Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1860, p. 4

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R Pl' submcriber requests public atten tcte hie now *stock of -suporior to7ss. Thoy includo theo following now patterns: TH1E KING, 6P' S7V VES, TH1E PRINCE ALBERT, DAVYCROCHET, PROTECTJONIST, GRAND TUR- MRON D tTKE, CîlI sud oxaîino?; goj2 JOh1N 13RYAN. flrecÙStreot, Witby. piriultth-- 2b0 The CIRCULATION of the Than that of any other!'local Paper in the Province, and FÂR EXCE IEDS Tpho nirmiin.n .4nfil f*l,,t ho LIV'ERY STABLES. ' '.I A '.JÂ (I L ACU Le Le = papers in the County of Ontario united. XYEEKLY CIIROMICLE ONLY IMPORTERS 0F Stapie and Fancy Dry Goodü (IENERAL STOCK 0F Girqcerles, crotkery, China, Earthen AND GLASSWARE. CJorater ou' Brook anîd Coîburno Streats, Wlîltby - LIE subtsrtbro arca i reaiat of' Iireîit ar- 1?rival* ou' tho mbovo G.xoods direct uromatthe ManuOfiot'Orics, ead 414--sod0as1orP u1W09Any limeige Ilimte truide Westt ou'f Montrait]. -ON SALE, A largo anti virivd Sf ock of' Dry Goods kepf eonmtaamfly ou iaud. L. Il. SCIIO0FIELD &i Co. A'l uuleeStock et' mlt kitdatou' rocories, andi a fulu St1.ock ou' Lumîmîarsa Cheice brandeuisVin-i- 1 aao851, - j4. ii. sciioFrELD & Co. 30 Ilarrels of' Old Rucfiftad Wliakoy froua IIL. SCIiOFIELI> & CO. O:N SALE, Aehoiecantl ful assot moutet' Croçkery, Cuins, 0:143las ntd Earhie ure. l. IL.SCIIOFIELD & Co. 64 hesats resh Teas from 2s,. 3d. to S. Bd. per lb. 27 Boxes Tobacc à from, l. to r e Od. pWrlb. -êBa'los Amerioqu'Grey Cotton1 40 Boxée Soap. 10 Boxes Oandleu.ýý 36 Gasko of LiquIr., 200 Barroe of Sait. L. 1IL SCHOFIELD &Ce. The havelor lee reoived-ou eemiag te -tiieuer î86OýW f-oiemro utea G ASYIlI SYST'EM, NYVhieh will l oiatItitimmtt seIi Muiel, eheaper, Anud giviO germt a mteietioum. L. il, SCIIOFIELD&à Ce. 1 TO LET. - O- otfortaiblo dweîling Ilonsemi le nthe Tceomtr'ftio TownauLofot low. AppI>' te LIa I~oîsiefr. L.Il.SCIIOFIELD. MÛXCJjjI* rtate indobted tthé ibsio- ,y Note or Bfokacont i et day 01JOauBt7, Nctîve aootil.. L Bohoftold & 00. st 18eu. 8B-y SEMI-WEEKLY $2.50 PER ANNUM. The Chronic'le is the Papor to Ad-vertise in,. BRITISH REVIEWS. f EONARD ÏSCOTT & CO., INEW U.dYORfK, coniti nue te publisii the foltew. ing leading Britishi Periodicala, viz: 1.. rUEt BNDoN QUARTEILY (Conservaiv..) 2. rME EDINIJIIRGUREutawîn(Whig.) THE NORTIU BRITISH nrREIw (Frec Ciiarcii.) 4. M11E WESTMINSTER REviE)V (Liboral.) 5. SLýACKwooD'm F.DtNJufiton MAAziNz (Tory.) These periodicals ubly represent the Lhree restt politicui parties of' Great Bni. tain-WVhig, Tory, and Radical-but poli- tics formas only one feetuire of thirchareet. or. As Orgnm ou'te most profound writers on eScience, Literature, Morality, and Religion, the>' stand, as tey ever have stood, unuivallod In tie world of' lot- tcu-g, being considered indispensable to te slitolar and Lb. prolesional man, whle te tho intelligent roader ou' evory clasa tîme> fu rn isi a more 'correct, and atisfactory re- cord ou' theocurrent literatureofe te day, tlaroughout the wortd, titan cen be possibîy obtained from an>'etiter source. 2EARLY COPIES. The recelpt ou' A»vANcE SBEET frein the British publishera giveu ad'itienal valueto te Reprintai, inasanuch as Llîcy can now b. placed in the handm ou' aubucribera about as aoon as the original editions. Per ann. For any oeaou' tho four Reviews... $3 OU Fer sny two ou' Lhe four Reviews ... 5 O For a:ny tbrce of'te tour Revicws . ..7 00 For ait four of'tae Rovlew6 ........8 00 For Bleckwood'ti Magazine ........8 O0 For Blutekwood and oe Retiew. .. .5 00 For Blackwood and two Réviows... 7T 00 For Blackwoed and tlîreo Reviews ... 9 O0 For Btackwoed and thte four Beview.10. O0 ]Monq~ci~n in tAs ktate tehrsie ued .llbe=rcittt apar. CLUI3BING. À discount ou' twenty-fivo per cent. from te abrvo pricos will be mllowed Le cLuBs erdoring tour or.mere ceopies ou' any COBs or more of the abovo werks. Thus: Four copies ou' Blackwoed, or etoe Review, will b. ent -te one addresa for $9 ; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackweod for $30 ; and se on. POSTAGE. Canadian mail subscriberml' will be Bnp.- plied frce ou' t.-S. -Postage. 1Uemittance for any of' the ubove publica ions sheuîd lways bo addrosued, p'ost- paid, te the publishers, - t LEONARD SCOTT & CO. :46w No. 54,: Gold Street, New York 'rhe Peterboro' Examiner, a . PIILISIEVEETv TWO »OLL,» Mflý AlINUN RB HEXAMINER Iau-b.haresei cielatio *' anY p4-pr publithed linPeterbore>, au therefore ah. boiadvertlsaug mcdtnm la iusa lJzal$ed Conu"e.. Ternis-To ndv.rtlsers vorylîber-a. 28 '.ulaua CAPITAL . i"01o00 " I ~ -i TTNTL fluther not ice,- Malta Wili b. c'oftd U and due for daliveryi et tim office ns foi- Down Mails golng East rdz --OsawaBfoi maauvllle, Newreatie, ClIarkf,ingaifon atid Poilt Zo and othar eorrespoaidirag officeg, aul%îqt,4 .T.R...B travêlling Pont ()Mc goiuw Lesât, In- eiudién81 aU lcbs oiu Liîo'Woaf Kingston, mnt Du.i'ordlivory ut 10 â.!a M4ý ni aetrifor'1Montreai, sud plaeosEtaàtofKing- 8 t tiI l,%3ofpàtohed-by tlae niglît mail go- * n~ ~'West, iaîclnding Dunbartea' Pikrnoronto and ail piacmWest tof To- ronte',sl6othe . i. . .R. travelliig 1'ost Office golng West,Aoleos et? a. in., anud et 6 P.in. Due' fordelive,,ry lere at 10 a.m., andalnt 7 a.m. The M ailsfor' Iliokerinir aud-]Duaîiliarfoe are one mailed by thîe motningýft'id*liolhWei4t. NrhMail% lenvo daily aftor thue arrivaI of t0 train foent 'Trne o rikia us '&r-"ot "'rr Beach, foraudsay, Mnilai oa verton, Port 1foevcr, Aiîbnrn, Epaomn, Utica undUxbrýîgo, aime for ail theeecrrespo>idang, ou' vl dau , tion Tuesfdity, Tlunrs;davy and, Saturday for Altene, clarcunottnad *Sfoui- ville. Mlil are dlue for dollvary f'romt Litome offices at about 5 80 Il. M. ENGL1SII.MAILS3.-Frou flac at of' Aîrl 185, al lt Lrsfor (Great Britaia mut is ep're- peild, by Posae ttaîup. J.tcors intonil for Europe siioaallho poist-ý ed beoro 7. c'clocic A. M. oit Moliîlmvi. 11E(ISTRATION 0F ]LETTEliS.-Tic chaýrge for Rogistratioa, in addition to 1te poet- gelaas foltovvi, on ecdilotter viz - To any placeértt rttia.siNortiÂanerca, Ii; To any Pince Ini the IJaithd Stiîheo;, ( postatge intho epropald alie -S , To any place i Great Brifala aaid Irelind(post. ego mua ho prcpiîld aio) 7j«d To any, place [n théii.t6llli Coiniaifes or 1'Posas., ps onmtt eïa .Enffluild, ( (otago inust ho pre-, < oanypaceuiti rance, ortitier Forigit aolin- trie, rda Ean, uaninoît eqaetge est-, mgo rate. IPA[ICELS up te 8 Ibat. woigif ceailho sent by post nader rmsnlattoimoet lit 8d POparl. tf0be propmaid by postage mteinss, aaîd nay ho registor edb aynioit of Bd îadditioîîal. No matis arc dcspawched or roctivcd oit Suai duns Books and prlnted unetterfea. the Uiîitet'. States, theé(Janadian Postage m'est lac pritrpa bpostnge stanapft, and on sno me.t ter .from tje United Stades, thé Caisadiuat Pos§tage will bc te celict on delivery. Ait trmient Newajpiipors; inetnding tîtosa for Englnd, mustt bo prepaid l'y Postage Stantp -or they canîtot hoe forwarded. Newspapcrs for théo lriti4h tWest Indios4, or Noewtonudland, nmust bc1ra ).sld by Postage Stamp, lI<d ceeui; and for india, Chiaa, Austra lia, sud otîmer places beyoutd sea, 23Xd eci, OFFICE ROUES.- Wcek dtavs4, froin 7 a. ni. to 7 p. m. Sundà>,ît, froan 9 to 0 e. ni. loistage ïSLanps eau be pîtrchased aL LiePoiqt Office. A. MMPIE MON, P. M. Whitby,.ArI, 1859. O 18W. DENTIBTRY! DENTISTRY! J.S.Jonaes,M.D. Surgeon Dentist,&c 13 ET*I3RNS lais sitîcere thliaks Lo e e iti3eni3 Lb lhtby ont i imi ,fotr thé veny tibc-ai patrotnge exnoaîded te hlm lialahis 1.rofcissinn.- le uow ftkos leouvce 0 ctuaI î% tistnanorous; triendadtatiLhe pulitint ha hase fliy conapto- Lti laisargn eits or the perianeat prachice of' MAi profession, liu the Tmwn of W ifby.- Teeth anoantedoal Goid,Il>latiaaa, Clacoptastie bhetîîi, &0. Tecta filcd wita MGOLD AND STANIEL F011,, .M sud withD1octor Jonco sncw iivention, theo nt co.rosive Pecarl cmu-qaalLgdbiut os costty. Teeta oxtritad by tlao aistmal procsx withont pamaai.. A prmehice of twcaity ycaars hiil his proession, eîaablesf Dr. Joncs lu giaairaa:itec toish piiatint aI ha rofcssioiaulskill aimial xpcrience eaul uiccomplaalî fa),wards ;atlevatinag la au îuaaîî sifftcn'r lia tiho trcaatmcaîh ou' ail afbéc1tns ou' the Tell, guroanad faalicrcsTe-ooraa.,&0 Dr. Joues operaitiow iash.vc mlw¶ays beoit attende& witli the greatest saamees. OFFICE et tne 0ol Doitml sftnd, oer Joe Bigclow'si) ry <oodo Store. itaratvsus.-J.Iiatan t'erry, Estj, Ma f)roni WiîithV- N. G. l<violtis1jJ, Est1., Stteriff'C(. W. Il. Trnayiît, fsq., D)r. Cliecktey mutid P Noverni or 24t1m, 1858. DENTISTRIYO DR. C.1C.- JEROME, suirgeon l)entiat, JrN rtnrniaig tlaimlsts h is i, anroîîs fricuda LL imte putblc tieriîerill)y for flacir lihcra't laoage ince tccmmoedPrectice in this ou iioad bore tekeo ceiitteia 0 t îto o al Lhiosowlîo arc rcqtiriug Artilicial Teeti,, that ho bas ulow obtilnedeM- Échine for wsrkirift the vialoiatiised auahber, imîltoiima wliliela tsilt aamert aIl kindit and styles ot TeeLla, Ir-7ak&sitcr tkan ha# éver ben dcee ef re Iwith iaipîrovmils. Dr. C. C. JERaOMEi wiIl guaraiteti l iLtflac auot dîfflenît case wîth thue greatcst ptr(»cisioia, Iia aIt futi casesi, parties cait luave IBlock 'Leetii witL)h Solid Gunas, w-hicla is, ilia very respect, far suapariote L ay otfIe r kiaad of' wtmik kîown ia tis4e. Thais work is lîig1liepproveid of' iy a]l m.ttif LI adiaag Doatisfs i n 'w York, mudl urima- cipaîl citiestlatrougb<mut thle United Statfo. owh:g fto ifs iaeilg miaou ligiter aladof' a noal-eorosdiva, unature, amîad IL la, aer itest of' tbreo aams denacd ligîmer and more proferable tlimetigold or any other su'aetalic plate. Psn. Jar1uota woaîtd wisli iL Lulabe rne In mid tilit lama lias iroatly rodtooui the primes %iuietî heretofore wcre te standard. île waoutd mîso firtiier Pstto that bho lis een congtaaitly ul§iaîg the ahoivo aaamod rnaaterial fori eerIl meatitl past, durng which ttue lac lias put uap ai greet ittamber of' casesm, amlai in aml ius;taces tic ho,' ot' satifaaetloaa lias becai rnaitifestcd by Ltme paients, Gold, Sf [ver and Plitfnla Plates nlt up In the Latest Styles, Okeaper than usual, and Varranted., AIt Sirgiemîl operafaons nf the Teoti or Gunus akillfully perforuucd. W-TeeLt extrmctccl nithout-pattai bý' moitassof oicctrîcihy-. Iartieui lur attentaou given toeLihe regulatoat ou'Chul- 9,on8ultation .Fee. AU i- ok Wairrautetx P.S. CatI and examineaspeoimaaus otlals-work, ibefore gotingt you fetluiaaserted elisewlîhe' 't Qîficein CALX'WELY'IIBLOCt, over Lowç. d Pomaes tfl, Broak ,àJrsst, iVkiÏ . - 1- Sept. 15, 1859. iYW-ww Prqttîction againstI osi andDame.ge Moine,-14q., -asîier >3laaîqîi"*1J~èp.- -Hecnry Starras,. Eq., 3< I P MA]2.,Si;>so, Esýq hI 8, Tyler Esq', Mrctent. flàh.o L.Diekson. h ,TheWonin" $>H8 Qf:AbN(JS W ivud t l »te Siibserlbed Cmpitai---mnaMillion switra. iT ùonýýltutrd .1q y AectetF4aantî Agcîices iali te ÇColo1nies, 'abore Preniluna Aget.tut Wlitbv-G4. Il. Dertîteil. Agencios la evOa;y part ou' Lie worid. 1: Royal Insurance Company. OFFICE-22 TORONTO EXCIIANL4E. CAPITAL-TWO7 MILLIONS STO. Fua z lMUKU, 1858-Two ltundrcd Tltousand Pouiads Shorliuag. Retrrrsi PAnd. o 7and o miet «I l m o i lluadred Zilmsuand Poumdo Sterling. TIRIE INSUËRAIIE on Dlniliaag, FnîMtuire antid 3hm.--canudize, of' ovcry descriptiena cf- fbeced oaa the îmon fmavoramble ternis. Short peried risks, takcu on Mtcohandize for one or more tioitlimi. .Lifo lsisarauice on çery advantttsgooni taris forth ftlao aiured, witl; annumîl 1omwsand divjsiioiu of p. ofifaevery fivo yeti"r. ýWhitby, Juno, 1859. JOHN AGNE, Agent, W7itby. 201 PJI(ENIX INSURANCE COMIPANY. XÂitTFOIIt ,CON'e£CTICVIT. W-PAI) UP CAPITAL, $200,000M P tiuai, witlaoit ruterence to the ilead (Alice. C. LYNDE, whith -Feb 2. 1.51).I111nager The Seottiola 1Provincial Assurrance Compan y. &fablisled A. D. 1825, aitd 'Inc'rrpraf.d 14J à &.epedal Act qfP 1arlianient. CAPITAL, - £19000,000 CANAflA-flaAD ctrrîce: Moiitrcal, 1. Gret St. Jaîaîea Street. SUactTÀîîty A. J)aidsou 1Parker. INTENIIING Assurera are rcspcctffully vs Aqinested to perlose tis Cotiipatyls 't rospee- tua., wlaercha iL wiIi bc fatind tlîat evcry advau- taçe, contisee»t with étecurity, is <alléred. Lia e rates nt 1'rcîaiannsehorged are low. îvhile the Bonuses declared wiIl beur coînparisna with 'hue Profite allotted by aaay of the otimor leading P'az tielartteution i r4al L4o di rected to an equi- table regillation tadopted by this Companay, ai' -to surrejider value of reliuq uislhed Policits. Wuareuy.-Jolin Agiaiwl 2.geut; iRobert à. Onun, M. 1)..Madiçal Adviser. Ilîitoat FAu.auT'.-Nivcn Agnew, M. D. Medi. eu! tdviuer. -m State Faire Insurance Comýpany of Lon- don, England. eiiAiTPmEr> UT ACT OF R ItTIBli PARIAXEZir. CAPI>1TA L... £010000 STERIlyNG. ROA RD 0F DIJOECTORS: f»tdrmzan-Tle lni ghh lion. Lord Kemu,. Il. B. Sheridan, M .1P. Colonel J.imsAdair. The Rev. W. Sean. Pleter Oaratairs, Esq. The lion. IL IBoothhy-. Joliai James Unwiax Clarke, Esq lnry Clark, Esq.,Mh. D. Niemoat emiays, k.sil. e Wallitaiia S. l>otr, E>q. William Ilenry Roiglit, Esq., 3M. A. F. M. Wells, }.atq. Peter Morr'eisoq, Managing Director. Auditor-.-A tubroge Miller, Eà4q &lt't'r Messrs. Miller & il ornie. Sr r-Wi in E. William@, Emq. Jakr--MN r. anxona & Couîpauy. Serear.- W an. CaUawell, Enq. CANADA BRANCII Ilead <)flice,-Matonie li[ai], Toronto. Tretee.-lon.John Ross, Joui Craowford. Bordqf Di,*ctor.-C7oairman-Wimn. Me laster, Eq. ie-Ghetirrnîan-W.P.Iluwland, ,es. M. Il. P. Win. Homs, Estj., iVîn. Ilen- derso;n, Eatq. Y. W. Jurvis. Eatq., blierif, U. C. of York aud J.eel. .Iankers-The Baînk of Moîtircaîl. SoiUr -Rhosi§, Crittvfvrd & Croanlal. The ageîet of the Stte Fire li-urancc Company are giiîaraiateod by a rostpotasib)lo Pro. pîietatry. Ail ].ossesq wilI hc sottledroualt vto rclerence to the Boardciniiingý.nd.~ vLo TLhe businests of the Times îatvilig been pur- chausd, Poliey -holderg areticow gaîa.rtaitteed by the Stato. ALEXANDER STEWART, MIaager, Jkttta/, Arth Am,éwa. JOHN AGNEW, tVhilty, luîi. 5, 1859. .gfttWtt~ FOR SALE OR TÃ" LIEZ 3 31PROYED FAI13S recB0&41&gân ls.-100 acres soutith ait ef Lot No. 19, Srd coancession ou' Wlitby, known ai part oi tho ARMSTRONG ESTATE, COuly twe nîilies from Lime Town ou' Wiitby. 2nd.-50 acres South 11'est quartW of Lot No. 28, Otit concession of' Durington, about eigit tilles; from h3owuavilte. Srd.-1O acres South East quarter ci Lot No. 18, 11 Ltt concessiona of Maniposa, about 0 miles frorn Linday>. Thte aboya mentioneti Lots sire firat-clasit Ferms, inra s igh state ou' cuitivation, good Buildingsl, anti neay important Tows. Will bo solti reasonable, anti on favora- hie termi. -Apply Lu J.l1. PERRY. Aget/or tceOtnf'. Wbitby, c6 ,1859.)5 Houa. aa Lot 1f«o-,sale. TH] Lotontahu.scaetoutlt of'an.,acre et T eS lsat ýditbifloh uefiMigh state-c exltlvution. Ti î,aê-s ;-nlli1 _b>' 2,and ooÏnrtaI1yt lbltW - TlbUhANCefectod on Buildingsd taIu J 00 onate. Evar> Information anippU. o oTi5 *ta tpplletlen to tbie aaendamii.L m O el 'J ÂN.GNEW, Tratelliîu Agent, Byren Streot, Whitiay My SITES, ToWNL~~ ,ONE Tmproved Farm :i n- Wbitby*, 100 - Acres. .,--.'Oneroved Farm in Darlington 50 ~îIaiArtemesiei Luther,:,Chathamn,, Déver, 31ungerfordi y ln Hampton, Township of Dariaagten,,one of the very boit in the Townshilp of Dur- I1igton. Town ]Lots InBowînunvitte, Briooklint Hampton, Port Perry, and Sarnia. Also a few TownýLots in the Tow ff WÏiIT1BY For aale Low and onLong Credit. Mfechanicsansd otiiers' desirous of build- ing ca av ro 12,to 18 nienthi te minako tho0 firsVgt 'iaL'y me n L Send for a Cireular. Addreias, pogt .paida - J. il. PERRYI ý Wltit b>' October 17, 1859. 59 Farm fée Sale. ~ t~ACRES 0F SI'LENDID 1AD LOT 20010, iii lOtti Coice8sion of' Thoh;1 Acres eleared. This Faran iin situated witlain fouar miles of' BeavcrLen, on ftie traîvel rond to Mara; the land it of the best qnality, and in lu te centre of a good settlianent, witli a Sehool, and a Sawiil c onvcuieaît.ý Alto Northt half ou' Lot 4, lu thei.lti Conces- Sion oft Tlorah, coaîaistiaîg of 05 aces - 12 of which are clearod, and fronting on ftie Portage Road, nea-rCaaneronIs Mill. §E-TEiIMS LIBERAL. f Apply to I D (JAMERON. Boasrton, lOtît Jiay, 18,57.. 26 TOWN LOTS. F Oit Sale, Lots Non. 122 and 123, .3Nent Street,, West,.of Brook Street,ila Lit Town of Wlithy. Tii. alove Lots arc mont clIgibîiý giLuated for bufildlr- , ose-tiiey arce cfiomed-aaad situafcd in Lteest. .rof tu Tiowna, and wiul be disponod of, oit liberal termat Sgr A cleair decd will be given, frc froi ai, iaeumbrne. Appiy to, V. C. MIA YERIIOFFFXR, Wbitby, or f0 J. A. MAYERIIOFFER, Firot Clase Farm for Sale, 100 AQIRES. ri, HPJ West hall lot No. 20, 2nd conces- sion, of the Townshtip of Wbitby. The whole cleared and macler cultivation. Weil fenced and stbiitantiai 'barn, sheds, out. buildings, and root coller newly orected. For ternis &c., apply to Z. BURNHAM, *LIVERP OOL. Jlacksmiibs ý,& WaggonikerS'Suops ]POT Sale or' yte Let ast Liverpool, r l'WE4NTY MILE.S EAST 0r TORONTo <A IDcpot and Station ou'-the Grand Truink Rail- wtay). Emch Suop unsa Ccttnge ritd aqimr ofun mi Acr'e ou'Limid a effmtbd'. q,1jre Tixeee reamims h lave becia latolycrectefiwitiî- lun a slitytardisbiieem of the Kingst-on Rondl, snd te Ramiliitt Dejl'u. A .ood b 'usiiicitu lui bpth trades caa bc dotnc by 'ttca.ly anîd good work- For fmrtlacr itarticulars auplte MRWS. PURDY, July 28, 1857 L 28aaoi FOR SAME. 8 nersîof xeln Land ie the. S. E. an le tiuber on the Land iais flret ciasa plue. Also for sale or to lot, S'acres ou'eleared iand part S. W. anîgle ou' 21, gnd Con. ou' Beach for-ý merly owned by Mr. -Roberts. This land Isl initier cultivtion, and lu excellent order. It wiît ho soîd te suit purchascos.orill ho let to ai stcady teanît. For teranis applyto FRAS. JOHNSTON, Malton, C. W. Toronto Towniship. or te THIOMAS BEAUL, Whitby. Mr. Isaw ends will show the ]and in Uxbridgc. Maiten, Nov. Bth, 1859. 44 - FOR' SALE. TOWN LOTS ln W bitby ntaar tue Bey,- TAlto, Village Laots aL Duin% Creek, Frenîch.- man's Bey, aîîd Poîrt Perry.- PPJLG. H. DARTNELL, t solicitor, &c., J uine 16, 1857. -2 A Nexcellent noir Framo C o n>' lu i A the heart ou' tise - Cwn Ã"efW itby, an d irithin a few yards ou' the Main,-Street-Dnxtdai street-Logethor-i*itlt-iwo..fiftisou' an- acre of' land Ottaehtd-The houae contain s ix Spav- ments, has an excellent ce!air,; an4tre gooti stabling audall neèesa;ary 0-outibnaldlag en l neIrm efegod irater onthe mppt; Fo Tinn% whebwli hofountiver>' l1iberal. Appiy te JA. MAYERROFFER i..Chreuile Office, Whitly. ~P.O0.,or to b lro;uicleO iwi W, W4tby W) Su-tf. B ERA VE Rcrf4I 'AMIMFl4 RIVIqLEGE.AND TO>WN LOTS, .M-'oiatgione to the 1ÃŽoavertcaa Wharf. A lag alpollra fnilnqb nsscnbedn be~r. , rra ena aaybe aiade witliltue p JAME.3-ÂRMSTCG 4Çorton for the est4hiiathmentofakoi83' %oavorton, JuIy28, 1857. ]FOIR'SALE cEI T P O No. 27,ln tile rd Colieacton of NW la atltv -Li (t)leii. ,WîaalmI) asljoiniiig thé ToWn à Whitby. 'Apply'the Uc lOn- . CWILknmi. CarryingPlaee, (JEU. WJLkUt541, Ea'q., la(tilcrl:l J. V. JAI .Baaa.lèstrý, Stearn and'Plaster Milli-for Sale. T HF, SSIGNEES OF 0.ST10'E, FF 'b1111 andi Fil rniture hýimreini,at Port W Jiitby. Application b o ýmode fo, J. L. GRANG-ýR, orN. MILLER,' Whitby. Wliitby, 3March 2,1850. FOR SALE IN T"IHE TOWN 0FP WHITBY. LOTSNOS. 2, and 22. TIIEY ARE SITUT Lated on i)aîndas; Street bi-tween Mrv. S- ('oehranebt and Lyndc»s Crce. 5~TER MS LIBROL. - Application teo# o made to MRS., .NGE-LTNg WEST, Lot 83i Stliîconeessin Ia)nrlingtoni. "Christian Otlering"i pleaia copy until forbid Valuable Farm*ýfor Sale. TIIAT vaialilalô Érin compiosed ot N. E 1,' 'ef Lot No. 4,,lu tha 4tb conacesstion ofI'iec Contaiuing t5O Acres, About 20 acres chiopptcd. The above F.rma asi situated !iilihe centre nf on~ excellent wtacat-growirag 1<calitv, ant] witlini about six miles of tLime inport it Townî ot Whlitby. Tea ans moderato, Titie indimpnîtabie. Application teo be molie to JIAS. McA LLAN, Whîtul; JAS. LOIGAN, Lot9, lBroken Frolit, Pickering, or to TI0MAS hUSTON, > &lso, for Sale A qaînnfity ofgoil CEI)AR I>O)STS. AJIPLY AS ABOVE. Octobr 8 1 59ii: -3ai w &-m Farm to Let. Fsrm to Lect for a term of yenr-a, in the Townshbip of I)nrltigto:-, about two miles enst of Bowmanville village, con- tiigabout 150 acres clear, svith good ,luiiig. Appt>'n the Farm to Mrs. DINEL GALBRAITIU. Darlinigton, Oct. 20, 1859. 402 FOR SALIE, AComfortabic Famtly Remiden(e.sttintc l ia .t Lime Villhageotofiiverp)ool, Towniiip of' Pick- oring, adjoining the Frenclanann'e; Bay S1,tation of Lihe Grand Trlank Rallway, 18 mniles Èroni To- roaato, eonsis;tini of a" Cottajge coutaaiaîng Nine Rooms, î%vith oery cnivenlerace requli4ite; a laîrge Baii atnd Stable attachned ; a-ilever faîiliaag mtci i of' wtt teIr; the 'Grounda aare tsstefnillv la id otît, anid1 pIlnted with Stiaide Trocs alt1o, *a Largeo Ga.rîlen1 WCl 1 tocked witla Frnit Trecs; the wuajare envers two acres of CGrouaadaund coinot lie sairpasrt>d1 in Ltme Townslip of' 1ickcengl'or its conveiai- eneanîd readY neeoq, te tîme Bailway. Ternis raadoasy. For furtiier particiiimsappirltueli sisbseniber, Yorkville; or t Mr. Wiliiiin1urdy tapon the preiaaimett. i'um4ssion giveit fortl;- wt.. GEORGE BOSTWICK. Y'orkviilo, Moay, 1858. - 17 For Sale, or to Let. SACOMMODIOUS AND PLEA. "'BRICK COTTAGE, with j~ of mn acre ou' land, in the North Ward of the. Town of WlVitby, on the'Eaat side ou' Brook Street. For further particulars apply (if b>' let- ter, post-paid) at W. H. Tremayne's office -Whitby, ýor; ttets ubscriber, Caumbull, Markhmi D. 0. JENKINS, Whitby, Juiy 28th, 1659. Prpit. For Bale Oheap, and on Rea- sonable Teîme. THRE god'I'farrns in theoTownshiip ou' A.Thora, County of' Ontario, witii im- provements ou' 20 acres on eacb Lot -,For, partiedlai'e apply te H. J. Mafcdon. oiWiiitby, "Barriater,.or te D. Cumeren, Beayerton P. 0.k' D. CAMERON. October 17, 1859. Qin' ~EStore anti dwellUg Heujie noir oceupior Ab>' James,È c n J Z-T0NE~ OR4}j the à a Vi- --. > - F11-T r wiiiar? P. hTo*U, ana ara hhCharles; dith p1IPtiffis vs. Pake n4,feen- dan Fn4h tfcocs Lot 23'ýlroken FW'-i4jltcneî sien of Pi4er-ig. In the. Court of Comnion Pleas. 'Laelhvide'~aA~jd 4. rvîne -AIIthlt: ji cel or tMéVét~fI- inir the Towrs'iÃ"ft l<eCeý'Ãœiug,* of'On- tàeýýbië'dýtMeý«îe, (10) ira lwTwetty oîceiaiion-ou' th'S AiàTtqown- slîip. of lrociç, with ait andl singular, the. ces thereunto-in any-wise beioagiig. lii the Court of' Queen's Bench. JixtacaLeàwp1aîiW. P«lelit.* ?ter <outen- Al and 'singulair, fhstccrtain -piete or parcel of latnd, sittaated in the Towni;hip ef Reecit, nforeseid, anad being composed ef- part of Lot nunaber Seven, in the Eighth concession ou' the said Township, and bcîaug ati that part heretofore conveyed by oe Thonmas Boden, to the said Peter Stouten biangi, conlainîng titrce acres, be the rame mure or leës, and aise, aI that etîter piece or parcel of land situated in thte said Town sitip ou' Beach, beiug composed ou' part of Lot numbar Soren, in thte Ninth conces- sien of'te said Township of Reach, snd known as aIl the reînnining part of' nid' Lot-w4iTe las not ittierto been sotd for taxes, or previousiy eonvcyed b>' John Weaggonç.r toeTîtenias Martin, wlaich said miL mentioued piece or parce] tracy ho de- acribed as fotlciws, - comfiîencint, on front ou' said lot, st or siiont the disance ot Lwcelvec clains nnd cighty links, on a course souith seventy-foiar degrees wesf, from., soutli cast angle ou' aiid lot, and at the sor.th cnst angle cf land mold for taxes thence north sîxteen degrees west eig-htcený cimains and twciîty-fivo linksi; tîtence north seventy. four degrees eest, te the western lirîtit ou' land dccdled tn Thnias MaIrtin; tîtence soutit sixteen degreos. east cight tenchiains anud tweaty.%-five links*? te te front of' aaid lot; thence along the front of the raid. lot te the place ou' bc-inning. NELSON G. RIEYNO)LDS. Shcniff's Offlice, hrif . O. Wlaitlay, Nov. 28, 3859Ç Slierl's Sale of Lands. i Conint>- of' Oîtenio ~T virtue ou' a Writ; 'Vu' To Wrr: B Fni Faîcias,: iisucd oaaf 01 Rer lMajeKty's Court 0f Qucxi'. Beuch, nt ToItroîo, andl to nic tlit ctcd aginst tfluads, anid hciicwîhioi 'vere ou' Ciuak*5& WCeti lic-s-dt t til leîcotbîs daaîh aFiËhei 11111114 of' ]tllcau Faréeircl, - Ïniaitutnix, &o., idt'f'cndanil lac hesaui t fnluuar O'eani plai ifit. I have atzetl ui"iukeiini cxeetfon tailtalto imitero-st wltila ttîe saidl Co;nuiatl Fare- wel, dcaed4(. ini bis liCe finie, anmdait tua fimc ou' laisdemi atîtn t utitce7.tara iparcel or tract of lInnd, ittitu' tirc qiarters 0ftmin acre b. the sataîue nmore tor Icits, leang ooîposedof part cf lot iaamnlicr f'teoaail) theo seconîd Concession ef tile Ttiwimtlija ou' Iiokenng -onnienciig wimcre e po-t Itas becu plainted lit a distance of' Lwo eiaaims thirt> sevon aîid a liaf inîks on a otante nortît sc -cafs La-o degreesmt freux the Soaia iWcst ngle of tiaid lot Ttuonce nortliaaev- cait>' four degrm.s, East Lwo cliains seven lankat, Tn once norti suxteaa dotrcs, ireo.tt tlumrchaune anrd tweuhv ilve linaks, aiorc or lena totbc south side of tii ptublic ronid, Theunmrortii wosfeniy alouîgflicsmoah side ou' lie said pubflierond tire Ca.aiis muid sovcn linkat. Thence xontb, six- teen degrees east, tarc ehains andti iftv raine links mbore or ucss8 to tile place ou',legfnning. Aio ai that certain percel or tract ou' lanci -mît-. îiaed, %Iyiug antI ingiingluthe Vilagc ou' Osha- wa, mîî c oin auped of a paret or lot No. toni lia tflacn Ou Cn, ou'tue Towns-hip of Est WMît b>', ani ut t1d sud benced ns fo1îewâa: eem- uioucting iii front of' thoesait Concession. ut the dis4tiiace tf ome cain lltty -Jauts oau a coaura. no: thi, tevemiay four degrees cast freux iibe seuth w-est mangleo ou sid lot thence north seventy-four dogmecs, Oiat one- ofuein fifty linkst, Thèe noatbh ixteoiî.degrccs, ireat oee chair' aeveaaty oue tinks, Tiience souîth soveut>' faur degreem, -West one chiniftlijnka, Thonceo oath xtceon diogrees camst oume cldai evoaîtyoel inks. AIt wictenanclti ntencmen'titioenor Lime said defendants estate or iuterestthereln, I s4hahi oflbr fcr sale ut Publie Anetion m foltown, vin. ;-The first docribed tireeqtater efan acre. on flac premisos ne tiffias (Jrek on Mondai the Twent-y hird day of' Apilu, X. D. S6t, t Lite lîour ot' Tono'alock a.mn. And tlie !nt descnihcd on thc preiisnt Ooaaws on Mond,>' the Tweuty third day -of:. 4ril, A. D. 18t), mat the o or of' Two eocutý, p. ni. -NELSON G. REYNOLDS, sioiîff, (J. O. Per «ý Noursi. SIuc1ff'~Offoe,8 & w td. Whithyv, Jen. 21, '00. Excelsior Ilumidna KEROSENE i1,1L. i. BELL, j ~' ~ WhitbyJuuly28,1858. * BOOK PBINING ES publie tLitIIe lias 4pr muodern tv aof Ty- or Fai'ndries ai i BOOK AND, ci everv decrnptti wtmdc.mpteli, at ofiat-ls Pessetfu lming erdercd.- JOHt)N N(AY ZAC1TE. 1 CTLMRX (F THE , >ý Caurt loit 5 i .Joli 1,Fn~IK OF TiIl Ristl~ti of titî th eé .'tý le, BolIuse. k JO] U )UNTY EN(* - L. F CLEIKFIRST I câtfile Comart 114 ionr fer thteCumi B ARRI STEII l sôittraicy.tiat *.E)fie e t Lime t'a GEORGE * >cl.e1r. u>., . ~1)AIIIIS;TY.RA' J> itreet, Wtt, ScWilaitby. SCOT - WILLIAMI 1-_\,GSTE- West. %-Egrare Agent, THUR8DAY MORNING, Iw~iAnrMIl(f1~M

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