Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1860, p. 4

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ARTHtJR HWM& %25 ota. per Gallon. IEST COAL 011! - o~Yule's Telegraph Store. -_ k RWSTOCK O0F Jus i reciyed, ai pricco from 7» ci&e o$8 ) Aioedto bhum Ctal Oit. 92 GEORGE TULE. To Rent. A aofc, coseS> U isidar u îgl. 'filera STONIE DWELLING HOUBE, dise ttttnie n m-uitonstoc nvin n.1.lal uc oc Witc nti cecriate the If atrl W ot arto'id ot Tl, eelct -f Wlltlaci one eid aIl n tocf tle proînlace. Alpiply earonaOliym or blelttor, imotiptl, to D. SielfAly Pivmkatrg. Jan. 4tlt 180. leftf .:]OR BALE OR TO LET. TOWN LOT. WL oobm est ei f Brosk Street, it ilî f iYlîsîhy. Tise v abmi L Icltl e 'itrm slm efr beiliiit-npaato sm-p ncloeedotan itostod i ltsboSptcfle Seâws, and illcdit odapotdeof, on ibersiternie À A lour deod wil ho gitan, Afro in ai e- te . MAYERlOpFFEI Valuable Farm for sale. te u1laale Frn o ompeeltio N. e. 01oi Ut No. 4, late 4til moncoit.41 ocf l'jet- * - erisis, - OonxtaisI#kg 50 Are , Auto2 0 lacmsospeed. , i Tbaho lve Farâ s i taa iliste censtre of as esailon whoa-geolllocslty, sald itiitî %fbu, ir întioUetuteotpotttTo toac __tht JA. LO,&ZqLot , BrkenFrot, MAlo, for Sale A qntt> of gooli CEDAR POSTS. octoer eïms APPiLY AS ABOVE. ILs-100 acressoutls lsf oof&t NO. 1, rdsI emWOss OfsIoso t lY .kaown as jacrted &Datheittsmotit a1detiee intmand sitto tlue utieît f Site a ior Scipla* il buildling andtri mtng Of m-itll o le oo f11 tile nientioltieal cere tîacolaneiwhcntbo sMid RslpOr ottipe ecrec lier a larciga iFort ; thesaidecl- flnticni te-.b Oie opirtotihy iýelit h shls Ifuilalor tesa otelolien pro1tsreoly tlie Dcattaot. imning lte tol 0 h tîcrutients taetci suceatioit to a ntechetintior Seel 'te Snelltdtlatmtioo.è togthor with tho hotel buildings, stables andI àppurtenancos, bén*ùo*à lot N-. 1 west of -Brock Street, on plan ciI lots asade by Johnm Shior, P. U. S., of proporty in said Town of Wlitby. Mr. Bryssi, tho pensent occupant, ciii show thse prmises. As ibis muet.idh disposed tif, bonas .fde ptirchassrs arc rcquested to attendtheît sale. Tbo Tommo cccli ho libéral, and' <a Theb"1.1t xatriculars, antd conditions tif saIs, willbhondate known ait a'etime tii sale. E.L E. MOARTIN. Ilorrioters nt Lawo. Jan'y 4.,160 I- r51-ýw. SHERIETîS SALES.- ie asîceant of drocea uetlamoedl a corret,- beall crmtif> tihoeiacciflestion ad transsbait UIcl -aet IllthtDejcattmînt, wbeomnpo. liter ditoe exiinttilOtttio t oletotr cill b ho eierlotu 10 S55JfIFFýs SALÉ 0F LAtNS. oie liast eltitsilahae. The tiïcwlaocek loeaooese teoîo a5p oorro Ou.tc, Struy h l. te omel, importîtitionta ocf Illemlteitifid UT r NAL O, N au h zo-e, an creonnole ito dtitis 1/ovielaceete- To it: .10 Tiirul - îty ai oentiy t Ileto evenîhs day ef Atttel, 118, Ia lrclsm A. tD. 18f)(1, ai Tocoits oîck, Lcdle c i aonciielt te At 22 Nic. ropl ; ui, il csldb uli utj t ratin-:a dot vleti t'S elau lot utimsa t lt n cl ecbllyPiucisîen bic rtieto ilà crttit ltsctat-leli tuia liea My Office, la the Court llete, in tllecTon tind etfeei. oft Wlitiy, tito rigbit t ie.and interesi Bylc Cnîtsnvtd, ocîirle tue undcrnetiictud aifentîtb toto- i . t;.i, tUtîn l EoTeoF .totmt o eruili>-possis ticudrvecntisttcldsîîi and eltistmonts lsercon, seuid y mo un- ____________ - torandsa ly viriuce fcertaine Write cf Fier! Facias te miue directrd, viz. Is tuhe Courttf Qîten'e liench. lliuana P. llooloriti enî Johin Charles Fitch l alintiffs vs. Paul F. %V itney, defen- - PRIVÂTE BILLS. dat. -cX 1,lr Front, unthîe lot cancro- p ARTIFS ITNINiTO NMAKF. cii,,of tPickering. applictotn lte el.egisiative c ot 1 li tihe Court et ContocitPleas. ol1r Prirate or L.eral Bills, ither for tLocition Dacid,-en, plauntufi us- Iroine grsstilg ecrlsive pricilege, rcontferritgJlî,tm.diuitt cotbr ,poacrrs Fr commeînrcial or odittr Jitidfna lrCm utof is-ofi, for rcgulatinîg strveo e fititpareor tract of iland the or hoisttltrimri, or f or d- -itng arnltivle rt - I*nie s'iîip mof Brorba, le tueetoiy of On- ingte ifel Om- gito c riolirîrî ! tatirami. tuing Loituu,îchrr Niuetcen, (19) in igtreffctthe rlyîtlàt mutof tîci ty o tr-Itir iToeifiu cencctrian ef tc citiTowna- r1qir Iyte ltiI-to, îimtîIî iilbt/uaof Iroîlo, 'it llndtialsiogular, tha [%qrlkio re i-ttlinlJtrîl in full hitt tittaie t1ctenui'ets, ierrtlitatiîeîte ulmnd eppturtencon- Gerîlel lwongira 1Wvi> MbONr1,ii$tsito ces trcunie i noy oise obriongiîg. o f thtoaplication lintCile <tt/, îtl fe, ute or ifene oeb and alits n îsotencvspaper ptîtltiel i IthCorofQ e'sB c. thce Couîty tif Uiort tf t'qîntis îîlrrlrl - Jontes Laintg plaunt.if vil. Pcter Steuten- sending coptes of tho firuand amtletimfsuocli hurgh, olfond-.tît. notices to tise Private 10111 Office, q .ctwc. Ail and iitgnlitr,tduitt certain place or ALFRED> TelDit o f olandl, stutit t heTocwnship ci 66 CtielCiolu tf Pivose îuii fie Becli, aforeonîi, and leiîsg ceinfseclc ce_______ ______ of_______________officeprt cf Luot ncmbmr Se'on, imn the Eigisth 1 - oe.,.,o the ,u ai o wn shpandtsiu singos THOMAS M2tERS, LICENSEt> AUCTIONEEII FOR TIIE COUNtY 0F 0Nl2ARIO. FAEIIER'S SALDB a is Ctolrv crut ým-r - couve promîptnttenutionî, eut meneettebhe telarie:.t.ier, nwoton uttnd oe- auteelon le h thAîrîtu hicotuts ciii hcitieiaeecu cf tali.the eta aiitzge. i5le tuteLtisata-tiun iRt01118 accru SuTeseIWr. Dise-o Iltonoto, imigbonea sud Siiutids, arc Srat with lerfart cutiet.. Ad.Iteee, aliait by Cccl i THtOMAS IIYF}Bt, Aution Ileani.r, Wltby5 Februar> lotis, 1859. SQUAM E IBER T nX uaadoratgnet haaetlam-s-oquantity fati iuinsotgq nareThsabor on hamui, wlî.ieb lie cuill dispose of on lith rme tepas-tis e- Apicain :il b> eler, <poted) tei ho made tae -JAMES B. CABPBE14s 80 4ia iA#AinP.- 0., C. W. TO BE SOLD-A BARGAJN pans cv-rro,î,a-emeecrrum'c ail tOsot part heretoforc cotieiyeel Ylloe Thomas Boden, t te ia sit Peter Stoiten hergh, centining treo acre, b hese- nmerc or leso. and lso, tII titot othrr piere or parccî of land situae iints îaoitTowen ohip of Beach, bing cottpioed of part cf Lai numher Secen, in thc Nintis conce- Mion of te salul Townshîip of Bleacih, anal keorsin ai l tita rcîmcoiing prt of soald Lot whltuis asnet hltîlrtu haro rolti for taxes, or prîciouctiy conveyeti ly Johin Woaggoer te Titonîns hartin, wciccis id laoi sientîiati picce or perci mtty be de- scribecc as folaîvo, - centncencitug on front cf salai lot, at ar about tise distaceccof torcîvei chaîne antI righly links, on a cours seuil sesvecty-four oegreco oerst, froin sentis angslie of saiti lut, snd ai the sottflt custi angle cf hinntaldlaoSr taIese llictîco lcrtit suxtucn tIgrav-es it iglitten chmati aid toeaity-fivc liniks itcîtcceierth svttyfeur al-vgrcio cool, (o the cwestern limit cf landai deda T homutaso Martin; tisenco sett sixicen drgrrîo, enai igiti iccn cisidtîrl ictty-lieinaksatio te i front cf oid lot; tisence aioug thti front of tiesatîid lot te the plauo of turgitînins-. ,NELSON G. bREYNtOLDS, Sitarifi; e.o, Ilhcriff is Ofilce,- Whstby, Nov. 28, 1859 OutsyAwemlIu~ O. ~sn ethity. - Ala1l>,if by etior pet pcial, gitts-SO acres South Weat qsearer of - CIAILuBI otN$Olq, ESq. Lt N. 2 Ut concesaïon of Darlinglon, hovs-e abile& et miles froisaEo1wiosnvilie. wViitby.Àlluiî,1-1o. S&-So acres South Eut quarter of Lot lie. le, liUscoacIlsebon ofmaiposas, 3about Rides! Rides i Rides 1ie>rifl' sSuie of Lands. 9 ilosfrei«nadiay. Tla.ibee mcntoasd Los u 8Tt~dS< IOR onderoignecl cciipuy lice IigisiteCtin*y cf Oiutrio BTirice o. i-rta FarâinanhlgisaiOfcaltivatioos, @od J& o la iCî,ifom-any~qîsantityolCgeeM >1-To Wrr: ci Focrt Faria, icc,îd WSt 8~and rseat impoat &Toi a. BM IIiDE1S telîo'ered at lis Taioiiry ilet o.ttîtailerdaet> oun cIte ietx Z Lre Irintt nta sonalole, anti on laite., ani tnrtioutc bict oerecf oeîm-ai of lie leM. Appi'y t reuoa. i d i toiadtciiuts wanalitedure ulilloarue PERItY. cel drrmmc at, t ît otts f111c aletît 1îmthe . R L E A T H E n atie fhu erc illotiimailâtIrit, &C.. 4ues1 for fi. Ooreer. kept cosstatly on banal for slr very ior alfunaut nt tua sit tof Artutr 'L'earl, lvLt4by t,6189.fr Cash. ptitt.h ioocict tuttint aexecetten Il. MMiUItClhY.6 cru1 atoiera, in iita iflb ier, ni ettirte tiîeo Geeeswoo, No. 1, 15tt. 1 tif !lisitiutit hall 1ii tuait tetoLtu rcelerr mmcl TU ____ T__ _____ ""mn' "" 14' 185 __'__ of landtuinahttg turae 1ittt-am-eOf ti t tires li IO sainmîoreor leoes,laeuttiu ooealaf part et A-ND BATZ 07 Hme auuralC oma l ottct ioir flteeu i itc cuiu sccocf flûme nszrace Comany Ite Tcvtttilta.f laitg -csuî,inacit: O F NEW YORK. visere a peutt lins heei l ltiltilt licteoo etau leno hphig thirtvilecoou tiind a îtuf ltîksena ilE eboo bebavusasCasACcen~bd gZsatsigî~ ~ eatIr" nortit certatwo &ta u la -ict fr--us tiur T' baoises. -M ee te4egt iIoin,* l""ffl ore r out certeongele utidt 'itiieitaitrtliton Ti.w ýlè rxtRzIIa trmof8eupilwsua ,.......400,000. Cfloernmordtitele&rtga es it trc- clitit -ueo- - alûtru fl *lo Matnd twem-cy fili kitie î tr it.-cteillee ccii l VILLQEOVROXANONO FI EANDMARIEE. ,i .le of iuhte pthied fietiec i ilà w"ti> ItJ*wasltip of B eolww t - TilFicf a engs&iagent f the » o etîtiund eo e-ttike. -Theure soo,s ix- ,ccallis- aY,, 0 lapm re ten -e o i eunidegrrc c-oc3t, tiirceluaia dteiiflouitie 8'TO= & ADWELLINGlnouTs]?, Oeu thSOf at e astS Se etyire the Dnlise ntks mocre or Iee to lite tie of 1e tinilg. W1t iv Kleisaa, Sthtgrtim ssel~1gars oflnasl fgtien And Irà»nportainga. Aiaeail thuter-rin pttrrertit cf itiait- elhtoMeies itn-Tori 8T 'iIN SArLE imtoi, 1iaunit (clos- intlite Vilage ofeut o- u e ta theios e 1. ohawll u; î, srs0rst . or a, ajal laits 0npse f sa urt (ou ii, Nu,.-o Md *e4vidi.Thge. F ldeqire finit ev.39,,119. lsw-4.ty, d o» - ,imî fourQffsWhriei- y,,anal btteil andi coudia ouloles acoma uGo » uwbmiin o-iet o atihe - neoas-in front cf the etai Cottoeocon nt tae xm iewr flPe anet McU31 er itatee of osue ehais Su7 ylinksota en coite asds oUm teenonttltom cual 0R1 #Md LaMPa. orth, aserit> four degreeaîernt the bont îbm U».1» *itL rmm«W&« ls wt agl ofMW 04thec ohfty tit üues * obi» Fr 4 ft pa'eeiatssa- scio ainreiva ve ry soi-t ilen degme, ee, croe achait- seveuty asolotstftCeiOs asp eucîela")u, Ttesece eemh i -ent l.ar otigrece, a r otc......11.od.~- ontnsebei BabTlttrce lins. t K_ 10IPUADEN. prtved bunes-s.Pru sa Attw insd teneneotthereo or 8Ig0Itc 1W. 8w-i &ndUp-wrdsi. te sajdl oIehdauui s iteeor fintereot liserrin, 1 FrOxn.$1 ad Wr alosbiu ei f,, stoeat Publie Autelie tew@ra illaCod Oai 01 kdeoqlia c fafly pur "Vi -Th "t c <iij> rce uiliet ofan te lt a fre trsa ny npient inel, ad are.on tishessiaec elt DefftilteaCm-e on ami fs-e. frerneusynsyp04" .ay eameprilanX. u or~~ ~~ A -. andi itrdl AT..et #v u oidtagt, t m fa hffcL e ewrbon ~t e .pramles lau (Whava on D*!u4or.--bm rbh cmmi n Où L" aft" 1foIdnady the Tcery hird iay of Apeil, A. P. b" ao mGO.YUIJ& NKZOXSON 0. REYNO<LDS, i ~ tlSherm (7 . plate#. ÂSmpàoii Pand s5udo , FortI, of (WL 9k lmin@% Ew" esap. 4 WiIt%'5Jda. ile 0- S& - R CARI1A G E 11UIL D ER S) BUGIEIS AND MANUEACTULIERS 0F NEW MUSIC. - ~s1r«efed by theudeagne4 Cfrowu LandaDepartmont. POLfAS, Qeje,16eh Deoesbev, 1859. JALTZES, - lI bandalintite To-orneitpaof Ayiln andi GALLOPr9, Itîn oits enty tf OttawN orI ho opoýnfo saie for seltol seulemsent, on aond fttir Oue 180 i QfJIuRILU~y Jan.neo For lia tifIh lots antd conditions, of sale. SOO, appiy te lioert Forio, Equiro, trowa Lauet And JIosqirarn,'d for the Piano Forte. Agent, te»l Cosoy beei y'.s No8Qadls 2411-e W Aaostotssla W. H. flIGGINS, R) I g~ F Ik A) N. W. BROWNWs AGRUCULTUR-AL WORK LBRoCK STEI!5 wnmwB, m t nl tio (A, fou-ç rode soath câthe Bak of Montrial.) INSPECTOB GENEAL'S OFFIC, bMun1fstrrand Dealor la al Vinis of CUS-rous Ds-'PinA-RT , ÂGR.IOUL'UUAL Qsebcc, flitkNrStlr, 185. Lin icutàlle nEÂY WLGGIDII5, OTICE llsobrehy gIron i taby a order In llsrksi.and Bb Sicigleil. To-hortte Cthe 1411 inîtatti Markt ad Bb Seigb% T"ôrýe UIU s drceeilthata d,*bek.tqtoai to the outies iaîoo Pougs of varios malce ad style raids ho lloeoslto8hip B-Àliders on Cordatge ef Sebruflerit Corna nd, Potatoi Cultivators evesy descriptionnînd on ail articles ofitrou, Seoti and Turnip Dilla, iloiScoapes &ebe. opui Boc, 'aiertal or Zibe, 'cnt, 8tCtse~ rn,emnoi ctnrcatliy tîedciaod 3lrahtg iciètesRqaired m sSIoeL onpioyed le y thoin linttoe builting nd itoliigî. tif Rany elîtp lilt vithiteiîlimits of thià Prie Vinoot aatipoe il utfnlticritarticles qst-Ittdlit thaytling b e uve lUne attendod to the o trtI go f o ttns ilbv *ltbo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i yoctaiyat hapos ptbo da tîtros(etr i jlt pemeoor PCr- for Patterson's combinod Uoapr and Mou- s»ns)m wleettt>st irCcaiti or. Tlie!~oper n tillicill'ertoli ttte na.h or. Tito (ioder il oir thrridrewteck dOlîr Wbhitby Octoher 12, 1859. 58Siip Roitier nsPIiyg fr .ieîish .6oel __________________________________ firîiii h tuCoUcoror c ttcintowith a peoifi - cation or te C ard illtier stiiesnpeo ONI"IEAICOAL OILS! _ h . C ,- ui drwbck, sheitnig !ho Begs to inform lis'ecm lic. that bhu las ust coin mes nd the pub>- ~cdto scdI off at- HIS, EXTENSIVE STCK 01F- DRY GOO0DS, LA I9IEýS' FIJRS BUFFALO ROB, S,- ANDJ)G-ROCE1ItES9 To niake rooîn for - lis 1, îring P rhss Pttrtics rcquir-iig stîchl, hud better cuit befre pîirchasing clsewhere as great iîîducemcents will lcaie gWdn for 0811 M. ~ B. Casht Pai~d foi"Wkccat, Peas, Oats, and Pork'. SPERIYS BRICK BUILDINGS. M W'litbly, Febi-uary, 1860.3 î lE ti-eriberchrg roet nfîièN tiliifiîit n r iiîî ii ,iiittcrc g ttotl> liot thiy T ilico liioroti to W itiaoai NeBIrick Mockiii Broch L-tret, civra tiry ilv oelitcedini A LARGE AND WLIL SELLILIJîiSTOCK OF CONSISIING O0F wxx3mj.k,%eTOBACCOS. Btitrk ndOtiGrcîl eof ite Cltoucem Brîîîoa. Ciieto iatt-ý i l smoking. COFFEES, rRu Rteal ii e ol miva t, - uisgaî. Liigir tîit \I iinttlaiii, Fige oa iu7rraotwa MtîacivdeVeicotinlîtrl tati(rie lait S i lili i o ficegala rilitois Allat t-erre iiîoipui,tîiof t0imiiiy Croc rin,ethici tiry a- o iiiuiid tecil ni -tercet prit- ef-or "'tutî- ita r YPo ie N. Ill-Wiiitetýit luttof egoati tutti rrallaîd Ciiee. J. S. IIONALDSON & Co. Wltitb)y, Jauîry 2, 18610. 51 N AJL CLEARING SALE -:0:- LWES& OWL. rrîIE Stiisciibet-s beg to aîîîouîîce thuit theit- Anîimal Cle.tring Broerk Street Wlithy.i sle of Renmember (lie atl-ule, , ow-cs & Powell, Brock Stîreet, [rirlst Door Southi of Mr..L uîa OLtaî,90 ON LY 74' FOR ONE 0F SIIGEFS 'II~BI~TE) EWING 3MACEINES ê' ii lat ,~ uu u . cnuio 11i !liio i lgu- -t- u l ie i e iu i Tuueoe tuutt-tua 0h.u aiiiui0,1i i- o d-iuî >t eu r fr1t t ae inrui a.t No. 1 MACINEI $3 PR lUES: No. 2 MACHINE $S5. No. 3 MA('IINEe LARGE- AND IMPROVED, $t5. Prritîuiiuu'. c1î i lt i t-tum I-uit> liînt----il imtitiittmurtîutctl tigtlm- turfi-ttr-ait- itai; lt ' ti îtt -1ii -, oouiuuaa the ta llrgvet 1.11d uueloltee sive id-t , 1, IX. 1t-,. ititirotil, Bte. 1810ý WC takriueatI.t - it -t1,i- OWrc-tuarau-ruri of E. J. Nenr-Sm-eiîîg ruuîuîuvtliOt-rkiti- e--tlî r î - o î - ti llttiitu -iiitiufilatuai> lrtuIto ico xr mîontmî, rat bu iMr. LF -. Ni,.-,ltu i i 4ý - ý - tm o buu elt-ita tieut ri iig tit ttitl->-o it ui.t!i til ucn 1a u - 1 u*i 1,l c ilcs-o'Wsl elliesvrli oftt t!N i.il;ili-- i;lb Oi, .iiOL5 AiEs Ait citcmuniationi,- alulvo t-teitag Moctiioec., tuest hbctîrepaiti, an none cilesriili ar-cii E. J. NAG0,Ft uaitaN(e At lrituasi ESTAcmactîsttuo-r, Pam i t- Il M itAmoi iC t bui eyo er tey & (ilîum-t$ Caitl Ittum, B EG5 b annoîtuce te isa ntte-,,ts firines ant iîtomero iloat ise 1e p -b- tarryitlg oithis extensive buinese ti CARRIAGE -»AýK1ING,ý IN iLL ITS BR1'etClIES,t. On thse preeoti- I ire1sforeoerraictd le 1fr. N.RAs on 1i"ry Sire et ot-cn IByron anti Brek Sireta, churc, ie if; prepanii, tas beratafore, ta execote adl ordero intresteal CAR1IAESL~GESSLEIUIIS, CUTJERS, &c., IW'anuartredandNol atUm-oweitremueating PFrises.* ALL WVORK WARRAONTER) LfTifBi6and«oolI'JOLc)At-(£1AKeVjLýV k--Xe-qA-GE;..-fMART PRICES 19. FORD'S long expcrcoc cf tIrtistv years inath prinia MufOtoies of the1< Statea anad Canada isae gironCIai expericcr in eVeoy banh fthé 11<5515wu-ahi2 fou- have been aille te ariur et-enulfor l>autY o e tii e»e imttmlïy man oidi îy of uolnooiihcorrkcacecot ho ai cld. WINTER DRY GOODS,ý WILI, COMMEN~CE ON JlO.4DJIPrtMe Il 3thk 1.WsV T., AT COST I>RIC 'E FOR CASh. No, 1, TILLîS ]IILOUK. S17PERIOR YOITN(èILYSON IEA 2s Gd pef lb. (AIOICL GUNPIOWýI)ER TEA 21 Gd pef lb. J'LNLST JAVA COFFEE:AT TIIE Tea. and ,(Jo feWarekiouse! 1No. 2, Tillîl Bliocl. IIAILitu &ROBERTS, Il/tztlay. 4 CIIRtISTIffASANO NEW ÏEA'S GOODS lYIlIillau's Wliolesale & Retail, BIZOCK SREET, ir IIIm-rBY. II11E substcribe. lis î-eceivcîl, onu is niil, .in aly receipt of I reshi Arrivais uf GROCERIES of eve- kisd, includiustr: TEAS. Hfyson, Young HYflmon Hyson Skis, Hyson Twankey, Imperial Twankev, Gunpowder, Souchong, Congou. At 15 per cent roduction on Prices heretofore charged. SYRUIS. Golden snd otiier Symups at i LIQIJORS. ]Port, Sterry, Iladeria, And oti.er Wines. 10m000 Gais, prime WIaIdkey Rico, Sugar.-Loaf Crushed and - fscoyado. Tobacco for Smokine and -VChoWIug. Pickles in variety. pices, & le-And every arficle in the Grocey Id..._j AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F CIttCKERy. C ALI AND E -U E TIIOSIl. M M L . Pms-gitiék llrck 8vol., t se piosptn -:~rîlu ity t u 1.r etroitImîtl n Breck Street S .entI atfhBu, c rc poiuiuc _eirkt ildi ng.-ercioyare.prCpft The olusciheratireitrootic ond aîtari .y ct-r . nlog rtilso en tster W-AFFOBD TO'SELL T11EM CIIEAI'ltER Thon tos wobiae t ire lt the lar aifailers. Ail articles celdaitte loto-rat liv-ig li-is fer Ciait, or an approcral credit. Pîeso call andi exantine. Ail1 kindtoltif luichar snd farmerro prod aitie in lanutccogo. Ail wtrk orrrocicd. -~DONO'VAN, WALKEY & Co El Ebeg îuost rîcapectfiilly toe mioîuîce to Ouri umuîncus u 'oies, that in consequcîîce of the great eîucrease in. oui triade, We have foui it neuc-ssartlyo renmuve to thoôse extensive premîses whiebîch been e\pressly crectcd by.Mi. Wilhinîmcýl Phcî sou fou oui accomm rodattion, e U àLOiàK. «xb First door souili of Mr. Laing's OId Staîd. _ýg2Our custoîicîrs will fiiid iin our New Estabulislînîeîut ain immense Stock, caî-fully se]ectcd, and coîîprisiiîg the îîîost rirche cand iat ed asl tîîîctts of slcuîchd goods. A MVammth Stock of Teas, 0lz- AMD GENERAL GROCERIES. -C0 Grat additionîs of new an'd clîoicely as- soited putteiis bhave bccîi umade to oui heavy stock of GRýIINAI GLASS AND EAWFIIENWAWEC WV teciii alinost daily iecilt of frsih Tcs and (sioceries. ifio C bhAt 'l )L'O'IAPtITY WltiClll oltta bl. il liitoutii tutrtix Ittiaro baveî tutiuau iiiuviiuvi1 ua-ui- tîlie uxal,.itraiariiiim lifta h treii îta ttiù , t iuatioi oalit of tia-ir tieuliiii) irtuaesor îurpar ie. Mots iuug beenii luaire fillstit~eit> yctor.,bafiîettiait 1ii iiîud hiiuu1uicg , il-uuii t eatiniouei Orîla tliat t ae tumilion iîutuul'eruutoeito iemio rietiraul ta dt unjoatieltelt' flierfoch lieoiihb> thiatit ,tiiliaviltfinuit ttuir rtm-,-tttàitiOouiW aevuogaitiaiuraýio-itttauel.iore te pii eîtiîita -f lt)tieuiiv i lt:iî10.4e curyCatt/lui v'ilage i iltlita-Ui Ot icuStates, tlarc ire tey tira rauy tutt> 1. ilo lîtir aiiicttry lit imlt4 altio ortti tui ig ttuail wolilyaitenteratms vg lau-t beilth. 1uit iue a iirrut uii, ei-ro, catm-iy erti'? eoft ufile skchu, tasio ope tatii cf lta bai/mS i , trtiti> utoiaiilig, Osh riatioilitgf ho- tditi> eiir oficlcfliteletelaathul ut- it ituir purit tuog a-iou-ta eotile bisa tuun ti a 1- u> P.rtittrope>y, iieI iiil înitfi iet ai lietut oeimyiatiiiii t-trii tl- uîuiin.No (suuil> toi i i hotu otii :1, utît , t - il-nrtiiiaiy taie otticitosîttt4 litri 1v- 1- ic u N i A c, M. D, b Ir ro Siii hyuit toit Ot iia r te, li BJUFFALO I EDICAL 1ISPENSAI iurst.BIStts O R UriE Cons OF //ut,ietut t/rcucte tb/iil, Fobai-sm ieuf,4f .(îî/îi hai f/ocra, Gret-tf JiottrilyelfJut Soit leleiiti, Ilttuju/ce, lce/aPJileîAif il DE. AMtOS & SON, (tCORNSs cm- Alc IAtO t uir Sc., smt;FAto.t RE A Tfu1lE ONiaY IIYStCIANS IN lit iL STATE wcelaorc iîît-tiemeocfthe lits frunti f u'alauck ulit e iiorîiitt;aîmtil 150 itie in eaierya ntadsltlisIta uëDeuae. flic trcuae aîtiti ,nit tlaot i the restt 1ir tireiii setits. ue ico neterata Casits i htsite rolieautoî libt 8 or19 uloe, oaidsc-à a liglit itutti t,, ils itir 1h loyeI t amin lol 0 palier. Tu ue a tîrt aecio*ti e ttit n fl llstt or litirm-itic ffîauît hoieintoe. YcUNGt MEN TAIE PAitTCUcLAR s-OTbt Titure l iacru ithit eoteeuutes indoklgal ay lie ' v, iii tlitatal, eftcii grocvitu s e Miteii ithua uauîtulu;uai atî i cihieli. if net retour uc tfiittît tattihyhacotc vseriseta otils. cfurahrîchauicauiutuad aevastatiihlgiO Faw of thotte wcitegîte wny te thia peemtliO ttm-illeere areocf tuae emcooqices th iiiy /it lttheroti lto Kll ttiàatt foure un tue titiii. A MOO ET Itt ra IC INVatiytih An imiroierit fur lte scure cf genitil DeblX EiNuirtu iiocîios score 1roperlyiskW* ai Soinuatul Wook "Cesa, kt. am.àcnhpensais ereil in freont 1il tiee Onttnites by thétU1 of tisinsrueintst,o-hon sotiicoujolttuii , mcatiinett. NEW RsEMaEubaS AND O IS ieCaCL'5U. Dr. AmoMstc J leitube ploteursIm- na<P iliol tley have iticenieui a mcuet lqotti etemniteut for ste m-tee oftisesber adia.t. tli buctt eitjectealtaiu a tuetbty the îmoUi neieffil îuîeiruoîîît laver lnsnted fer cure cf Samutuel Wenknooa, orasly dlie atd WÉeital organs, coneati by lice secrt tisise Dr. Atoei làSon, lanostrio o AiI5fte setennataet he tmerisof tlOi lEn 1.1 Clltthecnelvessi ht ina" ln1551500 ît inaty proie minssutisfaietiaty afteea6lel!t- the eeonosvi c U rofaioded bi roladii'7 Ictrsmenl in srccd oeror i'een -ltmtg tihe above »ehllSP urUt bsere "tth ie pi114, cm-uth lssg direccio ec eurctle uoat cas5il prose, ls tontitbn. » asu-rAsU Or- l,?05lILW r4fBowaca of Empirlesandastfl*8lt eved - )r. uAtmois & Son bave fra utPOW it trs otn, àato ila , i5 essd oui. op k AT THR YANKE NOÈXUN STO% BEtOÃ"K STRtEET STAIRTLINC, BUT TRUIE!- Survive or perish. i . e IIOLLOWAY'8 PIlus. iliiiirttotf tu.tliliila ron»thetti. ooivîrlataa-cor . he wt.it o llbeloii, wriilî lio-uta, mor oderlys. rooi iîîa fltie elatseile atcth ive fi t.oîîîLItti-orrlr.1 il t ic rti .a hoco nildoocal. u ilt oer filelny bittaImnroî Biloineillinsdisüýordere. t iciiot oa frte ldioaiooi es ttettte i, li greiia oteire iotrhy oitiltto cc iutlto coti ireotiie coroilco.iePil Lýè igeite ioi ii4ae rtre a aicoîîje tilîee t, coltt rl rt ie lba itolll*tl itofloit hotitei- oeoar> tg rooclit. ticu' 'ero lîrec ttsrothitiyî ul i ri ii ctiof ilîise ol wa lqi.e dito tilgeezti-aaiîll o e etorl b aia illri tuaoifln iîteng rac of' dhisîaate il rfrtt tî, cetitt'c ityuiaîîet.)ý lt i-il. gFromo iîasîi lct',lîto-n î4-âîic.,< oiti% ol'ar ugî o it tîii bn-r , i raiil II]g uuilii ailtiti(Aillearfie atttutdi-eti al ltttit aiiyiielte thye c iscal'!,. llatîthi o mplIetiîattinte glfei, 4 li titîi Coîîîîtîiîîi,, tt cot ,iâ ilcDowls iitvtti Fti tir iceioAe t'unt ilrratritnainrtrio, .i>ciîlia eulit iieî)Iîiirc, lli.4I Jour ttît ls, fautit itlîtîîIîîî,i totrd lVeakttce, Ltvr C I itîilt, Lqaiutîra of splirile', P'ie, sfitît f.to ~îtioatil hit s. !?otTtN-Niotatre genilattitî-taw ire Liii-rrl-I it' 1% J liitîer-piti-tk lia ravry o/t M'thîuhtfdirectioaeitroîtiala-ti t araibat; tlie mii t it i tîy lie p1iiitit'y seatu bh ,Idti ufî oh l/t igil. A Iiiitittlettiitia rroctrd teil ai gu 10 411).l e rtioiari tiit ittiorîttîititî i , ci. L; ,,, letectîtî ltti t > îai, u or t-it tîikîaiîgteît, iti tr'eilr itt l So rutli t t lia latîliiritry tof Protes SiltiiiOV~( Mitiî,tîI.urr ý 0l fohta 1i re.liiialleIt i-igieiii uid )ilrrr!i 114 PiteitiC iii tile l titCîl Stlittgittiiiiîtl i iii- wlot , iib x mltid re 3Cei.la Na. Il. ii îuifiligîiitieaialî iii rai ru tilajtlu ra iti ltiio ei e o. C' 1111.1tiFi T1E IJLOOI>. 1litotilit 'o tafll iIle and Pîtenoililîs proc fropil ail Minerail'Poison,. eq p p tt't

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