Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jan 1860, p. 4

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ivél-o'mre the ior of àhérs 2/- - î ait the lowest living prices for Cash, or on approvd' eredit.,2 Pleasec kber 0pclýféOp*c talçen in caug.Ail work warrauuted., or.tý DONOVAN, WARE &Vo T AI p fLot No 1 u ia t nesloUx0" 9 xh bidg, éootullliSlg 100 sres. ~ -NBLI3ON 'G. REYZWOLDSt le, n *11 vinld brll'a ée mortetl Stock at Wbithy, dépt. 22, 1849. nproeedeontedly UIREftiFF'S S AL£ OP LANIf» ,;T"OS Ledei, Jouz's ý4 ii pnks, ro'ld -1< tri aIl',crncy;-,,Blinkc Bido k -Iption mnade to order, rWîed to 1,p - auîd bouýd-i aàsupo r.ehobl flokîï4 Wi-itigéîi ites,, PendIls, OenlingWax 'G PAPERS-Post, Noté, Let- ýg Fooiscap, iarIc Post, Pot writing paper,,ail sizes sudý KNG PAPERS, home rnaufuuc. Comnmereui4l, - e. T7Wràp 1ffng pppAr4-~l ZNV'ELOPES-LaIrl, Bliné,, luîf, Color. .d, &r' ail sizesta, su varfous qualities, from No, 2 to0 No. i 0. BLANJK FORNMS-.In Çiancèry,Queen'a Deneh ana Corurnon: Pîéas. Coli -ty alh' Surr'ogte Courts, lnsçolvenut Court, Dljvi- MtonCourt, (Jomrsi~, IMalrates,' Notai- tiesTowns4, Villagestind Tîownslips' Dçede, k Mortgagzs, and ail forma ralatingt4 the, SH8ERIFFS', Dalhlffi;',anud (Voîstâblaiî' --$IInkil b1 te dozeü, iuitdred, orthou. tsnd, St "oronto p'îicaia. TNKS, FLUIDS, 1NKýSTANDS, &e% I The quaxter DoýIar Paeket, 'Contilnnir 12 aliéets flîo rulcd Letter Piper, 12lihoote Note, 12 'self*scaiing Lat. ter Envelopos, l2- salf.sailini Nota Enva. lopes, 6 J.raser bullion Pains and floldar, ont ohocet of fllotting Pappr, and oua Bot. * 1e of Ink-all for a Quirtàr Dollar. TO PRINT1FRS,, AU kincla Of PTI>T . oÀu-Newo,, Job> and colored-w.old at. mreket prices, A stîll furtber IRéducLlou in ail kinds of printlng (or Cas'.- The SEMX-.WEKL ý'CilRON1CLE at $2,50 in Year. -11 gWThe WEEKr4Y CIIRONICLF,, the aeest newspaparin l Canada, nt Ono W. Il. IIIOGINS, liiïter and BlJationer. Whltby, Juiy 4, 18bo - NEW STÂTIONÂRY!1 W. H. HIOGIlS, -BE60 'te cahUîtttelitiq9n te bis large Stock oz New Statlonary, which iaéludes ail-kinds of Plutii îand Fancy - .Wrlting Papers, Xcîchtait'a lVrapping 'i Papera, flhool Dogokgslatesp Paniuichs Penui nklaiPpery lâceAlso, Law zuta. ttonoary ofeoyery description inc:îtding JRIaîk Deedo, Leasem, Mortgagesi, As- igçllmeats, Bonda,)Iteleasea, 1ilitreas ýjWYE R'S' e3L A N Quoeiu' e eiehs, Common Pleas, "hutan- çeK ur and Conty Court Forsiso. Dirasioi. Court Bilisaat Fitty' Lents pet hundraid. -Jitaglstrate's Danks.,,Notarial Bfli i o, 411 for Sale aI Toronto Pi-i.-ei, PR 1NTI NG, of iovery description, neati', cxlie. àitijeuiyp and chenply éxeactt'l. Ajt-tihe Whigby Readig Ilonotu ili be foundi ail the l>aiiy Papersîts"il 1.1é latest publictions home arl Fiorrlçuu. NEWS! NEWSI1 A LL TUELÂATEST IWME AXIJD Ft, h îî rN LNewitpa ors Rvliws, Miguizi ,e ud READING ROOM, OHRONIOLE BUILDINGS, (BrW IicÀit) Tinxs or S~riuptruos:-84 pca six; .î1 able qnurterJh$. ln advanae. I- Lawyort' uapd Mrolianta' Clérks isîu4q,.' i rst, whuse occupàttonès- prêvent tliem (roin rv - st. :1 '1thl,@ io4juu oom duitng Lb- uilu' 1 omyho ébe liarge4 ;b por iautnUin, paya lo; q1liT orly -aayuci -W.xltby, Febriury'elth, 1859-. Y FAL4 KTND% LAWYERS l;hýANX5q DiJh&lpu (Joui ltgk, &é, &e, SAT (CITY 1'MJCES. :' Clrnolé BnillIgi, Brook k.. i !fi NEW MUSIC. Jw$ reM've4 by' & t wWrsigned, ,PX 0OIÇvÂîOfj (N 8atw.dsy, tu4 Muroh, A., D. 1860, At Twelve ' Oîèoek nooni, will bé sold by Publie Àsuctfon, et M?,Offelin he our Hoà%luinthe Town eraliy possese lu thé undermeltioned lanids and teéemuents théren, sélzied by ume un. dar, sud by virtue of certain Write cf Fiers Facia; o½-!ne c tddiidct.: , . -1 inÃŽeC v of.Quîeen'r Bencjh, ~irlïsâ, 0 "dJipfi-char!, Fitch, ple1utiffi To. Peuh F. Whituey, defen. 2s! roken. Front, 1welâA chës &ion of Pickering. lIî the Court of Commua» Ple. Johuson, dafeudarut. - -, Ail thai pîtrcal or tract of land lu the~ Tonhpof ]irock, lu thé Couuty oc fO.ý tai .bing Lot nunuber Nineteen, (19) lu thé Twclfth copcesl n f théÎ's id Town. fihip of l3rock, with ail sud ingular, the tenenuestriutilereditaiucutesud- appurtmnitu-ý ces, thereutito iuaiy %vise bclonging. - Inuthbc Court of q1uecnw'sB.pçh., James Laiýg plalut;ff vs; Pitter Stotu'tn-' - urgh, -defendutt. ,', ' ' .Ail su'd singular, thait certain'pièce 'or paeiof land, IsitUataid lu thé Township of fehaforeait], and beuîîg composaid of part o!, Lot unnîber Sèeain uthei Eighth conîcession of the said Township, sud beiug ail tlîat.paît heretofore onvéyed .bv one Thomas Boden, Cg the said Peter Stoute n-, burgh, coul aiuing hrée acres, ho the semne nýore or hessu d aiea4-ailChiat, othér pièce or- parceof-land sit uetedInClue uaid ToWu-. ohip of Ileach, lîeng couxîîosed o! ,part of Lotnunibain Sevin, lu Chie Ninithu conces.' ion o! Chai said Township of! Reaeh, and known as ail the remàiuIng 'part cf onid Lot which hua not hithairto bééns oid, for taxes, or previouîmiy convoyod by John Waggoner ta ihotpî as )iniii,',whilah nu intmentionaid piete or parci nîsy ho de- s aarîui]sefollows,i -commniinn ýon front of iBid'lot, et or ýabout 'bbc distnce c'f twehve chaumesud oighty linkcs, on a coqrsei south saiventy-fotir degaies wet, fram - south eust angle of lsaid lot, auud at thé sgtnth e ast angle of land -soiçi for taxes ; theuca uorth sixtecu de5. ecs Wuvut cighîtcn cuuainuu and t*wrnty-fiiiFikstînceooth seventy.four daigreais east, ta the western- Ilinit of lapd deaided ta Thionias Martin; theuce gcduth sixteen dagreca, éast ciglît taes chains and bwainty-fhve links bo thé front of said lot; thenaie aloug thé front af thé said lot ta, thé placé of bcgiunisxg. '- - NELSON G. REYNdLS, Shicrifl"'s office, Whitby, Nov. 28, 1859 Ç Valuable Farm foi Sali, TIATîvauumble Fîîrm aonmpoeé4 Pt N. IX. oLot No. 4, ln the 4th io4iaiési*on fPlak. erluîg, Ooxitaini'ng 50 4 , About 20 îuzrais chopp(,- STla 'eaboyai Y.rq Iliste lniinheécntre oý aniexcellent whcatgtowýug locality,an ib' sibnt mlesofýýtioimprV t 'Zwu o W l1itby, - 1 I * I - Terius 'Ixideruté. Tifle indlsputabe,. Apliation to bo'êne o è, 4ILLbANe Pickerîujg0 or to i*1IOA AlIs o, for 'Bale A qunity ofgooa(. DX CT$S IAPPY AB 4BOVE. Oatobcr 8 1859 65,cin w & S lst.-100 acres South haif of La No. 10, 8rd coucesionof Wbitby, knownas part oi thé ARMSTROUNG ESTATE, OîIý_two rniles from tlue Town cf Whutby. ý 2ndl.-50' acres Sotith West quarter of Lot No. 28, 6Wh concession of DarvhingO~n about eight nie rmJouavhe 8rd.-50 acres South East quarter of Lot No. 18, llth concession of Mariposa, about D'inile (rm Lindsay. - Thé aboyé mantioned Lots ore firo't.clee Farmo, in -a bigh etate of cultivationl, good Buildings, snd rir important To wna. Will be eold reasonablai, and on favora- blé terme. .Apply to .Agntfor the Oeour. Whitby, Oct. 6, 1859. 56 TOI ML THE WORLIIe MjJEs$stlb rh avi nfafded-bualis Yogis 0njëIg rivréuouî&blc om hie. hs aIln4 -~»hpof Brock,,çon4xo#g efs J .T0Ro 4]PWEILLING HOUJSRI with ýwo Kitoh4 i ý 5tilniz-ma ndpùom md ituubd ta utoe wh $rnisbe an tq Mp4p&,-Tebl i -il - t I' lvest, înoîLzuîngDumbatop N, ALI0ise tulIng Pe~t OE CiL 10,0m, a5 7 a. i< a t GP. un. le for, d1 'bore it l0 O.m., andat7 .m. e~.Ils for Flékerluig u ubr r îaliledb-ia S lnfg train going West. )rtlkMailslai ffe dsly atair thé arrivai of raiu from Toronto, for BrooDklu, Manches-. Pr e epebRuc, iîdaev; Mouillai, Bea- m), ort oove, 'Asbburu, Epsain. Uicle Uzbligé, lo for al the-.orrespoudlng of- fls are also usadd, pptsanmime î,for-A- BroglimfB lI rîo4î, 0916 uuiqf, Th il .'UWpul . '01i Ir@dufl or deIivery, frouwtJio0 ofilai EKGdLIsH MÏAILs..Firo:u the Lit of Apil. J8.Ieboil atters-for Great Britain muit bd pré- pid, by postage tiiui'p. Leto. lened(ç urope Asluld cl hépoAt.. lDEGIGMATIONoj?, ' LETTERB.--IThe chiargai for Réglstrailn,in caddition até Ih post- aile, is li, folm, iows n auchla tter. %-. -, To uiuy plaec nÈ~ritîsJbNo id ere ,d To ariy place in the Uiitqld Stutes, (postaige mumt bce prepaiid also )ad :'ff_ý To aiy place inl Greait Brititin and Irclîandpogt.. ,go muet b. prepiuid alo) 734d ,ý,,ý; 'ro any plaîce lu théeIrtilil Cojunies or roàîes. suonssentvia E îgaid, (p t oaomt , pé age rate. s qilt h .PAltELS Up to 8 Ibn. reilit esu beienby ptÃŽnt unider regulations ilt -Sd . M lb; té be prpald by posage m reiptuad iiy b.rigiAtair No nia"Ius airai dcu:chnteî or rveivecd on Sun On~s Booksansd jurluted iuattr/air thé Uîitce states, thé Canadian lostitge u,,uit bu prqyud hý postage ai tampsq, uii ou1 suuîll iatter ri-iw Stl taiteo, ~tI.eCîîîU:î W-J1l h te colleait on dellvèrv. 'sig Ail traudnstét Kewstuuu.ers Iuîicludllg thos.> bor Etfglaid, unttha prùpiidd'hý'Poistig. Stanip' or they col) tot bc loirwuurdtd. lîwooI~lrstorCha i rtit-d Wcaiit Indics, or Newoutfflndintn b prPd bY ostaîge liii auà ¶ ou -plaiue» baiyoO dses, 2X~d eaih OFFICE O ek duM' ys, front i.. o 7 p.u W. ndý sfrotn 9 to v.n. Postage Stampi clin b. puroaiuîîwcd elt thée1>ost A. MePlHERSONq, P. M DENTIBTRY !, DENTISTRYI LJ.-.ones,3M.». Surgeon Dejîtist,d&c., R F'ITJP.iF3 hui sicurai thaiilcs tt haicitizaiis 11 ' hitby aunct viiimiiCy, for thea very lhiaivsl fetrontigeaixtéuded ta hlm inî huis profession.- i là unn'takuss leuivaitoa ucquuailuîhuis :uimcroli tech lIs aniuuLigcýi-uiitos ior Che ci aint reuuraction .p bis profcssiomin uthue TnWof' ut' W 'Tcth tnountet]ois Guld, Platina, CIuaiopli;stic MoCqi. &o. TlAith ifllad with ~"GOLD AND STJANIEIL FOIL,. aiàwith Do*oriôMxélg uxw hvption, Chai uoîî- corfosuu 1Mi eai' eémrît o- 1ltoiguld,luitnîot so A 'i ,oi'~4f ot tbx yeur u 4 rofesisiou, aimables K , 0J100 gun tae t% ispatieauîls ttjl. Chat yp im glrss)oe- il IIand-.u ni ca is - Ti T K -réaéatsucS-x Wai.4rén~ya5,s- ; -1r. Cheéc$k1heV -ad Dr. Novemiai 2th--g, u. - DENTISTRYS", DRF, . 0ý O JEROME, -' èm#pon Deutt TN returnlng thanks to bis uumeroug friand& .L and the, publie géueriihly frtml leI 0 n »voUId bée tae .ociswiauta s tate a é&W _thocýIwô'Acre dg'Artillai4Tcotx, tbtb. bigwotuîé-.M alxfor wb$cina thé 4vuloonbe~d rubbor,-'upji nWI)IUbhoéwlll i usert ailcind-i#, styles ou Teeth, IOhelaper tM«a Aua eta~sow S " b(f£o6,,,~ h9tts, iors 1Dr. O., C. JEaOMZ 4ill iîranteo ta fit thé moat difflcuit aeue wiCh Chai greaitest îreccliî 1p. * -fl f ah aprties ciii bavai. Block Teeth wlfli Uolid Gumà;,-,which ila lu. evory respfet, fur supérlor ta an y othair kiiid of work kn6wIu in uise., This work i l hIdîy approvaid cf by aul lf thé iding.Dontltgin Nowork-lAu4'ptlut CIlPeleltfea tlifoîglxot tieoUuite-d Sutp. Owlrg te, ha belîug iuîîa liglitanud of a nou-eurostive nature, su-d it 1la, îftair a tesgt or hre oarx, demed hbighér and niraiprrelortbla iogold or any other matalia plutai. »a JIRXKwold ialu t ta hboriielmd thath u rai roduced the prices whlch hortafré ereChistaiidird. lîewould r48s farther smate that hé has borin aoustxitly tuslrg thé aboyé niatnecinetnitd for maiveaul mouths pss4 t drbig-whb!ph tine lue bug put up a gréait iiiifmbro aie%'ad in ail instuuucos the béat cf ulltiofuaothon u béé apl&fEted by; theý patiente,.I -Go14 Slior ,dI*XJïiatlm Plates "Ut u uthe'Latt iStyles, Glu.por tun L'ua a a&4.Jrarrant.a. J l 11-Srgioal ôoration-A cf the T..th or Gim-s sl4iftully perfôuied., gtaJTecth rétaid wlthaut p Iu by uueasnof eleticify. Partion lar attntion glvon to tbe regtli of Cil. dreuls e6h jI,5, GmWlsd exammie peclmasaof&lawori yottetkuartdelsewhei'e, FDWW. Ytoei, . Oh Sept U, ,502 T y -s of piofltA evory,_ Ave yaimrs. Whltby, Juüné, 1859. XALTTORD», ONETcIT, :W~'PIl) P CAITAh -$200, 'îlII rainted lmmeditl Iowitlxont refereng o b lt -Compasny. RstW3ZisAed .4.'. D.1825e aad IicOrpýorat by CAPITAL_-_1,000. QO -Moitreal, Gret St. Jamxeîs 8 - Sxaz.uzr-A.Davideon p . , IsuaarNTENPING À%%; r r ectfaliy ré i;n. q *iitd aprsi hiC y's Proape. tus,~ ~ ~~~~a éhiai twh i ci tvery idvihi CliVai, consâis&tant wlth secuur1,si. ffared.whe T'he iaratem n reîn1 uuge irlaw ti Boiluso4eaih.cd bfonwm rlsouwithx th, P'rofits aih ID iy ofCl th or léuudîug PsrIcuai~tCa iis sIte ndirated tetiai eqi taliraiutatioi opted hyUis Comniy, as - WHnuul oîu gîe. .gaiut; Robert à. State Vire Insu rance Company 01;-Lon don, Lnglaad. - cHÂ5Xp.KiY) DY ACT Or iuissu ?ÀaLUMKSr. CAPITAL.,.£500,000 STERLIN. ,, ESto announce tohis nueroIuflfriends and é t fi l'i~~w Caryu onis,,oxtengive-,bpinesolot' CÀARKAGE ý1AKI1,," IN ÂItL ITS S IfÂNOHeS on the preml#enheetofore occupied :by Mr. N. RÀVý, n >- ary, Streetý, betweep l3yro and Brook Stiret, wbere-be is pr 1epared, es lieretofore,1to execuite ail ordersintrusted OrMuufactured 5nd SoI4 nt the Lowest rcmunerating :Puceoi. Ami woRK wARRA,,irD., LV W1a nd 1pgODUpTAjirNI X'LNJ a LREI 1IE 'D., FORD'S long experiénce of thirty years in the principal Manufactories of the ,stt;, and 0,0 nda bas gWen that, e ec hi avery braneh of the businesis whieh f'ew bve been able to arrive at, and« for beuty of design, clQgancp of finish, durability, Sud Oidty ot workmrnanship, bis work carunct be&excelled.' Whlty, Aguute "Cal1 and seni Speraimcuno. IDIRECT FROM TH11E 35 Boxes, and 50 Caddies -Tea. 20 Boxes Tobacco. 50 Boxes Raisins. 'o:- PROM LAKE HIURON ANDI PRES QiU ISLE. 25 Barrels Salmon Trout. 50 Barrels Wlrite Fish. W3EL~j&I 3EI3E .M IIOAUIrDT - --- 25 Barrels Round and Split Herrings. tlainiiau--The RlahC lion. Lord li e. Il B el auies M. P. 10 Barrels Labrador. Herrings. - Table Codflsh. Thé Rev, W. -P.aa. 'Peter carsaiirs',sb Johnre s-UpwAiBooh,%, 9YSTEIIS BXPECTED IN A -FEW DAY S. Th (ho.1 . , ot . .fD Jleuiry f4 clurk, %i q. dD.-FURS AND BUFFA.LO ROBES. MNiuliDaiiauS o eEsq. -7 . flhim - :îîjug, s.,M A A1so, large additions toý our Stock in ail its branches.M Peteir marri e, I, ~qMus.nnDiraeton.1 àAoi;4r.-An Miller iSr, s.S o~ We would cail the attention of the loyers of àood TEA, to our 9~. W il iminsi, Emq. aukra-Msns aixisut large stock1 as wc feel confident it caînçt be surpassed. & Couupriy ~ecetab.-m. s-îîeil Es. ~LOWES & POWELL. CANADA BRANO H Irock Street Whitby. h ~ ia. iuiui89. ,- Heaad <Jtllee,-Xunie té all, Toronto. ýý.uuseuIfon. JohnîxBoan, John Crawfordî Ee ,Q . c Boar *'er,-Cl,,ara-Win. Ma- Mlaur, Escj. ice-Chab*rma-W. P. llowlerud, E.,M. P'. P. Win. Rois, Esq., Win. lien- dclîsÃ"n, Euaq- F. W. Juirvis. Esq., Shairif, Ui. C. o! I ork sud Pael. Banl-drs -- !h, ink of Môuineal. Sa/jors -Rauo, Crawsford & Ctronihie. The cugtgéieiltx of Chié Staitai Fine Insurac Cdfmpaiîîy airé gnauruteéd by a raispoîxsibla Pro- îsnigtary. AIl Lasses- wihh hécsiCCtlaitd1roiptly witl out rteroeo Cathiai ourd lui Eng iunc. Thie businc-AiK etf hi Trnes liîuiugbeu - huisédPuhiy -ioldrs re uow gumnailiýteai-3 1y WESTER ASSORNEC A 1iTny aeli Agnt89.nAntSinaiWhI Irtcto NCORPOR t Loosdai nd CcfthaTi - CAPITAL £1001-000. -irsunCauiceféeed cn Buildings sud tChi ' aýéucqit-. Evry iforation suppled o aplloatix Cc té ud rîg iîéd . - JOH N G i4B Traveliig Agqnt, Byjroun tm'ectWhi, Brthoeniz- ireA surace Cp SooftheISEleveth rovicia P nino ierC d conaiut, aény tr siomaio spp o liîinthe Ân ,fle9.- 1;àrn nlkk forthe onsn r friP U ROBERT1 CAIMIPB ELL Baigs ta lutinuate Chat hhais ta hand his Fait & Winter Importations Which wihl bc fouud te, constat af Chai ucwcst andinuost fashianable styles lu Silk Drse, Manties, Long-felled Shawls from $4. Frenchi Merinoes, Schuniille Scarfs, Robe anud Flounced Dresses, &C., Ladies' Furs and Fur Caps, Shawls Blankets, Factory8, Carpcts, Buffalo .Robe8, &c., Broadcloths, Beavers, Doeskins, Tweeds, Cîxavoits, Ves tinge, - READY MADE CLOTHIINGI, A large stock hciug made up ou Chai pl cmlsai,-tha fit uand worhcianship cen ha é- dcpcndaid on. 1Meursu4 u 3oys' To'p ud IBody Conts. Pnnts aud Testq im every style gnd nieutemeu" lothing Xade Up to Order on the Latest Style. A F1ESI- STOCK OF GLIOCERJES JIJST RECEIYED Intenàing Purc-haseî'will do Welh to caîl beforo piiîrchasiîg elsewhere, as grcuat induaceuubsit will bai given for Cashi. xJ.-Týh toghe8l Price willbe Mýaidfor -F U1S tif Yjnk, o1 Mu4crat and (3oon. PERRYS BRICK BUIDINGS. WHITBY, OCT. 13, 1859, 'or Sale Ohoap, and un Boa- sonable Terme. oWIRBE goôd fariimsluthé Township o! V& Thorah, County o!Oubenlo, with imu- provemeiîbs cof 20 acres ou oach Lot. For aý patcln apphy ta H. J. Mapcdoli. Fo1 Whi Cy, Binisten, orn bo D. Cauueron, .aton mO - D. CAMERON. !jctber 17, 1859. 59-2in-s 40.21n-w TOLTr Jtp ëI . 1 ii tPBry' Bipk 1 On re S tret -- On. ý5IOP AND !PWELLING inou=c 44 4tlx Octt18~P POSTFONEMIENT. FAI{M FOR SALO, T IIE soutlî-lîalf ot lot No. 20, brokén. front, lu té toiwnship cf' Whltby, contaiilnrg uthout 100 ars will bai sold lu two. 104 >1 by IPublici Aucte i tMeusrs.'WekefiehdCoetes& Co's., Atîction Tqart onto, it nôon, onu Sgturday, 3auuary 7th, ý486O not 29Chî Oatobc-r 1859,as prévloausly adVer4Ised- The lot fi% about oaîîadi a-mbîlf iles front Wfitiby Station, sud Chéré are qoad fai'm huild- lug, q Il ou It. 1 ' 1 1 - 1 he particulmroansd couditton@ maybé.dt tha salai, or upn uipplléatlôlta Toreuto, Sept. 15, 18M.-,9t Whitlwflbv ev !TL9 itvîIup~.sGRAMN 41»s.w~fu'j CLARE uawum t al. lsplimul. tmex tixy qualtiaiiwi1lhc fund fl#t4,' b. ChQougltsAMi Bu a inti, uust anud iU qhumd weinM4us FisCatle, (haut, Lumnbmugo, Mereurlal Eup lti*, Piles Ruenmatisxu, liuîgworuîx. Salt Rheum, h4éahcf. Skiu Dimseas, SmeIIed %Mfinds, Sors Legs,' Sorai Breaista, Sore litadia, $ore Thuîoatl, Soies ofial -cids,$pris, StifJoinuts'Totter,T I -g~Cê.UIO5!-Nono lire geniiluio, urml9s Chai wor. i7 ui'jNe-o o aad ZoIdoa, unre dioeéruihheimi'a i4'tÏe-iii<rlk in every leulof Chai mre Miiiimpiildy, té tulwI1flit "'A oîiti 1 ý"n rewerd wil hé givL-W-, to p~y ana iiidiri ih intoniination isra léuîd ta t6e detctioui of' any îai-ty or panLiais èoüiitairfeititiu" Chaie idcus r.-'idu 0 * old ttC the' Maurutitetopry of Profoisor; Hou.uowÀr, 80. duit a f c-~a, Ncw Yonrk, ani by eilI raishectaihlo pi istsmuand Dena lu Min Chue iliurrîuughuouttlChai Uuîitai.d States uuud thé Civil- izecdwolid, iiilue t2 exaG3ciissd$ m- ;-c ilgeu sdarible smîvirug by -aI'.iuxg thelanrcr sizais. _N. B.-Di-.ctiO->i fri a me ruida:îaiaiof patients in evéu-y diiorclcr cru fixed'ta ceuitbox. 117 PIJBLISI-IEIIS' IPRICES .AT TI-l*, YANKEE NOTION STORE, 13lMOCIZ STREET, JUZST OPEN CANTON T. COIMPANY'S Naiw C- 8tO-e,-151, -Ni il -st.. E- a t, eatieSt, Lauwrenmce IHall, 'forouto.- T1IlE Coiipey, foruied for Chue importatinn or Tpure vniiiuîîhuuhertîted Teas, dire iroun the phuice ouf growtii, noix offair to the publie moulue ai Chia inost SplaiÏcdid Crop of Taiet, er sold iii Cuntd; mid ati pi-haes for C.tsh onty, that- vvill hai sure taii i ise îa ery agiieint nsby juterais- ted pertice, lin hâve bêeau sa,ýiiîug for véara Sgo- coudI Cliicýs Te-uit hieavy profit s. -Trii. inhltto, S-hShort 1roflts aid qîuîck retiîrns," will bi .itriaithy i,,hereýdîtuT hy Ctha Comîpany. Tees wlhl 110 rélt ,tiC Whutola101C'ae hPrives. Ch m;enahhjurf iii juirtîca touBUY FI-bA(4R.IANT NEW TEAS;, ait tuie Lowaist Possible Figure. Thai Comnpiny huerai beeau cumiaftiuto select, Chroughi thivir Ageuiitt ,,Cîthinu, soîuîe of those msyulerdid 'feusi, oiuly sentto taCiaiLondon sud ti bin itMarkets, se Clint couîsunairs, whuo re- înaîîubair theia iius fluivor ot Tent; seld Chaire,- !in 110o beai sipphiaid wih t C licaeting anud inhgrutumc marticles, We invitaî trial to test ausr assetions. Thét prices will spaik1 for theun- selvais, Look et Chi»' Now on cale, Five ' imadred Cthests 1 Black< pur hb . ..... JGree» per lb .... 5ctç. Good paib . 40eta.- (3OMdper lh ... 40ets. splendhd rper lb:. SOr,,50t.. ISplendiul pairlb. d..5eâ Superlor pet 11).. .. 82et.f Eînest lt. per lb.. - 7Oins. kiatil esprs.SaloolPropriétors, Cot.iitrv StoreO, sud Boerdiiîgfleuse Keepers, OBSERVE!1 .W' Forty poun4 packages, and upa m'aras, of T.,%, st4 carniage fraic, ta n aîî rt et Canada, oui raaiipt of Chia CASH Tlîasé who do îlot bny go laera sac1lantîty, Would do wel ta aluhu Cuçoether wîvLt.hcir fricuuds. I 'Sitia- faethaîi 'WarruII)ted, 1' 9 W ee nhtuiuanrticla aduhtruted ta much a Fr!ghtfiahfextaint, Chia people aro*gattiug aharm. cid. The Comp~any, 'lesirous cf offérng pure aud iiiîdiltrataid articles r-qtuCst a trial of Choir daihhiuiui TU11KEY COFP1EE, nt 25cta. and we -wihl oeuitainît réit seldom eiijoycd, Fine la Gîuavriu, 2OcCa, -1 W- ýe&.îuîmber Chié numbar, 151 KiugeSt. two doors (rom MaiLrkit squl'are, aiuîdpieàse coun- îîîhtethils new Cc your fnîcuidai. Tetotîto, Sept. 22, 18-59. 8641-Y An instrumneuL for the curei ofgeuital Debility tirNeàtirual Emisaiions, inore properly lcuom-i ais Sanu»u Wcakncgs, &c. -can -be -perinwiiitly eared in frorp 15 day,3, to -2 ynolth., by Ce ie ia of th!$isinitmaii, 1ai sdonotl t N.EW i RTt>FDFýSI ý ~AND QUICK CCIME 1)r, Amos 4- Son tiihe pleasure in. ùlinon iciDg thait th6 live invente& aLi ioýt imporaisfil) s1trulmeuît orttie eaureWofthe abc ve i4o . loi beu sljatedto ai tumtby thei xuomtuinuaucmn plîýsiclans in Londoni ' Paris JPbilaidel I eiiid Neiw York- it hlis becu eii pCùrLed tba- on n~euf î,tiuiar~L ver '-bxiýén'ted Ior the curei of $wuWanis orany isçosu< of the. gpnltal organo, aumiedjby the lsecret haibità of Dr. Ainos & Son, in or&oCr4o sBatiqp4the muts u1içptgtil u to thv. naritwof -thefs iitrumentl, Flaida tbems.elVCN thaft ;'uany.lustanco wbiîerc the riouaiy wifl bai ref'ýucLd±by raiturniug teb PLr on, neo iiu tot nbolen %vill ob'serveithmt thai ricai, wifh the ncoumpy- ing (lire iionus, socî~iiby paickcaid d eutby tir preuéP, ixton dollurst. 119WAJtE OP IM1POSITIbY.. ~r3wr fEiupiricti sud îtient OLtelf sty l'Gd t>rOfrssoruri Wh,- .týtetnpt cures but ncivcr fsuc aeeid. D>r. A moi; & Sou liumva fora long series oft years becil ciig. -gcd inun iiextaileýi--Veractice i» the ti o!,nly legally qualifled 'hyuiieaiis whoio w advairtisai iii tké Cifadin! Pr -astocuré eertaýL coun1uilixts, or froui wliom Geuuie Europeau RecîediCm ecar bu i otiiued." 1>rosiau îrt oxthe W orld mi¶auv le suie eaistllytraitdlby forwîîrduîig a correct demi of thaiir cua, Wlthu,-renittaré e'fr, Mcdicinçe, &e,1 whicm wili bci retuiued with ihe -utiuin.on~ daiîpaitch, and ,ècîure froni obseérvattioii, Addrems D. niosë- Soni, corner of Main gvnd Quuiy Straets, ufailo, N, DR. M'LÂANE'S CELEBRATEY'D VERMIIFUGE- LJLVERPJLLS. W~E. begý leave -t aiel the atten- ~ tion of ýthe.,Tra"de, and more especially the -Physicians of the cu try, t wo , of- the mrostpo - lar remîediýsnow 'before the public. We refer to Vermifuge -and Liver Pil1s WVé do;-not recommend thern as uniiver'sàI Clure-ails, but siniply'- for what their, naine purports, V4.: For expeWnlhg Worms, from the hu1nan syste±,. 't bas sISp, been subjnietor mswti b m *THK LVER PILLS, ail BILIoÙs' D.ERýA«NGEMENTS, )SicK HEA D!.-REi"&c. >In!cases ocf FEVEJ9 AND AGtIE, -Pr eparatory to or after ta1ini ui n.ïne, they almost invlariaùî't;jy'niak@ ." a speedyand, permanent cure.,- .4s spec fcs fr- the above mnen, toned iserss, they are Unrivalec3 and neyer nown to'fl when ad- minitered in accordance witht Their u'nprecedented popularity bas induced the proprictors,. -APPLES on hani JmmauII I. * -l teasalout 1 il iNovemoer iuLn, toou. 1 1

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