Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1860, p. 3

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ho pro. r "dni r Puli pbion th, for frettes ut loa, rdit tof à. The. ed abat sere ils ho Paria. a leader in j ne aredue. 1 to coin- ope that it lice of the. *e impulse îhcen- . w'-of the. reducticis )e- t ny.. T1he 4,..r 'licb botit cime tat' irpet tii. *, Covent. wit the' s,. meut - lu. n Frtance, fonction&- .n mep. uing tefr lie papal he Pope 111 and, ted ho -the fScient te king suy W i ecd principda Jan.1. oommlsion. ary line Lau _ 'Lbave béen -- r ,order ho sr aide of- Jan'. l1S. i oef am m.Uî mu of attiwii. a &few 81 em. lv -Tu the olmbe of ,Dépufies, tii. Minige i vu a£bit tto p4bp'timabdiltloh 6f tb.w Lcutrs frtm mVioncs fnily -coufirro tii. id.. ot ftnewing thé war 'i 1Ital. , LAT"OT VU uIA rwx à ola eieved titat the, evente in IteJy cula tend to, warbetwoen Sardinia sud Na. Peuftis priparea eby au enrolimbet of 40niir rOcitu. ýýThis unnni4r sté b. ilm-dtately irused. The Tfea LSàâoulogistie arlicles, on Garabad sud Cavour. The return of C&- vour té powèr îkconsiders ma, sproof that thueItaien, poiicy ' viii now b. permitted trop Paris. ,Venice, we May hope, -will 61al becomée Italian by urchas. The X128 lacteing 1k tboe who buldlittle White villas half.way up the Vesurlus. The S The. article concludes by exclaiming bow dry Must beaul, elements of Combustion laid Open snob a- kingdomt and how readily they Masy catch fire when Cavour wiii bring his king.luke influence -cose up te the foun. tain. Àaîmcheme for th. defensive organization of -Central Italy bus bueconmade and] matur- cd. M¶iadrid, Jeu. 18. Yesterday the Moors showed a dispoui- tion tua auack the Spaioirds, but were thrown into diaorder by the fire of the Spa. nish artiiiery. The pxojectiles ueariy reuch- er] Tetuint from wlich place the army was four miles distant. 'The Moorisi army was encampiug ah Segria Ver Neres. The officiai, GÏornale de Réma deciares to al.Catholics interested in the perserva. tion f tii. States, of the Church, abat the Ilor. bb e3ing ah. dictates of his conscience b"s nogstively repilied teathe Council of the Em*pror apoicon, sud states ,that ah. reason of the refusai of hie Holinesa te cede the province is that k lje now in rebeilion. WIIITBY JMARKMETS. CmssexFehriury 7th, 1860. I)itto-Sprins, 98C. e. $1. Flour $51 @ *0. Pa,58C. a 60C. .Bariey 50c. a b5e. <lats 87je Q, 40c.- Rye 50C. as 60c. j-lay $14 Q $1619, ton. Pork $5 te *Pl. Bec! $8 75 (à$5. Siloep $38(à $4 50. i>otatoem<, 25c. @ 80e. Btitter là. C 20c. j%61; 9d 0 l8 V doz. Fotis 25c. ô 80c. 1'f pair. ' ~ Turkeys 50C. 0 75c. eaclm. Ceese 25o 035c. *A<mes 50e 0 0 %9 bushel. Sait $1 25 *3barrel. Cord Wood $2 00 Q $2 25 . cord. MÂRRIED. JGNE8SýWHITNEY-By the 1ev. Mtr. melelaur]a, ou the isa. instant, ut t-ho biouge ofsho bride's father, Benjamin C. Joues, Uxbridge, te Jesuima Whitney, Scott. DIED. t !orm eho acepted the Coit Caour mis. ,Jan. 1 lui but nôt, BATES-At Port Whitby, on Mondmmy, the 6tahimet., aiter a short illuiese, Frances, - , - ,K- 9 - a 'CLP0- I EIN "Ev ry i ngxer , Pnlleation cf VOM Ilfin& B7the.catir. Prgou f-the. Coantry,to. bc. el Twoeveoftll-»IeI.d Pmge oÏVOal ad PuneForte Stubm.ribÏ tàot1?ir iuiFin~ rpdi le ftoin iii. neoret N*'dnlrsd you Winl 1mev Muele îîogh frcyut o4re fàmIlj et Jan 'no'"cole t otwant Mlimeo for &he. lu, mubm.crýeit h C outising 12 p'ccsigol 10 Cent* a Number; Yearly S2.50; - iaIf.yearly,i.25. Ail te lmiàclc Nttunbeor nt 10 ete., and Bomi:d Vullummmum, coitmining 17 N24uluierm, ut 82.1>o ench, 0018m41autly ou itud. £WAgent§ wa.ted for tel .îmuuiutinm C.B1. SEYMICOUI & (w'., * ~ ~ Nu mmma St., New York rlHAnimai Meeting of the stockimolderg f the Windsor Roter]Compsuuy, wilI taeplace eti&1ipture'u bottA 1on >tosdmmy the, Sixth dlay cf February next,, for the clecting Directors and- ofcifcers 'for the ensuing yesr. By order of the President, JOHN WATSON, R .PRY -SecrtRry. Whitby, Jeu. 5, 1980. 5. '.6QIEEN" Fire and Lttb. Insurance Company. Capital oÎ00,00ô sterling. CRIIEE OFFICE-LieMooZ, JEngland. -OFFICE IN XIONTREAL. DIREOTORR. lIon. John yolilr, IThomnmae Kuy, Emq. lieury Thoinum, Emq. David] Tomrme, JFAq. .Agent for Wiiitby aimi siirroudiiug Diitret. IL. W. WOODWARD. Whitby, .lun. 21, 18610. 87-2mn. T ILE AJUiAJI~l VR ASL*KJ AIAJIRLJ .1 ~rMl' 'l1wilI bc given âtdii.erange AHàll. , (zeewood, ou tlnder the p¶ "i »dr~ et<et o1 tihe TIOKETS 81 5f0 .aob. CrrenAs. Qun<wc Baud. Supper at Mr. J. *CL SriinM'a lIVtýIi. Daneini ut 8 o'eiock. - In Chancery I'LESDA Y tii. 8eveîatecnth In Chaniti' Ye> .dyofJnur .-ti V. C. -eston. twu à4ytimruo! TthoUÏegoe: or Uler aIe j u" ? _ r, pdinteia John Gordon MaeKeîizie ndi Gordon MaeKeni- ;lois, G. Bifwes, E&lw.rd Bowosee.Jte'flw Daviud lowe<' and Gavin FoIIoçIi, Detèndaubt.. Upon the application of ti,. Im1 liîtitri' ud upon lîearing rcad aui affidamvit o i1iutrî ie; ry IretiLàyne, mudi i îîpeniîîg thr t thu iad d endàîtt Jolid, G. Buwes Ima. m'o abcondeod tlît ho ec mnîot bc fnumd to bcseorved withm mmi oti11W copy vc thoejlaintiffa .M11 lutif aly. m1,' It is; ordcored that the maid clofcidîmnt JOLil17 . Bowems do answor or dornir to the 1.ltiîimtitâ B 110 onohioth t ety -cightlî day 3.ut Lob-- d120 o Fu, tam tz l- àutrrdrdt an*r ofic op ! lm.Piautta of'il nd rtefther o! lthmdee damt,1 Jh G BoWCitea r. Llfti éii euse i h 66,4 Up guc) .GR1T of w>,iîi siuch .*àok 4 i treýtur To.Jolimi G. lioweme4, omueof the ambovo namud Tuikornotce tliiit if Von do'lîammumwer or denir to ti.e Bill! îmu-suaan< 10 the above ordtr, thme piitiif.e tmluay Ottaiae in ordcr <otu ke the theiil 1311 a etiufmum'cud ugimmalt youm, id the Court unmy grumt tue pliammtitlme uich relilef um thoy may bcetuittied iron1 timir owuu shewimmg, limd you-'wil iluot reoivmi amy furtimer notice of tîme future îrcetediligr4in tl .1111ft. Solicitor for thmo abovo iinir.d plaimtitimue. whiieoy, Jani. 2.3, 1800-12-4w. wi and A )sILY.JOURINAL, PIUCle $6 si; II Tel THE ' WEEKLY FREE PRESS,"chi <t'PRICE $2 A-YEAR». Sta jýr Solicitori. bMerclimmita, Muufcue- maid OtierS, wili flîml ti. FREE 111imsthe hi--mt- , Arivctteiiiug Modiuit for the Wemterat part oel U ipor Canada. To fWeThm circmedmlt n ofthe Fiit.PnEs.s le dou- on 7mb tmmt ofmuuy ]>1111y jmurmmt l îlislued W'est of of romlnm an. 19, 18. 86 0O:ýTo te ffii ted..ÇO I TRE CELEBRATEI> GEiRMAN, OIL!'- FOR miuits e()yo rutat, Bruisesa nd ail kinds cf Flesb Moundsinamcident t te h.umas Systeus. I n I3ottîes at 25 to bOcte EacI#, '1 tic Ct Mo the beloved' wifeo 0 XUl. Jae iatiea>i- lu 'Acordlng to sizo This titi uill cure a811temà the 29ah yoar ef her age. wouuda, and la au lnfaullitmlre retieily for the. re- The funersi wiii take place et 11 s.'uuof on eýdnesday, (to.morrow. ) Friendît wil'l HORSES & CAqTTLE0 J piesse attendwithout furaher uolace. -.Zlte 5 L &,AD H -At Port Witby, on Saturday, th. 4tb instant, Me. Guy Armstrong, ager] 20 yeurs. HEAING 0F ÂLLWOUNDs, MULLEN.0a Mônde>' norning, the ýliflited oin atilmalm. £W ItLibas bcen ner] 4tis.~Mary Ana Mimien, jagor] eighty- ý1ccccctuly- for the 1 ast ee Years, atd bac; tiviboît i mowntu tfail. blulaide u]soir] by fie sr- native o! Armagh, Irelaur]. '. 50L At'mlachtter Tonshi of eaeb onPickering, C. iW. Ai aucestrTewshi o Becb,0n Wliitby, .Tmi. 24, 1860. 2-Iy the 2*d iast, aft»r a pretracted ilucass, Mr. - - _______ David'Daniels. - 1-JOTEL TO LET. On the ftb inet.9 et Asiburn, la this r IAT Spacioilu t euiî fitter] up HOTEL Count>', bi. -Andrew Johnson. T knon a MxW "RIIEET.THE RAILROÂD HOTEL,9'- AsI'TPD"TSMENT. et premeeit. lu ah. ocpatioti cf Mr. Thomas ~ftflV 5f Dowimîg, sitnmmtteeýl on thme Corn&r of Brook and hume lisatreets, imu ahe centreotITown o! Wiiit- h uy. Trie pretuiëtes are very rooliy, witi exo- 'i -ir veu stubliimg, antmimr]fLusan dunceotM.Jae aio ,pl,kot.2oo0k, -tucessry frst obuge . I'vil!be c5ntiiili( not <o~he t1 ç~~uiîStrenteil for a terium e! yeiirme olisîmelu latins as nimir Daniel Osmercu, ad dn lb miâCern lbue igreed om. I>esdoiesiolm oi e ieirnt of Murel ueo mimot nO le mOtetIdâ et, Aae next. ITlaiIlotel l le h& sadim h notefor ey-Y $0# lotJnesOa de, o~Cumity. Apply toUEO. -,SsITII,, gxbridge, î1ork b amoi Prlingi, or Oie*ISPa, 1'.0, U o. 1IIGTS ptt r g~poati ote amypergon buthte é wmîr. ClremicOfie, ing sair0Pc 9ct oo, wtiiiiee0 e ~ ~tu rpewarec. Withy. »OX meisÙ D té refDC iib. simltab ud t; ' - ~ Â'~liw$ON, )1'hiby Fo, 1,1860., O-f Whtu, .5tL, in- iî - - -- -- NTARLO JBANK. V PIVIDEND NO. 5, Stand. M urustmes il ad in Qixr N NTwEbout-~ aS hi1eà ërfhlyt">gdected, and comnirsing- the înoàt devote ah. ;, r rc~eandvaried assortxÉuentp:cf splendie good4, -,-' SA»1I V&IMA-GRWOERIES. , AilC8ur Great- additio-"n of 'new ,and eocyt sorted-4t ters hve been diade, to our heiaystock o W,'e are'lu almost dli eceipt offrsh T 'aand rcre Brock Street W1ity Rexhember the address, Lýwes & PoelBok Srej'x Door South- of Mr. Laïug's Old Stand.c- L Be-gs to inform bis customers and the pub- lie,,.that he bus jns eommneticed, to sedi off at - - JuS EXTENSIVE STOCK 0F DRY GOODS, -LADIES$' 'FIJRS B I J F F A L R O BSS 1AND GROCEIRIESe, To make roOQIn foi bis Spring Purchases. Parties requiring such, had bettex cail before purchasiug c1sevwhèr as great iîîducements wiil be given for- cash. M. B. Casht Paid for Wi-'eat, Peas, bey eau *esto hure tiie laoo f otherg. t the (389hiigj3iéfftOd, pf on ~g gçt eor'sud fau4nrs prodmCçtaken in exehango. Allwork warrantecl. n u bmecmbers bog t amUul t norm tîmeur frieudmeand] eurtomers treierlly, tItit tbey hve Remeved <té'uV llCo'me New lIlel ocek, Broc kStrdeît fhrêe'iiav"uopcncd lu - - -d*dWifii te thair A,LARGE AND ýWELL- SULI T 'I -lb TOBÀ O. àhici sud Greon.cof the Olmoieemet Iruie. Ciwiuur]Smo.mg Remi Mu A prie 7-- e 4 HITBY READING ROON. UU <It AVI. mil WITTB REDIN ROM ~ ~PERMI'S BRICK BUILDINGS. _,f weii ligitter], corufortable anr] wtrin, Wjaitl>y, Febr),uary, 1860. ___- à is weii stocker] with uewsprmpers and - ________ periodicals of mÏii kinda. IEMOVAIL. LITERARY PIRJLES. rmes: $4 par annuni, Studentsansd 0 0tlerkame, $2.k ow e &m ntofte ib r Situated in ahe second flot over the 5 gtakuweCetofa.lbr ronicle Office. Entrance throu;h the laci rcmuot'ed hic te krtul fIrmugme, l'aiuîtmsi, &e. <o ai support exteuded to hie efforts, as ationery Store. well as front a desire to enicouragre-lu how- W. . HIGGINS. No. 1, Commercial Buildlings. ever a limiter] a'de-ee-a teste' for litera- _____________________________Brock Street, opposite the new Brick Block turc iemongst the rea4ers of'tbc Clironie, AWYERS AND DIVISION COURT o ae alc.-3the. publisiier intimates bis intention of of. ABlmnks eau; ýbe unr]Cheaper thonanmt n uusWlmc.fru nulp eminsfor Original literary - erotounr wil le fundte e pintr] : . m'productions, iin pros e and verse. btte r u e. B y e a . C r n c eThe firsa distributione f prem ium s wili W. H. IGGINS. 4 i-tke place on Tusday, the first day of May next, and] wiii b. awarded as foiiowe: 1111isl 11FI IST PRIZE. K P'RINTING. For the best originel Esoayou Sluerufl'c Sale of Lanids. $ 2O th County o! Ontario, the ar]vau- r ENEATEST AND BEST PRINT- 13umy 1Otal DY virttue of a-Writ o!fue f'f egrpia oiin ii liain tnd fency, of every descrip- To WtT: <>Fmaers aum', Ontrio t -d ita seulement, progres, and resources. F on,econb e hand i7eaper and quleker ut the 0îtrtle mjs-hCur tueum Bîei ' ýhronflei Office titan euy otlier establish- 't TJomm;îmtm', "ii tcýie miieciedmmuuast'lmo lait SECOND PRilES.T ment ~ ~ ~ ~ n lteConymodtencincmts tvhich w'to emîouwmll Fat-e. iet n heCont.W. iH. IlîGOINS. "w'ii, lesd, lit tbe fiiuet' lis rdeauimlsuinhe t,1oFor-the besa original Eaeay on iadme of llen *Farewelli, idniisumtritri.x, &c.,EIUAiN -nbaigefeu ______defetumdimit, mtheLdimsit et'Arthumr ('Lcmm a tioncandphysialracinge4f.edu Y'URTHER ARRIVALS 0F pliiiif. Ilaes-tm mm iie ueeleo~<' ttol&a]p3acleuain T ueil deemm'ed ii li 11h <imir, ,mu im tîe UneTHIID PRIZE. N ~ 8<ITIONEIX £ cflais dmi-tiiImml iu nit ee.tîm1mmnreor tramct NI;e T.C^TIDN RY 1 e luud, mull aied' rm 1 itemo'mDdut mtmhe <lie $b5 rFor the best original FBssey on Nzws- ust received by the Tjndersigamed. cite MOre or em, hommaut em.m:mpoocd of pamrt o! PAP3f loît nuul-ei tittai iii tlio -econid Cctcessim f f ' W. ii. HiGiciaINS, tic Towi;mtii.p eof 1'ickfm"immg- coîîuninaaeig L!TEPI. wlmome a pOsa leti el iijiiter] mmfm diaumre et $5 F or the best originial Essay on Cous- twi; eluine tlimty etuemm moia undits ltflimnks 4m1ii me F Granud Trnalk Rtiwa otel. coe r mtim m4ceimts tue ,o dagmeeecîeatfmi-mnt ime T98Y. menuth weiet anmgleo mt cuir lot Tlience mortfm, met- lT Ii (Southm aid of Ririlwagi Dquot, .1>0et Jl7iby.) elayfordegme1umer, Ememt twe climuil oe rlu limnks, FFHPI J EUNI)>EVLSIGN FD BLeGS TO INFORM TV enceanortm stxt-iii ulerreeme,, wcitlmrec elmaum cp ! ieSeu.eel hrnce T. lis tielids imid tie publie, thaît bc ime 11w aaitoîySt iîe nr rlmm otecu hi ru! 4omi) iftheabovo botel, te ii. bilemesad S îepbleru',Tinenorth westerly for one year (postage frec,) for the.beet ofwhmiehlhé wili lit future carry ou 0 1ilis owi aioug thie soîîthlî de oft1ilao soir] publie romir]tWO original Anthem on SPRLING iceouit. Gooed Liquorme, Wimaeme aur]d Brandieo, c-iaîmmeumd meven lim'Ica. Timemce sinoaits, six. Jigmmrme &cm. teemu de-eo m t, tlireeelmîmtimîs and] tlfy islijoSIXTE PRiZuE. Excelilent stmbic-murefmlittntion for man intka simre or ba'§tute o laee Of i1iininîg. auid liormeo. Alc-m ail tluat certain parcumi or irmut o! laur] memst- A. copy o! the Weekly Chronicie for oe JOSEi'il 1<UEBOTT<)M, umter] .'iui.r and oiuÙg li tho V1140'oO 01§11- year, (postage free,) for th. second boit fropriotor. wu, u.ml boit.F coîmuposeilo! a part or lot No. toan . ten e pzro Whitby, Jan. ID, 1860. 86 imu tie 2ul Con. mu thte Iewnahip of tEmmt Wiit- orugnai nhm nSiic by, mutid bmtted aud bontumier] a§follows . com - JUDGEi. nonciuîg lisi front o! the sîir Coîmeelittiom ut the SIUA IO .ýdîitmne e! cimecluin lllty linke ('mi coure H. J. Macr]ouell, Eeq., Mayor o! Whitby. SITUA ION. orth, aoeoty four degmesa eust froim-ibo wouth - -weaî angle o! aaid lot theuce north açeveuty f;our John Shier, Esq, P. L. S. &c. ANTEI) a yAu tî ina cqiumittd with degrres, cait onoe lmuulo fifty' inlus;, Tfii-nue R. J. Wilson, Etq., Barrister.' W' te Ntatiouumy btsinesis, und) immving a umrtiu sixtectildegree, wemt one chaait, auvumity knowiedge -o! aceouitis. A muitmble permeon eue litk, ihene s omtih aavouty f.uer dc-gre0s, R. J. GuIIX, BEsq., M. D. po4eolmirg mi kiiewlerdgo o! the Vrititing beum;i- west oil aiiu fifty like, Thence tiomtie cixtému R. Checkley, Esq., M. D. nemes; wil icbetreuterd wit h libummly>. dogmreca amut ouue ehairs aevomîfy oneelinka. Competitors Ynuet sour] lu their, produc. Appîly by latter, ýotpad) Ail whuSeim lande; aud tenoiniiuth îereinori Blox 11W hitby. theuo ain defendamaà e mtate or liiereast thoreiu, 1 ioabs under sent to the uudersignecl, on or t4uait offar f0jr suie6mut 1ubiieA-natioun mas tOiwns before th. lôth day cf Aprel next. Bach vit-lime tiret deacribor] tiree quartera of un iAte t Excelsior IllumInating acre. o1 tige Premicea mmnt Dutllrm'e Crook, oniEueaY andmi hmt bear a ýmette, anr] s-e omdat tie'L'wen tthird day i-f April, A. D.,toi b. accompauler] by- the -ume& sud -ad- jK EItO s14j N-Fi E Y[IL. 18110, ut the hmur oS lit e'mloek a:tu. And tii' drese of the writer, with the motte, on the lut deeriher on thau preniauamît; lituwa on TIS 18 TYtE 'llondaytlaimeTweuty tiilrcldmiy et Aprll, A..D. envelope enciosiug the saine., rT~1861,nt tho hour o! Two ocimckg'mà.5The. sevoral iâsîaysl.nd .&thema te be. PU E T COiAL 1 0"Smrt.c . corneaihe property of tiib e er CIVES A Sil~Pear C. Neuice. Competitors for the second aund third, ffice l -a.primes tes b. confluer] te perséous residins lu I~E~~AU, ~Whitby, Jain. 21, 0 - --t!he Coutyof Ontario. Enturely fres frouiu cnil, and le cheapoer thon tain r o i The fourth, fiftii aur] sixth prizes, teý be- auy tîmr lguagl-iug amateial __exchusuvely- confinor] te the Teachers anr] SA GIVE IT À TRIAL ~F SALE ATC TORONIO AND'MON- pupils-withiu -ah. Couuty. 1rea wics; tbe Chtoglicle Office. Benber to gel it froua ah. Agent for Whitby.'> W. H. IQGINS ~ t- - ~H JAMS l.GERIE Whitby, Jan .1o, 18650.-- - thricla tDf Èàc. ,Dr!& lIrer, - erMer bia a! -Whitby,*Jan. 19' 80 . Wurby;an. 12 1860.524f - dry, Meih.Ztitiit Whirby,0Jan. 12, 1860, 560. CAIJTONAUX NOTW ~ Ir- TAS lust omeed rodssrmaeGo -XOT lerdr rta1it tbli in the t. ous foupd removlyeo ahm Wy81 Mr. Wnu. Mlntosii, Ite Sho., Wiitby'lf omnt gfit obtaimu er po~ion trous thpluu<oi' - JJOBE "RAIDEN, ' Port Vbtby. ton Witlly, Tob,9t,1859. t :TeaqI, 4""g- --- l 11, <QOGb e i ciki cong Peodr, tmad Sltant Pol,- lçO l.t' t g*, lé ., Mushor, Zbaoe. 4, 4 1 al air Java aie l'O])oniUgo. li e Ii n meaRameins, Fgicu d Ctrratoit Cum:dud mtrîij~uonummd Lirmogéel. Stiices Pickles, Saucese, Srups. leec ior (èameh or Cm-tuumfry ?roime. . B.-Waîîted a lotofgood Eu tter nd Jimmr.N &(o . -itby, JaÀ'ary 2- 1800.& i.S j L S 2 pi .4 -4' mi Lu z r,) * ~ e ~ * -~ -4 - ~ q r2 ON LY $75' FOR ONE,0F- ;IINGER'S CELEBIIATED SEWINýG -MACHINES LXA RNTIýTl to b e he;mlme ln evcr-Y reFPeet il.- tluc(. mOîrI Iýy 1. Id. Singer & Cn. imu tîme VY sf411' c,4flor 5il . 1 have w in- tat uMprm;vi iient pli hin;pcfa 31 '1111 Fe irt-7cm0ili - l i fte r cuatireui he aîltelcd fîwilhôtit mil. mii llel sm. adm; si mît Ijc-tmmntv u;reïg î1:cmc fuit- e mîc j.lý "rp v T i. h t r m t ntif m ti Tie e mac i esi ll me ilucrut e xtqucumîl e bm-ut am.u -u> cu tcrufudd f rik lttmm mr NTo. 1 MACHINE $75. No.-2-MACHI11NE $ýé5. No. 3 MACHINE, LARGK ýt.AND ]-RVD 5 1 have recived iiuungrns tetimmupi:lm froi,; Bout utid Slie Mmuuic Éueî.Talôrs, Di.eî4 tuk- r , lri u t e *luu m i l! e st;afi d otm c±ru4 % oàtub arr .411g Ium, M m li rqu-mmt il]ufinitO é ; riiui im m r m them or geor li 'Uc. 1'.eaud < lu' f ow im ' et)tIfletUm., iritlen îy lime .two lairge mand uomet exteni&ve Bzot anmd Shoe Muufic-tmîcmr in Cmmmidmm. - - Mmirtretml, Dec. 1&) rnreDc 89 W e taico pleac ro in hmenriig teititimoilyto tlue ba umve tumedtmeeven -f E. J.- NAgl'am sewing tummpite wrkim ofia bines-m'Mumuitifiicturm- M.iimc- i:o imct r.m r hoit «ix mîuontum, od by ui. . . iile iaavmt g hîmd lîmuce ira muie mu;i l iremô hcduieui ayo ti;ad- ore lin c or o tu miix imonitli. *huy are m Simgrs eey rr)vr q;itiuajutîp rv dAu Patter , id equai to uny of oui îq u mita:c lma ciu - hi c i o Immu -u everid In of tihe kimir. -use. 3RO'N & CI-U.LDS. CHL 1), SCIIOLES &AbM. others wiii b. received. E. J. NAGLE, CA.-ADiAN Smwux; MÂcnctu 'ETBLISPIUT, 25 Notre Dame Stree, Moi'itroml, CJ. E. Famctoy over Il itiy llrtlca cimalBasin, Montres), C. F. - SiOcw-k0w fE S te annouficete his numeromiifrieucla andI cu eonrs't et tb s now etrrylnI SFoc bis exte'nsive busima -c O n th e p rem IgU e h rétofo re o cu p ie r] b >-M r. -,N . m R v -h n M ary - S tre s sudi Brcci Stfbets, ' whiere heois preéparer, as iieretofore, to execute ail gkManui Ùtred lsud SeIr] at it»& Uô.ETPa2lWrÈ-N- EXCffANG' ia ween Byven irsi intrusted , 'i - -, , - T 'r -. Whitby, Tanuary 2, 1860. 1 1 Il 1 1 E xTENSIVE STOCK OF BUFFAIO ROBES,

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