Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1860, p. 3

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"f3t ,t717 . 4,-M7nî=,i '77,1r.7 1.t.- 'I ~, Itwwt -iiu.îi, awisuwormbeai-band 1ft îISê$1W2 Amount v.oshsd frouG0- moGIII .SW fc Cocteft Rbl. fr18 8 1142 '8 'do d o1<9-1 7 0 do M. Ca,*oll do.. .........28. <Swdruson çoaiatarr of ral~oIt« fW 15............6 7 'Town HalllS,..........10,00 dû W. TiloH accoun extr;a sd 'wal.....................1 ufCns£& dTav'tWwkéýe.r , 8 $5.. doShep keepers,,5 a 4... do Butolsara.8,a, $1. ... d.....s, ...... ........ do AsCl.wreg mae appropria- lion for 1859... 0........... M, 00 20000 3 000 228 92, , l,,11$UOQI PQUANT A1UD RATE& Awount recelved, a" Legislatlve sohool $atfor 1859 .......... do from (G; Y. Smith on account ichool rates 1-859............. do J. Woodhouse do do J. HOPPeO' *do de Jas. Dra per do do PAL 0rk do do J. H. Perry Fines ... do C. Draper do ... do 0. Lynde do... dolD. ]p. Wyatt use cf Hall .. do Sukndries for attaclaing Corpo- ration Suai........ ..... .... Amount of note under discount due Feb. 180.................. do14t t Amount received troua Gon. McG ill on account o.f taixes, per Collèctor'is -Rol for 1859..... .......... 276 Q00 145 25 90 50 88 25 8ý 25 45 00 8225 1j 1650 -- 101 O0 8000 850 00 --650 00 0008 00 PJ/* ..,Amoun paudà 6 t 1~p~u.1 20 .&Mount P4idU,.anod rrio s~lo'y ................700: d '404n Lynde ý,do 300 do Alex. Oaineronà , do0,00O do Geo. MeGaîl, salkry for; '58 14O n on pf'ittretc Mr De ntîïres Nie. 0 to i5,pptos .....,. .... ... .-1700 de,. MarketDle14çgturei No. a 88 3 doIiggfrif & Co., and Canada Ga;~te fr 85. iS........... 185 '84 do,* 4Susai'sialaccotnte. 40!81 ~11 t DEBESTUIIH AND q1GuÀItAtÂSCHOOL INDEBJT£DNEù$O Amount paid intérest on $4fogsij êfi"it'frî No. 5 to 10, for 41~fy4ffli iqnaiL e ng 14ih Marcbýiad,!4f-ept. 1859..................... 144 00- ýýdO I~ntereât on Markett Debentures* $oi -7 tto 1& hait yea*'rending' lst Ju1y, 1859 ..............go0()0 do School Debéntuiî,o No. 5, due 14tb Sépternber, 1859........ 400 O0 do Z. Bl3urn1uasn. clmim lor Grin. maur Sclîool................ 176 0 do lienry. Ainei, " do' Y76 O0 do S. Cochran, bal. cf do 711 0 do J. Il. Pcrry, do 1176 00 --+ - £12380 Amount do do do do do do do do A nicunt Pa du du do do do do do do de do de de do ,du do du paid B. Yurnqld, yeux cnding lit Jnly.. .................. J. Mclaîtogb, Assleffor, iin hall T. R. Lewis, Hlall keuper, leit April to l st fletenber *.... John1 Lyndc, balance as Hlli keepur, and for care of Engin., Johnt Lynde, bell ringer, half yeair ending lst July ... S. Suarlu, Auditor for 1858 ... AleX'.Caineron, Chief Constable tos t J uni,.............. 'riiomas4 Damafurd, Cliief Con- stable, ý22d Jumît, to 1 st Oct... S. Murrick, Licoîaue Irspector 9 iauaths tu lat I)eeoîitier.... id Auuiunt paid do do do do do du do 150 OU 75 ()0 25 O0 15 O0 40 55 27 37J 15 00 422 921 EPUCATIONAL PUtîPOSES. for llnry-st. Scbuol, Teachcr's Salarivii................... 1145 87J do Wood anal cuttiaag... 70 00 do rupairs ........... 88 27 do a caing ad brootus 63 15 do sundries ........... 8 98f --1320 28 for Jolîa.t.Se Shool, T.eauherais Salaries ................... 671 50 do wood'and eutting. 35 75 do cleaning...........836 55 do rupairs............ 7 42 do sundries......... .12 25 for Andiarson-st. School, Teacli- er's Salaries ... ............ 250 OU dedo ceîunung ... ......1 50 -for boai'tlcontingendit.s salaries 45 28 du Insurance. 825 do Irigitiaîg & Ad'ti*sitg 47 ()0 du St:.tioncry ..........9i1 *do taking cousus ...12 ou 703 47 251 50 l1à2 26 STREMTSAn.D lIl'ttOVEXaENTS. G. Cornmack, aide walks and ci-ot4.igs ..................460 80 Jamaes ForsYth, orders ....273 O6 C. llielajuis anJ otlitrs, Biack- eiiiitliuiugauad ools ...........84 P2 Thiomaus todd, surveying...16 OU George Keogli, stone.......... 60 OU Suniaries, liiemking stone .. 0 97 do gruavel............. 308 S5 du ordoi-s............. 129 74J - 343 74J LyNDIa'55 CiciI< IGO.. Amuouapald Thoiaias»iodil, aiurvoying...eM 'do ,Joisteflavotiaouglat ot way,&c. 16 OU do0 Fraiiois Clark., consOrticioi. .. 0â4 Ob de Geo. O'un-aick, àncag..0.0S do A. W. Ccoa, superiaitotidencou. 21 50 ---03 95 FIai AND WATEIî. Anount1 do do do do AmouEt do do du do do do jaid WM.MCPIhC n, -cnt for engine J. Zjwickcy, repairs tas houe S. Groaic, repairs Las engiie.... suaniriots four pais & êwatc:iing fire C. Card, Irophiî'ilig puaipsàé. . 92 92à CONZrayQEafCIES. paiid stationery, mnanuols, rolls, bind- in & . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...36 O5 iliggins Cou., piiauing and aid- vertising tu 23ri-dL'oveiuiibtr .. . .369 82 J. IL Greciwosd, Jo ........45 34 discounts anti agecy on bis re-Uivuabie uiscounlc'd ........103 88 J. J. J);tvidsuni,jourtialiYitig uaoî- resideait i-oll................32 50 (lribson & Yarnoid, oil, candlimi, .C. . . . . .. . . . . .99 16 expenses ut' Municipal Kioctioas,152 4)0 potty conbiuîgcncics. *... il..1127 - --- 850 02 TOWN HALL AND> MARlKET PI'PiEIZTY, Ainount paid for repairs, survcy, &c ........ 16 37 du for fire insurance ....... ..... 21 0U do sundrics for settiîxg up platforui seule .....................20 55 57 92 do sundries taxes rcaaxittd. ...........pj15 do g't tu lady's lcnov'lent Society, 100 00 dou laid boMX Wclsh ........ .....-5 oo 050 do J. V.Ilarni, aw costs i suit with Hiarbtor and Road Company... 80 00 de B. Yarnld, exponses ini Lyndo's t auit....................... 50 00 -130 00 D.3 1 , Balance of cash in liancis of laite Trea- surier, B. Yarnold ........... ..... 80 OOb de, do prosent Troas. T. Hustoan, 18 46 -___ 1403 46 Whitby,,22th. Febru&ry, 1860. We, the underaigned, Auditors for the Corporation of the Town of, Whitby,, for thlë year, 1860, certWfYthat we have examnined theTreïsurer'.-Booksa"nd accounts for.-tIe year 5îii 3Ist eember, 1859, that we have found thé mam ob orcadthth toèabtati a truce statement of the Receipts and Expenditures for the said yeèar enEding 314Dcm eri89 SflPIUN SEARLE. do of Cellec Non-resident taxes ÏSe&aý4858-. do kr 1859ï n6 1flcIqý44 1Co-., t iiCe-6 l4lectqr for by ,' e jnoi esi&niÏ lai acnt taxce.... - KWar1et "Buildings, 2 acres land at Market. 3Msrkct -ànd Tgwn l (k aninuar chool...... 17M 49 - ~264 ioo 00' 66000ï $264006.71 proPertyl~.,.i.. ............2 amotint uqu Port W itb L. SIS and Huron Rod 0'e ct Wex a.wr "ontà de Creek Brde~.............. 67 10 ~do for feuîeinê Market property 'Anueunt duc Cýoverninezît, . on oc- Soennt Tiwcrn keeépers for 18. ..... 124 80 do Üoank cof Montrealf b ~~ -- 618 45 12 Ma .L>*ébntures Nos. 4 to 15, ca4$33~8;................400 OU * ............. .... 300 ' S<èb0oI Debdonturer,, Nos. 6 to io ca 0 40...................,-..20000 - -- 6030 00 I3al'nte,being exccss of Assets over Liabliti .. :................- 1758 26 * a' ~ ' 671O I 'Whiltby, 25th U'ebruary, 1860. We, the uîîdersigned, Auditors for the Corporation of the Towun ofW thr 1e yér 1860,, certify that the above is a correct abstract of its Assets aud Libitie o, 1si I>bee-inbar, so far as we eau ascertain and deterinine. -STÉ , MÉN SEARLE. TIIE INDEPENDENT BRASS J3ANDZ OF BO WMANVILLL, wîh gît' Li GÎR ANXB CONChTf E Tl AT.rTILEF MECIJANICS' IIALL.~ WrlIITBY, ON Thursday Ev'g Marohý 1, 18,60. Wlien thuey wilI introduiee a variety of' Qiiek- Sbeps1 Marcliucs, Gaslo>'aadns, &c., t'roaiî tla nmont Po paIai r iupi>ers ofthetIi , uy. Actaaa1ifffloaa. ingle tiaiat, 2I c5ents. Lady snd Guiitleiitaia37Y2 et'itm. Fîaiily tickets $1. ýick- uts caia be haduat ltto's ht.ok store, Biii's hune andi siaustore, Loweui & I'owell's.Jr y gooda S!or(,,anduîut the C(hroaaîcle tiflica, or Iait ta. or oaa thue evcaiiug ut Oieo Concert. Doorm opeaat lia1i!-î,ast 7 o'clock ; C(utc-rt to conaaacacim .i cice k. IS For furtouur pauOticuIurs se progralaîaes. WV. COLLMgD, Leader uf £ht, Banal. Whithy, Feb. 26, 1860. 9 Tenders for Priuting. S EALFD> Tenders aili hu receuved ait the Of- fice ufthte Town Clark, nutil Fridaiy, bhé Ilth ia ofy t blaure, at 12 o'ciock, tînia, tor domîa bhe Pt'riitiug, Bindiaig amnd AJ"ertisiing rciquiredl for bthe Corpourationî of the Town of wh'btby toi the lst M.tii, 186f. - - - 0 -M * I frsorm ttiaaiair, al iopie ut uaper, &e., 1j i V IN' - .iNJ~ j eaiub liat at the a&boxe oillic rui lu a. ni. to i P.a il. THOMAS HUSTON, SINGEIIS CELEBIIATED SEWING MÂACIINES' Town (3ierk's Oflice, !Jy ARRANTEb tua il, sanein every respect us tlii-t.u soll'yT.P Sagar& Vo.ini tbe, W'iliîiîy, .'aaiî ia , bftît. 97 itatems, for $l1v. haitqv a ail iliu aunraiveaiuui i i n r urtcsize iuta'îilai, lbywliiehi - - p~~~~~~aitentait alier clin bcse sl.ial Nwititaiao. tiaaarsaua taIijtlu to0, a- ,aitg tiiosu nai ~~7rA11T ~ lu.lIes butiore, owiuîg offe1,1 01),aalv rkia t i beCloua au l.iiig c. >c a(, gaiea B J-i A W NO. Tho'rie uacesity of 81-10il iL <'il to 1tiielit 1eatliar ils ctirely olovi:uta-lliv tiha ul-w iuiprovinuaa1t. -~~~ f~ýlIcics iaciuaýies aire I- îaitiiouaî iai fic tesai- nd elicauîaasbet ver tf-~for >i,lu in faunida. PRICES - 4"NO. 1 MACHINEý $75. No. 2 MACHIINE $85. - y *No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND JMPROVED, . t aa'u - I l1 1 avae rteeiv-ed aauîîaar<îaouu.iiuîaiasfroîînt vt ai miîaiMiaiultlrrhlis ) tk ai-s, I>ris'aeu Fatiilhlus, aaadul ii-s, u lai)trtari iiag i'> 'iat-a"-a]1 itatin au i-c 'amula-uaing tliîiii A toa> riih 'certain n i tot atiald Siot, Maiuaafaattairýs lai 'uaîlaait'aie (?f loud teerus8lot8 £Vo. 3 aiud 4, in thae 71À lCon. uta>'l (a/NO astailts No. 1il unvi 12,'llui'aaIei.151 Mnbuaj te 69 in the 6t/l Lco,. ou" 1ôTh uwnËis /ei fUV Wu take\pk"Suare un btirii.g ,tiastlliay uo ie j We lhave t'a-d,'vc-aa -t'E. .1. Nniglu,'s Sewing~ l'ridte. vluitby NMr. E% J, Na4de, laa4ati\'iaui ll 11-4' li ause i aiud Iltvu ttl'utio ats.1%i lut!tliit tut,> aureiun Il E C2orporaation of the 'rowiithiptof 1J.- ' for ttiacList sux îuouiis. ltai> a-(,-if Sag-', 'uyruspaet equltfutile aaaa'st nîplrovud Atuer- T rdeoiiletms ioilows -liant î';114- Pattcri, and caînul tu lamyout;IIilu ieqlctae, lia aeaaauo lîi uhv oeah laili ut,c iiaue ,sioa bonerLaordu.uand 4,witîa e kiJ11l(>VN à, CIJLS. I (iiL1)$, $CIIOLES & MES. nia-vay ata, ,v ol Sl'tî. u. j, I r4, MIcommnunications relativeu b Suwimq Machines, etc.1 mait be prepaid, as taupe ais alola utciarby lits i-report îcarinf tiatti, others wull be reoivcd. Waamd) t â,maua îe, irciiiblat ait ai îauîi'E. J. NAGLE, CANÀu>îÂx SutWaINGMAciaNE E STABLISIIM1ENT, Itoaîd or lligiwaav-, viz. <uîaiuenieiatont Loti 26.5 Notre Dameat Streut, Moittratai, C. E. Factory ovair Bartley & Giibuu'l' CaitalPamisui, Nu. 8, a4t am iai lein tht.wuste.rnI iiiuit ou thei1îMont 1cail;C. E. 95-0 ruai, i5arvîtyed hy aaalJ Johuu tltir,tua Jaune' 1854, an1itii "iag tliacile N. 660~ W, 12 ellitas theacu N .i1V= W, 8tiadaus4-4 liauks tiîanc e N. Brte giulua-ed ~t~W, 5'iaaiai inn ifiks tiacaîcaN. m82e' W. a W ratd istieu fBritishweÂgricul601urn(.[ 7ds 'fits. l iuusad r<tlist'i rand-tii ta (-a'44)alett wiJa, amd bleuatabaîve alîetibudlille bu bu the N O T 10C E frin.1( i e $îh't1bc i paitaeul u mplh i mouabla wcbt-rly hulaittliieof. 1 au~ !a 'itt g ubi ihall tiae AndJ bu lb fiar t uaactd, tlaat the roaui sur- Co unt of Onaro, 1~ S lauruhy ulveut hatttflcu,, tamîluriiaiauu-t uds ilu suuiu aituutitle6 as veyd b, itii usuibuliaath ruortuttiaIp~~0 OWiL : ~("011rtaa ixanaad Nisi iuay biuatirud wtarrawud paire ail([ fi-cala, ut saaad Jou ai l4aecr hurludati eprt 't iPru, Oyair analTermainear, aiad jaiit rtval i<itiatP;U, pa'- auîaed. y 1 1)1" 'er), i ulotealuutt ila-u,taaav kta-0utg's î.mrliht top t1a'aeic 373,21,ceuts'. liereauuîto aatacuicd bat, £mutliul sainie is huercbyt011Ontario, ut the Coîurt lOuat n t,,lute Towi i'f di) groil to) Swedu ;37 j4 " etbii4Él, ias a pilare lhgltwaîy, via. LUom-ý hihy aaLains d 4du ialitciag ut a 1I0o4 pIaataitl1thai biÉte Sat-tiluaumir E it do taa ti / ol lot N . hi1, j ittic,Lcaîircestion., at t1tutdis- 'rhirsday, the ISih day cf Marehi, 1860)taaaraaiawiltiooa à lia taance of 3 cuauttuas aud 56 linksaiiaalhcuturmeaN. uftuhu t 2uau'tkuom u'wacualFua aitoc hybrid yu iiow 4 320 "lb W, frouattllsuaitiî westatagle o* ltba. aétehu f1 1lk icouo staiualIkO Ili, ithe t,7luConusesiona, aaîd rauuaaiiaug thetace Coi-onaers, Juistice, ot'tla-tc eandCosabeai,ËOI N. 61-- W, 1 cuaaiau uauad 5o liickntlaîauN. 2W0jaînd ai" otiaurs concertaud, wiil taakt, totice anal 1,011-- white i~cenas. W, 6 clualn uaîd 22 links tiaen1aîi. a7cý,uW, goturuîiuusu--ii-4lves uuatecordiiatay. tuaJ-Iina ,eas 13 cliaiiîls thetaut, N. -24--lE, lu ciais lid 75 i0ESU . 1iEYNOLDS, louig rud Alarliagluia Ccunte. litakis ta> a kost pluuted on te cauterai limit ofl S/ci, l, C. 0. * 20 cents. lot INo. 12 aua bina liti iauatssiomî. Thiaesaid ronid Per '. ýNaOCLbL5. M à N G'L. hi io ane chai whiiu uc ad tbue ubaîvu decribuid 8heriff's Office, litii, (wliclulia auiarkud by uot plîahaiit tihai Wiaitby, F, 8, 1801. 92 Ycilîsw iui, 40 cueais. setruittazt,- larat' iîil tllacfille iiltized iiau Ll ig ril, 40) cenits. f Itaa-a'lamr t butge cbuiî1ui-t 1irua1'd direct t'rîiauîîta itialli Seeti- tuthîsîai aiaîiuie) lbe tt, asteua haittlaeoijai ut t1uv higlucat staning, tOuasubserih'er lîiadaJauiiaîud tiuaactuie 14flh daîy aot',l"b. LiGii. '44cw*taiu, wiîconidience, reeuauîuaueîuci lais ;tocklztif EUIIE1i iI"EAL$, . <Scedil taibc aiiitI ie veriy lirst qtuallity. Everye 5 TuwaashuîiClcrk. t - .ecuaraîfutitc'it lgi'.1t uta'i't and otllau.rs tai- - ~kiaîg lai-g,, jtaatitieà. Ordtrs pîuaetaiadly ut- tutidud tu, tNOTICE. NOTICE above us a truc copy of a prposd Coul it??o .Ou Coou îrt o g'aoiàua ýLait l THE tr esi8ols- 'of the Peateai, -uid 'outafýCourt; By-law which was reaad a second tîie wil bc holdoi and forbo Counby ecl-aata this day, and wiiauiwili be passed uait 1-e at tltc courtleusae, i label'owu oullt'abby, on next meeting of the Cuuncil, îfter pub]ica.Lfýuea.day, the 131-h dîîy of Marcîî, i1cý60 ion of t-ha said By-lmw for crae auouth li st 12oé9cloek, noon, of tail îi(,'ui-ottti-s, Jus thc WVhitby Clîroniclu uewspaper. ties ofth le peuce, mii Couastauuut', uad ah utia- ROBE'i"SPEAIS, ors eunaerued, will baika, uaùieu aud govura thaeuuaaalvui§ eeordiuai'ly. Townfl p lerk I. M N G. IREYNOLDS, Uxbridge, Pub. 14, 1860. à/u!tr, 6'. 0 _______________________________Pur C. 1ý atatSE. CALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Wefhitby, Feb. S,_1860.i __ __ 92 Ooaodby publie uuetion by the uuder- PRInTING O.FFCE FOR SALÎE T aillgnoald, parsuaut Lu i power of' sale cori fiaineal inara i -t"i-age, maade by > EEMAEIIA lTE Wllîituie,y*audtwafe te in; beuring tiatu the 141-h AERA O R Ua.of ..J,,,. A. D.. lutta the followinihanand "Q...A I Y 1TA XÏf 'A YC'iTTlr' T A Ir remmo, vtii-.Te othi 5acres ofutathe south je5acres, -of the weeal af of bue west halfl<if lub eu.4 l ii . S'tIa Cn, outhLe. owuîlaip of Reuicl q' Oario, on i,180 ýu'tý flqç -of]KÉonait the boni cft 10 ouluhk a' -ONAIA), XDEB ID, t - mortguigec. Esae1422wd Ycb. 180.. 'jU.t1A j'yAJUULi1NA-L, -(LATE ONT41iUOTJMES ) Pr inting Office, conapriaiing printing PÇOSSes, news, sud job 'type, -and every- thing complet. for ai good country ncws- [paperà and job officem * Apply toý -W. iH. jl*ggf ns, - **- - - -ObroaieleOffice, [95Wity W M. MILLER, Jr. Brouganua, Piekeruaîg C. W. 96 B3ROOKILIN- QUIAIRTEILY i-AIR. T IFiist fli.gtÏÏln ti'iauterlyFuir. of thé( C. DAWES'S, GLOBE HOIT, Thursdlay,.MarChî8, 160. Luyea-ri fut t'tiia-fiid fat certtic, b'otWlaiaae.I'!ýC aui frii-îa idislaauîee, have exire tee aucir ilia. toatau u bu pi-uentla i lrgulauaabus. Oaaàc &hu ata, dayý, iiat ut thelau aie piLicc, aili bue helJ thîe Olt ,h Arlu ittiral 3oqauty c t T Wlîîalby.t f éa.i1arge posters ilfP-INS nt MR. J.'c. SIELIG mmd givo hil . 1 4~s~grtidda__ l *rIogth dpy * bupriihpu 1i~s; , ttloy«rula o, - bea-utur y. k ttario Batik, ti4$ removed'his stoc-k jl3!ock Street, upposîl Quaî. a iac of J>rugéç, .anit se, wt -cial Buildings.' ,e the newBrick Block f7~3 Ffie and' le Instuanoe ,'comay. :Cïtpittl, £ 00oo teIli*gé OFFICE IM MQNTREAL.: Agettl'or Wliitby end sutlropndiuý ])istrit. VIE CELEBEATED ER MA N O.IL; F7ill.TIR CURE or cutf4, Bruises and al kinds -cf Fleéi WOUBds ,inGident to thé IIùmatn. Lii B otties at 25, to 50cts Eachi Aceodin to ud.Tids011will cure all frosi'. wouudsi, s tedis ul nfahhlni lud cýfy l'or the. re- IIOJSES &CATTIE H EÂl-IG 01P ALL Wot»ZiDS, hîufiited on afniais. le-iL bas t>cen uxed saaceesslully, for thie Last Seven Ye, is; m noever bu6"kuuwn toliL. Maide nsuî4îTby * Pickering, C. W.'. Whitbyý,.an. 24, 1860. 2-ly T AWYERS -AN»D DIrSION CORIT --Blanks cati be had Cheaper iba> at Toronto,, and will bc found te be printed on- better paper. Buy at the Obiçxùie Office. PR INTIN»G ýTH1E NEATEST AND, BEST PR q7r ,ng, plain and fancy, of every descrip- nlon, can bc :had cheulqer and quicker at tho Chronicle Officetaii auy othier establU~- mient in-Itue C-ounty. W. 1H. IIGGINS. cd. ut Ilih ts utry i k'Pl-ccott, ut ex<eutdiuigly low prics. 1,IOMAS-1MOoDY N. B. Merchiants and Dlehrs wil iid à te their advawtnage to uîo.pcat Mr. Mouuay'àstock,at thie augenut lai~iîi It y, and t,xitiniu Iclst 4 u Wi NuXv. 17, 1IS59. c6am-m-44W Whitby 1flrewr3. r 1IIL Sub.,rbrl.iîsre îaow Iîrt,î.ared Lu ar- T ii? l ti ptru ons t or ihy Brewery witIu ai nu :141Larticle iln Snecl qiuauîities n îiny. bu requl' cd, and en itcn u slt utpr Lu'tdeialu ua0J-iul to thit, laui ted jr ticlt,. CLARK & îOb AlD IS herchy givei, Oitt aipl.iction will bc îhgde ltu tht l'iviî,tia J 'naitriiiiie't, ut its niai tîr iiî At a niaind theActis iiueur;>urs- tin- tie ria it itY îaid t"e iuroïl kailwuy Liritisia Ainioeuircaîî Circnlar Delivery & Generati Advertisiug -Agency, 22 st. F3raueois Xavier StrceteÏàiontreai, Canada East. TlIesilhîaeaalîer avapu Ially otiics lut tIî pubie? îuIic 'ýt h i preparedl tu rccei'#e Urders Ici Print.aug, Addius:aaag sud Dharihu:ý thua Bis, Uireu nr-a, &e., zlso Posthiiî1liarài thlt Viirlous Citx' nîad PrONhil aJouauîaIlsa- 'lc wiil hkaaa!se bu prepuared t u ce ià.eh- l'y iîe oa i 11-4.s iaieatroi Aguis, rriujaga for aursurionîa, îaîîvet ,ieiitîas ib vaiîisiapr tliroi.,iafaiJh îiir aaîd Loweur cîaumuathje Low- air rvia.i aiîd thuUiÂted - t1 J ls or thu ft %u1 Vqt urcalarS »4tbcKigtn 'I'vOl.îIut., lai &uoi .!~., tius ulèriaag tu udyer- îa,r., taîîd adiIpartie::is viahJiu t curu regiultu a:Iid i.ystcaaîaaît p~iuyt9r tlaiar ainnoucce- ilulat-., a tiii linaiiid puly nicains ofdLviiug9 1u, ut i greait esav-ig tif' tim. tr*uaihie anad expIcnàsu. Ilus AI ri igeaiLieilits beaiag 4()%v evaxpluted, lie bcg talx) i;oljit trolai ha*îiwaa.y Ctioîiîaîie.s, Mer- cl~ntaMaiîîaatîres, rnuasaaui, luelKeei- ors, anid asahéérs thetruueaetiou utf ail a.uéh bujat- luesai, wlaîch lfit, begs tu issiare thuin will ho strictly laiueudaid lu îviîl ,ii Aaaltvnie-- r,- -'I "1 emmm-m- m y- "WT «V elyr- f"tl"l 1

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