Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jan 1860, p. 4

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'TIL fus l sud due siuulatiirn tucehb~ WZIT0 CIRCULATION of the FA Awlàn',oI ail tne ýotu in the ,counlty of Ontsrio united., WEEKLY CIRONICLE ONLY SEMfl-WEEKLY $2.50 PE2?ANN U. The Chrouiclo la the. Paper to f Adeitie in AND BRITISHI REVIEW S. TEONARI> SCOTT . ~ONEW Yosssc, contiasseto pusislatse foiIow- * lng leadftiig Britisli Poriod ilsvi- 7112 LONDON QUAI&iEICLY (ConYservtve.) 2.. ras LP~ DINSUCOS I EVfEly (whig.) TisE NetTit BliTio sviF Vew (Frec Cburcbj) 4., 315! WEBTMIINSTER ii5tVSEw (Liberah> ILACKWOOD 8EDNsseiiI&O AOAGzisz-<Tory.) These' poriodicals. ably represent the thrce *gs'eut politicLl lurtica of Great fini- tain-W lig, Tory, amd, Radical..-'but poli- tics forus o nly cane fetus'. of tbeirclsasact- et. As Organs of tise moat profou.d waftersî on Science, Literature, Morelity, anmd Religion,. they àtand, as tise> oves' bave stood, 'unrivalled litise world ibf lot. tors,- being eonsides'ed iudispensuible te tise seboluansd tho proessiomusl man~ while te tise 1lntell gent roader cf evory clesý the>' fisruish easmore correct amd setis actry- re- eorud of tis eourent litaa'aturc cf th day, tlsrossghout ,tise world, thian can be possibiy obtaiised trou s nyother source. BARLY COPIES. ,Tise receipt et As)VAreCar.811EET frein tbe Britishs puiblishers give& additiossei value te tise IReprintt&, innasuuuch as tbey can nowý beplaoed isi the banda of su bseribers about u scon as thse original editiesus. per frum. For amy ene cf tise four Revicw.. .$3 00> * For- cny twooftfile four Reviews. 5 00 vor amy ilîrce of tise leur Rcview ...- 7 00i For al ftour ef tise RevicuWh ........ 8 0 lFos' lfackwAood'as Magazine ......... o0 FcoilLuctkwoid and one Roview, .. .5 00> For Bhuckwonod samd s'wn eview... 7 00> Fur i3.akowcd andi thrce lievuews. . f 0 ù For Blukonoed and tbq four Boviewse.1O <00 * Aonc>' currenît in the Statt ohure iusied .aill Se reei'vctZet par. CLUB BING. A discourut ef twossty-tivo per cent. fresîs - lusr uchove prions will be ailiowed teoi.uass -. o'dcuin g fouis'or' umore copies of sny orle or uucro -or tIse siveo rksu. Tsus -,Fissur eopisof Blackwood, or cf ont- Review, wi i bosco-Int te,'eoene dulresus for $91; fotr copies oftise four -Râviews tud Bluckwood fe)r $80 sud 8se0c1. * POSTAGE. Citrusrdian mail subscriluers uili be sup- piied truc euf 1V'. S. Postage. I tuiuittacefor amy of thse above publics doens stiould, always, ue atidresseci, peet. ~ste tise publisisors, 48vr -No. 5 4,' iGoid Street, New York r.lie PFewboro' mner1 T HUR0rU TWO DOLLi Ir ý lEXAMINER Hampton, Ports roua of bauid. Due fps' usunery ut ' aM4S.usud .'om ssi Letters for "' ____en-li;" ikfku gitn arconlKdetipate t, àtIîenight mail go- nUp OW irlneudiusg Duinbator 'PloierIg, orono en :11 places Weat of To- route, assotise G. ?. R. R. travelling peut Office song West, cloosset ' s. ii, aant.& P.-M. Due for deivcs7 ber.& St 10 &km., andset 7, m. "')Ilse'ir I icicrine and Dusheton Jse. nXus I nAled 5r b o ruiug train teillaWuét Norts Mails lesve duily aftavsr 'àtVOuI ci tise tradin ftesTor'onto, 9r21sookln, dpss- tas', Port. Fers'Recl, iBseMailhi V'erton, Port'- ov es', lnburti, Esesu:u nd b$ for ali the crrespondlng o<- e i4àUpat eneotime fosrA'd- tus, ti rceuweed ehd. Xln- ,oit, day, Thurs ud -Pron tise lot of ApTil. resut Brlwq>n.mat S,,r»- Etsrcpe ihouli bepet h.on Mbulsys. Oi 'LÉTTERS..-Tiié j fa-asdltiou te kopot- tls le tê, viz -, uiuldstates> <postage wnPsximé~, 968-Tw lundrod Tbouaand lIitW t4d2luad e " d j, Se W, do T~'IR INSUANCEon l3sufldiisgs, Furnîgure a4,mçr.hftnd ,of every dsib ,lo, f 1110, b od rioeku tapoýj oioa i» o ont ormoe ionths. -»Lite Inisurance on very advantageous torns ,forthe assurod, witlîannuel benus sutd divisiou cf Pl oflts eAywyfve m sJOHN A11 O±41 EW ;ýwM4gen "0' 103L PHoeNIX INsIIRANCE COMPANY, RÂRTFOItD, CONNECTICUT. Is'bid(eset~PAflUT CAPITAL 20OO.& [To any pao in tise Bd $qhutlonetsri'oyPs.. siens,@ dent oi K M Ç ' - e"(uehe rP Té ylac.'en~ wic, $sForelvm eoun' grte. *. n amcn unuat eoqnI te sie peut- PÂRCELS up toseS b. we*ht.ofu beestb post uder rcsrxfatonl l ag8d per lb. te'L h ~prepsid b>- ponàio stamps, ansd fl4y bceregiar ed l'y psa'rngnt b cdd ititîjul. Nomal rdspcid or reccived -on> Sun :daôe... o4and -printo4,îatter/o). tise. Usitea Staes 'lioCinsd'uz~'PstgeMIUet hopre1aid sag tàususij, ansd ciisncb eisseattrý o 0!4 U is t ud St af c-, ke O i ad i aisP t big e Q Uiib e to collei.t onlv&1ie.ry.. AltruLuieit NM%.1 i vi ipr ueln diîg tîso*e teor Eug&Wlnsisilsutîojrcpsid by lPostasge stamp Nem»pa e fer te ll ritish Wcfét Insdio, or Ncw14o1'uulind, înutit b" p'pudb >utg Stsnj), 1ld escis; adfrrndf', Ci 1î-a, Austra lin, clidlîthîer pIaces beyossd sea, 24d each.-b OFFICE 1 IOUI.- Week dîsye, fnc, '7 ns.n. teO 7 P. in. sdsîym, fru i 9 te 10 a. In. ,£ i'esîssgu Staiapie cen bu litroiiised ut ftiée 1>st, Offce. A. McPlHERSON, P. M.I Wlîithy, Aprit, 18.59.se 18W. DENTISTRY 1_DENTISTRYI si siusoetîsamice to tliscoitfzens- Iliuby assît viciullty, for the vos'y hiberal parOiuge cxtended te lim lu him rofesin.- re isew taises-lus-veo teacqusaut istmeaislrons trieidesudtiipnb'sctisa lue hlau 1y cois]uple- ted bisiarranugeiments rtIi'e persmanent prusctic of his professionin ustise To>waof. -Vfstby.. l'Tuth îsountcd on Gold, Ilatinuî, Çlieoplestio Motul. &c. Teetîs 911usd witis ~GOLI) AND STANIEL FOIL, , and witlu Doter Jesse'. new invenutiosntIse non- 'ucrosive poarl cerrsust-oqulhte gold,ï3lst-suot fse costl>'. Tectis etrate 'ytjeu s-'iýeo illueut pain, e q le selpOe A prusethuse ot twemty "danin ls is p o ntiou enabi os Dr. Joncs te kuersîstec te Tile putienism ail tiîut protcssioli1usi liiund experivasce eau eccosupluesls towuirds elleviatiisw Imuusn susffiering Ini tise tr-estust cltof lssii ustinôs ettise Teeti u wuurw ud uifuaiiserves-Tic.djolorcanx, & r.Jouseg>o eenstime usvu al wu)-ybeuattonde wiblu tue greateet sute-esu. OFFICE et tilc- old Denstal Standt, oves' Jous Bi elow's Dry GCrodsStore. Rsuseurarzs.J.Haim 1cm>', Esq., Mayos' et Whtby - N. G. cyssolis 'sq ,Shéeriff, é. ; W. Il. V1Oresa7ne lEsq,. 13r, Ch.éekley uand Dr NÇovosnl1er 24tb, 1858. DENTISTRY. DR. 09 O0:JEROME, Surgeou Denttl, IN s'turning Iiauks-to .hie sumerossa fienuis uand tise publie 'gýieîslly fer tlueis libes's'l puteuuge elusco ulieou)ltruuecd practice ln tis luVm, wouid bore tuike occasion te istiité t al tisono wlse arc requuiring Artifieil Toctis, tluat lue bas4 îîew btuiiul a Puieliaje foip working tise vneuised ruibber, upôhsi licli Ilue wji fi stort usl kintîs amndstyles ou Tecetis ,i7'cueapcr 'iaI has oves- &'«nedone beens I witis tiuprocnss. Dr. C. C. Jaisousa wiI gulanaa to fit tise muest dificuît euse with tise groateet precisieu- Ilssi full cases, parties eunbave Jiioci Teetîs witis Solid Ouilss, wlsielî 'bu, iii eor>' respect, furs uporior te cusy etiser kiffil of worlc ktsowuu is uses. 'lhis work la. hîsh lipproveof otbyssl 14 tisebcading 1euisrsju NeYohç.aiipin to ustéigines ligliter anud oetc nom -t'rossvcu nuatuure, uand it le, ustior ustest of tlureo >ees', deeioed hlglser ansdusore jreferablo tisai gold or tola it et i ctuiic fplate. DU. JEaiu>xu .wsuuslulwisis It 10 bu bsornelo i niad tiset ili as itrcati>' s'ditued theo ricos whiel Isctofore we5'o tise Éetsudard. Ili ould nnue fsrt'iior mâte tisst lie lings lico oîstssutly usirug thue mhlove auancdinateriuul fer severusi asostliu peet, uluiusg wlicb tlîe lie lues put up a grcatî uuniur oe' cases, usdsinu aIl lutaucus tise best of setietcetiessLbise b -unnuaieetu-d b>'tise' Goli, ySillier and Platina Plates suit up in, thse Luttlit styles, Cleaertian tmnal, and IWarranted. skilitiullv porfôraisd. *gir'l'eth eèxtractcd witlseut painss b>' meulscfaeectnicit>'. Pentsen li-u attentioni givesi to thse s'eguluswleso f lii dreu's. retus. ConsuiltationFPe. AUi uork Wfarî'antea- P.S. Usuil andi exsiuinespoeiisnuis oftîsîs worL bftie'.gotiiug yen 1ts inssertei elsowlics'e. 0 in elaCà5.DW5LS -Bik~c, oves' Lmues P eudl'a' J,'torne, JBrook Street, H'kiti. ýsept. 1,55.lï'-sw W WMOtby-Brewery, 55flED XEEITY* NY '.MORNING,' R a# thel rXeRtoiretnigil ds aton ivsî'telug sselui~tu~t~sse ns>'eb.requi-osi, -sud ou taruui te suit Pur- a hbei' a, :I~ers cry'Ilcs'al.Bottlesi ae oqisnul to'%fl isport eed~i. UIAM à; RENFKEW9, Wuty5NvWOODWARD.! 1: -P l Whtby, ov. 5th"'-'é ..tiouu, wutlivnut retoeuecîo tiselIecd VUle. C. :4LDF, Whtv ussu eb. 9, 1005'. Tise Scottish ProvincialI snrnuce Comnpany. F.tabiskd A. D. 162Il. aumifnemys»m4d by o .peiai Act of Parliarnen. CAPITAL -._£19000,000 >lAiA»A-lgiEAD omnet Montreai , 9 Great St. James Street. SEca,Anrs.-.A. Dvdo kr TNTENDING Aitsurera are respetfully re .L qsscsted te peruso tîsie Comnpany's Prospec- tus, wuereiiu it wibcefound tat es<j'avafn. Therids n Priiiumechsîrged are low. while tihe lfoisrmes dclarcd wil beir coinp)arieàois wltiu tIse 1'rOinssllotted by asy o$thie oîbea leadiiig lrticulas'attention tilui odireetad to asiqul-ý table regxîlaticoCs'idôptoëd- Vy tbf. Uoinpsiny, am- te *urresudor visîsis of zelinquit§lued P'olicoses. Wsi'ssv,-Jolsn Aglioew,'"5gont; RUobcrt 3. Gusin, M. D. Medical Adviscr. i>s;istcs AiztlsT-Nlycii Agliew, M. D. Medi- cal tIdîiger. 9-4M State Fire laîuurstnce Comnpany ot,.Loti. dong Exigland. CIIABEISED BET OF .0W ilIT5Iii PABLIAMENT. CAPITAL . .£500,000, STgRLING. itO'AJD OP' 5)55E1T0555Z aauirmen'-The. Ilglit'1«lo ]jir l sse. M -B. Sheridani, M. Il. Colossel Jamues Adais'. Tise 1ev. W.. Bees, iPeter Ces'u'pirs, F.uq. Tise lion. B. Bootî b y John Jaîuses,Usswin Cýlerie, Bsq. 1iéiury -Clurlc, Esq. M,.'1). lucisolas l>es'uypi, ',q W llieusi $,-Petter, Esq. WilieniIlersy Rough, Esq., M. A. F.M. Wellus,£8q. Peter Mosiso, Esq., Maiuagiugfjre Aa'sAzssrosoMilet, Esq. ou4îa'. NfeitsrWs Mie&lUd loriu..Su'vsrWiler E. W illiuusna, Liq. Lask<r.Mur.-ason &Comspluss. Sc't L.W&.nnsl, q. OCANADÂ ÊRÂXCH IedOffln,-Misosie gl, (Looto. T,'u8teet.-lcss. Jolsisfomsi,MJluuCriwford, Masiter, Euj. lVice- 9uirma-. P. Howhersd, q, Pt > .WutsEq, Vmi.ieQn-ý siersous , Euuq-. , W. J~sitult§, Eq., Shonit; U. C'. et Vcrlc ansd 1e -Roei, Crawford & Croumiie. The ii eaeesxsest oethIe Staste Fine Issrance 'Cons pais>' are gutucutueýd b>'a e soiusible Pro- prsetany. Al luoesees wili bc eettled proumpt th w "7uo0biliuiemist thiaTssiuxfIaviuug been pur- cisaed, l'elic'.holderï; are now girusuateod b>' thse Stute. ALEXANDER STEWART, Atagr B'itieh !e,'Oth Anet'rca. JOHIN AGNEWV, Wlutby Je. ~ j~sj Iq4eni W t Protection against Los@ and Damage by Pire. -- WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000 TNbliANC E eflcteci on Builduuugo aitîsies' . cotenats. Ex-ery infrmaton suppllcd- on applicastiot te tiuilnigsed. JOHN .&GNEW, Travsellinsg Axejut, ]Bron rct, hitby Brlttish Amerlout Assiurance Company, I CORPlORATFJ) under ansAct et tIhe Tiird ISession oftise ElevQuutlî Provinceial Parlis meint of ImIPIer C'uuudt. CAPITAL '-£1001000. Irsuzsuce eflcoted on Buildings and thein contenîts. Evuryiufertnthusssunppîled estap plicution te tisae uisslied. MsaieItia;kefor tise ea;oîsor for purte. JOHN AGNEW, Travelisg Agent Broi, treet, Wits> OXBARIS) TidEET AND) cUARINe d5u055LONDiON ESTABLI$iI[ED IN 1782. GILLESPIE,. MOFFT&C. Agents; for Canauda. IIiSU'ANCEagafnt LUSSES b>PIE aïd LO8~palti wtout0 Ét frtece to tise ficrd lu - WlltiaAu . 'Ou15t s M arsof excellent land in tIhe 8S.,ante et lait 1blIn tise 9.Cous. of Uxbridge, 0,s timkber on thse land lm tirât closse pilne, e Also for sàle or to let, 8 acres of cleare lbd 6 $8.W. le o'of 29, 2nd- (on. of Reacîfrli .itvIy~oweclbyMr.,Rbmtr 1iglii sindes' esltivation, aa inue-xcellent order. It q«fWI-ýbe #ceW>i t utputcli".or 'will b. let, ton steady tenanet. Forterms applM)i mairen, C. '. Toronto Townshlp. or ta- THOMAS BEALL, WNhltby. Mr'. losue IResd 'i*1lI shnw tise aid-lsu xbridge. MelWton, Nov. 1Mbh, 1859. 44 Hobuse and ct for Sale. .1. excellent l.and, wliic.h'x, in"a ligh state of cultivatiwi. TVie bouse in a Frie bildissg 18 by2,and comfortably tii;bed off. Itis situe- t inl a very 1pleessini part of thse Viîlvg ot 1Jx. .bridg e bein( near tihee lsilreli, thise Ciool, thse isc ~ e, aus<ithse places of general businesso. ýWM. Waler, ropreou 1 ~to' or tot JW. CALDWELL B1O'«'N, L~and Age«a4 Uoeridge., Maiy, 1859. - FOR SALE CHEAP. T T No. 27, in tIhe ard Coneggiosu of Wlitby th WL.NFAi!f andjoisuitsg tise Towns of Whr Y.;gplset.uhouW. Il. (C. WILICIM41 a ngPaS u .uusses.fllleviiicl :05' J. V. ITAM, Barits' July 1ut1867. 2 Stm and JfIaster MII for Sale. T ASIGNES F 0 STNEOFFER Apîplicatien te o uuaie to or ~.MILLER, :Whlt7, Ms'ei 2 -Witby. * Farmfor9F Sale. <~' CES 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT 2- 10, lu lotis Cosucemàion of TiseraIs; 15 Aieorso-.ud. Tbf, Farni ile sitnated witbin fourlnules e of vrtsu oi ctmyI rnycl s' ut Mas's; t. tsoaad- le eftisheet qîjer, a su ia u the centre of a poil settieuint., witlu a Sebeci, sud s Sawuniil ce'nvenient. AlssoNuirtishuIt c f Lot4, inithe lth Coneoet- siosu 0, Tisorsîls, cenxsting cf195 acres' 11-ket' wisich are cleured, anîd froiutiîsg ou tise l'oilge Rond, rieur Caines'ou'seMiii. ~"TF.5U15 uIBEiAL .&pply to Bcat'crten, 10th Juy, 1857 26 T OWN14(fl uinWhitby' nar ate .- unaus mlBay', anud Port l'urs". Appi> te G. Il. DArTNIIL J susse 16, 1857. pou' SALE INfTIIE WOWs () WIUITJBY. L OTS NOS. 'y and 22. TiFMY ARE SITU- at-ad ounIîmis Street, betwooiu Mn. Cuchrausc'ua an1 ,Lynde*is Croci, -~TERU5 L5l3ittiAL. ,j Application te bc smde ,>i MRS. ANGELINE WEST, "Lo 3!t 8,econcesselousD.) r] iiuston. Cbs'istiaî Ot'eu-lg" pease cop>' nstil ferbiti L 1V E R P0OL. Blacksmitlis & wa ggomnkers Shops FO,.ý sale or toletat Liverpool, T WENTY MILES EAST 0F TORONTO (A JLDepot sud Station efthtie Grand Trssnk Rail- w8y). Esselu rliop has e Cottauge and a quarter of an Acre of.Lan«d atteched. Tisese preusulsue have been haly ceeoted witis Au e short diptai.ce of thse Kingsrton ltosd. aud tieRiwyDepot. A good busineêesilu' botis taues eau Le don. by' .stissdy and guod work. For fitrtbor particulars apply te Mi. S. PURDY, Liverpool Jusly 28, 1857. 2 FOR SALE. - - A N ýexcellent uew Freine Cottage, neas'ly lu XX~ tise seurt of tise .owss of NWlitby, and 141thin a fuow Firde -ofthe Masin Stret'-Dluidas ets'eut-touetriuer with r'vo-fitths cof an acre 'cf l!ýnd ettuolsed. Tise bouseo contaisse six epurt- inst, hlins ais oexcellenit cellar, and tlucre L4 good tbigad'l reeca1 on -bulildingsi' anila eupeorerpupoegood wtcroesthe spot SFor 'Terni, Ze. whici will bc llourud very' liberal. Alupl)> te - J. A. MAYERU1OFFFR le. Chrouicis. Oflce, W hiLdy. BIEAV ERT<ýON. FOR SAXE.. CHZAP. A MILL PRIVLEGE 4ND TOWNLOTS Isere,' Fuvorblet6runsme y bo sade witt l'roprictor b>' a 1ractical Mihcr N. ].-The 0e le a fiat-rate opeuing et Boa- Nocrton fur the setalishmeut pf a 1oussdr. Beaverton, J Uly28, 1857. 28"- VAtiJÀiij ÈP ÈCOPERTY ' fiSAL. rIHE Store anfl promises latol>' occnpied by k Ms.1, A.MM lna U"i~, l te'oWi thtsisl o heaei it sqarer5ati - JÀS. B. OAMPBEL, IiuiraP. O, Bech. THOVMAS-1 yV M, fA quantlty ofgood CEDAI POS"' ÀPPLY AS AJIOVE. October 8 180Smw B "~i-100 ses-es sentith alf of Lot N'o. 'lot Srd conounion of, Whitby,,. kngln Do part 01.the' - E TÂ E ui>two uulesfon teToWzo fWtb 2nd.-50 me-e, -Souith WVegt qprter of Lot Rqo. 28, Gt6 onci eo f Darlinigtont abouqt eight mlsfô lwavîe 8s'd-~<)aore'Souli qu ë riiartrf Lot Noé. 18,,il-ti concessi on cf Msripoa, about '9 auies-frb mLendos. ' - The ýabove rtninioned',Lots are-ftlrst-cis Fams, in as higistaterof uitivton, ; geet 1Buildingsadi eriprat"we Will be sold, reasonable,- and on favora- bic term& Apply te -- TU M1L TIE WORJiLD, nDITALF 0F TÙuE T H1E stîbueriber lxavu silspended bîssisses, li o uw oll'rg te Sel iur Eciît fer a torin of ye.srs onx veiy ruaflnable ternis lils splendid VILAGE0F VROOMANTONV, Township of Brock, conslating cf a STORE &DWELLING HOUSE, wltis two Kitchenx, a Sittisîg-room anud Par]h'r,' asnd attaclied té tise store is a Weil furniolsed office sud Wsirelroîise. Tise biiildinitrglire flret dlise FraeBfuildinsig. lrice, £250, iin four .eqîal anisiali listalments, witl i iteregtst tise rate e0 uilîxpr Co lit pur ahunussi, or 25Per alinir rotai.. llroe>k ieed* né writtvn roccoîniendution, itm indiitiong ltisîsbitaits le!Aa sufilciesut reuons- mnsdatieji. Fur further psirticiilars apply to ROICSS,-MITCUELL, & CJo. Merelisuts, Yoting Street, Turonto, or tu thé' sssbscriber on tisé promises. M. McePFIADEN. ".11. PKI'R R. Farn to Lt. Farma to Lot forar os f yearo, in tbe Towniship cf Ia$ingto;. about two mites cnet of llownua;nVïlle village, con- laining aboutý 150 acres cl*ar, witb good uiings. .Appiyon the Partis to Mms DANIEL GALBRAITIT. Darlington, Oct. 20, I'859. 40-2w FOR SALE, A. Coiiifortble Fatuily Residence sitnated in 'itise Vi.llag'oftiv'usýrpool, Townusfil' of Pick- es idjoining'tise Fraa.ctisn aBy Staition cfteGrnd Truusk cilwey, 18 siles t'rosn'To- rote c tainss ef a.o Cottae costaiu1n0::ne-RomsST (OPEN -Sl s'IuIiu 09'ssswa auerasrspeecsvezywsirss '%nê an&as ulf tuiiles Oéf.tlse prenulss Apply " neronally, orb'l ttes,poi -TINSMITHS. erlng. *S2tf Abram Log'ant IJROCK M'rREET,. WHITBY, Ti-mihand Beli-Ilanger, & . c 'AVETr.otigiis ptu zou t..olIuitest Aunoi-e J2Joais aiu ussi Uîs iproecd styles, witis irouu iioid-suts. Geh'usrizcd L!trstuiu grode4 Coilsuty orders sfest by peut or îhuLrws THE s'uscbbr requîstm public atteru J, tioxu te luhir newv stock ni auperior Stoycs. Tiuey includo thse followuug nesw patterns., TH71E PRINCE ALBER7, DA VY CROOKETy PROTECTONL,ý"'; GRAND TVRK, MRON fl UKE, Cali anud examuime? JOHN BRYAN. Broc1k6Street, Wiitby. w'uti ovcry conuvcenrrerequusite; a largo iliris iuiuid Staiblue ttecisd ; su n'oer f&ilisug Well Of Wus. tes'; tIse Gronddffi bre tsstel'ully laid out, and iîircaid witls $11ud&'f reels aise, e Large Gardesn weii stockes'I vtis Fruit Trous; tise wisole coverts two acres of Grousmd assiant cuuurbe euurpuusseod ils tise -Towshsip of f1ýiLkÃ"scug, for its evosveili- ç5155 aed reusdy ecce th le aliwsîy. Torms Yorkvïlle, May, 1858. 17 For, Saie, or to Let* Aj OMMO.DIOUdS AND PLEA m n@ ýBRICK 00COTTAGE, 'with, f of- an acre of land, ini the Norths Ward of thse Town of Wlsitby, on tise East aide cf llrock Street. -Fer furtber perticularti appt>' (if by lot. t ' ot.pid);et W. H.,Tremiayne's offie Whtby, or to tle subsribr, Casiill,1 Mkhan For Sale Cheap, and on Rea- sonable terme. TIR E od farmsainu thec Township of Tiosus quty cf Otario, witislus- proveunents cf 20 acres on cadli Lot. For. particulars apply te, H. J. Mlacdou. clt Whitby, Barrister, or. ,o D. Caneron, fleaverton P. O., D. O. JENKINjS 165 op9. tuu TO LET* TR E Store and dwolng ieuse ncweeecupied. b> Jasse rluge, sd known as tie Iau the Towis cf Wbitby. Pesossliugiven on tise iretcf ipta ye rnst. JAMES ROWI. J). VAML5nIN. Whitby5Jply28,-18is8.. - CANTON T. f COMJ>PIN Y'S New Store 1519 ss-, Et, usesr tise St. iluu sscit-u li, Toîronuto. Tl pu'îmlmisileîts leudir'et trousi tsplceofgnows' tiosw cifer te u lue tî'sslie soususe of tise iua ihild<r f e~a sold iun(asau ; suusldai î'ecsfi 'ul, ouly, tisait uvli i urg to a aiNe er) sm>' u.tj4aliss h lui tes'i's- td parties, Iu'luevcuners ss'Ilisig fi or c coud Ciss"a i',utllv' I prfitfs. Tuuuuic îuît, Ilîs r sofité,usidqss' rtrsA"wilb .itrictly aiuered tc b>' tise Cuusupumv-. Tees u'ill bus retttiied tPt W,lseOs.ahc 1'rivss.tiss s liuhing uii assstiesto le i 'GI;AN'r'NEW TEASY ast ti u e wst PoasiiceFigure. Tise Cosiaipsu' have'o isc arefsul tus select, ilurough istioin 4gosts ltlius, mseocf tlucc -.ploisid Tens, ouI>' senut te thue Lonssoii' ead l)nblim Marnketis, se tisat goyssumers, Whso re- unersuber tise delicicsis fus-ver et Tees fiold l thre niay nmw lioeus id witi tise o dîsocing avs us'grii articlesî. *W'elivite a triuul te test oun assetiesî. -V'ise pruca .4 iIi aipeaus fr tîoui savs1Look at tboen IILassk per 16.. ..Ecu.i nen Pern1ls. ......350-5. GOoul5Per Ils. o. i='tLnoodper lh.... 4oteu. 'Store, andîéti s'dy'ug Housse Keejxi, (>JERVJtP. tw- Forty pouuud puuc5cuulg and UPuý was'ds, of TEA, senit cerrngirc re, tesuiy pr ou Canada, on seciptot'tieCASH- Tbese:wbeo de net bus> se litige a quanstity, woiid do well'. te club togotlueu- witl tiseir frionds. ig' Salik. fisetiouu 'Warrsssted. .W"Coft'ee, la8 an article aditrateti te sudsl a tightfîui extert, tut peopleo are gtting slati- ed. Tise Comspany, desils-us et elfinug, pure aund uisaudultnstà-iead u c 'suctsra tlOIr delicios aTUIIIÇKY, '- "", at 25cts. samd La GUiaelus; 20ets. nuî'i'.5'151 KIaqs.t b tw dors fom ariset sq îfro'and pluse coin- unsméete tisis uews-to your triendii. >Toroneto, Sept. 220 859q 6-- 5 k o s * 1 t i se , x o mn a i n h sn p t t wviiicfjs h. ot' b ë én 80 i ~WaggO.ner te Tisonssu& Martin,-wb lst uusntioned piece or parel ma 'scribed as fellows conimbienoan g on. of tîaid ,lot, t ci', about .th, Iiatgsioe , twelveCchaîns 'md .eigbty<iink;- op&c :Southu Seventy-fb*us' de'rc.we,- 'senis est ngleofraid: lot, uds~k Isosth est anugle Gof hswdsold for - taxes 'sîen. -es ere ust tise western litit of, la d ddeid to 'le s sm artin ; tlielicf, ýouti S ixte-eis'dores,,out, eigbs. teois châirus 'sud tw'«eIîItyýfive linIîk fo the -front ôf said lot, thence asïliig"the'frag of 'tise suid lot to thse plae obinag, frNELSQNIG. IRNOLDS, S l îriff ' s O ffi ce i e i t ~ . O , Whitby, Nov.28~1 WANTED. Hlideýg.H idest Hides 1- IIE 1 na r i gned w i PY t e' Wi*ghý e P Icc làiÙ11411 for amy qîsntity of goo4 ,BEEFI IIDES.dc-livered at bit; TanssoY-. m us-eenwood. Al kitds of kejît coustantly on biand for saltr,,YerylJpv foi. CaSh. D. 1McMURCIIY. Grenod, Nov. 14, 15. - CODWOOD IWAN-jT4 T 11 E U ND EÏRSIG0NE» wîlreceive o09crlUn- J. il Thisssc u.dv risJsn.7 sîcxt, for tise dcliv- ery bIl elrc s ile rssOt 0eCuec tvtstiiu hre, S'ulujcL.t tiy tiéUýse -Cisipiy'sIm11111= tion 1u uotu iîîiecst. Wuoçl te bu cest tae fiîd a hImIt 1,e(t iug. Also w:uited uisuyiantity of,,o6d lard W"o. to bu dilivered aCt UI larbor. Port Whitby THIOMAS MODY. Wlsitlly, I792h 559 ' Tie Utidere,4iguîled.is pi'pas'ed ýte PA.Y CASH-JO Wheat, Barly,Pe ,Ots&o ISALT F014 SAE, CHEA. WIiLs. Scpt. 28, 18591 Qats Wantedi '- '11 Fubcritor iilI pa,. tie higict market i 1 ie-! f-r isuiuay qusiiàlt%' oft'good qeis, delbr-- e r e t l a t l i . s l i l l I n t i se Er a o c s i î u o ! h r QIJNTIN MeGOWAN.. INFoiRIiION WANT4D, F W ILLIAM QU LI A , ws '54. - Wlen hat e rd, f, le wegsW ë r ourd cof one of t te.Batissos'o teaunel r~scivo 1whiesoiï, Putrici rsinlivaoi in u hitîby, .~.Unisted stat4e 'Pletàsie uopy. LIV -FARMQ ME âéiio ri f-le, Îýabr, ut 5 'For 4z~r&. pply ta i p ttawa, 07 'OSTPONEXNT 0ýF Ca' Cpitl> IrEF-PL48 'AND, SPEIFIIIATION& for REi ýe j-, whiiby, Ott. 18519 1 Whitby, July 28th, 1 ý'Oc" r 17. 1869. 281 1 -

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