Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1860, p. 2

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VDf petiewtmbvoideredz ire. oui thiwona I» e tler dd Oulr 0f tan4sv yeon,'- 'Who show .im rvi dlomtw t Ç"iorsked hos» And ralnod oithoe ~-r~ I Tho Ho1 l~~vIhuII.Sber 1 <Vlibgbbul1 lovefi;) Îh, a>ed 8S11kItt * Titis boume l l And locpser growiUsaOolt. Thou bersm tbtel dawy4sIt op-boot. ahnder, Aso he la swot., 5lse % #hola tinder, wkit t' Marvellousaems, or, as itla f- f ton cllued, Bprhualfty, suable àamnu &P. preclate ich subjeet as us saot b. mes. -srdor oomprouded. by omWLob, or th.- reamoang iscultius. (Oulaatewill oo'e a prbilwsud th e reituay,'b. a rov cf à hasdred fiers; butwbo eutell 1< reasses bewrSuehthey:mean t tle qit. impouible w oomprebeud îLe6'.. t6n perativo ianner. The fllowlug specula- lions of EmHerp h.I ii illusirat. îLe point insqusutsi ' "éWbat mm au" Iowil make ul une, blleve ÙIha uoneuoud- cf lim», in ou» best of thé pouduluin ôta lok,' a Msy oflilgbt Iravels over 1922,000miles, sud voold tbeosfcrepe*ym lb. tour cf the word n i bottï »40 tino thal 1lt veoquives tewvlk qu, dssý4 1 muul< leu time lb.. a ýa*juùoc«uPi"s in taking s, single uai4,1? io au b. made 0 bélèe, *h.bU î mu<mtion, 'tu thteSu àsikimi lna «Ms lar. g'er tonibsii 0 Sth ti 0, slthough go immole fro. us Ibà ie oalshot di. * ay i tly0vrd it, â 4 aiaint a ilsful ipe*ýwod 6e t»osty 7ear s aschfog * lu an luapprlal kiaul of time tr'who. would net a 0 ordemnob"ttiou, *bon told Ihat a gusîsà'vWg, lails rdlary diighlbueta sny Laamtrdl inlua sec- ond 6ïâaut bere ouaIssimat@4. sud 2»gîký q" y thouud4 éé w hse bodics laid .es togaiber -vould t x«a exieud, an inch?, But what are those to theb.utouishing tmhsbiwhich modern op- tical inqu Wes have diaclosed, which teach U us b&o-very pois1 ef a mediumi lhrough which aray oflighlpmesis aslected With a succession, of poriodicsi movexue uts7 reg. slsrly recurring atI equs i tervals, no lesa. t Ibm five bundred millions cf millions cf tes 4à,s single second 1 That kt la -by 0194 olieent ccuneced vilhthé nerves ltâiatla lidfierence iu tbe freqaency of tisr rocurrouce wiich sffecte ous wii a u mnieci the *lvorm t tceler. Ibat, for Instance, Iu scqniriug lthe sensation cf rednes, cur eyes are effecteid 482,000,000 etthmés; of yeIIownup 542,000,000 of ams uclel violet ?07t,000,00 cf limes j ecoWnd..]Po net mch thing& scuud MoreIle tterevavgs cof mad men han lhe sober- conclusions, of people iu their wsking uenie.? Tbey are, are nevertbelema, conclusos te wbich any one may mois certainly arrive who wili eniy b. aI the Ircuble cf examinlng thethe chain cf ros- soning by whicb lb.7 have been cbtained." <.4 fletse ti b. New Tarir. A Cbmpan>' alicekn fornicd at Dudas for lie emtalihiieneut af u Oxteuaive Cet- ton Fadeor>'.4. large' sS» building ccv- sredl with -alt intended.r o ancher bnanci o e Saesssometm & go,,lias. beil boagit hy the Compault-fcr-830ý000,. il coIs ý$ï0,. 900. In tic couti-eof'*-uol-weekw emeq thiug vilii b. iutull Opoermi.Twonty- four operutive fsmilies.'*7 are. novbeag brougit oui b>' the Compua>'y<rom nâg. thod for the facter>'. We'atmo6 learnu liaI a vo->'extensive tactor>' fer Wcolon i maana- <adamo llu nours c f constiacen àaI ait, -b>' pflof thle entcrprising peoplecf4a plae. W. hi-sitiy i>' vimiliqlu vor> suc. cOm. Bock cnterprise are ccalatad te brin"éabout important changes lu'th, pr*- ductivo laben o thle countr-y. W. hourd lihienerday cf a Party>Oùci§ isreternute * qp*1mia frein a vimit t eiaaaboagit gixtM. bpssuof -tiec coîsbrted axes nmade iu Uail auadjsbppd ui b >' vyay' of Nov Yor, en, o lsars<& f1>' poncent on hle pur- qias., g f m ra.botter OLn lie meut os.ob%"smado luthie U. 68Çý-Braut- itio cizru of Diabil Lave pi-eue to CspWan MOClînock, IL]N., aun. alm of ..ngrstwmwon ou190 mut e rtaiaiebisma» tive country' &(ter a ponilousexplcrno f the Âuts-ngles su 06 emmna âder 0 Zàdy rwals. e epedEla la mrbof ,p mâosib sam &&M<biâbmev ip.B- 10". Thse >*eiaa*uion te R pame M s pile nig bllal lthe nlo-ouo im« ,epad&o- f theL«oi«s. belvm e Imporsons- viit of OuI Qomon, to this ber suo#y dpi lb. wr4t ind Us prstlcAblâty. t Iiqrlewe çonfs! eu VWObff fan$~ Andte,. it h& fler eldei 6cmhow,(n lb. lia. m tft'usth lb.âtiim 'Rin r r 1, God willg, 10 ho,> aceompmn>' i'hlmiy theflowerofoîdEg4 'clviybe add-' ed t6Shlm mIsionm-s mission nm e ilcaca-; isledule aaken -aIl Our emetio necf loyal- t>' snd fstber-lad, aud te rivet stilIl esen, lh, ln as'à bràb4ood. I l't lnhie ccantlen-hhke pinso cf a mesuinglemahein-, ugo, ilt aI ve &hl,1bld'hitm welcotoe; but lu the mini>" aIrains of hit besmeit. frc rom ail touci cf flatte?>' 'rflanicylam.' Fer is royal cootberlesuukb, h e yul b. ver>' 'veooo; er las wn 1eptted bcsnlng,i sud bis ovu* premlsslng geod qualities, ve shall eue sud ,aii rojoipe ai h ils arv Wei biu t entîs .mether dons -ber qaeenly and ber'maternai dévoirâ Wle mn- der ber probable mtccssor vorti>' te ihl the limoene ottat gpoil Emplireoncu ich lhe san (witbo.imtapior, Il4ina> b. sdded) nover sets. U.Smlfý îbo.Queen'cof a bïé'Nmion, .i. bisresredilber on le b. verti>' of theo Chettiansblp, cf freemen. Ceming u ve bul hopelb. Prince vili ceaie, effialy, lie prospective bonefit te Canada iioot,,b. fimmense. Unseemi> 'cr-- rrm'will be'cielërd up.'sntiossasd géoIo- glatis suwsypn ili. presd ibroagi lb., hngi sud bresdtb otE1ngland, liai Ibis ldeod, ssomwel sud cf hi-simd, i ceunIr>' orthi'figingfor.,, Blesscdl witi a nlcb moeil sud violeseme climale,i oendovedwlîh laies or ratier inland ss, y e1, but hapart avsilcdo4 gilttcring viii. Inca ailo~i f; fextontsud durabilitIy of contractions, def>' is enrd te match tisai, graced wiib a Bridge, lhe lie wvio lie art of in u nqver reared ; vsving vith fôe-st tn uastilé lim ber: full cf flue rivez-s, fo r, couvoying lhe- rulifth fLe îam- b.re' télUtf l ti- alor the dck, u tucded vhlb idi idces, riaingtcvna, sud bap- py 4ari and bouleoW *ade, wbicb, lu ce- us-'yos", teem, vithisbandance, il can- siol ho, bit mach a sigit mail maie its duc Imeiesonbôth on Prince sud folowerul1 Tho' flm tuait drop-front Englisi eyes; ticPrms ilcouve>' the fots1 te ever>' 'ingle'i lu lis old toutry, sud tic resait va hoe. yul bc commensurable. Ah vwel- corne lieu tte lcdesi hem cof Victoria-; corne vien be viii, lac viiind thc mena cf Canada, net anwortiy cf the sires frein vhIom tue>' sprng, non ber daugiters chier lu beaut>' on lu beariug, oee vit bohind their islanid moîbere. The lwo Eazlway ByeLsws. Our towli MntempoiI'y lu xLtqucstlensbl>' s vig. ms'n.Tbe pi-ofoandîl>' cf bis visdcm la tinn ly marvellos ; bat ivtt aIl hie kucwlcdge, h. montaitlmns commitée meut ridilialous nilstakos. Snci Io the came with hie i-smarks lu a ittcismîîc ou varuîrnomtteru. Tic Rcpeul cf the £85,0ÜO By law dosu net cfeet ou. vay or tie otirithe l'ly Ian' Apiopnaitiug £75,000. The £75 000 vii uuîdci-taud. wuA placed ou the bocok@ ci ibo l<tilwtty ccutitioually, snd no sitbt.sqaent c- tient cf lte Cotîrteil could change tbat-uothlug bat lte sot of th~e direetora ou thete xîiry cf' the Charter, oould nlensit abiterition. Nor coutl toni par ceit cf tint aulouni be called lu atitil the, condition ita whiclî h wax suhticrihed i4 ftifllcd. Thsît aevor lios bcooti ilfilcd nor cani il b. before thi.1lth <of J unue ven lte Cbair fur expirc.-lf lte threatoucd caiR could bc muode, the existenice ciflte £85*e0O by-law wcalcl oppome ne obtacle.- il Catcaa. The editon cf Mr. Juames Wsilace's Pa- pen understàuds jast as lutile aboat Railva>' maliersneasho does about prntiug conîracta, and otian natterswvilciho &taies apos bimseîf io write about. Did i. cveu- read eltien efthle by-lavs tevici i. siludes?7 Uiiden ,b>' lewNe. 40, tic council toci £75,000 ef stock lu tic Wb itby and Laie Hsva'otpny£0,0 te be exp é bti ilÀ11o mTod <mcm Whiiby te Be~,t*l,~$d-425000 on ticrèoAd norti itlaus. 8 cf liai by-law "WThm WV1 r PhOWithy sud Laie Ha- zron lila Omsy 9mIétaie tic debour tarïl t6é bo. imedb>' Iis uuicipuhity ut pan; Ctliu Muors. s " Om ea cf Mt. sai deutdFeafor the 460,090#&Wi bc ùuuel v theiIsCompati>' h«rc<ai.d msbecrpicnsof!8"icck he A. ailnio £10,000 exWcls f the g sock goCc Se su scrObe1b>' tMgMwcpaii Atter i-.ading thisa 1h equires no very' Wise insuor io von>' posldepti cf pro- fualdit>' lesien'1 su smsue o lainoui-pi-e. luin tn pu coaI on lie 450,000. Thra fa a. ecllILa vi to10e oomphiéd viii' befeut*abog oPLTUeDireocors imlgbt Rad lb. &0* knidez- t1o, 850OO by4a beombsonbel en the Cempul - bo19k, tis cSe weauli bave beeau if"rapt; the 475,00 y.iv aa sf ha cine wlico *o pallésmeekhg 10doiobeliovilng'tb' dm Direct=m Iave >i.n fooligh enough te bave repéslod the £7ô5,000,by.lav withult haling lie stock under lbe. maler- by-lsw 'sèbscrbol.' And now we asmert agnio liaI the resalit of rppeallug th. £35e,000 by-lawý wlii beq te lés . tie,Town hiable for.hheW 4,9>00 bylav, wfth the. optig o 'wtie'Di- rectoris to' cal! lu the one-tenti' of thé 'MO,0j .000 s ébsouts 1h07plésfe - vbere@o were ~'sîebâ undor lie 5Q mbired li. £75,90d0by.lawwonld stand 'n1ld sud tho Direoctora cold nlci uc ren h~tamaibt byad'cmle wllb thb. 04t lmouf 9o ,0 >0,.law. Tie smeond cf the Qusrterly Fairs vss bet m i.Market Sqiareiu thbsTevu c yesterday. The attendauce vas'net nu' mereas. -Tiere vers, bewpver, a good mi17 iesd cf cattle, ýsud is few jscore cil of mbheepon lhe groud. Sls 'ze1ui. ed la conscqauce of the fax-bayers frein a distanfce present. The. extreme cold 9fthe vesîbor, no dovbtpriveuwédîirger tara oul.* Zla erder tw niai. tb. Pain of Wiby wbal ti o ught te be-a. retay mietý for tic couveai.ucc, sud, accommoedation cf th. bayera'sud' ll-ier peoplo of tihe Town muet take s greater interem lu thein, and do nmmchiug mo re for their succeas. Iu doing se lbey vili b. helpiug them- seles. Nothîng serves more te adrance a greving leu n te tosecam. for il abroad th. manter' cf pcssesming a' .good market. Thé Town cf Whiîby bas ail th. advanta- gos. cf situation sud culerprise, sud la sur- rouuded cn ail aides viti. th& maierial ne- cesmary te maie a gocd market, neither la Iheo any Iack cf inclination ln the citi- zens to-do their bout ; bultbey muet Do sud àCT insnsocia manuer as viii secam aa resait. Tbey muet promote, foster aud encourage the yonug enterptise until il is saccSsfuily cstablisbed, aud 'once .stsb- lished it viii taie cire of itself. There must at tie commencement bc àme in- dacemeuts held ont tW drs'v bayer nd selI. er-together ; liai donc both wiii aftervards be attractcd by thcir mutual necessities. Wiib tb. facilities cf Railway aud Stcam- boit communication for buycrs from a dis- tance, ticecase, expeditioas sud cheup rate at h ici sbipments msy be made ; sud th. good ronds with whieh tic fariner can gel te market at ail smonsa, Whitby .ujeyu the meassof becoming ene of the best ottil. sud predace markets iu the Pro. vince. The next Fuir yull tae place on the lot Wedneaday in May, and notices sud baud. bills auueancing it ubould b. veil distribut- cd ut least a moulh prcvioasly ; thc preseni market ground requirca to e b.levcled, sud sheds should aise b, crected. These sheds vould hercafter psy fer themselves. The merciauts asu ueoicepers siould maie up s panse fer esci Fuir te b.e disiribuled lu promiains in suue mauner as mu>' h. agi-ced on. A litile upirited exerticu lu tuis vi> is ail tiat la necessur>' te secune ic desinod cfeci. B>' sud b>'s geod botel viii spil up ucan tic spot viere tic traveller viii flnd ac- commodatioenand nefresiaicuts, aud fodder fer isauimalea; sud iudeed v. doubi uci bat even nov s speoulaticu efthle kiud would prove remunorative ; for viii b.. uvccu ,the nainerous meetings ield ut tic Town Hall, tic dail>' resort te jie Town Cieri'm office, sud tic crovda aitich Fait-e, togetb iovi tictheplace bciug s sort cf hiait- va>' beaue beiveen tic Corners sud the Bs>', tic lecalit>' gives tain promise etfl'e- eeomiug 'a successful business stand. Iii-. Jfewelt'm resoinison for Road lin- proyemeutu Iu car report cf lie prowcdings of tic CeunI>' Coancili, vefear liai lic remolation te aid lie imprevemeni et ronds thrôucgi thic Ceuni>', inînodaced b>' Mn. Heet- not boiug liere given inlulailunet suffi- cienti>' explicil us tte: ithemesning oethle mever. We tberefore la>' h before oui- readers as it vas z-adb ]gr.'Heveit, secoudcd b>' Mr. White 1(Piukemag) movel tbaI liii Concil -e- cegnis e i»pnncipie-of-sgiving aid tom lis ccusînuulc.mil rapair cf i-aà hirougicai. thus Cotuty,, le -Tevamipa propared to, pou & B>'-law te aspené 'on them owaaccouaI ol.main od Ilimegithe Tovnsîip a coitain ominOf moae>'f Wi liaI utthle Mesxlt m.mof hua cuncilj, Mce eApphi. ombles of lie Reeve or Depat>' Reeve cf an>' ovusilp iu ibis CeunI>', sid cu lie filing viiihie Cleni cf tic Cona a enr- lied copy of s Bylav cf *ils ,or htein, Towv"sifp férez-opnd4iùg;s certain sminof inD57onis a cïroi ti'rcagif ths Tcu- sLipliaiIhisCéan il iiigrant a prepor. tionalte sua Inin il -sud-ilaaddition te tic si= po et foi-hîhath. Townsiip B>'.aw; but 'mm aua 16.pulo y Cus> ecueiv 1v maibnsof tue counclivho La. déiamie4 ibemselves favorable 10 the imprevent Ofthie ceuuly roads ccnld havéâOW opodt1 The. argààý,t cfàptsin Rovo and th6 mscilày cf lie iuemnbéru Of lb.Coanoil ivho 'VOted vi blait énfi Tcvnshlp ',ronds, liaI lie maip roada tImrougi lieoý:ounty; vould xnet bene«fit t loik liko'begiug. tic question. If the -expeuiditure vr fmde; ou muéb rqs+ ýWould'p rcve a bëeo eit tefesci1 particalar 2onsbp-surely lie'. Couuyn~ut b~beueiWiulu prWportion-t ste dcgree. Ifs portion,,c'f tie Ocuuhy, b. benefitted, tie viole cf the Çpunly must participate in liaI beuefilt tosome 4xtent. Bal lhe reselution itielf provides liai tbe expeuditure' silUb. made cn 0'a main. road ibroag ýb lmntVauy-snd lbe Cgunty Coaneil wouilatseifP .lb. thepowem wbcu pmsing lthe by-aw, ln u ne te define lie panticalar rcad en vilci tic exponditure ehoald be msde.. Township Conils siould have Iheir bÎ-l aws ready before the' Jane Session' cf the 1Couty Coaneil, vien, if 14r. Hewetî's *propositinb. reueved, members viilbo better able te considier its justices sud applicabiiity in lie present pos- ition of the Cëiuuîy, sud vo doubt not but' it viilb. acoessfai Book Notices. Bi.ACKvooD's Mazux.-Tie Januar>' namber et Bladwood coutains Part I et ,a pccm ou St. Slephen's ; Normant Sin- clair an aniobiognapi>', part 1; Mn. Ball'u Song; Elemeats et Druviag ; lie lust Frenchihici-; paritI efthie Luci cf Ladysmede ; tic Public Senvice ; Humble'. ah Raudomin thle Souliers States ; and au accouaI cf th" voyage oethle Fox la ti tic0sens.' AIl the articles are ofthle finul literar>' cidem sud veil calcnlated te ieep ap tic bigi standing aud ciaracler of Blackwcod. Mosans. Lconand Scott & Ce., b>' vientBlaoivbcd sud tic British penlodicals ai-c rcpublisied, anc déerv- ing the largi meusure cf public support fer thii enierprise. EmicUCxTO REPORT z-OR 1858.-W. arc la receipt ot the unnual report ofthte Guiet Superiatendeni ot Edacition, ton 1858, prnted b>' erder efthie Legîsla- tive Âssembîy. Ihis eas asual, au cuaber- ste document cf 200 pagea. W. bal puy our devoirs te il Dcxl eeci. Tas CLssICL ENGLIsH SPELLING Boor.--Jobu Lovell-Montrcal-ýTii l one et s eries of schfool bocks printed b>' Mr. Leveli. M.,Oconga G. Vase>' la lie compiler. Tic 'bock. siculd b. lu tic baudst of al l eaciers. I contains a large amenai cf intomation connectedviiticth enigin of vords etf eur language; alse a sclection cf Latin phrsem, abbreviatious, &c.1 Tus tBUITIsHE AXERiOAN JouRAoeL.-Tié firmi aumben et tic abovc mas aiso eeoc - ccived frein Mn. Lovell'm pubisiing office; a nov Journal dcvoted te the advancemeni cf the Medical sud piysical science., lu the British Aneican Provinccs. Il i. ail>' edited b>' Dr. Hall, L. Ru. C. S. E. Tvrocaan.zo  DvETvzsE-Tiuucîl sicet pubisicd b>'Messrs L. Joinsien à Ce., Pilndoiphia, bas come te band. It contains ome bosutifal specimens cf aew type, fane>' 'uls, sud borders. »ealmuctzve Vine iu New-York. JBURNING 0F i-Silo"LloEDgt' t IInTiNG criss. The New-York Ledger Prniig office vas doair ôyed b>' lire'on tic 'meon ing et tic 291h, alto. Loos about $80,000; irnsu- rcd for 27,000. -Tic New-York Meneur>', Jer's Musueum and QAuld#s abinet, The 0>.i- ýt f itheTises, <oaeimkas-magazin., Radway's Àlmanac sud otier peiodicali, wore pinted la tiesine buile~g, and ther prepnieters -have alec sustained s' coniderabicReu. HzAvr LosuON TascIwmttuitcz oià rîas. Tic destruction cf lie New-Yerk Lodger sud ciben printiug effices, sud tie, burning cfthie siip John Boyd, ai New. 'York on lb. 29tb. alto, cutail a loua il iu ssid, of over s quarter of a million cf dol- iart on thie Iniarance Companies. Thse Anioican UposkersblPe Ait ls Anenican House of Ropni'- senativea bas eletedl pakr n ,Fenduinl a elocted on Wded> luit Our amadt,amiuhave taien b.- (wibvoonâme 0". la I IU b msàkS 1civé tlis 9"eatpoliia el TèM Tou o vb ëd I x 70 m u ns ma- rhs 1bd 'Woll, b. maizld tom thousau peundi," rcpiai Tomy-,Iq fzge o oiier naise" 2 i>"enc, gi romaine ou the aide oet ho La- dies cf antiqail>', of freshueus ud' vde, mu vii loenothing b>' a côinparisen iii the claise cn the smre subjact wilci are. mowv b.ing pal forth by as seien of the !La-ý dies, cf the United Stases.-Aadx, i'f the"; veeaih"othilng nov under abe sn, pr.ciat in f à. dyu et atiquit>' sutic>'are in ours *.but iov long Ibis, Iniel .<uien coatinued ater Suher'a ltimes lter>', I 10Éel ei s t ,lutotal>' 'sileul. Olti Erstaudobat lb. me hîmest cf tic oi4 Testament prophebt m, ai- casticaîl>' refers le tie, nsrrovskiais, pro- vailing inlisàdays, sud as car tain: ostmens hâve siwn mughiàigcnaiiy lu tie arcbi' lecture eftihein dress fa ail past ages, -the ispecial'ïreascu-fez-i depting' tic -narrov munIr ut that imisfas obviens!>' to give greuter cifeci tte i nigofsamall apion- hous bells aîtacied te hemî aniles , iici lieaent "miucing stop" prodaced. But fromei elveikuevu pi-peusit>' cf ladies inaiipsst ages to bioup, ei. a Sasd alan>' in tie hiwhor> f toilette viole lives 'l.> ould romain long ia s collapsed1 tie. Âccordingly la tic century imme-, diatel>' toleowiug tiheone ret.rred te, tie prodigloas cxpsnded "piliîoed" snamçleeven more in fulli bisand snob vas decmed tic kiiiing cffecclwbich tiat tasiion laid upon yoang mcaen fthtilimes, sud tic coneuacadliik. viich a contemporar>' prepiet (Ezeiel) bore te kt, liai ie de- neances hiv tico iu eue ciapter, viz - tic XIII. If w. sicuid freinthis crs taie s roll devu th. tide cf tune sud observe tic fifal changes cf fasiion anti ve. reaci Qacen Elizabel's age, mach of lie amas- ing coald b. called out te hoï. vie interest hiemselvea about saci maltera, bat msiti iprobable I viii maie tua the ubjet cf a separate lcttcrut ne distant day, I hall cul shert for lb. proeut. I baveouI>' fan- lier le drsv your attention te tie tact tint ibis isthe cal>' onc cf lie tiree fragment- ary ciapteru wieh l legible from the b.- giuniug, sud as migit b. expected, bas a brief sammar>' cf contentsasppendcd. Wiih iboco Lady prepumator>' rorba 1 respect - fuli>' transmit te, yoa -tic veacrable docu,- Sment. IamSr Your obedieut serrant, AxNToirr INDEX. Anthili, Jan. 23, 1860. CHAPTER XXI. WIric'& gises afaithmAd and interesting accouai cf some of the. moat onderfud tinga wkicà .Ta4&er ieard and aawi kis latter days-Ilis mi9adventure ai Eden.- -Hi# vow, *c. VERBE 1. And il came te pas. vbilc I jcuraeycd notivurd fro einJiicbc as oe goetb tovurd Padeuai-um, liatI hpssed b>', viticut suîutingthie lean mca vie iniabit- ciii tic overgrovu village cf Broihin, and isving travelled lirengi tiche oeuofi Engadi, came inte a lange ad fertile mou- do-w viere trait sud tomarecttes wete baste- faîl>' clumpl togehicr, sud ma>' s vild fiovcv bospuugled lic grass>' uod ; tiere were aise te ho seen flicu et sioep, berds et great sud smaîl caille, camels, ie sud1 uhe-ssss,in 'abudauce. 2nd. Aud ihcame te psnutual victior I ifted mine eycm W-. ward tic igit baud, or te lie loti, I ho-1 bcld tie abedes et mca suroudcd iii vine>'ards,, gai-deums, sud orcburdu, sudi spart fricmtheme, lie exlensive fields pi-e-1 scutldluxuriant creps et vieut, bai-le>', sud corn, viich played sud dunccd te lb. genîle viuds et beavea. 3rd. And I mid unie mysoîf, sure lie sens cf Adam, sud daughters oftEve,vbo dvellethinlutuis pIes- maut laad,une a conleuled, veaiti>' sud hup. py people, viii uci so iuut se useeueeave- hn- veid left aciing lna hein breasta. 4ti. But als, befon. lie mnusel liai day, I tud te my s»A expericuce, liai, wva avain, sud oves fooliai Ihought sud viateven b. tic veaiti or caivurd estate oethle bumatam- 1>', a pi-ot>' equai mimne et came, diappoini- ment, sud soi-nov, lu meled cut oe li. ôh. And buviug jeurnc>'ed forvard iu Ibis vdl fsvorod land, h cameet ah lt t lie veeden tover cf Eden,viere the lasI efthe vitebes vicin Salleft ila* hie ceanîn',.opene thie pertlI.et ftlant>'te al l is. vierepesed confidence lin pels. -ui. And I cx- ain nodsd measured tic lovez-, sud fouad i to e ba part o e truni cf a ver>' lange sud sged lreep - viecif àd seen man>'ofethle genematieus et min appeai-, pisy' hein brief parItl inte gaine cf 1f. sud pas a afor- even, sud th. isigit liereof vis 18 # oui- lljad suthe girti liereof was 24 cubits. Mî. And h tonnd an apertue ou cueside tovar tie gz-ouud sufficiently' large '10 'permnit lic bcd>' et a man tg' enter,1 vie s ont h'd lonig livod atIeseuIn 'eonjoymint of thé gond tbings cf Ibis 'lit., ýsud vish ener-ï cd-vithilu lie leqr, ,I coul pencieve uoth' iug but su cl ceusert , tireet broi- sticks, sud I toamd lié lever vas boloW frcml op teb0hlOi, -vithnarde stepstoas. coudtehsamm'ion"plalfoma, .vherona ma "oad stand sud mot b.a sOn. 816. AuI catoido tie lovorsnd pIaoed uPo th. gi-as, vero usaIs fer a vi compati>' cf psople, sud besido tho sats I chaonvsd a sial vile tablel hung upon lie branci cf amhev speain h aend lhe vniting lbènojob vasblairandtfie lettons or, lievri"Sa immuâniiby the moïber' aide t espèr. .* sund>, the. couneillor, sud te save the resi- oe is Ipe-4 (li in ocf.nm face a' fiying before Who jupea Wnkiuvsnuiin and ber Nul guard.. 1lIti. abouat tie A~nd I ftunlbermore'saîd utô theni=, I prsay wbich céri ihee tell' me 1vlht ,toôfhia *e4nan' sud ber have upen ;oèailed gads, sud'hie'replied y s aying ofe>' tbtvei aite me, el stheccief of, he .Zaain- pen lai1 nimsan sd the viole cf ber Nail guard b.. cunnîng in, ,long te' tb.Zani Inibe, tie nails of ,tireir sîticugh v fingers amolik 'e agl@e0 .clawo, sud, it is,na an ,xtermlc cation te a miMn *hzch le neyer after for- ahtil! vêcar gets, te gtl a single scrtch' frein hern;- mended, _ ls moreoveçr wzfe, n py-eri lueeof vcirp beslras aud stlu0 Ibae' mc'dcd bohr and extendcd ber riglàtsas 4e Xci've few tolihcon nysif miiastic~oilîies fimy face Icttf sifY-tisaday;,âsueiastisfied sud Durc [rwdùld net foe he tresaures of Egypitit tPl shc, sud the otbcr Zai got iold e f me. ù., und' wbule tu's afflêed man wns about OnhModsï t 0 desibe'nieme lb. e ober iwe kuards o'clock, an( of tie voinan, -tic voice cf niasic *vas heard frein tb. ne in out cars, wbhch bespoke tic near ap- ý,slructive fit preach, of tie terrible 'regiment ef won en,, our tewa le: wiercapon Picekbim.more led, and I made. diseovercd hstto take mîy pince luinith secret plat. the li.it Eorm vitflin the Towcr. 13. And il came Sinitih, and to pso Ihat the firsi vie approsched wss Tiu-Shop i goodly namber cf wvemea in grave appar- diatel>'joli el, viii dignity ilu udr preseuce. 1This 1 buildingà, W had reasea -te believe vas thc Matren pied by Me4 guard. 14. The neut vbo, fellowed vas Tic Stable i6a umustakcable Nal guard, aIl of vicin herses, se: had ses thc mature àýe cf 25 ; la front cf snd tweive Lie' ron feutured be¶lyof vomun vas be- sons vere4 iug carried b>' ive cf ticir namber on the tiose prese peint ef long polos. a vasi sized round power to st tiug, lu shape lilce auto a wornsn's uncler iug elemen garmnulasd beiug ae large as lie lent- were desîni: wiici, Nainian, tie Syrian piîcbcd on-tic South, tic bais of tic Jordan before Ile batied known as t seven limes in tbnI river, according te tie by a family injauncion cf the propiet; sud attached te, tic flames snd diugliug belov ibis wonderfal garment feet froi vas s îwo leggcd uiiug iii. uto tic appaie1 menced, vn wici covereti tic imbu cf s mari, sud ibe> verei apen il vas tic inmcIliptiou, 6"ve uow clai open, sud ibis as car lawful propeity' 1 1th. Be- b>'the'- fiai iind Naamau's lent, sud lu front of thc difficuit>' n Naii guard walked Winkiuwanacin a vo- sud by the min of great stature, bard features, col- w"~as sis lspsed lipu, large 'blue eyea, and a nue as te the stor, long sud sharp éseuoe cf tic horus cf theicnl iih iw slir. 16. Ti" nextwho followcd was tic about 1001 saubeain guareîiwio beiug ail young, vel beef aill fivorcli, clierfù' sud gay proved a wonder- ber's horie fui fest i ltâ mine eyes, yeu, vcnily thrown cpi as my soul loveti iruti there were diverse ram, sudv cf tiese mailleus appearcd 80 fair ln my and 0Grocel aigh tint peradveuture if 1 iad beeu a cwned by . youug mn, as npwl amn old, I veaulbave cousumed.- risked tic ssfety cf my beard aud aIl tic juifP frin localities wiicb. are appcnded tieretc by going ite) offcring thein my besi services lu exteuding furaiture. sud meading ticir rlgits. l7ti. Ail tis about this uiigity compan>' of vomea haviag been iesvere seated sud partakicu cf a meai vili cou- carnied the sisted cf s diverse kinds cf leaveucd sud inag House uuleaveued breada, preservod fruits, sud Lewis (une: the juice cf a certain herb vich îhey drank tic grouum oui cf caps, Wýinkiawauakiu lifted lier voice cupied b>' sud said, moîberusuad sisters boar ye uow a FouudrY tic remolutieus vhici we siall make 88 tic liremei gocd as iavs for tie exteudiug sund meud- it frein. ex, ing cf our nigihtsansd wbici are herey Hov th, presented for your adoption. But as al Wild planti lava, bovever excellent, are «ne botter than- doomed le s doad letter anleas a suitable power exista tien thecSS te compol ibeir observauc', kmcv ye we cf daugei bave prcvided s NailI'Guard vie la able sud indber bh viliing te, scratch ali mna ie a strict cern- cd wiii di pliance viti tic saine. Heur tien la deserib tic reselutious; whercupea eue cf the Suu. li~ ie t beanis, Sopisish, by name, rean a lu s clear distinct voice as follows:- Tic le. REuOLUTION lai. Albeit lu aur fatber's great. T limes thee ivcd lu tic ]and a umall mol ra Pa8tterE cf men kuevu iy tic nume et bacielora, he iaviag in vie escbewed marriage by living aTic arne .*.luelfba . iéI*,e.il is,hiai-lu-cA.-dys ere valu( cd, terpld animaIs, il uhail former fom vielg part, cf vomaa's igits le lease, vex, sudrcate scratch theai, sud if it ubcaid b. deomced Wah=Il advisable forthe - sften i-et cf ihem mIoul',l, od net ' 'smpleingU glb te srupete ciOur- nders. fali pnlasac tbein.,' tr6dacd EmoLtyg2nd. Trac il lusuad cf nifty slug o liaî herelofore sud ever minceTubai Cain O«roe. made lÉi firalrrsbasin, sud hitereby 'iaudred introduced pblebotony iuto tlb.wcnidjmen Iby thE bivO LSi èiUCured eout .ef divemsarts Mu- seil*tieni tonial, and soquirementu, four tbingswvici rmeTOIJI 0l bav e cailed liberali professions w r., ss have 1 ielded thein frIom gnr to gen. iu tiecoe oration, icif ropeocf emolumenta, vealli, ceost $JI il b~asdvcro ea ave beep 'bougitfo 1purpmel', p ad unp>tiy, 'sud herefone 'ly traum vtokedly eozclnded inu.all paist ages -frç=n onc byi ibniq'lu'the', procouda -of Ibis 'mine cof .n , - vesli, iitià bereby déeclar'elti rein 'ug suad sften t.his day, and as long asgrauailt greva and vater ras, il siali forin 4 parit5 foC ofvo.as'nlhts, 10 he=n, slady snd pnao- si mores (.Ta b.d otinue4) nropcnhy Deahroyed. ýy aiglil hast, abbnt baif posë t idA lue l'midsl cf femrfi 'viud irti-wééti on. of the mc«t de- ires-occarmed viici'buliasmiled Fo ne timepaal4 hîvwus Armé lai a trame building oppihê. i propert>' ovned b>' Mr. Albert I 'occapiod l'y John Suhlvan sa Ï sud-place cf resideuce. 1Itne- iing, sund forming a part'of tiis 'cm lie stableïï sud sbeds ceeu-, surs R.& R S.Pattrmen.- acoutAaed six meut valuai!è. DOpatterns; cmamiagea, sieig4p seitaofetabamnes: .But fivpew on tie spot ah tithe ime, but *ut used even>' exezhicu SW their 5ave ticel'ormes froui-tie, devo*d-. nt, bal vithout svull,-be viole ryod. Extendiag tevards the- lire spresd tW a large brick houÉe Lic cld Smniihpz-perty , occuped [ nsmed Baste. -go rapid vena. 1 tal tus fami>', living 'net 20 the 'place vbere the ire coin- 'cere unavîre of'- the' fletumi asakeued by lie door W, ug buàst findiug tbieslve susrronnùld& mens. Tic inmales. vero viii' rmoved, ilu hem rnighî c]otheé, *e greatesi exeion tic furuthuro îved. Nortivard thc lire sprosd reouse cf Mn. Weber, butoliir- was aiored, rend>' for lieîmnret, carcasses cf inutton, sud,' 3 cf ot ici vers destroycd. -We-ý eas- accu as lie staýble door -as4 )eu, rauhed eut, folloved l'ys pet was saved,. -The.Dvelling Hotus r>', occupied by Mm. Weber'- uad' JaWiiteferd, Esq., voeaim" ,-Mr. Weber vas, cempellid té a avwindow le uavè im lite, afler )lie boase te save smoin f ls -Tic aam h aviug been, giron l ime b>' tic churci bella tice U- accu on the upot. Tic wiud r lames te the large brick Dvell- aopposite, cwued l'y Mn. John, ioccupied), whiclx vas bamnivd i h. -Tic large building laid>' c0- rMesurs. R. & R. S. Patte-son, es y was on flre:féeoral tines7 bal an strsiued even>'-j nerve sud ikepý xteuding familier lu teat direction.< he fine origluatedis nunovu." Thoe tivc sirie fthticnoble 1ma mala, tic lames, vas the liraI ýintim'i- 3ullivaus bad oethle approarch r. Tic servant "girl avoie le )ed on finre, frein vici sic escap- ýificuli>'. Tie vuil cf the berms 4 b>' tic bystauders as mors :tud cf ban abeiugm thun un- ass cf propont>' desimoyed lu ver>' rbe bermes saov oned b>' Mess- sou, vere vsiued at abeiltl0b' ',rcfused 8800, for ouce niaL ess, balleras sund, tve entters,- id ai about $800.- No insurnsmige. as ovned'b>' Mn.,Siit ves vs!' but 84500, Mn.' Witefcrde lou $600. No lasuranc onsither. is lie ovuer Ofthlicuuocenpled vas iasured for £25fliu he'PLo- cmp'y. Tic. value cf telb. bull %bout 81,500. -Theuabove suet Ldersltet d, udw.bave'no doUbt aial tie lousu ' aremetimatd, lb. ,undt leexceed, $1b,000. MiN xinformas as, liat ho veuldratlip 1 oieiges tha,!f to loise t vos e -vithonl ex'ception the g5ma lb.h coant>.-.ClfoBfdCBe"f *omun sud thrce hmes. Atlhectha winil blev ver>' Sb veuit, snd bui for, ti aide, sud lie higli cd b>' 'Nis. NeNiii .devaststion migit i flre engifes verei but fÈom lithe cul buildingand tiche tiey couid b. put £heulcf a ions. vu 2 euginc vas the 1 zected ils energies isid altichelime t als1al al human cli smotiecd ,toe cii flancsraacbed liee -eue agedbetwee tseven moatis old- la. said lie- remains olaspedilae hi indien.- Mangano fainil>'wvasesorci back byjumg glass.Bridgot Be ed on oe au a *Tics. tva vere SE pi>', lie fter, ai cd toetien frein pi>', in jumpinmg f The Coloi Amourgtic offi in the bâlaucesie >'ear 1858, wiici, mnerdai proeeity - . ~ grOvitfis insti telcBitisi ski ceeingtinteruiecti recepis of nevenut liai yeam) amou',t 000; tic lmport d 318,012; tie îmI £316,052 -;the sal' -817; liccuses (dop ment ou stockau £831,02-1; pestuýg dem frein fées, tir items.'Tic voles the Assembly are iug veIl for tic ce - h vli bav ehc ings.., lare ameuuied te cil, £1;558; the the limai->', £4,87 Tii. expense et -pr.otectoratc, gold ciiet secretaiy's o t4l8,96O0- tie vol làioaisu nai scientifie purposes alsaniisny parp' The expeuse flcd ef Womks and comprise vet provèmezis-ot bridges, 'cemetriei lovards lhe erect * cempletion of 11o1 lums, &&- * . Amoug the. mis icvinoe dewov e t

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