Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1860, p. 3

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Ea total àOI Tb ÇiIRUÃŽ&TIQ ofthe 15h11 Th4 tbat of any nle aa iPapér lahýrnc,~d ,Thbeeliroulatioir of ail the other apr uthe County -of *Ontar6 Io nited. WI~EKLY UILLIONICLE ONLY (9qe ~o~V pe~ i - FER ANNUM. The Chronîie is the ]Paper Wo Aýdvertise in. BRITISII REVIEWS. îEO~1~) COTT&CO., NEW S~ oacntinus to pblah the. felew- 78: 'LOUI>OI<QUÂIITEUSLT (Ceservative.) jns xotuvur Éiýr wtlev w(Fre. Churci * . 4. ait, 1WETuinsTERREVIEW (Iberal7y BLAC&KwWDE EINuima xàAAZIxE (Tesy Tise.pariodicala ably rcpreseut thse tire e -at political parties off reat Bn-. laIâ-Whig, Tory, amI-Rdi-but poi. ics toe-nîy oeefdatrecfttibelraacl. er. "As -Orgh ethle unot profound 1 writers on Science, Literature, Mralily, and Religionh,' tfiey 'stand, as they ever uave-teodi,uniivalleti ln th. world f ete- toi, being conidered. indispensable te the achlir anAdte roesioual man, vihile te the intelligenut render oftevery <laais they fvrni.#h & mnerocorrect andi satisfoictory ne- cord 'cf bbc current litera'turi% cf the day, tisteugiaut lhe voil], tissu en hbepossibly obtaiued from â" oh'Ã"her seure.'ý T o reIp f nàii xte ansus Tfrounthe Briltihpubbbliein gir..aditional vlue te the RepninirtN.. inasunuch as the>' cati nev b. pIacedlnu'the haudi cfisubecribers about as môu as thse'origintiâhi ions. - ' 'Per anm. For amy oeeof the tour Reviews ... $8 00 For any Iv twootIe four Reriewa.. ô00 For gny îree of tlie.Leur Reriew ... 7 00 Foraitr ý f -lihe Rev@ri»as.. 8...00 les' Back,'à4oo'Magaine ........8 00 Sor Jllsckwôcid sud tire neie*s. . 7 00 For Black*oed anA "hee Reriè.Wý... 9 00 For Biaekwobd-and thc tour Beviews. 10 00 .ifnY i er reti ite State meler i8saued -~~~~~z Pu&Iiýoiedat>mr -A dist nt etf twenty.flre por cent. freni Iihe aba've pisies- wili bs ailoired te cLU.n orderaog.fouy or môe.osp les cf an>' eue on more p lq io..ok.Tîtus: Fosir telof et laekyot,,or et eue Review, wili ., sent to'e ».addresafev $9; four copies .1 "'tie fouir Rciiews su d Bl"cwood for eOc.ôn. mlnd ai l asuicnbers wiflbe sapi. Reatittance irsan>»'ô'( tise sic,. publies *Mp, xh)q4iwy bs addrossed, post, ýJî*9 to e!puialersi, LEONAIgDCOTT _& Co. f BWNè.54 Oohd StreetNew York lrHURSDAY."MO RN [MI TWO DOI4tARI via kNUN. ' I EAIER lswthe. largeat ireul4tlen, of * ' " bllhédlu Peterboro', and theretbi', tne bout idv.ftlslg medinu ln thâse Tornis-To Odrortftadt vrYlberal ý & . , ieNFREW, I tu imay othàer cpr publls Iân the UnI boot dvoeUshigmediuin lathe (M Naeasti s ren a, r the__ 1 DENTISTY! 'I DNTISTRY 1 J. te 'b .S.Jonoa, M.D. Surgeon Deutlst, &c I :'RNS là!s siascaro tIatikaa te citîzos WIýlithy atui iinit', tor thc ver>' liber mtronaeoexten.ded te hitis in bais profsion.- le 110w takes leuve te aequalnt latg raunsero' 'lattAs sud the publie, biaI ho lias tîally cenîpt, id laiu nnritngeitaeaitat' ren tonasenlpractaq )f luis profossotoinu the Town cf W lth>'., 'esîli tucunteti on Gobd, Plaitine, Cheeplaus 'Motel, &c. Taetîs flubAd with ~GOLD AND STANIEL FOIL, s lu se- ce FI Wt Ma ia le sud vilis Doctor Jooto'anov invention fthe nona- uorsi'ep carl ceniush-s laite golti, cat tnt mc costi>'. TCtlixrted ly the usuel procos witioiit Pan. A practice et twenty daîra ira hi, profiesaloit, cuables Dr. Jouies ho guaraueaicotelia pationas ail tisat profemioial akili anA experience cali acctuiîtaa twars eieaiatighuinan sufforin. ln tsetnent ot al affeeioras cf thbbcett, guiosud nA-facial tevs-&0oleuX r Dr. Jones operations hsave al ways bes atteusteci wilh ths greatea§tauecasà; OFFICE et tas ciAd Dental Stand, oves Joe Btgelcw's Dry Gooaie Store. fl<zEWEcas. J. laira Penny, Esq., Mayor ol Wlitby; N. G. Reoyaselds Es'j., Siienif', C. 0.; W. Il. Trenssyne, Èq., 1Br. Cheekley and Dr '4'.inu. Novemler 24t1i, 185. DENTISTRY, DR. 0. C. JEROME, surgeon Deutist, TN rottusrnrauiste ho isnnimeroUNsfienda j ausd tîîo puhble gossamli> for tiseir litioruti a 4'tu Mincealaie iîcmeioeed practice i1a Ibis ron, ionldlaose laite occasqionole stte te al iltose wwlo are requiing Artiltil Tootha, tisat he hais 10w obtaitu a cul5e for workiu tIbe vuleianitaed , uihber, upon hîich lise iili insenl ail kindiqaand s;tyles cm Tooht-i3cheapur t.'a-a ,1aa ever bSean debefore 1 i 'tlu Ibis pnoSes. Dr. C. C. Jxînosr will graarattehofitise tuent diffleult osase'.ith tbeisgreateab prectascua Inra isîl li cass, parties can havai Blocit Testh vitis Soliti Gutusa, viichin i, ira ever>' resî.cet, fu superior te say oISon kiii of vont kuovua ini use. Tila vork is biglaI> approveti et b>'al) cf thte Icadlng DentWst' iin ew Yoerk, anti pin. cipal ities thrcnghsottlae United Stt-. owir.g ho ts beig niuce ilgluler anad ofae nou-eutostve nature, and lb in, ailes e test cf thees ycars%, deetned higiserndmtore preferablai than gold or amy ollier iiietalie plate. Dix. J"ueawonlal îisb il te hie borne li nsmiud thait hoe ba s tloa>. raidacedth ae pices wisal henetotore wcre thse standard. flI would rIsc tsrtlaer statul thal ho utba sbeus cpntstsîualy uslrtg te ailies riet i ntstluil1r soveral mnils paut, dnrlsg vichie le hobais pub up a great nuuuîber of caes, sud is ahi in tainces the hissa cf satisfaction liais boon tniaitiented b>' -taie piatetbot. - GelA, ilver anîd Platina Plates onut op iu th. Latest Styles, 1C7eaper titan m~ual, and, Warranteo Ail Surgicail operations hf the Tscth or Gums skliftlly perfermied. gWTeeth extracte wrItiuut pin b y medaxcf eletrict. Partion lar aetoniloîî given to ths régulatloti of Ctil ÃŽret.'. Teeth. .gogultation Frýeo.. .ll torlc WarrantW befure gettitlý. 700 teuth liis.rted elsewhero. Qf.ouinA LiJWxLL's Etocic, over Lowa c 'Powaeli'aSWor. Br&ek Srat, WhUy.. . .ept. 15, 1950. -ly-sw w Whitby 3rewery. wth stiex*hl.kt artwans.ncbh qitéhîtieso a Bo.ttl.d .1.e qual toe .lrnprt.d article, .à 1 LARgCK &WQODWÂI »Whieby, Nov. 151h, 1859. 68s-44w the the ert fl) 1ai ,4w BOAE~ 0yEEccJEs~Lolion. Peter McG Ire*I$Ue f tejBankcof Mnre.- moine, aq, abo>~Bnu u Peuplo- ý Henry tarr.s, Fq, XrBipe EsttILI gm4.,p. i'ILF Tiie Colonfialvus eabllled lni 180 sud Its ~ter1,sg et _su p- Agsciuliitl fis(46lônles, rbore Promnims ÀgeftIlbty-.R aIoi Agencîca in oves>' part cfike world. ,19' RO 1,lInsuranc Company. CAPITAL-TWO MILLIONS STO. EFzum mns,1856-Twc buu4rod Tbeutand L addefor, dulvery At thlsýOffc '" foi- Do w n %ail- goiig raut Iz -sawaB r dnr gl~ubJe u 0JlWSOî5 Mu n., endôSP. ni. _Due hfor diveryAt 10 a. m sud 7 P. ni. L,1ttoig XcoiSelO.i pses Estet King- s ton are OUI a5upetolied ai>'thienIdgIsI MAilge- Pi'kerin,'oite sudi au places Weat cf To- route, ais te oh. . Bt.raVOlhliig Peut <>fie gogWest, closesatT7'a. ni., endet ôSP. ni. Ie for deivei7 here AsIl0 s.m.,audak7l a.m. ThoMil for Yiekçprlng. and Dunbsrtoae OcuIrmdb ts Irs' > tihe inornlng train goîug; W sut. Norh1Ltîleleavo daihy sites lts Arrivai ci at tÉati from Tbrote, fer Brookli, "Manches- tes, Port Perf>, Btechi,Liaaniv,àjê Maï fnîla, Ben- vestout, Port looves, Aiqhbury, Epuei.Utica sud Uxbri ige, aIse for ahi the ccrresPOndlflg et- ficasare ) mse paoup t sanie tins. for AnA- Be 0-i reenawoo' And in-' sole dally,aendo undy Maîa u o loa, (ciritucit and wtA Malse are dus for deliver>' frein Ihese cficos ut iabout 6 80 P.nM. E nfGLI$fl MÂU.-Frein.the lut cf ApTil. 18,59, ail jettes. for, Grsat Bntain-mîat bd pre- .Paidt b>'postage tanip. Letter* into nded for Europe sboulieb.pet- ed betors 7. o'sloc A. M, on Monlays. REGISTRATION 0F LETTERS.-The ObTfo eBgitloit, in a4ditim o M4Q poat- ianefollowïi,onech lettrvz roôany place ini Brieh North Ânierica, Id; Te sny place In the United Sttes, ("oge Te any pace, lu Great Ifritain and Irolandl(pes- 5(5 must hbcprepaid also) 7Xjd Teas>' pace in thse British ÇColehS1is r Fee- sieons, Pent eU-England, (pc;taigemutbo pro- T nplcIlia France, or other Foreigne court- troet,'ie& Bngland, an arnount equel te'ths peut- Iwo rit6. . .1 ý 1 ]AICELS up te à Ibn. wclg'ht cati be s*ont b>' 1post uWidor reirulains ant la Bd per lb. te b. prepoid b>'p"t e1taansd nia>' ho register . dNo maila estdîid or reccived on Sun unBocks and printed niatterfor thte United! Stýtbs, tise Canidien I ostago mut be prenaid b> potge îtampman sd o cisu'injatter/rs thse United Sttets, the Ca.aiadistat 1'tottige wiii lie te colleçt on delivc1ry. cligthsts Ail tratîsient Ndswapeîers lt dn he o .Englanîd, mfial boprepaid 1'y 1'oiago Stsrnp or ib.> Canet b ot ofrwarded. Neospaors for te Britit4h WIest Indics, or N5wtouitiiî d,iiusti bue prd yald by PIostae 1 Sitainp, c,4 atàch; and for laidia, Chiais, Austra lia, ad otîacr places bcyoîud mcn, USd cach. .F ICEIOUBS.- Weok days, frotiî 7 a. m. P'ostage Staimpa eau be purclitiscd at thse 'ost A. -M&PIERSON, P. M. , [Whltby, April, 1859. 6S - 8w. JW-PAID UP CAPITAL, $200,0j@ 1' Wl )OLICIES igranted liniediatèl>'ou applica- tion, vitliout reforonce te tlao Renld Office. C. LYNDE, .manager Ilitb Tsi. 2.1859. Tii. Scottimhb Provincial Assurace Company. FJefbU#bkd A. D. 1825, andd lneeporatedby, e 1 peola cqf J>,rliarmcnt. CAPITAL - 1,000,000 Menîreal, 9 Grent St. James Street. Szcazuuwti.-A. Davidmen Parker. TNTENDING Assurera are roapectfilly se Lqoiem§ted te peruse bin sCenipan>".lProupee- tus, wiierein It will ho tonnA tat OvCTy ~adven- tage, consistent witl seceunit>', is offaired Thse rates ot Premlnis echarged are low. wvle thed Bonuses doclared yl beaneenipis t itia ,,he Profitu aleotted by an>'0,ci tiseolier lcudîiiag offices. 1articular attenion la aIseo direced te an eqol- teblo*regulatioai adoptcd b>' Ibis *Compati>, am te aurrender value ofrinuaîd 'lais Wuvs.-John Agnea, '.gent;,RbrtJ Gunu,' M. D. Medical Adriser. Piez Aanar.-Nivsu Agnsw, M. D. Mcdi cal tdvismsr.9-n State FaLre Isurance Cotaupany ot-Lda- donq, Euglamd. 0 oEAtttZEDY ACràT OrPtutigIaTs lAiLtAMttiT. 74PITAL. £500,000 STERLINVG. zoAu» or DtltEdToRs - Caircan-The Rigist Bon. L"rd Xesus. H. B. Sheridea, M.P1. Colotnel James Adeir. The Rey. W. liean. Peter Ce-rahis*l, Esca. Theo Hon. B. Ilecîlib>'. Jolis James Uaswiu Clarke, Esq. Heur>' Clark, Esq.M. LD. Nietelag Dounys, kM1. Williai S. l'elles, Esq. 'WiIliatnHenry Raiugia, Esq., M. A. Peter Morion1q, EMbanailurDire cher. A-adiWo.--A --- -o-a- Mile, Esq. &licitor.- Messrs. Millesrb& llomrte. Sur,-eeor.-WViimn E. Williamst, Eaq. Lnkrs.Memnaa. liansousi &k Company'. Secretry.-Wns. Caaswelî, Ifaq. CANADA BRANCIl lBond Oflkeo,-Meaotie Itîsî, Toonuto. I. 2ruiee.-Ilon. John Rosa, Johan Crawford, Es q.,Q. C. Bord of Diredutan.-Cairma,-Wm. Ifo Master, Esq. Vice- Cairna-W.l'.I iowlanti, etq., M. P.ý P. Wm. Biosst, Eaq., Wni. lien- ormon Esq. F. W. Jurvié, Esq., blieriff, U. 0. of Y'ork anti Peel. BLaker-Tbe Baink et MloisirouI. Solicitore -Boss, Crawford Ar Crombie. .Thse oaîgsrenseats oft lise Stte Fine Itîstînance Comapatny aras gtarautLeod b>' a resposible Pro- pnietits>. Ah Loses.wilii ho sttihed pronîphi>' 'ithout nererace te tise Board li Euglenti.1 . The ausiue% ni th iiesbaîviflg beeu pur- ebisasd, Polie>' -holdena% are ncw guinenteed by lias State. Manager, liritixh Nàrtl f/e Arme. JOHN AGNEW, Agent et Wkitî'v Whltby, Jan. 5, 18,59. Proecionaginb y s Pinre.ag WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL £100,000 LNbURANCE effeced on Bulidings and tie contents. Every informiation suppied o applicationi to the îînderaigned. JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron SIreeV, WilitbV 'niar bfeir itby ada. 1and ;sud, rdilu p British America Assurance Compa INCORPORATED under an Adc f tue Til Session of tho Elcvcîîtlî Provincial. la ment of [ipper Canada. CAPITAL £100,000. - rsuran6 te tectsd on Buildings xnd tei iotenta. Every iiîforîantion anpplied ora plicaticîx te the aîndersiguoed. hiarine Riekt. for the Season or for Pnrts. JOIIN:AGNE1, Travelling Agent, Blyron Street, Wlitb Phoenix :rire- Assurance Co ESTÂDLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT à CO., NSUANESapn0Agnts fouiaa LenBand W~,WOODWA RD, Commfaionr Herchant, Wh1&V, Wkîtby, Ang 10, 1859. ONri Whltby, 100 A cres. of the v.ry bo in-u.th. Townshlp cfDar-, Tu~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Pn ~oxwie r*u Imt~,Port Ms. a few Taoi lJW*p the ITowu of .Pbr saLou ban d on -Lo g Creif.l Meshanic~ sud ôtesirogpobf buil4- abg aihav e frowm 12 to 18 mentis te uLte eirai. paymnent. S.ud fora sCirculas. Addrens, pivtdaidi 05 ce fexcelletî LanA lu the S. E. an gle in etW ôo 8 l h Con. ef Uxbridge, tise tbrotieland Wa trst élsspin,. Aise fersalle or te let, 8 acres of elcsuredl land! partS. W. anugle ef 21, 2nA Con. off Beach tqr- - merljr ooca bf b;lis.berta;. Thié lass i. under sistivticou, sud lu oxcelent erden. ,It wili- b.p siA te suit ,purÏbiers. 'o>r yl' ha lot to ai steady tetiant. Fer lormo sappI, JOINTO Miaten, C. ï4. Toronto Townlîip. cr te THOKAS BKALL, Whitby. Mr. lIqueacsad ilI s;how lise land ln Uxbnidge. Miten, Nov. lOtit, 1859. ýqf j d ià, 9 Part mer und lot t Mr. T culi by ted brii IWI Wl Col or ,o- ri lle th lig il- am W 'Ag foi M th wl m or. tun oui JLexcellent Land, whlabb s min n bigla atate c cultivation. T'.e louaaa is a Frarato building li b>' 24, anîd cottfortahil> fluished off. It ixsitua ted le a very pleasatat part et the Villigt- ut U x bridge,bcbg osas bthe. chuncb, tbe sehoci, tIi, pesaI office,and tpla lces ut getial Ibiataincaa 'kI eni ansd nia>'be known hi>' epplyiatg t -W n. Wusl ito, tDr.Nettaa's or a JW.CALDWELL BROW«N, Land Agent, Usbridgi Maiy.,1859. 16I I b S a. t FOR SALE CHEAF. y OT No.27, Ini tIe Srd Ctuasccasiots of Whithy .Li< thte Wn.xass FAsse) aacjiniîg thie Tcwn ef Whithy. AppI> te tise lie. IL. C. WILKINSa, Cnryingrpwae, Citas. WjrIKNiu, Esq., Beleville, or 10 J ulyl15, 1857. 2C1 Steam and PIaster Mli for Sale. THE ASSIGNEFS F 0. STONE, OFFER T for talc on ciwy terimtihe Steatu l'lsttr MiIIadFuntr t eriuPt Wlitby. Application to bc mcdo tc J. L. GRANGER, or N. MILLIER, wlsitbvy._ Aboi Td An s Fica A q pari 2 abo Noi Par Bu! *ble Farm for Sale. 2 Oo ACHES F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 0S10, lu luth Cetiasesson of Th<ineb; '5 ýAercs eced. Thim3 Fan is sittated wit±im four miles of Bosîvertnteaotithte travel n*oati to - Mars; thte andi is ofttahe at qtiality, atdtininl te centre ofta good setticuasot, withî a Scheel,. andi n Soiiil lcojuveaient. 1 Aime Northt unit ci'Lot 4, in thbe lott Ccnce%- iotu q? Tituea, conaiating et '45 acres -12 cf which arccltit, atsd t'routisg oil tise ortage BoiA;' neer Caat:ron's Miii. Api' D CAMERON. Benventon, lOit i uay, 1857 26 T OWN LOTS ini W itby, n'sr tIe B a- Aise, Village Lots mt lulli rcFesi n~ ie>'Ï, anîd Port l'ans>. Apl eG. Il. DARTNELL, Brok .St-e, il'h/Uby. âmîel16, 1857. 2 ]FOIR BALE IS TIIE TOWN OF - W1IITBY. et 2,ou ad21 S.tIEY b Et SITUM . Cochraai'm amus Lynde's Crack. AppictiTs oheRmatLie te. _4 Aplct ot 88,madtil oeso )nlga MRS. ANGELINE WEST, tChristians Uti'cing" pIuse rcc i' utlftrbrid LI V ERPOO L. ton. il 13lacksmiths & Waggonmkers Shops1 FTaeTYSleS t eat veroo(A rLDWpotauii tIEScfSTseOrnTaONTO BAl va>'). BaS Sep aas us oftte Ganti ruater ota)Acre thLa ata Cttae ,qure ofTileAcrprof isnds hae e aa1'eetei i n e hrt ustseî.cce, et tsoKisteyon ltcd iid ta in a sehoat Deota. A oft iiisatiesRudndt trees clw en ho doA i>osoadyuîtieFgocAnwonk- nracu. b ocb ;cayadgo ok FeMaon rp.lehiaapl't For firthe MaI.cS. PURDY, to Mii. S oPRpoo July 28, 18 57. 8 - FOR SALE. ~ithe heurt of tuse &own o-t Whitby, and withiîî a few ards of the Main Street--undam stre-ozetro with zwo-ifths of an acre of land attaeh cd. The bouse contajîs six spart- monts, lias an excellent cellar, and there im o e d t abl t g ad a l n c e si a ry o n - b utild i ni g , Fur aTsperioripnîp cf gond water on the spot. Fo TrnIjs,&c., wlichr will be c und very lib e ra l. A p p ly to J . M Y o I O F I liq. Chrofficle Office, Widy. 1BEAVERTON«. FOR BSALE 'CHEAP. A M114L PRIVILEGE AND TOWI- LOTS contigiolia te thle l3caverton Whaurf. A large and prlofltable ýMilling bnéincss au ch donc hero. Favorable ternis maiy becinade witih the Proprletor by a Practical Miller. N. B.-Tbera la a firit-rate openiiîgst Bo- orton fur tihe Eotablishmnft of& roundry. J. A. %eavorton, J4lV28, 1857. 2 VALUABLE PIROPERTY fOX SALE. HPIE storea an remiâss latclY oecupled by T Mr. j. . ~, I§ljpj, t ticilin tIhe 'rown-* ahip et'l<uîach tbaether *Itb a quarter acre ef Laid attacesdthierete. Tho store, la 'ver> favb theutstOTwiIl;a i Tenswlbpm4csi p b~r.Ap phÏlotitô b. mad.' jes., B, PB L 46Asbburn P O, t"o. ValugbleParm for Saie. ATI valusble Yarm sompo'se4 cf 2N. nL of Lte1qo. 4, inth e4tb conSsuaien ef PICI- 'n, ü~lIng 50 'Acres,- Mt 20 asr choppod. Ès -,pa PI» situatid lu the.centre of eeie±wbéat-rowiîng Ioeaflty5 iiadwlîhii ut, six m ills b et aelm pertut Tewn of 9iua ,inederale. Tille ludisputable. pahlies tien to e imade te JAS. MoALLAN, tut JAS. LO)GAN, Lot 9, Breken Front, g, THOMAS HUSTON, Wlsitay. Aiso,. for Sale quantltyof gocd MEAX PORTS. e'< APLY As ABOVE. LMPUOYED FÂIIMS at.-100 acres oouth 6a1f cf Lot Né.: , rd c ncession f W h ty, known as rt of tie >isly t1we0 mfles trams tlte Tcot fWhitby. 2nd.-50 acresSeutis West quarter et s _No. 28, 6ti cocesaiou cf Dashingten, out eigil utiles froni Bcwmniaville. Bra-5O acres Sotuth East quarter of Lot )18, 111th concession oftMariposa, about miles frin Lindsay. T'he aboes nentioned Lots ore llrstclistç rnis, in a ilgi atate of cultivation, geod ildin gm, and usasr important 1'owns, Will b e aeld resnabie, sud on fayoraî, e ternis. Av»ly to T D. O. JENIlINS, selves. Louis at ttiaîtî 1659. eor 36 w on Sale, Five llondred (ihests1 165r9b.ct.(i.d erl . 4rs Markee r lb . ... Oct. 8Greenipr h. SOa . Superior pet lb.. .. « Lits. IE m esc t h ai. p r l... 70toL. flotelKeApors, Slîcol Iroprietors, Contry Store, and Boerding House Keepers, (OBSERV E! ~*Forty pouaid packages, and Up. wards, cf TEA, sent cerriago t're, te nv part et Canada, on rocipt of-lise CASH Thoso who do neot boy se Ia.ge a qîîentity, wotld do wcll te club togathor with stisoir frieuds. gW- Satiis- faiction Warralited. ICoffes, ix aun article adultreted te snch a traghtful citent, tht peopîle ire gtting alairn- cd. Thie Comnpny, lesiroxîs ci' oftbring paire and Unadnltratecl. rticles r«kilomct e trial cf tiheir elicions TURt1EY COFFitE, t 25etm. amI ive wil gurantie a treat scldomeciijoyed.- Fine JW-entnibr tienonibor, 151 JClng.-St. two docrm'front Market stquare, anîd pieuse cern- aitînicete thîls ieioîstc youîr friends. Terotîto, Sept. e2, 18-5, 1 86-1-Y PUle Buidings; Ottawa. POSTPONEMENT 0F TIME. 7TH LNS AND SPÉCIFICATIONS for T1 thie l(ieveruor Geiieral's reaidence aut Otta- wawl 'nqt bereaidy fr i0 ecton n tl e- n 'aythe Sth, ebruaryàex, ad tenders will bh e e v d untl W e dn isdà,, the 29tlif the a inethi, at acc. JOHN ROSE, PuELio Womza, lOth January, 1860. 18 ent Pïuàcbnasenre e a qb sale.- The.Teris àwI'j;be'- ibèral -end, a' pr nly w1l berrequired lu cash).* 'lhoexgt pir'elarg, and cuditioti cf eabwllh mado'knowsiÀ ut th0-. Urne O!; 1'. & E. MApTIN. BarseuusLaw,. Jan'y 4,16.f 82-s W SI-w' ia superbes STONE MDWELLING'HOUSE, Aise barn and, onil efilces asuda jgocd orcliard. Tie1s reuiseo re *atiuted on, lot -No. 14, ias the 2nd ~ Eoet flWhtthy, andemiprise the Norths Weat part ot saiîd lot. 'l tits mandofcWlistby end 0 ,i§hawa ArTe reupectively arithîti tiares and' on5e and alasif tmiles oftaersneA Appi>' personaîl>', or by lotes, I,tlfvid, t Jan. 4th,1860. ôt J. I. PERRY. Abrami Logan, Agent/or the (Marier. whitby Oct. , 1859 56 I1CK STETir, WIITIY, Wiiti, Oc. 6, 850.TuU-SmiIth an& e-Iaugero, &c., &W. ~ T t EW OLU A, TroiiglIt. put rap on i.Uel1Hstet Anuari- TU NL T I WOR.> ntiCssaalaa aap.>'d stylesg, w AND IJALP OP TUE Coaity ordans toastlîy jit or ottherwïiqe ~ vJ 'v. K3~~ ~proua;'tly att:iduclel ta. 84-M2n. BEBLONINONCE M ORE! TI soAticniber lsevîasg snoapendedwbuiness, lie ilow otlana te Seller Bount for a terni Qf yoansi cal vor rostoiîaible borns 'bis spiidlU preiniscit lu tIhe Towtîshîlp cf Brlào o sting ort STORE & DWELLIIIousE, andi attaclied l ste t 5veW0lI funisîso office sandi Vaitîuseo. Tise-buildings air isf clamas Fritie, Buildings. Frics, 2O I'to eqîsatl eriav1l imtaîmnets, WitmiraI't.restat tise ratac f '.eig!s ',T p e it sIpet. aucuns, or, 925 p ri uisanis routai Bruck needat no writtcn rcceninendalieln, ifi% indîda<ioa fahitîsait&as s..sc enlrcons- iStrot Tu caiot 'teise ubsenlior oun- bbc M. 3icPHADEN. V'roouiastots, Brook, Sept. 17, 1859. 86w-tf Parm to Let. A Fgun to Lot for-'e terinicf years,'Iiu « the .Townsuhip ef Darlingtor., *bout two miles eaqst cf Bownianville village, cou- taining abbut 150 acres clear, iwitis good lluildit-gs.-. AppI>' on the Farm te ?6sî. DANIEL GALBRAITH. Dcrliragton, Oct. 20, 1859. 40-2w FOR SALE, A (lon fortahîs Foiuuilv Reslaletce, sîtusteilin - the villaigeof t iivarpool, 9ownlii )of l'ick- au iîîg, udjadissg tis,enFcuraia'a Bay Statiaon ai' tIshe am Truuk Railway, 18 tmiles froni Tu- ronu - - "mstll' f S53Esubecrber requests public aten ,Ltucon te lits mev stock ni stîperter Stores. They inehude tIhe fcllowing new patterns : THE KINGOPFSTOVES, THE PRINCE ALDERI, DA VY CROCKE Tl PROTECTONLS!-T, GRAND TURK, MRON D UKE, Cimîl anA examine? tarie, -being Lotnit inl'iitf, 1 u- the Trwèlftw concession oef- thesa ii4;own- aiip of Brock, witi. a1l anàn inàgu1sri'tii. tea içrnnta, hiedlluousaa pprqnn cee ticreuniteinpy wisebe1engpg, lIcii3thoeut'oqscejiench. James Laing plaint»ff vs. Peter Stoute»- burgh, defendant Aladsinguhs.r,that-certsiu,pleoe or oace f lmnd, situate ipthe Tovgw"p ef zl ac h, aforeaaid ; antd .-ie ýi ng .,," o ed of Part of Lot numbier Saeven, in the-%ihth cqnc"sic.nofthbesai'Towflhipt su&Jeing ail gtapi.'s>etfore, conveyed,,by oe Tbanius Boeo,, to lie said Potwî$toàten- burgbl,-contitin.Ëthre. àcre@,be the aime more o eoand aIse, iMlitha&»-tbçr ie or palrçel of lanA silua.ted i thesaid Town- siip of Reac,, being.cçomposçd: <of, pt, cf Lot nkuanhr Seven., , b tiNinth-éonces- sion cf tie aiaid, Tewnsbip 0of Roac, and kîaown a althe Temainink gpart, of. emid Lot wiich hue not hitherto been sciA fer taxes, or previouslIy copveyed by !John Waiggonier to Tlsoniàis Miartin5,wiicbu.gaid last uîcnticned piece or percel iny be d- iýribed as follows, - commnencjng- on frent of saiA lot, et or -about tie distance cf twelre-cbains anA eigbty linke, oneacors scuthscvetsty-fcîîr degrees -weat,. frona scuth la ct angle cf said Iof, and àt the. soutu st'alangle cf land soliA-for taxes; tibence north sixteen degrecai weal ceigiteen cliainji ariA twenty-five links ; tîsenicl;noith seventy4four degrecsenst, totche- esteiu lianit cf baud d dedcl 1ThiomasMartin; thsence south six4teen degrees, eat:e!Éht iteen clîns cani twcnly-fivo linka:,to i e front cf said lot; thence along tie front ef thse said lot te the place of beginning.' NELSON- G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff,C. O., WÀNTED. 001W WOOD WANTED GRAND TRUNK RAJLWAY,. T lI VNIEESINEI)will receiveeflersun- TtiI ihîîriday . an. iîext, for the aleliv- 1r seoclt AlIril, cf-fropa 50 te 1000 Corda of Wedlad~ood, at tue( Grand TriiînkRamilway .4iii lce tîbjcct tu ins Coinijaay's inap e- tica i iid nsmeuaîîrcaîîct. Wood te bueu titre and a hall eeat Ion g. Alse wiitted any-qoantity offfood HaedlWood to e ho delivcrcd ut thse Harber. Port Wliitby. THOMAS MOOUY. Wlîitby, Dcc. C(,, 1859. '79 Oats Wanted. T FIE 14îîbciber will p4y the higîebt amarket pntric frny qîi:îîtity of good Oud, deliv- ered ut bis joI ilin the Srd conceiin uof lViit- by. QUINTIN McG')WA&N. Wluith)y, Jan. In, 1860. 76-Si j O F WILLIAM (JUIN LIVAN, wvise ftIill- niusis. aJoiuitry ofi'tie, lrelsnd, lu 1853 or 5.W iati a' lcr itIae a wcnriltg ou bioardiaftone a't thse Ballit-umore ateenmoa% . An>' isortasit ia'îî eacerniuig luitu ili hie IIiaraIlul> re'acivead bh bis solis, l'ittricik Quiilivei, Who se mlids !ls VI hitbv, C. W. aUited filtas -,$Puapen plesise cop>'. Jxiisasary tP. 6, cottage containlig Nine Rooma. 1O:T JU ST O PEN -MijI'Rds - n ifi-irFIlEi- ter; thse Grouîtiila ara tnstistull> laidi ont, anti plautset witb Slsada 'rrees; ao, a Lange Garnden well atocketi with Frutit Trocs; the whlue covers tue stres of Groisd, andi ciauiisatlic sarpaseti ini tIse 'làonualaip et' l'ickeroug, toir ils conveul- enuio anti reati) acoesa te Ite * -îu'y. Ternus 'aidoeasy. h or tirthser partictulirs ap'1>' te tlie sulsc'rilîcr, Yorkville ; or t,, Mr. Willitat i t rd>' uspeti tise preusuiisOt. l'ossa'saioui given forth- GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yorkville, May', 1858. 17 For Sale, or to Let. s.. santly situated U'BRICK CO TTAGE, with 1 cf an acre cf land, in the North Werd cf the Town cf Wlîitby, on thec Beat side cf Brock Street. For furtiher pàrticulnrs apply (if by lot- ter, post-peid) et W. I. Tremayne's office Whitby, or te the aubscribcr, CashilI, Markham. Whitby, July 28th,159 For Sale Cheap, and on Rea-1 T HiREE goo d8-lam i heTowshipof provements of 20 acres on each Lot. For 1artlculurs apply te Il. J. Macdon- ell, Wbitby, Barriater, or to D. Cameron, Beaverton P. 0. Octcber 17, 1850. 59-2i Ps 4 . i. 1 TO LET. by JmesPrinleandknown as the STONKE STORE, hi theTr)wn of Wlîitby. Possoniion given on tui lrst of Septeniber neXt. Ap ly te J MES ROW E. Whitby, Jiily28, 1858. 28 FARM FOR SALE. OB AILE thé etth haif of Lot Ne. 7, in F the 12th Coneeseii eof Beach, about 80 asres cloarod. Vile tartn la well watered by a >ncee fauliiîg spring. There is a leog housou the promises. Ths land la of excellent quality. 'Vie tituber eomprises g00d Cedar and Rard- weood. Yor Trernis, &e., Apply te Gr..nbmak .0., Ieaeb. Reach-JSinlBiY llth, 1860. '52w.64-s... CANTON il. COMýPANY'S Nw Store 15,Kigs.Easat, iar tIse St. Jawrence 1Iflsl, Toreralo. -:0:- T TIF, Conieas>', toninotifor tise aiportustian et patreo aatîd ttasidiittcsttcd Tees, direct train tise pliac o' growthiiaon'«ller 10 tIse pubic ,ouuae tci Ils ot SiidtiCrop oftTetýeî'er moIti iii Caiia ; antd utl pices tor Catrai 'l, tisai will ho taire tei aise e n c' iguiast uis b>' iatrea- td parties, who have befl seîiiuig for eare S- ceuîtClasa Tems, et hlav'> pro)fits.' Taie unîtta, 1Shtnprofit andatiquck rctulii," wivll hbe ,atrictl>' adlierti to b'. tusiîuiasî.Tmust sil ha retailecu et Wlsholea'ale Prives, lit, ist'iiuig aIl parties te BUY FliAGIIANT NEW TEAe, et Lime Loeost Possible Figure. spiîchiti Tees, onlsi>' euil 0to eLontion atnd D>usblin Markets, se thut consanunors, 'alo ras- ancutubertheic dliciasis Ilivor ot Teas"ld thora na> nom,' bc sîsppliccl 'itla ti-ase chceiug atsc itsvigenatiuuc articles. We inivite it trial ta test ur assoin. Thse pracea vili spek for theun îEunderslgncd will paytic igheat prie ià Csh orany qasanl1ty cf god BEEF B IDES delivencti at his Ten nery bu Grecnwood. Ail kinds, oe»t kepti constantiy on band for.ae yr o for Cash. slvr e D. McMURCHlY. Grcenwood, Nov. 14, 185.0. 67 CASH FQR PROD«U0I. The Undersigned is prcpareýd tô PAY CASH Il[FOR uny quanfity e t Wheat, Barley, Peau, Oats, &c. THOBIÀS MOODY, commi#o' Ag SALT FOR SALEpCHEÂjp. Whitby, Sept. 28,15 X4S LIVERY STALBIS 0F NEW YORK. -:0:- Ca8l& Capital, allpaid i~ *1,~lQjQ~OOO ScerplUB over............4Gt~OOO. -:0',-- EJJLUi V' DL&ItJ.LN 0.1. -T clasa Coimpeny l e prea t Pl cles of Insurance agaiinat Loisb> ' Dure~?~a- gers eofItlaud Ncgetâtieiiliiid raspoýOi cns. STEoPIfEN SEA3LE,, Wiiby, Nev'. 29, 18eu. ~ 2w4w pss ly luadrance. Te-ek Cissoiclesha tlnofasny éthe:ceuntrY j Uudes:ten linos ý......... &Aboveten lineui firat intestin Evcry subasqueut insertioni. S N'o papes will bedl.aconitinî uges epald Up. Lettetaenslosi ng cash,,if rc the. rink cf thse 1ubisiîcr w jBOOK AN[ %RtIE PROPRIETOR 0OF "Cl,atescxLx"lwouldses p paublie tisat hie ias pronea *modern style% of Type tram er Foundrios and is pro j BOOK AN4D JOB d1ee m r i p t i o n ' i n I L -- First-clas'aPresses eiiil1't _Aucttun Bîlao, HoieBi fle a i lices cof .rinting furnislicd - bing crdcred. JOHN HALL TIl W ~ 7A11DEN <OF.' TUE C( - ZACIUS Bull JUDGE OF TUE Ct)l,U' - NELSON G.- RE' IIEBIFF " FFC S HoNa HA1M r R EGSTIAB.OFFICE S Whithy. il.- J. MACLC c LEUKIOF TIEllE l4 ithse (Court ll',ise. f JOHN V._ il ClLERK OF TEE ua>uY. CRcZistrar tof tisSrricu the.it esî>' Uifce, liroek '-- W. PAX¶ lieuse . SCusiteL hie utthse JOIIN <su C aUNTY ENGINEkI. L. FAIllA IRKFIU$V l>IIVisio: -C t thte Comrt Jl.'ise »OHN GOR TNS'FCER .fWEIGI .. 1for thae C011111Y '.' ut W. IL. TRE3I CAE N& _31A 4 i~ AlRh'ISTERS~ & ATT<) BI$niciitor.-;ta [lit Cauits Z-W-OUflie st tisa Court lieus GEORGE U. DA RI oa.'lSTrdwa'rc To, l BStreet, Wiîitbv, C. W. S. B. -FAIRE S OLICITOPi ,NOTAII SOlisava, C. W. -N. G. liA BARRISTER ANI)ATI BOffice-5ppeaite tIse li Street, Wlmitby. STEPHEN S1 FE.LIER AM-\I MA- Agent ter tIe Canusty d oves Douialdaen'a Ilerdwaa Whithy.- SCOTT'S H D UNDASST1IEET WBH East et W. Leiug's st J. lW% CALDWEI (ONVEYANCER, C01 C hekirag Alavita, Acca àiea Court, Noter>' Publie Uxibnidge. Ctlc-i St taie Medicllfali. N. B.-AIi buisitîcasBautr bc er pesily aithend.cd te. Aw, CIANCEIY b& LAu fficeince Albert. s 'A TTORNEY AT LAY .1.Cancer>-,Couvoyanc Maksausi. G. H. DARI lise Coe f nltario, Blie IPN JIc5 & RRIàTE,]ÃŽATTOI Corssorof0lnrc ll d sits tise CabIstand, Y Torout A 3eC Wingl M-intseset WILLIAM TEl!! IN S TE ET,_ O1 AMOS W. A ECHITEOT, CIIL 6.'XEstate Agett, WhIeb HffENRY H., ÇCRIER 0F COUNTY ci]urt.-iand measesir cil 59.2in-s 40.2in-w 1 1 O»ÀBD OTRZET AND CRABtUG 030", LOND014 1 Farm Pr Sale. sonable Terme. ýê" Hfouse and Lot for Sale. 1 ! -1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1- y ýi Rej"#we umf eon hand t0 meetd a WI ms, vd z itE INSURÂNCE ou Beildltigg, Fiîrnlturc enad Merchatidize, of oves>' 'description, cf fected on thse ineat favorable ternis. Short pesied riaka» taken on Merohandize fer eue os more mentis. 1 Lifs unsane eon çer>' adrentogecus ternis for the amaurcd, willi animal bonus uand division ir r> Bye OHN AONEW, Agent, Wliby. Whltby, Jane, 1859. 20 PHoeNIX INSUIRANCE COMPANY. BAR'rrOuD, CONNECTICUT. 1 1,- 1 1 1 1 1 1 'l . 1 m 1 1 (t. ,ted ion c hil. Vary a an Pur. 44w. May, 1859. Sheriff'r, Office, Whitby, Nov. 28,18591 ý Whitby, March 2,18-59. Joil'x 13RY.%N. Brock Street, Whitby. 17 62 IÃŽ

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