Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jan 1860, p. 2

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bePoWs iilm. AIs NW ewYrklc tempevr>y SUll biervil weflad tii. victimo f tuas 4alamity not ouI>' brnised, and ba4t*rod, ,od maimed, and crushed; b ut wasted, 4Wsded, and amethered aliie, and bb itc'2sa. W. heu etpeople backing and b.wing tiasir oe atbrot te escape. th.hr szilery, i ela .of & destroing Ire, or a frlendly oeea 1+ wbioh te plonge ,Sud 1>' ploture bhm net siokouiaed udsocked >taimiaity h1 a geaeratien. £- large iw., portion ef the IiI'ý,d u vuaded âre 7oung girls, many> of theus boe the chiai support oft teir parento.. »rP 0 b.ist of *narnes pubiished, tvo-tbir.h of vWhieh &p- pear te ho Irish, W e are aloomd pltl li avare thabt or owa peor eountrymnen, aud contrywooee Whobo ave ougbt the 'lospitable siiores of Armeries te obtaja aa livig by iadustrlons libot, ferm thé great. est proportion of the sufferors. Wbat a spectacle et indicrlbble auguthan d heart4leckeuing ~ga' must the terrible sas bave preseat.d? The horror.sfriok. en nfriend4 eoftthe devoted oreaureobiiged to stand round tIre vust fanerai re, sud' lieno ta the Mgonizing groinsi et the_,dy. ing, unable teý afford tbom relief or sceor 1 W. prýàent ihe following details of the 'thec Pemburton Mill$ where the accident oeeurred, la aituated on the. right gicle of Canal street, near the lover end, on the opposite iide etf the canal. It was Ire . tories, 280 feet, long b>' 10 (cet wide, witb an L 415 (set square ou the vest ide. t ran- 2,7100 épindies sud 960 operatives vere employed. h vwas not ver>' îboroughly conatrueted, accerding te the statoments of Duîidbr»ý architecta aud othere, Who sa>' tiret the>" baï no confidence.i0 te durahil- iL>' er the stiueture,, flEacaiPfw0 orW5 Of»ilPt.»I TIi -,building tul-the. different parts aluiosti imiltaneaui>-ai lire minutes bu- tore 6 eoclock. A portion efthtie opera. tives Lad Ieft, but it is probable tbat about six huadred <tse minimum cýation) vers lu the building ai the lino. The report tai lbe explosion ofthie bouler csnsed the faîl is incorrect. Thte boilernli net locaied in. lte-imn-'building, sud it toîl as neani>' as -1 eau earu t ram incre ekncss of the vsilis sud tudr -ina- bLuit>' te support the stimcture itielf sudtce veigiti sund constant jar ai the machiner>' witiiulasd net fromfany sadden abock ou- pregsare bnougitt upén it. *Thé building suemed ta ci-amble fIrst near the o"eud, sud feula ntevards the eamtî beiug presued lu that direction b>'lte worksbops, cltmmney te., on the wmat aide. Ihe L remsiued standing for' an heur or twre,. md a portion or it ta still ptp, but lu au ,instantteç main building vas lyiug a houp aio fragments, and the. soi-camiansd gi-auna-ai the woundcd could' e Lourd ta- suing tram- îhe raine.» STATEMENT OlP' ONDOYTM VSM#àlWga. Jbhnt Wai-d, anc ef turpenatires lu the, -curlug roem, luntesecond star>', vas mi. rgculousi>' svud vitb bis viie, vite vork- ed usai- hlm iu thé saine i-ca. I gir. bis description in bis ovu vendu: "I as lu the. camding rea it the second 'ovcr-seer.ligibting up. IL iras ire or ton minutes iefore 'S o'clock, sund vu bad) geL -but (air bai-ers iigitted. Sudden- 1>' Iýbcsid a noise-lt souuded like a bond, tlumdeniug ci-shit veu- my hb pad, lodoka- - hg I :av lime sitsiting eeining clown ýpjueal ven thu roam. I conld net mccemmt forn h, sud vus leri-ified. I stood nailedle tte spot, sud did net secintoe bave paver te mare, altitongi I knev the building vas coming an me. Thon I liesdi t.he avenseer abeut, sud I tried te, jaunn-onttef the rubbisi taisomntiig ati-uck me, sud I vasutti-ra sensisas. "I did n'-reuslu su long, but viten P eîîmno totI ieuudt- uself buriedlanlte xuhbisb, sund did'ut expeci le gel eut alivu. Il wos ail covred aven wititi blood, fi-ou woundh' ou' lthe -face. 'Ifinall>r ravlud ap, snd gelte othe tep, sYfud cndisno et raina .kaugiug oarmae, vbîcli ted 1k. e tiave taken'my> lite. But I sueeded lu getîiug ont. I passed by a<1usd gil-iou my va>', aud tiro ailier mngIed bodies an My va>' ont. Wbin 1 vas i-st hnocked dovu, I ~LbéneaLh a large gminding atone, wibci vis tee heavy>' give va>' te tLe vuigiti abuve, sud tii'-saved ni> life. Whou I (<Inuder thére, 1I awirthe valîs over umc ajl failing sud te belor giving vs>' sU aâround me." t - UxTRUmQÂvON Or THE BODIES. \Tthenova qfthledisiaster vweut liku an ulotrie shock r er .ciL>', sud peuple ootmeied unu al.so.The Wasli- igIes Miii:, near by, vie s ntirel>' désert,1 &ad udathérs la Lhe oit>' poursd forth'lu *etsd troaga.Those ou the Street -rnshed to lte Place, stores 'vers duserted, lieuses left uuprotece.dasd ahineut the 1ýl4b. pepulatioua gathéred aroad *0i Tue.. wto coutld vorh pie bndus udi euded by4u, lii. t4 yst"ders W" s.bW te afford tliemany réeLf A f.v imgr"bodhes jrere gge ,'oUt' but only a fev ater tlw. '.Oamu b&4 begun itb rage. The o, o >the anferers caused. iadecribable,mgulsbin»ti.be arts et alt «roug4d, sud tethonM ver. a4ded <t'haamtiç appeisoft-Som@ vIle kuev, eoy 'tere gaz ing on the. funerai pilfe trelatves'àýd frieùdaP, te viboMnso spicoi-wvasPos- aible. Aun -alam'ur s ý,sounded, thée- e pi-empli>' mamned 'thé maiýchinée sd'nadel uvrr> effort ts.extingnish th4e dames. Bât the ceptous.titéasos.ot vater dssbiug.oee tbe liuisig rins'cold4 oui>' prolong tue' miseries eft those benesili Thougb ' Con- lned ithinsolidnick alu msistance; Laoa#rly reaciia, tbem 4hen the ire Lus e ouewl of tb4use portons vws belped te a gios.e of'vwatiby parties who vere endmavrtn e*uà. thoe.' "She mid that near ber, separated qui>'b>' iuigle biains, vers six mnu unjured, Aise, Lb.' e- esaH censarnedin the dames, vhilb spr-esd vitli gieatrapidit>'Hew minu vçe thus bumuedy, there-,is ne data for esti- nîating. A porion. vhe irams at the fie (roui its ieginning, i$eecame cog4zant et tliree parties of indtvidnails-frou'four te six in numhem--vio 'thus perisbud. Previens tejthé fire,, *wo sistens vers te.- gether sud cempanatirel>' nnhart. The>' would have he rescued. Heang thei rear o;et.9 ' ames tue>'exciaimed "oh God 1 vs have geLta 'c -ie."1 Another veman sbriekcd ont pitoousi>' that thte fine was burning ber Lair, but tLe dames seen after silenced ber. -Ltj! as aready bes stated previensl>', tie uenu ct bis lb-eu t lest lié -sbeuld- bu bun-ed surve. Mr. Bramwh told bis Mi-ende that ho îiîeuld ruaomt te tthe saine eanus te escape tilre torture» of the fire.- Rue vas persuaded te desiét, and fortuste- 1>' visR escued. Tbe swful dcstb et vli'ch sc'm <ied b>' the fine vas feurtull>' stteated b>' their bakcd and 'blsckencd forums vhcu takeon oui-net in uuytbiug like tbose ai humnan beings. Amoîg tse inu>'painful incidents ot titis dreadial nigbý'i t th foiiowing; relu. tad.by oeeof îhe' fine engineers. Wben Lte Ire vas bogirsniug ter"agensd boioi-c ut Lad @iifled the cies sud gi-assof those iu-the raina, be, vitit' otitems, toi-ccd bis va>' Agalusti <bu moke and flamnee tu-y sud rescue tsesfaithose irbose veices -ie ceaîd hear. Snddeniy bu esngitt a giimpae ai <ree p.raons, impaiqoued b>'a u nnihý"juti. tion-wv enouasd s voman. He oven cagioeefethie minub>'the baud, sud heped ta di-air hm ont, bat tite crackliug ai thete lies amoand hum, sud ttcevsu-niug 'voice of o!neffi con impullcd him i-luctantiy' -le tg esal,'ud ýb,'a îtmmol>'reli-ct te save 'bis eva lite. Neiliier et the tlînee per-. sens 'apPeaxed injarcd Sté4n4eMs raeltal>' roasted aliv. As às reifté tbis,"saddcniug narrative ns>' ho mcmiioued lIhé tertunate escape ai one efthie fernale eperatires b>' a cooluess vniait did ber in6iîit credit. Site wrusin the. fifth- star; --Wii-a Part of lte building, viten, hsvt»g ;hni a ànoment'a varuiug of lte (al oftue building,.asesprng le lte elevator. She claaped i-ml>' Laid oaioe ofilte beisting i-opes sud ,lid rapidl>' sud safel>' demn ita lemîgtit, through five atonies, emer- ging fi-oui thte building just in soaeen ta escape destruction.' Her* naine ta Olive Bridges, sud te halls frein Calais, Me. Througb ltevitale nigit te vas aitlte CiL>' Hall, posaiug like an angel et mure>' amoug tle coucites af tLe pnfi'erers, antici- patiug ecry a>nat, î-lieviug pain testam' as ste vas abl. to do so, sud bueating vards et c'onsolation sud camiort toe '.Wunuded and dying.7 AmÉong te minerons ieeorded' cases af saffctiug, iL ts>' net be amussa toenution eue et a different chai-acter. Inuoeeof. the. boardiughiooaes, opposite te the mills, a tamnil>- vae coll ected, mounuingý the loas et a lady vite vonked in lte ailîs,, -irLn ste maeeber appearauce sboutiuig, 'i arn alivet' Stew, au btii'lighLly iui-d. Singular ta relate, it vas canu-outi>' i- parted sud generaîl>' believed, ibat amin was rescucd frmeinîm rina ai Il o'cleck titis forniaoen, oui>' slgitl>' injam'ed. If tigi veresos, iL vas s malt miracalous pro- servaton. Margaret Hamilton, sged 14 ycars. Tihis vas her i-st'da>"s venr in'lte Fn- bei-Ion Milsa. SIc commenced vork !,àIt spoelin migcn..A devoed mother stua- de ber, sud vb.n askeà wvhatinjuries lieer daughtur liil thceived) , "Hur an l,o ,i-e. ke sud hem'head ta, Iproken, sud oh,ns>' (lad I <and bers tube peer voman bai-st i;to'a flOOdot tsars),ns>'poor,--darlag ,is aUbuoken." The. üüfortùnt-SM.died tody Théenamu ofethr mothér ta Mis. Mary Aun Hamilton. The dsngbter vasJ flametiwept iarouud- theM_. I e vas .con- fiaed andleonld Itot àeist tliere Aut heat o etimlm, Ie iaý to e . elthuhiboàible desth aeenied luevitabis. HRe vas, able te Inore oûe baud sud drav bis baffe, .ayiuig lie would, commit suicide rather tbaa u ir te deiath.' litaresuJ~~reià Ml, but ,lv'opeof aid gave oulïan'dbe ' drev thé:knifeaidsa 'hi&tbroat. Sôopi afler 'tIýsy acceeded i rernovingbhlm aýd is, sae1f. indictý4 und vas fopnd ntte hi dangerous, buthe- b.d aureréd #aeeete naljiewchr- dere Warecoer> Imossibe H a taken to tho,Çit>' H4lj, sudexpired shorti>', feom the offea tsh, einjuriés a.ecived b1y mia fail, àsud htaufferinjks" while immur - Beueath thei iane s" ufferers 'could be seen 'and çcenversed.witb, sndý'dnrnksansd reeamentý,.i noisn ,vr oa ,çd te them. Wben lb. fire :apread over the -ruinean sd they, taund1 escape hopelesa, 4they. bld adieutothe ifiends sudilasever-' ainstances gave directions as te vbat dia. Position should bi m ace et their effecto. Ia eue part of the building a hole vas battered througb the walli sud through it conld be accu thre.e young women who said the>' vere net at aill injured. One of them, tbrust lier armf throngb the aî aperture, that had, been macle, aud begged te hi drawn through it, but beore the aiperture could hi madle large euougb. for -the pur.ý poae, the dlames drove awa>' the mon on tIre otgide, and the prisoners perished. Whule tha sareh ta atill, going on, an i nqust ta heing proceeded vith 'outhec bod- ieareceovered, before Dr. William Lamb, Coroner, where the testimon>' taken wil more (nlly devolopes the immediste cause, et the painfully aad event. Committeos have been formed, sud s large fond bas already been rsised for the relie f etthe sufferers. The premises vere hbeavily insured; but it ta doubtfuî whether an>' part of the amiiount eau be collected as the le.& was noi. eccaioned by ire. Sketches (roms the Lite of a Villaîs. AN UNY3ITTEN CÉAI'TE IN 1 EDWIN W. BsED's HISTORY. (Foin the Iisrtfard Timon, January 5.) The full histor>' of Edwin W. Reed's rascalities bas nover been written, and propose bore ta suppi>' me a chaptor that will throw more ligbt on the real charseter ai this accomplished seducer Most plausible rogue. We derive the fdta from suthentie sourees. It is a fact nat geneali>' known tiîat bis vite, who lives at West Springfield, is not bis Sig-wifé,, but a womnu with whom Reed many years ugo eloped, leaving his wife ta db ie negleet sud bisa- children ta <Le chances of the world. Roed married wheu ho vas very young. Hias vue vas a young lady of Wilbrabam, Massacbnsetts, and by bier be hiad thi-ce chldreîi; ane of tliem is now a young vamran marited, sud a resident o'f NewHaven; the other tva At what time lie married ber, dees net seem quite certain ; but sbe is ot very re- spectable connectionis in Wilbrahanî, sud bore te Leed three ebiîdren. Reed lia occasioned ne little scandalinl towns wbere lie lad classes in jrnusic. Ro bas bad the reputaýtion of being s regular "l1ady kiler" A!nd al ver>' great hypocrite, nsing bis profession.ai religeen'ùsa a.nask te, favor hi vile purpeses. Hie manuer, vas ver>' ira nk sud huart>', sud hé carried sncb an air et earuestnesý honeat>' sud goed nature, that be deceaved meu sud vemen alike sas te isereal chai-acter. He wouid shako bands withlal finod in.se eat sudwhole-seuîed a mannery and 4ppeared se fou of freali, ever- brimming.4"humas" good feeling, au- tte -dhaarm aIl suspicion sud -via boits, et fis-iakong'tho moat iafne n d«cÈseset oceL ' 1. -~WtiiDdoa saîg 'tr,,- misa Laurs 1eadaI1, d4atq edsuspicion ho. gan.to fastes upon u bc'enitona air et lnjni :innocence au - cOntfived teO Put clown suspicion) ln moat Case. Al f4potect6tetbç prein o=cpM'a DT a iother, f Reed'a à pieture-s. agood 1ooking~ Irih girl, wW , wao 1hero il ;ving vWitbbeýhr bébe, théiidèénceofbher.bm udEe' gui!ty arts. Finding boy tuioga eee kw. Kendlall told the,girIý,-tliat leed thefi hada gfiic livîl, é tô ýrýfed-but eistut' n o beleévé a,W'-rdeoftbis,.. )fr. KýJàafr he toldI ber, tIet 'bis: ovn riait te Beuth Boston Wvas te recovér 811 that is mortil1 Cf lbis eva stater, ýthat zmzoment lying sa cerpae in, thtneigfiborlioed, andb- ad been as she (the Irish gilwas a victiMan et Reed's debauche ls~Thle.pooriI s completel>' overcome b>' this revelaIsion et berý aèducer',o g4ijtsud 1lier -ovu d,4ona The litti, danybter ot Lu .Kedall1 .iîov about fourJyoas old, yl .prohabi>' be Ïdopted itaafamil>'lvngtiTariffville near Granby, friends et the little gi-l's mother. Reed'a mari-eddaughter. iu New Haven seems stùl 'te lolve "ber (athér, asud ing te hum vith,âl1 fîlal affection, li spite eoftthe rèeoîtions.of bis vrong doing. Àwaierfall Six Tinses the Deptb ef <Fronem tiaiW io'Calcutta Correspondent) Did an>uy our readers ever bear et the Gairseppa Falls, near Honore? If net, tue>' vili probabl>' read s description vhich bas just sppoured, witli some ploas- ure. it ta curieuâ that a fali s ix times tbe d4epth of Niagara sbonîd reunain almot un- knovu. Promn the village ai Guirsoppa, reached b>' a diveç of the spme naine, the vwrtter was caried ter tlWeive miles up the àali '0 ch Pis; ana reacbed the Falls Bun- galow about tbre'and a-bulf heurs aiter lesving tbe top et the Psu;- ilAn amphi theatre ef waads, sud a river about 500 yards vide, rushiug and boiling te a certain point vherc it is leat in perpetuai mint, and in anu ucensing deail- euiug- rear, muât firat ho imagiued. Leav- ing the Bungalow on the Madras aide of tbe River, sud descqgqcing te a position be- 1ev the river lord yan work yanr wsy up carefuli>' sud tedionsl>' over ilipper ' rocks, until you reacli a point, wbere a rock about tvice the size af a mau's body jute ont over a precipice. Resting flat upan this rock and îooktng over 1t, you seon di,' rectl>' before yen tv? efthtle four principal' Falls; these twa are called the "Greatý Pull" sud 1"The Racket." The onu cou- tains a large body of vater, thecmin abody of the Riv~er, perba1is 50 yards ucross, vhich tilla rnnssively.'uud spparently slug. glabl>' into the chusm below ; und the other coutâius -a small Lbdy oai-vaterl, whic]a. shoots eut in successive sprays aveu succ ées- sive points of,%rocks, tilI it flsa into thé same ehasm. This cbasm la ut Inuit 990 feet in depth, siix turnes the deptb of ~ig ara, tallg, wliieb'are about. 160 feetl,. sud- perbapa a quarter, ai a mile in iidtli.- These are the firt twe talla ta be visited. Thon move a little belov:ý your i-st posi- tion, and you will observeii-st a turgid hoiliug hbody et greator volume than the Racket Faîl, running und atreaming davu into the saine cbasm,-this is the third (al yenr vieviug place; iL vili be several sec- onds befoi'e >yen even- loge sîght of the pièce eor k, snd thon even it vili mit bave reachcd the vater ut the foot etf ùIÂ obasi, iL vili ouI>' have béen lest ta Lu- in sigt; or vutch the blue pigeons, vbeeling sud ceu-dinglu sudieut the Gi-est Psul within the chasm,,asud looking, like sparýrova lu inse ini the deptbs hineath yen. But yen have yct ouI>' seen oe, n i, s - that net pçr4ips, te lo,est,-andj>t:leat not the malt cemprebens-ive viue otle fulls. Yen must proceed tvo miles np the rver a7toya l talla is adcrýois -r a fi~ where ah. vaters" a t89.-oti aglassi sud Ûlu,,iàh Îosa ollandei,-sud preceed teý tI. yoaideéetthe alla, evakig ftt teo ' Pont wbere>' oa vilI se thelsal ata gance-0 u too eof- in a nab a yen e euttufot et tese e be 4renh-ý edýby lÏ pisdetndb>' thnois andï sire strnc k b>' thegiandeuîr 0f. tué SOpee aud -bytiie., #iible prusene.eoft tueCreiter aud brillant bacs vhlch s$n" tepi Oto the ebssm." VATOWiA cou=. - -Fi-se Mios Iluii, Victonla-Bui1dinas,<rpék raeLoge xNa 130 scond 'ie ay ini A. ~ ~ dà Ili re,8crtTy" ,mît, tSpray1. sif , ioté, 1~i~WT. me a inthe ôO m lii, L.~ ~ ~~~~~h t> ?a T9 mdt t~iiGtélie jItol, ýI3foek1in, the tiist !ifaiau eyv1nmîlî. x t. . L. No,' 6;m t f md'tIel Pn1lsiu'a Oréoeý, ouit1ilait T hmirddy itl!very, ueth. W J nniàg, e e ey . 90e1s I[sIlweduescly oveuius B. A. 0. 0oued Teuiplîrts,-, stGiiW. al :Wcduegday-evenil*gsq.- Uacid TomplgtiraSollàTal, Tucsau>' svntnfXe BMIT J. PENTLAiiD. coi-n (P Rrou sud'Mary Streot'1 'lck 'I.,sid eceoep.ni 'ConR,rgntional Chiuah,'ec>oer ef )3yroim sud-l Mary Stiocta. l'o'claek, n. nm;, sudfip. i.' WesteyaiiMtiet (litimr(clicerner of Contre snd iNarY ittcetWp, 10 30 a'clock, a. nî, sud' G 'clock, P.M Unw Presb<ytrian Cimrch, meclïin Iesn-L clcp. in, RE1Vý B. Il. TIIORNT>T'. Ba;,tist Church, 3 o'elock p.mn, cvery Sun- day. EV. H., LLOYD. w-".zr.Sterings Book o!- Salu &kept here astusztat Day. ippointed, and termga made at the offre of t/de paper. Awution ordleraâ received, and arrangeents made fo>r other Coun$ Azictioneers Sales. W- Anction BUISz prlnted ln tbe best style nt farther redmceed priceti. 0.rrrP<arties. rourng t/udr bille at th-id office u'ill have thieir ,&1e8 notecl uzi(ler the proper Iead, fres otcharge in ail te issu(es qf the Jjrcdlcly and .New Advertisements tbiS DaY. L . terary Prizes -W. [le ligtin-.. V 'lie Loridon Pree P-esg.% qGrand Trurik Railway' lIotcl-Jaseplijl Balsamuof wildilherry. #urnett's Toilet Preparationts. 'Reading liPoom -W, Il. Hi ggins. V WIth li if prInted wrds, great thoUgts and uni IrIng n d Mywc sdvqe e ae, Frogr6 nowledge, Bro h. *WibTliUîsdaY. January 19, 1860. Prciace to Vol. IV. The fourth volume ofthe JVkitln C1r0ný- iclc commences this week;- and with it. fresh life, and . dditionl vigor - will be found to pervade the columns of the paper. '[lie hopeful aspirations in whlch wve were led to indtulge i1.commexýng.the publica- tion of the eemi- IVeeliy, have bcen more than realir.ed. The Semni- Weekly, like the weekly C'hronirle, bas grown to be an "in stitution' of the County of .Oistario.. laI desiing ta tender okirbest ackonwledge- mente taour triends and patrons for the vçiry h beral measure ai -,support extended to our efforts, no botter incans have sug- géste d* thenîselves to us than tiiose of eX_ pending a portionofl a our profitp, in encouraging, the, literar>' tastes --of the youtb afi he County of Ontaro.- With this purpose we offeij the premiumu for the best Essaye and 'Anth:ems on the subjects,,sujvertised clsewhere. It je Our intention to offer similar premiumsbui îto a far larger amouint, anfllally, for Essayaý on popular subjects, of which due notice d eanues Lae" We are quite of one mind witb onr allé and wirtb-moving correspondent "on" that there is nothing stirring either to make a lettei,-r t6ram'n4laticle. Theconventi.on buas forded ita dTué share of "1faný" or local sud very, 4ninute "lTellW" and-, abtdi"have'Ïfired at their àaùi.taligets, sand gone wide,of: the mark; uP~wa*r g q lch i- iooked forproofeof taetand fenergyi i -ài ?ecel y fame, postal arnee~s-~ wipo COui alf fdrù', hor"àtôicomi gs. O'0«ü. wa buildings, .-,iactully' commeneîng, Mr. Clata czepepte4,bome,, (we 4io êwith some.good news as tu, the Tntercolgnial1 our domestic paper -carrying naiibee) aIl that can be desired,_roenîjoý on, tbein- tbe re m c,Ï waÏiy4et Mfit8Of onr ~ îe _liq'ée t t13 fnmintin aparaux~preicaim-e, ' iheamin ti5u0 W tb 0n n1nt bý "the gooee-meuth!y 1«IiÉ ufil at lil eventé. j1o bh<éure1ohla&.pjtégheil b "squattrs.'L -- ln àed , i jatanmUat' b o 'he14 to e b.,Galfdeis 1 lkt"J# -. 7 4 ,To' 1Éa4é'-gathéred uin. at<'mont, e0 ar-cars -duet*'GoverànléoIt; te aedu étthis,; yithaa go d-ticàdgilet sd or batawoo,,as not to -have seriesyfjre aMY>; té bave-done this: tluà, ta scerningly 1 bàth gaR and _ jrerwood., Illunder- ol- 1c6WO blunder. , lrtbdte (r.fom tb' cr~ilocuklng Wheh the I.Leacrsi-o. cutçiy - n0lctà 'n (bat éei-Y fj2 rài1ve qdestiou et fiancde, reccutly ventil;ted;- 66pinfoaticis" orily are-vi'ibleï, in satdit Well,'letu sle iL need' iet ècame ta that â rneaeis, o o nt tb 'lieve thst O f setcominon ceuse are br enkiugin- Ere thi's, ie disfcovýeryintt , l:c pretLy plain1.y;rade <it au- ssibjl)e peoplode îioËt, and will net "Catton" go lit orittionis, 'plitfaims, and rash impur sivene-s, fiind nO cbainur bibitw a d a f- fections, they jrova bis eu-n ciecouufittirc, t bc> ber ton vi.sibly iuliprinted ? ilvietion 1 ai wrsth, malice 1anîd unfairness. Pople1 cannot tuai-cIi witlu lim. -lie anly -Icadia bis tellowrnsLa thee "j illory." Ris cru-ais bave been se of>y' and ide frequenitly ex- P osed, 'thiut iîfl>inteuest whict iany bave, attached te bisvaunits, lias vsinisbed. It091 tirne ta make ne more mistukos, if itis timne ta cesse staruning after mgic eflects. lie ewes it to the country, sud to bis own i-e- putatian. Let bim study "'finance' witb sonie respect for the science. These i-e- marks ina>' secin, rough in fimsbîon, but1 they are not numfriendly. We ackunowledge the quîality of tlie ruw-uterinl; and shall be'glùd ta firîd it puuîied' (roui orig- il drasa, and wai-ked sip inta eon1etliing. uat ouI>' usefîul, but ultimateli- ornamnctul. *Latin.L for Goose; th is for ihe Y. S. sé pijots. WVhitbY Township Ceunicif. Bi-aokltne,,Jan. l6,ý 1859. The foiiawing, gentlemen' hàviiýg taken the dc claration et office took theirj seats as Conuciliors: Robert Canipeli, Roboert Rat- cliffel,Wm. White, Wmi Nichols, sud James Alo nd. The Council than procceded te eleet the Reee and De1îuty Reeve b>' ballot. Mr. Cap7 .aaeeeodlie ansd Mr. White, Deput>îRy ré The erve laYing tak.e n Iiis th followiug cormmùnleatio a 'ereread, vis. Prom W lsoü 1Pattcraon sud l3euty, in i-cfeu-once. tô the witfth orporation vsi. Harrison saxdFli'nt. Prom t4u ..L.'PXcein referencete îthe surve>' iu-'tbe th Con4. ,,of tiis ýT6vuiship, aiea the etitions ai Hiram Cam»pbell u-nd sud A. Sý Cânipheile-, b e appohî*4 te the office ai"Aéseusor. A By-Iw av a thon iutroduced and, paesà~ appoiuting Fèë IHé t-'.lihud-Jno. Lant Andilors, aise s ily-lsw te fiat smalaries ai -the Assesor and leci- -'- On motion -ôt-Mti..Rujcif îLhe Reeve vwu instnucted la enter it an arranoyement wit R. T. Hur-isan 'and Joltn'Fliut'as te. <Lq amonakdns ibis 'Corporation jw au4î e, thte Collecter, ai tie Tovnsbip af wblîbu-, for îLe'year 18.57-, sud aIse -for py îe th atsue-ai-ra ngem ent bhig sult jet t thie appravual, of thte Couucii. -Onm nio et i-. tie, lteClerk vas sûtherized ta*sell lte Librar>' Cases t't are nattan use b>' tLe Corpoain On muooatMr . White,>lteReeve, mss îuanaced a iele'se îe sai-etier etf-iheCal. leclor et rate fer <Le'yeui- 1859- Thte Couneil, thon,, aL4Uoarne5l te muet ami.Wts lus od> i.Pbruaryy nexi ut 10 a'cblël .m.I Pickering, Towmnship Ceuncil. Pickeulug, ,7thJan..8O~, -The. meumberso lh uie'- où ue ai the'Co - r4tioa of iekçr'i4, ld <Leir îraîmuetug-s lie Tvmi ~U-aI Bi-ougl1. amen)Dlion *0- 1 6hinstant, sd ud afi lui. deolsostoý,f'qualiÈcati, u e offie bemB . Birreli,-FO4q, J' .1.,and1 ergunizeg',yeliêing T=ManP.-w tei Relrvé,'aid: J'ose ph . ? Wii. on f ii tMr'. 'Cbapuistis B>l-. wiv vasii- suýe ùd posed'sppeinting DaM -t ditora-.wO &500 ' f s f, re the naumofo are conspicuei xpertirhable bai ,,quest ' on 'beiuî 'Wvr er~enlti-eIyigiçàmdt. a .Novj,,it lis-y e à ovu that.Mi-. Keeferiorreyedýthe ïRiver fromn Point St. 'Chai-les ici-ose . vith the ,view et asceriaining Ilie-pracabiity Of coustruettng . a;brtdge, sud thatý-in epposi. Uito t tueopinion ofasceicbrated Aniericin engincer,; wLo lied madle a iilAirvey... butqui. psot~cble. Ê'iwthierf-he iud lated the p= ,of' seetthe,'briýg-i wibi' iew yards-os the proper eue, madle plans sudf specificati6ns, sud rcsented, aioag vith bis report,:an engi-aviîg ai tLe via- duel, as il vauid. appear irben Sinisbed, and von>' mudi 'as it appoars novw. Tfiat- hie labours vers ,deemed meritetiausI re have the acknowledgý,ement et Mu-. Stophen. sou himef, vite stated 50 viiththlie frauk- nosa nsnal ta gi-estmni&ndsd, I hilieve, the grand Truuk bonght the pI" ns, m paid -han<lsomely . too- <Lm. .These ber- ing9 tacts, it is mieL te b. wondei-cd 1ai.- 'that Mi-. Keefer sLould desiic Lis naine te ho associsted wyuL the gi-cubai engneeringp achievcmcîin luthe iworld, sud Ibat b. slianîd feel agrieved at the attempt, macle ta defrand bini et al houai- In cannectien vit i t. No oe ednics <Lut Messrs. Ste. pheuison aînd Rosa descu-ve gi-eut pi-aise, sud, la my> opinion, it vauîd in ne, vise impair thei- fume, ta <Lare it wiîb Mu-. Keufer.- There vus a ruina- ii -tavu yeatcrdiy that I'urliamenî vouid open about tLe lGth pro xiuau, vbh,1Ithink, -ia te date 1La. signed for ihe gueit ovent saine cca agoýe but I suppose titis wilIi-en>' mucli deçcad upen the tume Wben tLe absent Miiniatura,'ý Mesars Galt and, Smnii, viii hi at iteir posta.,'They ieCrbath expected wtunti muonitsund if ttc>' do came te b.ad. tt- s0euI <La it t e 8mu-pied te lEnd thé taiking appaýratus lu full blet sfa tth aftcrads. The Opposition Ibreaten gi-etOtàniI am tld,.aund umomig tbers the permanent ,,%kat af meeni lapremised aiçothei lte> eà auyis',but Il don't, tlink if tas tramp, Iteetongi t îe>',might détacli a feu' ILover Canada iôtes, thu>' vonld certain!>' lose several ii Centual Canada, sud <Leet fooýt vonld probabl>' be te, gire te Govern- ment a dual- ,uloiît-. b .!g, etfal- otliers, îLe UjPÈerý Canada malcontentsuis dread. 4y, titheval>'1 Choie fa sônretalIroet clssa. ts U inam eIie is Roman Catkoir îsuppo!rters tMr Bf va, veit fseu ai- beginntug 'torI bodisguseed at Iii feul pla>' Of the Griti in qpeme eft îe Wcsters.ý munieipalitiei. And.,ne- voder, -for theY- canat but -ho avare, t <Lothir mon, Pper- sistent sud ïii'or-ousféeï ai-é the 1Scotch G;iis, -ho, thagh rupressug <Li pii for'puraii-O ' , ZP'- cy, a re to let il .overfiow.v iL se ac gi-ester'violence. aiý <Le Ii tceveulient opportanit>'. Amoes theroagiti>. sold, people than <Lhe MeGee mpn, 44ç politi.cal hlitr>' etUpper Cana- ~ îk -does na pi-osent. But let alune, Mr. Editirfori-t ' bive ndif th (riend--Brovui and -Moe--entnu.s ta .MY Pet na, <Loin vicie, Colonel u . do nt iad Lb. -paporsin giota the edi ýato' orCaea thaliatssieveuycars I t wss, on' motion, i-c member payiig,$1.25 te foetui.st da!Of April to mehue Caiadian the enrrent yeu-, and -tuat authuorased te procure cepi turisýttebe forvarded tu «cah's-ueh meinhir. Messr son,- Toroento,;'- R. L DE H.f sCubai-g; Hon der, W9odstocki and Wmn, ston'j.vere neminatud as BoardOf A » tare. Mr. Geer -Robson delegate te tttu Provincial case et thé i ubiIity -f' 18t 'Vice President te artU hà Duecotôra vere Tec the-cexi AunutaI exiîibitié -for tva duys.t jazipaliiis orthz Coz ierft.d for 1860. 1Thé follovlug are ith anve sd Deput>' Reere Muntepaliies etf the Cot 'Wariu»r TovKs.-J. Brava.' WmRsr ÎTovsm.- Wbitew Easy WwTr-J-.. Iett. PICX RIXG.-T.» F. 'W SC7Tiv.-M. Pirt. BrAC.-J. ÉWu-ib, S(,U-Oeo.-E.- W. Garni Bacr-J. H. Thonm] TRUeaa.-C. Raitinso shalJ tlere be a- Bu .- las Icou _grutfy iag. oeral goed vilvitht vicl have-'iluCommon viîii -pi-o an sd <te JaurnaIs theé Oppsition, adrocatei of à lsiikrmpi Law. .Wii tions, jpublle sentiment àf vour of a revision efth<e thé'y affect debtor and ereg e'aiety h ie' cled 1 ma>' Lave a place la tLei rr', éoald alw another « witIt9ut introdncg a bil foi is main fcsuthie Li- frein Lis obligations upen reuder ai bis estate, givin ment of his affaira, sud ag stigma oft tmnd viii net a We lied loped (rom-thi lie mmnd, sud judgiug rai" un b>'.the 1,finiseria.pi-e t tioâ -did exlsi on <Le par *m n e give this matteî t htprominencevhicb it proSperit>'ofeth<e countr>' Sdeesiveaner by the Wiut ilneDt itti-d s - e i' bai-v I "i . 2t,

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