Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1860, p. 1

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rSPAY &THURSDAY$ Ils<ZCAit WEtuE, ET AtIii rioting Eacblillioot, 01< StltOWhitby. xt forté10 icleg1stry _once. TEttidS 0F SUBCR IPTION ARE $2 __ lis adetiilice, and e350 wlîtîpayuIike- SATU OeF ADVIITISi]c<: VO . 4 o lists........... $0015V L 4. toi, lise,fliroCInsertionu (pet i110i0os l i qaîkeoqtotIsertion,..... Ol0002 rai disetitC alîotred tolgerckonto ced GE ORGE BRADAXONi< cvriBn by tl en Coton- C . OMISI(-,l FI lise boit hu> enu rcuiion »il.teCotin __________________inthe _____________&o WEEKLY CHRONIOLE lRODT. CHECKLEY, X-. >' slid unte t norîiligs of SATURDAY Sfortsi iC~it>ef tiirio. - )OlàlAR 1PEU .&XUNSUROEi)N TO TItE COUNTI (hAbL, ;rieCi> Ilsi ouWîtsiee. c.IYroiliStroteIt. l.lb4 ïcikly Ciroîliile liont io iorgnise ototto- -___ pîy otîtorcoouitry palier iiotilled in 3. S. JONES, yIOC rotor~îOoIvseootueWEiCL, OCAL DENTIET-OïrtC.SIN'îltool titi oy u. . ..itiNwFrL. t0 ' 'tegit r J lglwsSoc i!1118t en lillico ..t................r... #~ 1 0 Rt Ofite. Ail opertionses rraisu. tooqeqoiit inîertionî...... . OR0 arý wil bctdikeconiiiiitd util aili rrent- G.A. CARSON, 11.- D toi]~~ etr ntwlhlclJ tir1SICIAN, SURGfEON,kCCsIChîFItuî or theo Pullliet cliit iaiddeied îvîti>.hoeiilrîîtîtîîgontCîoît W. i. IiUINws, diori4ro. Whîtky, C. W' N. i.-A&dvtentotiopoor ocory 31edOYtRge BOOK AND JOB TlriG EST ABLISHlM E NT. EAST WINDSOR IIOUSE, Wvi[îTUY, Wui. ADîioo,PrOoPltb'iO. rfloPtIRITOIt OF TIIBIEtTBY I E boti Ittîtol s, ititîtlite 1îtunolrimt mand oItCL," ciiiîl lî Cqet fîîlty iîforîîî te (reinel l p flît'ôonolii.. Oilrencd- catIs lies pu rocue tmoine of theniomut i.jolaciiioeouulutiote or triîceu. tood tyleof Tpe freinoew ork ii.1is ti- ta. Sto lt:tl;ticot1r. oulidrieseàeut1is pioireet teexeuito ligiilîîî'îieote LANU JOB PRIN~TING JU1 RECEIVED, blj iiliels Cotc 50leilto C,VREO POU> de.grilit!olt i i i otipriorct11iendit] 00 50 kiisieie'hS,îirîy 8.Elii0 1olv.ui b'ntelî nt the lottemt reiiliîritiiig i 'Witlt'R> 9 Cotitiui iecmrol tî e cit. i'iiodiio <'C lites, Preseosatued 1riitiiig liltio3, -- "Il, Hlotte Iillos, ut iti iîillit ilte13ci- IIG P ELITZ, piittig totiille]d vti u O lour of RIlRIN bUtTIIE Icreet. Orgli i ltîiiiuForte llcrtiso W. i.11 itiGINS, tîtrougli iuseend gîl i. klutte oft CronceeOffice, Witliy, C.W'. Strt iîiîîsrîîîîîoîîtuu bis eptrii to reeccv e îîr Xi~i i ie or iii rcoittuuîee. 4r DUWt3 ~ffcersJ. C. IFIANCOCK, W~BOOT AND 5110E MAZE,,QC )TIN IIALL TXIOMSPSON, %J Ii îl%%FhtLhALBiit(li' .teîrdofo [iEN <IFTII ECOUNTY OF ON. f '-' W h ittite 'ek itue C, inor et s.lt-eilttç-iiiîiigoiitcek. iito. Ae t"trigîiîe c»iliicîeot cnu tiF 'IIEOiUNToTY &SIlllf..TE etune %VOIl tîalit it Otitetuo lu CUeulC sdilla dt .it haiblet lit-l flru litO Uceet1:4v iîgllcti l -uiuîbîti le loiglâD lue Itîtto], ultý oIut ou fii treuilli [ui.vr lûgos pt u -i t tig t lm~ or im M.u e! Ieît1l l, lebuelit.ticý lilllu fOi touittgiii luIl [jiis . oto iiitvttt 1. tes. li cci uf li -nt luetiliu titloi ouik o lite plil,> ni e,ttu Ae ututifeo hlko Lli'b bilitiIlt eh tirt tel orfl le, Jie]c ocuub tf il ttM1 l coli Cslr C. eOTICS iiidulgei. eg te 1tt et elubo ,eu vet, it 1e Iut O t tIDe ",,y'D Et fle PutLI NT -uIEtO FFICE ATTH1E L. FAIIIIANKSh, .uIR hITCfDiIVISIOiiN COURT OFIE jtue Court houet P(hIN GOII)ON, ECI-ulortMiflWli(SIITS ut&IIIASUROIS r te (îîî iof t>itairo. W. Il. TREMIAYNF., hl It 18 fTht lAN tD COUNTY CIOOWN htliiuuuî. Ohlu-l uu Aniihus NosBrie-k l1/cîulFloîr. 1 & DIRN IliACI)ONEIL, tlbfLSciA'TTORINEYS Af LAW-, htete iiii u ni ieitro- GEOR(GEiH. DARTRELL, tRt.TEhI, AIT 11Ni-Y, CuNV EVAN Ur,&-ce, &s. luths e-en J, b.S. lIOiitleotu1 lir eu tur litre cil Sit teet Wli il h% J. y. hxAN, tISTEIth ATl O FbtlCE-ROIi troit, WhThule PUBLI' &cV.&t Iiti thtp, NuTitctheEeitrh1.IC, Butc cut %i. W. 31 STEPIIEN SEARLE, , L.IFL ANI)OlMAtItINt INSURANCE zen u t l iii-tti t lOntario. OiIe 1ounldmiihuui i uI% oîre Store, Brick ubreet SCOTTIS XHOPEL, NDASSOTIEET' I]iTBY,FISTDOC/R Fitt of W. ,tiuug'o Shttuiû 14-1lOt. -. W. CALDWELL HBROWN, NVYYANCRE, COMMiSSiONERI PI/ ukitinoohhuI e iciiithoitLai] Div! 'oru, N.tiry andbtie oitCieoetîh >gi, i.OLiceo-lKbug Sreet, nearhy oppocit lie ieei]ci. R.-Ahi buueeýso ittrtitedte10bincici iil 01111,11Y aîtenuuh-i o. 5 JOI1S4 LIO.S IV, CIIANL'EIiY & CONNEANCINO A. MIRS, B. 'A., TORNEY AT L.AM, 0SOLICITOR tN Clutuier> Ceîuuc>otuCir ., Maci Sreet FIl'TYlhIRISTEAR, MASTER EXTRA- ,r]kaey, aentauiuîr io Ctaiiiuory for POIR Mo-RAi, IIITIA'TRNEY,î etc. Offie- anurhCuuri ud CootStreti, (ejc-e le Cb ltec],)'lTorouto. COLVILL & HAMItLTON, '1ottNFS8&utCOOLNSELORS .âe LAW- iViLLîIÂN -TEMPESlT, M. f. ING STEET, OSlIIAW.A, CANADA AMOS W. CRONf >'IIhTECT, CIVIL ENIREER. AND 4tette Agetlt i WbUh1 IIENET :. &NNAM* tum or UCcOI;Ty -ANI) SUPEROE tourte,, nd olueoipa t WtheConol>' 2000 EII11T &lcutAT roxEETAT- LAW, lhtOite-uRn tcer, u.Wbitb>'vC.W.1 eoer the sterea or Re«mr. &miCuu ALE. TIOMIN' &CINEuc4, SCAREOEOFU-I!e i& tltlui. 4 W ALKI'R cPlATTEIlSiN, PU)PRu- faire otrtur ef Youit'igiitFreitu Streclo. 'horiiuuhoC. W. 5 OAKWOOD BOTEL, nURtON fBOUSE, PRtuT W III OniSY a. -- J.. l. CLAitIE, hern.cilaçz o., EfREPlIANT'TAILOR, N. 74 KING ST X1ARTlN'S lote Woioh's/ HOTEL. IuE -tSUI'hVIIIEIl IIAVINCI TAliEN TIE L iov bitohot ri n rtii . Cfluke, l'i ulle huuf- JOJSEPJI NOUUSE, C 1111KrvTel LTiI DIVuISuION Lutte-RT OF ONTAJChO 1IIOTEL, * Sreetci lthy. tesu L eluulig uuth alitei- CANTON JIOTEL, DUFFINS CENE Iîl(KERIN(, 430(1 W. CUTIIIIERT. - PIIILANDER M. CLAME, 01 T OItCNSTABLE, COUNTY ONTARIOI, liioi lietoetoref ieeueoctige thiiipsi- c 1 ofihue Teouu ouf Titiibs. 1 J. W. CORSON, el. D. FREL 0131 1t 11hIYSI('IAN 'f0 'IIEIlRtOR FIii Ilhhitt -Iiit'on lie-tcIiii oli' Nec 1 îrk i)ec otlc etttihhe N. O .ienittît if Mu eutr là keui0i1-uUpluer %-itoii k. Ri-liiuucu -liuru tutivitiuugu, 01o lueî iu rhhm of thteite »iuüi1ole. BOUQUE'T S&EOON, DETWEEN TihI'E ThlEoSiAit 1) lOSSI]N B.>IhoieKiiigShtevhWeiut,Toroisu. Chiii so ruýet,îutueo (lyot-rs, u&-e.xli kindiofti liuteiiiiei it. A chuto c t ectheu u t aue land utSeg-iue. 3ulJ. I1h FAIRAItiAgetnt. IHENRY IIANNAIII1, P >LAIN ANeI)l iNANIENTAL, PINTER, W. tH. BtLLIRG.. 1ERU SALOON. TFAIcIIiILATE ONPIuR t"YOUNG gi.(n cti i, lieour l tth yilIA. Iîîî it , 'Stet, Set, 'Trotot. Clieuu biiur u Rruetie it tItl]ohe rs. i - JOZtIN METCALF, Cl LERKXI/F TuIE NOTIt h11V'SI'h/uOURT, IjCouîprieiug tlue ToaîueOuihu Brioc-. Ad- drco~ Poiiibughuui.14 FRANKLIN IIOUSE. - LuotuSAY, Ct'.c. 1) . IK'uETT. PhIJE0 2T~OR. iCINR Be atabte aooeioiî]tioi fer Tnt, ehira. W hili, Jeuî. 215.a .i A. 1É. RICE, teccil 9îad rcbefiing t Ftriiitiunui toude] te. Furuuture ca5efîhy rtuîoe. RAIIROAD JIOTEL, 1 FARMIRI, SROPItETOM . - TIS Troceliore. fiee] ltabliig coud iilutîco Ot- lereq. A. PRhNGLE, .jERCltANT TAILOR, BitocIZSTh1IZT THIOMAS ISEVERÏEL, BUILDER, o&t. &Ce, GREtt STREEiT, BROBSONI'S MOTEl, àeunuesa, <ru.s jutËIies, euuee ON TIE LEADh0NG STAGE lItAI> ALFP toc>'ybaCc-cen Witby and Uxrlt Thin lietet bas been reoftte] cand fundu-hu sna ex- -loutte ntt aeomoibn oft Cra-l hors Ere>' ttenien su]te troveloes, antd hu bet avnndoimooi],u rm andit hou-e. gWAastaet Oer alvor.ai atit Lac. 4 3 NATIONAL MOTEL, c-n tahaue-u ir>u, thtea I ii - ntausot... Geaulhiqiieste, TOumane au ten"iU Stablung.Carifuolat0tletinfra,&cM hese. -EDWARj> RAY. A I Joe9N PROPIt? j.,l Wlth ostiiicPrinteil worda, great thougbte a aiting Imdusîry, Wlll.TBY, C. W., SATUII 15C. J. M. FItASER, Proptietor. AXES! AXES! P ERROleNS Iliiinst of a good axe, enitliave the iatioeut, mpiylogtte ii]enuiigied 3 e . siotitue. Wriutu otStl CLAPR IUhTlSlllN te t'I tel te it ou eIt Fut c-Ci di JO Ahi toE AUCTION BItSINESS A TT'ENDED fo as nosil, k1'J.O. stlhig. fi--Aileorrerolchlîu1g Ou Auteleî,sle" >'te isderoht.eiîsd, utiotl] lut lehOcItlîCîsiîeOr- are duiy auuuoiueo ucppu tloy daca 0f tae, ferht l tiiio ,e., niVh oentuiht mb ehioher orroigelutîtiit tihti u u-tlcolltui uie îlteym ltuoy t cciie an dcisry. 1 shI cPte iod-Cortify cii>'agteoîcuîc he>' ;§alos uîtoded it ahi putaoef thie Coliicht- J. C. STERÉLINGl. ieat and WooI. IE unersgned lias just receivisI or- A detl-- leptrcbcce sevemcr ol lüsauid buslucîs of VPoli Sut] Spriuîg IVIEAT, siiso, âay quautihy of WOOLý, for crhich te hIîglîet iutrket prico c-tIi bo palti. Casli1 for POTAT(JES. - . THOMrAS MOODY, Coftiiim o Agcîit. For (lite Couîtty of Ontrio. ISSU IO ONMIRlIAG.l(EICXsgCON- i bANCER auitd iI suoNRfor aieg Allitit iIn tQ. B. uîuu] C. 1P. Ad]rnoo tICOOSIANTON, P. . Taonship of hreck. A Towun fecredo d ocio, oi] i ulololuoouuoiltà 1 jVieh %Vcite 0e thîo] for fotiflo-uuioiu- A zricotikiituit îioiigaviv i- iojiltîto, Tliot i'otiiuibut teloueto nnul ýcutreCdite do A Caiiturio t iiiîo' thhch c-oc c-l epakoe, ,fwoo lîetuer luefurituledcftetîit 1wsitIh ouk: A nurrier lteitby, otoor tha otulhluheec te- titiu, tr tt loiu ittlunseo lucla iiotiig likuf lotioote . -1 A SITUATION IV.N'A, B y aYoun tonl 22yei 0Z£C, lie cin wrie agSq linda-n- iiling to mako biliseIf corrul in aooy capicity. 72 AtîdretsO . D., whi iy 1Post Office T HE Siiheier ixbîprci] toldo itikidas or WuOO-ll-Crlg.ioi-DReesiîîg, i&C.,eluiti ol] F.otalimbiiiîei, 1'iokeeil. WVou] Cardllîîg t 3]d. lurr l. LEVI E. PIKE WVitkly, May 24th, 10W9. MAILT VINEGAIt. &ALT VINEGAR Caiow le liaiii large .1E r.ooîialqooctities, aet the Whitbv l3rew-erv.__ TqE tlitwhenslie ltalrome l -ttue oohWi tec oaetollerchanîttaodot iîors, &il roet l:* rodocci lîi.Tii0 'rde liburilie deui tlî Ai ordorol.by tuit iii siitootly ttcided te. AT1NMILLEJIt, Wlh itfy. DAILY STAGE. r'RO3IF BRoUOlIIAR TO FiOENCILIMAN'S -V Ba SOyttionoî iite (GrandTriî iîi iroîîd, qtmectilig sit!, the gîF Moruing luhtaitEveanug Trains. ] JAMES IIIBAltO. tsovembîer rd, 1857. 43 LIME FORt SALE. O <NSTANTI.Y ON IIANO DURINC, TIuE vi.lîitiîize oriniet an] Stiioeoer 14reli Biriit PL1im eh liil cii kool] toit Cool, oiîy, et ei fier&T.Q . MATIIEW CARL, 7 ý Port i7iUty J LST recciecnl oiseigmentco fWiok j lotn0>o it i lot tîot i foiieyeil the Pro-ý the i.auiti(er ifelor ete aoi eavery toc figre urCasi. THOMAS 1MOODY, Coinfiioisst- Agent. OESTERLN IIOUNE, rIE AitOVE iiEIS.tIIAVE IIEEN T.jutiîîtieocd bz the hieeoleiiî] cîro triser eailoa si-îocloeiîioiîii. Theo flose bis eil isiiioI itkelt, aI tielt 81 ig llart.eitýti- e.!idair. The 0 je go muota Sa ciig, mtiti' leFt i,..! liîoiîs aid to allitoand lror. Titeiii ~u-r-eo!o1 irgail oieiien iliî iv'ol Oili'Jcl%àtI aile be-t Wiiltue, Liuuursiul&a gu -q lî euineisttoi l .iltp uiiiig ru 0loie par t- r MuICHIAEL McC.1t;LEY, NO. 3. AUL-A-tiiTi LUT 0000E?, Lt>W E 13TOWN QIIEIEC. ggrCawe iAe SteaibniaiLaiî u]oîoab the Beilîa4Atel 4uî'-"n Pb-àrt# isoj rIAVEILLEittO AND VSut'RS tlse it-A, dCien uy ot'Qiieboc oil ied os r i a- loiiinodaiiioîî ontliooîrae ciîorgizlit the douce lotel. 'Tie bliatl b try eli -eàiuitiy oiiuicd -iieartho B.îîîks,Steniibont wiuurveodoliitlpriai- cil;ih1 bubisplaeoolito Civ. lie t ol ir are suidiii d wi]it!, osere îîd oce-rv atetiii~iiopli Ou tiier oifurt cand oioeîî.îooou uîriiioriotitiooand diretion, os the iriouroillidi u ieliico, iritiepa lîuuie JOIIANNA QUINN. 18 i'iourietor GLOBE JIOTEL, BEOOKLIN, lrth5tictu zwriirtiiothei iueu'eiiir elite ofilie publie. Tikat riu.ts'r îuooteoklit ooay frîet-uti mallereoidy ibfrioeriytiiiclt- tain1 Celnt ile tue tiIoi~ tel, fail lat Clie ciii l' orin Il c~tu g10ive t1ei i i a ratl - Leeîti laîasO e Ille cuiC. Tëue koofiloeobeeiti lioroghyityipoped, pcitedau iturecvotci, aci ie b itted ai a i% vry CCOpecC ili su i Iitiee er a tuiitire %aotisilie- hiou. The bariand tablteeîtupieoi, ,e fortierly alth tiliotin utesihc ,tî]]drîikoiiis. CouIni 5-1>. 4'. i)AWFS, i'ropitor. TEIE TEJIRAPIN. SiE PROI)STORS OF. TIIiS WELL kiioson 8ibou alre ntoc "' enntititotî ol eauI iood . NiCiIOLAS. Kitgetreet,I'rît t MIti triC3. ThepOn i tittti i-fili Itieut style. Everypuoreiîralte de inoo e ecoit. A igor divoa, 111e] up ut-. potilowhiîeiî tioco but ftic lacetkranîil oie peeîiihed te entetr 24 CAEISLE & bMeCCiNREY. IIAILROAJ> HOUSEa C ORNER OIF iSOCK ANI) tUNt)AS Sts., C MiiCb%, (Ltle ioeeii)Tke Stiii 4erilutr bege te ,otioe'e uCe i itliiibltuutîioof WIiitiis-, cand]ftietravelingti eoiiiiiuiit*, lint lie lato tolien dtsOie choe trot tntas Iliotce, wiielelie lins lilted ai> ie10 îw cand]eonoeiientitmillîier. A trot-rat Table locercedat tlimtibi. hiî lionc, Loitbeoits, i&o., ea u e kad n i liîoniene noiéie. Ail Lit oere kepC oithlie preitieearo wrrsiited tueqpo.ouierBee. CuoCao THOMAS DOIVNING. Ir7hitbhy, MntcCh 30, 185 .8 CENVTRE HIOTEL, JESSE VAN SI , h'EOPIKITOR. Thîe &Iotibier lie rettio.ti]e poeeeiooiut tIlie ne well knowiîtl hiteludot]teske otre Ce inform lits pttrooe and poblie.tfiitC ueuCiîig hmue hatec tel ndooe io'refittilig thé hu ens ele.e teir etiot'ctiute cl eoiifurt. ie rochs thut hie - 1-euc eltaer tiefore Oie pulicllas Iotoeeprms u emii eois oe, ici] to e eifrte ecitur Goat lîis g. E SErN î'i -razE- CANTON T. COMBIANPýS Nec- Store t ie-c. Elitr the Stý loareuce ti]!, Tronlu eue guto > rctiow effet th le public .àhu t».ohlte iio Oîîîiro p etTet ee r âold OihiicaIa], -dlpice.fer, teuytat c-iI 'ue.i.n.te.lie c'..geht cebyhicterro- tt pc vach c- bèen en oiig for eyu S- <ou] tait Tues, aber>eieeti. Tneiottn, -' Shot uit r atnduuqto retliie,t'sti hi h. utrhety lie elte b>'th& 11)lsii;. eci cii Onaie tct]Iei h Wh e i tOesIiot9enstihiuug .Il pricg e, BIUY F G ,RA EW 'TEAS, et t le el Pooibeis igre Tie tioo.psioy ltre bsnettefuil te souset, Chrott~ h lrir Agensiit t Ita nuteîut opttldTroct,out>' eiltt dteLuntoUoIman tibhutiu Meekete, o hat uottemere, Whicte- Ineoitier Iteetieiciet sivor ef Tesia ,ue i hrs tuar nme .smpjuied wc-huth.mec ebeuung na. tiiîdlgorshinxauclie. We limite a trW tétes ot afftoise. TIhe patusl tpu5 fe tho u aclvus.LtAt ettheso Noir on aLçe, FIve Ilunie (,bets I abSeOupee l ....- namots. I<et ua er Ii. -.::-5m liqud et tht.. . Raîtea=b. r d...4 liitestIKeepersý, hebstt i.,opittrsCtii nL Feri esPund pack=~,ma'up.. ven, t TuA, go e~3-tamc-t= do Dcot boy »W ý euWe-aqathvtdd e tetloIt eetctt Cht - d ata i~ laCcsss dre as. et %0 mm veic. uéultcK.,tClaqTlu. cIuiaa - 1î.*, spt. 2% 185». M - IRMCZ advocatc Peace,1 U, FER] New TailoringEsaliheit S1%p5io N &FERGUSON. nLESPECTi'IJLLY niactnce te the is. -0lw abitantts of Whitby and ourtoeuidng punslTY, that, they have epsel da Te raiols. hop on Bfroëlk Oret, *po'o the '10htarlý o ehl" c-bre-ml oraero.eutruoted ttemWel,197IIbedéne cr110 necîneman es aet Whilby, Oct. LOCh, 1859. .60. Qllie A euîcy l'or Uie TrallussuutLOWa?f usitess with theOoVoraimeiot Déportnents. H AS OPENED AN OFFICE IN QUE. buer for tIse Trt*tioo f the Bhusi- ness of Portiro reetîitlis inUpper Cutna or elcewhere, wr110 mty of the O everniment Departiuccets. Peroitiuescirots tf eccuringPatents fur Lansio , or biilso-Cliaof ol ciy othier kirie aint tl taÇýocrnmeist, or requirhng auîy itcforntiui,u lbtaiuuitleuit Che Croc-n Lantds or etbcr Ikobltc Ofitept, tncyhave their busliesos illlgenti), attendtel]Ceb>'a1teicol dent iAgeutt, iithouttthe expoeoand inh- conenitettceo ef 'a juisy to Quebre. Patentso of lincution taucoet AIl prepai] comuiatons, ad]ressed te Box 336I, Post Office, Qiie, cviii te ceive itmneiate attenthioni. il. i, GIBBS Quebef, Sept. 28, 1850. 87W.I!y DRi. F4ED. DELLENBAUGII, -Or- BUFFALO, N. Y.,a A 2111E iuurn dentee]laiefilî ehe ftin -f011 air eito cil] oiiioutl tirieg fron aillit titoiîtilOho untolinric collo to aicko t eoliruii iureîotiotue, oie-h wlululi lue lices beeoeai-tbo cuite autuit iowîeut et' lis o;e xterietuece luollasle ftici(s.o-.Oti flliiferenut]nuurioh fere'p. Tc osoe chu irceiitieitiitcd %vitlloliclcor îuutint u tre ,le cai-to etlieru-, lt i-butl ioeoeocty toeomy, finllin tcofor coure iirocerllbea for frot,4,OW1 aleyeddreily tosfata tretiiih1 ,and lior- r-n'ttoeou ilulo frohi i tuiitretlutof milues tue On our]. TiiuaDeto.r, lIîowxeulana toi t heejclte. liko utueros hotuureecctîhliiig %%lteue fneîur- wctua rc tuitiibt cd]1 iia2. uTe iîiuiiler lisia BILOOD PURIFIER. Stiiuîrior tu e iit juirnot CeteCIof Snrotrit tidcittahtirel>' Oh roule iuc]iierbsofA ile (t fr ipi eii ihti-es, tho let propertiei:oe rwlidl tre etriltttuu by or. cluaire ieuv cliciliiulpocis i tintlit icigor dostesi ce ciiactive ptieu, lhi iietilOr unshi ait oi ctoralirtu working îlirecthy oni he t.iîer an] Ei]utevo, expelliiîg tiieretreii uuîuino hittiiter, tuki*Ttusluruugu tta ieiuau ahi te irgiiiîe Cut uiuy lono lacoul aituiiuh1tic-e, îuîî] i8;acie lareleu tu le-tire Li«#-u 0lai#44icP andt(,Loioiisof11,0 Aîtanejog, Josiiect Cüm- oîseiltto, iqejamiuî. 6etitslil ebblàp1 0/4 ti- coe, &tofo&i, .ult-Rhoeii imir, swe,é o h anduiou .4u.,uuîî cal other .iiteeiueco whieh lcîuu ir rg1ihi itaciigiloroero] or imucro otute oftblitud.i lu iofa c etcuglîeuiliigiraure, tut il e-iue r0 etîkon or urstrette flic hue]y. ,Ec VEtts R ie MEDICINE. Andiio- îtevnr ,e tcku-ueteptuseCOiihsetuoI oitil No. . 1til lleînu 0_i #ulstdos iReu- 1utlbt, ei1-ieitrs emitAgoco le uc'cr OU5leitilae 0Pttne heueeCkeseie '.-e-e/.-Tlie-ozeciittuîo iliiclet CURLS, it rotoclo troîu& cito hrt of ftiebdl ue]theullî ctttur.- trlietiitiluer l'e>urevet'ei eion, fIime r11 va iine rc trttîreu litu,-OLtu ) ýo iutn Cutt1he iuii.tEuceîUimiî, cubcipruiailit Sif- 1tuiler -27 yersr. Te îitenit frand,. a correct iknifet ef Chue tiu'ttsr le on to c w-pat tîcofeoct ulohe, anti t- -Dr ouI. & lutt.iiu 5Co., hLiffsdo, N. 1,', biocilin ft luis .Directon$ Ame ,ceitptuiig ûeîcli Oýthic. No. iîle esit fer si per bouinb; No. 2 fo 75 &lute. IlVitt lOmiimnple notice ficet ac eolfertlu he puttuie, rctlttr oui Ooir e jiuîeouli ri-oiiinioîîdiltg, thruiucrves. Fur sall b3l JAS. Il. GEERME Sole AgenO Wlaitliy. Whtluy, ScptL 14, h1950. W u& a i-y Pianos, Melodeons, Ï&o. WILLAM M oBRZIEN, L<'ij' uhIlihîuest,'nd Fuo tiuýli ileot ai] 8lw iluer, BROOKLIN, C. W. Theae uti, tht.-t tr Ileo]tel, itticv enir, taketu tule ire t h'fleolor IhBoîuhndSito oilet eîu- Nwutnlut thle bt-etut inteiah otn] tast îrk- b tutt1i lte uIt ouhitle iuctilt , Io. lîjo ete frienýituloîîh i-ui etcoire wiuilierestilv iiit- hitilett, uîuld itroieýle] oi, lgoolAnd ihoueuup c onk cuuoa u trîî-kliii u, lY4, h1859. NOW 18 THE TEME. GET TOIRI LIKENFS1S AT .A. Cîarkt lot Prize Plchmre Gallery I F joui îleIre c corrcet aou itf-lke Aîîutro lot, Ctt:Iliitot%-ieLduetienruijt, ret Leir Truiuutilur, or ut Likrei u a Luckc, hrocielu o lii,, tor J. A. i. ceuuîîîeitluli te brotet 1lo, WILKINSONS IBLOCK, Il.i. IV OODVAI)I, atli ethuiuul geut. tiuflcei--I.tely ore .brit-iututOfiTruuIte, 'feecttelW. (.( t. serl>, F-8 ci titttfcr, laiîk 1. N .Aiirlou, Toronito; teVil .ttiuhi-utl eoro-. toiiMuiller>-ue tollt o uin. ' (iîri ' sile lt iii nOi--eiitOi o. i. uontri-ull lil1:ur. W. iiriee lSe&,Qiu Iue; t Il. hJ. Ntuiut&CO. 621>- GEItJIAN ISOUSE, rco.uer ovuixov, ine-roni. Tmialtis t Triitoui Anîd tito Trociutg ttituihttilIte boî e il-dhuus, i llec ut;iîî heenit itteelîîiaii)i, eo-anchutienuientuh îuîuuîr. A Firot Coa 7eele ideserre,! ai this UoteL Aih hlqnrokepl onui hie nitoeocOfet tt to-ch ultittit3-, nhuieu'Cegoro. lsio, c L.iverY staible ietiiu-le1iioo miulhî loo V itluliloc. Cui.iiio MODII.ItTE. J. S. GEhIMAN, Pi'oprieluer Trenttont, Atg. 8, 1859. 80-611W ATLAS IRON WOFRS, tg'r FrontStreel, Toromho, _ CHARLES VALE & Co., ]-'.0 1 tîufuîruuthue tube fiCat thîlie- ae ne e3 ouutruuotnii hoicetOttioiiO irotiioeooui1 Frutnt Stucet, lferenerhY cti'Picui ls tllo Ontario Itrecee3, iii thlt iesh onpltee t3 o fur cürr3 - ing ou, itue busintesf Iron Founding& Snith's work li sa]h!*.abruitelue. Tlry utinitipetiont ftheir niiiurueite Pt- tcrn,foftruîuîuuentcl Imon Fervcr, hhiioiiiee Vciuuaile, Pith )tolaiuiiin a ectiuletitUi _4115t irollCol tiiie, Wiiîdoa t'upiSihl tand AIR IiU'ECfTRAL WOR11U efeven>']emerttutu;Cookiog, Purlor oAnd BOX hîeoOrlev,Cerit ioilio, I'ittlt-u pi rtgu Kertîno, Ilii 'tttiugo outiFouki'big, eAI Of c-hie tlehi-corlc-t te hlle Tuad il ulotiemoen ad- cuIîuititgeittutu tenne. g-rC ountry erdeno puaito- hialhi> ttuttt] to, Torontho, Oter 20, 1037. 0I on3-JUST OPEN «c -TIIITItE PUREST COAL OI, jW' GIVE XT A TRILL,~ Eouomhouerte gel itftrtatiie Aeat$i hy e. -~ ~ ~ l JARJIIepEI, Wibl, Ja. 1t, lu& JSTREEVED. nowiedge, Drotherltoud. Y 18, 1860. The Bîetgo ICie ail se lutth. Bacul BSage ihooura 1 y met ti lIPm urejetsunmut <etnabe- if me t tlova% ahti liefui»fun- Tlue Olegltin e e eecebte; l-bei *Il th.eeezisud 11 tht beaux, Sli itOffiicet, %eé.Ui!ugo 541h, To squeeze iuedihlh i, bualoui Esih otkeu% bhanss iu,8 , H. ai;o- l r gii-beaue i ite otn ighlt Akone lbhesuowy rldjeel IOhcereualte the>' eiugei ,Wheee toitBoutitgbhht koclociuhe. 'MVIoiher iighe1-Ote d liers, Ecohi .1ter-'t boS, d&e. -TL-sYery Inigoier and qtîert, 0fà clhebo ule devicr, Icî-e lot. sei cl uue m aiigbt am cientr -Onanigçl-uaofet Aud yeu sue biu.w iut&Ulse, lesieed, mulu ebliiu.iy 4du gltuv hbh, Wbca faomed hehuhua fl>-litg ntti l'in oc" pouiuehe hriutuge leu, 'lie umillier anmd the tee-- hier in he gemcdisuiiub hat e I h, amwsee c-e .iiud l ii et heer g-uil i tp Ruubucuetlyou the iue tiMe-, Yom kiweat ipsh1-yem tciooe yoa tidi- Aildbu kbooeiyiuenu8. Andiahet lie foibi ere ahi t.li Uoive deaico reueed, Ui he hi oher blles .i], A-pudce thry «Il driroietO uiI3citlitue eneih-the daeihig Ai- lier muotoin shmowt- oeh 44311 acter iuld to any mat my vitcbihlitue" 8. Thc %tieir,wïixk thde hueîosid mmy, ihtete ciltly h ein ui; Bt iutefftucluaucfbunï-e ip Att nielr in Omr plc*%e clic girlel ujitht (mvaselSm- . TOue uuuihy thaggy eatteeiee- lecniied JkIsril- buil phachril ber check, All il iiy Frost, etc. .tiother nibfiiueh ber rote McfUPutfabuo. uo't iheditteooeuh Fire Patiîiee, sculb bbiCaeC- Driets urnee, . Wferrzy Bob. 1.80 Tle Couuteil met ut lte Tow-n R&a peu Élaf-patG 'clock al the iieitbetw pri-w eut. e v man Frei tee let' Beuotruleuut.Society for equ' aid. - te From Cie Tayec-Keeptuti of thte Tow-n ina lio» relation te licutuce. *-* ant Rerdoria] of tlie "Whtity P'rinuIng Cana- lotk pan>'t> <emPtluinicgùflte Town Pilutbeg-- dY affluunts le, 1859, atel teqoectlugtg hat ttuirt Tm memortat ho trefetttd to thie PriutinggCoent- vi mittee.. ce "PLYrizm TI G -E-Nago Toc-us,tuven cneller tà Ol byiS SMLYFIONTlCGYtlleh <ClEdeh, present-; but now oul'ousx&ýevl' The felloci-iogreplY Io te icidu'eee froun dOles. Ons c-it wucatbiot ueài o ue te Ceeocil ecezi"edl frein Hlm Excellencye>' t m*l tht Gev.,Generci c-an recnd.hro \srctitedu estabijie rot= "MnRayon and gentlemen oetChie To- a spitaisnte. front ,forcigu pamr!z iU Cotinif-e ~Vhiity. - - d ol e-onte .fbrtard ced t4t41--l -I bave jt linliste, ico ofil ]iisfonciftho s t ini thieu. ,Therofere in-u-n-ie entoaeti$t au 'oB te a 0 y"st~ Roc-atl111gh- prise telt ic ho ndu$trioto, ce inumiry IW-' nees te Peince cf Waleo but I. ofidetntly cet ouil taeinsikuentt cf mueetut, tbai'- hope hat an opportitl>'may ho efordeelfoundacîlce f pheeui. h gta~ te luaii te itofhe publie cf tisteluta iusdtry.ilii fprelt* h.e;Iujr Colon>' for eeitc-g by téreception or 1Habut uoederatu cibiftiio, iuecu-wül àpiét Royal Higituesa yoer uudoobtlo hitt, ply theilr defieeney. Acel by dougise liM(rýIb and yotric ttcent o1theoSither teunirj'. Obtuefvtttttpropoo, c-e vl bu -inýidv On suy owuhirt.el thank Yeu venr stum vay tte roti Wiithay -on te it of' cors]' forl'eut ceuigtatiionc Con tIba fit. dian citet. Shootd muche a ompany u1a",-r hat Her Majeat> boas beeu ptccoed te cen-.ClAU Oboseer" refereel te be orgniaed 1 tinue Her gracioca coulideace injeuesndlfor a GlomaalCCto, et any ' lddoeta mma* 1 rejoice te cee around el oe yoptekifethe ufectot>', thtatr illhen tou elte interogt et rneciung prosperit>' of the- ceuntr' ti the Toc-nlyite huud receive he. ipput»ift EDMUNDHEÂD. Lanelrequired for Chu eritahlouto f the old î»83 Gralig. I hope the i"preu is" soume- Spence.Wood Qntibec, t iainuenco in behalf of '"TownisMcfAiio-t Fob. 7. i1860. tuien' aed orge our ueaehug msuite'0 cohe The ade n el eeodrd tté aubject .bTen mc>' vo expect ,te-. og ho entored ut fuill leugth on teinutt ofe uoue i~tielcapeo'a~ Tite Comneil retume n ,lu centtemetfno- - -? tite-vhile en hecececontment tac-e and ei- "Po;eug 'upCetn gs. - - portcetuFrtaTperc The report of tht Cemmustet an Fi- hletscwr7ree ecece eud Assameunt adopte], au] orders os eeetunc s. onI Oiceeop %ithli snt, blcebitig (ie, madle fu apyet et hc thetnning 081i. Bnt duvet ounite .,", lie ieeice u sowfusils, cers oethCie Nothtand Southt Wais nuent 4CIZEt- But tticiecilber tcuit i of plt tace. e hitFb Ài*hil netestbite, 4c. o te.acounts. wititiylpe. - 1-;80. Anuduieuuu the atg 2tbeue " 1 3d00EiLc-Ay O-Ltv .-e--.--,0 liuiltîider nmuuel liiicastt sîreet 0ti fronuathete ckbuiiui :toe, Tis B>'lni -asu repeixed. Wc h!areoeA rrivai anidJ4andja- et lte Dealoi 0ttuthe iortu-ual!roin for te discusonin l iis isse. , ByiWI8 The patbug ottte8ngemubte- On moion etr. Perti', - secouedt by toeo tvt~n. Cuptt'î tuotu <bugeronilcbeey-. Caplein Roc-o, s t4ooitieti pacied. - FrottLono wsJ. t) T liemcgbu.tuuut ny c boyioiifraces l lastructiugthie Aincon relation '1Tie1eic o"M.J J eni, Awtiraiscdutieeet boiseu, euc. M TetBnheBy"M. .etI«nn Drue emesetheo assamusinentdorfamzing. property. Ci tue triceac-ho s te contest te eh" Bneura eSteaissie. otacenxpteuaup t ee -orelc-no oto1, Ofethuhat bmufmeriesi,%2d njiùntsMsoeto nonj inhl ftewrdwt o ues Nu-siter sleut cutut y CptciucRoc->grenoic ta. hovet]reuched Lirurpeoi etflye o0cIlock yesteday No other airi. lei innîey uuieiu *aiavthmotrecti cteclie loip ieee taera, beut eopermutuuii aithe next metîet liothe canetmurrnecort. - nth alstanhp s 4 Andc th eee rntluc euows iinhiepeecd ducce aby-lac-te entend by-lntuc-62, (Licence 11, M n., n etlauding frein-tise ateauit Anîd smiutalhoheire etthi rowor fils, hylav), ne l'or cerelates iCe iýrobibition Irorocas itoCby oenerot Cie lite cf the' YttwmmO- iinur bIc-a cr&ct ofel, utsaleofetliqoprs onucertain limes, an] for ',ue),y" inediuug nuîoitsis dmirerae~ iiittiuit te>ye. utallter purpoces. chilythtu Ametican ctîhtaunsFvhisii - On môtion et Dr. Gn.n seconde] ity M. port et Liverpooi. lit aopéeraq" Ilute- The Gniey Divorce case in 1Ecgiand. maie the memoticl of, hu l'Printig COy i Ye . Hiaboxe re onie cver> pIt rutîu thi fesiu nc- ~trcast retere] Ce hu Prietleg Comluet.e. -aect. 1infauLwtent clcd -aui h A peruigropit anong te rin eaby This motion ocucupie] soto me ot a ls. cPu t'9I:fcka itt iuit ; Ic 5iitlO- elatearrtirai maL-es'brief mention oethCie cuneso ian ah c-i e otk - eepltis e . ulck id5pýercTieth-oevruioeou elopemntote 'ttoife et Johnu- an, t- ees, c-e fear ityou1d hie ton grosît an le. eur prîceflhte., it comparativoel) -ti,4ue- ney> ant i ier feetmaoi. Rr. Gerce>'in a lieufictittto nô eemieuteappl>' tittunt'in HeeiuivOIjPtOStebtsgt et Joseph John Guiethe>' C.dinClgnuw te enso.> A - ienti>.tteittOusnhiopil Quakter preaciter an] phillanthropist, velI On motiom- gr, i. îser' a"reatinlion C-eitcc t eiit. , asri.os.ed l mec- it> hO xtesive~vel ~ tau*passe] that c-heÈ tite Comneill djoiurn IL angu,it a large fiu'o a hcr pe knon y bs xtesie tavls n hsco n tnsd djorned tcoUl ?Pub. 2 himsêt. tc try soame yeats cge, for te porpoeeoet On nmotienoetr. Porc>' ecouidée hi>'r. viiiug thie meetings eftheiii neiel>' te whiicit Broc-n e-réselution peostu] intrmcting te - "aemc oo. ie itelonged. The latter wc-a birotiten et Tressnerite 'otl lte itodern etfteiopi th w!l kow buler Smul u e ebentamathmItattuartet par cent u aetib Tite Gi/s c-Rh telIl troh oet~ tht aîl titen hnter Scnel Gane>' thored if the sne eefonverdeel toe wh-~en Che>' sri-bet acrare etil. - his aser c-a the cotebrate] Elizabeth Fn>', Montreat iBank in Chia Toc-n for ctîtetion. Cerproentigrit an] hisc-ldow ila enative ot Permeylvetic. On motionoetr. Pcivya resolution tietesus te deer'Cmncda e *l~ Thie femil>' naine avelcharacler anttuapasse] ondcring teamn et $20 lte cphec' adaseiadtitttc ie5¶ familier le tiiosaninueh iis ceunitry, cho cd te the eedit eft the Ladies BoDecolent emigu-slete Chie counIr>'that byt t.' c-Ilh luitturecte inlu iearing aneontrlcti- Thé Rayon preltnte] accointao utAdenft .eratout aNa>'.fTheiroqaclam oriou", îasu of he domestie decolation tce hasCh>' wViou et$60î, for erafln g ailve>' it>'.ac-, tis ureetStiealt te it l, si e jab'tm decpatcite] lu the foreigtu nsoar>'. Let. autel et . C. Cateren etof 6, for d'rafting- lels ut in eieo uter teetistu steu-c4v k*~ Ceril receire] lien itethie test steaumer have anotiter b>-lac-.', lie hbats,] a à àperfect pcuse in heen sitown te unetiehi furnish me tul Hias Wotniip aline litorintu hie Ceuncil eiestu States. The c"ýî" perticularc BnC~~~ofte retcahes î te o n om e ofaitai lih rvî>et hcaeÂI pah:utv ofthe cmce, Thîe fugitive ,c-ce e hie -nie] utute etsonin aleeretin. o]yo/ohiûtCamata eh nv hl t Richerd Ourse>', R. P.,ý motion c-as pasied introeetlb>' Mr. Per- iegotoMnsià.ua'fV" a Jou in oeph Joh c-an mcrrnied r>', that thse Mayon laite nrh sdopsae c o>Ct i> evnoii a tl Ce tcaiau uhe hn benone vien hiogh LI inlit oiilln.Tueo cBe etc citted hat daring thte hýt w teth c-asbeu h> ltenbas eanonie heu n o ught.mfica inste Rutuie c, ciDr fpper Caocta h aspregressd4;t* abc as nly iften yarsold.Shela ote, son auggeoleei thiat acubi snîtte tue acootl] nacbl bce Ccenbyeigl than astshecithircu. R er AiyOm an anujinsane persane Couriei ai- 'tgwmueainore~ tather, et iit eleuieft a toitcneoet$5,- jourîted. eegreasbikàu D90,000t-ene-hiaiftoteber citildren, cnd te xau attIluhi ttk fte' Où- oa ioce lt incpino ofthie other hait t, her dmring itier FeMinnesoTta.muifp Cemtibîlii-livinguiatsi tmheif1 iite-Cto prnep t biher ]ctth Iib go aime - - Rosleeportionf Ca ndeir 0 tehe cuhne. n ddtin e itn itiB rocgham, Fuit. 13, 1860. - ermoti] erles e* dancice, bhon haîbanel lut mies ver>' cealCh Ys 0' The meniberset tte Council seubledi sai.e oftrytle& oItas nenre the' Resucn t Paiieentau]maoutci a onoct kbut di] unet organsise outi emutgotofetWe$te.n sportionfthétoir 8pleudi] city nstuihntmeot and eoerc tC uou- hr nlad nCnd ceutittu>'seat. As a man, a citizen, a.bisa- afet 12 o'ciek, tht moring being eceu- oc-tin oeir>.Tferiten leel a mi . baud, andc atiller, parbapos aliEnglan] pied lu confèencepfth teTo-oip <'>81. ttte ii pThe gC tfen ktch eanterrg i -does net eesoain e betten or bigiter char- cern prmitent. tryAm ec. T»ý ite realned o fi e- tl8 acter. Ife mucelefor hrp --- - ot' -andnlefl O p5se tpeoru-ie sec-s A communieesticn redet front thie Au. -mont, au] îbot, white in poiml ef sol!t ad ionateîy ettaciteelteitis vife, leizhîing ont diCors c-as rendl, saalng that ln teneequ esce liente il offere tuir.cvanualcgs he e t, anterflut>'ortnelondau ifîecon cotilhioetcertain dilfficitiectun regardi te the Tivm- tIen, bas h.e adii«nà1i mertt Chatlan4 au rerlosiegtaraut mm atecten eit] arcr's eccouts- Chie Âediterc c-uedbch.un- proitcitlit>'à it c -Rhh-niee>' yinteoeosi hugget ase likel>' te coustribeute taero 151e al epeettal eotCa c'mde-b'Ct re ne.csoutlwyî plaeso, -itouit for e mmntm suapatiag ieto 1.11 hat ier loyalty te hlm bail iteen alicantod e t C1m o iUon fà. -mý h ie oui i er heatu giatllisaee rmfer reporting wc-seoxteuded tluoesmoutit. c-ici er 3 bier o-titips. A Sln f810w rsne mnv A jocng nmmu viose anee la Ta>hrhd Au cmîttt3 zirielc rn iteeui~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r itgtyrcmeti]ç n ntlle>' for e steove, &c., au] ordeteut 'onn oidgy. ltea luotib t, Ithe flslJec-lpg. ain c goom r foman, teMr. urntio' lbe pclel saa re n Gorea>"stcan,ate te cacharge, et Oicmotioun 0f rMCroigk hlie Rectogentlemen passe] thuir ex"ticehI o- MmGueleboana el v i cssv- wr altorseui te parti t o rdere Os tavrotfore Chu Betcbçrcfor tt'ie gn eof 1>' fond o e emioetm xeetia, astiwu ofetCheustasCous bo etsfr mni ecodtg> mly t e>'.i ey- no "romtdnteiot. efr 1859 aa t. . .Blake, J. B' Ilb>', J-,OCO, TayIon c-asau.e]tauowt ,ffiuiap. ec No. ', U 03; No. ,,83l73, No. 2, I. . JIuiudoJ- Ley'47. -pearancu anti plemiag muw, au]dttees$13.ReNctu, Y. (latersJ.Il. or touer >'eorsnaesr "C isan tr. On. meioa of Mr. -Campitoil, Ne. 4, $10-Witkincen maud N. I Win, Fl'Ue ihrown xolica ogeCher, sito coneire] a. passion. for itor servant, etfvitichl eronAu cecouast c-spreoente] freinMr - & inucitmde did not eutertca i te remeet Ides o 0l-l sang Chat, atîelyai iths aerbcad iesaas PnaecuCng parties tor breachiof et o -laes - a ituasi lat t ebdoni>'teln MLaw advas on] Cd e la>' orer ffuer. 0i op eini.>'4 ri yet site ha]cesse] le love him ;uth" o ono f aMr.MCeg e-<tatmbyM loz' lalal"7-0 et w wtnaiiomdtl ccuti a» or e ebu eoemEuctledlaIthet provaiol detemined, a aando th budmd -_ ed otheToc-a Ba th ie Toc-cHall ltLm~,O bila Th temèret reonsranc Md eaoçdý sandc-cher ee4u em&tut, aoemthe le tezeý e avaleti aoUO»g tlemmeianeber l-e dltee orma t cmauttuateobceompune os Oe au h Ves âtao. ~ e-Fila*au] relatives c-be -oena' its pma, theisa be, and t-u-o4 oeýin t lae phecti beti -0&inr 8atie me atreWh- e imapression pnme, teevlagber cbulâmn o oionof ie ciute wkbamtme. d h w s silthot ddectu*ec, titIs-tauie bo - wsa inuctea te to t » or t ik- lag b,,cdoudn. &À *edmu* &hummadac omofofaceis.rm-e and bu Ou.sm sebotibodeceti ioft býglcaiforaodrfrRev ulee ao n on d mtmW " . lie <iemin CSaOusPalil' c-i boy uctic- M t hî * <-mse 0 Mr Th i iat fezslatut ea eask'dhh ~ I - T ClSRItA 1 eNltR ianniîsi e) uurethiiioo, !ueliteiio, iktr, uuuuuh gotieri srorkunc tut !teî rel*ir et li kumde of tuiica uât uatmenuuis, is nec- 5repiroe nIe eut]-eeleucl uit- i ero nuruîecto iI bu,. At ie nuiiiuifbetuticd t>' of iu ul ruîuucit. 1'ouoellodeiic'uitu, it]other bhciiciliietre- littteiauiuhrelta ordon. - Pturt ptiiuiit tokit ouui truide. Ail itniiecby iiii idrL4te l P. <.Wit.,of icfet tt hiu oc- Iousreur ouith1e tlniinuin lucj itoltlibo i uit itd]0. .5 CORD WOOD 'WANTED A! GRANM TRUNK RAILWAY. JL tilub f i tt501C, Jiui. itest, blet tOueutle or>'1 tifîrclot leti, Ohfromus60 te 110) Cerrd Mo 0hor , nuiut],t he Grnu] '1ruik Esiwas lstioni lure, PetuluicethIe Peltiuiiytg spe-e- t'r ei uoitoiin.itisuxl lu bho*titCrces Ui,] o bîif récotliong. .0Alluc c c]oir qiietlity out oc] ittWod te bc delirereo t ctte Iiirbor.ffPort WhibOc. THOMAS htoobY. Whuliibt, Dee. au, c-lI. 79 CASH FOIR. PRODUCE. Tue Ui]crign] is prepareel te PAY CASHà FOR ci iqtuanity oO Wheat, Barley, Peau, Oate, &c.. TîHOMAS -MOODY, Coesceuinac.Av SALT FOR SALE CIEAP. - Wtsith>, Sept. 28, 18511 St4 M. 1MCI«n1IÂLDEN i&SUE.R 0F ,,Maat IE K, A1JCTioNfEaLA» )AGENT, IVmSox C0ttw AGESI, m&0 Wi-tii h. viOiig te attend pejou h i cdtr- tuli>' te Ray hucenec-ih etl io te mu>' h eutr,utc]. Rcidetee-nostattt, rok, Ceont>' et KEROSE NE OIL. ti tis.- -Oliîet c ult ine hioige. h NELSON G. HEYNOLi>S, IIFF. :e- OFFICE AT ThIICOURT POlTIli ADÎ PIC IS'1'iA1. OFFICtE ON BRiOuR ST.,ý litkt.h :RIZ 0F tilt IEAiE1-. ObFC-AT eVlurh huîct POlIR V. ]LAM, RIlZ OF TIE COUNTY COURT, ANI) .itr ofttîhe iritioCourt. Ofice nt tostry Ofice, lBroch-tSteet. t -W. PAXTON, Jr., iiSUtlhih. 031il'R AT fflECOUhRf Il. J. DIiACDONELL, î'lfutlR, &- '1CIZK OF ultThh E Ct/UNrV tutil. uîtlee fule Cie teflouseuu. i -f- 1

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