Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jan 1860, p. 3

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hrty enles. witb bis ske1etoan inger, it gteamsavound the soni wth an neu &mile.> Tisue cannot mear its brlliaucy, J4 tance tùnglisens ýts infiuence,ý boit ansd îias -annot limit its progrens ; k ollowo th primoer inb is il ark oeil sud swsoet theise ohmorse1 thàt appema ie biungr wd, lu lh, silence of midoiglit :it pîsys arcund bisa hert, and in bis dreamus hé Ibid. te Ibis besoi tise forni Of ber Who loves oi stilIo,'tbougk the world buasturned coldly frous hîn.i ', The coucis made by tise band onf a leved one. is soft-to tise weary limbe ofj siclk sufferer, and the portion administer- .4I i.band -of a loved one loses baif ita fbittrness. The pll wcarefully -ad. -Jua*d byhler, briog* repose te tise fevered brais, and ber words of kind encourage. mentrèvves tise'sinking spirit. ht wouldj 'Amost seein tisat God eompaesionating, *w6pý an's first frailty, bad planted tissjewel in ber bresat, whoae iscayen-like influence * sýpd aloet in t forgetfuliiess man's rqýmem. 'brance of tise fal, by building up in Lis hbeart anothr den, wbere perenial flowers fdrqver blooi2, and erystal waters gusis from éilià.ustlcgss fostailis. IIRTH. (4EOG I-n Port Perry, on thse 10th liat, thé wife ofMr George Greggor tW~LIL-in Rencli, the l7tb mast.,tl wif e o Mr. 'WÇ.ir of a sioi, SORNIA N.-In Pin AIhyert, en the ilti mat., the wiféof bMr. Ilobt. 14orîusîn, ots dhsl4Inter. MvRULi'..ln Opos, on Tîsesd i%" thse 18th inat., the wîfc t- of Nr. J. Il. Mcluilli, .4a soli. *W&IEELE.-Tn O.htsvn, onMNoridnj. luat, tbcwille of Mr. Ut-orge el'er, lui FIRT -PAK .-Bythe 11ev. J. S. Thompison,ut the remidencnI ihe hride's musother. ons Tuegday the 24th mat., Mr. Josepb 0. Firth and M iss Amanda bMligt4t Plake, both of Ophswat. 1BA800Mf-IIURF.-At thse reaidence ofthto, bridé*# father, Ly the Rov. J. Law, on the il this t.,1 Mr. Eliaisa Bancomi of tizbridgete MmlepyAn udo Prince &hert. lJîp Ani uro RFi-I1LL-BOUNCE,-ALt Prince Abert nn the lTth inut., by tihe [cv. Ji. Moitestih Mr, John Rebili, to Miens Mary Anti Bosce,' both of tihe Townsahip ni Cart- DIED DOW-In Xontreale on the 2:Ird inat., Peter Dow, aged 64 years and . moisths, a nativeof Kilbryde, Scotland. Thore ina ne change 'in tise Market ne- csary to report, exccpt-in Purk, whiehis l active, witb a aliglit-advance. Not much wbeat ofered during the Iast two days.- S pring soid to-day at $1 8c for extra sasu- 11111e-Spi-'ig, $1 10 $1 &'. Bar ey 50c. a 55c. <ats 48c 0 40e. Doc 50. a 40C. * y$4@C$16 'f ton. Prk $$4 t f j$ 5~ Bcd $3 75 @$5 "Sbeep $8 @ $4 50. PotAtffe .25e; 0 soc. -WBgPd C t Vdoz. Yowl 25c @80c. 'f pair. Ttirkeya 50e. Q 75e. esseh. 00000 25Ce 35C. Apples 5Oc @ $1 ()0 ~busisel. Blides $5k. sait $1 25 f b1srre1. orûd Wood $2,00 0 $2 25 IR cord. r~S HF" THEXT QtUARTCuTiy FUEAIR ot TrowN oF WHIBY - iii b. hoid aM the Mn s isrs uid Town, on t .5-- Wip.fZtSD4 Y.FEBJRUAiIY1,, 1800. ?or lthenaleof aud sulkkdp of producec. AR *nunserestu bayes-sfrotà a uiataseo il hbo lu usftétsdsoe. <srsaeransi othersu will llaad las the ;?air of Whitby e alssira ble eppcrtüni$y te 410 poc ais siirnx msulce assaprOduce, n04 wicU s te make purelsas sà'M&rket tiuowS E , NA trifEng thse Fuir eLàyor. Wltltby, Jans. lOtis1 1M0. - :*-To the Affict»d4ý8 - GE,ËMAN ;OIL! - »Su ou«a aor, Cls', Braises mmd, S> aildIsuoft Flosisb 'Woiadem nident ttise Ilunan ln B3otties at 25 t0Scts IEach, &.cord4 gte ise.ThIs >Olt wihl ceo idl roui ~ossis, sad a a tfaililu rmedy for tho s-e. HIORSES & ATTLE anccss 'u M0tes-tise oyietnveaTsrs, sud hui# novers * bosUcu cr l lu 0<ald.IMad udsold by pn ieK - mess Bowes~, 'eetdaitt. ai[ulr,' and !liim Riets or W nsry, oa n' lue J-rek for' the tour veeka sext preedls thers"id ,twssniy .igath u1dayic 0 Fbur, udiisfasther orderàd that anficePY Of thae' laintitrausiid, »J», sud a eepy ut'tht. or der ho fortisitit herveu upcîn thet fatlser of the imsd défendasit, Johin G. (Sigaacd) A.GRANT, Tu Jolîn G. Bowes, one of' the 4bove namod Taire notice tsat If yon do not unae -or tieiisr lt tiiBill jsirstuasaitte sabove order, lissi plaintilf.s îlaya obtsiiti on ordr ta take tihe tihe Bil su contasad suiiuti tyou ndaisthe- Coûrt inay zrat thte plisditft,&ainàl relief us they nsay be entitled to iont'teir uwu alsewi tg, aiîîd vin wiil ntutreecivu siiiyf4tber anotice of tbetstiire î;roftcdnils Îb:a~c'êtc $iicitor for the sio isae panil't Wlitny, .Ils. 2.3, P$o. 2-4w. Siterlftfil Bitte cf Lands.' Cî,îîsîty of ()at:rie ïY irtiseutf sa Writ cof To War: fi.> Fieri Faitos, iasae<I ont <t lier Mttj!sty's ('sssrt out QseisBelncl1, t Toronituo, aluoi),1s e diseeld îritaitise lasasdsi astîi tunvsiett"illiti els'e uo'Cornswall Fare- well decestesn'c, lt 0.-0 titue uof lis desîtîsin- Plhe tassîldu of Elteta FFarewelli,, ndttili4tratrix, &o., dî-'fedtiut, nt<ai ptise lst f Art Io tr 4,)' iAesîro- ilgiiu,îîis 1 . ihvre si:îzcd.sid Lt .iniice-ii, ssaise isjtera-t whiieltihe sisid C!o-,swii Ysre- wcl, 41 .inse-. li lis life time, tnd i st tise sinn- osf lois duitls a .usîi sas tu-t tt'.paîrcel or I rnsvt t.4 lissad, bî>ier t tiree, irternuo f tan tSre, Cl' tise 0ustiasîs sastoras os 1,lîe ssa.t onposeal of ;aart tif lot issinlaer fflteeas fl stise sec<s, ll ost eau oft tise 't'sswasalip ofr1i'ickeri,îat- coiincssclig wlieTe:e i 1 Iîsi tbs-oasl lasteLd lut su ciistasssee et îwn isiry uscommsîsil m liai'iiksu on a -ourme ssostiî Ssý61vet.s, to ds!gree eustt, rasm thse 14noth îw(esî asagie ut ,asiMlolat .lhetace nortîs, sc- ensty fouir degrt.s,', Ejisar two ecisîluas a'evusslisakm, rn iecenortis ,ixtet-is deareeui, wut-ai Pre c issant' iisi tweniy tliiskas, sure or lt-ssii totise patitio, sie of the paillie rai!, 'rieneaorth wooçteriy leasg thse .ioitla suie out' lime taud pubtlie road two e5s-iss,' sapasi iaes's i isak.s. Thence *sentis, mx- 14--si -evgrLees osat, Pliruei ciitan sd llfty saisle 1jaksm usor, or leste tu tIhe piace cf leginnig. Almouit Pisst certii iparcel or tract of fandi umt alistcd, 1% ilaa aimit iýeisg liiitihe Village of Oisa- wa, tili'ls-it g etsrinsesi et'a part oi lot No. ton isalise 2ndilalIa5. of tihe uioiip et' Easat Wiit ley, sssacil ated slai bposa-ded as fbolva* -coin hîîu'aseig ias fronts6i 'lit usat id(s,-<0 ut tise stisegie or case cisluima fifh- 01osa acouriçe sm lita, lasegî.ami fur <t.,...eêesi ifronstishe soitia W.tm5% itie ul'ssss4 st, tlt-aeeenortîs iieveity 1four ~ asîxteei degreu',r les' schuasis' s50eehty moetsk',Taac susais scveity Jouîr degrecs, W,-it (ele cham. fifty 1i isskss. Tiselseus aotth sxtetsa itegrepas, gin4t, sutue cisi tei eassy ont)liiikm. Ail wlfislussîhstl, ad teisessests tsereosi or tiie susilit detciîdssst's viatti.r interesat tisoreis,, 1 s41iul olur t..r sie it i'isll ile Lu as tolits, vi7 :-Tiie irsi deeriipud tirce qmlsitersofutists acre. osi tisepresasises nat l)sdiia'aCreek, on Mrsassissý tie '1'wea.iils iird tissy of Apiril, A. 1). ~i "t, lt mise huer ut 1'ssaeiick a. in. And tise !aî»t iem-.rilîuil ,ma tie presii-asu lt t(>slssswtton Mc>ssdity vase'twenty tiird d'sy et' April, A. D>. 186u, ut thse isosut' 'wo ouOk, P. -an. tsSaeritf. c'. 0. Fer (2. Nosîrs. Siseritl"a Office, s&W -tLi. Wiitby, Jasa. 21, '60. 'QUIEEN" Fire and 1MbIfe surance Company. Capital £500,000 sterling. G1II 017,70,U, -Liepool, England. OFFICE IN MONTREAL. C[IAIRMAN-WM. MOLSON, ESQ. flom. Johna V'ussg I Tiomaa JICay, FAq Ilenry ilîcmu, Eaq. Davaýd Torrunce, l~q. Agent for Wiitby and oaurronnditig DiStrict. Il. W. WOODWAR i> Wiitby, Jan. 21, 1560. 87-21n. THIE LONDON FREE PAMSÛ AÀDAiLY JOURtNAL, PRICE $6 Â-YEÂR. THE "WEEKLY FREE PRESS,"I PRICE $2 A-YEAR. atad <tiers, willi l ii e PiBEItMiS the best Advenitusg Modins for tise Western *part et Uppor C.anada. ~Itacrculation o et' iusPuI A dme- ile ý0tOi c uay I)aily journsalisbiahed West cf lliai toi. Lessdets, Jant. 19, 1860. 86 OUR MUSICAL YrIND inl URUSICAL Fli<END," a Rare Cen- %ryion:fotise Wiite ontihEsu JiAery I'issnist, -$iui procure tliais wekly Ever-y Teacîser,jPliane otom Musiecoat- Every Pupil, isig but 10 CEN'T$ a Evory Amsateuir 1 nusiser, and prunonaod IJy tihe enlire Preaiof tise Coiutry, te be "THU38T AND CHBEAE8T WOR1C OF TUE xKlNDiN TRE WoRLD.l Tweive foUll.izdpugemof Veemildrisfo Forte Mmie tor 10 cent.. yearly, $5; Hat-yearly, $2.50; Quatsrly, $1.25. .Ssabmcrlie te "canr Misslesi Frieus," or order it from the nearest Newsdesler sud yenWl have Mussice enough, for yonr satre <mmli> at an insitififlent cent; sud if yon want Mamie for tise Pite, Violin, Coratet, tfsiut &orln &e., &o., sispribe 1tiste contiulag 12 Pages, ectiag m'sy 10 Cents sNumber; Yeari v 0p50; AJi tise Boek.Numbermsute10 cli., snd Bbad Volnîn, psstlauasg17Nimbr, t t 2.69 eaoh, eoutautiy on haird. ictoa S»Agsstoawatd frt aepbictox 9 ~ ~ .B 1117 lEG5Us 8. vu.,Ts- j~ Vc oaudisyscaledus4L And oves-v (demrlr tmaD PRxzL ' pries-s for <Cnmltor $65 For tise bout originaliEus>' ou Cous- N.B- utdu PORTi Rva aE. for eue yosr (postage free,) or. tise boutjf, original Ântbem lDsritsge Âoopy ofthelinWeekiy 0Iirouïioefor eue, u 1, Yoar, (Postage fiee-) for thse second best osignài &Anheem on Sgtuwcs. JUDOES. mTJ Msudouell, Eîq., Mayos- of Whitby. T M John Shiés-, Emq., P.L.L 8.&e R. n -ieise' Esq M. D. Cotupetiters iutnseud in their p d tiens ,under meal Vo the-uuderuigued, on or boot~th ôtdy f pilfut scsTEA & Essy sud Autheu te6eur s otte,sand te o aceompsaied'hy tise,,nam sud mi- dreas of tise irrter, irith tisle moftotees envelop6enoclosin tisesamoe. re Tiseseveral Essaysansd Anthemi te ho- jtust r corne, tise proerty cf tise puhliseér. Compeiters for tishem-oud sud tisird, prises te o e ouflud tepersions residing luC . tise Coîimty et Ontario.(0 1 Tise fourtis, fifth ansu ixth prizes, te ho ecelmsiveiY Conflued'te tîise Teachiera' aud pupis withiu the Cotant>y'1 W. il. HIGOINS, Ch an19180 roniele Office. àIA Station'ery or ail Kin.ds. FOR SALE AT TfORONTO AND MON. rtal priceq. nItihe Chronicle Office. W. il. BIGOINS. lVbitby, Jan. 19, 1860. TWHITBY REDING- ROOX.1 and ia weIl stockcd witb newspapers sud periodicals of ail kinds. Termes: $4 praunum, Studente aud Situate in tise second flat over-tise Chrouiclo Office. Entrauce tbrough tise Stationer>' Store. - W. . IUJ rRj£INTING, rIlE NEATEST AND BJEST PRINT- ing, plain sudfuuey, of évery dexcrip- tien; eau b e isd teai'per andquicker ut the Chronfele Office thon auy otiser establish- meut in the Count>'.W.I IG N. L ÀwYERs AND 1)IVI SION COURT Blanks catib ho hd Cheaper thon at Toronto, snd will ' be found te bo printed on botter paper. Buy ut tise Chrotiiele office. W. H. IIIGGINS. DE~ST KEROSENE 1Mb AT MONTREÀL PIIICES,ý Fuit fSALE 13Y GEO. Y1IJE, JIR.. TELEGRAPfl STORE. THE above o" 18 perfectl' Pure with- Tout emel i. Tise subscriber hsssi aise a great variet>' cf GOAL OIL LAMPS witb latent, inproved burrierst, for saie ver>' cbeap for cash. Coul cil lamps ail com- plote and ready te ligbt ut 75 cents ecd. S 2-w GEO. YULE JR. Grand Truisk RaIlway Hotel., (Swk Asik eolRaizwazr Dvipet Prftuby'~) ,JE UNDERSuIJN FI> fEUS TU INFOITM T li fiendlis ansd theaublasie, tiat lac is :sow ils poissioni of thse shoce hotel, tise buoitacasa of whicis lac wil ilu future curry ou oist is owss scount. Goud Liqnorn, Wiaaeaa and Brasudico, Exelent stabuiiasg-cureful attentiosn for mun and herse. 1Whitby, Jan, 19, JOSEII RfBfroieîos- 1860. 86ieor BY-LAW. Paaaed il th Jani., 1800. Tofr thie nsod e.for isolJng thse Annual Election of Directora, b>' thse Stockholders of tise Port Wiitbij ansd Lake# Scugog, Simcoe ansd Huron Road Company'. WHEREAS fer aundry good aud suffi- cintrasons, the Aunual Election et Dis-colorsasu s-quired by the By-Law passed tise 28th day cf Ducembor lisat, bas net been.ps-ocee6ed with. And wheroas itlais xpedier.t tisat Disoc.- tors for tis aid Comupati> for tise curront geas, sould be elected as seon as posai. Be it therefoe-eneactod b> tise Directors ef tise said Comipany>, that tis etit nnu. ai Meeting of tise Siockholders of ttis ald coinpsuy, shall ho beld>at tise Compsny's O0fcet Port Wlitby, on. Weduesday, tihe 2Sth Jtannary, UGO, et 12 o'ciock, nooti, for tise. pus-pose '0 electing Directes-s for lise thon ouüreut yeas., sui that tise votesshall h. taken by ballot, aud that tise. absent ma>' vote by pso-ci JOIIN WATSON,, .IOEL BIGELOW, t 11ic7 * s' 0. II! -AT TIE- eivddiect from Por.tland,a lot' of Fresli N. B. Ail accounts oéver due lutier- est will be eliarged ait4te rate of 101 per cent per annum. Whitby, January 13, 1860. FRESE FRUIT AND'NEW ARRV»n*07 52-w fHST 1 9,AS A N P V-9'IAR' P.OOS lWcJIîla's Wholesale &Retail BROCK STREET, WIIITBY. TH1E subscriber hias reCeived, -and 18 110W in daily receiptofl TFresh A rrivais of GROCEILIES of every kind, includiug: i BAS. Young Hyson, Hyson 8kim, Hlyson Twankey, Imperial Twankev, Gunpowder, Souchong, Congou. At 15 per cent reduction on 30 cents. LIQUOT R S. Port, Sherr, kaderia , And other Wiues. 10,000 Gale. primeo Whiskey ice, Sugar.-Loaf Crushed Xuscovado. Prices heretofore charged. TI ccofoi SY RE PS.]Pickles in- Golden and other Syrups at pic.., &0 and1 >r Smoking, a5u varietv. IWÂAnd every article in thé Grocery Line..ai AN IMMENSE STOCK, OF CLOCKERY. C ALIL ANI) EX.AM.ÏN'E? .THOS. H.- McMILLAN. 1 aWblhJatnýi. O 185. , CATJTION-ARY NOTICE. mSad osravai fs-stiio h on t la o6&6 Ms-Wm.Moltosis, Iàbke BSes-e, Wilthy, wlti- eut st ebotaliuiag psrnilmmionff fremtise éjdes- * JACOBI BRAIDEN, * ort Wlsftby. 70& . 46W1 REMO VAL. 5 r * -~ * -~ ONIX $75 1FOR1ZONNE 0P SINGER'S -CELEBRÀTED S'EWING M1AC I N FS« pt-tleatier conti tic titei.ed witholit 0ii. Sbtitssles Mt-I is grtat ole lix ~té e l-m-e s ihte§befcre, uswisasa- tt e i licolsiîssiiy l.-wo te-rl (Il nil ss'tist- t-cli v s.'dl lumlgs u 5.da-e'saitrf Tihe sseesgirv of'siypl,%isar-ni, te Tasitcilt- lensritses itliv-lV <l i il'ya i iiits tîer .,st Tisesoe ussolsines art. without exceputionssscl-ee-t sasi -lt-s it ever vf-sdfir Ji!mle isnCsaad PRICES No. 1 MACHENNE $75. No. 2 MACHiNE ~85. No. 3 MACHIN E, LARGE AND 'IMI¶OVED, $ED . ,ensu Privato Fairii-tnii' . notherst, wlso tire msusisg isy Mwhîil-m-iî5 Isuaire asrhomsedr isis t'es geasers]ul saeli ti aise fsailg casWlct<,jtts-,,jb>' »laetic.'i-4sgcisi und mnost -r-s Bt-et anad Sissie Mntiisreettirerm in Casiaudut. Mesatreail, Dec. 18;59. IVe tiake Illeoassnre ius heasriasn sissaa ftise ern;piî-tt- %wisrkissr ssttisic Muclaîssesu Mnasstst's-tsr-i cd h ii- Nr. F. J. Nasaris. tisîvitis- lstd tliarcei i se e4urtlice lat mix iusaItls. T Ce ' t "Sag-- Patterti, sttad s-quasi 10 :liv of (;tirsa-a:'tasu of tl'a kiasci. ]IROWN & CHILPS. Meuisesi, Dec. 149 WC» lsaiv- uise-ai a<-vesscf E. J. 3;Ierw à-'s t-wung ~siti in501hZ1o1«sfàtetor rtie mai-t six siso'îtlai, uini lisit nfo lt-sisi iii *IîisrtsIttv;r a iuia emp (4hisscs,- otlici t ~iaat -e p evî-i li lise. ' CI1ILLS, SCIIOILES &AMI$*ý. Ail comminicittiuti:4 relutivO te Sewviag MNachissea, etc., must' be prepaid,,as noue ties-s wiil bc recciveai. E. J. NAGLE, CANADIAN SEWaItO M ACHIttiiEsTABlsasxfr,ý 26.5 Notre IJDaiu Street, Mositresal, C. E. Fattry qvcr JIariicy & ib-'a Cainaulilasasi, Mosître-s1, C. le. '~t>s- -'b t- 1~ESto atinounce to bis numercîs frienda andi <-astomers that ha is, now, carrI~yni ou bis extensive buitinejas ut CARRiAGE M.AKJ1NG,' IN ALL ITS BRANXC'HES, On tise premisen heretorore oeeaspied by AMr. N. RAY, on Mary Street, hetween Byron sud Brock Stroots, where he 18 prepairc, us~ heretoforç, to execute aill ordera i trâsicd te bis Cas-e. CÂRRIAGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGIIS, CJTR,&. 3WJ1unufactured sud Soid nt tise Lowemt-remunerating Pricm, ALL WORK WARRANTED. :- LZTMB.b.R anad rRODUCJ.' XzLKFX ZY EXOHÂNYOL at AiRE'Z W D. FORD'S io4 .cxperieceocf thirty ' àrmenr5l the principal Maiufatetries O'f th. Statesansd Canada hns-glven thait exeierietace lu every bs-assoi of tise business wi&* few bave been able te arrive ut, and for beauuty ut' designi, elegance cof finish. dursêbîitiy,. sud solidit>' of workimunsîhip, bis work carmnot hooxeelled.r Whitby, A isauft 16, 185b. TURTHER ARRWVALS 0F Just received by thse Iudcrsipsede the Windsor- Road: Comupany, wiii take p"ace ilScriptuï'g'botûi on M onda>' the Merry, err'- Ch ié1ma! TIAS jsauît opepei àgeood um.srtrent cf Gro- ,2.LL ces-sesu,, assnelsg wmlis wil ho loiud- Teas SugrsCofe <fiocoa 8ÀS h i rog Powdasr, Bunc54 and,,2ultana Peal, FIazorine Etq<Uhý Mustas- qd p' *~G.~E~bW~ïE~O for tise eleoting. birocters sud, offices Elmmemovsd lis stocek of npPa ii,&c.tis niigya- By erder of thi Tresident, Xo. 1, Commercial]Buildinigs, R. E. PER!Y - ~'JOHN WATSON, Brook Sts-etppeite tse newBrick Blck -of James Wall"*..,J -- 8sWbithy, Jan. , l~m bi DO a 10 p

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