Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jan 1860, p. 2

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yeiÊýde petives vere a wo.n 'a " iea complet. wstek,. - Boum ýài .la te o!lutPj. Aprese tti ta - éIe»_gi>p sytbuug liie a correct e men, file IMof fe bt fruits thta1 auko>.ibsle lieves tisai at loasetIl &Mda* la tise rnum. Eigbtees dead fi e ha" eireadf blinn taés eut ho- C0 or ,uti asèe tvnty-flse porsonsimur-it woestied, heedesaoame 501 la dffbrenul sni muetilationu. M. Chatm, tice t tof thé ieii, &a&d M. Ho, ethse.à mrer, escapeel b>.euniei froua liea g biing. It is iposshble as -yet> al tho caue *f the. disstan. Ose rer euhbas stio* irons'theisedIs "i.1 ecese hegfaf l 1de&Semtioû. g oume or ikreeacrua of V~-0=4 ila iesae o Ir.their totma. ýnutestomse ýp0,oy ure i à- &piÉoléti5 auit l ais esol- esc thir ef ie s a-tise>.are ;t ie s6tmseroa s sas, sboeItitgly maigied. ids -tic bri1ksýdelhhccaieiy utisut s end his aaot.. ii. ubele héi onitig la> r -h7 t a* 4 eis sudavus ran. ciiu ,3 rie. Tesporr i beca arcanged, foc ýtIse res- 'atausi b>. tie- umeclefriid Ates-cibecr«1asouei 1,>.thae leaieg aa>, threýtens deti te ail sui&a h b. aiiu."isa reins. Gen. HKX -Oliver il essice nd àslive in dlreci tbnie1eons vin am e ndeauouring to cea- oi ie tIQüsonithoedissasir. Gaue nf meuln im rpesi hoesuami eonstaetl>. ouge ut linge pil o f the li- ureet cî'-iich istprison o sais>. Smeoi.li. e. cnras es tkilleS ls thir huiemueffocus *inuse w. leitte &arase 'ofhe -dlsmcer0 c il.~ms.o se.Su-enns are cenng ta -osaldirecinesd, aasd- eserytbing üt.as 4 as lne et 51ma.a suinfal 4ooent b 'henZ siesfor itis smffeulngiîtisicf Itbe icinil alamit>. Tue ite ->.of \vlcî aiIsv tebglieed efby s ern 7ý1ue , JI.30 a. e. r enngQu .10s wecO re 4ti e tucuos Millsabut forslîliotitoi leka £&Pleu #aslpëlmsmais. vit ieat uiijlcu «t w sal-iu*c<è ti .na.0tliq»stbelin eosssdrr.e tses as etus'The iâas l «,->U toe.Ig5 wu055 hiitaisnat T7>ears ice, anm , i Shr5i thotig a tauc-in- -mueccfr.t e ~eiq~q aitise J vleapred.a s *ubaexient ltan*oeeU,1 j tm f on, A" qie put on t es" tei fr alle5 a;n5-fereve5i. reo-ts ooinformio~gn X a liqts e ncugaticu-es, hifigaPae o cessoble «ud tal the cusmkrno ero r n.a it.Il.fil fir due desuimtmstîuu e . s- ibe & pot, blaer ber ilcgaunfine seÀia o eStto verk sitl o mi t@su' Mc e the mhuuie. '-uq. cyaY onuecha eMm o i iseroOenoî," do tbtieteaeland ods ea si tecilas fWa..s lia>. ficepei ta renve sou. 26 i.ha vcioses -ltoe-3Oieisil living. M. Ilraisci, 4joeveiseer, ad ssiI been fmid. c Tic Ha1i lia been-ensvertcd itoa tes- cpi bepllal for île. dai tsd verad s-ii~ mtlasi la. iusuer esnsdeepî>. inathe rmineditisýe tisa, asi tui' ieue swu n propeet of lm l ex. niage, SUU 1le -wn- aIurieusOt sec! of the nell tollIa tauici:- irste ,brausiég an an'. Aud £cjniau bfer- mpitisai#aie mnt uste*« r acla- o the M hêail l dabocut Foc, ad ~-.ue ceusa. A res tiser-emasome 2ý ias in wyýb Éii,, About ero6tes-- gete si lta gtvIoi i-iapoinsi J M I L buucat lie wd, Tir u»Y«r Lctatit-: m4« phini.iaslu ttrDnu e tthe &sY axas-4.ý and otiier places, uherever 'the njre need their service. Thoe ui amig ioe4 bimnesi ep It viii ise ny aja libefocé a 1 true kflowledue of tb~e kiUed MaÀdcOul1ded ma h aes&i t Thse flre Wbiiih>£ally acrificesi tho hurie4isuas eing, cu;it,- ritbeut ldnubtf lees& lumtereni f-bastaing Laid whichit' s ac enldqùly !dopped.- Oue firouas iroppé&douwi dead ln the steet. T-â]e, "toeeha.e0£lieuheith a _» if huma- beings, 9vey on.esgen to du and sa. --Frieudiwhcs hefore thtfe. u»era -tm-atathg etween hope sud -fleuc, are DOu aei*iiqg inlto Inupelesa dêspai1.ý A ~ COOL Swil<DLIt TeCorcunsa eier, Waiaeî Whubiad 'f' nasolal upenaions"' viiig lime of Our pite-ra a fou ureiti ago, - bas bhen srit. i6g letters lttoe ni hie cornns, ined -It seelds, hy the explanationho gines, lut. bis object us notsceIy- i« ftn put mon.>. ýin hid on uprse," but ta et aulad!e the -Abolitionists,'ion eder tepsy O.6 se ols sc .ore againet theanuiw"lclahbasi inhecited front is- father. -il seesu that Wallace urnie te a gootin- mas at. Corsns giving theienbers uhicis uoqld open the ceshiestion loci nfis sefe. When it us usIoclies, ilt useionnsta costale oui>. tise nvers fni s boiks, er .ëy piper ni value aspd al -bis accouea sbovin.- 'tiesens-vric! off ordeatroyesi. The ]eiter to tise editor ni the Courier, viies commuercial reports he hasi bren in tice habit of fsrissing; lnasa folloecs jW.ssernNGo, D. C., iDer., 14, 1859. Va mit.s us ela-Ton viii, prbas, tiai 1 have -effeonties-.eougihoassit. a jaeias, bot suppose yon, do, uhat do I cas-e ?you are amd stueiîgiti>. imprenssi uwiti lie ber liei tint 1 viii do nome thingu nsas wllau oibeM «asd thecefor. yeu sa> ot be saln- ished at tuis. As yeo no doobi mad te giseste a 1 puft' asne - ift, I1cviilenî>. ns>.that jeu bas, ns. fali pectmluio-sdvectise me to-tii aupnt ni fift>.deltas-!1 eMUsoibesi to yonc papor. lithie somme rechapa vwiti tus, 1 'enclose ose huedied andi fifI>. dollars for Mise Elizabeti S!ater, mono>. siat tse A-s- posiled visi aie foc safe <() ieepisg. As usutebo once hasi confidene in vi saaic!, ose>. tili suppose that î sua bomnand iirad in New Yorkc, I uil taie this occasion te myas.ta I neyer testit that.eity ttii Jul>. 14, 185:3. If s">.oni our citisens suppose tie>. have an>. chance niffcuulicg ime inlNeu Tort, Isu>. as veli aya>t it is olarter uncetain. 1 as a matise oni»a Soutiers State; and ms>.fitc iisaving bfeen d by-Âboiitioeisss, I deteumineri ho evindie somleiody in the terst AbolitinfState uiiere 1 couic! get. au uppoc tuei>. sud t hiesuer ceedesi inseone.States than iu jour on. M>. uperasions POnu mout te oser eight tisoasassi dollams dean of expesses, andi uhicb I cosider puIs me about even witb the----Abolitimits. Don't ondr. shand. me s asying Chat cireiattncea bave controiesi a. uiabonest actions alto- gether, focrlb,>. have oetl. 1 bav, bac! ta 4l3 usthing- itou eecessity, but lave soted ae Iabae a tteifrrevenge and a. gruat deai bonasse I uanted 4o. I do rot suppose any p. o îare green eneigi te supposea l4i sgoing te atay ber. as>. - lgtb ofi time.; *ovver, if you 'lhoul4 tIaleIsun you 4Lad 'IMer comae and JIne' toithé iaakotul1, Wiidtiup sed 1, lài ouIt 111 .4greit -pity. ynur omo*secl editer usa e rtiachce, JAMAIS c. WALL.cZ LmesaeS Teins Taumasofosa Gassiuxo HBau, SsSrsaseurca? am ri barnnitaNev Tort isportisg boua., vinas nase vi sappres Ue stisetitation of ils aloppesi siti smerestile frirield, ridisg in hec-b ftret. Fuida>. uigçhIhe isitesid gambiing iell os Foirti isceet, ainsi Isfor lesving, .deposited frce lionususi.dollars ai lha soraiouee.-'fiigart51,ept in tic in. tluion. Fethin$ wIliisffel i ueiid sut S"opa its pond.ro uid aisnis Ma " ni tiat lie dèposit suwu &pora- sent nue, he homme a ffoctesi ii>,iia le tisîbhe retarnesi toil ldglngs al an cari>. hear ->.itmnd>. orimg, sud uvillovesi 5aboai anueei'lsaduatt. Fsrtuste. aisE, b>.ti S1y amlof-& pilusa il fir way ofaveover>.,.aalMi Iere.theli laa l lmr sy, altuegIfuoe.et M 9t -41 g Scmlebnion IInS ellintic Proiuaitofi Tseoria, Alexandses- Meeer, Nusi., a C-e'!larinniaes, vwuarnesi iy ae suieq t. Beechiwn ot s eas-. tub one4aa i sinls 410oui5 ausuin.......... M ..- lWast o. -(de. 7,qP. m. Iliest do. do e .9 301,a. jvcoî cnnt Ahesc"'c rv.ll iuc fieNiisTbrda 009 .s Arsiirs, Il en, lilansu xitg Pliac Sett... ............I1009 .s GraeevOoB ........cons 12 00, neon. 55J.owge ocos?., At I. Tous Hal, ecer>. Monda. mtînîsig, t 'z'jrrMeidàye>. véulg, aI tics Town i Bl, meesc ulz rkeSu. Free Mtsong 11c111. 'Victoria Bfldsion", Ilcesi Strest, cstctfirotT]corsdity botort fmli Meo 11 . Gesre oslge. No0. - 13%0 eonch Toasts>.1c .5e>. aoti. Cclduriilla loo, Bcoek ftret. ci Camaosc.Seerette>,. I.ectge No. St1crrc ndriseee ssrlutf, ntsSprs-ei lotel. Poect Whitby. T. lttni, Seereort. - L O. . No. 167, Ms.t e tis le Oircge Iltail, tlreelcusoti, on O"0 Icct F15n a-i , e05 toiti. L L .N 95. e t i iet. ttet. lteciis. tciefr Ort k r. nitetvre cctltl. wu. 00mom.TeeperstcceWhilsm is-ltos, N.. 31 ILA.t)(ond True i55cS2Tk AM. Wvity 'ltliiiicnscort f octet>., et lOc's B1ail, !iedov esrsir'. (toue1 TeMpliccis, tinlte nlt, fT1100hc> eseclucet Egtcesi Clisuci, t64. .otc'a, li.sZStreet. I l ocok, a.M, uui 3 u'iokU,,p. ,c Atr 'ute Ssdajsy). REV.J. PENTI.sltnD. Frene etri (lhttrel. lclntoco set'ne crnee, ofByron scîssi Mcc>. ftreeta, il tccloei, .M. an è»lt-h, . i. EV. T. LOWRYV, Consercoestion's (lltifscrnr of cCICcsiyeciîi tnd blayttseett, il ,'elotk, 0.ci.,nutd6 rt. is. .1 1 REV. J. 'f itYilS-E. Weslrs-snn Mecisecigt Cdîtreie.eoCfC 'tre ond MNine>.Stcs,-es, 10 30 ol., . s., finc aO'lock, P. fn.J.IUT Uiilte re-Oeriacc Cliccce.c, 100M1eeisictlu- sitiîte. 2 30.r P.le i. c., IlE. 1.Il. Tl5NtN IcOptit Cicosci,, MseonP. se-ly0c dily. i FV Il. LLOY~cD. Auction -Sauce. CEirMr. ,terins B 1ocÀ of Sa/es (-e>t icere as tista4 DaYs oPIpoitcteci, siocd terrs.u sus-ci et secs0-e Of i/d fuper. Aertioe ordts-rsreesed, es-ccd ms-coguuecsiade forst/sert <.ostrctY Auctioneers' Sas-s. tiF AucIonBeIil@Prinlesi le the bout tyle ut fîciher redieul picea. Cn-Partiies prrscirin.9 *trir Sis <et fAia ('fflee-l icac-e ticir &Ss otetd coouclcs'the prope' ieasd, jlYe t (i îisf/ ine ailtise ism&rs tf M/e V lseklg crise &mi- ek> (/cos-c' NeW Advertlsenlients Ibis Day. Iiiuminating Kerotsee 1-4. H. Gtircie, Brst Krosese Oi-Gen. Tube, Jr. Notie-R. E. Pere.. B>. Las-Joice Wtso. Tes-Hamilton & Roberts. Coffes- do. do. Farms fac Sale-Ws. Tomiieun. OnLY QUEDIOILAYEAR Wiliby, TIhUrbdy, JaDulrY 12, 1859. NOTICE. Parties indeiitnd o tibi Office foc Job Wocit asidAdseri.sgare requestcd to mate an uomrediai* attlment oft tircres- pecivee acousti, and heuubylavethosn- anh«,ua frter trouhle aoc! expenseu T 'eunsof al sauobncibri 1n ar- Mear onstic 31n1 ni Deroshernet, uil be tnoclc >off nue liste, ansi their sceouns haudesi over fos- éliection. .Cosmeneksg ulltiste laitni Jasuar>. l860, ne paper uili b. feusvar-desi frouIbts offie unlesa tisesubsouptite bu paisi l selvance. We fied it noorasr>.to adopt th. Ccah Sydntmsians inle n me &hll il îi'oltdfrotas Jereaflar. -jas fi4re cash nouiteuopassifoc &Hail ,*MW rana osaict Aduertiseusents aItich limé ooring issre tuleno le cases slera thé partimeabau. enus-ent accessits Oc COnt Dracta il theliaoffice. A compiiance ulis;ti ese toes U il ceashS us tre xecuto ail onders fer pintng and adveeiiiig, aI oserbali thieaai eretefoce W. H. HIGGINS. Tic duys -of puhlesttion of tire Sémi PF e w e ri lal la futurelho Tues. lup cse 0Tmwu iushaeUiscuu stec fi"e oýoýelnk la le 0aleatsju ni lie above daYg. The weewyCAbfdu&wlUefi cseced on latrd>.nieniamumai, sud viii hoe ýbe.eeivi UttitieâmY 9»%e Vhem "m o u da ui ar r-- No SIMI.WscLX LY N UI IqXT-IDO eneq'uenc Of, teni1 n& alteratin sou beini made' at tbig estae liuhuent, and thse ahiÇtng niOfnec be&tJ stocknofsstemalu -uo uill 11.tUblê ta paliloss toi .Seil-Weekkr- linos ce Thrdyoi. Sulse , ibels ulli remi-1 ha Wellld S rday - le ta fi.ad. Tbe.Waud:ug eUP 14etnîg nf thse C<,u5 ci for 159. Tii. Ist. eeti ig ni tii. Tous Coguceil elctetnosrve fuc 1869r vas ii.ld et tihe Towe Hall un yeaterdae eveningl. Ail the. meshera uer. is tiieic places, deterosises lu ui dup the, bousn fIltle pastyea r ou stisiscoil>. un possible. We belteve that 1tiioy have ouccSead, andi tint.tii renuit eof -their labors wl' cr1sueot 'tb tce approvai Of tise ratepqyýrs general>.. Wiistevor the. itidividua ldiffireeresof.1opinion,. eqgssed at the. Coneil Board, ue are fu>. persua-, ded tiiat ail uoited l tics rodeaos-entn ae- complinii the sumsoins -tie greatest sount ni gond for tho eisole Town, sies- pacticeofniail prisote feelâng1. Decing the Ir tiiere ver. no lest thon 46 meocings, the. greater umouer nifuiicii uer. attesded by ail the metobers. Tiiere uer. velv feu nmeetionsiudeed ut ushici tiser.us Dot a fou aitendance, and u ad.orn ment for theiti usofna quorumt, eni> tonit place suice duels> tihe yeur. Tii. final meeting uas u fittisg tercuusatlafl to thse labors of the Couscil fer 1859.- "av issg finisicd nil tie hosicceso icioe.thons- ilclod.ing the onid diffeetclty Ofni sn c in, ad ccat>. standing withIlltiesBoard oni Selon1 Ti-usctee-thr>. cooclusird ticir sittings by posaing a rsneutcoe of sicoccs te their pre- siding officor, ulcicis us aos honorable 10 tiiomscivus ou to Mr. perrvy, to, vinso obilit>. andvefficiesc e,.tipa1sid but a tribut. ni simple justice. Long osa>. wrlise tusrer thse membereoni the. Corporutioeni ftir Towts of Wllbyaf- ter a long Isseive nootlîs deliberatisos nuperate nt tise exp:rtiOonof their tecu ni office, uitii equatisoarmos>.ansd gond fEel- ing. A New Electon e or the South W"r. Mc. Jomes Cospheli, ose of tii. nevi>. elected Couneilloro for tie South Wucd, Is su naodioclimier on the grsunsi nf disqsuilificutiwc. Thcis iseesitutCo oan electiotsniof aC os-ilise in tihs place ni 1Mc. Campbeill. Accoestiîgliv te flnd ticut tir Retursiug, Officer laus slred> issord bis proclamation, sud ticut theo cru rtion wiii talcs place on Feideyand siSaturia> next. We are told 'tiat neiticer Mr. Bull soc Mc. Vil, boti of stcicushae aireusi> suiies-ed dfeot ins sic cootret aihMc. Campbell, s-lt agicin offer tisrlees for election. Mr. Francis Clarke, ur belie, thrnou.htihe persuasiosn oubs feiend, lias bers indocesi 10 rose forcenid as a candi- date in tir plae ni Mr. Campbell. W. do dtint pposiend tint Mr Cloche wulli mset witi as>. ppooitin. In ail probabili>. b. viii ho returnesi b>. aclamation. Me lia junt tie nigit eeoteriul icc hlm to maine an efficient (louneillor; sounsi, practicainelot- igent. adsospessessesi of more ciao an au- erage tnodeof nicosmos sense, and uill esporience i n tous motters, he mut pr.se a mos. oseful onsi desiesile sember ni the Toue Council. The Seuti Ward viii lird 0is i an honeat and watchfol advo- cote o nititoteresle. Wr saolsi feel plouesi foc another res- sunto ec rec. Clarke retsrsed te tie Tous Council. Me is a mecicosie, andi the osai> .0on, mosies Mc. Brous, ut the Cooscil h oard. We bore the Londes inltereot, tise i! Mercantile iotereat, and ibe irarned proies- sinon amp>. ropresented, and aithoogi thé seciasirs uf tise Tous comprise the. isrg- 1est propoertion oi the natepayees, uith Mr. Clarke ansi Mc. Messn, the>. viii have but 1tun rrpreoleotativen ni the. cuas in the. LTous Council. cNecesit y ion a l'otoce Ofice. At the. mot meting ni the, Toue Coin. 9cil, Mc. Macdoneli ints-oduced a tsy-iau fuc the purpose ni estsbuiaiing a police. Offkce br.naght bbe hieas fz Us5sCao rit peao cead anyJutè of the Pouce4 -Asgjuri#dicli@an n ~a ,s nay, cg sAc ieequo fthc e'Ifayr th«mof, tct in Lia, sead ait the J>olce 9llct." Bn0that,, in ixet, the lau usukea it ixnprshiveuonn thse Council to esiabliuis a Polies Office, urer. tise Townsosujeted hoopense in even. conseqttenee.9 But tise argnunet that the expenseî ni tbseToWUs 'mudbucfinceaised by thi.e eîali- lisent of a Police* Office is altogehe onioonded.. Tii. Toua Hall possSese .11 the requisites.sud ha al the n1eresur>. Qc-' ceunsodation.. Nosbing more Treqoicen t0 hée providesi . B>. thillIthe, fees paya-1 hie Io the Mnyoc, or the Jutkesuctieg for bis at tiie Police office, ucot into thej Town Tre 1ur.. Tii. Bill so .sppointed tii. Té üCft-îé 71ièl nirtise Police Cosci, andi made the fees payable to hum in tint Cepacity aine mcrm part ni thie Toue fonds. Tiiùs, instead ni bhein,& an expense, a PO- lice Officeuould hé on actuai gzailî to the. Towun. Tiie Mayor, foc the past year paidi le nearly $100 for fines durng ithe jeor,, audit'las ot t.. munistte asseet. that if a Police Office uer. cstabishd,aspuciosèd b>. Mc. Mscdonell's bill, the iees and fines ai the end ni the present jear, unuld ont fait fac short ni $25i0. This uould b. quite au item towards lessening the taxes. Tle apprebensions asa 10 the estsbliioing ni a Police Ofiitc lending tu te appoint- ment of a Police Mogisrsie ases qoile eed- less, and indeed ton unreosonall to reqoit e efutation. A Police MagistrotQ can OIY hé appuintei b>. the soice ni tiie Cnuicil demsndiog the oppoîntouent friosthe Gov. eruor lu Cýunoci. No fercs nord ho enter- taind tiot the Conseil nifc.heTowns ni Wluitbyy seul maie tie reqolition yet awsiile, sud util tir>. do on, ail argusment os tie sobjcct in futile. Al lie scgosmerts against tie mentour. are mer. préjudices unetise pont -f tir mu- jori>. of the. uembees of the id Cousicil, and for tint reoe -ee ecommend r.d Macdonell, le view ni tîe benefits v iel, viii accure tu tir Town,anus 00(ol governssent, to press bis mensetea beiole the nesu Counei . %siich ouli bo liiel>. tu dral uith it in u more lberal stirit. To sssnensss-Wrbs eceverd'i a comtmunication seettgtise sigeoittre', "Ses ,Cuenci su.," btthlc eiser sot. icosices- rcored us wo-l h i,.prcecr nasse. %secde- liellis publicat ion. Wres-sld 1cr gîcr 5,r. ot0cr -resss)nelrssttuLi-,il 1 i 501(l licl 1n10 tslc o.'. cos'er imoi t - anot or oeil etittii, iiilisiob- r s our colîitscut !. týlc %tu sriter -ensis i publication. Wlaihby Agriutiral Seelet'. f At the Annusi, Meeting of thé Toushiip ai tViitb> .-rgiesitural Sueicu>., icelsiut Beoitin,ons lie 7tiiinsi., tise illoving gentemce uer. elcsutedtsel1office for tihe turreut jean, c-la Jimes Pile. Pr-aident. Tins. Piccso, Vicer President. Wm. Tesng, Secritor>.. Gmo. Anderson, Treosurer. DicEc.-ous.-Tioo. Dousing, Chus. Býott, Jois Tunedir. Bobs. 3iilonFWis. Viitr, Gen. Lidsile, Rois. Raeciff, Jeuse Part Whilbs- 'lting Races. Tic Trottion Races utise ire cause off On ast Entusiday wuet. In lie confsions oi rem 5visg wvomoittesi ftcnishing portico- Ians bror.nonu. Prasu- er $20 nos Tin-ens àND ic cas, mile meata 3 in S. N. Rnvta cI Bloch- Tom" t 2. J. Rnubettoms'a Ilfour>. Kse. 2 I dr. Mr. Rutcbison's «,Seseca Cief' 3 3 dr.' Ps'us se" $'23 revustnTast-nxceHonss' eus& -a n c uCo. O.,Tessio, (Tom oxerpt- ol> mile boats 3 le , c-ta aeun. Jas. Ccocier'a Il Lady Elgin'i1i1I1. N. ]Ray's IlFssnj Feauerr 2 2 3. C. Daues IlBlaciibicc!' 4. I 2. D. Kents, IlLad>. Siver",:à. 4 4. The uoatbor wusuextrmnle-cid, ansinsu dombt preetesithie ttendnre one the ice ling more essorons. As il ucis ticre tas conaiderabie ni a gathin." Tier. urre noe eutnicccfoc lb. pursa nil $0 foc ustniesi houons. Macs-as-escLaaîuc-sos n uar &s Ns-or &ic.-W. Lyrîs Miss-roie ian s gond the ulaSsu.iîePla sac.iis ice a.- nean i '.-.ue-.- . morip itrate. W, ver. present during the &i- j ils mu-elfate ins buain., rocapei thr eli rusione ni tise uenuenut tie Couocil inlu 837, instecuioniliving on l e bprieceut- Sceesl, and féeelcalincl ousto Lste tint ouIdi .B owsestendSi urbiiseii snd ia' ville vo e.er ail>. mspresi ultIs fil>. lein1859. SurePeople are bard toj lie argumes ofniMresmMscdoneillansi1 ptocoo. lasils nerusper, the AMesage,1 Pickerinsg AgrCUIWturai sne- j Broughams, On WcÙo.sdal the 4tii jsoiut 1 ,*ben the. follouiguCere chesen as ufcu andi Directori foc the. ensuing year TruomnoP. White, Enq.? Presideut 1 william Mayor, Vice.Preaident. ÇapeWilaot5, Treeanrt. jobs ii iilips, Secetar>.. Dire:çtor :-Mcnnri. George W. Fustrit Robert Campbel, l.wlliffl Wihkin, Thns" Annon, Samuel Smm.riie. Jb .d George Mine, jaiciJ.Daviidone, sud George Burke. Tii. places foc holding- the Miffrent1 shows düring, the year, were sot decded 1po: stemeeting, as r.aa, bat uas left ýor tiie décision eoftth. Directhors,i their fut meeting, ubich wujîlih e sl-t Bvoeg haep, ahoot the misdlie ni FebY. Noldoebtit vwiii depenc(tgy soch pon tiie degne oi iterest talcen hy tise membors, or amoont ni subscription "resîad i. ecrilocolit>.. Iam, Doe Sic, Tours truel., _ JOHNi PHILIPS,-l Secretiar>.. Baaecco BsesSOCIETY MrEruyn.Ç-The ixth Annivrary nifithe WhitbY Beancb Bible Society, vnsblidat the. Moohanico Hall k ints to)os, on Friday evening las, Jonear>. Gth. 'Tir rport ni tie Seerelar> sens roslisnd .alopted and orolered t10lho prnted. Tlqe iollouing gentlemen uer. sppniftted office beerers foc the. esuing year: B. J. Gunonesq., M. D-, Preoideot. Re'-d. Messes. Lowry. and Hont, Messrs. Caldwell, MeCobe, Agnew ans Heuck-, Vice Ulres:dents. Hev. J. T. Byrse, Secretary. Thomsa Dow, Es4.. Troasurer. Mr. James'Bain, i)eiositocy. COMM5ITTE. Messes. Mugis Fraser, W. Gordon, G. B. Hanll, RosJobliston, Wu. Sjvee, Sirilf iReynolds, Ge. Cormori, J. Hoam Prrry, Yeoman Gilsos, W. Bres, Cises- ter D)raper, Jobs Bengougb sud J. Ccoll. T.hle WibmOutnrer. the attention of the .tCQisrmiiteco to the Uai. ,l)dln l ithesidewalk >_ Hoei.The.ute .4 ilh ingu anid ie, pus u a tbasv sets in, ji1! "rien ced, becomes rna~st dioareeabl, ,tieulry to the. lad- Wte pas that s"Y.- ~the propriety ordering, end g~o *as te alinu iIlle âs-'fflbcût flouing -the. c olopei thua. uiice.du. iii. î idewaik properly been elected by ;L ma- peent ni abo ut 600, Coi. is ee n<' wm ,Jan. 9, 1860. Thé Cô4ciu55led tsotly belote 7 e'clock. Alfsembrsprisent. Ris Wosb ay aor, laid the foliows. i, Oumole eetiseCounorli Fr'usàt scial Secretur>. itis e copy nio the lidateul statuces for tise use ofithe Coi 1Report of und fins) tried before Hua Wosàbip Oit>eftr, viicb pritentesi the fnIlisling ce-Paistiffi 89 inom- ber oi dLiend'kOn. Total omoont ni fones îU2Ï 5ffcounlt poisi Town Trea- sucer $9'c3 0.nitted $:l 50. Sens to gani $21 5o. in. togetier $120 50. Diseiimnr cesa Cmpbhell, one ni thie seul>. elooSOciliOrs for the South Fai, os tir d ni unnt of qualifies- tioci. Bis W stotesi îlcst be lsd is- sued Inà arora n ucru clectios. Blic Fs-ahi, presnted tic report ni sic Select uscIer upiicted to setule the socten icc ce ietucristhe Cuic- cil ansd tir BOSciioni Trustee. SpcerrLfllt.XTs 05.0 IIsîctus vu.ý totJa 1 the .1un S 15orEt e I ci -- Me. Madoneii in spprt of thi}ý uged the. adeautagé of holi'a court St,a certain place, liuh asthe H a l l , a n i l t m c n w i g b u i n e s s u i k3ti i -. n ý fled hours. He csondemned the. justices of the. peace interfei# in are t4 iM. up caes of bre*aches of Town. god peceting ther feenu-,wiienail 4 cases, ho contended, 1,ahioid pn èsl. hrourhtbebuor. teMyo eov, o'r t>. ,Reeve of the- Ton,&#d iti. fine- f. s go into lt e T sTe n r>.. Tb ti wooid havethafeofpîign t» tis, sort nf thinâ -,therý o wdb piete record of alil caes tried Je i * to h., lept in a book for tise purpqs, the office, and aitogether thei. ' busines.of the Town woold ho better ag miniîtered. On moiiop for the second r.ad4g w~ going inu onmitée, Mr. Bigelov cslj for the yessud nays. Mcr. Lynde oppo-sc5 the bi, as es mssecessry. Tint the. besinesas ad in a satisfactor>. mauner by tiie prees Mayor durin- the paut jear ; ubo did~0 ceqoire the. establishment nf a police ,, Thtthibis wns the first siep touardcu fo, incressincg tie expense of the. Tornt 'sÀ having a Polirqiloagistrat. appuintedwl salary, nf £100 a year. Dr. G une lso oppoed the. bill on the 3,, 'rood yae b.Mc. 4nde, and reacI upon th. tiornugbly sotisfactory mcck in svjich tii. buiness lbad bren conducW by tise present Mayor, uho held thé Com ut bis oun office.. Captauin Rouve sujsportesi th ii, c, sme that h. could ont ser the force of semii. objections sien thentablishmnent nf a h lie Office uould cont nothing, but ons ý contrary wuld prove a benefit, aud asob ving tir eTown. H. contended thatlk; businss should bu clone where thse ceen unse kept b>. tie Tqun Cle. 'Mr. lis pur aiso opposed tie bill, ocging tise sors ceaont put f,,rirard b> Messes Lynde set lielow, and Dr. Gnon. The, yeas ai nas wer. tienstoe, ".d reskulte-d at f4i lowî --- Osotio.onii urct oto c- ens, Mcoellnd 5R5ow. .. Tisesur, Fic, lcoeonucitrd crcsmillt, on Ilce of tir select conceaictes- Nugo, Drapr, Wuatson, Hall, Bigciv, oThoee nthe resses ntaiiteiul ados,apisteiedb>. iOueit cand tise Sclcoeci Lysde, CGnna, sud M'Pieeson, 7. ccssed Christie, lt St. Msc>'s, s short himerBord lu seffllemcsctrr of nscosccst is OESOLrTIOOSP. sioco, is stilI, ces ielieve, ut lscgc', ose g tv, dispute brel wo corporations. 01c motion of Capt. Itove, seronded bs to~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~h ci Oi5> itecsso ji cs a Trrepoct erte d ficuni Coin-Mr. Droîcoro teuvo>. FrancisClneso possessrd to nereems faim froun tirebuss oi Mitc the N d an sd udoptcd vitbout of bis oceorts us reccnssendesi b>. 5 justice. 'tise es-t>.inls elîiçhtue s-iuse amcnuses. repiort onihtiseStaeding Commilte. ng tinsfaciceus otioetd~ s mcee caSce- Tiersepiet i tîce cebole omoulct c-are et oiiîcumes fui, and irelercttic littir dîseredit (onicos.ese th'e cc5 Sclicool Trustees to To I'R>. Icle selectors ni Jurera fur di lapoe wbus secoive tîce ndmisîsc-ecioof, lbe $LG.i69.; :enditsie $16266 21. 1 Tccces t0i esc-i forc mcilda'sattendanS. tir lau ansi tir proteticcn ef . ycoum e tiuy incg a cxtl;d 27 14 & tcstIse credit ouons OF- THSE 5y. from vcoieece sec! outroge. Tiat a mauniofthe Boniel. icelbahlansce vas to bc Thce loinisgoudees ni the day arnf corges celilla su gros-e cacoffosce us îiat asisirdamocincitapyuesct to Jssses iil. struci f-msthie noticerpalier on motit ttributesi o Feir, slisuili cte c e1.55 ut)- tlaule>.$2lteeCossccsesto Ihave ci te Coueacillors i baicgligte sas. dec arest, uacd eic îice hc olowend toes-cienerd iihley ecmrt.iss rc'tge. cape, lesidece n dosrer ou roreleesuess on The rep'-itÀdesi b>. ûmeùi; Moiriai teo meid ssi sesosnt lau-31 thr l'art ni tisose sein lafisIlislcicrg, tie ricrecîccîs sacd crensseers oflbotilla ou oslouucting to aselute ccîmiuclicy. Tut bolsoiel5 r ir bonis in uccucdaîse- ly-iav tuc appoint linspeclor of vaeigis hoea uoesiginec!iy niloeuesi c lip, un reu itb the rep andsincsues-Cn'pt. Rocse. ser no ceeisntn douit. HRosi1crbec a a s-e.c117V lNT. I le-la e r ces eust accidencts b>. tri-1I eliorncîjcîssess va,'uiond, ictead ni a On noIi. ciplaissnsoe, tIse Cocr- i roe ueulthyi ciscrectî, lieetisi ustat to-day trciho ic siceoc usrrt n5Ml OE75T5E0.tncNTO TE sle-fT a fugtivesrinmjustice. bct roslier thee in- Týe reports - ;iv acepcion of tendsers, aOns-Io so. ucate nifma feisccc ccii. But lice hait ton- for mépply,' - e' ccfiufr tise - Mr-.Drapercscecouidee l >.Captaux Ra e>.it sccl lieis do îîsrchase s-scmpcisîfrotasitse Of theo- taccr roîs James CCamp- i moses siot tice tlcatn aioftue Couecil an jnsciee, antci c dîulicî or0 e$1.600 s 1911 lfor 2lbic $3 50, uacd usosîer duce, anucîs Dheseby tondecesitu, Mis Fn.- poi into theic isci a o, ov er-conecirs- fronGtaî. r!s ifon 10 coalisa aI ho shi1s the lsInor, isSu-tieiable ans iitpa titilla saclder-tup, uhito it exciteil]lis cn- §sanie prirr. esasser ini hich ileé preuidesi over tâ Iliu. in nu cquai degree increccsrs itue- The ripe' udoptosi-, ndc, on mo- Coseeilithe pIu yeac. pidicy, an liant il sons quite saturai for Listin iu 'ni Cf G ue, resolsttlons unie Tite sosies usa put b>. lie Cler-ild ce eter faiesoane, tlrcgi missalce (!) in pasurd resc ugmlint CamicbellFs tes- tise înembes riing sicoultaseonusl>l titi thr lisI ni disocierij cbariscte, s teusi of sirefor asup! Ocoida tu 1cr dells-eedetm s-ile il vas bing reiai, sud i tbct oi a prle&ltà ciungensli as ocapialofl ahe ssci- Keo,,ico tendeor for c5 ris-s," acldàt enîbuisutiapluse. fere, thnccq)lsieei's a bnp-iole fue biin coudsiute -est ut the gaot bc aeceîct. Mn. Peru->.llaiti, gentlemen, tsl itis te ci nul orougi, andsosct iscs rare. md ai h l,t ie]. uliriyou tare jut deelores cacird in s Duubtîcus tir saine 1otcctisi-sesce pi- Dr. Gucu e'tome objection te tise filteriid a'mtpneu> maut hé biJihl>.gali sincei o iteitor eles us Petsil oice, ui- pisae of "P: ti tnlicrans iféra- in,'tei me When Iauumnd tisesuties ingil speucileferCisef ocsi.sise scfes jist stw e î lies 1cocscud ut $ý:î. tise office nif Major-elected as I vantin Magi.-:ralo ho mec thé Irjal propu-bet>. tif 5de-Thse Doces'-r sddsot liecist ira is h-bssdsoame a ouuner, 15>.the ubole pet tciccig tîceculprit s coupcleniflbos uts ctif a objectin. i. rcuolutios wu alslovesi of the Teiv--oli ns>.energirs vers di constccb!e shouisi suris-e fileeTorcoso, tu, to PaiWsou -ntient I todisrcaurg tisle dsies impsntmsll taie fimin ischarge. Tirenfir froui be-tlsn beat of s>. abiliy-snd Iv;ti ail lcssoccmg tesIesc!dlturs *sec>. uspciolss ns- r ERYcstcioussesulici us>. nn brout sus linct, sud enliefer a strict esamiccasîsss o Mr.Mate'iii ie Mayor elect, paro- picble nfimpa~irtira.- I have eiadeavoed' i-caindiiii- aibu-t-; s eutei he tiis Commissee.. s-ici 1 insuld asytluing île cmouta f -yv eprva I imtteal]il >.votrs ansi acta ie tie, Couacl csmpouidus frîuis>.v. p i'scs oct he tse55iole dinabus>. my mdof an>. setieal scppesr, shosie implicatesi îherrii ehould bhé amdadep-ciame-osient. Tise ce- sited %citis tieseerict peouls>. théeîlu Iptart es n asi1trlnlqis-toaets>.cm eso ilcte. ' c eneten 'dAies 0 n> ai o c a - s bease tue head oni saCorportion. 8aemutt l3 e-13. to ithesine sris to jos, g.ntleseo, liaI I1uae inde omuligelsl. 8 Jm o157tien 2 ef tdingDonsîisurfochie gond order v)aich bau s ar &- :.5,tIit-Hi Ke, . At tise Ceont>.meeting. ieid ae Broo'kC. $.t -0 0 ieMalKrp 1lieainsnttseots ,-as liene edendot tie tii ins. b care, siiOi icce-->0 centsferire. meula sy l > i 1hpisle,11thle Conseil fo lin o eneicEdy the li li brres ariasite-s rsthi e foi-to- sifi be. abi-ht star in tii ilator>of0 t lowng wre apointd theoffie b îpreMs . 1riàe vcciDirofc. Bin e Los-,iîss Corporation of Wh'tiu>, for "a -baet, mefo tir ensung jeai-. u- grinuit il tMfr. ucal hé. fxcundmr. ecotomical hod>,tie Tous neyer R. T. Manucl, -Conct>.Mster. sout, qiecltferymet, buthtey ns-- -Il asylor careimil cenaideestion Joho MElree,-Depsl>. do. ntR f t)amnbu byar Peter Tyior,-,4ricetar. -g 1 si u iv tnlll.recurcbog ex-se!agaloetituhel na Wm.Spes-cClsplsis.pesse îiv ineosd ie octcipcarge1 hem.dities of Mayor la t" 5% ripliesi, liants e for i retkinosay Fa thé Cre-osin irecie o C o r.g tOn le ce uthn Tnu a a s ive mcron ti efertaoc!.n aily voe ni tai5is wavs -assesi 50Mc. fieL, nfi tis su in tise Count>. ganl ire~ ~ litaeofl-iet esidnt ch r-os jin.amisaitiearty applause, vici vat Tihenst snna meeticg la to bce helsi chée reeie5 tit uns mat necesiar>.l >.leeeaoa ets bc> IÙ0 1c al W itbj. frtIe per Fs suppi>. mtais tu i nui irsajnaL The ent of lien ccotuflii Close la sspport ni the b>.-ias, uo couic! -lIee, oa e Wnïîss tcu perceivenu foine -ireuaopusg of.ia Wh"Fie1Ireesl hroumcsor>. tb. charge1-ccmes Oplinsessu ni he ast 2-9 Yeaesanust at sseîi uhetier Téfloigaecernms osctine Pinot, 10 lie ciseceasitys la ait Teuisa i ~~Jobs iirouna sac! fate at Charlestoun unulsi v.rmiis esceaiicn inlce isvisg ta largesà population a. titiof net av ite uea r preme all dit boensenI>., sot alurasi>.notiensi. t Wîlocc thé necenity fer sppoîeting sanie msein s1837,*c-lesthle sones 1ta ia nnce sl s»sa-.M- certain [idSso-uch astie ToueM Bail- poie, fls X-14. 1 i, I Issevser nyub@hsitauiono Monc.gedei'ctt MePierson, Clirke, Ke. isitue.. T ulseri lie pabtic base full keoueietin to vledgingthit iasaureIl>. ulsi . ansi dODonefl. Tic.lest naiesi ges- niise the Ciief Magistatse isisis ilacaur t i era i oe rdlsintereatedaeu osbul i j h-san ise lisi vnee tir eleeion, uhic rtimcceng tashur idu a-sea1t ha'Obvios. es-es>.oppresosel nddesps.d rsce,thic u1tl.omnpei" sce ltaos teha liaS fr a jtlwSmthé It tends ta faclilitate the sieqpaalr 0pub. friglteetiPisseosba ei r i.wta boiter fCoiatlloc il> isasteai. tie> r ttc buains, bu-luge regelant>. siIajairs nnh-by s-«de Jois Brous an illâis.stal iitaeso to the ucnid fthe 5àte. and " d1115 - ' hol teio-y* wg te.-"otoh, wsct. cbuprevi 1i> tatisalu1 mlue ja.lue. >0oem uesteprfor thé pubi lie nlîn o the AÀuretirgifer thé purpee t sina. scnd' natte- hou dlssfifd -selremereAha g-atsini et aofla *nOr 110c14 .Mei.ea. eg nasdidate una ft3rei. Casssill, Maglarace -y ble1 it la cotais tisaOtic 1 bu,. lil-te dec Canudan tadesa loe r euilgae4 osI -ut lae al Içiemui' biss îci, ttrilWa ugit>.of hl ssuhm ait mIaosusse&.e~ d1siale dte Iati>. sstieesof seurua>.os en eela>. cua. Miletta1 .%o h "n fet icgeeerl paillaies hui bla etof r'nue lc-ercursddsesvr snlsel th"l oa meesoame'!*W !tise atop cenesr, se »"iu-st isy eeboos, aacelrfn n-cir' es-a ie .rt eLlsij5T'.i visas diapuen I.nopea Cca -i u s i l4cdo-e~cthc e 4lle aiaIspeople Itae* sud Vu.. a, «4 s. Vle M-1idil a. m «Iser, ie- a gMgd o miW ;elr isaeonoueesoam arde, Mr. Carko<e o Ibabec ie, MXS.ym mus.- s à-±r-. - - - -- -te - -1amileTi eforee;ong report su r-ted feuntisbe Cou- mmsenumde' pusyqpet le RWusiCompany>, foc '4 viletisesait ho- ua ac!li Ithe o com-' diesl' b>i -Conseil o oLea b>. r. d5ea à% ar-jw e ut in- tEq of *& Wl 35 yard upeineude ,k à rLrsm aas Iý Thse Sauficiet Eagitiqu"7l Sose expenmeatuile vive secm Mtc!e vils a beau>. As-n*aqing " exact se-cla idiscihave SneliU.a edto tampirea bav, àisyst- < shbous thiairempist5eiahil1tvi tubi eruiitlifir ftetalei tIwou nosl ut Aiuuo se 'of anukmuie .ouule 00 chis t truaml eUImm*pbcuea ber,2 ausi" E&W imbb t liiea 9 cne is ou. .uIIpo beot, ng ilon fimà rpit Il liai- nàlenrl 1 1 -fi-î-9ý,. 1

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