Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1860, p. 3

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ipo thae rnor niýy lu- il h n h lo anionut on th#. foqur.d, lutTeur- 0 lis? o 0 us s's< &rd Yusr........11,010e 18 0 s1 ~Vs ' 5012 0 1720ý 00 -00..~ /IO18,716 8_lit20 16 10 0 1810t6 AGW4U~45~~~ 18; 14 1911 0 9ý74 218 e j 191i1i 19il 1.o 4 '~ gi~ t. s s u~ rît 2180 285e '28 5 7 24 2 I .4 Lad 2850 55, 050 2250 lui rodîîoluig li% prenmling au wexontionod. *l JOoPiltloaSIAE F1ROFIT V TIE IIALF JilWpITSY13TE31 =ny b. u.doptod for Poliltes ofu'iaeutfo 50$rli O51APRI NEf TU &du VR ,oWb.oe, dedfortte 7twenyftro.Annuat ýBaZana,. El U W#b.fWee /taCd<,o soitraolc as'of On Yeèr 1 frnger Standing thàin Lafer APPLICATIONSg WJLL BE RBCEiFED UNTIL THA T DA TE. ICAD' OZ FîoE"-FPoUCANADA- RST t- JAMES ST., MONTREAL, AGENTS. Nilw.ttioý-SAMIELWILM<>Tl.' P'ort lîîY--. FUIARIER, Commemrcial l3iîk. Oiitmwtw -tAMULEL C0CllJ4ANE, Jr., Di rrisuzr, NEW -ADVERTISEXZENTS. - NOTICE. suliitc,11tt111g, t titke mit o, or AN. ' t~eui.es ir hl t. Mlîuîîcipti,îty ti tlei-c ~'î î.,ilii at liid wiliii their Botim,- iîtn it tîto 1'Jl'owi.tl0 a#tl îiluiy, the 12,1), iiî4t.,tut 104>'Clî,ck u. n., lui tie puruiose uf ru. ovciuJgthie ,îîiu, oui payînielt n .-ics. MVatl',~îreil 1, . î;t E XPI ANÂrULON. rfllFSuthifiilibnr's lero.ile (011 ithoVieu ..atiliuirc4 tlîut ciuu hù hnl, 1 doii't charire ~- Iiîim.dus ;îîui, lliut wilI tueil it ltit the billot Coul Ui1 uit 4el25 puor gallon h> opodilîîyig eu-à. l' i ýr M r. G. willtul4ce cire Il î,w ho aulvertis- fj4i iitiit it: crs sollirie Iufnr ir ormno, lin h. siîulelll y tl'o 51a lie tparty 1 dual witli, and 1 GEORGE YULE. Whitby, Mtirch 1, 1800. DENTISTRY. Crown Lande Dopartmnent, QuEIIeu, 24th Feb. 1860. IN OTIcI' hi lerbyWfui, thiit tbe loti, ithe towlstli of dý,ýIN i bltue o uîltv of' lcmrw, U., C, will lin opeîa for sole-vii tait ii ter tli, 2$0 (éLl$. ut ct uiiotl. For ists ofthtutlots ia,îd eonditioîîsot alcp- pi to Jttiîîîî-m1'. Nollît, .l:q., Cruwî Laiîd AN IIBEW ll4L FIR.E ANID LIFEIL NSU BAN g COMPANY 0 F ENGLAJDO -Removal of Dr. J. S. Jones.1 Royal lu 8uranweBuidneiepl D Re lbobllIY4 I)JIN'o becil re.Itlt)vc..Il tu Om o4 pous romils, firbt dogir North (or Broclc stretjt. (Li their residence-4. 1 Crown Lands Department, iQvsiusol 7th Bob. 1860. OTICE 1 tiîerîulîy given thaIt te lots in theo tolwimliiol Iload and Murta. <(i hieriver t itan W LM wstof lime town*îsltpof'?lilph,) luit hue lenporiury jîîaloiau di;t rict of Nl')iissîng, U. C. will 60 01*11uafor- suie on and afuor lite21§;t ut' sicmct ntli. Fotr lista oflotu, sueconditionsa of saleuuipply to iiituies 1'. Moafut, Emq., Crowu Liautît Ageuit, ut Il'uurvlo, ln tihîîmnty o o Jiiufw. -ANDRftW UUSSELL, 96 A»»itittCvuuiuivir @UERIlJF'S SA.LX 0F LANDS- CouXrv or OwiTAio, 1 ON Saturdsy, the TO wit: f Second day of "' June, D. 1860, ut Twolve o'clook, noon, will bW sold by Publie Auction, at My Ofilco, in tii. Court Boeuse, in the Town of Whitby, tho riglît, title, aînd intcrest wbicb the underntuîntiotiCd deftendaits uiv- cullyr postiosa3 In thc undermuîîtiuned landa; and, teînuaents ther "ori, stnized bylume un- dur, nd by virtue of certain Writs of pioni Vàclau to n>e dirccted, viz: In the Court of Qîîccn's Bonch. The City I;ank,1'laintil'tl s. John Hicks snd .Jatnesi, Good, I)cf(>,idatits. In the Court of Qucen's Bondi. SThe City Batik, IPlaintifla Y$-,"oleri Ilicks atîd Jantes Gooti, Dfotudats. Lot No. Ù, in tbu 4Liî concession of the Townshuip of Rucih, coutainirug by adinesi- momeint 200 acres. lai the, Court of Conimon PIons. gabouWatiton, piintiff Vs. William iShaw * Al and singulai-, thoie Sooitain parcels or tracts of lanîd sadpla ules situate, iyiuig sud boing lu i heTowsp <> Wlîitby, in -thieConnty of Onttario, beitîg cunpmsd of that part of Lot tîunnber twcnhy-aîx, in the seond ceucessiautof the said Townshuip of Witliye kuwnatnau descibed on a plan thercof, 0340d by Johni Sui-r, Provinîcial Landl $urveyoi-, uas village Ilote, numbeis ano.sxsd forty-vo, Buçt ut Brooktrticet OnSatd plan. Also, al.il ilht, title and in- tèrest of theo aitiWilliam Sh~aw, lu sud to, Lots numberti twenty-uiliO sud thirty, (29 and 90) in the second lion iu the fifth dou- ble rangte!f'village Lots Wèst of Brook Ptret lboing2P5- of Lot nuniben twenty- sèvcn, ';i-the 1tiit concesioni of the Town- fihip of Whitby aforcbauid. Tu tuie Coilty Court. .Jostah Pomeroyi PlaIntiff, via. Wlii 'frdèland Tituilodhi, doentitnts. Lot 'No. 17, bu the 3rd-conumion of Ux- ~ frdgo. NELSON 0. REYNOLDS, Sherlil', (. O., Whty ub. ea, 18l0$ NAo. 20, Lombar-d &Streit, London. C A PlI TA IL TWO 1YILLIMlS STERLING, AND LAUGE ReFEiIVE FUNDS. FIRE DEPAFIIMENT, Truiîî (1î .uilauy Ineury ia ilauga 'tiîud ulil otiter (le ui~tioui ut' I rupei-ty relluist I2op DrI~amage on the, u t îoa#t JMo/pruTenus. Mf Juuauî lusses proînjtly s4ettueti, withont de- ductioa or disconit, Und wihiut refericauce 1 Tiue lorgo Capit ad jtiujdiciouà tumpageient ut tbmit Cuuîxptivî maure. teioutLpuert afety. LIFE DEPARTMENT, LI-geaI îtaitticiliiition of Profits eoamstent witu atdoîtt bted scuiruty, and d every betiifit ciui- btircd in thae scienae of' Life Assaraneta .ffurdocl Iuy the, îoytl. Iteceitm for Nom Pcd!iemcsalune lu rlsix uotlîs vi' thue ,uat Y#uuO. £200,()00 STERLING 1 Iîommo froni aIl scîtrees la 1858 £28589. Exhibitbng an ImOicase iii une ycsr alet of £25,3489 Tii. foutlu lu luttaI exccd £700P000, FXdibitilig anil itîrouîse lu oui0 ycumr alueef :r £80»0O! Alifutaie, Ouuîtilig lilooeCuitlarp;, with t;ilu peda uif t hmeCouiptuy'a uj'erutioutis, anti c"ery îrUiry iifonuîutiuau faruieltcd at the JOIIN AONEW, lityFhiAgeit tWr'ruwiî of Wltiy. GREENWOOD PJAIR. hIlE SUAL OF VR1 VILLAGE 0F GREENWOOD, VWill b. hold ahtSf erlings 'eitlon lb. 7thDAY OF MARCH NEXTI Beiaig the fiit Wodituca i tî fthe ,uîouutuî 'ie Sîin- Suhow of' tlîu Agicuuilttinil Soceioty of thchuwutllili ut Liu-keriuig, wilI bu holduttlie saneolue*r and laice. Fermerti kucp your stock, uiil hrimg thuii to thte fair, thore wuil l bupleuty of buyurs, wiîo will ivu lll i-is iheservices vof tho undersigrei a Auiu&ti4vn- cor il bc uLit e .dis vosuiîof LOic public, frec of charge uring tuo- Fuir dii>. -J. C. STERLING. G-oooFeb,28160 94 îîîectmug e the oune buho ho hld aTtlio Taefiday, the 24tis day ot Apnîl ucîl, a iiy-latw wilu b c naalfor tlo uu utiof' u closý- ing up a gortuîitulîoad Afîuwieîitcc ontlm ulhius o- twccuu lot» SIa>d 32 iiuus ilte uuts. liaIt of tlie tîtirdcuîemin iii thte'Jwidî u'Ulndc and cuuiaiuuly Ikîuuwi a.ti;ît cOtl Whlitohuruli 3,wu ilip CerL Eatrmïte LUt. 50 ACelardLnýbligpr o Applyper*oa1Jto ' 97X R.RERRZ *bltby. TeOnders for.:Pri.uting. 0SBALEDr Touidera Il bu raecivqd-st- the l'ri utiuig, Biidiujg atut Advertibnw.- f for the Corl>ors-tioithe loirs'of Wh te the> let March, 1860'- * 14,', -, FI, '» ~ o? tpndoér, 'Mnd mwqIeO piO pttc eal )ô hId aI ilie auveo0hC6 CfrOni P. lit., aUly. 1 rnvn. t'r'..u'tt THflOMAS HUSTON, . 971 251h uursvlo,180 SALE DY PUB3LIC ÂTCTION. T 0 b'o ,old hy publie auction hy ftue' nîder- I4liOed, purji.wnt te a power ur sale Sr, tsined lu a cortailà uîîoýrtgsqçuc,, uaide by 1'14111j Wliitiley and Wît'o tIlle, Caîrîig ite the 14T day of Jâme, A. Di,,-WOMItlioi'uwir.g h.îîd îîî preîii,,v. ii. emîui lrd 3,aocsofuthLe woLitli 25i acrots, ofthle womt lif of, thie werit haie u It No.4, ils 11w 8th (Col], oftho towilëhip uf' zwîchi, ils the couï.ty of ontarlo, o11 Tuesday l3th of 'Xarch, 1860, in tule villiigo of lCpsuuz,at thehour otl10 'eIovc lu the lureiuuuîîî. Teui u noui on the. d-n of mile. DONALD MoDUMID], Mvortgagoc. Riuiocli, 22iîd FUI>. 1860. 9V-8iu s0-w D'AIMATN SUPERFINE COT. tige Piaulo-S î'edals. For sale cheaip Cral.Etiquirc attise CIIRONICLE Of- '.~IibFeb. 13, W60k. o-i. Crown Land flopartment, QiUebec, 3rd PFebitiy, i1860. N O'flCE il leeby grlven tijat Lite Iota îin the bownstip ()f $uîomwduî, li theue t.y vof 1'cWrlouîUjî . (V., %vil] bo ope.i for' suie un :îuIO aielr theg AlrVîN'rîr of next tuontlà. Fut l11:41ciof lots uuud eoiditiuns ofs1:11e, ill]y to 1icli.%rtl 11 uglîal.'m r, rwîlutl Agenit, ut Iivbcuîygeu, in the tuwiîsluip uf Vernlui. ANJIEW IUUSSELL, 91i Ai;iittCnîiuitî Save Costs. A Lperuaisu icd ilto tht.,e ire r î'îU 1i .tcal -IIi îCI ,.ctte thtýIoI iina ii ni dIa t iy ai au ie ou îît.i i iîsett Ici'11iitheLC I t Marthi , s aiOtd vvTiiit ttii il!iî1 l la -J. S. I)ONALDS0ON Co Wliitlly, Feh. 21, Itikuj. t I ITEItAIY PRIZES. As8 a slight aeknowledgment of the liber- ai support extended te his efforts, as Lwoll un from a desire to cacounuigoin how. ever a limit4d a decgree-a tivite for litera- turc amon-st the readeus of tic Chronidie, tie publihc-r intiniatei his intntion v'of of féring ainual preminnis for originîal litery productions, in prose and verse. TLe fi-uit distribution of premiunîs will tako place on Tuesday, the first, day of May nexte and will bo awarded as follows: FItIITPRaizE. $2O For the beuit original E say on $ 0 the County of Ontario, the advan- tages of ita geograpîhical position, itu sottlemnt, progres, andJ roavurSf. SECOND PMIZE $1OFor the besh, original rEssay on ýi)UATuvrON--C-nllraCingsdlfedU. uttwn auîdpltyiical cducation. TI tii>RIZE. $5 F or thc boit original Ess-'y oui Nzws. FOURTfl PaIZE. $ 5 For the bont origiaal Essay on Couit- TEBY. ïîrrn Pi'zii. -A copy of the Scni-Weekly Chroiicle, for one year (pvstage frcc,) for the best: original Antîcuuîou itutîx Sîx'U Ru'iIZE. A copy of the Weekly Chrontcle fur one yoar, (postage fi-ce,) for the second boat orignal Antheut on S'îo JUDGES. H. J. 3Mactionoli, Esq., Mayor of Whiiby. John Shier, Esq., P. L. S. &c. R. J. Wilsont, Escj., Jhairister. R. J. Gunu, Esq., M. DS. Rl. Checklcy, Eaq., M. D.* Compotitors mnust senti in their p"oduc- tions under Beal to the undersigncd, on or before the luth day o? April next. Bach Essay andi Anîheun te bear a motte , and te be accempanieti by thc name and ad- dre9b of the irriter, wiîh thceinetto on the. envelope cléo8ing the same. The several Essaya andi Auttheaste b.- coeethe pro"ety cf Uhc publishen. Competitors for lte second andti lird, pi-izes t. o, eConfineti to peizons residing iu thc County of Ontailo.-i he fourti, fifti and Saxh upnizos, ho bu exclusivoly coufinedti tetho Iechelirs, and pupils within the Count>. W. il. UI-GGINS,ý Wlsiîby, Jan, 19, JUO WIUtby, Y4ilbW 28, 1860. 5oot17â Britiah Agrieultura48eêàdà Warfnted. Skurouig's ,pprplp top 8woudo s)tu onte. taingtle de, Zdo 40 * Y-16t Lothiani dou - 6 Foɧu;rt0u Ilylarid ygAllw 40 6 CMiROT. Lonigwl) ite , 59oonta, LavýgelUîgl= - W cents. JLotig rQd Altrinigluain 60 cenits. , 1ti:p1 SLi>ents. MANU+EL,' Yu,-lJow (luhe, 44) conts. Logred 40 cent. ulaviuîg iuî1iuîrti'd1direct fi-om il Britieli Secd%- mat. ot bic liglicst iiland i g, 1tilicK 1ulîsoriReber Ca, w1itli ci ilîerecomlnund, Idli ' stock of tL(iwto be of die very firitt quity. v, r eleoîtliugeoîrttgiveri ho lIocloticeand *utliero tid- kii Jurge qîîtuiitftius. 0rdéit paticutudIy ut.- WM. MILLER, Jr. flronghtiii, 1Pickering C. W. 9 Coîirty o 1i,îî,li croby given, t bat tue I'rium, Oyvr auîd Terisiner, ,ild Gênera] Gaol I)l wriill b l'elnilsn uad for tuie Oounty of' Outtariv, lut tue Couirt Hobuse, i l te Tuwn of WhIIby, oit 'rkursday, lte Iiflhday of lilurch, 1860 it l'le lîolir uof 12 ',e',k olut' iwlîie-lt il 4'î'roîerp,J ii-. otl , -meli.. nd(uîî.îllq alt l tii 'IIm'î-îîer.î, ill tu ig îî,liot u glaid V'er C. N ucti. '0 iit: Çle Courtof c nrl Qnnr- Wrsi'sof thle te-e, atid-Couity Coisrt, will bislioldetlils iUnd for tila Couiity o? Ontarlu0 nt tiie Cour -Ilus, ls tlowii of Witb)y, on Tuemdea$k, the l2th day ofMardit, 1860 it 12 o½i:,,iî'în, ut a i] a Coroners, Jtt- tice1,gn cile 1'uuue. ald Czsul',and ali o'>11- crs -iin-iriil'l t !eiotice asud govt'rn Nvi * ,S ON <G. RIE Y N )L D S cri uCs. 0 WhitLypertc. , Nà!î.L2 PRIWTINO OFFCE FOR SALE TI' 1E IATEIý'IA]b OF'rTE OSJ4AWA JOURNAL, (LATE ONTARLIO TIMES) Pr intiuîg Office, coinprising printing plçeifls, ncwvs, andi job type, andi ovcry- thing oîuîîjlete for atigooti country îîews. puiper, and joib office. .Apiily to Chirotile Office, 95 lWhitlby. BY-LAWv NO. A J4-law Ilieétia?,liNh at eertàiia neine of kuad cicrulots Nu. S 8aîad 49 in M/e 7V/t (On. n , îsoutlOts NO. 11l ttI le1, in t/je fit/ Con. of I/le 7'owf11fip of r/a. b'ridgje. T 1 CoE ru~poaition ofutthe Township vi' Ux- T ilue ciitets t4l î t:- lttii. fol- lowiu,,< ua<w liîui-4't' ronid, oit Lai No. 8 and l4 iin h -i. 1!1i'ii .îINiui, îiitg ilusuueordalc wit îîil vîi:tv uui iftle 1,v .tîiîgi -r .î.P. TL. S., âS :Ic)tl~ iuihîciir îiy liii ;rt-Iport benrîuag idte, %V litîîy lii ~ SiIeiiioiittaelie.d b1, îîîîîl Lu h .oi. lie ml)iuttIi.i a a public I'iuuilur l11 glîu'm z ùuiiuîg %lxoit Lut No.5 i ~ uî~c iniîle(-WLe,'lc tliusait vofbhe t'owîl, ,uMi. l u:liidhluutitlisnuJiuste Liiîu LÇ. 1j iý V 7 clail:s44 lits thoicc N. !îU~ W, Subiiilii, nfluctice N. 820 W. uliilain 11i1iluikaLu the caust6erlyliulgt of theo alluii'- uulec fur roati, bl cti thiue Oth ani 7tbî Couiceut siouis.'Site baulalî rpoti roadîtti bett)feoh wltlî', ulid OutheUoic le,>uuiteu, illmite ulie the Autd be 1h fcrtlui cuuuuieted, tiuut huerond suir- veyetd bylvatal deîcils iite report UrIlleh saiId Jotial Sheir cuiug auite Deo. P, 181s'9 liereuliti uttaclical toc, auril tit tbaiseilasiaorc-by veluat là: lic- l ie5itîuhîu-Iiiglw-.y, viz. Coit- tî(-uetîuig ait a 1 oýb jilitei oit Ihe caietrii litait ot lot Ni). Il, ilui tue 1i ItCuicuii, uit thie 41.- tanice of 8 chitis auiîl "6 ha.P ls ii ieurs§o X. 32<D 15 %W, truai l e suwti ut it auîglc voflut Nu,. Ili ilui l,- 'éthu CotuLeu'siuîui, iid i-tiiuug -- touuce N. 61Q W,'i1cbuuiili ltîtIii iii u blu eN. 2810 W, à eluiàiiusau Iund 2 tLîulcu ei - 570 bO W, lu ellailis tîuie N. 24= E, 10 elsiuiianuud 75 lIluks to aipovt pîcied 01it Icecatiterut litait cf lot- No. 12 iliatheu < siu.Theiactîarond to ha olu ihauti wiule and lte ahuve deiscribed lino (wliclî i u-arked lîy poât iluioed ut Ille eyera1 anagles thure-oi', îÎid, the n linblatzed ils te us§tul nu-uner) ho bc tue cuitai-n irnit thore- ilcattiaa scouttiet14h dayr o? Fob. 1860. 5 ~Towislip <leric. NoflCL T' -lùu'1-s' r ùCp f1 y4law wbich watt reatia second titue tluua dayi, atîi whi will bu paisutut ut the noxt meceting of dtou îiucil, afbc' înîla tien of Ic salMd Il u-îotie tuiuur&Lh lu &vubu lipayairwin Uvor&VFir-I i wtieiii itti Uvery article in thoir iue or buuiiies. Thd mievro X t.,( prao cl d 9npctont workoeen of, long experience, and as tbey &-výate éiýco! flor minl aborto tboir business, they çaprodcearticles of botter rkmuxanobi p, of greatwd~uwsbl ,an o W~AFFQR]> TO, -,UBM CRýEAPBt,- Thonan.sawho.~have, tte hiro'the'labor, qCotbia , Al 'arficlés sold at the, lowest 1lving-priecLs for Cash, or on approvod crodit. PlosCý AU kinc% 4rftumlce and rmors produç Iwzbpe All,~wor ns p.-. 'J 12 * -~ * .~ * ~ Sjý ONLY $75 FOR ONE, 0F TOUGR'S CELEBRATED SEWING MÂCIIINES- W AIIIIANTEI) to be tlhe sauuuuoiluveryrupe t tts odlyI.M. Isinger & <2. iu) tbe chines ~ 1 lcbc oiî e c(Il eoiiiitially workiaig off on the clou uui iattg.üe s Mt-'gaitei.' Thue mîceiaiiy of u-.i'îug ut ta-aient Icatlier iii cîtira-iy oiîviated by -ti-t iiî-w inuproveiuut. Tues. nîachiiîcs ae fliouit ee-îolthie bcst aild clllcapet ever offci-cd fier isudla initada. No.- 1 MACHINE $75. PRICEBS No. 2 MACHlINE $85.l No. 3 MACHINE, LARGEAND IMPROVED; -5 1 have 1r00pivcd i-lumnerelima tei-tiuîuuniqls fi-oui Iloot uuud glic Mfauiitui-lrcri, Tuilon, PoukiMak- ermi 1rivitte, Ftuuilie-L,, auîd owirs wlo tare îit;uîig my hitieli: nu.--liite ini rccomuniliug i-1,,tlucan for generfil use. Ileauillthé , .iiiug erifcuies, willcil biy the two Inrgt-st anii ot eoxtoi-iie l3ýOt andl fShoe aiuiiît ii <hiui:d:i. Monroei:lui t. %Vû tauke plca'uiîmlre li>euririr e luiiiyto ille cniîaplic.te wurkiiug <ffOie Idiliiluis t ,iuI;tur AcA là MIL .3. eNattait. uivimahad tlirc-î'in use torA u uisix m a ilus. Tlîy aire of ImAgei; Puiteu, sud cqiail to uny of Our twuiuîtue ut' te kid. BEIOWN & CIig Welhaive tui-d oei f É. 'J. Nlagle'a Sewiag Mull ilu: ulur fu tir for thei. paiu- ii% uuuntluat au.laveuuî Ilo i1a i lu suiyi>g thar iîiyari n evir> ~ ~ %iiel mawiic qe hatl veîes upruc Au.r-i CI 11L1)S, NCI IOLES & AKI?.. AIl communications relative to Sowing Machines, etc., nîust bc prepaid, as none othm swill bc received. E. J. NAGLE, CAiïAPIM ,SswîKu MiCu isi-1ADLTSIIULENT, 2"5 Notre Daume Street, Motîtreal, C. E. Factory over Bartloy & (4ihbert's-C*nsl Bain, montreul, C. B. SSsw-40w E3OS to annunce t. bis nuuemutis fi-tnds and ustomers that ho te v,rÀuaying 'a-'o bt is extensive business ut CAR i1A G E MAKING, IN ALL ITS BRANChIES, On the proemises heretofere occupied by Mr. N. RAY', on Mary Street, between Byron and Brook Streets, where hoc ppnnpaed, as honrotofore, Lo exeoute nl ordçens lntrulted, te bis ee CÂRIGE S, BUGGIE, SLý EMGIS, CUi-ITRS, &C., IW-Manufactured tmi,,! told aI lthe Làwest remueratiug Prices. ALI] WORK WARflANTED LUMBjL-RP «>ad PRODUC15 LIKEN IN EXQHANGE at MAPJZKET PRW.Ee D. FORD'S long experience of tbirty ycnns lu the principal Manufntntories of tho States andd Canada bias giveti that exîîericnce iin evury brauîcl of the business wbich few htave beon able ho arrnvo at, and for beauty of design, ebegance of finish, tiurabiliîyi and solidity of woi-l<aansiip, bis %work catînot hooxulei Wliitby, Amq'uîat 6- 1850. r.7-Call and soc Specimenh. T IE subscribers beg rc3peeitilly ho infonutlieur fHoinds nud eaimutoinerut goiieml>, thatthic> haveIheevet tvVs ah:c's Nw BickIl tu , ]3rock Street, itliero te uvmoemdj additum0hothir A LARGE ANI) IWELL SELECTEIS STOCK OP CONSISTING OP Blaek an4 Green of te Cbioicesli ruuaida. COFFEES, -TOB 1ACCLOS. chcwing antismnoking. Lugr ati aieoisRutisi.9 ieu<, wigsd Currtntsý, Cuiudled tliIrtp, Lomona ngew JPeel- Brook Stni of James1 1 Ére OFFICE' IN MONTBJRL' O}IBAu1tmÂ?N-WM. MOI8O1N, X8Q. IleryThxuu. Eq. Dvid Tiié Agent for Whitby 'and surrounding Piei wî1; IL W. WOODWARD.~ O:>To, the AMuited.c1 LGERM A N 0IL! Culs Bruises and alkn~f1ls 'W ouudbs icdent te the IHumus lu B ott1ejs at 25 to àdC*tsZacbýl, Accordlhig te slze, 7Tut. 011 will cure 2111 frpt' wouudi§, andi iiion infallihlo ronicdy for thiere- 1-1OR SES & CATTLE ILEALING OF AIL WOUJYDS9 li iict£d vit îîat. ~ , ,s 0l iiii'odlm Ié succesftilly fortilo Lit $eeoul Yesiid ba les-r, bec-iksolvu to 11411. '"de4q '4"*ê.d "Y A'E ANI). DIYJSÃ"4ý-CýUPT Torm~tý, and willIbe-fouhd- t rinted on bâtter patper.Buy t -ece O1&W. ü w4, THiE NEATEST-AND 'BEST PRINT- T ing, plain;,-tnd fancy, ofovery descrir. tien. can hoha fiaieiaer and qnicker;atLUo. Chroîuicle Office tija n any other establisb- ,mcht in the Counby., EÂARTHKWARE. J JIN MOONEY 7f.-M prepctt Offe!it for tisale, aIl kintis ofEafthenwuiremanuâièetin. cdý ah bis peticry iniPcaobsexcedwigly low N.. Merciuints uun4 PpWJ.ns il! tluid 1et Q tlueir advaiituge oinpe t~1ui>' .o)~ ,tuieagentin Wlîutby> simd etmlbt h prcebefore» concvluding expeusive purehutuas Whitby, Nov. 17, 1859. 6Sa-W-44W Whitby Brewer.y. T H,7,etibt5eribcra ai re now -prop.ired te îiîr- miiIitlîe patront sof tii.'Whikby Brewcry wîtli au excellent artice in s4ueh qumtlti; aos mnay bc requi.-ed, and è à terras' to ,sait pure- liotiletl ale equmol tort léi;îportod oticîle. CLARK la WOODWARD. 'NOTICE Tlee?'gimýpn, tlîît application wiil bc oide Lto the lrvîucia b Puiliainept, nai 4li it Ses ajiot, for un Act to anend thé. Acta inceorporma- tiuug the P'ort Wflitby aud Uaie Iburon RaSway W lihby, 1!cb.7, 1860. 91 British Americaui Cii cular Delivery -Goueral A.dvertisiug Age!ncy, 22 gt.: Fraucois Xavier Street, Mittreal, Canauast et T HE ~Suuîscriher rItc-cfllly noliie etltoth pulio tlît lue la nowr prepureci 10 recolve Orders furi- >mutingi Addi-esini, uand Disitribue u.lng Bille, Circulars ,, &,ë., aUls§o foutilig placards and reccîvii.u' Advcrbisenicnts for insertion iu trie variousi (tihvand -oviecitil Journal*s. . cle i kewige be prepail edte reoeivo, aud by mîîctnsi of hi$ nnimçions J"Agetsnm 'a1eDefou- iisertion, Advcrtiaemntsin the ;srio»lspr t'hrougtuut tUpper utand Loweir Canuda, tlte iw- or Provinices, und the Uniteti Sîstes, " or4 the. dliverf of Uircniuira un Quebec, Klugtçù, Toronto, iHamailtoan,&o luofeng1vr tisera, andal! parties wmauuiiu9g<o msceoi.u1 Abd 1ayatinitic ul>fiton er bho uncttit, a certin sud-ipeedy ineieanf4iqgýjo,, uh a gree auihg of tiunoe, trou bl tied s hua Am.-angoîaon.beéiîî u ow. 4oe 1Mi beguî toiicfroun Rliway Culnp ieR, Mr chits, Mi ntdurersi,TMdce*niea, Hou,îî Rap. urs and uther» lte trauîiuicion ut ail suolu buisi- i wpiîs, whlt ho bc bgs te asura $bput willb<i rutiouhicîdcd te, wit4timutnit:aiaud desý. patebijl tud flttém-luiaiutc hat fruM hWplong- exîîcrurcncin Jugiand, in thia liUne of 1$titiuese tiis Weil ai*luceuneehion witllimhe >optre1k ireâ., h 0I o nibe te givonotiro satis. faction. UIEJT MOOREL ef Tnuido lndMi-i-clhsuts, F. IL, lJ, elmilteu, Fsq., (ui in', Agentl ho tîte Grand Irai F.- W. Mctuahaw, E&q.-m( JueiDougaJ1; su49., Moe E. H.parnils, Edit Ootiîiner'oiudAdvertisiu. Whitby> Bible i Board And i!very d ofpt nati ly 'ty(rou riesi, whilui ltcy aro-o ttranin-ed 1te pricî-s fuir thI , 2îuir '.aiu.-iiiii - WluitbyJaniuary 2 ~0 rlnsD A ~: thia ~ook oduii. ire it i nie use Uld îwper's ~lnt;îgu bas b.. :iatluuî~ ~ mono Il upoti afixed w Ilriih lention- at4 al 1 71h ýrri»n, bu Uit., ýring, Go., t!. rthe John of the irRL L*ak, Mm, »Ji -11-- Il -. . - , - 1 > 1 N.ýIlliLb.v, 1'ub. 23,

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