Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1860, p. 2

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bepoppy- -i I - t.stpvQranTruu........gi>, ~ bure Maept a fery trlnmpbaat ~f551: iiý, thie nomcour iI nt voo - wt do. de ........... IXet P.nisfor lb.elutpesebutest of-mnitern, sdthe b Orb' Qû'rl Cnd, ei.tbt&'eb Wet do. do,.,..... 309 P., u.aV Ut. e nit hateto do. do ...........S939 a. .Instant rocale!othe .Governor-GostoaL maVude sna'>'tivIety tetez> om ~~ - - c~~~f the~ curions hofore the boys ft a . hs V bili.. CQO' 009lEEP.N»M.E. conte mon. qlaetq jmynO0,prio.m. iBut a truc. toýfurthen scribblink'imhh bedbq ~e.we4~009i, . 2 O,06IL g- F iamoeb. 0, 1800. baiexténded mncb boyeni t' M pecs a ten1 Ui Ltb 'ou1lid, sIit>'Monda>' utrtiiw YMy oir ir,- ' ' tio#. Pai At te > 104. ni.Yen uttexe ',e if 1<do nt Ipiz4 er atfl ai voms c00O"ol. ea long yairnIbs ei, 'er I eau bard- ON flt *Eve y Monday svenlugs , athlbVomn 111a1,l, 'setei write omittg te a severe 'cld-iu.« 4 '-@a- land' à nt 0-300 ~ fluonza, I suppose, Ilte coomrect medicai EHNV'lstt."4el Frida> O Fro M,çasisil VctoiaBuldi ~ hrclterni-sud besideî,ni>' eaiti>or brain seonis Eveniuig, Pr, e> o, rot Potaoep0s FNroî, nint flnsîThuraduîy beicre fftmnu uinto e h itring like the ssuibua iterm, sud l i decllir«a ailéectre before the Mechaiies"mth *vely uW,,lî. 11mus ait i h omtinsbierimld1 - Onaige Lodge ?A.,130 u.%pona Tnesy In ml.li it omoin .usieInstitute. Subjeet.t-" 2The PO*.t17 'qf titnsi ec menult (Sîili'. la loek, Beook ,tret.before I eau de machith le ira>' f it--l 11 Nz. *~u, ~ecrelai ~ ing. - nmasst y." We hope te sce ailrge 'u ib IRcere N .S eo, t s o nd i t; I ni lu eve rY mpt se a th u a c on iant, ' W h o dieiioe. 4 1 U Q:,Ne. 10>7,mcc Intse Orange H1all, Pulismeul, (Mancit, April, sud even Ma>' ArrIva!cilethé lb. hezin. t fi re,wodcln ilistt Frida>' iu overy antil. baiviug nentieued' are aatisfied by titi lie lions. L.. 0. L,?. 9.SP, incet eti0. Globe Bely llreoklil, tito rtt vrldoy'iu vér>' amut. that titeirLgnomis do't amount te n 'b aPoRatLA*P, Feb. 140 R4 PR No.fiî' 95rac , mtioûst luhirsdsy l over>'an>' sense, seeiug that tho>'have.oete Te oeal oILvrpoOl ai 2 p. ni.,cfl menth.,'W. Jennliî,gs Scîrebtrv. basteseodn'er deiaiyed the event. u e it ut ouiot uenter u2df, ne sens cf Tampeiiee,'Wiitby Division, No. 31 As parties are ut preucul cenuîituted, l l sd rved aitPomtlund st 11.30 a no th (esl Aill> d Tmptl5'>ors, atGerril's u1Aiî, difficul t e sc mitIHon Majety's loyal Op- thc Idtb.The. Kaugairosailed for Nom Yorkthp u o'. position eau, do, an, suppose Ibat, b>'titis at te sainielime, and lte Ar-ugo mas te coea w îuîb Vhlhamelo oeîtythen ate galant leader munsi le pret- loave Southamipton ou the sainie day. Tho UolTuuiîplas, Sons illli,Tuesday ovenîngs t>'elcovne bis 'chances aga89in ,Anabis.amived at Liverpool ut'1.80 on the * î.î.iîou us-rics.grasping tber reins, lave gnomu beaintifuli ' evening cf lteé 29tb ait. The Hungarisu Th piseolCltureh, St. J.loian'u, King Street, lese mt tce iasieof lime. His Shepiterd raie1ueutm aryo t IoLning plu i 0'e.ijole,5a u nd 3. u'ciok, p). ia. (Alter- is tukiug eut a cruel revenge forwthe sighttof lte lati mut. cate Bul 9. 1E J. PENTLAND put upen hlm at the greait convention, sud ta a pend upon itbtte elwpathi Froe Scotch Charet, Moelaunies'Institute, yeunimu>' tthehu1 lite fofom BUtTA s Lr on T corne] lof liron' sud Mary Stroees, il O'ClOck, niea n iihief Thore ila fnn a.iead. l iefga fCnmn odJh nî,and ô nhcc, ~ t. BEY. T. LOWRY, .Opinion bas nom pretty mcll settled do liRusel tated inluroply te Mr. Dieseli, that deai lJo gmîoua Curlicone cfilro su l agenersi conclusion favorable to r in cousequence cf a report mitch recced posi Mary gtpittsionn itli ornea. ou. sud on n G al' ica eteat ragmnGoverament f rom ,their Minister lu Switzer- hein, * 1EV. J. T. BYlINE. -fer mitibo h le feitlit atinl oorrfuil>' to Isnd, airepresentatien mas niade la Jul>' faci Wcslesin MtiiodigîChurdeIlerner et C :rttrneuderetanti it, Anti Maty treutn, 10 â» o'éck, s. mi, sud nariuass ytudvle t ltFru onctsomvineof uSavoyeuce lie a C'eook, P. ni. muet 11e slated, the generalrosuit la vioei 1 iteuiec unx coclSvytere BE. J. sVNT.se . satistaclony. Tuait il ià so, is in noîli- Francie. -'Re meulti state in a day or Ime port UnIted Prombylctiat CliwOh UQIMWID uig more evitieut titan in te virulent abuse mitethen paperi couid ba produced mitenut T MEV. 11.2 Il. THOENTOP.Nni . of the despairiug Gril sheeots f wmiti o r detriment te lte public service. tic;i eaptist Citrclit, S elook p.' ni., overy Sun.- fraudicocetemporany, lte Watc'rman ils a Mn Gia ud itene annou nd ial.oumlte T day. E.~ LY. fir 5rumplc. m6t licemterd laînouclexa fnainalsifthe- r RVilLLY. By te mai>, talking cf lte Whitby Watdz etudene i ul xlnuea ftt ma s l a lacue liatit in laomued ci'con- nom Commercial Treait>' itit Franco. Mi'. V Auotion Sales. trolled b>' uk gentleman beang the Queea'a Gaaee ie amvu o h ep a - -Comisson s Cptin u te MlitaIf poitthtnt of tite cemmiîtee on lte Mail vinc gd-7,jIr. Sterling9a IBook' o Bal98 se, ho must ho a paragon of a paîrbot, or uktauiTlgai'cotataae kep e as uia'. Day. appointedi wmittitamore Iite!>',a a prcuu- ming popinga>', thait ttc charge. cf Pueket, soi vice and mail e 1 ,rlterme maffde ~ttheol f thi8 te suiffer is comua te bc the vobicios for abiismudh uftr rnfre i pcpe.'AaU ridera reoived, and 1apen pot-c uenuRpresentalive. froinithe Admirulit>' te te Peut Office. 1 aera)igdnmeirtemade for' otlier CoMItY Pesiblie onenshimacîf ttc former, fand bTtc onmmiitems .ppoeindlulieede- aunt 4Uetiorsee' Sales'. 'Il tua>' bethat lte il arsamcul> ceveting tbth e on mhicit li past proceedinga woer de.. u UW. Auction BEilepitt t he la best gIoyýof iryrdoininlathe noble cause e ouf e > ei imea, iioeieaui uuyo nt furiler redued Pices. confuion.aigoring, ini miicli bis groat regardeti lte commiittee as lte veticlo fonria 0-1Parties procurtng- thir bille at arcitetype, lte Globe, bas been ao succeus-huignpeqt'.Ic titt'~offeerelt hve lar SlesnOtclfui;-,an4 ,resu>',. ne mouîdhri' ost- On lte .31atLord Jhn Russel stated unideýr Mc prope r hed, free of chargie priaed too fihlm promoted te thut houer.thlafi-asiegomme'unctod ne au fl the isiea 0!f -the lf'èeAl and Tme mas ito u uuh inseots mo-re bruaited a plant for te ar>' Aasociation lu Sardinis the B2î4ni.1Weeldy (J/a>r.>iele. out cf exisewe mitit ilîtle ceremen>', but a taviug fer is ebjecî lite yclunian>' orgaul. Pt] p die> les. cculuited te give tem inipor- zutien of the people bas been preposed, but tacbscflate been put-oued, and iteace, Garabaîdi had net acceptedthett Presidene>'. ae ut a, itat oreamitierearefend ca t; Mr. Lindsi> aoved for ai select commit. pa cilice, sud iu honorable posutuona, courtiugteerteonqundrestfiionslaelit opteaticp Wiui, oct,,. priaaw wordi. ogm&tistghoNnd nSnlrlnc In- public noloniet>', b>' thoir acumilouabuse bt.esat etiton fetn iestp ",le, wO sdy«voc&Pose, t'rolKuus, KIaewtedg.. iroti ftepmr e iui ie'oi epc igitereste. Hoe etered aI lengtit into dei sud servicel, but dooniedtt pet andi fume the grievancea cf ahbp omners, but epudi. -WhiibyoThorsday Ev'gi, Feb. 16, 1860.'ilit et o ci dranco until tie>' gel dis- ated un>' dosire te etumu te lte protection- gusteti, and lv>' tie other tank. I beard cf ist prineiples. After soute dobaite thcenie- TO B B 0 Ri BE RS agouus cf titis kinti, ibo some lhreo >'rs tien mas agreedt t. age, began te suspect lho tatiwasted lbis tLourventmasofgivert te nlg uail er - Th tere fo' lie Scû.Wciclymilienergies lu vilifying a certain high officiailt, rvnin fltn> itPrumna> be 2 5 inadrnce or$3 0 ut with m in ufermer yeuru hoeitad been et; olectienu. One cf bha provision ila that par. bco e nd df t cc y r $TueWeely of intimase>, and lu a fil of ponlseuce tics convicted mai>'bc1eimprisonet fa4r six (Ihrcmiclé wil bc publîslied in future or hypocria>', I doa't Ikuom ibict, came le ontt u tard Ls teer.edigsi - o SAcRDY5,ut 1 ayea, ericlybun aind expressed hia regret. Ho ma«Isnllte Houa fLnalt rceig tnad)eaTU e; T 2 wil$1 1a eaitred ml recebved, sudlte put wouîd bave beca arc unimportant. of Mien payable et et-mise. fongiven sud fergotten on te ceuîdition c toic f Oag a ua ii ed hie putting bis ncm.fouud confidence anti Quecu Victori4aat Windsor Casîle. repentance lu mriting, but titis te objecteti The London Tinse editerlaîl>' expiains s Autlclýp'sed speech of Grit (rumbler te do, anti apeut tours lu trying te persuade lte preacat position efthlie San Juan diffi- in iChief nt the Appnoachlag lt fiulntl xc t ouet u cuit>'. Il aays me have mason te ltink - soies.o@lheofivai n etrtuoatte hdoplce,sutlltait te proposais mode le Amonica arc Mr. Speaker Sir.-Ianm'siug upen titis nom just as cantankorous sud abusive as sob as mu>' tair>' saIi'>' botit couatrîcu; assre enliti iever. Tiis la eesample ot Gril integrut>'iset fsadngetfrlt otn occsinI is sfe>'and ifttc trut were tuowu, net ai to f Channel and a mitole grcup cf Islands as yi caLnuoflt o pn titis, nnovel seun t, ie baeittuil.- - ail cl 'nnoulei. u gainst lite Haro- Ctaute,-uone cftem. -p exînuordinur>' limes. Tite clouds -ire thick- Ttc pôrtion et ttc Grand Ta'nnk te St. oi'peett evcsf~ en efni 6nug Apole lo lopi bu congloiners- paxai, a tom milestiissaie of Itiviere du olped ai devtitesdemoliat it erfoita -i~.The burm i1 ho amfni, uppulliig, Loup, tas been lu active oeraîbous tii ant i latgeti the pastime efthîtoming about2 ivtsltilI Iareat>'qivers lai the bal- iner, Ilt aving been loud te Mesura. lbasseeka, cuaiions, pruy'er bok, &c. Thtef e ofteAbitot &Feer mite u t ver>' bm rates, officiais of thec ciurcit more treatedti mt anco Every titing gives an emen f it nsd mite haive succeedeti in evolvbng an porsonul violence, anti censiderabîe pro. ~ppteanitinà Storm-ni. igit han I mn, amenat cf local travel mitoli>' nuanticipait- pont>' ad elondesîroyed Ttc malter tati 3b1Siepitard- ita aquatuiated, a min eti. 1 am teldthettccars at-e alies t ivaif -c iietiainiul otHue fPr lakeo, tint for al and ail. (Interrupion> b!>' <i, anti certal> et-ni arkets -have lhument and, Govet-nosent bui prornisedti t ai crié&et o* "er>' suporiert-teyen."f) greati>' fouit e benefi ; mitile te ceunIr>' taka measures to put a stop te tiese dia Moeus. Gis ud Suîitbav retrnet. popte, ilisteud et conanmig ail their poul.gacfnptoedgs andSmih avereurn ty anti mutiz>, or expeadiag haifthIemr The suip Endimuon, Captain Halietti, et '11 ehm a. citiget olti lampe for nemI1 value in bringing ltentot sale, f att lieir lte Atlantic lUne of Nom York piokeis, mas Ti.-o#aaboaots-ot bis nuaiarous and nove1, accouais in titis nom systeut cf tranitporta.derydb>fiellte os>'nIe a 1"Bage."'r ite- ena o u àorletiup as au "A- ties n alte shape cf good priec, and emali ail. Site wiring lantte Streamu reati>' * 3d4lin heot-ls"ite . W ddut -fr me.s iwen lte arn audentut-caroout front sha cou tst ita. aniu-ati age Tite A 'great deal of nomber le aise being soeo unkaoma cause about -foui ' oclook la §Wlsoo tet tosilAq &04ikg. Tmemade titis inier on tite une betueca Ricli lte morniz>g.Ttc vessel mais sntîied, but milti7 iii monttianti Qunoc, snob as bircit, sbOipa lte reediug tdo eflbar mofi 'ont 6(,mater, The dilslution oethlie Antrian Empire- kaces anti fleers, iathweood kc. !et Hofmiic andtiun epite cf even>' exertien lte-fianes tue ulnoriaetitiruil King..-tte disse. eaa<aibord te puy' canruaigeý.Tte Seasonu. naget fer min>' tours antilte vossel mai, 'btolusn&Word cf ltse Papal tensporaliei bie -business bas given relief te main>' et eut- almet total>' dectroyeti. Damaige estinitit * ~riu c qeston qu.s)e siomi i>'ti, lt-unempleyedsciipcat-penters mthavWe goie cd ut- about £30,000. Thiteship la buureti (cri& o qustint uu,)u sowi bytbelkte lte m oods on thliune, inateati cf romain- but i111e net knomu teter lte cargo us sit iiei-UI¶agliea, e u hûti M Meluiz>g hors te siarve On beg. oeti buias u rôtitruct, andi &ite st, iât Î S Ttere is a asdut.T Of mAYa, ite90ed lae£ ah qve eofbiag ont, me deuIl ,,'ot, lu deviOpnO m sources cM f revenue, for it. l-NE b eaua'cep a ieot ef, qfempioysaet tolb. peope, anti cf TkiePis Urdoer. lasuipprase.Th& gant h »moniutsdIbv sdot Mm<tuýr li pîabiisiti e deore. of suip * g s 1a Ve.yToant miotestti. K aige. n" > ' thonght, oet i1 soon be preaion, ays,mnoug otiter reossfor, lb. Our le fairofwr' C41> 1 PointrLevi-tite village oppoite Que:' thatJournal b>' mitielireligions opinion mas- us Pe"- 400o /' mitSeCanada lbec-li a <e iugt e «iuo Mdani inipe f lcurteti, *iteConutrýf glltOdjand' lb. questions muâ et o iecumed mit hat a' nesnià niiodratioit mmcli are irequin- îa tise~ ~ ~ _ 1ue o e l.pulcpence ant 0 respect for' religion. VO modal mwu about te b. stnck at lthe nme 1nit o o m meie ratG te signature e Tyeat>y' cf dôuim-ere bemn Eng.<j aud Francs. rdersUbd been'receive t i Tonlon te ii-'thie piste frigaite Gloire for sca;lin îtu ' ftiatdéspaicit. Ste carrniez 36 .guss~ntia ,~elprom cf -encrions di. on sions. eer destination la unkuemu. .on 0) -ij4&r uptblist a despateit front lui C,4'rb ist*it statea that ounlthe 29 T! pairt hostile te te accessien et Savoy Ca rance bath matie threalung demeautra- Fi s. Neani>. 250 pensons, assembleti froni uv )ais ot Savoy ait lterequcat etfte rom.-hli ta Chiberî, antiaskcd intermalien' lb e. everuon as te ibethen il at h .tioi, cf lite Kiug etf Sardinia te ceteien Province te France. Ttc Geveruo-1 A ed that lte King meuld net millingl>' ng lte province. *Titis -Bautement mavo- ol id mt'senie cries et Vive le iM. ai Spopulation et Chamberg met-e complote' Il mger- te ieemonsfiti'tin mieht tek tc ce lu lte utreet, anti h mas inferreti sa tteir feeings more consequenîl>'sm. c, ahemiitFrance. t] 'te Frecc preteetionias wemre makiag n pcrate effertsacainst lime Emperoro51ro- a *d tombmenciul reforms. ' Petitiens more m ng numerousl>' siguet in lual ttenmainu- p arnug temna againat lte tcasure. On s c ter liant lte Empero- coutinuedti t ýive -ceagratulatet'>' utdresses froni m- rtant commercial bodties. The Pays saysa lit numereus depuis- ne froni Savoy, coniposeti-of persnsoft rh standing, more daii>' rz-iving ut Paria.. The Paris flout- marketliati teclineti 1 0Jpet-sack.i Wteal mas diffienît to eldIail reduceti ru. Wbeat mas aise lower in meut pro- cial markets. A Bmusacla telegran su>' ltaI lte Uni- -a8, suppresset inl France, lu. te be cen- nuet te b-e publiaheti int litIcil>'. Ttc Paris Bourse mas greal>'dcprcssed id a fuît etf eue pct cent liati taken place ttc close. On ttce SIÊt there mas a ibtiy better feeling sud lutesî quotationu ES 50, uhiet mas a stade itigiter titanlte ýveut peint teucheti. Thte punie is ascnibet b>' lte Paris cor- %pondetfth e London Daily News te, ie bîaicit boîec lte Emperon andtihie Tite Swiss Faderai Council bati trama Dp circulai- despaitet expreusiîag alunm ut te osaibi1ity of lte aunexutien et Savoy anti re te Franco. Grand Duchesa Stephauleocf l3tdeu bu XIÂTEST INTELLIGENCE 5AILINSO0F THE 5TEANSIit- ASIA AND CITY et' MANCIiESTEiI. Nxm YottK, Feit. 15. Ttc steamahip .Auiu saioti to-titi>'for Liverpool, mitit 60 passngers anti $46,000 ýspocie. Ste took ont New Orlens mails f te lOtitanti telegramu le the i4th. Tho'City cf Manchester -uticit aise sal- ti for Liver-pool teek neititon passengers or specie. SUI)DEN BEÂTE OZ 5ESATOR CLARK. BoSTex, Feb. 13. Mr. James Clark, au ageti relis-oti mer- chaut, utile ln the Hall of Repreëeamlatives.. cestetday. istening telte debate on ttc propesed beitenment lm lai hici lie feil nucit inteneat, suddenly feIl anti expiroi o appolex>'. Ttc House ait once adjouz'ned, Herald Wa.ulington Co,-respo;denee. Thte Attorncy Gouerai tas givon an opi son le te Secretan>'-of Treasur>' in fayot- lte paymeut le Taylon & Bre., cf NE York, cf amenIcf Tresur>' notes utii Wa been stelen <rom a former emner ai transferret 10 heni aff ?matumll>'. - Officiai despatches frent env minister Citili say@s ititoutrages sare cuatautl>' pi pètrateti on Amerlean citizeas, antinnei fonto ave matie b>' tie goverunent te i tii-oa ten. Titis malter mît lihe Penu niai difficaît>' la befere lte Presideut, anti doubtlese take snob action uslte inupi tance cf tite'iubject demanda. rUnTi B TSARAOO. Theo Prneau azette says that Goei ment is on lté'peint cf ucceditig le t commecial ta'eail tmcein Engianti a Fnce. A-Berlin dmmpatebtmaya il lenit li tise- aningomonte ýbétmoonFrance, e Sart*iarespecetiuglbthe ssio <8< VÎ msgrsiuipon proviens to tise w tra sitoulto etr'exacuate n nla *-'- lit htr it>', N. Cr 4lm ou mre burutjiP Â treeain kigmo eiene tol ving- great Ios te MeiUre. Galkîns, returneda verdict, of '6sunîide.'y te obe WIoeler.sandotheTi[, Man' tilles are Wltheut shoiter or mens of U 1u tuuî ig peort. Parti>' nsured ýTbe fie was the )rk cf ap ccndiar>', and great excite The Editôr cf the Milwaukee Free Dem- unt mas ica ~etereby. ociratget0o the followiag humerous aieà ceuintcf bis, firat attemp t te out spread ose- Affltria indignatatcouit Cvour. gies, .1ain.d >-il1 .îh 1is;sot of tbing. ýwe :conld e' * ~recômmeüd a perusalo t cf I, épeciaUy,' tg- e" The corFi8pon4eut cf the Timea, mn. those whe ave novices la tis amusement,: g from 'Vienua on te 1lSth uit., says as juat now timei the Ms "The nema that Count Caveur bas been ,"sRigbht beneaitbeuv windows, fron meM,nu ' lered te lforni aMinistry, bas se great>' tii inidnight,irec sec yenngsters. and old-,iný- irged the Anstrians tba thte>' indulge in serà witigtheir legs l.a aIl.c. ceivable Iml iguage *ibla;ntin 1u ecoming. abapes, kAtiug up, and:,down the- river, luth( tSadiian st'atesman. la comprêd te merry as.lambe.j Wo cannet pick up A a »ik sueuhead, ehinderban-nes,' and' the per but an article on ",skati'ng' meeis Our Pn ~encan lniah aredcadt e .o. REvery, ladysays it's ,full, uudthat feci ecomplices <Helfershe<fer.) Ia the' al 'ever>' lady', ka6ws about h, for me bave l la-i ighest circies Itis ceulident>' belioved tidi.'~tni -,abu as'ih .1tî4tollaiw bat the wur ivreom enl the spring ufter réading a gloming description cf -lfe lt being -ivident that an attem:pt miii be o? skates, me prep a r ,ed oucr *'firat at airpt,. e aadeýteejeetlte Austrians froni Venico." ýand salliedà forth- te join themm>' row a bhas been repeated>' muid, Austra miii We had on s pair cf stega beets, -tremeera , it act aggncssively, but ale wiii net failtet legs tucked inaide, a robént taul coat and aapn ofr a vigeneous resiâtance sbould ahe be wlîite but. We ment-dewn.on thobe, and 'e ttackod.,The'reilareacfn te believe that gave a beytwo shillings in geod coin of he Imperial Goernment a few daysa tge the nealm, fer tbe use cf bis implement s.ý ®rwarded a note te Paris, in which it mas We have confidence, even as great as Pe', fainC mid ,ha the Emperor Francis Joseph would ter's faitit.Wc, mitit the assistance cf a COlit ,ontinne te insist on die fulfilment of ail friond, fi xed on the skates, and atood erect, namn, Le stipulations made at Villafranca. IC like a barber's polo, Encouraged b>' the teed as further ataited titat if Sardinia annexed sigitt of somo ladies on' tho bridge me nani a>' part of the Italian Ducities, Austria struek eut. A sîtînt te the right with the tP wouid net conaider itorseif' bound b>' the rigitt foot-a siant te the.left witit the lcft îtOi' 1 premise wbich ahe made te give Venice a feot-and juat thon we suw somethina' on o>d separate administration. the ice, and utooped over te pick it upi1 undc The Imperl Court la extremel>' excited On our feet again-twc sanis te the nlgbt :Pose and it la therefore net impcsiiible that isome and oue te tbe lefi, uccompaniod mith a 1 stops miii be takea mhic nia>' leud te an- lis cf confidence. Another stnide witb ther catastrophe. Bots are ofl'ered that the rightfoot, aud me at dowa witit fearful ho diplomatie relations betireen Austria rupidit>', and very littie, if an>', elegance 2,11 ad France miii be interrupted again, "be- Wbat a set dowa it mas, for me made a dent 1 fove the worid la six montits elder" but it in the ice net unike a Connecticut bttter- as not probable that titis ii ho the ae. bewl 1 Jut thon one cf te adies nemark. D Austria cunnot go te mar, for if site did ed-"Oh, ok, Mary, thut feilei mith the Dr.e there would ussunodi>' be an ontbreak la white bat aiu't ger bis aliates on the right lk Hlungary', My suspicion thiat a sterni was place 1" Ditto, thought me. Jnst tîen a po b:-ewinir in Europetin Tunke> proves te be naggcd devii sang eut ns lho glided paut ut weii foundcd. lu, faiet, tîhe Servians ini te -Helo, old limber legs ?" and me arose m Pnincipaiity tire now trying te excite their suddenly arod put after hini. Three alides i brethrea on titis aide of the frontier te se- te the right-two te tihe lfft, and awa>'Me ditien. A few days tige a Montenegnrin went our legs, eue te the East the othorba digtîitary wont te Belgrade, mitero ho htid West, causing, an immense fissure laoIon, a cviiference with someocf the o et lafluen- pants, and another picture of a butter tra>'a.m tiaI Servians. A Reîgrade correspondent iinthe celd-o& I Iow cold ice 1-then the lire cf the Auguburgh Gazette closes bis letter lady-me know site mas ene b>' the remark tieI mitit the foliowiug mords :-661t strikes me site made-again spuke and suid "O0h, fe that serious events miii aoon tae place look, Mary, that clîap iriti theit white bat scv here and la the ethor Sentht Scalvenie COUn- lias set dowa on bis bandkercbief te keepLc tries. Titough, ne pessimiat, I canne but freni cutcbugc coid '" We rose about a fez four that aometiîing is about te ittippoît." grticefull>' as a saw herse, miten Mary said the Titis taillies wqith the private information -guesu 'talntai a anditercitief, Jane,"- ne( which 'bas roached "-me.i" and Mary mas rivât. Itms 1tahude-ha(t cbief-net a bit cf it. Juat thon a friond _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f l l w i c, e p r t c a t i r " l o n g , a n d p r o f le r e d u s b is c ea t t a i l 7 e 0 on tiJOsiate cf the French Colon>'0 lu Newasaited'.ý xcpdthcoin Caledonia hias been neceived frein ]Porte de uation of bis garment, and np the river me O Frace: "ThugbI na> ne hae valtd ent about ton roda, miten a shy te thelu the interier cf the Island, 1 miii give y nou a b'tc cdeeasdus ir helh mopinion cf the advantages aud capabit' t cotof uatagn, iosop demfy i ooy hepr soeo h but the ico lus ver>' coid titis season. of îles~W cf thiaicoon>'.nT A pori laoeeeet' tia fineut ,l e vorld, aud offert; excellent o rle d taghlainhe A gildwe n e mu>', n 8 ranchorago for vessels of au>' tonnage. At gleadahi h tewtn'wak > preent hoeve, i lunater iffcut eo'came env bump cf piîilopregenitiveneus on 'n'a g acceas, owing te the 'ma: of signaissdl& io and m n million of stars danc- l sea.mnrks tea show the passages betmecu ingraround car cyca, like ballet girls ut thteg thecitinof reker whchsuneuda l.Bowery Theatre. Hem that sheck ment g Ttcvegtaten f cunr>'la eutinxnithrou-git cr systeni, and up and domn our e uni, aud cempnizea ever>' kind cf tropical spinalcoluni dn. Lahtugr cuid a' ngt he prodîice. Tite sugar cane is feund luin crasneed ndemo reaed aplting emîet. h a wi;d state, anfi of a fluer gromti titan I greater spee o oeebirtu f'c.f have fcund anywbere cisc. Some ofth ie B -digbouse butter nonr marrat deed , settiers have cuitivated il on a amaîl seule, could bave struek strengen than me did, and * te total absence cf labourera pev a n sdzenladis.io ig u s- n fs é tem froni doing more. Thite rovnttnr od sents extensive and meii.matored plains fur "Heoe, eld oock"l sang eut that vug,,ged b, at d o m u N e l so n -stre t, a littie b o y a sk d a â r o t e d l a r c s i r s a s v r a 1 - chaity, rad M. Dal>' bu f opinion tita$pucfton ollar incuemetre as e ed ho must have pulled the bis cut of bismapuhi g u! nertreute to poket whcn te gave tbeby a piece o!' kuc, exteading te ttc boue. Four but, he mono>'. In a few minutes ho dis . overed tons froni env veut, a fruguiented match, titi lesq. A- lady mite mas passu'ig ttc crysiai, a baclçache big enougi to divide place at ths lime, states that the lad van among the eblidrea of lael. if yen rapidl>' up the streot aftot' Mr. laly left. catch us on umootht, glosa>, chili>', freeziug, ,i- A descriptioa cf hlm mas given to the threacitoronus,Jeceitful, ahiper>', slipupeny cf Police, mite are in searcit of hlm. Mean-.icaginyo'l nwI.Ifn>eu ew tuce aofeman as beo b foed. orlie hers cf cuv skating again the>' miii pleae covr'o b ieo'-Goe dram on'usat sigbt, for lte bivalves aind ~ accompauying documents. 'We bave gel BAn AEcl'orSuucws).-Coroe! Schitin- Ibvougli skating. If'saia bnmbug. If's a ait or beld ant lquest yesterday on tbe bod>' Vexatien cf spirit, cf business, cf flesh, and ,r- cf Joha Thos. Chester, mite died ait Belle. a teaner cf trowMmes 1t's a bead.buntp. ef. Vue IHospital, ln cousequence cf baving ta. ing, back-ucbiag, iog-meariy -dangemons re. kena apomerfal dose cf laudanum. Itappeans institution, and me mn people against no- thal about 2 p. mi. on Frda>, lhe deces- skating. We înied it, and" 'me,, s'th ho adj wltb Ime or titnee frieuds, iutered lte le te maiik for a mnal. ,Skatin lbs iv- ter cfMn.MeCrniilNo. 185 Fust are a humbng, sud altthe rasau'yeYong. avenue, aind after drinkiug milit teinpro- Staras îsa legel the ladies ut It, that lthey" duced a eaui botîle cf laudanuum, and befone ma> sec-if lte>', tee, doàt a t is l dread. n-ho cold ho prevented, swallowed the mhole fl cld. It's ntling te us, but the la. of It, mbicb resuited iu deutb. On bis- par. dieï-wiildoasmou e lo tlb.skates ac, the son mus fouad lte feleming jetteraiddress. unm be ,>'aireyouuerOndmoe et aded; te bIs brclher tian e 'aire.1Oh n he ad Mor ie l-e1 i Peh. 1411860. cmoua <soi 1 , and it Du&,L Baonm : bolier. yen bave,-' &, ,ysas acted like a brother to me, -for wbich lai r1re i> =ybest Ibanks. Nom 'theonl>' RPPY lho h. io bbt quiYer ful cf u- tblag I mish'>'@i to do fer, me ite write te 4ugbtens, but happier f« s bee, if eucba0 >;mymwifeMaty, wand eu. Ilr address h ia-lbe quivrrmeets hon proper lbw. ,ppe ,atance in the Hon ýencraist ir.-'snong the'fsi ýdionce -as -Mr'.- Sickle-eai &<sieDder figure, attiredw fîies Os f liste Iii .d li.the, Damiecflte boit îHouse. His naaisty as imlte envy of' evei gyrivania Avenue for ils on-a ai iack dresa cosi rit 'andt ih gra py,'tromi a"te lteé. ma11, siiney'bet uceaset iIn perfecîl>' fli me damk eler, mice distingue pen- tý, mîithveivel- iwnré, tpn .sa'i lawith hlm."l ILJAD.-OD.P. C. Ber- eti the' ous -Ereneh billiard player, refuses te i to Anierica end engage ln thetour. gnt next summer, unlesa he ta guaran., 1$3,000 clear of expensea. The, tour-' lent people theught this tee bigh a price o'y for the pleasure of being the instrue. of Prince Napoleen beat -Phelan ut aýU s of 25 points in a. hundred as it ;wSS erstood:the confident Fecmupro. e tdo. Dxygenated Bitters au canae" The Editor YJ the Monfrealio, Sept 856, gays: 'here is ne medlicine we take s iucb are in reeonimending te env frienda asi ,. Green'aOxygenaled' Biter. Un. c nost proprietory medicinos, -ifdces Dot rfesu toecu re "ail the iliiflesh le e-rte," simply byspepsia and itsa- atten dant iptomi cf derangement cf the et cmach.é,* bas been long, held ini faver with Our firs~t Aieal nmen ;% seeof whom are never kward in awarding menit irions it - ge. Its succesa lainv urcit>'bas given il rputation surpsssed by ne other similar partition. Our attention has been ealled this subject b>' a yeungr man ln oui, cf. e irbe had been sufferngfor soute ieeks erely froni indigestion, losa cf appetitor *, avizg been enlire4y reliered in -a wo days l>3 te me of ukasebitter8; ere are hundrede irbo mll read this whe, 4e sncb a medicine, anu would itif tbe>' A baif the confidence in it me baye. The above expresses env opinior f, titis. Ifl known remedy. To PREBERVE AN» » DRES£ TUERA*- ne cf the best dressings fer the hair ever tvented lu Burnett's CoccaneIL la moU eman that there ia a principalin Cocea-Nut 1, 'owing to irbicli the bain cf the natives~ ftihe South Seas, whe use it, romains glos. Fand neyer fails off.~ Bunnett bas greati> nproved this oil by cherniclo --purification, id itnow netonly cleana the hair,'fr. g s lather irben rubbod on, but keopui il eassy, siightly damp and in for=mas bruali. i for a leng time, ladies drosuing theie air elaboratel>', for the evening, miii find bat it miilkoep itlainshape fo heur. s qualities as preventing ilsbar. frem alinz are trely -reniarkabe.-Pkilzdst Pia Bulletin. Hollotvayi/sPilla and Oif tmet-VFe any nt uwork.-As a procautien, againat .ing poisened by vile counterfeits of tiioso enewncd preparatiens, sae that on eveêry eaf of the books cf directions enciosing he boxes and pots, the mwords, "Hello.- va> New York and London," are impresa. Id ln thre forincf amater-mark, distinguiah.-. bic iren the paper k hbeld up te the light. rhe aggregate of cures of digestion, boWel ompiai.nt, fever and, ague, romitteat fe. er, eruptions, ulers,, contusions, rheuma. Laune, etc., achieved hy. these preparat1ene Juring 1851,exeeds býy one. hundred per et. bat of au>' fonuâer yêar. The demnud ia bhis ceuntry bau iderotied euodrmously, du- ring the sanie perio Our lawyer irlie "filed a bill,"l"sbahved anote," "eut an ýacqualatanco," Lieplit a- hirie" "mnade au entry," '4$raise ab au!,"e ago acae," 1"framod, au meu1DtT 'gimpanneled A jury," .puttheai ¶q .b, " "naied a, mitriese,,' and i"bore4 < 'i!oIe êouvt,"l-alla oeeday 'bSà sie.'C domn the l.,w,,' and turned eArpentor. Ditto-Sprlug,ý 98c. te $14 Fleur $~~$6. Pois, 58c.-aa 60, Baïie>' 50.-a i5bu Oatit880.0 850. - Poi-k $5 10 $6 25. Beef $8 75 *@$5.. -'WILL BE SOI 13J PUBLIC Â AT THE NORTH AKERiý Ir OWN 0F PORI OuWednosday, Feint AT NOON, Very Valluble P r-NFR PWE F $AL (mmon John IR. MeDermot an Il. Wlb a!' tfs d the store -Tom - Lots_ naubeai eigiateen -a 'Toma PoftPûorSpe. as fth ouiS u.ortae -aniag date the 651 'WtcI.brick atore-iao..es capable of, et gm.n: stuca faine stre-hotas mntbl b forasttopsud offices. 2 Atie, vonler power cf Sae ll jani itian . MCeDennu'i.,dmifie. .uad ulfe lteh ahanre Compaay.. bearia luit pajrt cf Park LUt nuthenseve cf Pbrr Mope. coataluhar elit î au« eor tli, asf.artiaer de'scned i > vianalezcepttmg cut of ihe alto alwe deaxcrited premises thé por aummor eeventy-Sfve imarket! sa mn a plan of the suh.daviiaî of sa, peu> as a brick dwetiinr. kuom cep and tCawlitIe 'a tYn"tow àise a substuatal brick dw 'elimag.] retof L£W per annumn. .Under patro f.Sale ina Mortîp sa i mite ilas aboesCompany.i md ud tory acres cf Lot naumbe amretconenssion of the Towubip tagabout -aventy acres andalq lotsoM ff fC...ssWilot sud oSe as .3IL Merniaan. D. B. Pi cm îo LHot. an J.SSea" abe aum lii goncd buildingki. 4 Under power of Sale inua '%fo Saper. ta the atavp Company. ibre lib the t coaaec'.tknc h ontatttatiu huaidrrd arre, un lent tanna iu a groM salie of ce' proeS. -uikiniga-A Frante lii tin.er pomencf Sale haa Mi Poweit and mite. to thée abuvve part of Lot tmmber twenuv-sevel si o fthe.Towniship cfHfaiuilt, tttamerlattd, cainiaigone han Moneorm bas. An excellent r-le, duetllg bouse. wtr(ante hun t Uder power o,îatl iu aMoi C. Fletcher anal ite, ýgoteabcsa the North balfcf lo" anthr tle ofthie TowushiP of Darllgto ,Nqoth %VAst augeof the said 1 au u esent> direeton .anp- he'1 tuent> <rias anore an le4 tt h »@M -iL.tiasiaiinta in herly i the southeéast angle cdt siS li cie iu a 'vestenin lrectioaa-parallt-4' Mid sl ot tweati-can4 n<re or irri y dreclctlir theéhane c chatins 10 the pia.rcf e aa*ftoit ocWkagaeenare ftd.s , moiatilet, "sato tnNusW sathin acertain telcas %011 plwmcofw5e. baln «paver atSaehiutua]1 porternsUd ueite. ta tile, aoe orcfjLtnumher seîeu iluthseset- TrownhiplttMattver.. citttaini 1mnber twetve. ie the misat c 'shpofaurrs.The firit n * yadfami. ithlna allefront) e.The secondÊ Bs]iydwt sadis fiue -uheai pao ings. Terns Of Sale ' anduahblanoneScaaitgllrat ~iacecf titie n-itllie prodnccd. Furiher information cao ai, WtamF--se, Esfi. Purt Ha' TE Klugstou.F ehrttsy &G uO Loyal Orange GRAjSLO»OE 0or 'ERITI w foleW5 - Gran A 4, the ovifç hetncia TUEéDATfS Th vini1 GrandJ -ThieOFrevineti Grand't sit lthe Ci>.yotofKngs Thbe viwm lGrand 1e - rtakento.LHL. Graend, sereltai *0 T iPris, Oyoi'andi Tenmili ëf Oitr,&Hithge Court aiil us -St ~cord~ 1~ J -4? y

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