Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1860, p. 3

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vart ao;-l'nm"rierson, WfhtDyTow Shlp , S uler, do; James Shandr4; 1dî' WhitbyiThomgs Grey, do.' T he t*hak0 -of the e ciety were voe tet R..J. ýWilaeD, Epq.- for a donation muade b y uini te the soelety of $1ot and aloo X., W,ý_ Brown, ter a donation et the asme amount. Tho .thanÎàof the bociety, wcre -aise ten- dered te E.Birreii, the latePresidei4,for. the e fficnt mauinei in wbicbh had'dijcbsrgad -the. dies ef Pretident cf tue ooietyi for th. luit sevep yese. It wu., on motion, -resolved,' that eVlery" _member paying $1.2-5 te tue Treaaurer be, foegthe let day of April neity b. entitled -to rgçci'e the. Canadian Agricuituriat f-r- the. etrrnt year, axulthat the ToM«urer ho autliorsecd te procure co'pies ot the Agriul turla4 ta b. forwàrded te . the address ef -taeb'such meinher. Mesara. E. W. Thomp. son, Toronto ; B. L Denison, Toronto!; 'B. Ruttiu, obur;g;lon. George Alexaùn. der, ýW9odstooèk; and Wm. Ferguson, King. > stou j;, wore noiinatcd as 'bombera ef tho Board of Agriculture. Mr. George Rýobson wau appointcd a doiegate te tue* Provincial Association, in case ef the inability kif the Preaident or let, Vice Preaident te attend. Tà~ Directeras wr-eommciîded te h:Id f or îwo daya. BeU.veo sud zDpIIty Reeveil et1h. nu. nSau.lsltles of tisa Cona y of Oatarlo, The following are, the namea of thse Reevos aiî.d eputy Reevoa <or tue differont Manicipatitica et the County et Ontarior Brown. ORIIWA VILLAUI-John -l[ialop. WaiTiiy Towwati.-11. Canîpbel, WI. White. EuST %Wur.-J. Ratcliff, W. Bart- r-Tieyaiecohded4<au té? b.elatîperior te uloait aind mIare'.valued - acc nom' ..L AJIUA1 U in tiitityi,,an4'dqeryedly so., t t1 j& tatPronounced incom~parable as - a ir ho INa uTwE.a.A Lecture, wifl b;delivered beforae-uamorubers, and fr1e ends of th W Institute, ne tay even. ing, the 20th iat, by ThomasMoa, Eq., PUJIEY-HNDIR0WM..OUTucsday, the lt a. by the Bey. T. ILowry, at the reaidenco of the bride'ia father, Mr. Geo. G. Parsey, te Mbs M 'Ur'ay Latte lien- derson, both of Wit4y. WHITIJY ABEft,. 1 1 1 OLSJýIanriy 1th, 8. (Riov!Lged anti correced for the Chrnlcl, by The market for the Iasatfw days has been wcll attendedhy Carnier, and, au ad- varice in prics.-t lias taken place in ail kinda of prodioce. Flitl wlieut nld to.dlay at -$1.32 for choice iotta, $1.28 prid for good shlpplrg Spring wlortit h in active reqotest, and good lots sel fruely at 1.07-as'hg.a 1L08 has beený paid fur ýsoeel loada of -prime. (litS in fuir supply; good lots selling at Puag are plenty, anîd quality good, oee Int of very fine sold to-dity at ôte. 1 Pork is lookcing a littie botter, !but flot 'îîuch offc-risi. - $0 hai; been pid for good heavy hogs, averngeing 250lb4 and over. [.iglt wigbts (roin 150 to ISOiba $5-200 to 2201bs $5j. I)ittoà-Spritig, $1 to $18. 1lour $51 0«*$4; 'Uxnîîînos..-.W. Smith, J. A. Saigstor. Ontâ 88e Q~ 40c. S(JOTT.-M. Pirt. Jtyc .5r0. a 600. 1 ky $14 (0 $16 !P ton. Rtzcî.-J. WrWght, W. MeGrigor. Park $4 ta t51.. SCuuOo.-E. W. Gamble. Baet $3 75 Q $5. - Baoc-ý-. H Thopso, Hrt. Sleup $à @ $4 50. BRoO--J H.Thoupsrihar. - IAitatoc,,25c. Q 809, MAIAR ItÀ MÂ.-iJG. Hewitt. Eggri Ud 0 la 'f de'. -. ** - Frws 25c. C O.3 pair. TirkeyasOc0. 0 75e. each. Bhai lslçre be a Baiikrupt Law (Jccsc 25e @8ôc - Appkis 50e«Q $1 -00 3V bushel. ï,It isas leen grntifying to-note the gen. 1-1i d e s,5. eral. goed -Wiil wiîis wlich tise Miniat.erial Sait i 25 V$ barrel. have,-in common with thse independent Cud~ed$ U@$ 51 od pressansd,- the Jeuritialin itise intereat of the, Oppouition, ativocateti tire nactmnclt NEW ADVERTI8EMENTS. ,6f a BÎalilerpt Law. With a (c-w excep-LîeayPie tiens, publie sentiment, la ertirely ina fa-. vouïr ef a revision ' the. exiating laws as Ag a. aight acknowiedgment oft tie liber. -ýihëY affect debtor and èreditor, and neégov- ai support exteonded te hie efforts, as weli ernrment, ho they cailed by any namo that as from a desire te, encourage-iaa how. mual have a place in tihe politicai vocabuls. over a limitcd a degre-ýa tte for litera. ry, tbould' alew another session te go by turc amongst tIhe rendors efthtie Clsyio,ris witlout introducing a billwiich shall havis the publialier intimates bis intention ef of- foi its main feàtiije the. relesse eto a debtor fering annuai premiuma for original liieraryn from bis obligations upon makîng full sur-, productions, lu prose and verse. reader o e s ctate, giving aun ample tate. Tise finIt distribution ef preniluma wiiî megnt of hie affaira, aud againat wisemtise take place on Tuesday, tise first day et Mayb stigqtacf fraud will net- attacis. neit, and wiil ho awarded as falows e badl hoped (rom tise terne et the pub. FRaDar rsuZz.0 Hie uind, and judging from tise attitude-tais. $20 For tise best original Essay on thse ebythse Miniaterial presa, tisat aur inten- County of Ontario, tise;* advantages et tieu did exiat on the part cf tise Govern- its geographical position, its settlement,1 muent to give thia mnatter Letf 3ankmuptey progreas, and reseurces. tbst prominenco wiich its beaîing upo n tise - SECOND PRIZE. - Prospenity cf the. country demanda. $10 For tie beat original Essay on EDUOAL.t But tise public la told, in a sounewhat Tivo-embracing sefeducaio ndau 1 decisive mannor by thse Globe,*tisat 94the plsaica? educatio. Miniatry will net introduce ,&, Bankrupt - TIIRD FACEI. Law ferU'pper canada." *He fan, tise $5 For tise beat original Esssy on Ne wopa., étWaement lit fou ded aponïfacet, !w. haane pore. ofu uset owtng,, buit, as- the ýMinfria~il - OUJTH ?RIZ£. Pr s~have thenmeves urged thse adoption $5 For thse beat original Esasy on Cous. of inech a lmeassueeqg&ahly wlth other jour. TESY. nais, It 187but nastaral o suppoe .tlht t uaay lUTEPSUZII. no b ltgthr as..over durira<tise A- eopy of tise SeiiWeekiy Chriionicie, Cemlpg session, lWas only laut week for one year (postage 'free,) fer ,the beut that tise Poerbor*' I- Refw, ivery ýwell- original Anthem on Spring. lntermed Miniterlal journa, wus-ilrgiuig SIXTE PRISE. - thât Parlhament iloidI4legisIate , 'n tise -Àcopy ofte Weekly ChronIèle fer eue mater at t Il ezt meeting, iiile thse 8pec yesr, (postage tra.,) for the- second bout ta4or, PIandet Courrsuad we tl>lnk tise orignal Anthem on 8pring. -leader aise, have v>lewed tb* sCý>oe& (rom ucs -a coumea astaud-point. H. J. Mactonehl, Eunq., Mayor of Whitby. Tisat great alsappolurti1e ht vould resuit John Siieri, Esq., P. L. . . frem a continuoimu absence-aof any endeavor R. J. Wilson, Esq., ,Barriister. tplace tise relations of debtor'anïdcrediter R. J. Gu3nu, Eaq., M. D. -ion a Moregsatiitactory footing la ebrius. R. Cbeley, Bs.q., M. tD.- Perbaps threa la no question which se inti- Cempotiters mimaI aend in. their ýpMeuc. nutely affiets tise weli-boing ortise country, tiens ûiùde'seal te tire undersign-on or and thse Goverament should be prepared before tise 151h day of April ueSt. Eachs eithe iote ubait a measure te the Legisiea y su Àatu m hohurai~ota ture, or te advaneetise moat cogent rra. to, ho accompanied by theuenme aud a- sens wiy il bas been-ýthovght proper te, dreasofethtie writer, witis tise met oun, the witbstsnd tise general sentiment et théehevelops enclosing tire same- eounîtry. What wil tise. Ministerial prea Tise several Essaya and An téeb.. bave te s"Y on titis mtter ?-London -Frse 'corne tise property efthtie publiais rCompetitore for the second a third, ~ksiue~sud.g(jailaDpc-Port 84- ý ÈN'" Ë,âTO INFORM> J.. lr, 1~ud adtiraprible. thut lhotimiow i possemsioniofth ie abOeIrotei,- thse bliAiae.a of wlieh lie will huî4#u<e qcy~otie!rîowi: riaLu ood Liqu6És, 'à lafâie, SeePatatrb1 e -.- o~f, ittuio fr n es.1 atnc -- -- HEW. L IIIGINS and is wil stocked 'th newtpaapers-aesd Tens-pertodicalseÇall kiiùdrr4 - - 64 ài par anumumle tudeht anaud, Clerk, - -Situated in thse secozîd fiat lover- th Chronicle Office. Èntrance tr oth- tie'l TH~1E NEATEST A'I) BEST PRINT- ig,-tplsiin and farncy, -ofevery tlencrip- tien, eati'b. ihad citenier aird qîriokàr àthe' Chrenicle Office tissu asny other estabiah- ment-in the tJunty.,- h GI . FAIIM FOIR SALE. F ,OR SALE thse Noithlitif rof Lot No. 7,Ilai -Vthe 1th'Concesson 'ut Reauli,,about Ut sures elrrsredl. Tire Tarin lxi weil wirered by u neyer iiiiiriig apring. Tirere lu a Joie houai oui thre preair.raeu. Tire lrad le of excellent quaait. Tite tinîibur cinupriace ,good Cedar rrnd Iva. Wood. For Te ni, &c. ppl(ýY 11ta soi Bosch, Jaituary ltia, 186.»5W-8ew. Excelsior lluminating KE ROSE NE OIL. TIIIS 18 TUE PUIIEST 'COAL. OIL, GIVE8A Fstrely f ree fron,izijiclI,SLDd h. clieper thani aly utiler laglit gîviug iateril. ~'GIVE IT A TRIAL .,& lienenber to get it froin the Agent for Wliithy. Whirby, Jan. 12, 1860. 52-tf, Passed11 th J,4q.,18. To.fix the tirne a nd plaoe forIWlding tAc Asznual Election o Directora, by, tA. Sockholders of ike Po t Witby and Lakce# Scugog, fmncoe and Huron Road (omponyi. W,/HEREAS for sundry good and suffi. cientreauions, the Annual-Election of Directors aks requiril by the By-Law pasd the 28thý day of, Pucurnbaer iast, lias net Ieen proeoôed with. - And whercrut it is expediur.t that Dire,. tors for thé said Comnpanry for thic or h year, sliould be elcctsd as soon ai posi- Be it themefore enaced by the-Directors of the said Comnpany, tl*,tJJac.e~tAuu al Meeting of the Stockhôlders'of- the sald Company, shall hu hcldat the Curnpany'a Office, Port WVhitby,. on- Wedueudly, thie 25th .anuarYl, 1860,- et 12 o'clock, noon, "for the' Purpoise o electing, Directors for- the thon current year, and that thie Votei ishall bataken by ballot, and that.those absent may vote by îîroxy. JOHN WATSON,. .Pre.ide n *IOEL 1IGELIV,.- . '9iý îtà80; OOUNITY 0 NTARIO.: A bIEETING of the Reevos sand -Deputy Beeves' of thre virins MIinlipahitics cof the Conunty of Ontario *wilI bc held Il tihe Couti- cil cîramber, Court Ioume, Towa or Whuy, TUESDAY, the 24th Instant, At 12 o'elock asoors, in order,to forni thse C<àsn- cil of thse Curporsstii, for tlire alorwaid C3ussty. 1.J. MACDONELL Clerk of Onrià. ('ounty Clerk's Office, .Whithy, Jan. loth 1800. f8 Ar IIONTREÂL PRICES, TELEGRAPH > STORE. 1Eabove cil is poerfeTlpue wlth- -T Heut ue» hetb,crlber iras aise. QOAL OIUL L-A2-MýP8& with lateat.improved burner for sale yery eap for cas. 'It-e ofl0,1iamps ail cern- pt.and rodyt6igbt at 75 cents eacis. eu' dî o t- 1est wiII - ber,,ýhb rgied at- -the rt f1 jPer1 cent peranun WhitbyJnuarl,16.5- ~HT1 iAmunB iW> muAsGOB lVIeNilan's Whlesale & etail BROCK S5REF9 rfWHITBY. ~I IE subscriber haas rjeeived, anîd is now iîî daily receipt of IFresh A rîiiva1s of GItOCE RIES of every -kind, includiug: T EAS. g yson, Young Hyson, Hyson 8kim, Hyson Twani4eyl51 Imperial TW.g4kev, Gunpowder, Souchong, Congou. Mt 15 -per cent reduction on prices heretofore charged. S YIR JP S. âO cents. a LIQUOýRS. Port, !Sherry, Maderiaj And other Wines.1 10,000 Gala, prime Whilsko-y Rico, Sugar.-Loa.f Kuscovado. Tobacco .for Chewi.ug. Crushod .and Smokings and Pickles in variet-y. Golden and otâer Syrups at - Spices, &c gwAnd every article. in the Grocery Line.M AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F CLtOOKERY. CA.LL A- .DL>EXA.MINI Perr Bck, Brocis Street, Wyhitby, Jan. 8, 1850. ,TIIOS. IH, MoMILLAN. 70a. 45w T lIE tumrb r erapectfîufly to, irforru tieir friendis and cusatorners eerUtiiet they bave Remuoved to WdIi.ucu,§New Brick BIOýk, Brôak Street, whore teyha oponed- lfi addition tu thuir .- A LARGE--AND WELL SELEOTED 8TO-JK 0? - .ONSISTJNG 0F TOBÂQOOS. Black anil Genc ieCoca Brando. Chowlisg andi Smoking. COFFEESw8Iu Boul lti Jvsirmr~' L porunge.Loger and Valencia ltaleir.a§, Figio and Crat' i '~ ~ p Candied Citron, Lemon sud Orange l'cel, museovado,;TeIlow, eflied sand Crushad.. Spices Piekies, Sauces, Syrupa. Àndiev ery ecription éf Fansly Grobcri6s'.- which thîey are determined, t801oeint the lowest p rieuafor: CIlhor tUuntntry roduoe. N. B.-Wanted a lot of godutean eee-- -J. S. -DONALDSON. &,Co. -aÉL: . 'T...4.., fË,RA 5 CÂIJTIONARY N OTiCE. son 0fou renevg ortking away saudror grvell ohtçLý Ma. ~ ~ Wlmtbyj-lh aîig4 iowlIb offlt5O0Ordhigt0A - ort Whitby.ý Port Wltby eb., l9. ,, *-.tmiiiiof geti-d.uadî~ nd more igrayf 'ihdIu 7 ' P -an to &~e~ofe~ c tes AlLirtcie 1n~lu>l e1iVL~ r~ca~ ?drCarsh, or on arpproved credit, Please Cirl'ilud examurine. , Ali kinds of lIànIber aadde kc.wl Ilý t --- -DONOVAN, WALKE Y & Co t, -s one ONLY $75 FOR,- ONJîi0Fý SING EIIS C'ELEB1 ATED S E W F' îNG AILNES. :0:-- W ARRlANLTET to ebutlire saineiis Very rel-pet1t l-.~'4 l yI ).tirî- .i-at1irti stati,, fir $110. 1 haave itaauarinoen er atýa.r raerz u ia- ' 1,ricli seatleatlrer ar-ii hé ,titchealiirolit ou.1. l'errl-su ant41Î,cetrui WIro tîti Onîàark clase belorý, u iarg t,; tie Ail courtiiîrraaali wori:irg 141% aha aJlàe.t1.. ofurt..' Cuit d..era:. TIre rît-CCCL4itv .af ai îrb-iurg <tii to jarterat jetillel. ira a-,tirel% v A irrald y tirs s pa;rairrrrn b t.- Vilale il alire rcwr'tlaort tctptiorr tihe bct-rtar< -uia-rrtc lrdfand ls. ir ¶al4l: No. .1 MACHIE $7b.N. 2'à! C I $sue, -No. 3 M3ACI.N-ELAP.GE, AN'D IMJ¶&\ ED, ~ crs4, Prix rte l'arrnili ý, aial',tlrerL4, M-a o ir e arr ly'a-ar.r rrry Nhae -i!aa t.- iffti iiaritî a acar..sir iea for geierar i ,.. Icrltrae i i ur -1 fl,-arteme---, ivai r- l r0 two a i iaeea aid rsiorat :t.-rblvu - - -ailMo ilreralfi er.189 r-al-a.-ii.J5f We traire îluararrrc lusilaerrinizt-ertiairy l3ýtri tire Wcjuave tatisd evel o rf 1". .1. Nt1sS-ewvint clurpiete wr.rkiiLr, f ti t Marlules Mrrft r-zMacirues i;niar iiit'-ury for tire part r.ix ilroitlrs!, cd by Mr. E. J. Nargie. hlrviaagr ud tlalerý in rlcitcalrra'ae £.ut>Irratrtor artarilag trait theaayire ilî torthe laîst- ix irrutrs. Ti'cy tWt of Siiarg-r'ri ex-eures îCtclai tth liaosrut ail'tpj l cdArîers- Ilatteni, anrd cqar:tl tu riay uo t cqtrvhîttrarcc jia-u-- ltcata ,of cr I rite era r of t4ekirid. 1. rase.- Bli(I)WN & ciiiLDS. - IiL)SCIlOLF & AMItS. Ail communications rejative-ýto Sewing Maiairres, etc., raîrst bo prcpaid, as nonu otheru wiii bis- recciveti. E. J. NAOLE, CANADYAN< SFVING MAMÂcr~uE STÀALiaaura-, - 26.5 Notre Dine Street, Montreai, (0. E. Factory ovet. $ICIcy &JIU]t'sgrrrl uru, BlEGS te ainounce te hie nunierorîs Irtuntis and cuatorn'ers tisat-hois, now. carryng onhua extenmsve businress ~oi: CARýRiÂGE u-MAK1N-G, IN ALL vrs BitAl\cHt$, On tlfe proes h eretoforo occuipied by Mr. N. RAY, on iSTar> Street, betiveen Byrfou and Brock Streets, wisere seý is prepared, as iierctuorc, to execute ail orders intrustcd to isa io C4MUI.AGES, iJGGIES, 'SLIGIIS,-CTTTERS, &Col Ur Etnuufaeta d fiau d iiut- the Lowest rcmunerating Pxuces. À LL WOBK, WARRANTED, L U.Bb1? and PBJ'OD UCE TA KEYK LiEXCIIA32TGE t JLIJ?-KE T PRIUE&, D., FORD'S -lonig êxp 1eriei1 ettilrty' ->earg iitise principal Maiufactories ef lii. States aud Canada isas givuinj )aît expcrierîce iiv -very brandisof -tise.- busilless which few have been able te, arrive at,ard fur bcauty ofdeàîgis, elegirire offnet fl ul l4tyl, and soliity of workinanship;-bfis work cainot ho oxcelled. - ~ ~ ~ tàCàll aird soc .'pecimetiîr. - Wisitb'y, AnguLat 16, 859. -42 TYURTIIER ARRIVA.,LS o0F Junet reeelvd1,by die Undera1gneëd.' Anal iMeeting ofthie stocklmolders, RE OVAL. - tiepaea citueshtlo d, 8itIthbirynext, ~*y ~g a - for tise electing Di'5or u officersfor »the ensuing yesr. a xoroved)mla sto k o Du~Pai»&.tO >oddfhPrsuf, No. 1~ Con ezoiaIBil-JOHN. WATfSON, - ý~ Brock8trj-pppottenewBiela BIO-v- Morry, MerrY. Chismas!1 tJASmet penç a gotiaýruirtmicstof Gro- Teas, gari, Cofle, 'ocoa &ldl, Chi- cong* Powder, -Bunsch - and Sultana Raising,, Cuei'ts, Citron anud Lem P*elPla - ,ring Extr aci, z e ;.,.Mua#tard, Tobacùoa, 4c., 4*c. Tisree grose of FAI4CY PIPES.' Wlhitby, Doc. 15, 1859à 48w. J I~E] j lt 4m- I.

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