la» day, a stmns a n m pu sp«Mue .bé ~,m1ed~~adtbr«e t iis tove . s w«y to LmM* . C. 0auk, sȈ Ur. Kfrmm Ilore . The . Istsbad saccu M"MSteluday .vonng og viens a ~ bkm W t 'Dubsu, and F gaOg bhis qp 4 ookthe car#, Md Xe, . RW adae M Clark,, son -of th RigI Ootusable, vi&ha ..gpmo * wuo fouail sod S v aWsa sWbi 31.od o w lg i pt Mbâtbaud ln bit oiie isby both arMa. À sOuf. fie ead ho aui1pq, Wduhi vilues. k j&X11.4 ,rvo1vër thst vu found- oi ÃŽ;="bt di4.not À wÇ . 1rgo ýoIo%4ob! .4god hutte wu ltks h*joimb. ne u atoneUt, Iwhlt .40 /Ang doiration «'S M* - M& *thé de Uphlis m100 ai6 ated iand 5MmWt *.4 tbs4b. w', th Wlilaia E-BreIsordp imentou.d ln thé e-osiosle. It .paauSr= nhie, c'a aoooaut,tba1t 1» bai bvieat a4 si gm à the UÙ à s &uItoI, 9ta4tha ebas ipm.afibwlpmper. ty. Ifesasys the pistol ument.f usimle itruggling wftb one of bie bMr-es; lat Ipvouuiy b. bad token çhilorem, &nd hl na &fit uofniadiuaas, d i d <,c.eWng dreudful, whlch he à dues ot remnembÃr;i tlâa ile away, after bis escape, -b. did .mot remsniber «batboid haplened,'î;ud came bock ltee He éi. tc ates that lié souetimes bs re4f feMiâga, aad : <cola hapelled tdo WbuI erible. '0f - coarc i. rscelm i wugive the mos& favorable accouait 0of imsed.; -but litte iu»orbid symiaîhy eau b. (ci fir,"e who -admit. b. Ije bis. muhiiera anrderer, 1'sad vho couid, mcrely'<vom dimstiefacdon et the tern>u'iof bià paaes wili ift-a imurder- à 's and *ganst a mothorm and âUe»czpt îLe * ite of >a brother.- - - orage ai -T,.(O L. 167. lYhItbS, Tucsday Ev'g, Jan. 31, 1860.a The' Prlntlîig SqnbbIe-XU cnuesa of Iwo lmr <fit Scribesi For tour ydars >84t thie publie, orth tis lcaiity, have been annoyed b>' the periodi. col dinnin; and drumming.;,çf the Ohlms>' shbeets, inaued, from ôofices which have tailed tô obtain contracta for, the publie yýprintiaig..TW e- sapoWnment-oi ie un. m Suisaurcoumpetitors& i.'veDW viLabout otlnt, or -resttaiflt4 lhait 1. surer 0cf accusa- tiongagsainst- 111e' cunmractor, vue, hm. been fbrWnM,-or as itturne oul-unfortunate enoug1i, te ubtali ithe contract. At one lime the lbw-printing is the key.note soundeci; and at anothoer dime the music 'i' etrucl u p te the lune if'Comity printig- vité ýariatlca There have been investi. p*ilnaî emq&wskn sudmebsuremonts beld, »d'uadii rspeatedly-&l1 resulting li tavrr ef-the contractoma, and in the discomitnre o! their accuaers y snd yct the.dira la .1111 them te tihe proe4? whicb the>' have failed tu turria ; and with the. fullest confidence tu the juUpe t' our cas, left il vithout a vord.from us lu lb. banda O! thé commit- * .;bavins proper authority ' tu deai with IL. They have thoroughly irvesigated, and &mpily vindicated tlhe currectnesa of our açctis for they bave flot aIoue reportcd farorsbty, but oompiiuentury upun tbemi thor report& have beoni adopted ira Council, fromtiuie lu.tinue> sud tle accouraIs order- .dl b be. paidi W. xiaed uno further de- fonce or juiiicatiou. As a malter of jitice tuo ursoveer huw. over, vs muaI lpra>' OOV readers' forbear- ames, whiiu w. enter into a few more de- taited uud paaietlat anplauations ouitlii subjeet;1 and thes. viii serve to show thé eha-acter of the. accusations, and their su- thonu,and the. msliguiîy anad meannesa with, yWhhtbi.>'ars persisted in. 4t tie ofssion «ethle Ceuni>' Concil, ot c4auchudod, oui- amcant, antountiug te asfo dta 'dn aue Louua.d, Jowenà l, Mpipa saombvasbuouglat belor. tii. nntisn ou'i e Ciuomitel epO7.i or .Snl ~u-,Re.o ifMle, <0hsbm"), JosPh Woo goal o conaIleug udty> '. 0ul tthird day,,ëf thé. session, the». getleMus"i mil ,ei and statin$ tual it W, s t udr intention t10> luvedgam eor>'item , k *8e oot saqçh- lng, Mnemr, '1abscomplainte of, ofta. suth o wbicb tbey voe. detnaed ful]Y t laves.i d Teu cei*pWibï pur j , rs ilI 'WaVSce BIeach, 9nd Oim, aad v"es#À lu ordor.»te iiçaloand Ipuepctb là I~ cf meuà ýurs of lWs9ouneil. 'ti scarcei ly. a*died. rhat- degradlug depthb ti. elows u escded 'la hbeir'endeavort to muialte #âà mireprescut. Ti. w>ýlpg to caà cus their more ultra gril fM-ends, but'at the. Councilichamber, whili tbe prlntlng matte, vau zuder cousideration,> th> ul.uosicde 'asnsd-abeconk < iug ma"nuedséded'frozn> iq ere deai"to' prompt thos'e*nMI)ers 40h were su shamefuil>' partiale, vcak»miadeèd, aud tindignified, csoo permit t hemweives lu be openl>' tapep.s'd with. After a tboruugh iuvesllgatiýorautthii.ý'acountptbe cuuimite, tciQugvithhmure IJian acrupumions strieînosa on- account utý the' clamour whýich-b.d been rÃaisdy -dccidcld té ded&UéiÃclved6illùrst/irE1, *eren andaa lf ceufrom the" amount, li vwhicli decialôëiý n: order lh avoid ail dit. à ouit>', MrèýHigginouaqîùeed. The ré. port ufthei committce recommending pay- muent of the amount, vwu'sdopted b> thé. Counii, aud a resoIutioan passed erdering paymeaiL Tus v'asloo& mach for thii. in- triguer., vho vished to, have the cost-aclor censured ira sme va'. Disapppiurtcd snd chagriucd aI the ,iýesut ut their machina- tions, anoîther cà ucus uftIheir frienda in the. Council i lued aut hic Wtchman Prinîing office ; and Ibis dîne. Mr. Trueman P. White, the Reeve ut Pickering, la, ve are ao0rry'to asYitheo uJiIirag tool selecîed tlu carry out their, bebests. A pctiîiun is gui up mshhng for ý sct'pt commIît tee.tho b. ap. pointe lcd oivestigatethie frauda" li hie printirag account; anudIbia petition, accord- ing 10 uur guod triend Mr. White, ha sigai. cd by teprajýVC' prlters, oee, f Whom lno l a persoage than Mr. Thomuas Wallacelti. other Mr. Orr-the cabbage« bead beforà alluded to. Now any euesli WhiîbY côud b-a"rq bld Mr. White that Mr. Wa Mtsi- ai a léew ; îdeed vo doubt -mmeh M5 r. Wbýfieiimsd.i lanul avare '.1te tact, and ai al events he urght 10 lcaiu liai bot1> the.petitionerd werc lue much iulerested as ropresenting disappointed rival ôffices, le be reJied raPOn on bebait ut their ownr stateanente,. -But Mr. Whitc prefcrrcd tak4ng their sattineints lu the soiemai re- port uft1h. Printing, Cummittee, and acted upen îbèm vithut on ce askiug a word ot expianatio ,n fronihe Part>' accused. After presentnîghie 'pèhlîlu'n ho novcd s resolu- tien, bcing secoudeul b>' Mr. Campbell, that, a speciai cumnalîlpe oftbtre, lac op. poiuted by halIot thc prinîiug se- cucults for ÃŽ859 la. rcferredi, viti a sview lu haLv*Ri. sc?>aceuntsa irac . T -evot and certided as. lu is correctiîesa ; the comimitee lureport aIthie Juali ession. It waa iurirag tics. proceedings that lhe unseemi>' and scaudaloras coraduct- lu which we have alrcady îeferred, between the perauna whopreseuted the pctton'sud tbeir politieul allies on the flurorfe the Council, took place. We had resourate feel pairaed uoa the eue aide that the honor- able professionto, whhchwc belurag should bu d-ograced-by ara exhibittinutfsu much petty neannesâ sud on the - other aide lu blusi ihat the diguit>' and independerace of s deliberative body, like that uft he Couin- cil ut Ontario, shuuld bie su shametuiiy ira- Ssulted. Oui- readersas>'bave come lu lie coai- el usion lhaI liere lu a- cousiderable suan ut moue>' atIstake te occasion ail ibIs fus.- If se lie>' are ver>' much "i&lken. -Nohh- ing lu fart he>- frenuloiug, the cas. . The amaofu'het différence belween lb. mcs- suremeul ef tic psu-ies wmu coaiplai,- eakiug Ibeir ovu figures-sd ha slowed b>' the PrintlngCommaite., N junt about' ONE-DOLLAR. The, whoT. hhlng ha fioe., Aconta for haadrsds,,ssy limas. ap4o!doU - by uureballege4 M& Mo " d-lai 45lu diosu te wa u mdethe1 oubjeet"of-- disussion. 0tnji# Thse Fropoýsçd- Rçislr P..rr Tii. Cçountj Coa4'cllfor 1860, tollng thc exampc c! the-.CouneiIot 1859, passed a resolution on Salutidyluslmmedialcly. beforc adjournni, adopdnga1mmoral 1 1hl~enorluCouncli *, aylj'tbs second, Re lar>' OffMe b. ,w esa~hd; tbhe resciliti on vas moved by ré "la bt cliff, Reer.etfEBut Whitby, snd passcd uuianlmo6uil>'. %Vs bar. oo bbeeve the question et dividiug - tuis, ,ounpty .for1 registration purpeses; sand thst belng the1 case, the remarka -made la itliis Juarni seme lime sinçe,'ini-eference tb'tlie ellég"ed eutablishment ef a second Regieiry Ofce, and Ih. appolît-ment of a peuson outalde thc Cotiuily te 0MIthe office, did nt pplv. Judeed, *- th. GÃ"vrnment , as veli ai lb. genou-ai public, -mu&I be avare thotl th. argumnents lu tavor et additiofial Regiatu-> offices ln the adjoining Countidès of Dur. ham an-d -Northsnmberlaiud, arc mtogether ina pplicable tu Ontario. Inu ltheformer case, the Couies are long setied, sund are but tire ltwuaipui eptirie h cxîend aleug lie lune of the> Grand Trunk soute 90 or 100 miles. The buyfIng aud selllng of-land la, for- the most pari, if nul irbulI>'.caried on -wiihiniAhe.County, ani therefore, to a certain extent, il must have *proecd inconvenient lu have au offce ait- uated at a long distance from the old sud tiickly settled parta ut hbeCounty. With Ontario itlai dificrçul.- The North Riding, or a large portion ofet i, lu empau-atively but newly setiled, and a gi-est portion ut tho lande stili ieid b>' non-residents. W. are credibli'ifor-ued that about * ne-third uft1h. convcyanciug affecling laxde in the North Riding, lakes place outtaMe lie Rid- Ing aitogellih- One-fourth, pe-bnps, li th. City' ef Touu, an-d the larger hait et tbe balance lu the Town ef Witby- wbere th. CounI>' Regisir>' Office is situa- bcd. Respecting searcies for- tilles, &c, we arc inforuîed thaI astaili larger proper lion li denrae outsideoetthe Riding. Thege tacta viii serve tlu ab eir bamceeune man mîght be accemmodated b>' a second Regiatu-> office, heu would be iracourenien- ced b>' th. change, lu addition tu tihis, we bave aloth. turlier tact, liai an office canuot be lncsted a n>' uy ne peint litithc North Riding, mici irould meet witb lhe approval et one-fouu-lh et the uesidents ut tbc Riding. Bearerton or Utica-Ibe on- 1>' tiro places. ire have heard named-arc booh condemned, sud certainl>' ucither would raiel vilh lth avrrof a title7of the ratepayeof thle Riding. Town Cousseil. Wbitby, Jan. 30, 1860. Ris Wursbip the Mayor touli the chair at Bee c l ock. Ailt th. meinhers present. Mr. Bruira reported from lbe standing eommitte-e on Finance, and the Couaicil veut into committee on th. report. Coan- milIce ruse and repurled pregreas iu order lu make soute etîquir>' relative to Maclear &Co's account. TOvN OFFICE198 Pou 1860. Mr. Laing sad-Mr. Draper b.d aslit- tic uput over tuas matter. Mr. Lahug b.d tho resolution read preverating the Mayor signing for the stock unthi antborized b>' resulution et the Couaicil, sud argued liaI tron> tic vordhig of the resoluulin. r. Draper was tryiaig tt ake uredit 10 binself for something h. did net do. Mr.Draper cailed upon Mr.toi0peint eut vhaî ht vus t-al 1Mr. Draper took ci-edit fer te mbich he b.d nu right. Mr. lahng poiailed te lb.ez-eolutiou which he côudcmncd as vortblesa oncethei by-iam pà asucd. Tiie Couaihiadjouured 10 the second Monda>' ln Februar>. [Wanl otsapscspreuts our sppya moreéxoddsm ao!b.poed iuge.] IWA.ed'th. Pair et'. row, Fibuary l»L. - ~'a .pr~eut- Mr. Wright inti luis the ad." #bjupî on, vluic ~~ teearosel in err L '* ~IVf~,W- 43IflÇ TheToaiGomuml t hsOorpusI~auc rlc, steRepreeulaivc Of Oui- Gi-'- ou Quecu.- --e'- W. beg ma .pclul utender le your Exceild, sbe<p-eaatvoi e sjv-,,ou;rerot«d leiy ad iey al:à aocment to. ieu- Mslesla Crevai Peu-son, and Ou- m deterauîiuatlun le up.: hulit lie-mnjôaia Clo*isuhd'digty, tbu lie ntianet cf'our peOWr,, in Ibis portion ef Hcr-Mjeaîy'so dusuiri)ioras. -'We hJit wiblipromd;aoad loyal gratiflcs1 tion thé announcemeà ' oftboapproaching Inisl of lhe Prince ut Wales teo this portion etêt Uè MjÃsîy'a déthttiètôt), amti ieecni amure your., szcellcncy .liai -hie Corpora-, tien ut Whitby de-ire'te bocnvra -ithe.; fou-eumciof'etler bMajesty'aasuljeeau,'in blddlrag £anmember outhiii loyai aul il>' u-ilhî Royal velcoîne. Wiitiuiisg liaalyouu- Excellency, and Lady Head Ias>'enj!>' long lite sud lîapiness. Wo have lie honur te bu, Contu- Couaxil. - THIRD DAÃY. Ouniehtion etfTMr. Smih, ucoîxded b>' j Mi-. Sangater, a xesoIaîion passcd autioiz t ing the Wsrdcu et tic Unitcd Cuuiiea eft Yenk sud Peel. BEMUNERATION TO MEIInuai Mu-. Hemti-hu-ougit up tic report eft tua eummhîtec mhici 'was adupted. Tic report vas accompanied b>' s me- murial tu lhe Legisîsînre pu-syiu i tai lime Municipal'Acinia>' be su ameuded as te ah-' loir reasonable remuueraîiun and anlengre -to members atteudiug lie Counuîl>'Ceuncil. Tic report aise necommended. tintthie nie- moriai b. prnued uîud copies ufthle saume sent to tic several Wnu-dons etf CounUes lin Uppeu- Canada, uequsting thie concurrent action -uft hem urespctve conucils. - CuNTINozKT Accourra. Mn. Raleliffe brought rap tic report ootîhia commilîe vici vas adopted. Theie.i-c port reeommeraded paynient ut a tev amali accounts amouniing altogether to $29 10. On niotion uf Mn. Smith, accondcd b>' Mn. Gamble tie Council lier audjournnd. -FOURTII DAY. Tiie Wardcn look thie chair siortl>' he- toi-c eleena ' dock. Al lite membera preseit. PETITION. Mu-. Wright pueaeuucd tic polluera uf Davidi Danielu andi oticra pi-yin- fou- nid lu th. Centre i-oaci. COUYTY PROPERTY. Mr. Robinseon brougil up tic report of tuis commitlee, sud on motion the Couaicil vent lite commitîce tierceon. Tic report expu-esscd thie cmite' apprunal outheicefliciene>' vilci ciaracte- ized Mi-. Spi-uvieà management of thbe 08o1. Alue the cheanl>' aad rderîy manu. uer Ina vici the Court flouse keepeu. kept the Count>' Buildings. Tic report recoin- mended increased accommoidration for Lu- usticai, and the t.nciug et theflenverton Look-up. Eu-ou lie tic ewi-t it aise appcai-ed liai fou-r era mentis past tic nunuier ut rinaes coufiucd ira tic gaul vils 110 of wiorn 13 more feninies, and tintthie ancrage ceai et dicting -tic prisoneis vas 14- cents per dierniesci. Ih nlto uecommeuded a sanali appropriation le b. made for adding tou the gaul lhbi-ar>'. Tietuluvwing accouraIs contaiued inutho report vene ordered ho bc paid : Wm. Dunkle>', plasierer, Lc., $65 77; Juin Benguaig, jr., icaupeuiier moi-k, $84 66; Abram> Logan, cave 'troughs &o., $244 60 ; A. C. Wilson, p.ainting maid whitemsshirag, $248 8;Alex 15er-ie, loulis, $5 15 ; $3 30; James Mitchell, moud, $28744 Hamilteon Dunlop, wood, $29 ; J. S. Spu-ovie, vooi, $14160 ; Jas Store>', irood, $60- John ýSullivan, cuîîing woud, $8 40; -John lJiyan, 37 j uts ; L. Houck, oaimeal, $10.; Hamilteon&à lRoberts, ont- mesl, &., $13 43; Gibuen & Yau-nold. $64 73;- Ira Brown, $2 87 &; J. P. Mil- leuce & ou., $30; Wn. i.lii $5 ; Juin Beaul, $6 50; Joui 'Bigeluv, $5 16 ; John Spu-ovie, $148 15; John Spi-omle, $3; Aihaa McLean, $56 94. Total, $1469 28. 1fr. Smithi ltroduced ah>' 1mw le appoint, ara Arbili-ator ou tic part uf lie Count>' te. set un eteiencc 1 thie lBlack Biner bridge, witi an arbitrator te bo appointed hy the ýw on th'u lteratielsin-the lb. li. ----~ ,,The~mdx~ay hc Ceuiscil sesuwedc4ilu çpm-tce suad flic'lbâtî ias reported 'apli Pamed._ t-lImposs th, fllowipg Liccraaq tees.. For tie irbole CeunI>' $20;- ou& $i ý T h ep d e 1 4 . : Fo û r -, $ 6 ; - -For une Kuuicipslity, North Ontaio,$4.: Twro do. $.Trccd. 9 *Fur dê The by-lam leo, omc ite operation ou, lut3Mai-ch. - lc eusiemîoste tihe lut dayï etth year.. - -- - Pealt ~ormnyaèoà noieless e a 5 or mure liai $40. $tLAr'TO LUBE OUM op0F 1.L.FAUX. - bji un ti'Uubjeiït reQdUce4 ' kê, Wtgi. -Th i li v amnded iu cen-' mnitue and pased. Il'aulliorizsa fn fnet trom $6 tu $60, aIut-lie diffletion outIhe -Magistratee, t lie imposcd ou pua-auna keope ing or frequjeuling il.iumo within thecCounu>. Mn. IHeveti broagit up tiie report eft tus7 commit-i. as follovu; 1 Tint lai retercuce te a conmmmnicaliora recoiv'd tu-unithie Trustces ofathe .CenI>', Gi-animai- Scieul prrpused lu h. estublisi-* cd aI Bondlis, dechling ho avail iemseines efthle Cont>' aistance hua esiablisiag lic .anme, on tie grund tint îierc la -.>o'prob. abilit>' ufthle scieul being put io pr tien, youu- coaxmi tte vwould recommnrd tint su muci ut a resolution passed on tic 1 3uii et Juao, 1857, hina.greference te 'tic estalalitihing ot a Curant> '-Gi-animai- School ai Boeils b. rescinded& 2. Au accouà aitviiag becn ra eaenled for payaient b>' John Bengrougi jr. for e-ecet- iug a trame and fiiting >up mcîcurolopgi. cal instruments, srappiicd te the -Seur. Gi-sm- mnai- Scieul, sud said acciaunt iieing vouci- cd b>' Wm. TM'Cabe, Esq., tie Puincipai ot tic Scieul, yorar commitico vould i-e- commnend tie paymeaut flite avoouant. 3. lu heing neccuasar>' ai tus Session te appoint G-animai- Sceul Trustées te 611l vacancica occasioued b>'thie resigning Trua- tees nnd removals, your commitiro- receçiý- mend Iluat fcr lie vacuncies iiithue Senior Gramniar Sehool tu-nul, the Rer. J. Pet-t land and Dr. Eastvood he appuintcd Trus- tees ufthie Senior Gi-anmai- Scieul. 4. YoUr Committee recomniend tint foi- thcpréosent year Dr. Cickie>', and Dr. Easîwuod ho appoinled for tie Senior Gi-animai- Sehool. For tiie Uxbridge [un- 1er Gi-animai- Scieul that Dr. Johr, Nation, and Ahbrahami Bagsiaw be appoiauted. For lie Oshawa Junior Gi-animai- Sciooî, tint Sulas B. Fairbanks and Thos. N. Glbbs be nppointed.- 5. Your conimitlea recommend tintthie tollowing gentlemen ho uppuinled Supernlu- teuideaub fui- tic several Municipaliaies for tic prosient ycan, riz: Whiîby, Geo. Colsiton, lirooklu. Euat Wiby, Ror. R. H. Tioruton, Oaiaawa. Piçkering, Ehenezer Bir-eh, Greenwoori. Reach and Scugog, >ev. R. Mouleiîlî, Prince Albert. Scott aaîd Uxinidge, J. W. C. Broewn, Uxbu-idgo0. Bnock, Alfred Wyat, Cannington. Thorai, Rey. D. Watson, Boaventon. Mara and Ram4~, Rer. Mn. MeDouga' Atierle>'. 6. Youi- Committee avear d undor their considération, b>' conversation viii members sud otieru, lime desiraiilily ot,-aj- puinting a Count>' Supenlsaînudeni fur ecadi Elecioral. Division liutichepince et Town-- ship Superintendents, but on tic absence ot pétitions or éther viitten applicatioaas, your comunilîce do nett ed vnarrned iL offcilug an>' recommendation on thicsnb- jeci nt pi-cucul. Tii. Council iaviug gene iute cammiu- tee ouithie report, Mr. Saugutorn irahie chair, lie clause i-ccomnicuading paymcuî ot John Bengoug'a accoulit fon puuîing- up trame fer uieteorolog«icui upparatus vas sîruck uou ntic gu-ounda tint tic apparatus ý-waâ hepi ai Mr. 3éCbesresideîaco, anci tint- tise accouait required tiececrtificateofu tie Gi-animai- Sciool Trustee. Tic report wvra deptcd ns amonded. Captain Rowc b-ougil np tic report et tuis comitte., hch vus adopteci as foi- Iowua- The standing cemmiltee on ronds - and- bridgea bog beanc te report liat your coin- milIe iaving cxamincd tic meeriah accouraIs auhniitted ho them, beg tu recommeaid thc payanen ut the fulloviaiga Juin Prince for i-epairinrathlic Talbot bridge, $53. John Coi-i-evfer repsiring Itue Scugog, bridge, $147 10 ; Total $200 10O. 'bave th- èleai lï,meetl411the labilities, oft b c VOInt>. t>' nulhlJuuc mcxl. 2nd& Wluh reteee -.uoWhE ofeà e -Ove yzmAue,'yoiurcemnuttee - l- opiuioù tial tie- oxmly--. Treaaurer'o,,;uggesCllOD Mhudb. érid eul,-by sllown* -leo relala lhe igsaof-lauýdu iale for saletu liis hands unhl, afJpr, the, frat,day etMa>' nezt <(athcaMipten-per cent m i beag4ddluo tic-, amount>' sud Would, recummend Ihat- a vouldaise recommend.liai tie Treasurer rota- fat~~ i rceedsut- any, unie utfà ] 6 ff - ùoà -résidenî -lands"" a sufficiene à amouut'u maiet ail -dêberurefor m c 0lb Guuii la hiable ou tint amniea. S'rd. Uonexaminalioù U i i6 iinra le Treusurersâ office, your commitlce flxad liat -the wliule'amuuaatl-of ,ien.reshdeînî taxes, due for vhili, he tic a,sare uow liable fur sait.,$ 16,1>13 14t wliich luudes, 1h. stu ut $3,676- 20 ona the houko ira lhe office: ef the. Treasurer oufthle Un ted Countieé' ut York sud Peel, 10 vhich viii b. nddedbi) lie Oiral ot"'Mny ne the; s atm-$l 9131 being teà ' per Ceont thcreun,' makinigîthe whele amount, dueanc otIe fOrsiday1ut fMa>' iext 318,604 46, bass ten peïr cent oft n> auwuntai it mn>' ho fixed betua-e îiat ie. 4t1u. Hayiaag examiaied Oive non-resident tax houka ,furtniâhed tor tuc Tresarers uf- fice by Joseph J. Otto, the. account for wiichi lu $60, your cummitteci ha vtaret thie pruperî>' iaving- been aoceptcd, thte County isla le for Ithe arounlt, and vuuld theretore recomm'end't- lea>'xuent thereoS, but would suggesît tnt in future wie'a imi- lai- articles ni-e required the. Treaurer Ohould endeavor te procure îhcmn at-amure -eaonublc rate, as your conmmittee feed satisfied the pi-cucul charge iM .tul> tit>' per cent above the marktl valuë- 5tu. Ater caretuhi> cuaslering lite cifficul and ninci vexed question ufthle Shea-iff'a charges, ina connection wiiticth service of the j.urors, brougit uuder lhe no- tice of your committee, b>'thie vaitten upi- ralaof utitie Hon. the Ateorne>' Geuca-al for Canaida Wecst, oituined ina repi>' te queu- tions subnià ued le hlm b>' lie magistrateu,iu Quarter Scauluis, your coummittic lofuopi- nion, that whule thcAteorne>' Genernise upinion confirma the plain reading ufthte Statute, sud also shows that tie Sieriff's accountaI ae nit ira accordance tiereiti- thie proper maniner- ut applylng a remiedy- the. mins question remains .yet te be cou- sidered. 6ti. Ueter-ing te the 164ti sec. ufthti net retipoctiusg jurors sud jurles, in the Cura- solidated StatLtes ut Upper Canada, yeur committee are ut upinlion, tintthlicmnagia- tratces ina Quarter Sessions, are tie proper parties lu deni viih.hequestion outhti Sica-uta charges, but as the Council arc ublîged te previde theo tnds, i1118 ean>' the dut>' ut tint body, lunue ail lawful, mens lu preveul tiu-miaapplicationyuur comnnitcc would theretore recommcnd thal tie Wardcn du cOmmainicate mih the chairman ut Quarter Sessions, requesting iim ho bring tic subject betore the next mieeting efthtit body, ira order liat some alepu i>' bc takion ho resume tho cause ut cemplaini. tIi. Your cominnile turtier recoau. mend, -tint siould the magistraltes ut Quar- ter Sessions, l'ail lu-ina.itulc legsl proceed- in-a lunîthe malter. tthleu tie Wardera do autiorize tb. Conut>' Solicitors lu, take suci ulepu as tic>' shah deem. expedicial te have- the. difiercuce belmeen. the Sheritif aud the Couaicil, rcupecting lhe puy 'for. jury services irougit te an issue,- and final. 1>' settlcd. 8th. This clause recommenda puyment ut $12 lu Dr.- Checkle>', toi-examinathun of insane peruona. qî.t» lhe attntiu r cem e turc- ii caci ulstîlugu et-lic--Court, drm sufficîcul funda te diacharg,-e l aiuïs et jurers la casi, sud liai-cii>' vvd alitai-- lier ca us e utf cemplaiLut lOti. 'The commiltee secommeud 'psy- meut- utheb.acoula etoflb.eCount>'-soUci. loi-Q, roi- apeuiAcatIodà - i icqua.hiug aie b.relatorl s ia$44.9&~ -1r.W'te (Piélceiang)- ebtajued-jçcyçe le ýrcselà t licheliéton of-«Thou WaIIa", ou thei Whhiby IlWatdà man, adm. H Ou-Qr, cf#,horin4CCUOS'pr Ayigfu ni fraius,, imadý in th~e prluUgaccout,4pN*s 1 ed b>' ie Ceunei for1869. 1fw i( Pià ikring), s.condeb mi. perSdih i lmcm»crs ef th. Ceuncil, Md' pla>'.d ponibcir political leaniugs te pro-, oui-c said uommittle. 2 nd elCau8e mY acbunîbtqo. standing committeey Who"ereportd aver bo adepted, sud lb. accouait.ordcudl-t. paid b>' reselulipus ef the Conai.~ Ord. Thallhoagii I bae DO re SQ, fiai- invebthgatUon ytaiS se9î 'h~nîtold myseif Compclled 1atjla befui' aid^committee ifapointed. ' I am Sir, - Yur.ob>errnaxi, M.Wluite, acecondj h>Mr-. suggiei, moved ail; amà ndnueent to tlb. chct fluat lb. éommilte. oun prisïolug, submit the. afflquuts t& somne ,compelct pcrsou eutslýle the Ceunt>', AU ojitain bis certifieate 4ffleà u Mfr. Siniti- spolke al>' la fane c, f the,. ameudinenl, aslcinS wheîbcr sa peclýal comu--. iimte. couid do tuuure than: s standing cm. milie un piu-ntlaî a ilddoue, sud -aim~ titain4g, M>-. Whiîo's - ellera as an msait toe cPriutirag cOmmittle. - lcaIse ocom- Plniuaed uf tht> determination siovu b>' Mk., Whxite rael te de' justice; ,and -et tteu-ne tuinaaded reports - chrcýulnîed, ttt l Cti.k ofthei Couneil, deisired ýte influence lii. de. c-ibaiun et le èomnmitce lu 'tle cemmittee rouan. Mn. Smith aIse upsne M- Whilefà interruption b>' ueiseil 'alile-lic toumer wns addr-éasig théc Cuncil.. Mr. Wixison also spokie la faner utf ie ameudment, nnd detioanoed tic atiemptof the partieas ieeking le ubtain lhe spcia com4mittee. pe Mr. White raiscd à point ut order on the. ameudment,, and tie Wârdeai dccidirag liaI the .amcudmnenî vas eut ut order, 1à vas wihdrawn. Captain R11e., sconded b>' Mr. Hevett, tie n muved tiat the original resulution be rereindeti, wiiei nibtion lie Wardeu also declared eut et ordir. Capîsin Rom. appcaled from thb.--deci- alun ufthei.chair, sud lie -voeobeing Iakei? atood 9 te, 9; -lie *Wrden gining bis ovu vote lu favur ut uustainiug lie decision ut thie chair. Captaira Rom. next movcd anu amerad. ment to reconsider lie originl .oton whioi tie Wsrden alse ,dechded tle b.e ut ut crder. Atier sBeecorasiderio,-aln sd consultation ut precedentl, lie'Wardeu i-e- - versed hies fermer, decisiouand declai-ed lic amtendent ut Capîshu Boire te ho in erder. Thc umendmaenî mas tien caried ou s vote ut 14 10 4 ; hi. ouI>'dissentheuus belin1g Messrs Wiic, (Pickering), Ratelif, Gain- bIc and Campbell. >1 -11.i -The original meiiou mastleu amendeci b>' Ieaving tic malter lu tic bands et the HrintingCommittî,- bo iri-edii-ected ho, have tie mou-k meniured b>' cempefrual par. lies outidelbhe Count>' and to reper t ai li June Session. -- Durnîg lte discussioan, Meus. Beach and Orr froni tie Watckman and Ffflica- tor officeu wcre unceasingl>' oun. eficor prom ptiug aud suggcaîing te meighera - e tic Couaicil. Ab IM lIC nomêAns. < Mn Heyvetaecoudcd by-M r. Trueman P. WÉitîé (Pickering) moved a resôhilc -tioe itie effeet t his lie - Council recogu -ize lie principle uf aidiug lie improvemont ofthle main rendu -tirougieut ti'c- Oouty; and - liaI ci tc mniip'iie int.iesled pas a by-iav approprist iugla, cezjal am fer the purpose, tb. Count> ' Ceuneil plèdge lascif te grant a propoi-tionatc sua», lie viole ament iovcver nultet excced tic sua» ut 32,000,-sud tiie aumeraiaed -tube ira proportion te iwvole,,amôunnigraated bhi thée1'eounty. - Mi-Wigsou, Mr..Santh, Captati 11-dmW. gabneai as dise - Wil settisduwn,-aud ->mho insph e îï. Ilus thie obéie damp lu- 'whci-e -nuian gaua houa have lest thein 1, Tou viii have accu M. P. 1P. for Teri-eboi .4 SolleltFGeneWa mIi a iat in tie Cal to balance lie Munist -aMo00 eomaqlesed astoi seu-hons objections on Canadian Frechc, vi bar.' eexil>'been i-cp- Meuars. C&rier sud ~ ver>' jouug. M"ste -irit111 mcl an ,officd, talents o! a ver>' ilI auer and debater i. i fev if au>' cquals ha 1 - ceding>' popaulai couuly, aud il la-.du, election vili be upp posed orrao heaid Tiere lWa rmeur a ývilIbe made- for a Cabiaie4 sud hi la lu master 'Geaieral Smi i-ean sud taie lie for Upper Cana4ai -Placeat the Coraaci me, tiat ibis rumeur Mn. Srniti is utili ah -ever i'mpossible tint b.-mado, b>' vluci gi-yen tur lie euh-aa -Canadian la tic Cab lien vealci be tour F man Cathlue, Mr.-4 iai, 1Mr. Boue. -:Ji possible fair i-cpi-osec --.Roman Catielhc elea Itticuient li 14s about, one fturtk ofu serions objection ca -te baving oeeprotes - mMlanSeetîonýof f luat ceu&ss i l enshstng et 890,26 - 866 RemanCaliolici tautI ha 56Eth -Oth PrqleslantâIi tire numbers ianeun 1862. -At an>' rate finS au <suit viii a iice Mfr. Brovn's C , aptl>ai ie preseut of natioaiales am -four Frencimen lu TJhibadeaxi, Lenie m- m ari alolie Idas] sud one protestant, The snccss of tiI Provincial deil - of 6, byvbhich a( be effected -aiapor doue lo6place lie bridge ibib- prer stat. of repakr;and viien re Port reoeired, lihe Council te take up lic ubMe t o le -09, niinof, M1r.. Uewet4 seconded b>' Mu-. Camph4 roaolnding lit grat 10 'JniorrGiaai- 00olai t r1 aud le apprise lie Cie! Superinteudent of ou -motion of Mr. Hewett, aeoode4 by Mu-. Robinson orders for --$~'W20 - - teo lic keeper cf- the, Narrova -Brides and 4toaonst.bleinM mrafor uarîo. uf a notice on tlis Wsrden o.!&mwacoc vere gratte&,, A ieoltjoa pmssed orderin lmg h1sea.aa li rem - - - - r - - - - - ½~r~~1<~4i - 1 -- -, e Z ý