Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1860, p. 2

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1 n ei wsM th o venkSMPusi ch arry 16m, kpvurs ednge wit wu-« mr s Mine thnp and ulghbao te .. But iu uewthoy lkugh iiaml aaway; Ir wis DuA slwasu»- En lthetlaya we wore o In ull * AJogIis~ago. Irevvr ftnot< senes hodr.lgi <Yur thsbunya cha ng1aîs scel., W1e Ihen nanay dreis es enco awu disi, 'Aidluiititte a quton. 'nTieilni, c.idpr, inui t t A more hcOnmlngisr n;l Irthley wIlll[bt nî ed theo wy, F~arewelltgo erilîsoise. Thon wu is nonore sinah woep OINt iOy il waIESiluit ulviuys oi0, lait is tays we 'mire liccrinlineîs À tiu'ighne ego. Oovnuz.-To have this safid bovorage in rerfcevtîon,ý two thlngu arecfindispensable. The cqfl'uomin t bc roastcd well, samd thoen ",adûi a boiler of rlght construction. Tho roaStor should be a- close splicre, or eylin- der. Thea&roma,. upon wkivh te good tanteo f thse èolTce dojîendw, in only develop. cd la te borry by te roastlng proces., whieh aise' lu nocesry to, diminiuit its tougli- neansd flit f(r grlnding. W ile roukt ing, the ofolcu (les from fifteen te twonî.y per cent of its weigltt, anmd gains frain Udirty te fifty pkir cent ibulk. More de- pends upon tihe (rnperroastitng titan upon theo qualty of te coftbc itsclf. One or two aéorched-or burncd bornes 'wiIi matoniaiiy h~netie fIavot, e- seversiCupéful. ve a aslgbt oeo-hating diminliuhes, tie good tante. Thes boist mode ef roasting, vihera -it in donc nt homte, la to'dry Ustie eoffec e ii la an opea vesoci-until Us vcoler in slightly changoul. This allows .tise mouiture tueas. cape. Thon cucver it closeiy sand soorcis it, heepilg lup a Constant agitation»se Liaitrio portion of tihe kernei may bhaunequally lutod. Tou luw sand Lou. slow a lieut dries It Up witiîaut. protiuciîîg Uthe full arematie Ilavr; white tou grent a he atdisuipatots * Uic elly matter and leaves only bitter char. rad kersiels. It should h. hcated no as to acquire a deep unifo in ciinamon colon sand en oily hppearance, but nover a deep dark brown coler. It ohouId.thoa ho taken from tiea freand kept elu:ly covered until cold, Co Ne iniovos by ae the roasted borrnes will very genensilly lue their aroma 1'nct covired very closely. The ground stufi' Icopt onm sale in barrels or boxes, or b Pa- pens, l10fnot woatiy the snaîte of coý'e. Cofëea uhould net be groundud wtil just betoro uiing. If growsid over 'nIglist i shouid ci o vercd;. or, wi is uuito »an Wolf, put intu the boiter tund covered with wator. Tho watorn fot oiy retains thse vaiiabloit ansid otitor aromtatie ciomants, but aise prOparcé it by soaking for immedi- Ato boiliîsg in tlIs mornling. la regard te coffbe nsaking, ne0 good hdusekeeper van hope te succoed weli if tihe old rncthod et hoilissg in a clituioîs olec pot 1is-adoptud. Thea101d£Dominîiion" euffoe pet, now soextonuiivuly used through ont titis conntry, fi,, beyond ail question,th. -' bout colitrivanco yet intr9dueed te the pub. lia, la using titis aceeflding tc, the plain d Irectioris given, bad cofl'ee la simply impos- sible. >tsw>' heuoo-kuoloero, wio use this ooflo pot grnud tlisir çofYo ad put it in th~e boier *over ilight, settiîs tihe boier on rngue, or nieur tho fi ru, bat net whore it con boi. Thse bevenage thusi producetianri ch, wnollow, and of a iaouL dalicluitiis ftvor. Vu cominendti i plait tuo ur lady readers. One of the strong recommirendations efthtie OlIc Dominion voffue pot lit Un ceeneiDy. It siaves frei n ee-forth teo oe.third of thse herr7. We have.tuseitne in our family fer gcorl niontits puet, and bcing very fondI of a out> otwiïel ga eoYuwould nnet dis. fnm tise onti udn dg dl under tise Wall, and thais under Lihe cellar; but titis fa a mis- léko. Tise faet fae theyeniter the cellar by thse do or sonsie iole, and theti, if titis en. tiauce à closed againât ilium, tlsey df g a pesage euo ot under tIse Wall. Such pssmage tisey ecannetiake if this ide treich fi si dbocrib4, aitlwe>'alwaya begisi te dfg close te tise buttai»f et iowa[i; anti honto,when they cencouter these teses anddinortar, tey umnc dishesirtençd anti abandon te unden- taklng. lif-Iaik close tu thse, Wall sisoulti lJpon tihe couin bottent, tise>' 'Nl coin- ineînge diggitig nt tise bnside cdgo, aithougis l* b.Q 4 (ut or mur*e from thc Wall. If a £â.£Itjt4iy.f pgtioen shouid bc pileti up in *ItV tdie outhtie ouliar, tise rats- wil bogin to d4g utider tise pitu, or& eaundan thse Isottom of thIe chillney, perhaps iusdinctive- tj~potlngthuatO Wd$ lyk bir w.'out. gul tO pmard ssgufnst theoir dIgg g operi- 6oligf lstur litmp and'sastd, ad 03W> 4d&~OisWOD't trouble .You an>' Th-erramxing rrsv Jege. Ifqvpr there wau a nislanice côoneceteti vitis Otr Oovwnment iL is tise dFraninia PrlvýIege.1t À ma hl lhe cbapter..of ac- cidents wnltes M. P. P. attise endi et bis omre. ÉortbiltÉ b ,ýoc orsod once, la, (res to hlim, "apLt*rgd to -;the Publie ohest. The prlvle9elamahide avail- able te itl' utmost itmt.' ..Duming the ses- sien cf Panlfamentveury con<tevable thing- passes hrough thispotunee mail mat. ter. One monibonisu a , pet bneu apeaciste sen-ti o bis constituants, awa~y iL goes with thse frân.k, mmd, charge4: to, he publie. Another bas acan of eystenu for a friand nt home. The isual frank doca, thç' work. Aisoti-er a leg' ut venfeon * for lsip wife a Suiandnydinsmer. * heeleetn cal ini- tiais are pisùced un onemeienmrof' tise 'Nap. pae andi down il es ii tise mail bigj lu close prexianit> wtth tise Governor speechs, Bs-ew's motion on "lsomeJcinft autisori t>,"1 £<u.rruptioi& iis big i plae," samd Cluas- Uit Central Refus-rn atidresses, wftisuut number. Aniausotîer ha h iei eeki>' washlng, %n~e cottes shirt, two do, collass onu do, isundkerchiýt" te oundjiomeLoube plut treugli a course et uprout,0"A. B., M. P. P.,"' or tioeoequally as taltiiiu lettons, snd aerawlcti oit one certer, witiî 1tisis sidu up ih scsre," lite bc kept dry" written is a larsge plain itolt hanti b>'souas- eleris of tise ls, presset inlto tise service fer tise timne bei ng.- Iu course et tisonLise, panceci iàrotunsetithrougli tliseý4 U isci teuLise illuistrýüus repreisun 1- - m tise case ina>' bc. W in- cests nethlàîsgntt l10is1e, mail usatter cositus mstlisî te hl. P. P'S., tliseefore wisy net tise the 1riviloge. IL li8cssly tise tiens-public wicih panys thispher. No ivonder thero f8 ais- numsiiy a dcýiuieîscy isi eus- Post, Ollie'De,- hlssstuest. Wu Easi in ail Éerfouusssessii wlst iglit. lias George B1rows-"4TIe Ilcn,1t instkc tîsc publicejsay for tise tîsousandi o f duoîs ouit caf thse 4Glob," lise aunsual- 1>' milfs ut thie seat et Goverment? Cir- culas-s Nos. le 2 anti 3, have eaun sent (if vie itake not)wi ti hie frunke at every sin. glo isession et Parsliamentt te lis sien-psy. Img subsQxiberns, anti they site nusmereuts onougli, mes-c>' ksovis Dit Tes-ente alec- tons sent i iins as tlitir representati va, te satitlo titr with their propoertien etftisa ceet otfscîsdfug "Globe circulnt?" Wcl' trow nsot. Hâath ie question been asked hi m est Lise sustings, iritis uplitteti bausda and hel>' iorros tise abominsable ps-ntice vieusît have boon tiomoutced. Yct, durnsg cacis session of Parliiînesst this sîsor oueven a werse systent ot robbfng tise Pubifc, k3 uxbliusbfngiy esirri cd on in tise liglut ef day. What igist lias a man te seistia lettes- os pri-nafe business, te an M. P. P., nt tise Pulic expense?7 Noneo whatevon. Andt what sfgist has tise tmmbor te cihas-gotise publie- wtiit te exponso et cenvoyiuig lus repiy ?Os tise sama groundis anti vitis equal foi'co,thso wiseo coîmmuîsfty ilit cîtmni filou posage Trow-tisa irile postal deaat- ment mu fs-ce asais- tesapeople, andsthave the total e.xpe-ise chas-gable te tise Corssohf- dtmtedl levenue. Tisoro would hobc isly mes-e iidom auast jusitice in tuifs vicrof thtie ease, thaîs tue show sacertains few'tise pre- publifc ozlycnse,for tise Province hue -a char- acter te sustain lunte decent appoaranceofe lies- npresentîttives. It ila anoteois tact, that attise seat ot Govos-moîxi, frioki si-e as phesity as cecetieILpromisesu t a pellfng boutis. It fa a ciseap 'Na>' te jîlesse a friand; anti like ail ciscaptiigs a litile transactionuat Lise bout. We iselultîtat tise (40ersxmoîti îi odc imtsgas ootiservice te teProvince, 1»' Lotali>' aboliahiing tIhe fs-aîtkusg- pivilege. 'riel but oe just anti equitablewsy o e ihig itis tiseques- tion. Tisat fa te siboiish tise frsiîkisg pri- vilego, sd mako ahi pay. t.sofr ovins- tago. Otitesrise aheliih poatagù rates al- togetiter, simd malte alk re-e. Tisa bacis- woodotwin, -vise irritas but eue latter a pean,huas o good a igitt te -bave iL camioti fs-ee to huma, at thse publie' cost, as tise M. PPI whe nccWi ntimais blismdretis daing tise *seon. -Commun hount>' anti aquisl justice, cleanly' déandse tisst a i San, ho, placoti on Lise 44me fotig Ide eviede mliectors rell.. W. m'ipaity lin(bamada 'tes. -Tise-expen- dtusres ton 1889, - i4éIkd ý'sevorai items wbicismah ei >;tr~iextraordlinary orpeatilunet,. a-nti .rwbîoh:vii :netoeur agidn afise erla-.Fr- ixstue: Lynpde Ic-o lg% cmt ut for this expetiiture ire have arpes-manont wos-k.' 1'lsa ckbt on tise 'C#nnimar Sebeel was Sn pI 1smutig-te $04. Tis debtdne tise Ioad Comnpany uf seino $400. T1ao-tbnee 'eîs f$Î000) ves-o ves oui. tounts thftise viole Towin-Taxes lovi cd for ail -pus-poses:. - ,-Ie 'lise txment etAssets anti Lisibiities fa oqualUly flatterimg. Aftes- psovidussg for al tise Mar-kot dubt -et 84,000, anti Sehuoi Deht ot $21000,tisaeappeals $16;,7158 Lu tise onaditet tise Tewns.,Tis-a statemesiit inteluatcu te ellcol proues-t>'at *10,500 andtis Mar-ket proesty sit $1 0,000. Tise inancia aasirés-soettise Townfer tise yos.irs 18158 anti 18159 luatvo ces-tai niy beti minasgoi is ucnh ahilit>' 'TluaCuttiiefil for 01 w dccv great ps-afse for tise cceuàq')jutiginent, ansti isutiessueexes-cis- eti by teisn thIe msanageauestt f eus-Tows funisu. Is tise yens- 1857,ttesimoutst tu tua coluecteti on tiseamassaientt solls-aeiLti Var-y muas-*13,000.,- For 1859 but litile ftibevo imuif that aivusut wanusticeioas tise roll ; anti A o us-debtu putit, os- fusid pr- videti fus- Lie stumme. Tisel'axes for 186o Wiliy or euglxt to ibu stili howcs-.'lThe "-u babiiity fis thiat tise Ceuni>' tux miii bu -e liuced. TheScu .hooi tex mi, vie exjiec-t, aise bo iossecod,sand we tr-nst tîmut evot-> effort wili be madie te fustiser cus-mil eus- expes'i:- os in titis tiepas-tuent cf tise Towns fisnans- ces. For 1850 tise extrauseens expouses te ho providot i miiibho owarstihLie organiza- tien ef a Pis-o Brigade ; ve nisy aisoecx- pect te sec a large sum delanded for Ste. anti improvemnents, but Witiboustisane items vie trust te secea fustison reduotion in oui- Town taxes.- A total tax of but 8 censt ou Uic dollar four ail pus-posas, ortf- tsar>' ansd exts-aorditasy ft setnetling tes- a 'Townsmte boaut et, a.dsthi s respect Wbsit- b>' , viebelieve, cas-s-es etff thuepatin ' fs-ent eoesy Townvîilu Western os- aveu United Ours-Nesw*IPostali Arr-aungemnt@. Ms-. Iostmnaxttes- Guise-ml .Srnitki, lisabes feteti, anti diniscreti, andmuti estt, ant isi. cd, in aven>' imagirnablo marsier, for tise succesofti nsuit of hua mission te Europe. Ho dones-vesit-. Weekly mailis frein tise Wcs teuîx States ivili nov ho cispatcised asîscais- rilot titre' Canadta, Le Great ]3ritain andsth ie Continent et Eurupe, ausdi vicai versa, fr-ens Europe te taeVct. Statecs of Aines-feu. Tise iuopourtitce efthLis a--u"<îitisteCain- ditif e is, unmet tish e ul>' uusrying tîtroughs ens- tes-rites-y a givers nuinber cf lettes-s anst paliers, but b>' ft, Canada fa matie tise ts-unk mail route o e is os-tuas- haives etftisa tire hemniapisties. Tise faut o! being tise mail r-oute la ps-ouf positive tisat ft f is e sicortesi route. As s maturai consequeuce, Lise businuoss simd plicanuro travel betmeen tise sainse points, wif l gs-sstiaiiy udati epidi>' tisaw tomas-cIitise ntunu lisse. '['len cossues vince viii receive a nov inti)ulse, ansti cas- gramts ef meus anti isnfluence hamve -greater tiasire or e ras-v a cuntry>'offi'sisg sueis valuable indtscemetls teunahîerinancseut set- ticint. Canada la >'ung lun yeass, but oli ils tise great elclen.sts tist imwské a na- tion povirul anti.wemltisy. Our future la bs-igist- be>oiid mietsuro. Thîsnkis te tise enes-g>'anti peseves-nssee f eus- Peut Masites Gties-ai, the arrangemntittnade yhy iii miii isssten anti accles-ate eus- orovemeuts tomarst -tistgoal se at-tictl>' iasireti by evos->'truie (3ansdian. -Town DMattes-a. Wc luave a fevi rensmris te ofl'cs ou tis bcdad viuelsil! sippesês-lu in m wèekly imse. comsquestly butt littie -ratura coulad-hav bon matie in tise way eft profit. 2nd,-ýThat thse -cfreumuitancesfethtie cas a jich as te demsasd - e imr-Mei sympatis y, anid cbnsidenin.g. thcenergetie iqud - ýntçrprisig csaquweler of tise pnopnie, tei, t4nditise gresit andti etimable valU'ç ef sucis an establishsineut proponi>' conductei, telte surs-ounding commnunfty, la tise pin- ion ef tt.is sxeetimg, susnethimg ousgbt te ha dunefor tiseir neief.-Carnieti umanimous- 1>'. 2 , It wua thon mevecl by' Josephs Holman, secoutiet hy Jamesa Ketceisu, Tisat s cern- mitteecof 5 bc. appi iti.d (with powier te stit te tîsefr nuînbir) te irait u Mathowaciu, icýteiit & Co.7te learî tise truc position in wilsi theyïam'e placeti by tise lsto ire, anti an-estain tise'anouuit- requireti te place thons fis a position te -o buili, sind being siatit;fieti with fturte prospects, tise saiti cosnstittee sistli ihave îber te, draft a sîsi- serf pLiosn imiter, andi plauce tise samo in cf - culstin.- Caêsried. ~ to p Tli followjing genstlemien eotnap jufutud to e t ous tise eomsmittce Jaunes lDryden, Aîstiîew Muson, James Sanits, Clisaslezi Il>atetuti dCalvins Camp. boil. A vote of iliasbiliti bcii tentioredti te s eiîais-maîî aîsd tseei-tsry, tise meetinati a- jeurieti. CALVIN CAML'BELLY JOIINJLYDEN, Tuiussofttise Ilnîîgiriau. 'IiuTh koî ue tisee idy filvtiserlpar.- Licuslsts-oîccivetl igî-lrî4tihe 1lor Lh>ttie ilifiset 1 tsigss'ssi. 'kic iispatciis fs-eîî tieaetut Mc-ssmm. ,'l-liîuosistene Allis & C BAtSitl.iNGToN, Fuis. 29. 20o Ednsrtu, -lrtn 0cé e'. : I have jusi et ttss-ed frois tise ws-eck,and feunti nothiisg sbove %vater bumt tise star- bocardtovv, fs-orsibreak 0z f torccaxsti:, "Il sitait tisat fi gou cxcc-ptifig litUlterfeL t) stero demie aft, botis parts ars-e ying vif Lis hesuvy li it. Nu bodius have yct beemi leunti. Front wisnt I can learn troiti fimsotmoiî they must ail hasve Sone tu the etistirard, about Pont 1 statLd fthechits Lissonnin~g and frein ail 1 c-ssi sec anid huas-noethtie geedat îxctksng hiisi bc-n Lais on sholt os- lh. 'Tie hackigslsve isec sii lîreken Up sud taien 'is fîthLie bonts ils pic-ces, ant i csld to Lisefsiisc-sis. 1I kîsve ist seen a wle tasse uls- allesiit rosîssîl tise hslanstiof Sable. 1 f-itsisa xgisnLtîsstsy lbuselettes-s attIse diffuru-iL lsus-ms; 1 linîsi ticicolleeted aisîs kuoul..It hure-t, isssi wc-it' or fitteon bagmu <t Lihe l'o..trdt Irr)Ctx. 1I have isisues notices t> sI Iîsviigonds4te tring tint hurse, îlot isciiioso rsîe siss have thVin siirveyeii. 'lie-c lt skiver licme froîi Yar- iioutlu, bttilie-ts 0 oe i-utl b e ticdoalsy- Lliiîg. I1Ibave sec-si îsu jataengor'8 efftscts ANI)il4EW CIAIVFORD. --*«i&- Veuîity limups-uvetnentu Tise seves-al Lewuieliip îsu:sipalities de- sfrirsg te jîartcfjateolus tihe efits et Mn. Ilew(-tt'ti -Psuiutierî, atroduceti attse lut uxectiîsg cf 'tise Coumit 'Cculioil, fer aidilmsg fis reitui ilixs)pvelnesstii, usbould mow tavait tltieliet tofisle sreîulitlslityte pass tbe-mr by.imsws, se as tu bu rerucy tut tliseJîsmeu se- lotis. Tisase is ino doisht but tisat tise Counsy Council ill givo dollar for dollar efthtie ameunt to ho ituiseti hy esueitowenship te, improve its tain i-catis. Wc tiesiro te lun- pnoe uipon thiaitLie stccessty et mot visit- IF'rauec, but us isstliatLermai oui cioes-os-- duc-rs %ucre gfvc-iî aisiimepales-s ismtsucteti LuVLurit i P is8i tefert. Destriutioni t tise (.Iourenisor (iesrai's Iteidclsmc by Fine. At six oclelc - stoirdsy eveming a fis-e broke eout in tise cuitera edtifethtie Gev- cr-uor- Gencrals rosi douce, at Spencer Woodi. It i8 îîreouseti that tise f rês mas causseti by soiltO def(îet in tise iemtmx pas-atus. Tise sorvsistsi et ilis 'Dl ccolency, iritis semmàc.c chanfesivies-e ut haistimatie stseng ecf- forts toecxtitsgui isIL , but motvitistauting tixeir utunost axes-ieu undteaimmediate suponituduuse andtiExample et sis- Et. uuti lîcudtihe flaunes gratiucsly gainedti t guteIL a bieatiste bus-stthrougi tise build- ing. Tise wiud wmii î' bleving at tise tume froentisatoti-east, tanned tisa fladmei tili tbe ivlsolo buildiàng iras doâeo 'q~ Misen tise reporter lefti ut aloyaue'du01cck pie bc vilil-inake a dneadfol ries'-of i4, and- tisat- tise, alioy-1f Lboe e boamy'1 thse schemc-,will suifer ne ,diminution. --Poet master Ganeral SimiLi sesems ýte h-ave.,the prospee of gettliB' off, WltIsittlë' orcig sud iL vilîl cer-aiuly bho A foatiser fa his, wtp, if aven su persisotent a grQWIer as thea Gýt Chief, sbis ,et unte te. toi - 'a 'sonsous fault, fn-hie pràeisre. -Tise prn 1èonucisnebt ftiseCoom itteo o Lise immortat convention Muay' be saiti teo have talion upen this oomnuiity still-borti, fe sve jet te b 4sn t at ay oeaat- taches tise siiý,gitas t importance te IL. Ac. tuallit iLhamet, evan gaine th ie importance cf a pasaing ravievi, uer jet tise houes- et tuing ridicule; "Nowa ,péa-ois cs a tliinc mnuat bu ps-it>' centemptibie visen'im slarge Oit>' visera Lise>'as-e tisust ünôtionUicpublic noe tIse>'as-e passcd ovcvla ilenceyt sucita iou oatise fate cf *Lise atitreus, stus- less I oxccpt a passfng allusiot e IL cf lesu emsphnaitan tise notice et Ms-. Bloundinut tise acnobat'a istentic-c exhsibitien ncxt sum- mer. But î,es-iaps tise affitir tua>' mxake mcone noise is tise louue,aiît I dure sa>' its authos- iili do-isu bt te i-cducus it fs-oic oblivien andti egalvanuizc iL jute a tesnîos- as-y vftsulit>'. -Tise ds-tsutful siiilwnec-k eoftise unga- riais iaisprobably hlati soîssething te do witm ilstuciîsg, a tisiguat fer pli ics turing tise lust meck, fes- yu Must kunovi tîat saur- us-ai gusitlieislbigl>'esteucib>'tisa pub- lic- uaid sucis beitivet b>'large ais-cles cf sos-- sowisig bic-ies icie exîsecteti outin liies-,LUI Lise nucecrtaiaxty Liaitfisangs uer tiseis- fste setsdr-seth ie tise-ajeuiyiiig b>' LIe st¶oisg rezfsouts whieii exiait for ute-siiigtise mos-st tluriss causes a goin muids tsiotiuiÀg miii s-enoure but ubsolute icuoviletigeofthtie uctuaI tacts o! tise c-tse. I'ceufle ,go t tiscir ucoass> sest heping tîsit tise ssmus-niîmg papes-s miil ecan up tha myatas-y but six taorniniugehave corna anti wueknow ' ittle suese tisun wvi it at titis timtéetiof tut>' uits Tuesta>' luit. Tise ucxt Ctunamliais steamner miii bc tue te-sues-now aussitheisaef a favenisis unxiety te sec tise lisit et tIe Hungarfiw's pasongers, ihici saise is ex- peoteti te hsi-i uigot. Lite os- thlhsog an it vie s uepttied isntii-cati uccî'tainly tili tisai, anti it mn>' bu tisat tisa titiisi ii ho an tcatis te soieetfLisose mise slisui heur tisem. Tisa convic-tiuon isi gs-eiitg tixut tise damsies in iran vessea is fi uuci geresi tisur imn Lto bufit et wooti, and tiLbais usew bee eiwll ascer-ttiisedti t te con- pusis foten ini fmtut oit boas- t tieu, ucpa- cii>' fusntisa vicissit> cf landt. 'lhxen tise watt> Lie>0g te uic-cc-s misuth trs iL-ise la vus-y suggestive. 0f eeu;Se =6 m sot a jutigaiii tiso a atest suîJauly tsp-al.tuf- tes- ttisahiseare,erre-uIlsd te bu,,huit un- les I nistalc vus-y nncis tise objectos uuom urget miii ho teunti te have greut ps-ne- ticai force hecatta. It fa also ruinus-koi- an su vas-y tiamgerns practice, met comnuin- siste es-orb>' tisegain cf n fc-vi isussiatu. fn ng, tisat tise steamerslimsg tise sontîxonspeint et Nova Scotia tee closa, oit thef r va> te Poertlandl ausdiIc-steiuandstipgevfo-usacci- dents accusas te justif>'tise objection. Tise eus-stnut setthimg inte tiselBay' et Fundty ap- pc-ar to bu vcîy treachueus, anti is fagg>' or tlîick mues- era guet effiig moult al). iteus- te b a uecssas-y puecatien. It fi suot imupossible tisat tise living fright oethLie Huiigarian iui> have boots transtes-sedtot tise six is-st rate lite honte musici abis ire- pos-ted on tise nutisosit>' ot eseo eron ia es-s, Mr. Ailsun, te have had on huard anti thut tise>' man o m cvihaont at ses in tise ts-nck efthtie man>' vessais hetvieen Eur-ope anî thec Atlantio Pou-ta, or possibi>' on tîseis- man>' lisein solue tnicadi>' isip. Ail mu eaux: do la Lu hope. I-vi l isite yen seets agalus. IIOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Tu'nssDuv, Fel>. 28- Afies- tisadelivas->'of Ris Excecllexucy'sj speeuchi, Usa fulumug procedingi t tek place:. - In tise Levier Ilousc, arter routine lpne- ceedingtise t oilevifng duspatais mas reai DewscmucaS'russsa,y3th Jan. Sut,-As tise tire lieses of tise Cania- dinu Lcigislsurs wiil sous s--assemble tes- desputei of businss, IL luceomes nsy dut>' te ixiformîs yen tlut tise joint acltu-cs te miicitisey agreotiutatie close oft Lieir hast s-ein mas tul>' prosesitedto thie Queem,aumd vas moiat graciausl>' rcceivcti b>' lc-s-Ma- jest>'. la that adtists tise Legibati vo Cosu-. cil anti Cossuns of Canduaosî-nostly ps-ay tise Qucco tte neceive ius person tise tributo et their unviavesingy atttalimnt te hon mule,. andti tehoues- uth her presene he5r subjeets la Britiis Nos-LisAuxniei, upen Lise occa- sion efthtie openiug'oethtie Great Vict.oria Bridge, seccempanied th ie Prince Cou- sert anudt sueis membesofethtie Royal Fuai-i ]y' as IL mu>' picanc lier Mpjesty te attend honr on tise occai on. lier Majeat>' valises deep>' tise attacis- ment te hem perse» ansd tise lýo>alty te iser Cruvn wviuel' have intisme t tis atitis- anti I anu cosmiandodtuite sre tise Iýegiala- tus-a, tissough 4yeup-w, :irvely>' a n terait fa feIt 'by thse Queca la ise greir- ps-ospenlty ef Canada ; itise welftttr anti cûenitmtuofutlier suiueats lutisat imsper- viti bsar ssb1ct* ta Great Bisntaint, zeeusa lveuy anti eidurln$j ýàaii Ibave the honporio be, Ir Your rnost ad.-sdhumble scvt. To âev. R' R. fsla Bi. W. UÂDants Mr. Leux teckhile seat fog ~mse - MXr;13s-own ýgave notice tisat on; Monda>'. ho voulci mevo tise,-fioig-nsitos islativo TsiOn cof Uppor anti Lever Canada> ssu faied ti -teahizo tae antic *ipations of its proem otens, hanresult6ti iisahcay ç,eb4,' bus-tengue-itaxation, great pel iticai abuses sud univès-al dissatisfadtie, 'anti it is tise mratureticOnivictio t tiis Asetubly, fs-onu tiso antssgenismts teveloped troegi diffus--. cine et engin, localsi issercats, anti.ottes- cnusesthst Lte Usnion laitis proseit fut-m c-an ne longes- bu centinneti mitis atvan. tage te tise jioplo. 2ud. llýesehvd-that in tise opinion of tii Abscissbly, tIse bout ps-uetheîe s- mcd> 'for tise ovils nom aisceusatere infustise Governmest t fCssutims te ha feunti in thte form-ationsoft Linor os- e- local (1ev- ci-isuncits, te muids shah ho comusitte th ie coîttrel ef al i itttteis O o! cal etios- section. al cuas-actes, aumîti mne joint nutiscrit>' ehai-geà iwiSsuait Inaiters as are isecemsa- sil>' comtuntu te b etionstt5of tise IPro- vince. Ms-. Brsowit utîo gave înotice oetansAd. tireasfor fsull stîtic-uunasrs-lati ve te tis alste liiianseai sscgeci;tious in us sgîtunt. yThu 11oexuw theiadjourieu. Wtudiiesay Feis. 29tui Mr-. Des-auliifeis maeethtie atitises s in s-- î1y L tIste sic-dmcl frein tise Tus-une. Tise sudds-ess wsm aondeti try Ms-. Siusi)izon, samd jnssecti itimout division. Legisiative Council. (As.aecitteod Prs-cseRepaît.) - QUEBnieFais. 2.9. lustise Coutiefi, attor tise routine et bu- siness anti appuintnient et commituces, thée atitncss vise îusscd vitîsout muais tihate. lion Ms-. CHR4ISTIE sssested tise popu. las- ti atisfactfcitio ithtise Govornmont hati issorcaset. . 3&r-- ]WBLAQUIEIIE urgodti iat tises-e sîeuiti bo a Creuvi Lands Ofice in Uppes- Canadta ansiveli as Levier Canasda, Hoesrible Outrage in Chiantatiquo Cousu y. Tisa peuple cf J:unîcstowm, Cisustaunque eeususty, lauke bue-sm isa gment sttat fcx- citemnent sec-stiy, causet b>' a hsorrible ouLs-ige contitti justhat sillagcevioc-k be- toe luit upous a yeung, nias-ied lady namet Mu-si. Sas-aIs Kin-. IL fa stated*ti'tat tise >'oung- lad>', Whoieus but inoteun yenssoe ugo, vins ciamdestincly mars-led a tevi vicks ugo to a yonng nsusu nameti Olean, mies-e sie ha been livingg ainco, until tise tisue site bec-aue s victian et soe i-etiul au uc-tetfcifie. SIte matitan on lier wtt> hmse te iser- jaresstsivho iveti near Prmsnk. lisu, leissssyiviuiuhn. sa steppeti ever siisuh ut tIse Allen Housse, Jamcatouv, maiting for tîma stage iviicis ssonidciosvo> ier homne, aussi uring tise niglst har reesi mus entes-et b>'tous- >oîîng ssen ofthtie village anti ase uefox-cibl>' viobateti by cacis et tisem. Suais is tise substance efthsaeut- rageons af'ais-tise panticuiars vie have noitises-ispace nos- facIfintion tegive. Tise villainé wviseporpets-atedth ie crime as-e namet Hans-y Keesse, Richard Law, Oscar F. Butier anti Solomon Bristol. They-have ail been srsestetid, vies-e unties examina. tiau visn tise accoustt rom wvil eveb-t tisese fuelsvians-i tten. Tise excitcmsîcnt c-c'ateti syLis flukais- vsevsyi esat mas. A fovi miglits ige,whisla, untiert-hie isfnisec iques-, ho qutusreleti witlxmanti teugh isthary I;noome, anti anots, es- il knova pugiiist whmiscuabad provieusi' yder teatet in stiseRing. Wb6tetsr hoe M go-ing ths-eugh tiseso pe;osfosianoi v- Ls a <oy t tise bottfng, ivisicis irrking-unp-eflably ila liii tavon, os-hther lie Utiiaksho basum cas>' job beoe iir», ausdi çn sthOs-dite be cas-close, vie ton't kno.'l Tise chiot préorties et mistio maras-ete ho nhstful cf thinga Pust, - carofvIsicf tiigas present, anti proviclant- etthingsete çome. WVAtTED.-Au editer te Write artIcles' to pieuse'everybeti>' sûti'asf6rcsan psinter mis ea anpîce al advertigessten tp3as tpo et a Ccluntl(- tedi oney ,rturne.& ,Ad6sewýJàmes :B. Quirsiane agent, Monti:. [Anynews;papeË givlng ths bove (writh thià paragrapit) ono fn'grtrôn amsteg-reM-' hlig 'ùfttèr, will bc éntittcd ,to;àacopy A,frw e nsaafter Stephisen#wa#isupgý in New,,.or*, the%, newsboys were lmatily ct.ying for sale, street ballada commemora. coUrsee xêeràbi, f re aw d -ies et t-~ rn alfudeci e . rinGp vie- tim»'r! * Cômc ail ye lacis Aud it9ss JuBt Iimtesi b ,ny sicong 'Tii hort a tdréieduiisemid, Aiià~ it WilIlnot take mse long. - twntihé IIlin StOpbe.iij. Wlsoime s fl ot twq e fl-re 911Y bu-more. ÀAnothmr takes hp thse fr in a4si foërcle style: l'Il 2telI yosi t a suon lu Ut1 whIso bsssely took, 1Wiixî1 pthe sursollfe. nlgriig te bis wl ta; lie~~~~~o tIolzltsieia tee a id fr ih,assd haowus thocn tee yesig, And for t1liu rnol slrdcr ha wua ons the sent, Venily, wlmt's iin a marne ? If there la alîytlsing, what cagnomcu challenges more c oîsideration iliau that of thse unServësÎanrd imperisitable Blrown ? Anti yat an- indfvýid- tial in Loîisia na 111,s8jîctitioncdth ie Legwsa. ture of timat State te subir himseif nnd faim- ily te change tiseir namýs--al1 because Oid Brown wGS shum, for bis ncta ut Flarper's Ferry. Thèy ns!ç toee perismtted te change ilier iatrorîyrnic froux une wbiicli han 'be. couse sstulcsic lbecause of tlsc nmociatiens attacimed te t, te aise Utsdèfamednd more lisnortuble. The fulluwiigis tise>bfhuposi whieh tise Lcgfsture anc Acting. Wlsereân, The actea cf the late John1 Brown, cf abolition notarfcty, have lallixed' a stigmnaunopon thse name cf Bronwn, whieh. rendes - it leoîrbbe e. tiste parties henoin nanied ; tisenefona, - B3e it enacteti, by tise'Senate anmd Heute of Reprcscutativcs 0f Louisfîan,- in gencral aseiwibycenvcned, Fhàt-,from and aller tii passage of titis nct, tise naine cf Fnèderick Soutisgate ]Brown, 4 ne8ideîtut ofNew Or- leansj--iîscbe nmres ef bis miner chdre Alice, E lizabeth1 Harriet, 'EmnMai dwa raï anti Octavia B3rown be, Ant iieseRame are, hiereby changcdto thie names et Frderieij Alie-, El4izabeth, Ilarniet, Emns, Edwand- anti Octavia Soiuth-ate, *hi ch last mention- cd naine they are hareby suthorized' lte adopt, ad tiseir r-especctive appellations, anmd usél for tiseir respective signatures, ut sdi times aid in Asaipnces. SIMISON-At RIclimonti Hil, -ou F$% afây, tise l7tis t, tise wifer of Mi. ,Geo.,_ Simpson, of a daugister.- MOLUISON -luv Epsoma on, thse Th uIt., the wifuetfMr. L N. Montiso,, ut a dîigbtûr. EAS'r[cK-In Efpsomn on tise 6th uit., thee utc of Mr. l3tstiek etofa -son.- H1AZRRSON---At, Barrie eontie 28r4- instanut, tise Wifo cf Mr. Clu-fs. hQrr'mon, of a soi). ý - ý _ SIBBALD-At'Borri' ,n ise LSrd inst tihe uife of Mr., Ale.ta iCr Sihlid, of a I3ARN-ln te To'vîuship of Inniiafll, on thse 2'lth inst.; tise wîle uf Mir, Jams, Barns, cf a son. OAMI3L-PUSýt In -Picering," on tise l4th s t., b.y 1fr. P., McDonald1, ut tise rosi dence of rthe bnide',s fithai, Mr. Geo.. L. Ciamble, te Mias% Mary Ann Pssrsey. WIG-OODKINS-In.-Oshana, by ise 11ev. J. Pentlanti,. on the.28rdYe. Whcat-Fll, e 4~~ 1.82. 'Ditte-Spisg, $1el $1 4c. *Fleur 1'@$. -- petus, 55et,50. Barley 150e. -a 515e. Oas 8 0Ce0; 82C. Ryo bom. a 60. Us'$10'Q $14Iltn Pelrk $63 te $6 715, Beet $3 715 0 $5. , shsc-1p $3 @ $4 50. Potatoemu, 215C. (è420c. Butter Ib. Q 2üc. Fowls 25c. 80c. '0 pair. Turkc-ya 50c. Q ~75e. o eh.. - -4 Apples 50e < 1 0 busisol. E4 ~befoT - APPLIC HEAD OFF Ot: erm'le - l'es-t it Ote Irr- i fe h-- tu-n sat t i ii Têt ou!t 5t > rWsths T i ui.9tlr fi f iit'-u, 1 bies-t.e-un t alpoes-.G anu-pd trrLiecl aistys-s-es-~ an j .FamniesG bler tof i $txfeý, being 1 rsèven ' inrtisal ship ofWssb l

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