bty.. ROBEI. Srit 4R8.-iii? Township of Uxbridgo. Addrdû xr4e and Hides! Hides! Hidée! VI îE underigned wiii pay the highest A.price in Cash for eny qmatity of poil BEEF RIDES delivered et bis Tanncry in Greenwood. Ail kinds of IL EA TH ER kept constantly on band for sale, very iow for Cash. D. McMURCIIY. Grcenwood, Nov. 14, 185P. -«6 PAUTTES INTEINDTNd~ TO MAREi application to-the ,Leguitv me bMy for, Privuteor Local IIais eitheufr gran.ing exclusive privilegef f eKf4,rn corparaÏe, powcrs iforîmm:éecial or other; or&bondaries, or for daing.anytbing tendà- Ing taýe bet-tbe ihtsaf-prope 'yofo0 0r -parties-are herqiby uoti fd thet they are; reqiuired by tIme,02nd,ýOarçl, mmd O4thRtules [which1 are p <ublised in full in the , Çanada GattetwoiveTWQ O sONTII$,' notice, of thaL appflication ,in,-th'aaaî Gaette, .apd also in. sou >newsjmper publ 'sibed Wn ,the lCounty cf Utii-uof Coun tlea affected;- . aemding copies of the fiwst and-Iuut 'of#Ach notieest« the Privâtè BillOffce,, Quiebec. ALFeDý -TODI) - b6Oief Clerk o? Private Bull Ofc JAMES B. CAMPBELL, T tiihnrsdy J5h Jsa. net, l'or the de yv- erybefrelstAliio< mnfiOta1000 (Jor iof tion and menasuremant. WM1 od b. gent the nd abaif feeon u. )~qWaflodmIyTumntity»fI oomýHiWood tg'bed9liverod at tEe 11arboi Prt wlit1b Viltby, 1)oq.24,,15p '79 CHIEAPi GOAL OILS! BEST «0OA2L 01IL!1 $125 eo.. per Gallon.at, ;Geoi*Yule's -Telegraph Ste, -4NEWSTOCK 0F Justrece4ved, et priééeé frm76 ctk.ta Aitered to burn oa!'Oiu. 92 O-EORQE YULE., JUST 'RECEIYED. .5 BUSHELS 0F CLOVER LSEED, and 20,ilishels of Timothy Seed, expected in a few *days;. TUkBS. ~.McMILLAN. Whitby, Fcb. 10, 1860. 98-td OIRCULE.AR. ]>JeSl~. and c'tler business,. Parties ertrusting Ibiu with ComiffsFions will find timeir interemts punetuaiiy attended ta. Division Court Collections particularly re- qnested. ARTHUR tIAWES. P.S. References kindly pormitted ta George Kempt Tlioînabs Keenan, T.C. Patrick, and G. E ~nion, Esquires;. Lindsay, November 1Oth, 1859. - 48-Smn lorne'Insurance (Company C'a8lî Gapitail, clpaid in, $1,000,000 SurlU8 so ver ............. 400,000. - --: : FIUE AND MARINE. T IIF nndersîignéd, agent oftmo ahcvo flrot clame Compîjany, iprcpared to issuu Poli- cies oflnsnitrtimme(. agamumt Losmi by Fire the Da- gers§ of Ilnd Negotation and 'Pr.nspartitîîoms. STEPIIEN SEARLE, P umîdas st. Whitby, Nov. 29, 1859. 72sw-46w-Iy N. W. BROWN'S AGRICULTURAL WORKS* BROOK STREET, WHITBY, (A few rodF south of the Blank of MJontreal.) Manufacturer and Deaier in ail kinds of AGRICTJLTIJTPAL DIPLEMENTS LIGHT AND> IEAVY IWAGGONS, Market and Bob Sleighs, Two-horso Culti vators, Plougbs of various iakeand style Scbrulllers, Corn and Potatoe Cultivators Seed and Turnip IDrills, Road Scrapes &r. Tkeras7cing Iac7tiine8 Iiepalrcd on Shcort Everything in the above line attended ta %with Purictuatlity and CheRpness. Agent for Patterion'm combined Reaper and Mow- or. Wbitby October 12, 1859. 5 NEWMusic. Tuat received ýilte underuignd, ,POLKAS, WALTZES, AND- UALF OF THE- T R1EîmibcrHber iievimig sus epniled btiminesa, T ho now ofr te Sail[or 1tent fomr aterni Qf prmuises iii huie -<- - 1 I .ý VILAGE '0F VROOATN Toawislmip of Brock, eonsistiuj of a- STORE &DWELLING IIOUSE- Witlî two Kitebiens;, a Sitting-room and TùPrkr mamd attmeiîed fotaht'ator m isa welli fîrmiilmoc offeacnd Warholie. Tie Ibu ildings mrovIt ciusFPneoBuildinizs. -Pnice, 2504,litufour Pquai uniummml iuishalxmcumhs, wihh intp.retat thée ,atueuof eiglit per centl par anMmî1 or, Mal per mneifon. -Far'fartlner purtieniers aRPfR t ROSS; MITCIIELL, de Co., Mgrobeuts, 'Yn* Sireeét, Toronto,' or -ta the subs&mjber'ou the V~omtmtim, M. MPIIADEJ. - ro milol, Brook. Sept.17, 185. 39w-tf "3> of Cùm, i i 'it oft n isem 1 41L.t0, .harmb , iluilit -limeg 11ui11 mn e nt ttio set'-e Souh umlitue cli o- tintue ofluir lu on A. P. id te %cou -1 thuiî m 01 bave the me,,dfe son rto thi 07r u~'uiex 0- NEYUs DFi3 TY. genorfraMly sed byn, bad habî~itlnyput1,ilue olYetsJwhflm Bue dissinmm, - t orueîfmii- mîass, somnietimne'sa nrinlnmit-l 'ti9mwk eyes, weakneslý fl the m XB~c1 ila ï1o*érextemi tmel, co idson- of lieus, iossof-mxténory, witit meleol= y, mmay bce eured by the-New1êtv-Ilnio Remedies! CO15NTRY PATIENT&~ Medicines wî wth fail direetibnulmctýtoany part of theu1nited-saembb' patient8 oo»nmuittn thei-sîptmnms hlýetten. Itnsih9ss corepon.- dece l ot ou{d9tl1 Ne. 61 Ring 1Sîrget VWesqt Tor<nnto, olý, c. e, 1seo. T otCW. Departm enital Notice." - INSPE CTOR GENERALS'SOFFICE, CUSTOMSu DEP.&tTMT' Qzcebec, î'iovme,1859. NOTICE llîenabv given tliîct y au-arfin Camunceil hemi-ilig fdate the 14th instanut, it lm cirectcd tliat a drmmwbumchc. eqnei ta tjuc dunesp pnid, ho aiiaowcéltoshipfldcnii an C6rdmm1;0 of eey cjeseiptomm cand on mmi articles a? ou j, Coppen, Bnuti, Yeliow Metal or Zinc, nu11.11711- f1ucureîi or iiimmuuumnaetnned, aetuauly. nse7l mmml eMPlcîycd by thuem- in the bulilding sud iiitg ofammîyi4h l mt witiîin 1hth I otisPrcî- vince, 1mn12upomi su of whih articles (imimiudik the Cordaige), dnes o? Cistiens-.1u110 have heen p .idb theni (on by the. persan or per- sosfronr wli ar they uchel bave purelmase tu te same), mpon their limportation, nta Cansdumc' T!ho e nc oneil nther-direcithui theim SliipBuilder a piyimg for tlmçdrawhaak l iali fnrnlsqh t4e Colector o? Cestomis -wiih eauipc-ci fi- cation of lime Cordage -andl otimer articles umpomu whieh, haeelmtuius suqit druiwbcek, îsbewinw t1io qintities and vàeime, by ilioni aumd wheîiliii- ported andte ieanaumat (a? dties peud, and also 'thîe Rmne, fe t inip or abipuini tue bîillimg anmd rîgging of wiuich thea w-liohe o? ihe arteles meîtioiîed wo-re nseduuid when the saidslmijï Or smipa- oioured lor ue fareign Part; the-snid stoi- Siautions taeho uýpponed bytîm oauii f the 'Shnp' Builder, to e lciratouo'reroptid hi'the of ncspcmfcation,' ta o atilmdnde0e ta smîch décleration. Tnea (oliector having sAtisfied himseif tIlt thue eumonnt o? drawhaick clmdnmed is correct, ahal certiil thiespéeification amîd tramîmtime sianie taeflic Depuirtnment, wherenýpom, imter 1ii1W *exîmmiration, the Collecter wil hdoeutimaized to puiythe ainut caîmd -Tuie dr.nwhceklieraliiomîefore tuntionedlta up pi), to sieh impotaîtionms ommhy, of thîe leiflmîd entiihes, nas wcee mide- ia otimîs Province suilse- îuî tiytath" Seventhi diy of Aimt, l>M581 tue duuy îîpom which th)e At 22 Vie. -c3p. 711i, grnigadahum r ima iîlnportation ai uihi- 'ibl amicýlun cantate cases, came into f*orco and efeet. ]3y columand, R. S. M. BOUCITETTE. 71 Commiumsîeeer. of? Unstomus a-id Feise. WHITBY READINVG'XOOM. T'HE wHTTJ3Y READING ROOM iIS E weil lighted, conifortabie and wamm, and Is well stacked wmith rewpa 1pers mind periodicuils of ail kinde. Terms i $84 p -»nm Students and Situated in the second fiat over the Obronicle Office. Entrance thronXh -u Stationery Store. W .HG IS THEOMAS MYERS, COUTNTY O01K Allio, F5Al,NER'S SALES in thé Coiumtywlli4. £:- ceive proumpt attenîtiomn, .oui reaisomîchie tenairs Ï-Liicewise, Gamids coisig.,iied- on comm- mismmiçîm ta thîe Auietioii -Boomsu will bc dispos;ed o? ta the hes;t advmtmmcrie. tScues at the Aitiomu RoonIS eVery SKATRDte. 1)iste.se o? Hanrses, iRinghbones cud Spaving, are troiîtcd îiith perf-et seceesu. 1 80 4in .Il [ Ji TüËS-E

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