Whitby Chronicle, 31 Jan 1860, p. 3

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toowng brwsfParagroph t60 4hçMqsuI'~I#asa auon, whioh eon. ~- K. IWYe, *Prtner, in the Exppeos * 10107 ÂvrlI & c.,wlth! ' ~ alm w >' uffocatéd lintheir b.d, et UaverhlI~Mueafow nlghts age, roml ¶~~gm me.png (ons a coai teve. OitÏn'ày ago or s., and v ithin w vr b 44 eaor the .pluce vIeré li ï>aw#1tl, 0eng couple fut racontlyý tresi ncanail i,soendl = ubtt nt i4hgt a-proper tirés ea é ý Wto entu t .calthi ttbut 1caleëd i 4L4 roorn door vas opoiredean* they vere tou Vai h$1ditorted -eountenaueoansd eps -VUls é *but quit. sposobloieud 4mmmc- eh*Wý- in alt.» heur tbsy would hv beau dasi. As lif vi averal docters wsei lt -a&Wà4ee for Sem bhears befïre tbsy, wre.rprôohnced oui of danger. Thi.e aume 'VU smothlsin llrt Ia sae ut *ztracot abovo. Severi ' other casi, omre & t4 h ave bappened Ia(oiy elsewhere. Thé coal umsd wus anthracite I'bolie, aud 1 müai mppoue thre roomi vere iu the u .. àtanu'aso cloue: as te admit nu ventiWaioi; 44~tevez Vkk SP.» doors, auless tIrsair i>f thi~e m bu uittd b>'son.me sssi1, the carbô.nlq si gisdisengaged (rom the.coul wMii utilh dowu, undtgreati>' itjur tkom- who inapite fh. It la the. sanie agent as thé. shako dumjîlu old welle sud vaulfi, whero mafIs>gnorant or incautious per. gonié have tout tIrir livea. Tou Ïiii have saccu that M,. L. S. Morin, M. P'. V. for- Turrebonue, has been appicut- *dSoliitor e, nera for Lower Canada, villa a euit lu the Cabinet. This will help tas balance-the Miu'istry whic,us you knevw, -id,0 -ompoudes te have been a cause of serions objections on tIre part of tue Lower Canaidisa French, vIre forsmre time peît have onîy been represented b> the Heu. Messrs. Cardeor sud Belleau. Morin isaa ver>' young mate have. boen eàtruated *îth mach au office, but ho hu ezebibited talents cf a -ver>' high order, sud DA-an or- *1er sud debuter ho mu>' b. saidto te have few if an>' equale la the. Housè.,Hoeas - ceodingi>' popular, 1 understaud, 4' Ihi§ count>', snd it la doubifui vhether his re. élection yul-be epposeit, but Wibether'l op- poied or net Ire ja quite sure cf succes.. There la a rumeur aIse thnt another place wili -bc. màte fur a French' member inlu the Cabinet, snd if lanfreely stated that 1>ost- master (el riSmith le te vacate his Bu. a-sa su take the. Solicitor Generaiship obr Uppor Canada also, cf course, wif h a place ai the Council. Board. But it strikes mne that tuis rumeur ia unauthorized, for Mr. Soith la stili absent. It s lanet iow- ever impossible tIrai seme sachazage may be mate, by wiiich, oppertunity , wiIl be glVen for thre outrance cf a second French ,-Canadian lu the Cabinet viien tiie propor- tion veut hoe four Freucb, oue Irish (Ro. Mne Catholic, Mr. Alicyn> -and. oue Eng. lisIr, 1r. Rose. This would ho as near ns possible (air represeutatioa, since tbe Irish Roman Catholicelosent sud thre Protes- tant elemeut iu Lower Canada constitute about oue fourti cf the population. No serions objection eau certainly b. taken te haiag euje protestant lu the Lower - Ca- nidian Sectièn-of the Ministr>', for the 6 bt :cenans shows that the population thon consisting cf 890,261 vas made up cf 746- 866 RornanCatholicsandu 143,395 Protes- tanta, that la .6th Roman Catholica and 1-th -Protetauta, sud I presumne the. rela- tive numbers have not mach variet ince 1852. At any rate the. Opposition could fiud neo(ali viiisuch an arrangement, since Mfr. Brown'& Cliluet was made up ex- actly saitue preseut eue vili b. iu respect of natitoalities suad -reliion, if another vAks-ti.eouicubefore I cousmitteal - iIi.iito the. irrocble prMuu 'd tts, cosusa lthe deli>'ila muilug.sviug r.- -ta-net te ime Lausari teutand expeni adtire r .pan of angimflpon i4I founa ht iltirout otirer data OfIaishi ontained, I could mecom uti$&osforboacluien se i vili i WIIPIOIIt1w gunm for tirepre- eut, but -sia r mcrnlthn iIkIIIb. able t b t hii@ t h. Pro- vic wM be à'aotu gainr toa onidfl able oxtmn4 b>' th ire>nlldatlnou f the t~i.ue er lutatet. COON. Dua Mia Quisse28tIr Jin 80 yon-,rMsiaibea-rai -,shorti>'uo thre publlioer lai Cada of tir.Tme àaeuafa i*la, I- si thaf 1Ur. GsI .veu siv,£a LotOaMjuistinatire nicai0c time to mut the. calmaistois ljmcs1face mai iiou. & u-uins vouai accu b. Pla" lât ie a m beik ls6o.~ leiug il more bility~, villiavo tIre Pîroviaue a geo oidai 'ofinone>' l the event of any puter 1ôanls b.lug coutr acteit. -. 2nd It reoreÎ scume 00006.fromIthe eusodj o-th IperalGorernment, by. -vIronsitis luvestet atl pî.ce ndntps ou if-ai-a rateof isuerest, vhicla viiiShow a gain cf £16,000 a £2O000per annuna. 2rd It redstuuii he aua 'Charge upon- oua- Ixohequer by' aboul £70iOOO a year. 4dhI I maire. a provision for a iinking Fnnd vich lu 60 yeiii Îrould psy off fie? vIrol e debt, but es tiiere la goot reason t« belleve tiat at the eut of 25 years-..before ici ire are noet Ulbeity wsetender psy. ment-car credit mus>'be se muai botter tu»it laraen aut proeu4t, tit- vo iay ho »Ibe te bcrrcw ai 3 pr ercnti-or redaco the interest te tIrai figure. -- th Thora laaau al gain on the cou- m- a 6t fdr per Ce. nt te, 5 per cent, aèven after proviting for the payrnu cf tii. pro. miums ailowot- te the irolders cf car tscrip. I have mate a calculatios vith reference ',te ,the first bouda, whieh matura lu 1814, 'and as 1 presume tie premniums on tfii. other portions cf the debt have been estimatet- on thre »sae ale, tIre gain viii ho unifeorari> the. anme ou tIre whole Oum. For th. Por, tien payable in 1874, ve are te psy £109. 10# 7d for ever>' £1000, rètuciug the in- tereit fromt 6 teS 6patr centr Annuas initerest on £1000 »à 6 per cent. £60 £j1000 a £9 10& premians per £100 la 109.5 Interesi ou £1095 a ô per -cen ia.£54 15& Aunual ssring cf intereit £5 58 Re.iuvest the, £5 6s a ý5 Per cent for 13 aut 8 mentis, assi by that lime yen hure - a O um of £101 34a8d Fao-eswlici tedusêt tie in- creeset sOum cf £95 sut yen have a savinj- pr 100 of£6 Se 8t Appl is' ua e te' . e vIrole -deht, sud the erentuai gain viii net b. mach uniike £87,500, whiih la a snug itle item, and well worth, lu addition witi other beneflfs; the. attention cf a ýCàaadiaa Finance Min- iter. I am. -avare that there wiii ho charges for.brokerage, but they cannot ho grester than wouit bave occurrot viien the rarious portions cf the debt nisturcd, if, sai ne doubt wc shouit have Irad t o . ciate othen buans te ineet the ripened obli- gaions, I tiink you viii find my vicws cor- rect, sud if tie>' are, hit s proecr they shouit be known. Yours faithfully, COON. feu* Mleetimg cf the Board oi Sohooi Trueteeme -WHiTuy, Saturda>'; Jau. 28, 1860.Ë TIre Board cf Seheel Trustecs met at tIrec Tevnu Hall ut seven o5cleck this .-eveuing, ail the niembers present. Minutes cf former meeting read sut Sp. prored. On motion cf 1Mr. Ferry, sedondet b>' Mfr. Watou, a resolaticu paiseit, instruot- iug the. local cornnittea of oaci seheel, to, revis. aut examine tire ratebilla qusrterly, and te furuisir tic teacier vitir a liaI cft fnce ichelars for each quarter. The Boardt va occupiet for some lime in receiving thre explanations of 1fr. Clark the collecter, rospecting the persons vhoeo names appearet in tefanît contIre ratebull. Mr. Wesiby, thre Local Superintendent, appearet before thre Board respecling s communication Ire hait rsceived fron tire CIiefSuÙpoçitentent, appointiug the 20th cf Fcburary for tIre parpose of holding a achool convention, and requcsting tire Board te give notice, aud appoint a place fer thre purpose. On motion of 1fr. Ferry, iccondei b>' Mr. Fraeer, tirechairma asvu requosted te make.the necessan>' arrangements for ob- taining the Tcvwn Hall for theo moetiug,aud te chiais pester bille aItue Chlroicle of- fice announcing thre »Me. On motion cf 1Mr. P<ery, seconded' b> Mr. Watson, it vas reselved tth e Tovu Hall ho tIre place fer holding the future meetings of tIre Board tris year, prorideit a charge net -excceding $*1>,b. mate for tire lme. ' On motien cf 1Mr. Ferry, thc warrant for thre quarter cuding 'September 1859, vus extented fer 30 days, sud thre chair. mavsdirecteoiýté1 grant Irhis warrant for collection of tire ratolilli endiug December. On metion, cf 1r. Sprowle, ortera ver. grantet lu favriof tiorepison living the cleanlug of thea scoooie formmi cf $5 unit Mr. 5prov1e renovot l otio"made et the fermer pleot4ng, lut relation 1ice Teachera salaries. On motionoet Xr. Ferry, - sooared b>' 1fr. Broyn, if vas -rçoolrpd lIraith. ub., r jaci, cf touchuis alarie d uilcidental ex-, epenses ho reforredto the iqoalcommlteés, ýt fer oach scirool. ef 'A resolation paot 4tlaerwzng thre chaussa to, proourea rbox, f*r thre d iàfe.kaeping-of docunrts ~lating t Ir ~- soool. k - s>, 'e. - '- -~ ~ ton. ~J --'v 50. ~8Oc. - Butter Turkeys50bc. à 75Q. oach. Cord Wbodf$2 (0 ,@ $ 5, o DIIDEND NO., 5. N OTICE liq lioroby5Jivon that a dil%ldend ôf rodr.pi lt . pn the Pald iii' Capital ôtock of tisiisitut0Ion for the' ourront lhuit yesir, <being et the rate of elgat per omnt., per inna,> bus tllIa. diy been daelnredy and tliet dia. maine wiIl ho p:'yuhli at the. lank and lIf. 4rîanùbiwi, oni',aàd ~trTburaday, thefirst &y cfMwhne xt-. Thot Tranuitor IookA wili b.e loud front the lIth to tli '29tio et'Fubruary, both daâIn>ehclu- Ontario Bank, <.wir Dowofflunsi, -21et Jan., 1860. 89 A Cr a d iis îlodu b . give a t the . O range hiall, (*rtenwod, ou FRIDAY, Fobruary 10, 1860, Under the pistroemae md "mnagment oe th. Greenwood Royal, Orange Làodge No. 167 TICKETS $1 -50 moc. Curren'. Quadrilo Bad nape t Mn. J. C. Sterling'. Rotei. Danc ing et 8 o'lock. laR.à O01N IIAILT1Y, Master cf Ceremonies. ,QoavodSt, 1860. - 8 lii Cîmucr)uuDAY the Seveuteentîs lu Cuamers>1. day cf Jmnuery lu the. V. (". Fston. tweuty third yeur cf the hlcigu of lier b1jety, Qucen Vie-toria, and in the year cf cur Lord, 1860. Jolmi Goriton MautKeuzie andt Gordon MeeKen- zic, l'issuîtlffi. John G. Boives. Edwaîrd Ihowea, Jamea; Bowes, Datvid flioàauîd (*svin iPollock, Defendauts. Upeu the, epplicatiosn cf fhe plaintiffs sud sapon tiesrisig rcad ua ffdsvitof William Reu. ry Treaisâyi, sud if ap;scariug thrf ithaessid defosidmuit, Johni G. B13eu h a»seo sgnbsoied tist lieýet obo fonad te be morveit vitisais office cepy cf the isiaintiffît Bill 0 hi tscausex. lf in ordoreit that the ssaid nlefeidaust John 0. Bowesde angwor or denier toe liMtiffs Bill ons Or befere thba twenfy-iilith day et Feb- rir%, u4zf, sud if la ordered tlîkt a cospy of tMs ordir tojgetîsor vitis tise netice required b.y tie Geuistr.i-urdeorsuof stiisCourt ho publialsedisnftic 6Ciroiii-e" inewasper. puLlished In thse Town of' W lasthy. out nce suilai wcek 1or tic tour weclaa îae.xt; precediîîg the ssid tveîsty cig.sh day cf Fcbruarv, sud it le fnrther ordieoithUat ais ,f1lc copy of tb.1 l'lui t.ffi sud fBilmuid a ç>o(pv ut' tisis§uýrier bc forrîl"with scrvea upn the futer ef tise mid etfcudauit, John G. Jlowsa. --- --- Tu ol Thn G. Ihowesj, une of -the ahove noeei dot éîadaits. Taikonotice that if you do net answer or deinnr te the 1Bi11 puréoant to the. above order, the. pliafttitg* r nay obtain on ordir to take the thill wh1a con(eesed usitiin;t yoen and the Court infty grant thse plituîtittis sue relier as rlîcy inay be entitled teu on their own shewi Dg, agid vou will pot recul r any furtiier notice of the [uture proccedin rin tui canse. H.1. TREMAYNE, Solicitor for the atiove uaîr.d plautîffs. 'Wllitby, Jan. 23, 1860. 2-4w. -Excelsior flumiuating KEROSENE O1L. TRIIS 18 TIIL IPURST COAL OILj GIVES A Entirely free frona ameli, and la cheaper thaua any othier liglit giving materwai M- GIVE IT A TRIAL ROmabr te got It from the Agent for Whithy. JAMMS i. GERRIE, DIus tore, 'Wiîirby, Jan. 12,.1860. 52-ti R~¶fE Ann ual M4eeting of tbe0 stockheoldsrs .'of the Windsor i tC paywi take Place ut Seri vr' htlonMua the ýtlé oe n Ody luxth day -of Pebruary neit, for tIre lecting. Directens unit' officers for By enter cf Ie r. rider>t, I'JOHN WATSON, 52gw E eE MA LI* 0_-ILe uuopuis*'4&caif g4ào -e In.e Bues a Kg h o P 1 Ae.ordlng t. mise., ThW -a 1',tee .ail trou weandi »a, u nlllbIei runaua lbr there, IIOgSes& CATTLEË nover bcon kuown d<.1 M.ati sIb Wbitby, Jan, 24, 1860. 2l Ai à A~ siaeriil's Sae o f Lande@, Costy f utal L Y virtuo f a Wrlt of To av ImÂP1ri- ;0laxl sisacd Ont Of J16er Mjest%,y'§Court cf QuaeunsBeach, ut Turunte, sud tcome -tireofede gaiust-tie lands and ten4rnents Whicb viere cf'Coruaval re- woîl decome, utiFtîs imeocfhis death lu tbe ,ban b cf Elien '1'aroweli, edminlitratrix &o. ýdenJ nt he i.suit 'cf Arfhù ur 0Ja plaintifr. I have seized anxd tïken in exeéntlon al the interoiçt w1loh the. sait Cossawal PFare- Wall deefflsd, In bils lfe fime, sui tuthtfinie cf lîfu deatla bail in tlaat oiai parcel or 'trat cf land, bcbng thrce quartera oan acre b.Itie nmre more or lexs, botng oomposed of part cf lot unsberlfteon lu thé secondl Concesion cf the 'rownellip of Plckerin - eoMmeneitsg wlrsre a post lias been Plan eat s distuauce c two claiWs tiîrty "enMaid a hait -linsaou a course north oevenfis tw o degr~eet ât? r.,unAlxe sôutii veat angle of alt lot-Theuso nertîisev- etity four detfcep, Lat two ohaîns moyen liske, Tb once northmlxtun darree,wvot tire.ee ls aud twent>' ive liaks, more or leu.it te aouth aideoofthe publie rosd, Theo. north vesterly along theaonth aide ofie »Mi public rond two cl-"nsd seven linko. Theoce onti, six- teen degrecesoet, tbroe chaîne. snd flfty nlie links mcoro or lss tot> Ise place of leginu>. AIse al thut ççrtain pareel or trattcf and oit- uted, 1 lianad relsîg iu the Village of Osha- wa, atisdbcsr.g cmpose cf a part os lot Ne. feu ln the-ind Cn, cf the Towushtp.of EaS Whlf- by, yand bîttfcd'and hii6nded as follows : cen Meneing Iu front cf tise emld Coneesicuo at the distance cf one chalia lhty linksci)ona course north,oventy four degzreososs"t froweuxii.iont h weet angle ofaiel lot iiesuce uiorf h ssventy four dsgrem, oet one chin flfty links, Theuce nortîr sixfe.n degrec, west one chal' so-venty eue links, Tieuce sonth sevssaty tour depreos, vest une Chifltby linaks, Theuce south isaxieen dere utolue Chli auseety one' links. AI Rufc ade1 and tenementa thereen or the ssid defendiant s cetate or interest thertin, 1 abiats offer fâr mbalut Pablic Auction ai follows, vaz :-fhrie first deucribei ttire. quartera cf'an acre. on the premtises i ff nleCreek, on Moudaiý the Twonty tîsirit day cf April, A. D. 186,sf the.]tour of Ton o'-leekga. an. And tho last descrihod on the premimeant Oshawa ou M onday the Twesty third day cf April, A. D. 186U, aut the heur ef Two oclock, p. m. 14 ELUNG. EEYNi )LDS, SiieriT, C. O. Feor C. Nourse. Sheriff's Offcel, SOhW-td. Wlritby, Jaeu. 21.,'60. Fire and Iffe Insurmjio Company. Capital £5W00O terling. CRIER OFFICE-Li'erpool, Rngland.c OFFICE IN MONTREAL. »JREOTOEO. CUAIRMAN-WM. MOLSON, ff8Q. Hon, John Yonng, IThomnas Kay, lEsq. Honry Trhomaa, Eq. D havid Torrsc, 1 q. Agent for W bitby and surrounding District. 11. W. WOODWAu). Whitby, Jan. 21, 1860. 87-2m. THIE LONDION FRE PUESS, A DAILY JOURNAL, PRICESO A-YEAU. THIE 'WEEKLY FREE PRESS," 1>LCE $2 A-YEAU. jArBoicitors, Mrbn. auutra anad otliers, will fnitholuER PHESSthebemt Advortiiisg Mediuma for thie-Wenturn part-.ut Uppur Canada. l olircltfion of the FS;E Pam sseta<ou- his ttofay »uily journal pfibliised West of Harnilton. London, Jan. 19, 1860. 80 OUR MUSICAL EIED. ~)panion forth. Winter SfoutIaa. Every Planlat, Shoeildt pTocnre this wcekly Every- Singer, I Publicàtiou of Vocal tand Xvory Teacher, I Pianoîorusaiccont- Evory Puplil, >g u10 cïiN'T& ,a Ei.éry àAmateuir nuIf4ibOrM pouneed yteotroProcf tue outry,re, ýu to b. &$THE EESTAliDCHBAPE$T,,WOIK 0F TUE KIND IN TIME-W OELD." Twolvo fuli-aized Pageof;VooeuidPioPote Malofor 10 cents. Ysary, $5; Ualt-yeuryq , ;quasrtsrly, $1.25. 9SuboMrbo te 6"car Musteu Jrind," or orior- -froina thonar6 owdii edyouiw)ll baie Musiceneough for your satire fliml> afi an ,insilqfieait cetI .84f1*' qé ouau omie for Io cn t a n; i a e , l c g ô n e ol r 9 - 1AUCtheR 8W umbrsWI Lé,mlv Pao h~~rsmoadon~ hA bo bll thé tbué io a, o iifle-Ii iûfiittiýz7etiè*ry Wonëmh#')'WU amoont. Good Liquora, Wines atid'Bra*idIo» 7g f i tu o o r muA WhltbJan.~, ~Prupetor. A ' opot extended t i foo ai 'ufm a deoire téo eourage-4u fw-, "vva iuted a degree-..a4tastÏ for itera- tutý, ôiügîitho readers-of the Citronide,ý the pulihor intimates Lia intention of a f: ferinanalpeim foorgnlltay pMredoinipl en 4s. T!iefirét distribution of premiunis wili taLe plac on Tuesday, ,the first day efmay neit, and wil i . waddunefoliows: - IBST aRff. For the bitý original Easay on b2J the; Connty of Oltaiie, thoëidvan0. tieoc fsàgoographdc*l position, issettlelnent, progreb.,-and resources. o5o00*» PaItLC Por timo beit oiginal Eseay On O E UM ptioeb. igdeu *5s For theai wtoriginal Raa>'ou Nnws. Potina-H PRtIM e5 For the bout origiusal Eus>'on ouxv- A cep>' of the Semi-Weekly Chnoniclo, for co year (postage free,) for the best original Anthens on SPInsa BluTE PRza. A copy ofthe Weolçly Cirnicle fer oes year, (postage free,) for the. second best orignal Anthem on BriauNr. H. J. Macdenell, Esaq., Mayor cf Whitby. John Shier, Esq,, P. L. S. &k. R.J. Wilson, Eisq., Barrister. R.J.'Gnon, Esq., M. D. R. Checkiey, Esq., M. D. Competitors , must sendit teir produe. tiens'under seat to the undersoigned, on or bofore the lbth day cf Âpriincxt. Each Essay and Authean f0 bear a motte, and te ho accompanied hy theý name and ad- dresa cf the writer, with the motte on the envelope enelosiug the Mame. The several Essaysanad Antheuis to be. cerne the preperty of the publisher. Cemýpetiters for the' second and third, prizes to h. conufined te peraons residing iu the Couuty of Ontario, The fonrth, fifth and sixth prizes, to be eclusively eoufined te the Teachers aud pupils within the County. W. H. HIGGINS, Chronicle Office. Whltby, Jeu. 19, 1860. Crown.Landu Department. Quebec, 2th January, 1860. N OTICE ià4 hercby given that the lots in the Il Of Froutene, U. C. will buhopix for sale mi and aitur -the f-TW ELTY-Tll1ilDof NIXT For liatm of tbo iotsAuad conditions of sale. apply te Ebenezor Perry, Esq., Crown Land Agent - t Tamnwortb. ini the township cf Sixef- fit, ýéZnty of Addingtoi. 87-s W.- A#E.USL. TTAS Just openeit a ooàiagortuitofGo I:L ceies, among whlch i l h o oud TOd, ugasCojeeý :Ye, >2Te i, h1&i cen Pwde',Buiw4 and'SuiUa Pea FmVoring Eztracis, Wis Thro grosa of F'ANCY PIPES. êThoron b msevnt wouxan cf en 1ulybah.- 1>. 0t. od ao. pply at ahr- Iole effioe.. .- -J 'JOHN NeG1LL,9 uENSID  fIONIEÉ FOR CND West, offertserv uices te inhalai- ISoesby Ancti9n Hoaseold Fannitre, blaic. 4 - rowo- le ava 6ugui1859. ,5T~T~ER ERWMOFI rés reiddirect, friP'optlnd a- Iot N. Bi Ail aécounts over, due intera esàt wiIl be Chargd at- the rate. of 10 per cent per annum. -Whitby,,Januiry 13,1860. 52-* PREE FITA» NEW AREIVAUS 07 EoJIilau'~s BROCK -STREE, ýWHIITI$Y. T HE subscriber has received, and; à flcW' in, daily receipt of Fresh Arrivais of GROCERIES of every k¶nd, iuicludliug: TEAS. Young Hyson, Hyson 5kin, ]ýyson Twankey, Iinporial lTwankev? 30 cents. Kaderia, 10,000 Gais, pime W ike Sbuelhong, t " ie Congu.- - Bgar-loat Cruhd ad LAt 15 per ,Cent 'reduuot ài n, Nuscvado., Prlices4heretoqfore cOArged4 Tobaccforamo nd a - - ~ iiewing. âAUd ery, article lm the. Gzoaery in.a3 AN IMMENSE STOCK OF OtOi~toeY... CAIADEx &Mfle<-,E? Pewy Blocir, Brock Stroot,, WIrtiby, Jsn. 0, 1850. -à CÂIJTIONÂEY NOTJC2. ,1 IBLIONotIosIs irorehy giron t>staI - j-i 1

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