Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1860, p. 1

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'v t»t~"> ru y~', ~rrrm < s,' #rit Inserton (per i ne) 00 Os témorobiis sud' tby ltYar W!ilIt n iirtyJ' , the mprulmî Qf $ATUXDAY lri À P ER aNNt n tdviguoo Ironîicle lise the t rg4tst circulas- r 'counýtry, paper publlsbed lm t j)vet'ttan.u9s................ $0 À b'totýlines irsInsortion, (per li»ni). O 10 Yfsî'y'gdbfqu.îi Insertion ............O004 'ENe ppêr yul be dia.oottiumid unilai a*roua- 'ftto6 ânosieuh,5sItif regiuered, will 90e ai thrs iik ef the Pubuislrer w ten addreseed4 W. R. îois *W hîtby, C. W eý OQK AND JOB r q4wiirPROPRIETOit-'0F THE WII1TBY G8 ' lfMç$, ol epefuily Inforn th pn~ktlat)çIttcpoured -iCirte oft ie most Or6d1% st0lè' 1yofionNW York andi oti- -et Po adrce Anid 1le prepardd taexeonte r il AND <JOB PRINTING ofl every demecrption -Ln a surperiar istyle sund utirepitath: t ire loweeit enunerrtifng r ' '-ire-else reesce atat riPmntlng Mchluory, .fiubtior Bille, Ilorito Bille,ud simulîrudeserip)- tionre ef Priattg furrrieled wltfiu arr Iour cf r b.îî~o;4eod. W. il. iiiToGilS, O/u'orrilo Office, Wiîitby, C.W. ~IfCUUt~! ~ftkers. ZACHEUS IIURNHAM, -OIG~F TIIE C(J T URROGATE &J"Coîrtî. Oficlotit tretCourt 1101186.i rNELSON G. REYNOLDS, s IERIFF. " OFFICE AT TIuE COURZT Ilianes. - JOUN IIAN FERRY, 1r'> E<ISTRAU. OFFICE ON BRtOCK ST., . Wb ltby. H. J. MACDONELL, CLERK 0F TUE î>ECE. OFFICE-AT .;the.Court Ihouse.1 JOHN V. IIAM, rLEIK 0F TuE COU NTY COURT, AN]D b Je'ietrar orithte* strrogupte Court. Office t te a tir>' Office, Brook Street. 1 T REASURER.ý OFFICE AT TIuE COURT H. J. s~ MACDONELL, IOLfCITOR, dc CLERIC <)F TiiI COUNTY Conîtteil. (Offilirt tire Couin ime. 1 C OUNTY ENGTNE4l<. OFFICE AT TIlFé- J.Court Hanse%. (1 LRKFRSTIVIIQNCOURtT. OFFICE CJai thre Court Iltnsu JOIIN GORDON, T NI'CEflI<tWEUIIl'4 c , ASR& ..for thre Corurity ut Omtaria. t' oe Vi 1 ti Stab Pr1 Met moent it t 15 PE i'241 Bi mnal 72 old1 w w J I ERIBTER e~ 'ATrOHNEY~AT LÂW~ '~ 3olloltorm Chsneery, &e. WîItW O.. r-~ ove' 'Lits $torop cf >~esars. ~Ue~3tIltOn ris. 81 Illasti UCTIQNZE1 1 MANCIUZST]~> I&I 'LEVI Fî AIRBANKSg',,Jr.,9 AlLiYF FIR&'2 DIVIiON COURT.- Ad GEORGE BABAZONr, DNVEYANOEE. COMMISSIONER Foie rkngAlidtvtsn the Quoâ: 'el3e &, e IIOBT@ CIkEcKLEY, M.916D9, IEGEON, ACCOUCHEUR, &e CRONER for the joîuty cof Ontarilo. R. .J. GITNN, K. . IRGEON TO T*IE COUNTY UAOL, Blyron Street, Wltltby. 4 3,. S. JONE'04 )CAL DENTIST.-OFFlCE IN BROCK =tqc, ver J. Bigeow'e Storei, aud opposte' ~eityOffice. Ail operatiorle warrauted. roiice, a failr trial. G. A. cAR5ON1ý M. » 'TýYSICIAN,. SURGEON, ACCOUCHER, Ȃz. Office and rel.idesree-Centre liotel, tly. 1>rtictulàr attention given to Crîr *B.-Âdvice to the poor every Mondiay, gra- UT WINDSOR HOUSE, WHEITBYg WM. PAaBf)r tR!TOt.' 'TIE above Hotel le4 sittuated In a pleasatît and retired pttrt of the Town, on the front rontd. )à accomtmodation tor traveilerà§. Goocl blingz and atttentive osttkrm. 22 JUSTJILECZ-IVED, Obiîlh c(oux, 50 flui4liele CLovEn SEKI 50 buehels Timornr Sxirs, for stu low. Il. W. WO0)DWARI), Contmiîssion Merchant, DuudaK kt T EA('IIER IN MUSIC, THE ~ LOrgin iPiauo Farte 1 tartan>' ;< Sirnagitlr aîrs and ali kimdeof ~)String ltustrnrreuts les preprîred te " -"receve a tcw more V'Pile ut thiel lirtideuce. 4 J. C. HFANCOCK, gg'BOOT AND 8110E MAKER,..j1 ONINI) MMRCIALBuiidiugs, Brook-et. *Li.JWlithy. Wurk made ta order ut ÇCUaod Mutertai, and b>' experienced work- in. AlIea repairltg doule wrth natuess aînd paicia. AMBRICAN MOTEL. 'WALKEII dcPATTERSON PROPltIFI- tors, corner of Younîg snd 1rorit Strecis§. Toronto, C. W.1. OAKWOOD HOTEL, O AKWOO'D, W. BANKS, 1>BOPRIETOR. (2ood acommnodration for travellers. 38 PRui WîîT1ay, c. W., E MA1OTT SPýROW'LE, P'RO'RILrTO.- Good Accommoucdrati. I P. M. CLARK, - LAiE aluna &cec., MERCIIANT TAîLOIR, No. 74, KING ST West. Toronato. lu IMARTIN'8 (Late WaIr<Iai'e) OTEL. I homé i auna. wUlhi~irgie car~ad Ã" ulisbiru ai . G fr oàrp lirds. Exceet Rtaiîlu. 'al 'feattei ofor manaud hors..' * DWÀBPD UAY. Whhby"Ms lii,1857. 1 TUE RoBSIN HOUSE. C.' JOBLIN, "PlÊOflIMI'T-OR; Ï. h. ho1 let tire lre antrePolsd '14101 fclieit iafordiug smuperlor oam-m ation to tho travelling publie. equî ta tire [Europouahalo4s, crie any othoree*tablisir tpit tiieAinoicart continent. *28 RAILROAD MOTEL, aedl~ ingsd cure m l Ostiers rways C.., . .?RASER, Proprietor. EIRSONS lu want oetasgood axe, eau 'bave thme same oasnuPPIyln te the. uidereigned le WIJitby Foundry. Axes repaired on tIhe rtý§ notice. Wnrrrrnicd Caet Steel. CLARK- IIUTCIIINS Lun ' Axe-inaker, 'Wlrltby. A SITUATION WANTED Ya young insu 22 years cf mâge, le con write a, good baud, snd is wiling to e hituseif uiseful in any capaciiy. Address C. D., Whitby Pest Office WOOL CARLDING. Wool-Card iiug, Clota -DrcssKirg, &c., utaini Establisimout, Pickering. caol Carditrg ut 2d. petlE. E PK 'hiiby, LEVI E., 3I59 MAILT VINEGAIR. 'AIT VINEGAR eau uaw iehorad lu large or eMali quantitiCe4, attire W hitbv Brewerv. VINEGAR 1 VINEGAB 1I1 T IE uuderelgned taies banve ta lutorin tire i'lrabitante utf WîithyuJd the public, ihaît lie te flowrntittficturiiig *'itregnr uta stiperiol' qualitywhich ha i prajrared to i4upirîy W irola- sale ta Morchants sudllaothers, uaigreati>' rednced irle.The Trîde liberay deait wl'ii. AI' order by mail punctuahlly atteuded ta. AdmesATHAN MILLEii, Wttitby. DAILY STAGE. F2EOM BROtUGHAM TO FIIENCIIMAN'B BUIay Stationi, on tire Grand Truuk Raliroad, cuuurecting wiii tire SW 'Morning sud Evetilng Traine. _.,.- JAMES IIUBIIAID. ?Novenil'cr ard. 18.57. - 4 2 I - IIAVINU TAKEN l'îlE l~îi~uI~r71~WiLMr. (,'t,î,tîrç le hntea ai' 1 V 1. R11AYJ', tord te betuarccormmodationi totho punic. 44 13AIRISTElI ANI) cOITNTY CIIOWN Attorney. O lr.--i Artrll'o New Brick JOSEPI! NVOURSE, [llo 1;~0fted.Fltuor. 10 'EKTWELFIIDVION COURT 0F - ER*& AÇOL J Nortlrrtln#theririttd ulrrlrrti, I risriir in CA11EUQ~i &lWADONEyL, .iagct, Cc rrirlcer, &c. AuîsWIirrstir AItRISTERS & ATTOTN EYS AT 1,AW, ht rrtt, Crrt wriglt. fg * JoSuicitrI4 to tire('ottnty Conîtoil Ontaro.- S;Ir~otico at tire Coutrt liio%e-SumttWing. ONTARIO IMOTEL, -BRYAN Jr., PltOlRIETOII, 31ltk'K- -GE~ORGE Il. DARTNELL, el *Street, Wlitby. Good Stabliitg andtitd nARRISTElR ATT(,INEY, C>NVEYAN teà%0(>e4tlcrs. i Xy ar, ».&e*,&. (illen aveu'.. tS. Dr,îtrtldnot- - CA ON OTL 4k Co'i. lirwirwtrtrr, Br'ock Street W' littry ASNIOEr ---'-~'TUFFISCHEEK, iIKII(t<Dtra J. V. IIAlW, * cectrr:rrodrrtiott) for Trîrvelote. Th T>Al<l$TEA'r1,AW. OkFCF.-BR(>CK W. CU'JMIBERT, ge ) tre' , W ittî<, C. W. i 4% 3111 'Iiro rictor. g.0 .9.Il FIRAN-M PIJ.ILANDER M. CLAIIR, lar ~. 11. FIRBANKIl IICONSTABILE, C(>INTY <ONTARIO, til 0,CT N>T4MIY P IJILI', &c. &0. 1 Lrrttd Ilispîetur of Licenmes in, tire Municpt-îl- -vo Son14T C.V. 2 ty OuthIe Town uof Wltlthy. tic N. G. IIAMi, J. W. CORMON, M. 1). 1 r, 4BISER NI)AT'OltFY-AT-1,AW. FO1 YRLY I'IIYSICiAN TO TilIFIBC)OK. B. Qfflc-ppoisite the itcgistry Office, BroekF lysIllosptr5i ute p hysician te the New 'sî~.~tWhlby. 'aork ispttsay1 eIlow of' the N. Y. Academnty ____________________________________________ <,fMsdetn ; iîcmitrto ot Upper Crîal1dur,&C. * STEPIIEN SEARILE, Residcrrce.:-Mtrrkiaam village, anc mile uortlr I"RE, 'X1FE AND mARINE INSURANCE rfIr»,oiffie F Aentt ter tIre <'onnty nt Ontario. Office-oUUT &ON loever Donaldmotr'e hardware $tore, Brook StreetENT IETRAi)OSN Whuby..L>lioseKing'Strect We'st, Toronro. Graen SCOTT'S O TEStppers, Militers, 0ysters; &c. AIl kinds of DýIQDA$;TIFF, M IITBFlST GuROaie in Seîs t eAcîoice selection ut fie c- ?JIeçt of, W. Laing's Store. Rs1.31 .1. FARIIAli Agent. J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, HENRY HANNAM, f1O4VYAN~l, C)MISSONitF011 D LAIN ANI) ORNAMENTAL PAINTER l 'Jtakhig Affidavits<, Accotnttrrt, Lanrd, Iivi JL Gîtazier, l'nper Ilingr, &c., Wlritby 2 ci e IouCout,~'4tey Pubieand GUcerai Am..r., (IUbridge. Oiit.-Kiig tStreet, nuarly opposite W.-IH. IILLINGB. 'tire MediensI hll. ' MTE & AT'TORNEY AT LAW, N. -AIL bisinese ,ntrns a i Ba rl So)licitors in Chancery, Whitby, C. W.- <' bo promlptly ttended ta 2 ufflcu.-rtext door North ofithe oisîtry Oflice.r JORN BILLING8,______________ t A OIACEtY& CONVEYANCING PERU SALOON* __________ T J ARRAII, ATOF TuIE "YOUJNG AT(BA. MAlIRS, B. A.,9*Canad, nrrtire oyal Lyceuni, Khtg TT)NEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Street, Westt, Toronto. Cîraice Support; and t, A Chuncery, cotl'eyrrnceI, &oc, main street Retrelitînoîtti4 at ail hecurs. 15b >tarkîam.JOHN JIETCALY, -- C ~LEEKOF TIIEIfITILVISiOCUT G. . DRTNLL comprirtng the. Towtueiip Brook. Ad-r TEPÙJTY REISTRAIt, MASTER EXTRA- dresedl: Cannigtoi. 14 .J.ordluary, aud examtiner la Citaircry for Li.Çunty orfUltario, Brook-st., Wlitby. 47 FRANKLIN HOUSE. JOHN MeNAB, LINDSAY, C. W. JIABIBT ,j ý=O1NEy,&c.Offie-- F. JEWETT, PROIHIEOR. COMFOR- 'C ARr o hTre andogtO1E, c. 011100-' .. tabic accommtodation for Traveilers., mite tir Vsb stnd,>WTaent.. sJan. 21, 18b7. ' __________________-A. K. RICE, COLVLL &HÂMITON, ('iAXINET MDAKEli, UPIIOLSTEKER, is., &'T2~IS&COUNSELORS AT LAW CGrri's IBll, Byron Street Whtby. Pa-1 jBdWlIng, Minnuesota. 8s r Ilangiug uatly'donc, sud aï,l kindo of job- gl bng, sud repairiug cf Furuiture attonded to. WLIAX TEJIPESIMe . P. uruiturecosreftilly remoed. 'Z7 12G 9TE £Tt OSHAWA, CANADA RJJODMTL West. ~~~17 A IFADELT 9 Poor rumz. t WILLIAM POWSON, R FARMER, PRORIETOI3. £MrTRIS "~Re8TEE unepoMessesgood accommtodation for Traveliors. Gnod Stabiiung snd attentive Ont- m~a,'CIVL NGUEE. A1~MERCIIANT TALOR, »ROCK STREET~ ýNBI r OCtONTY AND SUEBO naï teth CO91y Cun U 1LDER, d&o. dk., G iSTRET LIME VOIt SALE. paldi wapg VAN toh'confort oëf irav*ie$ <oo~t WKEN rWHIlBY-ÀND LW SAY ND *,I tRYAYI3EÂVERTON., PA ASENG]ieau t e'l'tlrough'fm o'eiharpial the déf y-, 1 r " , Tir Stgeefront. *imdeyidBevroar rive lu tinte fir tire cars ol enssand w est. N., RAY IAVING pumchnmod t. e time stockof JIl. DtÏàl. olâ dc Ca;, wlth an addition ot WCoflattei ourselves tirai we crin give entire erti"' f-ction t6 ail whoIîdmu>' favor us with a Cali. iÃ"SEPft UCRINS & Co. r j O <>STANLY uN hN» URINO TTUE omlutti sunug ru utîtmerFreeiBumut Limewlrch illho sld or ashoui>',ant'2em d 17 Port lVhtitlry MWHlmI SQKE.Y«V T UST reccieio a coneigume ofutWiisiey, tiîouiroue attire betD istiiiery's initIra Pro- ne, ina packaiges t ofront 5 to b0 grions, wbieh ae enrherilaer otrers for sale ai a ver>' iaw gurre for Cashr. MlfrAQ Commnissionr Agent. WESTERN flOUSE, T) UNtI)AS erT I E E, W IlTIruT. r"lE A.BovE PREMIsEs HAvE BEEN L ird opeiîed b'the mudcrsigmed. whare antvliere cri îow fi md goad reoammdtu. ire flouise is weiI 1'i'rnrîieiree, welI keli, rund the' ,cepinic a ,artntm roit>' and air>'.Titane le tod i otrtablc Stablitig, arîd the heet atten. ,n lm 'riito trian udherse. Tie bar-rouit le urgo and camvonicîrt, aind weil snppîied with lia beel Wirîes, iiquaors and Cigure. IBantd- 10iriel>' fittud uja rittiuag roaus for pnivate prm- es. MICHAEL MeCAULEY, (4UINN'S ROTEL, ut.8, sAULr-An-MATELO'r araitir, LOWER TOWN QUEBEC. raCr ose f te tambioat Ltadiny, and opposite Mie JJrtCu't Arnrcrcn Ltrpriss ûoee..i gRAVELLElS AND) VISITOICS te tira Au- eît City' ai' Qaterec wili fitrd slpeniar se- coturmodatiou ut bModerato charge aut tire abuve hotel. Tire tlile mver>' cuvanicart>' eiturrtýc# -ucar tira Banks,Steairttbout wiamrvee, muid pnig- ip 1business placsoattira City.? 'Ttrettable anrd brrr ane enppîiod ruith ever>' <mourable catablo nd d'iniabie. Visitais wii i fml ever>' attountiou paid ta tiroir conufomi aîîd cnrî'nîearceaid every liormution and direction as ta uir'e surrouudrug lacalities, principal place ofreor, eecr, o.JOIIANNA QUINN. is Proprictor. GLOBE MOTEL, BROOKLIN. Iof the above weIi kuowu hotol, which wl bc eonducted as foriner)y with tho oqtricteâtpr pricty and regard l'or the eomturt and cunven once of the7pubIic. Thopropietor assures hie inanuy fMonde ta oeyitti»mude rond y ai; fortrieriy to enr- tain thent at thte Globe 1 ote1, and thtat li wl be perëonaýy presint t4c give tiiein tiuch a t eetiofl ON was hie wont.' ie houie ha been thoroughly papoed pattdadrnovatéd, and le titted up in aer rpet "In s.ch a ra s to ure st5ait tion.'ritba ad table su.plied, a" fortnru wlth the best entables and drinkables. Calln Sec. 5-ly.C. DAWES, Propriêtor. TUHE TERRAFIN. I IE PROPRIETORS 0FITHIS WEL ..known Saloon are now ini omuplatioiro tite aid Sr. NICIIOLAS. King street, Toroto ý frmeriy kept by Mr. Hunrley. Tite prorici hve been newiy rertovated throughout,an tltted un in the. firsi style. Every procural delieacy iu season. A cigar divan fiftednlpse parately into whiph noue but the beet Wiii are perinitted ta enter, 28 CALISL & I ONJýEL Brooklun, Novomber lti, 1857. Ol Newspapers for. Sale. larg qnntitv of aId NeW epapornpiiçc A a Witir e Roadrng IIUdrigtire paet year, for sjale itenp Bomdrig85 A TTE,;NDED ta, as nua, by J. C. Sterling. Ail ordere relating tu Auction sgale b> the ntrderi;igned, should ibe Ieft ai the Chronicle (Of- lice, Whîtby. blesers. Uiggins &c Muyenhft'er are dul>' authorized tu appoint ruy duys of sali, saille terme, &e., and tu enter ia sciwhairer urrangeenmsrulttiug tu my avetioulbus;ines.- as the ay> cousider proîrer auJ necessar>'. f &hall bo on 'Irnt latiif y argreementtihey fitay inake auni y boiraIt. Suies; ationded lu ail parts of the Conntr7 J. C. STERLI NG. Wheat and Wool. .D,ýA BRT, ses rivIl i M.MOCPHADEN, LICENSET' AUCTIONEER, FTor Mhe counly of Onlrio. TSSUER 0F MAIIlIAGE LICÈNSES. CON- VVANCEII and C(tMMISSIONER tor taRing Allidavime in Q. B. anrd C. 1'. Addresei, V'ROOMANTON, P. O Township of Brook. A Towmn ftared soigr, mmnd 'twas ltold conrsulta VId icIn'ms tire mctirod for fortification A grrave skcilitmI unaron gave Jim' iis rrpimiOu, Tîti rttiîg but stouiee cruid r'e'rre tire, do A llon'ttc sd. tlit'thrut wann'wùlt'lrke, "cari= hette ar>'trir ru let'nd Il witir ark A curriar beiiig b>', 'a er tIrait. bath tîrese ta. getiier, Sanid fr whrt yon îrieoe, thrnc l notliug liRe Ietrtltcr. -SQ . SAYS- WI]LLIAM t MeB13RIEN, dulie' anid GeartIeinemr'c4 Fasîrionabie Bout auJ S itu e N a e r ', J3IOOKLIN, C. NV. Tint' above, itre for thre Irut ceven yeane trrkeîu thte tiret Irize tuooatsand tSlroerrni tire Ctin-t t>' Shruw. tire beet tirtenril an% lbcd work- ttuuri% ip unîde up oilthe tie îanaise. lfi lod trieude atd rew enitonîtrs wiiîla erendu>' at- teitded, ad fnrriilred with good anîd erria wonk tuial îri erorrkîiur, .1muy4, 18459,. NOW Io THE TIME. GET Yotîl LINENIISS AT J. A. CIat'k's lot rrlle Pleutre Giallery F et'i ierr4ire au correct anadlife-like Anîlîro typ~e, Cauteotvpe, Lettcrgnapli, or Lertien 'fraitucte, on n Liketrees iluis a.,e.et, Broutsi or Rinrg. tan J. A. V'. errîr do it lui theue iet style, and aiî lrntiGet'. W ilKlgNRON'BLOVK. 88Jiu'c/un c,'Xeei Whilby. Il. W. WOQDWARI), noMMIUSSiONAMERCITANT, 1INSURAý;CE CJ arnd Gencil Agent. (tficc-Atelly accu- pidby .iresil >odirteon, Wiiry, C. W. lIE'itrEti',.-latniisChaon u Esq., Pre- cient Baud ot 'Trado, Toronto; W". G. Cagosei, Esq,!stairagear, Batik B. N. Aioerici-, Toronta; W. V'. lRiuront, Ecq., Mnager Quertico Bramk, Tornto' W. Gainile. Es4q., Multait Mille, Ta- rente; liomn. Il. MoUilu, iresldcut Brni ut Mont- tril, Moatria i Mesene. Maitîantd, Tyiee & Ilutelinisr.t, Taranto; NMeseme-. Andernt, Evts4 dc Ca.,Mautrenl; M:asc4re. W. Pnice &c Son,qtue- bec; âMosre. IL. J. Natud & Co. 5t12 l FULOÉT 'TREPT, TRENTON. II1E Subseriber begs to onnounc to the in- htabitants of Trentou and the Travelling crtntuttity titat the above flrst-elass Ilouse hits' becn fitted up it a ncw and convenient tnner. A Firqt.C01(m Tabéle iiserved at tMiâHotel. beet qnUty, oieon te rém Aiqoara Lf .be lu coceCrw eabove prmom i SalinChARESMOeto ititte aoe r J. S. GERMAIN, Proprie Dit. 8.1850. 0-61 Trenton, Aug. 8, 1850. Wery lies. etor .nîW ATLAS IMON WORK89 0 Fronat Street, Toronto. CHARLES VALE & Co., n EG to htform the. public tîtat they -have Te B1 conotructop tht». extensive prenties on Front Street, (o(rineriy xcnpiod ai the Ontario Brewelry, iu the nioët complet. style for carry- iugon the. business cf Iron Founding&Smith'swork ORNE 0FBROK 'A1~D1'TAS ~ toe c4(>uamut4,Irofl Fonces, Baicuiee nORLraOÈ RÃ"C'"AÉtiDU Bal>'et@ radai'amiîtDoi -ri, lain an& OrrnsýieutaI Witby ('Jte Wilieekison's.) re Sbr'It l.0,iù*:ïï icii qita annoutie ,ta tire luiabitantas a1 Wiibyt4a dthe.travouiugcomiftu'nty, tirai h.o RC ITCJUI4L W0U. ham tabke tirg alove flrttcloe ous, wXicioirh haï fitrd 4p fllu ;a sdonveuleut maper. bf eveîy Fdeeeuptan; O obklng,- Parlof, sud Box ners, Lùnnhnocnm.,resa ire ia'amoWnentai~Its i n atug Ortlu, ii c notIce. AU i iursk. t omJtiî.j>ummlseare Whc tryai&iLotr '~u~ u thiri eohrsd - c h o eeir o 4 , a n ' . . Y m f t e p U S e r i ' C o n n t îi y e d e r s p u n e - WhItb7, ~érôh Piî, îss~. 8 To Oto ebr W, 1857. 02 nest~ "'ritO'tl Qppbèc .4i'ev î3r th~e T!f mne 1 il of neu iththeGo Termme>t' rt ,ttn a UASOPN'APFO iQ b* -for b. Transsct0n, oftheo13Uit. Inea lof >rlies Up o'e se wer ,wit' fna fte v De aruàenî& fl f u ersonw desiroi1 f c"sMîing P1temts ýfof iuatrtioà.o14ainable 5truii Crowp. lanz busIfess dilhiieh'dy ltwteded tw by a j dent- Agent, wibc'.rt'ihe' expenisél snd imy. convenience. of a 7joiirey_',-t, éeie Patents ot Imientqon taU en ouit.1 * - Ail'prépalù cartnmuiùicâtio'ng, aarésed to -Box 886, "Pôsi Office, Quebec, wiflire ceive inumediste attention.ý Quel, J. GPBiy Pianos, Kelodeonsj,.* TrOSEPIJ RAINER maniUfac e) trer of Pianos, Meladeoneq, &C.1 and genomal workman for the repair ut ail kînds ut MueicalI ntstrumencits, le uow prcpnred ta receive audNx enmte ail or- Jars entrusead ta hlm. Ali work P >n uWîrturcd by him wi bu guarnrtteed. of aqýurworkinafl shpt n nthe Province. 1'ianoi4 rm $150 ta $8W0, a,.ordiug:te quali- t>'o ailstrumueit. Planas. Meladeans, and airer Musiclimu- meute nmanutlîotured ta order., Pin tptytnit talion lu truda. Alil rders b>' mail directcd P. < ht. lby, of left at iris own brouge rear of tire Grammar Seltool, wilhi bc punotn'lIy aile uded ta. 2 [NS Departmental Notice. CusTGMs DEPAB'TXENT, OFFICEmà i Aa Forts. Ms .Brook &6ree, M1ç AGIOTJLTUIAI WR STRtET II (Â1'q;nrod south of tbe'Bankco( Int0 4 Màiifaclurer-and Deaerin ail kindg cf- LIOiJT ND HEAVY WAGGOI-S, M~,et and Bob Sleigbs% 2Two-horse ECelt rstorfç Plougbs 8,ovarious nuaike sd 'M>le S f'uffievsi Coru sud Potitioe O li"tors ~t*fi Yin iR i e tOt E#àei'yling in lie aove une 'attnde t with Punctîîttîity sud' "'Cheupues. Agon for taiterson'e cernbiued ReapeëradM - Whty Otoe 1,1859. "58 T1 FIE uberilier hi u tm recied a ver>' flue asartmî'ut of Coul Oil Lumps ef the ueWest patternsnd witiithé latesi 1n- - proved. burinera. Pnices AGI with w' Pl r TI ri Fi His and X is;sol ' 2 equa Pli burn P.ý Flutq Striti coni AU it, etq of V' ni inny u entri ag Ve si lie he oit lie In- Igo TI ng UP0 Tom thlit île utb ea] Bi lint 1 ' -et, Fiti tlje wet lue PÉ'q 1 to J1 ptitu but ap Red 8 )se- $av ;.58, pu' 74, ati wj wl tioi rinz M. -MOPHADEN ISSUlaneril0F MARIAGR iCn Q.. B,. Quebecl71h November, 1859.1ÂUTNERL D AGENT9 N TIE eltrey ier tatb a ode u DVIONCOURTAGET C Couincil bcrtigdate tire I4tinsurtant, it, ix direeted tuait a dlrawbirck. equal'ta tuse Jutice palid, ho allotned tu Shrip huilIers ors Cordargeuof , er>' Jescriptiaon aud on ail rrrticees uf rou, Cupprir, Birar,'sî, Ycliow Metal' or Zinc, matin firettreri or urtmnairut'tacttlt'd, lactual>' used audJ eniployed b y tiain luntire bnildling an ggimmg of iny ship bruît withm tire ilits et tiais Prt'- vinc, rand Ui aîtal] if wiieii airticlos (iuelndiiig the UirrdmrU-),, dîries u o t Cst.'nig sîraîl Irivi bîecit p rid bv ticr (or b>'t1ir rrst* or per-' sorne tronr wliirrrt1mthy sitri i IrrîVe I)tsrchuser tiré saite), txpoii their itnirorttti<n 'auta Cranada. 'Te tirdon itn Cutîtil iurtrl'rirecte that thme Srplilr pîyi ug for theair iwback elmali furmiltIre Callectrrr oUr CuStotris witir aecifi- cation ofthtIe Corduage and otîrer articles upais. wliieit hosetulinre Selh drawaok, shcwangtthe quantitîce nad values, b>'witu sud wiou iîtt- ported uind tieramuaiî t fdiîties paid, sud aIea thte liaîte ut tire scli por elalpt§ it tihe buildiug and riggiug ut wîricli tire wirole ofthirerrticies rieutiomted were used arnd wlrc ithe said elrip or ch il e erred for a f oreircu lort;tire said speci- ticrîtiltt to bu suî,îortcd lu>' the outil ,'f thre r"irilu Builîler trr a dcrrtiuai rcpnred by tire ncp irnent, airming thpr truti ' utthecocartanuts u t u r î p e c i t ri a t i n t au ir e t t a e i re d u n d e n S e u l ta Sîrell declnratioir. TheGoilectorr irving sartisellrd hiii;ltfiat thre arniruit utdrarwbrck ceiimed. le carre-.t, eltali certif>'tire spcifletititr atidr nmint tire Sauue trt tie r» îpriiratý lt'err aller due examinlatiou, tire Calleetor wil tic-aruthcnixfrd ta psy tIe anutitallt clainred. The draîwback lioeiitnefc itumetioucd'toanp pytai e"ch imiportuatuinoil>, uorthe speolcd aai-es iatwmre ru ade irto rhre Province ennhe- qurnrîltlv ta tire Sevenatlr dri>'oftAiguet, 1-58, tire dtïis'îrtwiil le Act 22 Vie dtap.74 grrrriig a drayabaek aitm ieliuportatiq.)stut Jui ruillerticles irn certain caties, caruse inta 'oe and affect. 13%.Coaitmrtiid,1 '. S . M. Bo Mil FrTE, 71Cautumniesiiei ut Cuats and. xcile. 1 DR.FFAD LO, N Y. -, 1 AFTERZ an uinpreccdýeuted eneceetunl practice A'I ai' aven tirt>')-cars, being about retirine front artie euaiat the naquet utuntineoue fi'nsin tlriiprts ai lt4ute contry, lirecomnsemnt- cd tu urake two mrediclrd prepritioe, irperu wiilime lutte bect<rwed tire cureu and knowladga of Iris lonrg exîricurce, unud lits lc ft tircim i nti tire elifferesit drttgnzListc for sat'î. Tu tîraso wii ara meqtiuirrtcd witlr tire foctun srotling ted be caid-to otirers, ih le but urecoscar>' tacary, tIrat lue litre ferr>'cars pnecci'ibcu for tram: 4,<000 la DOeO pensons, and nil'a ye wiîiî tîte gresttemi emucecet. Cr.c tittbtave ?itniled atîtr unedictil menoî, yielded renurdil> ta Iris lrentirieut7 and pea'- mous tie aruenail',' ram lrniutireds out nitrîs luo b ctrrui. Thie ltrî'tr, Iaowen'er, lunis trot boon uable. 11k., eilerc, ta coite eryting witlr une prepot'- tion, but liai put np iris iniedit-aîre in two boules, wirieh arc nuuttubcm ed 1 and 2. Tire naurruber 1ls lu BLOOD PURIFIER., Surier ta the presi extrrct of'-Snrsuprunlfla nrtrîla cuttircî>' ut roûts arnd irbar of titan iuit toi' nigi cotitriite, tifo lrcc4t ruperi et' of wli are extrrrecd b)'lt. citire urc iuricni pl'otesx. it note lunirirger dos4es ris ailr actiýc phir>'il., tnurîlir atoes rs an altemative woriig direct>' an tire Liver and Kidrrcysecxpelliuig tliercronr ail monbid toattor, tlits bnrgn rugliaction al the ungrîrus ilat uîrry liàrve becomiroe inirti>te,é anîd mn>' ho relied oa u acuire Uver Oaauuçaaiat,' and (implezip 't h f ie Jidurep, htpieat Con- smmptiotr, DVP t 0 ac Geerat l ruU4y, 0Wld-M cers, >Scrofreu kdtRru PnpeSore's, .er- trous Derl)ify »rjsweek#, lad <eefiot, Iajitt'mifr ef 1 outh e1a;;7tge, uni ail otite rn liseuuses wieîr furvc thteir oùigin iai a diatanderîrd or impure stute uf blood. Ii s of à etrcngthouiuig nature, anti wii nover weakear or pirocurai. tire body Thre numb~r M2 DICINE An uttever b e taket exc i.con witn N o. 1. It will thonl cure Afn lmm<tory eu matism, ail kitrd4 qf Fovers and 'A M m ofecte (if C nd; m c#'ains, v rCrg (r Acute.-Thetse medjiie wilil affec CU not retuovals front one pairt ot the body, e iý other. 7.Remember ta proveutn ftei Medicinc e r .paréd by (t' Doon oR xE101 DMLEW»BÂt,li<o ittpisoctcerd uf frtlo over 27 years; To pre ventfiiùd, a.correet 1ke»os rch Dotor is outhè *raplletr cf egcuitý'bbtt> an th9giitet,116 sold flôr 4 No. 2 for 75 couts. Wlth. lfisfsl Mm vxrtuin c l ecmrrndng tihemelves.fFo sale by w~;âltbi. lroic ittre tiorit kr uf- rsud Fur. kW IISO UR AGEN~t atndpp T, &alCar f nil> toa n>'business w-.ith wluichlrire ia>' h Itesidetice-Vrooinantor', Brook, Cenn>' an Onltario. *38w-tf ~VE YOIJR MONEI ILV j$AVEý,YUR MONt 'IL ý RESERVE:YOUR HEÂLATBo tranîke ta th iralbitarte ot Wirit.,'#%rruni vueinut', l'or tIre hibermal pîrtroruiie iresiowei upon laun simqee laec'oonmrenced hîmzieiace iii tir Town, ar'ad Wauld un-roprimenll fslaie ottmer tirt lire is ftumrs.ilied with iti ii ineuse ostocko AI i îtde af BOOT ~»D SllOES Pitilceu. tde' etlmnsnl llde Ail work.inade ta order &i,tlto.prcer1, ,onbscribcr anrd Iris ouvr workiireW.r. Nu xoj bumt guod anur ablue iraterirrîs, i Cheap'ratc Solieitiug yonr etimtuni sitd'wrnuiug'yýOu cav e your mouey tid .prerve your healtii pnrcirasiiigBuoute aad Sneàif'a'run tire unde sigied rut Wiioeu nwiii mcci wiih'uilu ids-'cf'altce tiir, aud a gcaod fit, frauur JosEýPH BM4DEtbF 8.îpi. 1, 1859. 4t-Zn-w-o.w IF'OR SALE MA TCHED IIORSEi. A ' ' * onid set oi Sflver Monted flarnese, fai <o r 1VEW B UG-G ejhPl gv ny furni shn wappcd itedor notes. BEST- KIROS1ENE MJ ATr RIONTI1EAL' IRICE GEO. YIJLE'9 !Ji TELEGRAPIl STORE.i T BE ahove ohi l perfiectly pure wi out!snieil. The. aubacriber lins t a great variety of- COAL OIL LA'MF: *ihaeapfrsh. G- 'I cil Iamp, sall 'c plete and ready to liglit at 75cen ts 'eael 52-w ý GEO. Y.ULE ýJR TflE nndorergned bas a large quantity ,kitrdneof,$ uare 'liunbtr on baiid,,iie will disopose opouuliberal' terme, te, pariesc quiln titui. Ap~~to,:~by 1 ;(peet paid t4 IÂJMES B. CIAMPBEL' 804nzdÂahurn B.0,0. kA, ,ilitU 'Ulm- É >àýfali u ~OCTOand brande 'Vin- Isiréis of OU! Rectified Wiieey from ÙS'C IFIELD &(;0. O-N -AIL E 64,C~héosVrewh e»T'rom 2. 2E .d. 'per b, 4, Baleamèoecan Gifey Cotton 40 Boxés Soap. 10 Boxes Caudies. 10 Barrels f Herrmg. TI tire c' and ýT the e anl 't eil Ji ýrs aii ef Aý et. bv en ted IL R, IreSuecrbes hveresh d o ctîÇat< year 180 to udiere t ie ;A S W"YSTEm icbh will enrrble thein t, ",ci1 nuch cheaper, L. IL dÏiÉIFELb.& Co. WO' eomlfortalriu d*ellin ane iithe centra ufthe Towu, taýrnt300W. Apply tO Praprietar.', LI. thos,rthnt aem iudl*btd ta t-ice çubieeri- ýL bors citirer by Ne te: 'r ]3ook.rUc:Uit. wili Il trftcr the' Firàt'day 01 Jaulrary, 1960, 4 puy their respective atOoutts. rhitby. Trànurr 2, 160. 8lrr-Iy Crown Lan& Department. '1Elandelî intde Townlshlilp Of AYIv il, anîd rîiýIek4 ýunty'of OÙtun-, Will bc open for YFor L.is ofthre lots nnd conditions of sale. ppl' ta, Bobert Frrtv. Equiro, -Crown Land ýgert, to Wa~kefield, iii suddC&rukntv. AM)DRYEVÇ EISrSELL, *4i-s %v Arsta tComrmitisioflcr. CIE CULAR. RIE Utîderur4igneri bege tç, ittirn'rte te his r Friettd's and thér I'u tilecnerifllv, tIet ha iti opeiîaut (tflke'for the (OLICdeTION 0F E}T$. rutd otl,;er--busuner - Plirtir.sctts ir -,~iîn with Conimiroione 111l lîidthLir iterestR PUrrctitaily nttonde'a ta. livision. CourtC0itotsprluoiyre laelewd. empt TitornaAKteotît, T. L. IPatrick, land é1. L Lnnort, Rerîrrïires.,; Lindsay, NoVeutber lotir, 1.59. 48-3mn THOMAS IXYERS9 -LICENSEDý AUCTIONEEII FOR TRE COUNTY 0F O.NL?2ARI0. [7'%AIMER'Sý SALES in tne Country wilI re- 12 ceive. promlpt rttttioii, ott rrrnsorabie terllrt:-L.iJoi rrîm, .(oodr, ls.otîrr'gne rod it coin- tàitrii toîtîr ,Aî,rtotrRéofime ri.l b(, diepoeci oftr îth .e t ri kt d irtigt. &SIre urt tie A uction Du4ese f lores, Ritgbhoncs and Spvis, lire trcrtcd' itîr perfr.-et mrteces. Addreaes, wheii by P'ett. .utitiRoomurs, Whrthy, Fîcbruary eàtît. 1859. TOJIN M)i tONE fivnr Piegcott o11'rs for 1) 1rilOtle"al kirîde ,t'Rrtltenwüý are rrxîractur- :'.B. ,Morell4tt;e Und Dar e wiht firid st ta tltrir advitrctvuî'itwyçeî'M r. àMooueyrr gtock,rrt tIr arge-[t *iti WhiÉî6by, rid'exirnirie hie Bet at l'rice 'o~for otc-f m 4.qsrsve pîtrirasas Wlib, N v., 1 ek5. 6-w-44w PRIVÂTE BILLS., ~A1~ES 1NDING TO MARE .#épjiçgtçjnlofibe Lcgislative Assent bly for Pdvate' or ILoca[ 1ills, cithér for grantîixcluive privilege' reonferring corp oraté, ptw ers for commiercial or other purposes of profit, for regýUbtin)g surveys 'r bdiindafies, or for dointg'aî tti£r tend- ing to effect thie rîghts of Propierty of other i parÉis- aire ,herety-notified that they are Lr.gWired b4ytbe,62qd,ôg~rd&apdÙ4thJIues 1c~trhtI1 ih d Vi Rc is.ýr ..r., : CHAY9ifb LéeS Eo*BIpaQ, B "Y,. TPlIE undersigned bas juan received or- dera te purchase several thoumuud buishels of Fali and S pring WHEAT, aIse, ay quantily of WOOL, for which tht hig-ati-ma. ai prce1wlbe-Aid. Cari r-, t' 'i 'I t' 'I r' E t r 's -'- il r v T. H. - MeMILLAN. GERMAN HOUSE9 FOR2 SA LJE BY ,-ti for POTAIQES. à > 1 ' 1 ýi Pl A 1 VI" 1 lu te 11] 01 R 1 1 ý& i 1Whiiby, May, 1859. ýl 1 - 1 1 - 'l' 1 Oro Ler His Ceai .911 ha deo.dorizt-d peifecL ' pure sud ,froe front snyunupleAsant atutei, and is;aaid ai Toronta Piçes.' t gives a ligiri oqual te gas, ai buss than haif the cosl., Flnid sud commnn011 Latiîpsalatered tu burn Cô al'Oi ai su heurs notice. GEO. YULE, JR. P.S-Sationery,,Scireol Books , Violins, Fintes, Accordeerra, sud superior Viclin Stringe, for sale cheap'. ' ured, p ývûry ithc- nerly ýl and etor. 'ELL oil of onto misem , and ýmbJe P EY. Commission Agent, 43 1 bec, Sept'. 28,7 1 ITUGIT FELITZ, Vbitby, May-24th, 1959. IÉSUER OF ?#IARRIAGS LICENBES,-' AL1 glist 11, .1 $58 - LIRE, FOR SALE. MATHEW CARL, Port IvItitby WHIBRET. L 1 IN D"s A y

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