Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1860, p. 2

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:its a hnshil m= (Ir Canu(rlatï ruin and deçayýjfi Ih, ln lat-at lnsle hAIT n nioncy market, for itýii Dow 4, ý ýll4 ýýn the place of Mr. lion iliat if illsieud Of 1ýÙntlng 1 - 0bý ellurelles, Ille tllrfný millions,' bc- bAý- ' 'asicý.ÃŽ tli 1ýhildher, On' 'a11, bc-én 1 ; ail, t1lat, il' fýCt Nov il, is'coliirolndedly bard futé in, )ad lands ofAmere ýne*s in hnteý-,tlie darlin ed, into, rheiidueloils imàrillillpq %nil fa nof, the 1lafé Of have the Inughier or n 110101P P luit Pat givej4 aile Yi nec in alie earq.%%.eek- liv week youfflyinn' more is vearby ycar. 1-don't know * 04 tbàt the -C,40!VCle 110%v the fiql0l"101111 n8serl or of bro il - an nfit princi.-iles lis the griiiiii 9(nn lig. but -ea 0 thüt Geordie, lie 1 bas illado his bc(, 810 in,ý,t lit But he Mys, on il. saycrît of Ille mat; Il is pou, -ieneralýr believed t1jikt 14 bas ilirned èlerr ilon. INIr. Sicôtte N%îll more bis th'rt"ttebý ýamuL1Uns, 1 wish resolution in favor (if stoppingthe jvrGýnil énd chine, ýroM of ille'l"til)lid Builtiiii,-M- lit-- 0tjawAý he's taken Io print- iq tôléra-bly w--eÏl tin(lei'ýstood---t-lllt il vrill es those mtiràlictiti carry. 'If il should, there woui(j of MUN spite ; on lie'd got lie a disRolution and a iiew il priaitlier," uni p. l'lie absent inanisters arc kert bck List lis timber-hend- stréss of îveather, 1 supposeý fur the filet; ilithor; nu' bekase ors are severnl days over duc, and the f% aud abosiik' peo- sequence is the day for Asseniblint2! liaL t of patriotie, and liopular citizen ibat lie is, lie 21st. And lis the flury of the témllest wal %yould bc certain to eýrnpe 'tl)cir e lin-lity. vé . ry grent, 1 lîfted up mine eyes and bc- There is R laiv or retributioli 'Il, icb %vill hold Naamaii's ttnt and tlic npliirel tlirit 'lad, yet ove tah"e the ofrenders. A]tIiough they nppl!rtnlincki to the IiinIs of a inan %voire ta bc scen flonting in the air above the 1 ops lews ebve been permitteil to abuse prirate cbar- of tiie ý(ýtesi and loiver dovii mid a little acter with imliutiit y, .ýtbey iviii filla thait behind Niuim-.iii'.9 tent, 1 perreived a amail Mon lire the public Spirit of' the Citizeils of Nyhitby t4ing 1 like Untel the ikin of a wl 1 -nek ivill rise up Lad overwhelin the bolduess willi the fýntheys thereto onnexedj wherc- lipon 1 heArd tbe Weil of ilial%ý voilées, and witie ' Il conies forwa-d te assoit , the 'good the words. 1-0 the resolutions 1 iheéeY on ease- mine and fair filme of thtir fown. the r(,soltitîong!" 22lid. 1 then cast mine the eyes toward the carth aud there sâw saille and woliderftil xi,-bts. fCý 1 saw a llumber of the -libellais blovit uli, and &.1iling afinve the surfaee-oftliegrotitid, while others vvere, FIIIZ bciug rolleil over and over, and 1 salir sa 1 mýpôrtitiice of Town Mnnufhetureti. maný more union- ivltom wore Wýitalili- Mat wanah-in whirrelled rotiud willi the Ûétivity I j of 7b the Editor of the 111ilby üAr6tjjýjè; of the chariot %Oicels of Jeliii the son of 1 1 Nitusili. i 2M. And while 1 wns abolit te look 1 ,the unlike saline otheri iÈnt ha"Il Come upon a stîll iliore ivolidei-riii flight, the teni- f ired ainollogst.ust we bave al'ivays fourni y6u Pest ivaxed more ferions, and I thought 1 ( foreinost il, sayliig à gilod ivord for Whit. folt Ille tovrer ohodieî tind rà j i)eý;mi il) haste E by. :ýIffl_ PrOsPerify. Of the ýoivn being ta descend, lô! n'torrifie lillist, came and te't ,htt brIngs a CUIT, ýtIlRn in 'C', Or ",g. ý,Rt the BL-11001 ladic, M, 1 itro'nouriý", au, thrivin ýto SA tel) - over tbe broo thoré imit a Spnt cati Or £Iiitby. This 1 discripshidn th .,tyâ,tltt ûVery I'vord, Y, ttirue-elet the IlIncenu' is as thrit lis, t he ý sint al the stiiisillc tO ÃŽts re tlit-ir il niO in liýgidil- Tim l'Il villain VOU the 6 ther. M41431 Wall-Ass 1 to tl e mgg the couliti- Ivnl, cleir d thvir ait' hi in a paper Yit repn,,ý, 1 a,' all a tifflier ýfýý. a "prtich'tirni colisliru Beech, jUs eà liq Il'î imirý for &lit edi lie*a got tj"d of rieýanuunt report ür the ëh;er su] iniend4pt oruuelition rial, Ãœl)peýn-Câni for ibe-jjýftr Iffl, lately 01-iuted,-' àý notvithsianding the enancil(I depress aIý'd commercial disasters or the two, 1. viousycars, au inérease lu the sellool, tendance, ;md the numbèr of. sella keptopeit'duriu.-P'the)e". The increj in the number of Impils is in 1 school municipal àuessments 687 C ,*607403 in the aiùoutit pald ta tenchers. Thisîs a la%,e and unexpectédly Smtifyi succes s under the tireuilSt-tnéeà; -The aillomit of LegýlaÃŽive ichool Ci ri 'apportioned ta the ýiuiiièiipattlièý3 ifi aid Coinmon and Separate Schools in l8e w= $133 000-inerense cil t1mt Of't preeeding y9ar ',UdOtlý Ille law requir an equal suru'té he miged by Municipal *r preSepts IL mnammy -fý f&bJé,O wc w hte l;iKký nt Police rance, Irhen we take into ncCýoUn% 4*1 difficidtim i4, "t BeadqtLarters, IL lâfle white haired gid, Who mrmný eould not tnik, and un jiliziait who badbeen iave w to coutend 'With i-âmmmbd bvthe firemen. Up te -iduigbt tocldirntheul. Other taUngurider-fairhéadwly. ThiMntatory, wlëmu vrem taken round to HOIRrd . - Gf the teplete irithecýmd ànd , no one nppea rjugg Io' elaila them, thby' -n"; -4 tbere is '" eurnes't sivenF in were put lu bed by the kinct-heurted neigh- tlkeImftqýt*fbm us, -cr a future of hiý'h bots. gSât practiad Utility. fuwtshes a very glow- Ing c ýoU.t of th6ný!d GE N EnA t. N o *r 10 E S. ScItknnente in an article beaded " Mat xà.ToW- cSur. rasy. be made hy Red ILiver7àýr'r»ing," At the Tovru ILdi, vvrry M,ýit,>y itiç-rýtting, at wlemin iýt is shown how >A tért«i, Mý. 10 ni. ,Giowlef, who a few yqýîIrs ago wa8ýa ý-; à eom- Qveu . ing, la lhe. eiüploy ý of thé 30. at thb ýo' 1 n il.-dl, My vomp"Ys is Dow the owner loir, %un Inlit Ille lemparai puWer ot Ille Popeyill be, grcatjy clirtailerl îfnat wholly "trictedsill cap, füresm. j%,ê pojitioàor N'apoleon in regard to Italy is onc ofex- trente difficulty- On the nbe hand tbè ultmmontane party in France ar - '0 -Gerce a tan y interférence çrith ùge Popea jeiu- POMIpower. Tlitýse are backed bS-Llieý g',timisb, and by ÃŽhe extreme P apists - Most i% . itelligentinetnbemofthe tt êatholic 01i-tirýli are opposed to the Popés possi IMU g-t-I e 1 Mpo , MI powér, and as, aýcon- nihfing politim and temporal îiitairs with rýli.-îi)n. %-n the other ,,Itwtàd. Napoleon-L,>. pledired to liber- ý-. _ talon. ý&;%apul"U.#3g, L-11.ubçu tu 4iAwý- ' ý 4. - _ J-f- "-- -vi 6-0-0-alé-m-j 1 of ,p,-ri'm'è--Ia-nd,".--,^ Yreoý Motolt»--il-.t-ll-,-'VIC-t-or-l-a- ilitailà ý , , ý ý of wriIiný Ms. toile isi'-, - ,"ý v"", au. ý'..A.ý ... -- ,I..." -.- ___ - . > a sessabient. in ordei Io entitle -Municipalities Ilite object' iný Ilireek .té and reste - fikli ý tirant A. il . ri 1311 down fell Ille tower t ý -Fâlen. 2 [th. 1110 with 11iý tOllý-ue, bO dOes . dodie idée Of the fortilit of the soif and $te,,, Ingagèt lîiitTlinred:tybéii>i-c ffi 'Inouïe te le Alfas 1 . addressing il te yon, 'a as ý .7 , « ý , avei y mentit. 1 1 1 te the Adriatir," and ta non-int,ýirfer- te titis nid. 'Ille amotint, mised by Muui- make 110 apology for ' Wlierettlb:>ii ii, rame te plias flic test thing ihiUg lllmù,t IJY cent' cks farmiýg operati - tcqldw 'As B III ý,kreet. ý that my letter .ilitiy bave the lienelit of dit thât 1- heurt] in the wCarld wns a ini-hty saY. ilow tIrvugh the palier. . lis yield- May ho forabed front Msý 0-wlees -ýOi-ffl ,,TM$INý, 130,,b.,ýnAI -logy loi ente by force te estatlilisli any governnient eilloalitie-SI was ,'ý-9740,503 "'ore titan the euni I/ ý 0 . .ýý -nul ions du-in. tbë ]est jetýr.- -aver 'il ' in-ertion in yeuréolumns. voice, ILI; il At ]lange bliîlt williotit ceuleil He sotred 63 bogheis of whout, 36 of bar. A. cýý=of > hý+"târv , 1 O..-Oisisýt the wisites, of the -people. Nulle. the law required in order te entitle theni te IVILy shotilit tant the titizonà untain, and 1 felt, t iii nbused ,very inau ira T àwn ', lÀtIge- UZ But *;ý-Mhd ,Fdàý in Cavery leonos own arute and intelligent inifid, aise the whole of the LegisIative (omnt, niait nvo of ':VllitbY land fallen down n nie a as turned te wusin file Toiv'n il ý. 1 ý ý. ý 1 ý ý ley, 94 of oats,, and,1-01 of pointotýs- In intluth, ilit SpruwIe a Ilotel, l'ort 1 IAîIt1ôVý T.. . 1 ongle r Io establiali manufactures within if mv entire body bad bacon queezeà into Ilt)ü," if lie '!'Olü-';'%Ie- YOI Iý- retAbrnjý:he land 70Ã" bushels of whealIA 350 llcm,.w, Recrothry. itY and ;ri- A$22,6748 saute than the amenai « . illklin, as 1 illiý,,ýt a ý . . > 1 perceives, that advanced Bilerai raised bv their Town?, Fcwý places of importance a slierliesA*s crook, and 1 hiv uË deuil, nt gftvt' t'le a" titbarley, 480 of oatN and 2,IQQ of foin- (.rmibwtxxl. %%il the lasvrikl$Lv 1,k everv u1onth. li.-lètetonient arc ut the side of la' î v l y ý L_ Ne 1 Ã"T moto% lu the Arange liai], 1 hav over prospered greatly without, possess- in me ]tel% tg vlew8ý theill'ifi 1857. toast 1 could percei'o nt) lifil i -be- t1l"Ile atitte tif nfia' ý 1 lm. The tillage, bar- . -No."O Intet ing manufactures. One ,-oeil niabnifactory undlierst.ind hoiv the - t ý . ý ýý ý ýeÀpense of seeds . ý ký ut ibn Glolràe Ilote], sait (bat, as lie observes in lais lettë'rý. jee The ûmoimt apportiolied from the Itel, it after a tinié I n,ý,ain nwoke, and beliold ! - rq, aclat In cý ý -îàZI1ixogý amouutcd LI ô the û;zl?" Ïqteverrmoiàtli. is- juin 1 - - . %-WÙnjgà art'll tbr Brooklit, _ prescrit state of things can mie longef exist, . .inpest iviih min and liait the 01 ý -. UO. Lý Ne. lall'ne 'itt-"Ilead's Ilotel, 1 1 ritent te a fW bundred illeil, wolild bc of , «,,,,t te ' ! ,ce, âil(j si.il this blielibitinzed thé follo,ïi6g p !* 4t lative Grant for Coramoik School npparatus, tlint --YQuld bc capable of givIng , qnploy. histend of dav it was nighth, audieinsiond of Yez slinqý; . . His eMP3 rèali nces.: DUMIi ý, Crrmk, 'rluWav ho overy There tuust be a change- Ail Interficience and libraries, was $6,5t7-ý-decrèrAse ý a a i Ivery the Town. pon't tar titi fellier ' iiioalLit. W. Jekttibw lx nýýtzbTV.' * on behalf of the Pope cannut prevent iLý p'ý'2Oa ,ýAter advantage th n Il the fine private n,(')Oll and stars put fort ý', 1 ....ý ý,ý Wbe&4 1,2b l; barley, 160 -, cela, 50c; Songit of Tt-vibl*runeo,\%*],Itl.,%- lii%-ieioll, No. 31 ý ý ii the preèeding yenr $1,649. ilhe sanie dwellings-excellent, as those are-whieh light,. git op a etil):ý-. 11il"'Ilion. 'Twill li ' ý 1 ,,ý' and potatogeg, 35t perbushel . France, ànd thé enfi togied -- Thiisýlhe-io- Sogas liai wtalle..ais bigia 1 . ý ]lave been erceted in Whitby for years. , « _1. 1 . ýX oveni - En land and . . igh 1 sources - While ii.t a cliond o'crea.-et, Ili- sý,lcI ac,..,iiiotlittili plan. 1; %Mstment of $700 by Mr. Growler brouglit 11. A. Ã". Utod Tt.iuplùm, et (litirrie's Hall, iaTùr tilt sites was reccived front loca. MI pellie ' a" alait '%Vedi-teedâ%ý ev , enil.gag. 1 publie opinion efIllié worldi. I ffltlia gond nianufactory, or two, establish- N.-r vet -1 breatli q .ý Min a retom or $1,806, or ,$1,166. pirofit. , . . 1 ' - 1 lïo il.Nir. l4iiii etill L-eel'k,' 1 Nyllitloy 111illiartalitilie Soviet Va îttqttile Hall, change pointes] nt ý i the empero4ýs lietter. tfie ùAlicautot. of the apportioliment in tac 1 ed'the inechnulca and laboring classes of t lle 9, li'turli'd file lleci) erelle. Il ,1 This fact attraits eloqueutty in favor of ý the ,Moiitlv.%- e%-eui,4.1$.- 25th. And 1 looked fur flic vast. coin. stl')rc nt .the corners, huy a ý ý_ - . . ý And with tht witisdrawki di Prenèh bayé. case dependin- upoit the aniotuit advanced Townwolild liavd the micans of procurîng karaetherg a ývather meddle wil IW Bivu land " [Liboine qllstriet.-Ib. Good Tutitp.'arý, Sons Hall, Tucsd.%v eveatilwe nets firoiné thb Pope's dominion% Ilis Uoli- front local 0 . ion with the constant employment, - thoir earnings woul'd vally or wCamen, but net a living seul veas - "Wu pam*awge. . - :,ý,1 1 ý I.-LLIG&Otlo mrm'l'a-li. . sources, in connex . rsý,-ipshion to be poil 11ý 1 ile4 King Streelt, neýS wili ho compelled tunéquiesce in su appliontiou for the artiel ' i to bc seen, .-Liait if il hail-not, becii finit 1 Pt'iat('-'.1ille Epigimpal Clitimlb,.,;t. -in," cil urse vos, and ail choss w*s ap- Chroilicle W.ce. Cive Ille Io, !i ý ý ý ý . -1 1__ ý,ýý anj 3 ,.*Clt.ek, p, lit. (Atter- . , 1 o§ or books desired. bc spent within o 1 es perceil-eti mally fragments of %veine - ýi a a 1 ý 1 1 . ,_ - . ,U O'cloek,. a. in., a clà-tngl el whether ho likes lit or net. , The The total value tif àîrtieles sent out te or Of business would bc bencfited by nia aldi- parel lialiging on suags of trecs, and strew- hoY - l'Il r ý ",ý" ' rew 1: 1 1 ý ý The, latin ÉîrQ Ilà Ife* Itoirk. . mate Sulidays). itV. J. PENT"'Xb>ý cotirsè tf events demands it. We muy elaewbere purehased by Contiolon ScLOI tional weekly circulation of cash. 'l'l'O ed oit the groinial reniai about me, 1 %vould the ill-lileti"'-- . ý , ý ý_ 1 . , . ý'ý - 1 Frre 0l"tell ('ititrvlà, ýiceignatiq> flogiiiiite, thèr lie expert ko see,, ut the cDmin-'Eu- cash would romain in flic Town. .laid not have verils believed filât the vndt company ý 1 reniain, ý te the Recousit fMWisbed bv eonia or 11% nia ind Mary Streetal, Il 0 lut- -1 ;, ý la addition, ' e ' Trustees und,-r titis bond was $14, 1-12-b, *daily the ý Il ý ý ,.,,, ý 1 ' RIA. and Ã" ,xýl,ý-L-,I,. ait. ropçïn C ' thé der'ëf the Le- bc drained away irom it as is now of Ivoirien which 1 hall seen %vas lie ciller ý . . Yer ilinie tele..mph, ,«Iýwh vre publisbed'on Sattudoy - , - sorren ing a decreise of $.1,254. ý 1 pýLV gros 1 case. At one tiiiie or nuother mechanies thau Il vision x_ T.ýjII0w .IYI galions. an th it thé peace of Italy in. 26th. And 1 gathered ta- 1 TIM the fullowing particulars front the New (ý ' The tannant of Troistee School Assess- like noyseif have conversed en th . ý ---- .6. - - , , -.,W",tibii.1 churvit, conter of Byron un Il ion of the O matter, 1 .. . 1ýCAW'7Wbu« of -Friday, ,will give our Uary stkeettl. 1 1 o'cluck,;ý. tu., and a 1). no. sured, mina ý,e.' ffl eeful possess g-ýther the best way 1 could iny frail body . ý . - ght how o. - '- REV. J. T. BYltNF- States of the Chumh sectired te the Iloly monte was ,tlqG.. 5 a 2-being a decrease te .%titi ne thon. isily a Joint Stock niait 1 rejoite(l to believe liait I coulai stillà COONýS ('($.xtftF."I'O-i41101 i _ ,Nfdiiiit.-Lettiritig Company might bc -et tif) ou ,A,, ý . >"" 1 . Il and blar ' v $tftýt.ý, 10 30 Wckwk, o. iii., and - - - t ý il-g ilèlla tf liietltl%-S rAý ith a little ell'ortý-oiithe part-ot the citi- Ikvili as a do.- vralkelit oit trime legs. ý, sacelive _- - - ý Wegleývan Nfeth(olliet Vilitrell, eonmrorcý!ntre, Sce. 1 dié large aixijuiàt of $9,itiffl , chielly nattier . . feet, tilt(] 1 tori.-d ta wàlk, but 1 ý Qt-l:i 1 -.Lut,>», sett iind expeudcd w 1 - .ý ý gh4 a terrible calamity occurre o o,,:Ioek-, Il. lis. The Montrent! ïrrau-%,ïripii on fintither . zens. ,ýi,,-Joirit Stock Company with a cap- 27th. Aud I, Jaslier, vowed tif vtlw and My Duiti- 9ir.- ý . 1 ' W Bbà aireet, involving the 1063 of Mani REV. J. llul%"r. lisfitame.99 Uiiitt4i J'rýeýlt%-ieri:ttt el O- 1 ý for the parchase of seliout sites, n'id titi' iLal of$20,000 tuiglit ho easily organized. . 1 Mlat. in Ille moule i illisable listes and the maiming of a minotier illibli, IIUIlmait-tý 1 1,et us sa an issùt of 1000 allures nt $20, snid, as long as lifç is aille 1 never again Ililst finding '111, have vou bec[ _. ithifienft stifitte, % 30-, o'r 1 k "'. ta-. , bur entempomry the Tiyinser;pt referr- erection and furnislaing of selioul bouses. ý W" Uý: 1 of the suMvorso One of filme le ; 1; , Onc-half y the ainotiht would bc soon auto- 1 ýhiII lie .a spectatgîîý of file exiending and ,lave stirred t-, the hile . of vour i' 1,*nixd pmklztg.bbtés Mt lit IL ;Ëilljt'-X'TO"ý- ing Io soute rentark-s of our correspondent, Still the ammièt, of $186,572 of Trusiee's t tileiloing of Woinati's Itiýhts. Il ý ' Édiatitt Chtrth, 9 o't-rSk p. la., cvev7 Sain- i scribed in the Town, and 1 ficel ptisiondol high- Above ide 1 -, which, appenred in last week's Ch ro- Assessiolients, in additon te Alitnir As- th le,; of file brond li,ý(.t-ilitl-l.ov rit, longue, air stades , the si - 1 d4- 1 coù-, ,ýai A (.r(,èlnti elit-it ivriviured IR lint-Id ile] . :kt the (:Orporatioii would bc patriotie o- bu*t ,z-iýiI. hmle, Z&I llois ivollid sw -so aboliiiiiably *&%.'Ioo-fSt dýeN and -50 fieèt frorit, sud REV. 11. lýT.Ã"YD. nirle, foredicts .another «%IititBe," and ex sessnients of ý270,50.3, 'id very large, and A.1t.iltýi, t.% .% er t Il,, irt-l-i,,- lI-t, À ý , *,.& hive 22 faWIied, look fir% lind be- - ý ý presses il$ surprise, tliat a country paper indicateà tho educational spirit, M Weil as interest ami the sectirity of illestock. i .'ýi..,.r,.rIililie ha, illit il 'l".11, :Il 21 iutlir'and Ni nou.-lito IoaU the co.one-halfthe anloulit 011 iIýtliJvli":Iel it,],.,Vý,-ýý...,ý.'ilýel,ýýt-il.ýýII)r. are âcetised , ý* a fraitdulent diver ,, lbré ;C Worttmatè Initiales coutil escape, .X&(. je 'Day, publisbed in UPPCr Canada Fhould bc first lire i»Ote dveittiaI iiiit-ii4,jt imre, tilt, rvieier eaii ý unelital fil] !ý-, fi.I-ili the Ilourst ,W AdyerfiSM IItS resources of the courtry, considering the offer thesL allegestiolis us illuch to iliterest e1lv',.ý, llAt-ýevi1 t4iki. Ille Treasiirc iiiio vour (I:sliuiits bý Fegt .maný of thons, wore suffocated. ý te announce the event. The following * tue tinimeetICilt;41 prr,ýUVe Of the lianes. your rendors in Cafferitig suggestions .as for + lit tl,,-,II -,-r:ltizi è%eti IlY ti-e 1'('Mlttilt,.,f llovlli(lý-oti -111v lod,)sollauýh llie-fimt liner was divided into sWresý-à the remark-s reproduced in the Tjwsjà,c , %dio - 1, about robloin raid, flic purpose of submitfing to theni ixhat 1 t!l,;ýiliýlýi,. llti1e_-;,ý vý,. j--c-iý 1% -l1'tiI! koe A illail ' ,4 >1 -bakerompyin- that on the One side, - and lAyal' _1ý,ýe GOwaTÏ " which appeared in these columns: The amount of TrilstQe School Bute have te sny on the niait' :.I.t;!il, (;I">I., tilt lýl."];.,Iý ailli-ilialy. there liI ( .. qMinge Association . or nivself. IL file&- and wIý therrhy rtiII6 Ille 1 1 ý a grotèr or, the other--the entrance ta the ýAffiiete4-Bead-Dr- Goo"g. Thom is a ruiner alsf, that anothor Itl.lec Bills on parents sending childi-en tu sellool - cliatiging ait o-nitrabit reputatit ý l'lie advatifinges frutti sucii n inoveinent '* A I-t-,,ý,iiiti(.k of tilt vriteh of I-ýlei1 ý testementa being between the stores. A will bc made for a l'ln-neh lutember in flic was $193,8t9-liieremp, :'ý-1.'be3'su. Would bc lnc-.tlèitlttl)ld net plouc to %%"V:l .,Ittiýl willi brass.', e--F. 'Keller. . Ille salie of iller ,iiiý; Ilis Store of pet hacev glaireuse léd' te the upper part'of For W 1 Cabinet, and il is freely stated that Post- 'l'lie total reccipt.,; fur Commun Seliool ' Town but tu, the surrouiiding country ý N...., it*l!ii.ý Itý,II 1'(-ýýl otke .fille veritablv -lit-11. stick lit trill, ut- lie is -A fou[ -%ý 1 the7bùildiug front the streeti and assother Xotiëe--F. Keller. mtste'e Gencral Suiith is te vacate hi,4 Iln- purposezi for flic year DýM was $1,214,4PA ?* ililAi,.--, ,,-t-itz.iitilel.r.ý,.--ý',ý,ýiet.,,,Ir--,-ý-.ý.ý rttt&,t 1 i1ý litair . way descended ý front the second silo Quitte $Wiôus--,l\'elson G. Reynolds. reau end tnko the Sûlicitor Generalship fitir What do yoti say yourself 011 flic subjeci. 1'i"!,i liii-lýýe; f r. 'iiiiilv (40 not covet 1, 1 . ý ý . , r7 r M'ill seine of your leadine men il, Ille l 1-It- lit-f-it timi t-f :lit iffier lige. il, Ille 1*.ýet i- of -te-iliý&iiit:li v %%ilili public pluil ý ttu the yard in'the rosir. The uppeestorieg Audggg,7-n Upper Canada, aise, of course, with a place boing a decreme oit the total receipts of flic ç1 _. _ _ , ehon G. Reynolds. Town give your i-caders their vievý,i oit the ', ý 1 Li,--,i, ia --ur iiiw-_ý tl-ý.t ai,, lr--iiiýtick : were réalobea ý by the staircase in the ceintre. nt the Conneil Bonrti. But it strikes nie preeedin- year of ,-'19,927. ean l". IA ;-v Ilýe il, asteed t.l i'ý vriel rider il '1ý"'iý-, it, it i. im) llad that liesi orthe bUi1diu--:.ýý ný vrj ill-liah" , and 'Ilowever The tOtal entoilât paid te Teaeliers wasý.ýýýýý,,ýý . , l Chup CSl Oàh--G. Yule. duit titis rumeur is unauthorizeil. for Mr.. ý illatter. ý titi*% ait- IA,%%'I.:.t,ýer i.4;,I-.-ci.,I(ý,l tn if. friendd ttirll;il,-- i-o,,Iii s iliey 811 ý 1 passage. Fath'floor wM:'arran Store ta I£t-J. Arnall, Sinith is still absent. It lis net Youis taulv 1 et,*, ,ri.,. fiitil ii,.,ýti, gf iiie.ilýwi.,It ealonder, laid jitt.-L-asses tqûý %Veil Ilow nitach . I&d.-el5Qtw . . . 'Iole thal seine exehange mity hi,- $q20163 )3 -nia inermie of $60, à'62 011 tI À ý, ô' rwýj-ml, %,idi,ýur .Iqtlv. ào 11SERVER. roi) ? colèc !iake il elvail hrem b&for. four familie4 in -ilu houte;,ëxeludZ Crowu l.au& Department-.A. llussell. ý noposs' be:ýivcn ' ,I ri 't nie lintil, -ilier flic sIlüný made, lby which opportlinft3. trill ýý - .*.- 1 .4 '11i, ver, :Aiiüi.-ýt siaille ,,-I,,-Ii iiýe.1 IO je bf'thoi» who occupied the stores. The Wilà Unds Vfalaied. , canotant j'nid in 1.ý4.')7. ý . ý, Ix for the entrancenra second Fredc]iL:tsia- fl-1111-týill.. 9.0.111, la, HAv'aýe Ili il., 1,,xt, lil,-I-itlh ()peratioli %ý-i;ý1lOr1ý,- for its moral b" apàdments oit the aÃŽxth 'M6ry WCAre NoÜçe--Application te Parliantent. - - rovortion ' l'lie total ninouat raised end expended lie Wititby Clir.iii 1 ý tll,.;tt,.,, -(;'v.Aý 1.0. 1 iel'IT." dian in the Cabinet when the p To the Fditor of il 0 e. ý . Did you hrtiIý --pen Ille valait ý ý 1 , would hi- four French, one Irisli (Boinail for schoul sites and flic crection of' School- CO','('Ll'IbElb. 1 1 ,ri,. ýe iý ,ti:l il rI-,i.liie (-ftl.iel.ilIterwl.iý-li ý mi apart for wa8h-,rooùàËýîier the use of the Poé%et Book I.mtý-A. Matthewson. C-atioýlir, Mr. Alleyn) and one Fnglislt,.Mr. n.-aitt, týý be Tniiilated, boit Mie tilt, ý,ilit.r b-*"-.ý, lirill liai ,ing rains, or did vibrieus families, and -the roof -as a-»V Just received-T. H. MeMillan. bouges bras $1 ý3,I;25-a large sain, faut 5th. veriiy it is one th - Il bi, Il 1 - iýreecdýIt, if fil-z-11v t-II, lieu , Rose. o evils initier Ih, il, -;,,A tilt locks ? 'M v'-Il lilow olwil ý 1 ed for dqing- purp«eÉý 1 About 7j calclock lu Ille atirvenfilig a littltf Aunual clear.ÃŽn.1 KdO--HRmiltOB & Roberts. We, of coui-e, IýhalI permit out coittein. $3.4,263 lois dieu flic ainoutit rnised and ,1sun, dont when bilsbands and whes, and ý ilh-gible. ' - .go. - Xvith Vile Iliii.ý..)I% . dor, or ivert 1 . âjje yo ... ig men and inaidens, are il,% ited to ' A few Querrics te .Mr. izarbies Wallace. tl'Otll)le il) Ili 'ýlý,%vii flic finindai kW in the bikerywhile,àliing aLflui-1 lamps Tes. aisil Coffiee W-amboum-liamilton & pOrarv te take lais own iiie.tniiig front the expended file precediug >ear fur the 8. -1 . . Il ' bat tp.e ituid on fire, and, dropping oie bû-r,£L- Roberts. alioveqtiottdlànrag-mpli. lieha.ý:aperrt-ct pj!ýposes. The aujouât raised and expend. feastý it ils the etistoin Oint the wives and ý - %vorli v0lir 1%. 111. ù1io the fire p 1 1 ing ;Iiàw que. the obor, ils, bluùnx cose- flic innidélis narIv retire firon, the festive ý 7' AI ilhe L7diiejý if the i -h iil;!i eh e.ojj ijýjc. Say, .,*,,(.itk- - litail ! Or, whi, iftti&Pïflr4. .1-Cr-nirý,I'lo-oel-tutf ý îsiationery-W. H. Higgins. riglit ta bc allowed In put lois own clin- ed for the renis .and reliairs of schoui- h,,rd and talie u « '! . à_ ', - ' ;$D" »il Buruetes P < reparlation ý for the Ilair-Ju. struction trpo.à il. A nd flore we iiiiist ex- bouses was $3 A,;t,50ýa %lue p tlicir abolie in sottie (il). i Si'c'-i'ertioit iiie 1hrotigh ,he coluinils Mits ele4ier, -1 %-lu way-lay flic et -11- __ _ -, gogot .as jîleof.îý1Iàvin-,8 under.,the pressourregrArt that liavingmislaid the The mnoutt i-àý rense of 4Uý)6- score. corner wliereso mally 01 their tuunher ý (if your parler ta) jouta lew plain Ajl1esiýiIis file public tl.",i,.(,, and assisted 1 1 :U ý a > for ait CacAping in silence, à= aý. lu an initam'itlieittote"iimen. H. corrigé. ised and êxr-ndt.-d like as nially owls on ý il) Mr. Wallace, et Capiaii, M'ailat.e. with dozeai etit-ti ..jkjý, git(i yu, flulion ý 1 1ý_ý_ 1 - ',,4ped- iaMgýý .... Ilbt,'tý _1ý tý 1 Il. - 2rtii#Aci-ipt in whiielà the article appenred, -books, stationery. and ta def . their day perch, othera discoulse forely to y(ýtj- il-âve, wIjo so fou( ýý ý ", - OxygeilLted BittersýSeth Fowle & Co. 1 8ehotil- ray lit- 1 % cottrt-' a littie stl"'d oO(Udý - 1 Ille lievs, &laid ,4 ,_ 1 Boulided, or the- people up we are unable tg, snpply the conclusions flew ettentiv nemovïT-z'- ý U y4ýýpffiMï. cideutal expeuses, iras $102,838-un in. o Ilearel-3, --vililst 80 iliany moi o tlý)tl)'-it-iv- 4Lblq1ics(.Ul)cl !,j ,,,,, t1irottle a 1 ýý AZ*Iýi 1 ý ýý - 1 . a Akangerl ý ý Did lie g.ot a.% (,;%Ibtýtil, Air t 1 1 igliland lait,, -1 - l!ý ', 7%ý%;ý . r their territai 1 ý arrived ai by cibi dontempohry. That - lou4y themselves %vllispori";,, secrets neveil ? . - .. ', , 1': Étabse he haret throuil- titi alla est ý - -ýý , ý grog- .rý.. _,j5I«ýý- à&;-z-.--:-, j_--_Iý creuse of ,*13,804. !.) lie tuld a"aili M'Ilile Il ý lZillu ýo1uie;verCqbiiipanv ij'r' - or ý %ýý;ý if (h)[le by collu ý4- 9 . le livorld Insts, and , . titis 'fonn, d o cornil,,..tlici:tl %vie) ,lus-Ijtb.it f ww, ëùî o (-ý-P..* . o I 1 fI-ýýt .gl.th ._ýtç-j,,ii-lv fý,r fi - I)tiri.,,.,t. ..f leapîng la à thuir rw . - ' the Leacler, Colojai#t, or Montrent Gt- Formerly the legal sellool sages of était- W] i o ibn.,; nia iappily 5-ittinied, nonny f ' "" . ýoul ên #n ý ' ", I-Tç-v;dinýgtbe iliell iýý la', CI,. 100rh 01,121, 1 %ou, and if so Il -0 g: zettea nientioned in Ille article have fore- dreà havin.- a right te attend the sellool.ý, sisters exhibit a decorepitude of boti 0 onr 1 1 1 erSnelà 1,1-clellce did 1, o't ,,,,I, tg wheù 11fil = &Y of "Fire Io' redonne 9 ý 'tronid t - Y Wlli"Il nnel nul' .- c a. -ith C'011 i-Ip', 'A 1 lac gel F, !«ý:s bliare of the sp . ilstrougla the balis, and op the stair Yal, ýý. ý. .. sliadowed the changes about ta tak-e place were froin 5 to Ili; yenrs; sillec 1,8501 file fur stiffness would match that of her's wll() (lie payntelit of -20 lier (,viýI, gloty ? ls it tellllt,.i%%Ilt, i!ý;ttiiol)ltýilAtt.iotwi - 1 " ý, ý human swarns Fîthiu'the biîiaàn may bc niatter of surprise ta the 7*rttjj- right te attend the schools has been ex- rellictantly retired front sodofil. . . --.. ý 1 ý 9 , l'o do not true Ihât lie iivver (fi,[ .ýupply sueli Iittlieii,ýk-, -JItI(ý.ý, iIi'lr.-%%ile;ý, fil cl Ww1by, sa" yeyebmM Ilb Iffl r arript, but wu desitre tara assure bibn' t'bat tended te ail Persona front 5 te 21 years of away thell willo titis whole cluster of eviis elotiiiiiý-,,;tltlglqtgýit iil tor.10; tg) save the çitity IlisaugllýtIA; ', virtasheti iii lieyond 0. ý,ý ý W "t'icke froin their apancieilNchOk-ý whicli affect us, il siiiiii in ruitlic lie malle as.-leulli affidavit filât if vvas illà bilitv Of roi - froin the trophine r . ý ni - althoubh pot, à «'rçgtàlaAt" àvilli'sterial Jour. age plaut flic provisions in the law in re- part of ivolfianis tinfailit , forin a . por 1 led for regi 1 itbg up the pu=." by ahumer aubýer& - As ONLY OUM MOLTÈAR A nul, titis .,AIojiele of the thé Town of . ", and unf«jdioý . . ilicliteil tinifornis ? Arid i.ý ' -« . , il notal.'o trile tflat flic Collipany ki AýIj lait Ille üý ý,- %Viti, tII2 evitielit thq thronged sifical sSd- tram d dg" VIrd te achool impulation nourris ren)âil, Rights, net only te talie tileir se, lié -A 144tay, bas never tacon belaind an), of :he ats nt file , non, 10 ý lerallet aloililv in colls(,qll(.Ilce of lli,ï l'nt ë»Asi the thick m»ke . ý MAIel mg of Piarltaimen il. une , festive banni, but to làlititilà, if.s; ý.I, to couk vour gç estait other in the darkn City brond sheu(s ana] parrow Colonna I.Oni h-eeping lais Nord Il>- .ýilibl.11,111ý, Ille Illeil il" ,,le disti;ý . 'Ilt-ti iliIlii(iluki 1. liangcd, and ineludt ouly children f letaili possession of ' ; . caisse rushing front below, blinding and 1 ., the 'ages of ,A to 1 Ci yenre. 1,11 thOsO seats Ilotil flic fcast id etitled, aud as lie prfIlui.ýed M'il Il Illeil. rj(jýII ,, -e iliat in-ireut.. ýý' r;A.ýcaI or a 11pstu ' ý ýý ý Au extra of the Officiel Gazette, au- althougli they are dailies, in stàl)plvlilg ý e schoul whether flic bevera'e ilint is a,ýoiný, niav , 'J'làý.,e queries, sir, in,, 0111V bcaIg.ý%ver(d i hand iiffli il. ! . ýitzLtl)l(ý jjui-I)tbRe tt , ' . i noune« the meeting of Parliament for the eftriYunttreliableitiforti)ation. Ourfricnýd population in 1:ýý»,;, as tiou:% liouited, was ', . . 1 j ý 1 ý ýý Those visé, .Iîved-,-on the lower Boom despatigieds of business on the 28th instant. the Ti'«nÙript wili bave no surprise oit 3(;0,6','.I-ilici-ease 35,690. 1 consist of ivine, mater, or strong Ah-illk, tu , ira Ille zillirittittivê. Aud .',A your uilely 1 illý, (he- lit]! fi-mil lois villanies Lt. ý . we» As" ed ta ý take swig about as loig as il tests. 1 cil-4-111jiteti palier, il., doulIt floits It.4 %%;av ta . ý escape in Smparative sale- 1 Il ty, Ille fimmen Aud guifiatins tuabing up front ý . the noatter if ho mndeiconds ta an occ.t. The neniber (of illipils Aiteliding Ille Coin- ý 6th. True il îs, t'liât altlloliàll if sectus 1 Ille -ý.lilit;illt (ý(-ilt-.I.;Il,"; ibellartilient, . if j: i bu the sitil, .,.lit "ive failli my ý i 160 MML and ý dmàgîng theux tbroujh the More Xemorîafn against a sescond fite. siunai perusai of these L')IUIlbns; bu wili moto schools (net ý ortli* iiý,lit tlial ý ,;Iel:ti ani ý ilàcludillg, Gramillar flot Iviee in our siglit te go ilicely ilýto flie , il shoulti bc 1,111-un lit ý , :1 il, he doserves i gistry oace lu Ontario. - tv. BlA 1%ýli%,Ilt, Il: question Nvhich is now Il > 1 (gl' ( ,., éýjIâI this ('ti'týli'li %%*;111;lce ý . cl'ells did you ';'--e--**,% , - "ok,ý ' bitters milseil ImMers te the w- ' - flint (bat &H country patil are ,net alike, Sellools, Culleg-es. or private sellools) I)eý Il controvert dl u- 111;01, eljl ,P;%, 18, 'I'l'er Mait-st) 's Cotlitlli,"i, - ' , file j-atriot l , - _-'ý-=ao4t*ry wiàdovo, and bore down the d that Ibert are sintie in %Vestern Cana tween the a,;ûs of 5 .toit 16 vears, Mas liy diters or our learned sisterq, onolely . 1 , , ý , .'icte f,,Ibi,,, ille, r Il , frmtio-»mon and belpteu children. Township of Rouch adapted a memorial te 297,3fA1ý Illemase 109î, l'lie' illiniber tir W jet le i the s;IiàIý J)el,.ý;01) duit (ICIJOIIIJOUS th. 1 811.)ta!Il have ý Seen filet à niait 1 . dg whielà silo te ho on a par with their city 1 1 r the sole and exclusive rights of (bleeli's Refortý1ental ive, nod abuses thl-. 1 il .i Bat bigher ap, bolond the ressach, of the , ' brethren. plipils of other liges atieuding the seh(ols every hOnsewife to retail, possession of the Corporation of %ýbjtby ' ý:,.-,% ing faille wotild ý 1. the Governor Gerberai iri Coubseil, praying ý ) i in the Most foi.] 1 llo,ý",!',ý'-É',ý-todnýýi .1 il t'O Uliwhipt 0 's .*.- Wu, 26,300-iuemase 1097. The wh,,I, shovel, the pdl,ér, and the ton is co.r la" 11; ,,al 1 ferons through lois palier for votiolg ,oy 1 ' ., ý ý the =111brings of the 'pour inmates we , ,.cllools Adani (le,%-ed and 154ve 1 -"(](I. re, where the pasollect was ,noie désol thàt a s-ýcond Registry Office bc nof estab. Whithy Toun,%h p Conne'l. number or faipils littending - .c ýitilt,ýým lais Il, Iý and longue WC ý fi8hed in Ontario. Drock and the other ý Iras 1 with the . tintes wlion . 's to tiaeltel)rescritiýtive(ir the Scive- ,iva's lu, not tý ý-i1;àI>Ie to reason, a 1J tWy heart-rending. The parents, wilh Tqwnabie-north and sentit, -willi we are BnooKi.ix, Feb.6p IB60. 2'.ý3,6q3-iiierease 21,044. span, or as aie carlier titan flic call ofý' reigii 1 lieurs, &c., Yoil illit liau ,(ý--tt-tlc(i fais teinfle ý hule 0MAI in their ar'ma ftt«Wnx with At- tOfd,ý folio , The, nucuber of lanys attending tbe.sebocýâ 1 Abraham, which lifter opinion ive nie in- FXQUIRElt. .. fdiht, and other littie ones bobibI4 ,ýhaiu w the lead of the County Couneil The Couneil met pursuant ta, adjourn- %vits 1 GO, tl;;:I-i IIcvea.,ýe 10,601. clined te favor, yet we juav Altltl)ol.ita_ -0 0 ga'-_ sillild or tý, ;il 8(.Otl*s salon , they " d net ca«y, cryilag ;&Faautbér, mo-- in " matter. 1 ment. . l'lie nulle 1 fi y . "*",Y V that by flic laws of every Mri OA»aY'!' Correspordeure. pend 111)011 il ý. 111:1U walits sonIeIl 1 ber of girls attending, ttie.-:eliools was 1 33.- 1 well _ý- ----mb; , A _ . 1 taie %v .,,--ý,- - ri lcý.wdOd do'. Il the mobiliers preseût. The lleeve 2 , ýZ-..Aý111à a You ShOuld li titi the tort The Pope% PO"tlon. 1 ()ýi0-iocreaNe 101 1 12. N'ubiber of Ilich lins etiielý"e(l rr'onl flic , : Illit, ivllat il id s'bol ýý 1 - nucult IllaTtRa back, lacinié the flaffl noir : . ý in the chair. , gent el'idren attending file seilmils %vm 9;,., 1 mists of antiquity doiyn te our tintes, pos- will collipel ., , l') (liit'Vgýe your i ' fl" légion', tu--,k libella. grisen arase .ý Tite eyes of the whole civil worid The following Petitions, vere dieu fore_ . tii:ýîýo ilized 4ý 1 jeedion williont challenge or ally elle thin Fnix thin-son, ,tý9 ailes .1 11, , âsý 1 16;0. l'lie di>tilletioli of ý elf that's ,.""' tg) you is ta Il 1,4 . ý tbQ wail of . voinon, ,,ai il,, yetis of men ., " - M v ,_ jec 1 "' r-1--If,,y are ils ýense1jr Aged allaient thé events jiov aented, Vix: iiidîgefit ehiidren flot-e oot oi)tain u-beýO î for a specified period of liait, Creâtes Own- j sorry (o say it-butýle niust bc desavin flic 1 portrait i)f".Ni, ý g*aIIAièo talion h )« ', 1. aà théy vainly atru&ý;!,gI tu escape their tak7ang. place in XubrAnpç,ý and in Of IL Darlin.-ton and John Campbell for the sehouis ,uc fp-,-c a ou hild thon et- that lierctofore 1 tl-tiblick- intirelv iv yer grate prasin, Of ' 'A -n I)rpeee4l te I'tàrl - 1 idoýul. sa 1 which, the il o ership, and titis libre kilow 1 - lnI)rOtVpiýt. _ý _ I - , alla r'Pnulg baltk te their munis, eope, :nid the Biap««ý,of the Emeh are ý tends as a lot'aprr, bat ail children attend 1 "O enan, either in, or out, of Ille bands of 110 Town of *Iiilbv ; .an' it ouly a 44 paIý gct i t t - r ý aved in file stvie o ý. 1 1 1 -M -lobsX 'Ã" thé w'ýdÃœ 4 1,-,,"l f-rth the chiel actom T'aie ý itugUî&enco by thé Of 0. W. Coûlaton fur the officé of As. as a onatter of ri,,,Iit, t acil juitabitant cou- 1 illatrimony, bas ventured to Cilzilleil.-O cour thry," "htiiikiii' il, phiéci 1, have becu 1 'l'l'O portrait ý ,,,Id ho fait lentg>111, ý 1 , ta, wGla"Il., theind"Ives tributing to sujoi-Ort file school aecoir reutlin' yer palier the lut fow ),cela nbout fi loto the icy 1 - - ý sedsori . . , front tv] ý l bytbelui. Otherarm,.ý.,d 1 A-iteCCoitiitCav'otteillebaratotbeadmin- ding tu 1 '011, Of possession of said flous. Titis 'Il 1, larvev N. lois proýMjjy. alld w L'a , o-, -'i,ý1101" ,j'e Aillent fiv, fa 1 * Of Ilobert White, J.liffl3 1 $ out accurding to * tik. 1 just aud cii.'iýhteiied vieil we deetu decisive the grain doins in Wliithy-tile 8 fi 1- 1 i ,ý,ý'Ili,.il,,,t n"", 1,1utroý O, dà&r tabris-ts, tearinj their liai rr'ij."ýl»flqtgý,_ I 'tratif)o of alfa'r.1 'a Sý"d'n'a, aM Of Z'Ouis Blws and Ile.vy Darby for collectors. number of hi . harbor, the butiful sthreets, ail, tla ', ' i', -, Mill bMechiag alla fronst the crowd or rO.ý , -ý-W-eA»17s1e*ýteT t) tiiepo.m in ofthi firit, Of Samuel Ibn aw others pmyiiig for s childrert. ,ý l Of 1110 (luestiült il, fa%-orof titis part of roai o ,ý'tr.I:d ;gbe;-ý":"A' "O tý);:tllll lit a hei.Iht 'col 1 ý ý - - ... .- 1 )N*oial«tlý'a Iti.'I)tS, gilly we ,wünId recofn. i(lences or Fer citieons i their fille .A t'a i. file " W,ý »Me thSur tiroir children out 1 "nlpI1%3"tuý o orle Pitn M. pub ores ""Ie 1', 1 there è1culd bc tu Ibis 1 tt . 1 - the altération of Sceiîon No. 2. iligant goods, grate elitherprise, liai 1 tivo ilit-Il dv.d _. firili, Md thon fdiowfd &emW,,N4 as Ille ý l'ý"9" "' allother colonne, (lie Irenchý Enté- Of Comlind Spenceur and othm pMing Thé Town Libotilers. 1 niellai te our fa--ored éisteli, who are ený d0aýltkoG ,avion, uni, tilt 1 was f.tiývly ildieu ý - pare cil in the Miý ý trosteil %vith jillo%,cll ,jokers, and tel, _ý1 - 1 - , A ý'll'1l:oOfY, Il) fWo parts being lie l ý quick lire simd their bâtir, and laid hold wî 'I't't") t.'1ýV-;%%« hi% intention ta &d- for'aitton-.tlm« ToÏd in front of the 7th Cuit. - , 98, id the place, nu, w 3 makin preparasiýiùi,,; 'r 7- up« their gariblents. Mostof the» in thé 1 ,,.>,Qr",)rt,,,, pý. ' ' AI Ille paltry C-ari)oratî6n, of ilip ý 1li-'Iý should they have Occasion te use theni a a strong MAI ý ' 'Zr"lýlntelli-1 down in the Ily-laws were thon introdured and M-A offensive or defeusl te spind flic rinuliant (if nie days there ai flic otiler ,% la a glapie, ý . PaubieI%, &Ur atroMitIg vainil against Jr4'»Otu pA'"Pidet 09 It 1»,eiýe et le Cingre,& appOinting Jeunes Toini ,If M'Ilithy, a place which mal h«,ý,fhý , as ive wëapons, wisdom ait' now tR bc tôuld that ,lis no placc _ hasp, 'ai Me, W «e«mW . to, the zuffocàting raý Illis IIIIIiiiest; k rensiodc, Barclay Inspecter le said in liave aliv )Ublic ofoinio . n nt ap, it'A discretion should goverii thoir minds in a 1 . at aj, loek. A eiru, Ir Ilote, large enoug, Pour. bit ut neoÀi sa ,thé,UpMr vi ail"& te a gératte, rettionq , 1, in what autoubits Licenstes, 111rain Campbell eu - ait that . 1 1 t all 1 'Tis enuf tu spile nie ý,oud lookio liait Ille %.nltl.,Ib; Ileck of the . > ý . trancel , il . il the bert Whit& Colleetor,, and ,,:b.,,Or,',-,',,ýtf etecýntrir pî»ý,. 1 "' "se or them. 1 - , SIEi1111(l .,tpl"lt.;tr, W4» tlly ý . . mesurer, a ne . . 1 t o 1 1 w'd f'-ettin, Wfl,"'t' id flic grale %% fiato no' vere warftn and Chîl-4f#oI 'Alliai irain'aý-- viuwz;-Mid- '11-bwil by 17etn fulluw T . 1 leirling ana collecting the ceeclin-n lilemlly stinks in the nostri:à (fi 7th, 'l'tint us offert as a hughand and -.tif in the lower a ýyn'oleý. pri-jace market .oue te- file very locst in ili IL kli.[)týr.li ,:Olt Of thp trýDdVeIj ', -1 Ail by an adalli - 1 - 1 C tv.'ý- #g,«lchndan. J Ivife, or a bridegroûm and bride, shall ngree . pallia fer nid rent the air, sud feu, béait inistratire sepi"ratt,,,À ai,, 1 survey tar on loto 'Nie. 20# 2le 22 in the 1 1 ý Canadae finit Whitby wns given ,lut ta ho ? ait(] elle siraila, l'AI, ai catit end-tu pilartin! ppeu the imýoOteàLt IKOPI total; P',vi . s à. IO sleela in one lord, aud if il ils flic pleastire nous Of the R0abaýna,-tnd the ý ý"tb, (,%U. or thig Township. 1 uè;u is'Ille blael..gumd lftnguOý,e ilsi-i ! What's bektim, 1 -ne Wders tentait, Ment 'Lbý-uX j 0 16 .1 ý 1) tilt- C -1 (if Ille wi> or thé bride Io retire for the un-yet valuil o or ail yer era-id orathru, d;tbe lois WI-i-ýtýî. llirough these apertt q»M cave. Ie ment of à lay Grbvomcf, liai ()Ãœ-'--tknt of Mr. Alefflid the ,uinci I)y .Nlr. jantes ,,Va,, ,a eh t tow. ,ds t, y paci lois me t'o 1 fil Town lots? 1, jl'c'e Atout' the rtiliittýrritl, ý nuit ])&allais of the 161ÃŽEW part of the houlo ý Ili 'lit firgt, thon it abat forever foi-in a part of the distiligisIlin karacjheri en 1Ilý, w4AIýs» sablue, and ed they, Loo, belli ta or the RoMagaa- w we#4 illIO COÏWY)tt" Of the whole upou the 1 lorality front whose tititens il 9t'ek-S ijt,,,bý 1 il ý1' sties uf'th ,les , ajuin. IVIolI)y , ý -ulan ehould tir and] liste eufflu an Auditors Report. f Wuniat1% Rights te ehoose, front or Tovu lefL reul. e, ' 1fi«lAî'bý length ta tlber-,fuàei for ît" tranqu;tiv b- ù-stored, with à rej'r, of liait file 11111111 Ille fornier s', iiâ, 1 ý - 'fi i s adiiiiiiiq 1 j , . coiiiplacetltljr ý 1 4 . , , _" te ý. - - - " (bat the 01, motion of Mr. White the Audîtors ai botte sin i il. the ' o n of ficaceable possession untîl site is inoveil of 1 tokai . 11111 9 1 ý . Connaittec, rage wîthoui soukial, an, m, age ;%lad support 1 A more gratilitous, u.,. ý liack, stock or wall, of said bed, and Lhereili of beil, a licaletiolne, healthy, la-tle8otelt. toivil i-da, White the _ - -1 'Il Ilaitâtâý&*41à te 1-1, fM dont dÃŽzq ý , b'ý'-Wdted -4Jý , te the raté of the Il.ly Part. . Called lue, and boumeriteil insult Il;ui Al,,,r t- ceculiy the reasonaLle balf thereuf in ,a,,, Iloty il Ilâtinks.13 yesý, that's %%fini yer toj or elle ( .ý1 ý » to, slay lah tha lire- - - - -r»m- .Altilier, Di, 4 MlLiter alludO , ý. 1 -1 4M, ý ý bec " us r w M'Ilithv. ütchiitan, -' 1 slliiý, ,hould st:il hy in heraldie ,%ffl, e4 . 1 lierseif te open lier ejes and it cuibtelaptt)ry, Ille Il i 1 . ý . ., -Itaur Ilise simbitjI races loolte froin, thewin Xom*g.m 1 -tïî,.wý îÀý üîe-,-,,-p-,i _-, , 11n'at -'I-"ý-- it in unsurpétaiseill, as Il is U'IP-àflý)LIaliýe, ià i- -ith(Iraw 1 Illithiraly stillka in the .A>.tLijlý o8,ky.ql 1,,, - . authority ; nu-1 at (4 ritovi tin» lm tg, W e = 1 examine the Couitty -t tliemýNom ý f t h,, prochifinilv, -1 is allait it bc doue ., èjXîGpÇý± bulid" ý,>f op-tunied 3-or- iti' bon. -I..,:ý ,t'ô" 1, 1 ý ý oAV4 C dauS4 kloii4 as bla*ched *3 formed that brÊt fi* t4 hntntq.euee et Mai NCUUUUIS, and report et the la biuzen Arfftuntery. Aslol4-1ýiAA1; filât VF:Fgu *18. £titi if calme lo pass wilen cOulitS," 01, ninidher! what a blaek de. Mail IN11ase ý1-iowled,,eJ Virtues c .. 1 T abar a,- 1 persona Who star ý gradid t'flot yeýve béraint on file fi,,, faec public l'er0ý,liiii",.,$ tl*.»%-,m TIft ouest f»Men aliby'-it Vais imperiýI carresi>ond,*Itj U% tifturt-ectiod .ZL .,zti.3 of the coulatil. ak go Sui)ercifioqnl3 of flic, , these rellolutionswere put te tIlle Meeting, of Oiàt&tal-io. Th Let this pieu 'a 4rt*A("l 8--'ý 49-ch, » they - wl ne% er w"dl "i;pr«J,,P»i tha utreilft of Un d1ofion 13f 214r- N-*-etbMe the Clierk ,Ans Town of Whitl)y-into whiel, ore 'vas a tiniee xhin one duru the ('ttit,.Il wÃŽtneuba lAAý,I Urt., I,, )t ý instructed te give notice that the ever»eers nak-ed aud pOnuiIeý they raine file rirst six were adopted with one voicè, -Misther Wall-Ass w_às m j .I Z - , ý Ançonalabeen itivaded las Usaribaldi. ,%fter 1 - _,sstlolt!%, et, 1 fier a ilionth, 1,,ttlkît.ll titnë you wil xiculonta ý but the filer lAn- used ta) liqy %villa!(! t'il illin wilit. 11001ilig, !o ,%I, le' ilitti of il,,, bt ,Mort, of Righwuys; Puuod-k-eepeIJ4 sud pettet lIçkýscend d with many signa of rejoieing, *"1ýàIZ speak- luisit 1 4iewem. would ho ILDI)Oibted AILL te remain in se AI lbaiti-yý, IL plaer ! One !1 8111nitabeimt bovin- moved a certain ,> Who tu.liýd 11111 U. .._,_ý -,ý__ .. -.. - . plainis as w" cant amend by was suinthin Of n pl ' 1 ýv4ýllacei nayon wili - th. .-à - -- -_ .A 1ý .. ' . .. .. . - ace. ]*'%>ervilýi.,, prneiired hi., Il, ,......- I.:. --ý.1 _ __

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