Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jan 1860, p. 3

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e omvertng. Pn tii. 'hannel we bave an iUi shipsanmd 266' Rit lssailiig shlipe guins,,bis stogmers 6 ,,bicit id wth'1,820 horoes pnwer: mtnavy f Frane there are 86 leeIipo Iand4 frigates, 'whieh- . .a- agi 4QOllwam lfe our. losed gfirt en thé P'dW renteia t M70C0. u ~AMsdrid telegram of lIce. 21pt,,Payo Yceter day, $00 Moors Attac1kod the Spn là, but wçe T epin1Aed energetIcntIIy,.'atÏd prTJSI med by-graîpe shot amd pganades. Thei. J 8pns a 1,wttttided. 'I mwu~ Ton mon.of-war, furàily ,ltaltioved t liavanna, haro just arrived t0TrIÇOT A. grçet quantity of provisions hadbýeen ciinpâtched to the srmy in .&fict. PLATT-ýIn Torot 'on the 27Tth ulti. MO, the wife of Mir. JohânmPlat of Gueph, gsyG,'husis~.U ~of àson. 1oe.W a POSthilwt 4siu JARVSIn .Jarvis Street, Tor-onto, ou ý flaejwth -61984 gune,- and 47,74,0 the âth inut, the rife of Frederick W hneaY powver. Wa have, 296, saiing yea. Jarvis, Esq., of a 'daughtei'. '~oa 4~ofFrave a~ ehave a total 'ARK8Y-At Richmo nd- Hi» on hl of 464steam vesseis o61 fFraànce ; Àtime ath ultime, Mli. TbomasArksey, of e .ajority of 0f en e ui fa e of IIUTCHISON-At Richmond Hill,, on 'aerw ~uboat, trew.loatng htteieu te 21st uit., Mms. William Hutebi-nsonu,:,of scnnw and paddle corvettes aud aloopa, mor- a son, tar aips, and block.uhips. OALlIfAIT-Iii Georgetown, on the 28th LDecember, 1859, the vit'e of Mr. e.ls tiw oI italMitfticse Alfred, Galbraith, 'tyatchmaloer, of a The. tatistical tables of, the Prebont coi MAR1IED. parp4 wii lime.of the 1 ' ut cin tumny ahow PIPS-RICU--By the Rey. John tbat humait lite is lunroving, that is grow- liint, Dec. 22nd, Mr. Stilweii Phippa, te Idmg jouger, Promn the records of deaths Mary, eideit daughter cf Mr. James Rice, the following tahles-of prospect of life ut Of Whitby. 01~CT l' ir.~i<ronv 1).. Rama - aricesl ageaf have been unade,ý ant iis ustI b>'thlife ltie Iîrance companies ini fixing their rates of insuranceàa.. the mortality M se p geaî in infac>',that the prospect cf lite iuth ie firt year la comparatively amati. At the endutof-nthse firt yar the chld bhua the proSpect of 3yestmcm ; nt the end * '~rsecond year 38 y«mr more;i end ti a le endi cf -ime fiftim vear 40,88 <40 a.ud 88 lcbundredths) years morei. Thes table beiow crries on tis a catimmte by perioda of five yenri te the 25th year.- Amny inau muy, Judge from - it lcow mucla longer,lue may, reusonabi> ex1eet te lire t- .ftp. 6. 10 . 1 20 25 .Bo 46 'Ventrsaad - Fnutieis. Aize. Vearsand' Fractions. 561 0 16,45' 34,22 65 c12,43 '32,33 10 0,5 75 2,22 80 26t04 8 23,'J2 0 10,06 7,84 4.85 4t54 1,062 Xhmyaechmuicnuare ummgidlo uth ie bauis cf Ue who 1,population. If emly tine tol- -peste Aýnti 1rudc'utt Who miense cn ges lifk itiniraii!.,iver snlud. the ci ,chattei of l'nre wcuid bet,.tirty-'1ev ceint botter.- This difl'ere.cmce lii l'avoir of thce aecurity -ofthtei.inuuraîncu e mpaieii. Ini regand te irease or Populatiomn, Ille singular fîact id prmettin thme lite tables that- "biere ýhore uý-e cii> four ehidreni borne 10 toeacjw tcnly, the population ire. *mains tationacy. In Parie for a cea c f. yca.rsat theîigît there vwere four ebidren te ç manily: the population wud ave diniss.- IýClud,, if kt Im net bien lcept geetbi b' u- Migration. In the. rural diétikîts infancut lite-la motr»ots, end four ehikireui to each fppiiy s lltt:e uoiet thon kops the 'uhois Ipopulimtioa gond. l'hore lu tio gain of populatlti, taoig cit.y andt country te- ge-her i~ timout es sauixy as ix chiidren te eah pair of parculta. 'L'.aking these statis- tics for n bush, il is pe%di: ht sit ini neot réqu:I'e a very long peied foritise Ceits -completely te supplatat thse .AngoSaxens ic .I'w nglamud. .Mei-fîituiîieA witluoee cr týo ebidn'uin euuiy are pretty certaify * -.uoomud te extinction. Tii. statistiéal tablêo show th iycie per cent .miore iaýles thon femalci arecien.- This ii suppoccod te becia ccmpennaton for tuie giCater waste cf mal ife itelîIanger. ouï labors. The whoecsale staughter cf mienln l war is net prcvidsd for in anyetf na- *ture'sàcarrangements, amd iinaiocus Most given ho wa, thes wememi are neceosac'ily dri1veuih-o lahea ini the fiels.- Spriugied * Rembllcam. à 'j c1 'Arrivil iftbe 'Caugaro, aend NmuW YOmIC cJan. 8tis ,The uoiteautoihpssJiarcgaroo mad Arab4e *have arrhvtd. ;Vho report htlu io 1'oi had clilmeci < teeresîdenoy ci' dice Oung'aucuor t'JO I>Ic,~fpetenlta utfucnded. APrIa despteîtcf 28u'd mams5lithe i Friuh (,veitii'it olm4teiegrapmhcudto, tf}e It qwçrs,concecrlud, tbuuit tise epencngof ~tleocirocmc4sQutl oake lüQe bfeor The. Lndon IEkraid 'haad rumm ed tuat' s cectplete Refumus Bihla hs o appear in lte * <ontiutioinal 1reîa .lgaine ; sud in thse event cf tiie poutponensènt ef the Min-- shelsc'i eforunBRit1, or is proving ucimo- qepablo W thse Ceîcsttutienal part>', the le# t be -pubiisbed wilI be broughnt i ni'diately biter. tthe Houas efCoimons. V. Ld P 1ienhabd been making -soemiça biobiy euleglutic or t», Volun- Tfii 4f. of Mr. J. H. Gumner, .uîr cfPar' 0e11,hailopeti '.ithoeef thtie, family dlBs#(atcs. Thes lady lic posesseti 4dt halfa'l-,iuý sterling In ber own right.i * i',êlIi1ÃŽ q;vernsnent' bas agreed te' fciaïW>ft! Ils i fjor Oanada andthté.Unit- ied S( tàe,',nadian steamers aa*ýel1" a& thé 5 n>4*'"a la ZS uppcaed' h&at 't'ààýos i'egu'woild 'adcp t * ~ ~ i.. etài hîbwO éàtl#¶ThoPpe andi Dec. 2th, Mr. John Socles, Sehool Teach or, Beach, 10 Miss Jane Mc3Murry,-Piciter MCAGUE-ÂANDEHSO--Oulthe' 3Oth uit., by the 1ev. James Dick, Mr. 1. McCague, te Misa Margaret Andersona, both cf Murlchum. -MCNAUHTOGN-HARRISON---On the àth lit., l'y the 1ev. James Dfek, Mr. D. McNaughton, te Misa Mary ýane Har. risonu, both Ric rq1d Hlli. DIED. LEONARD-lu Southi Oshawa, on Wednesday the 28th <ait., Mrs. Lucy Leiomu. ar,5 aged 65 jar& V1îIl MA Il<Ti L74. nln~sdnl corrc'tt'd for 'iti. Ciriicle by . l. Y. 'rr% .. Esc.) 'jhle geliveries of fali wiieat coninus about thU rame, and good lots seli freely at 1$1 25. Spriuîg wheut is in active requeat ut an idvatiwo f ie for liest sumuples, as high cas I Sec lina beecu puid for severuil iota.î PoTk i. t'ery duil in rocîsequence of thè ,ft wcsutler, and but liffie ctl'ering. Oas a mro eageriy iriokoti after, anud oe 'ru-ly lu t tlbigfit'st quohatioris. t)itto-tprilcg. $1 to $1 8v. 147oucT t5 j $6 ?cmns, f55C. a 57(L Bnriey fcoc. n 55SC. Oucts tMece44 88e Rym.' fiLle. al0u 1lormk $4 11, $54. Iloef eJ3 75 üî, $5. iooii $8 q4$4 rtM. I>clmtime, 25C. 412 8SO. licurlS 1. 0 120e. Eggs 94 lq %4 sfMmicz Fîmwis 25c. 4Q 8mmc. !.'?1pair. T'l'mc'kvm 50ec. (475.e. 'mch. Gd~ew25e C(?h8ric. A pp sOc fle e$1 O ?bse C'ordWood 2~4$0.(2125'~Cor& ai $ .4 *1'm SPECIAL NOTICES. The Great Eugli flemiediep ' for 1Di. beaises «ifthe E'e and Ear. A ç1rmit l s'reyit i Lie sence ut' niediehuest.1 1 'iîc cg u tcrcc;n anud upeec vc'uré. fur rem- Irilig tim wi!11 iit ml reg,,covi.ue ulI cisemew. lQ itir t-, di t c. Tiis is iccvcrcil ckui&'edc,- cd tic ouly mtitg mcand une r.iimoà 1-ow kutstL ht lets lImumil uscmi vitli reuct stw.*Z-msubm»liN'le tuimt .khilliul pli ' D.mcmk iîm iiLur-opf.i simd nrîc l'tes, it -01ci> sort fcmi'te von idtlN cuti treuiL t cc m'iv .cc" cc11vut tg ,uccmc(.lee xi)m'noe, ciîercmhy oc iciin~te* ctttiler cund cxccncc of cclin ccilut' thim cnim ofmit'tcsklil ciimsi cmî 'h-ic celu ci tlec'îtt., W M,)itil be mont bi Iluil micdl(l'X]).I (s, %wittmil il eesardirec- t-i~Uc)lqmmui receipt ofttaldoltticri. i'nmili cise dclilirs. JJi'imm'émi crta.in 1cand £,,fiillWmle ('uce1frJ'o,,afmm- ali,dMid 4c/iu. tofil'19i'll l mlmit rîlicfdmsutit irustc' wic hav'e hc"i iri'mli'l with clentrimem'p fmr cii' ýyeue.. Afl'r imnsiming in'cied>'acit'vc".' umys ttipst Cct is pucdcl ic ii !;mmst nlrcmmcîI*clns e bectu, tiuur oj'mlisumimttimci îciiiCersit 'mu na is'crse; (Pl n fm et, cckp île cuct ocitsiocita oms f' daim!-z 1ltlîi,-.itoi l î mi11"umî,mai.t seileci-m iucs'e l4w aim',ctrrc'co l ic'tc!tmkaucmme mmd £'c'irtwt su.mioued froumi thme uccfct 'ctuiucirimcs dirigera onu'- qoimlf'sl pc"tuimrmo flice p'emi itv 10 dcuy. lipsà lic ici cd pn ict' tc'ticmmcîm #aumm ud cortifliutes irPmc i Ccmmmimt o'flihitiet phlcm'iuiis ami surgeocns lI IEigliscc1,lii niose rîremecce uic:f cisurus ,lme bc'c'b'm itci, umcy cnitiucm cdrds mît îrit'ite o1iiocmîs iiiI tci9ts' ii or rc'f'errecl tri. A ocuse )t tîli. cielic'iluci <uuiiig tri efleet a ccri' nul b4 l'orwuirold ti ay lictirt of lium cinmcmry fur l.iftoii dollars.Adclres. Drewer No., N . B. IL (ucmlmîWstcothe uigeot four thé Atates umd Oaiijîda-i~OgJc Ji. rowvBue6. THIE GJIEA-2. ppo4it-i 21it;K1W 5110 JAMES CL.A«mKN' P IATENT. Pepncrcd/rom c'.pî'eummiimofoSir' J. Cbcrke, . Entîreir frue.ftu M, lru ~e~e ht uboy othoer iigbt glrlqg c,î-autiui. i~GIVe J ITA,,-TRIAL llsmomberto got lt frOîp the Agomt 5rWhty JAMFJ 1 ifl EI4, NO0TICE. '1ll -Anntma[Mocýeting cf t, ~chWr L <a the Windsur Riond Company wili taite'plice nt Scripture'e hotel on fMonda>' Sixth day of Pebruary iiezt fôr the eiecting iiectors and offleers, for the. engtuing year. By order if the Prexident. IL x. PE1UiY. Wlbitby, Janu.5, 1680. N. B Ailacconi est," will be Chargedl percetpraum 52-W Passed llth Jan. 80 Tojix the lime'ond plaefor hold thek AnnualEkectiùd,-6f Directora, by, the Siockhliorsof lte Port IVitiy and Lakea Scu gog, Simcoeand Hruron Road Comepany. WHJlEREAS for stindry gnod and Vtiffi* 'cieît renons, the Annunai Election of 1irectors es required by' the By-Law pnssed the 28th day~ of i)ecetinber l amt a *not ticen procecôed with. 1i Alid whieream it 114 expedie m fitt ireu. tors for the mid Comnpitiiy for the turn ent year, mulmuuild be elected tif; yop ni; posgil- lie h t ieretore enacted by thei Directors of the gcid (,onîtpanv, that the neit Annu. i Meting of fi the Shchderg of. the maid Company, ozlhsll ho held nt the Company's Office, Port Whitby, on WedneindaT, the 25th January, 1860, et 12 o'ciock, nooni, for te puî'pnse of ei.cting 1ircctors for the thon cirenc Near, and~ t>îutLime votes mubtIli bu tnkenaiby ballot, aud tuitt duuie absent nuuuv vote by proxy. .1011% WATSON, 0 4 président. JOEL BIGwEL/tW., ÀSretary. 80 AT 1510N"REAL PRICES,' FORSA LE BY GiEO0. Y IT L E9JiRef TELEGIIAPH 'II AR. r iiii abrs ciiispttfLctly puire witii. un ictsiuel. Tis uIsi --r Iiss cmitu n greut vcri&ty (Al GOAL OIL LAMPS Le 11.- SCTJOFIELFJ & Co, IMPORTERS 01? Staple and Fanocyiry Goode GENERAL -STOCÃŽ OF Grocerles, Crockery, China, Eaîthen AND GLASSWAIE. Cornier of' Broek and Coibucrime Ctreett, Withy T i ubuerberismrlti r eeci of Feuic muOr- rilva!is cf Lice ucoce Gôcîc imudrect tru thue licinccfccct cricuu smcd maiv sold ms-iow abas my luiiise iii the truidu Wes't of Stontrecui. Alarge and ,'cit Stock of Pry aouoe kept cuutc.'oi hcnd. ON SALE, A ecîcapicte Stock of uml kcîuds cf Gruicerieo, c.mcl fu Sto ck of Lcujnurà, Cliie b rcusds 'icu- $age L. il. SCIIO)FIELD & Ce. 30 aijpeuim or Old liectiiied ,Whiâkccy trcmmc 1.il. SCII(>ÏIELD & Co. o N SA LE, fluc u l îl4 18 ttmltuWut xL30-bcye JUmST REEEIVBBý 64 Chests Presh Teas from 28». Md. to 3s. 9d. per lb. 27 Boxes Tobacco from le. to, 29. 6d. per lb. witîi latest impro"t'd huerp, for galev &y4Bîo xircn ryCto cheup for cash. Cccnil cii Ic1inups t-o i .'nm llete nti mt'udy Lu lugltut at7b c'cits u'cuc'îu.40 Boxes Soap. 52-w <uGEO. YULE JR. 10 Boxes Oandleu, - Oas Wated.36 Casks of Liquor. Oats W nted.200 Barrele cof Sait. 'T'JI y,,aImme.i'ter mwliuni ll'Iillen i maicat 110 Marrels of! Uerri'ag. A io tIrac im qiuii m uu fei'tmc, le ic-1 mred ut W4hmd is i tt*mc crà cooimîmesi ?mu ut' Wit- - h.Il.LIIo>FII.1 &CO. W'litby, .j'mIl, tm. Vie 'r Sit4tsirbcrs lhavce rescîi"emlun comnnimg'to - - " ' - thi; vmir 186U, Lu udli're lu tlic TT IiIL Vi 'il ,a ()F WILL.IAM QU INLmt'AIN. wîcmiu'fî Ki 'h- 0 rushm o f'mc nt' ' I 'lci r i 'tîit, ii, I195;, or 'M. ei L uî st*in " I c i' u î'h( kmi m icf une no hLIe BJltiluOre st,lecncnirsAn! mmi cnitilcummcemm: bin i m clhh l'Oiltinnucnîu rê'reivt.'c b' lis sc.m,m, Iliric'Qt innic' ,wIicmre- s icl'ii' % it.>,4-1. W. ipors hcîu$ '*i' peme ' miý -.1f PlmmiiyU A leu,:-- Wiich viii m'niblhe tîntc l t 01 11CnumCteluecicu', uc'md givc' geuieuri sctic-t.ict uiic. L. Il. $CO FIiu'ELl> & lVo, ri"() Fi 7I'.. Peremptory Sale of Lands. fr qýl(> cimmifrîci' le dwelliii.g hiolmîuhsiitlie Icid:re mftie Tuwcu, n re:lut luit'. ApI te W ILL he sold îy lPublic Aucticun, oci tiue i'ro1nic'trr. 1thie pretiises inci Wlcttby, onj.î. «iOlt) 27th January, 1860, at nmon, That wulh knîswustc i i saiblc prnperty. I < K C X ~~ sP mmutvldmorlic k Street, (the btest stucet 1cmWhii'î.) 1.1L thtiîe hit arc' cidtetu d ho thue imcllmsc rc c~mzti 4~r,~îg7~ LZl~', 1mré etier b> Ni tà ior Bli mmc ccii.n i togothoir witii the lintel buidinugs, stables cuIl liftcem lhe Firoit dny c01J amuary, 1Il OI acmd a pîmnrtecmunces, bciccg towcu. lot No. J, ucciî'>ticeilu' rsisetî$'e mmccuitllts. weut of Brnek Street. on plan ailchs ma& là.J. l, cld& Co. by J4hn Shier, P.. L. Kl, 4( propLety Ici Whithy. Fjssicucr>ýe, .>. Ss sialu Tr n cf Wlitiy, Mr. arnc, tise presecit occutsîol, wili shoew the prieuises. . As thi% nust be dir-poszet of, Srina.,fid purchaoem's mre reqimemtedt Iiattend lthe sale. "ticel'.cis ig ii bu 'liherni. mad alad e rt n. part enly wilh b. cqired Ilui emîst. * CrownLad eat et Tlhe exaict partilu laro, ansd coînditionîs cf- male, willl b.cîmaleknewn ant the fLiheetof ieb.c,161À Decembr, 1859. sale, r 19'llaaisolis tice Ttiwrmmdipis cifAyi n d tc fLIS&, M RTN' Iîimltcm., cî'ulty cof 4îtiwna, tili c. 01,011 foi Barristiru nt Law».' dc frir tutiil settliemimtut, cils ucul miter inat Mil Jjgnilbon, ~. W.. 4i ext. .Jt'y ~, ¶50.., ~ ~ ~kcr L.Iste .si.tI&.lotiLstsi ooditieiss of sale finiYAUN A tvclcketfmthemlQcîO, rcu Lcî JLAg iclilitnrutSociety o!fSmmmtui.Onc.wif NOTICE. _ - b~e luicl t1)riwmiinglit lîptel Whithm>, ouc Ved- cuedcy, ic l$lclîut. 55c.e r'm'elc,l n., for LL cicttctmcmltig tmuertiuts mumnmmt lie paidtc timt ehectc t' o oulcers, &&c. c . Il. W. Woodward, wimu wilI alis miracsgi .?ohNSBillFER, nlaicum gicit nie. Seuretisry. CHIAS. CLARK. n.~.t~ d. uav82-iuc Whitby, Neo'. 141b, 1859. 61 Thig nuivunabie tuedicîrie iL§ncfailing lu Lise T -e cîre cf cui thon. painful snd timieqdrous cimnem oe t te wiic the fecruccie consitntion's ubjeot. It N EXCELLEINT CLEAREICD FARM. cf W cmoderatet al.exeess unud renevea ailibstruo- j~m~et, iecri> al) cutîdertue pheugis There Iiocfm, auîclaoa edy cure maybe replled 01."' A u u.ro Te Married IMien c idpeeuiiarlysUited. .It wili, in amu hcrt itinie, briisg on the snnthily T N W L IG H U inl bottie, price one Dollar, heurs Lice Grir- Aise barus uud oint offices, sîsd a gooti orchard. ermusnt Stauup rit'Great Britudu, Sp ,rç,veuitTho Prcu mm iJu.c.AJQun9 Ç- 10c5mli coulter/'its. c' 'ci "' 21 nî,44 '. "(4,n1 ij,î- pd t-' ilTiým1 * lii'fll muos 0Nif,;, :i9s i.,d pij»ji41 laqi', Wesfi pirt tof'tr 11.t ýâ(dI~irî,.Ws and, 0 fi' Le.;Buivicnaeli m-.phiii tbjue a 'a;ýdillites, tiene 'illts wil l éfrî ."wb' k one mPic asuluti b tr,i>e4tlldm4c, *li other ai.hscyo1 il d * Apply persD., , p coruumuo fwil-,ldý d,'tcou *.j tgO~~ a iDMK atcic mytigktrflt is t~pt" Jan. 4th 1860., **t 4~ Full dir.ctlems accompany emeis p5ae$kî i ' .-'oie AeL fo; the Uînuhedt stat Umpand . Witby CouRty Graflwr Chuuî. U1 -V *9 mincieepstn( utepe enoios.d d eýprosuuiec tc;l'telat Iet lb.#u i rw4g4ou;s <sà»rabtt*%li liq busab toeau io'4mil rac4 4#Uo W m- 66 Dea404 Ii ts rutioà.Of1tisé, tis sboet W~l4>oui~~oul A~i. ' Wliiby,jasa. wr, fim: 42 jýW614'àw. TO THE AGRICULTtTRIST. Arttificial ManurE, Peculiarly aapted IoFail a9 TUlE DESM&CIIYAPES? IITILIZi.R IN TtU MAMI Olmtl4tcg ici à couctitriAu* àâctYet»"àî ubI k!/tomn. whaeecr i" ;4blo lu, 1lÉWtlm 'pc ~n'urée Guasno,*Burcço'fl rý$Of894.4IýtrQ ks Cheaper -thaulz4arm Tard Maanr .AND or ÂI PLO1I~.' price 8bô per. toi. From htrmes tô 5Il" cw mtffent for ant acre. JVÙý tip ln burrtq1cý ol tbree cwt. cach. t .~ 9 Tobeha4of il. W. W OODWt&11J, Whlitby, -Aug. gLh, 1869..,, 4 Thorough servant vomain fet iz ut fI.tA (uo cs'. Âsl tFe<lrou- j leî9ffio .,, .~ ,mimi .'1 I 'BE tics vceinity. upomului A) c. 1'ubam aof 52glw R GINEY' iim îu i , lce iti Ouimcmmcu tctu 1300AN D SEIOE S iut.iug ui le'.t4etlmcm'nmuawl Clilcieno' uc, be mwillseOI ut Gremtly Ihuduedts r s sl s.Ni c to rdcr on thtîe îrulse1, hy ccs'ieauiils umeui workccnem. 'No uimîpg, buct gcet,d c airiciie ibautlrcls, uteCluccprul. Souiceiti 1 r oustohui,, and wcircuirg yom to sIta e yu.ltr Ni icîucd yr serve 'Vcmîr imuilitbNy jturicuuamm gtaumd 1Shm'eu' t tîuu thne lnder. .i gned ut WIJtngn' ýik, Brocôk sf., Whlbyq V~lJOt~you iui I ît'.wih #Il kimis e f atteci tiOci, UiKI c1A gaoci fi1 t., ~ 'SEPT IAN>EL. Sep1t. 1, 1859. -dm-W.., OUR, MUSICAL r~1nD. îî(\~~~~~~ URIISCA.FIND"alc* ~ %,,~plcariuci for tue WititerMotmu E'oryv PI.tucst, I Sloid lprocure tbicu Scelv ENC'ry' 8iigeir 1 1tibliuction ofriUt unIlacc Every Teieicer. 'cc FreMi1c ~. Everyf'nîjii iig but 10 GE'c'TS ',. Ec'ery uict'Ilruicuier, ammd Pr' iouuueed * lly thf elîire Prmeu of dicts'otnutr', to bc "'l'î, lE W'I' NtND IlîFA E 8TW 0 iîX 0hY tteAictor lO Cou c.. gS4#mttu ît Unir mIcelriesmdcî cw or4er it frccmcc etceircmlt NcawmdefII-Iý aid y4m i wih lcciv - MI i - 4-L ,--»'-sÏiura édcU> aut i t lgi~e' t; sucsiyosL oang Mucsiteefor thse itl ici. corm it 'lccrwocuct, .4ecurdkfl, &'0.5 4 ýU1b.ermt1e Lui Lice contlai u tg 12 linge ,costig nly 10 teontisi a Number ; Yeariv $2.50; ;lIdfyeilydt .5 Ai e l ek uccirmt 1 l. ci icn mimîtatl itmucui. c. I .4S.i('nMOUlttc tu lm7 Numsc St., New Y'ork. sBROcK 'STREET9 WIIITBY* IHE subseriber haî recelved, and is now indaily receipt LFresh A rrivais of 0R0CERIES of every kind, includiug: TEAS. lT O Il C) RS. Port,;Sher Hys .u 8*kin, t Maderia,1 Hfyon Twankey,' And other Imperial-,Twaukev, 10,000 GàI Souchoeig, ig Congou. Sugar.-LÀ kt 15 per cent reduction on Mulicov£ Priices heretofore oharged. Tpb acco1 S Y R.JP S.Piksi Dolden lind other Syrups at I Spices, '1 I Je. primeWhky Ca rushed aud5 for $mo 1king and f~Amd cvory article lxi the Grooery XAne~0 ~ I AY KMENSJ~STOCK 0F CLiOCKER'Y. CAIL ANIb EXAMINE? TIIOS. 1R. IMMILLAN.- Wh7itlby, Jau.,160'sbû. 7TOs. 45W ONLY SIEMI-WEEKLY$25 Tii.Chrnicl isthe Paper t4 Â&vertise in. TREMOVAL.I u vemeved bigu slcc'k ot Drugu,IPint"m, &e. -k$c 'No. 1, CommercialVBuilding.. BrIook Street. ucppem.ltçe n nw3ri cjj Boci cf Janmmo aliaee.., - oF NEW YORK#; GCu Capital, mcepaid iii, 1,000c00 tio 3r:............400u, eleC1biptj-:0:- Ëdi oies ofI) MAIEa prem. of 11 111.! Neg-Iîtutlom uîid'Ir lsiemtimi10Luc c-rtFtNSARmE, Notie t lic RctelilyOS oftherOWP~; fi.missionary Meeting N-V J/I LL'be hêl8 emitie Cciw.1mtiîi' of Wlctby. o Chtcrei in this To wn,n 0 1I 1 ES c4* t e eviged B %'-ljtvs m i' be >'B V NI Y , .T Yi0. 1 6 oitined lcmt he o 'wniurk's OfficeTe.Revêt. MeKr!a. Femswit-'k of Xiir- froînt 10 c'cluck a. lc., tri 1 t'chckp. uc.t~si; Pm., eikie. si! Rowîmmainville undi cni' c.îcin ctay' , of Stucuthville, and oticcrnu, will addu'ee&c thec T1HO(MAS hUSTON, 1 Mttn, 48 Tc~rwn Clerk. -i docittu '!ai te (-;c c , mm tîel îi'v i.m i S A3E TIMBER. 14cth cccic c,îa t>istfl'aicl c ni r cuiscitlti' t - AOLE~ ~ ieen, fomr 'ci c e cs 'c c rit i cs .dm i' (r"- ' i l ccuersmiiecl linss c irg ntmcî c ' i lie ihicive lnu î ut ci t 1 uut'u ictm pmîsc *-nm t icctitmcc t Iimd 'cOcu cumîe 'ituberri ten , i1-. te lu uli ii iccî. .q. tccct .cjîct'mmcc nIl cisp ufmn tiberui tercums Li pmrtiiu e- "' c ut 'tof'itile Loct uit f0tc 14ii. ;:t$ii île,li quiriuuçIg clu. c.' mcrnmmm1<tm,150î i g mt 'i'l'tc Sct. unl tc Appl ;t > itt J' <c. t jak) t'Ob. sus iI Iih~. ptL .e.Ifen ilt precnccm, p ui w k.- mâsltit.imd ieticts focr pain nct or it:ji.st imcd. J,4M>~ E. A MI'3~LL,___ilawfmm Idelmîs4; ccud 1i nlrm.'iv I'nrthc'r g'cveiotll'.' 80 *iZ tînit Lime timmue îc'lcercc Lime mncter cf' 1crsit i peV' yc d""~ 7tlu oi t l lýlit riccisto i' e cmvrcii.'d ilu tne ~$2IB ULAi1 o. u~cd{cG:z tiotccl lit tc.e 4Wliiicby'<'ronniciç '1qityU cl1 ied hlie uccterltflrét Un its r 'lwi ucisîyi!c~.4îs;uribytum lui îioî am 0)11. fr iceCO.LLCJIJNOFI' . ~ ' cmb' t. ï, « cemi t 0cr Lord; îos ilcuiu.iuuad P 1 D ' S .... îid cUer bccice»,. ,CEPt cuumd4. 1.c"timri l'aflm'ie ucluîm( itcith lCocnv0i5 , ' ig" L1W1<D U'G williilicd t ir hmtoretu' tmiiccem u i 1% ( iAtu IfIilso m u'omutoolinsurt rtil iatriv e--Toul 'tofisr i lIeti lîtiner. c 4î ARTHIUR , ÀI* 7 . 9ièery"Notice to W d~rs 11 fi. efe'emsem'ksciy l nmit-!tc-d co aic'ge Kenuit, Icoramui Kc'eicuic, T. 0 C yutrleinc# OR Ã"N N HJ NC-lY G. Il. L, gAismJ uîireu. . t- Y 7 V FO('NE " HIA e$O1 B -UKBO110K sCEEIAED vI'*_ V do 1-t AR~RANTE'te b. tho Assistue Ilu eçé 'yespeet SAtiiogs mclll 1y.I3. t5inge kÇ, nto lNT..15 u$t.i luee sic c t" r <' Chuuitn t %e sue ie ius j n 5iCbY *iA*il-:crcmitmalle ilt1ix lsCsuie puitt lcmlet' ai b. stitoi'ed it lm hpéàuelà à agràut ei,'cetièn te îujslfs4W he'.. nl b,'ils. Cuumt cf Chaccie 'ýfes-UpporCawimda ocebefore,e'lqimi ote c>tC. t wtwkVtc off 't>n e croi ntti( crelié Cadtdstc.re ot M'il sui âtnùý iw Tb eegmitv cf uîmîlmk tt 1im(t-ult Auhd,'is 'ititiroiy ebvlsted bv thij e luru'cuc t :1me~mmiil)0,e' ilch,'in luit iocnty cf Qu4is- TAmeso miaebuise',We é .rc.. feassule ilcWltl4t.d fltmalite T %ý- e 1- -ý-j imol o îîint thé c lot' <i f Suiptecl*r, Wo» ite i tj P 310 E 8'On <i. Isore , 1cm t tl 'iOl ttyi- frireusoocu à àm' ' tue.1 .a". thi liidiy of'JaîmiKry ie, tt. »9etIulnlàs Suet mo Ocemuci ut rl 'ucitif tbe'uaic, ggist, c'~ ~ ~ ~3m# CHl-bE LA4IGE AN:.P 1M-PROVEjD. .5t.ur,,Lmyhil!,i~~Bl1;.b - ' îc' i"TYc' .~.~'c~i"' -~ÃŽ, City ut'-'foronto). riudfuitmo- h. hoan ~ onoru.V4idi'iigpîhrcir Il er luiait u4 thc'nn -li ns 'bmm umue sefcstlwii'g eoYitte1iy huuc.eia4t x 0 o l tîmo doc nl thse fureiioP,1f itý. ln (Unt t'flutlâ LJCV ,OOe I c allîmil tmk iiasip nIucucne ti<le ,laY' e.o f îE 1. J. Ntigi'Swc wiIlêlsurcmda -g'.m 5 IMue 9'mm uLmc iccx rs;'u t 12 u9f) c#e% Lcs i' a li, '.4 Ts*cud ormut: litel e eucus Mm1 îetmti lf e4tr- t mr .ir ' lt pumstpis ton ed"'is ' n v>E t t e~ul,hA 5l idthuc'n"ow i'vu ilo lu'o,.itmtiuti U )1m >iiuu'that thle>'r, Ymit' tl% tI'elt I tlniotFebrunry umit o'tkn ldecil1c myo o"meec>~ci leau is -meii u t ,-Z wliel w. huivoe -11uln 'ci os~nceîr~m'~ mil.iste. ~~ C'pku 4iiigsiiiill 6z .Cmttunmiol WN &tCPu î41)6 cuiLs, ME&LE b1~ 48 o r ~A compmfunlcu tict's relu1t ive te Sbéwing Machines, etc., must b. a1s nbne' othera wi*i b. receivetid'~.i. t. 'E JNAG E,~ANAIÂNSEWNG ACHWU F8"'IAII5U<?,The ldum'igneti is prepulud tào,. -' ' gfi~ý4 Notre ]Dui>ee treet, Moutrelr C.ù.- L Fsetdo6Yty over m ' 'l' At¶.Icl yT ith ige V a e0 rp Mlti tt te tertl i~~I . ~ i , 1 v àèým8f1» h11#1110040 ils 1 Il Ils ellittemerit' PE Fi, A NN Ue -là 1 1 j. 1 elýý,,ý'l 1 1

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