Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1860, p. 1

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s, j ~y. -t Eoq. I - I w;. IL lE *21 RAM or ADYBTniNr Pad# tonhus,,,.$ 014 - Abovi; to e,t ~t liùmrtionýt1lnHu) 00 4U)serledoxmt lowod to Mresmntasud This paer hmsailarge irculatiou 'n théCoun- ty f n 0,e Wla Idby anvnîi»lo mn ?~WJECLY ORNOE ls publlshi.d <eutise iornn Ps-o! BAT URDÀY ho WeklyChrMde i":tnlarA»tcircula- loua!ofsau éther çpmptry paper puifflislsed lu Usdar top iinM.....................;x1 00 Aboie Cen lises first inaartoiu(Per lino). 01JO *jFvcry asubaequesut Insertion ý........... Ot4 -- No p"« r iii b.dsoonuodsumtil ail arroar- 1ongéashWftoWto8tred, wglboaet thue rlok oaite.Puiblaher when addresàcd W. ln. IioGINS, Wh1tby,ý C. W BOOK AN-DJOB~ RE PROPRIETOR OF TIE W HITBY "OCnuowlwLv," would respectfuil>' Inforu tise plille $bat hé lhaî procured saine of the most smpd.rn styles of Typc tram New York angt aMi- or poundiisaulla 0prqWsrod taexecuto B001[AMD MO RINTING et 'îvery description iu al stipenicr istyle aind wlth deispatols, tt ise lowes't onieratng Flrst-elaigs Pressea, amud Primtiug Machinery, AUtisumuBille, Ihomo hilliandsusdaiuniluur dcacrip- tiliof ! rlntlug furnisIied withims aistour cf bohng ordered. CkrericI OfMece, Whitby, C.W. ZACHEUS JDURNHAI99 JUDQ4E 0F TRE Cî,UNTY & SURROGATE Courts. Office ut the Court flausse.- 1 W TAltDENi RESIPENCE, BEAVSERTON, Thorah.I NELSON G. REYNOLD@9, S IIERIFF.. te-OlsFsICE AT TUE COURiT Rouge. i - JOHN IHIAN ERRYf- -EGISTRAiC. OFFICE ON BROOK ST., H. J. MAC DONELU. C LERK 0F TUE PEACE. OFFiCZ-AT tise Court Ranse. -I - JOHN V. If AX, C ERK0F lTE COUNTY COURT, AND Reliatrar o! tiese urrogitte Court. Office At l iegsstr>' Office, Brock Street. W. PAXTON, Jre., ItEASURtER. OFFICE AT TI1E COURT T Bouge. 1 OLiciTroR, & ('LERK 0F1? EC<)INTY JOHN SIlIER, U 0UNTY ENGINEEIL. tOFFICE AT TUhE CCourt Iloussa.I L. FAIRBIANKS, LER FIRSTDIVISION COUUT. OFFICE -C et tise Court lotae JOHN GORDON, T N1SP'ECEE>Rtof WIGI(UIS & MEASURI S ~..for tise Cousu>' t trutario. * W.~TRENAYNE, BA URH1ST ER AND COUNTY CROWN BAttorusey,. Offle-hoi Arrial's New Brick -hloc1-zIW"ecomd Floor. 1a CÂMERON & MAUD)ONELU, :ARRISTERS & ArTOINIIYS AT LAW, J)Salicitors4 to tise <'asusty C('uuil Ottenlo. - * eOffieo At tise Court lollse-souths Visg. GEORGE H. DARTNELT., B ARRIuSTElt, ATTOhiNEIY, C(NYEYAN Bor &o-, &». Offiec e 'r J. S. Domusldsom & Ca'a. hardwitre Store, Br-ook Street Whliîby J. V. HAN, B ÂRIISTER-AT-LAW. -0FFICE-BR0CK B Street, W hitby, C. W. 1 S. iB. FAIRBANKS, SOLTITOR 1INOTAIZY PUBLIC, &-c &2 * N. G. hA , T>ARtRISTER AND ATTORZNEY-AT-LAW. D.ofe-oppotqito the Registry Office, Brook Street, Whitby.1 STEPHEN SEARLE, IBLIPE AND MARINE INSURtANCE Fgent tis te Couîity of Outarlu. u tilce- over Doualdsou's hlîsardwae*Sore, Bruok -3treet Whltby. -7 -- scoTrTPS I.FIE, TUNDASSTREET V IiITBY,FIUSTD1)001 .I.Etaf M%. Lauusg'î Store. 1A-11w. J.- W. &i DWEIL16BROWN, CI'ONVEYANCEIICOMMISS1ONER FOR A. MAIRS, -B. A.,9 -ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN MtiCsaory, Couveyencer, &o.u Meis Street TXPUTY' REQISTRAR, MASTER EXTRA- LF-rdnrandexamnieor lu Chamucen>'for thse Coant>'<f' Ontario, Brook-at., Witb>'. 47 - JOHN NCNAB, 1)ABRîISTER ATTORNEY, &o. Office- .ICarner.of i ?harc aud Court8trecto, (appo aite thse Cab stand,) Torajîto. C3oýYILL & HANILTON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS ST LAW B.d Wing, Mnnesoa. KîXG STEEBT, OSHAWA, CANADA LpLAM POWSON, (ONVEYANCERî ,&cMANLUESTER, VOL. 1. ýciRM 01?OC&UNTY AND eUjPMi vB Boýltlitorn Chanoceryj&e. Whitby 0. "W. (Jtlle- Omar the stores of,; esma.Ra tn CKRiLEs ]PANEfi. AtCTIONEEB, -ÙANCHESTE?; L> EAcIJ,ý AC LEit foArlIBNSJ AII mSTDVISION COURT. Ad GEORGE DBÂZONI, ~ IONVEYANCEàR. COMMISSIONER ÉFO1- tiigAIMA itln the Qlàeeu's Benoh, *&e; 10k, Bîook, C. W. 1D ROBT. CHECKLEY, M. D..t s UlGO, COCHU,&o. COWXER R. J. GIJNN, M. De ~URG EuN TO TIE COUNTV UAOI, ~Byron Street, Whoitby. - J. 8. JONE89, IOCAL D1jTIST.--OFF1CE' IN BROOK I.jStreet, ove J, Bigelow'a Store, snd opposite Viîe llagitr-y 011/. Ail operationa w&rrsnted. Ritérence, k fairtraal. G. A. CARSO111M. D. P ilysICI AN, SUR1GEON, ACCOUCHER, U. &e. <IllIce and radec-enr lotol, Whlitbv. l'articular attention given to Chironle N. B.-Advico to the poor over>' Monda>', gra- 48. EAST WINDSOR 1IOIJSE, WIIITBY, T !etirc-d part otheeTowun, onthe feront rosad. Gond aceamnsodatioss tor travelleris. 'Gond1 Stablling and lottenrtive ostlers'. 22 JUST RECEIVED, 10 5>0 buisciltç sTi ssiy Simu, for mule iuw. Il W. WOoDWARD, 9 Cntnuiamion Merchaut, Duiitdaa St ZIUGII FELITZ, r TEA<lîîER INMUSIC, TI1E trtnsîg 1lutrunsentis, laq prcpared ta àrcceswss lcwo smure L'uplilsntt 1hcl or Iiiia remidcs,. 4y J. C. UIANCOCK, W"WOT AND 8110E MAKE,. n ~OMMEIlCIA L Bisslditigi, Broci-tt. %)Whitlhy. Work innde ta order of F II 'oid Niat2riL, aund by cxperieced work- mon. Also repairisif toncewith neatocas suad ÂDIERICAN MOTEL. UALKER & PAý1TERS0N, I'ROPRIF- WV tors, cornerof ut uug and Front Streets4. Toronto, C. W. 1 PE RU SALOON. T FAItRAII, 1LATE 0F TIIE "OtINO1 P-s Canaý.dat," fleur the Rayal Lycenon, King~ Street, WestTui-tism,. Choice. Sppers' ami liefrCI4'1nîeîsts' nt aIl hotir. JOIIN METCALF, C LIl 0F TIIE FIFTII DIVISION COURT, eommprising tise Townshmip Brock. Ad- sireams (Illssnifgtoîs. 14 FRANKLIN HOUSE. lýINDSAkY, C. W. D F..J EWETT, PROP1IIETOR. COMFOR- Be> table accomumodationm for Travellera W hitby, Jan. 21, 18,57. 1 A. K. RICE, CA 131NET MAKER, UPiI(>L>STEREliR, &c., c eerric's Ilall, Blyron Street, Wlîitby. l'a- pol liaugines neati>' donc, anîd ail kinila uf job- bngad repairiug ut Furîsiture aîtcnded ta. Furnitmsrc cart.full>' reînovcd. RAILROAD MOTEL, PORT 'EltiCY. lera.5 A. PRINGLE, MERCIIANT TAIL.OR, BROCK STREET, M Whitby. 1 C LER TELFTI PVIr4i<N COURT 0F Nnrthsmberand sD urhamn,lunimilco Atro tConoyaner,&c~Adare$-W illiansao ONTARIO HOTEL, IBRYANI Jr., PROPRIETOR1, BROCK r 1 Street, Whitby. Goati Stahhiug anti atten- tive Os;tiens.-I CANTON IIOTEL, D UFFINS CREER PICKER1IN6-. MOUJD accom*modation for Tnisvellcrs'. W. CUTIIBERT, 4s Sus 1roprietor. PHILANDER M. CLARK, L IGII CONSTABLE, COUNTY ONTAIO, LJaud hmîpectar o! Licenses în4Ise Muuicipal- t>' of tise Town of Whltbv.I J. W. COýIsON NM. D F OBMERLY PHYSMCIN TO THE1BOOX- J lysu Hosupitail laphiican tôthe ov York ]!)îpens ry ;-FolawafC.N. Y. Âedemy of Medicine; icutateef Upper canada, &c. Rositienco :-Markhsm viilàge, oeemile uorth of the Eoumiit office, BOUQUET g9AILOON, ÙEWEN THE TITRB AXDJ $~IN Game lu Soason. <.cA-, eetlo'~.fu Wlnee and Segara.- .M ARAAet 80H.FIRi Aet ~1~N F I~AIN Arn) Glssler~ Pg1 NY RINNAN TE% J~A*ISTR &ATrO1<ÉET AT LA3w, Ofile- tdoor Norïh lN eXgety fC. è; si fNTELEADiNf4 «A EBYAD IRAL Hotèl fik tbeéfifitrýtt and fanislsed n 8an ex-. o~loutty. lerthi e oontodation 0< trêvel- 1er.. -Every attention p.ldto travell#rs, iun 1hé, lest seonamodatei ,boided - ~for mtitan d horse. I A steady Osez s lwaya ln attend ance. 48 NATIO1IAL I.T110 P1lIT WBITBY. 1T a ndhralind e, ep fom.. fie~ .sdtu ublc, h1te lsnow ipoesekolon eit tihe aboya Motel, thse businsol i wblch, ho will la future cryOn, on bIseowu accout.- GoodLIq9ora, iirla land MBrandies. Excellent 8tlablim4g. (ar-ui atteutionfor m'nand'hors.. EDWARD RAY. Whltby,May ah, 1867. 1 WESTERfl 110135E, 1T juist opoee by the underisigned where travellers eau now laud good accmmoation.f- Thse Rouse in well farnished, well kept, anddtiae sleeIng frtments rouy sud air>'. Tliere la go~ co!n 0abo t _ln,. sud the -beat atten- tion l. a, ad to man and horse. The bar-room i. large audeconvenlent, and well gupplied witb thse boat Wiueà, Liquorâansd Cigars. Rand- somoly litted up ittiîîg roons for private par- MICHAEL McCAULEY, il' ProPHit'or. TUE ROSSIN NOLISE. CORNER O0P TOUX AND R INGO TREETS, TOSONTO. A C. JOSLIN, PROPRIETOIZ; --,TRIS« e . Istel in the largeat la the Provinëe, sud poseaaes fssolitleat for atl'ordirig stuperior scaom- inodation ta thc travelling public. equal to thc meut on uc .lmorieen Continent. 28 QUIN1X'S HOTEL, No, 8, 5ÂUTT-ÂU-MATELOT sTRE, LOWVER TOWN QUERB.. jw Close tO tu s teamoai Landi.eg and opposie ftaBritia's American LsýPruss (0pfee...IËJ qRAVELLERS AND VISITORS to the An- ri dient City of Qneboec will find suiperlor ac- commodation at Moderato chargewaet the above huotel. Tite hbolet ie ver>' convenicnttly aituated -nceur thse Bsîk,Steainboat wksarves, ansd pin- cipal business placea of the City'. ~~ 1'rhe tablie ansd bar sare uile wt vr Urocurable catable ird drinkaWie. Visitorswl nud ever>' attentioni psid to tueur cousfort amit eouvenienceassd cvcry intorinatioss smd directions sop to the aurrosîndisîg locsitica, princeipal places of resort, sectser>', &c. OINAQ N. GLOBEIIOTEL, BROOKL14N.- Il E unolersiglned liaving tgtke--% Poisses- T of the ai ove well known hoti-1, whiveh will bc conuscted su" forsuscsijy with thte strietest pro priet>' sid regard for tise confurt ansd ouvessi Utie. aitise public. The proprictor asreo ]lis mn-syfrieilm tisat everytiing iamade remdv as forisserlyv tu cntrr tain tisent et tise Globe Ilotel, »md tilmat lie will be personAîl>' preàent ta give thssmo suds a re- cep~tiun aa %;os lus vont. The bosuse lias' ieen tlîorauglsly pmpered, painted ansd rsnoivated, and la iltted 111)iii over>' respect ililetd a maîsser as ta insuîrc satisiue tioais. Thc bar and table ampplieîl, as' formerl>' wits tise best esiéables anxd drisîkebles'. Calail d Sec. 5-1>'. C. DAW ES, Proprictor. THuE TERRAPIN. T fE PROPRIETORS 0F TIltS WELL thse Old ST. NICIIOIAtA. Kingstreet, roronttm (faruserl>' kept b>' Mr. hurle'. 'rise preissises bave' been nevI>' remîovated tbrotîghiout, amnd fitted ii-) 1iithse first style. Every procurable delica, 'in ssoasois. A ir divanifte s e paaoy ista wlîish ihune but thme bemt brmusds are permsitted ta enter,9 2à CAItLISLE &Mtc(>NKEY. RLAILROAD HOUSE, CORNER 0F BR0CI< ANI) DUNDAS Sts., C Whitb>', <Lite Wileoeks'os's.) Thîe S se riber begstat irsance to tise itihabitants ai WVhitb', sand tIse travelling eoiiîîîmhilit>', tîsat li0 lias taken the aiovc lirai el-asa Ilouse, which hie has tlttcd up Ili a 5ev and convemieîît sîanîer. A first-rîste Table lasecrvedat thîha ibidl. Dmn uers, Luncheasii, &c., con be hed ut a moments notice. AitliUquora kcpt on the prensisses are wsrrantcd tishsei*e article. Ch oitecClgar. TH11OMAS DOWNING. IlWhitby, MfarchIl'thî, 1857.8 0 OSTANTLY ON IIAND DURTNG TITE esitsiiing atpring anci Siiminer Freeh i îirnt Lime whieh %viii bc mold for Cash only, et 2m lOd per liarre. MATIIEW CARL, Port Wkftlby JUST neceived ,e si ganent o! Wbiskey, fi nus one o a tii. eat Diatiî n athme Pro- vince, ltpackages t§t rain 5 to 50 geîllous,which tise auibcriher affers ton sale et a ver>' low flgure for Oasis. THIOMAS MOODY, Comalai;gon Agent. RAILROAD HOTEL, EAVERT01î. GOOD ACCOMMODATION .Lgood Stabliig, anti careiti Ostlers always lu attesîdauce. 16 C. J. M. FRA8EIR-,Propietom. ** JAMIES GQULD9 AUCTIONEER &cl &c9 GREENWOOD, AXES! AILES!!1 1)ERRONS i want of agood axe, eau bai-e P. the namne au applysusg ta tise undeWpg~ed )uta Wislh b>' Fountir>. Axes repaineti ou the tr-inotic. Wrrsusted Csltteel. CLARK HUTCHINS, 7241us Axe-nmker, WIsiby. A SITUATION WÉANT]ED RYsyoung man 22*yeans ot age; hie cen ýItc obaud, sudius *wllliug ,hi ;îàk us ériLin any'"capaofty. 12 Address C. D., WhiCby Post Office noi* epes Lup;Tntr mor y.. pn --u mnendatlos p tujle fuVor.,. zwry t4oui ÂND WIIBAND BEAVERTOK. P ASSENGERS eau trsvel tlirougl4 <roui, i etiier place tiseéasisse la>'. Tise tgepa <rosi Linday iaad Beauron as'- rive lu, time* fe-the cars coing ouan sd West. N. RAÂy stage ofice, W nuuy, H AVING pmrhused t11o ectire stock ai IL Danilla u, ll a ddition f W» A New Stock, .jË1 we flatter ourseives Chgat voeau give entirè âstie- P'etiou tea al îso May'tavor tua with a cdl. JOSEPHT MUCKTNS & CO. Brooklu, November 1lOtIs, 1887. 48 WOOL CABDING. TRE Subseriber la prepared te do ail kinds of T oi sduCa~-rsissr. ut lis aid Establialsusent, Piekering# M'col Cardissg aet 2d. per IL. 1 LEVI E.- PIKE Wbitby, May 24tb, 1959. L. H. SCHOPIELD & C0. Imp)ortera suid G(lstrai Dealera l u Dry Goodag rocerles, Crockery, Glassware, &c. CORNER BROOK & COLBORNE STS. Wiuitby Jimly lst, 1858. '2949. A Town fearod acige, and 'twsa lmld consulta turîn, Whicls was the pctlsod for fortification A grive mkilfsul mamon gave ir lis opinsion, Tîst îothing but stomue eould secte tise do Muillionu, A curpnter saisi, tho' that was well arnke, "Twvas better by fer ta defend it vit.hauik:; A esirrier bieisîg by, viser tîsausbath tîsese to- gether, Seid, zrT wiat youî pleas'., there la unothiuîg like -SO dM SAYS- WILIAM Mc BJIEIN, Lusiles' sud O(iteitecr.'o§ Feshlouabie Boot asnd Sitsue Muikur, BIROOKIN, C. W. Thse bove, lias for tise lest seveus yearg takeis tise lrst îrize far Boots and Sîsues et tise Cumn- N sîsehit tise Ijegt usuteriai ausd beuit usork- 8lsanil ip masude up on tIs e aiies. fia aId fric- s' aud oc-w estoutors vilIlube readil>' st- teisieu, auss i sriislsed, witlî gond ansd clmetp wisrkiusussussl. FRONT STRSEET, Tlt#tNTON. T 1E Suthacriber leegs tea ansîce ta thse lu- T habitssîts at Trentoun andth îe Trsvellinug canumusnity Vitîstthiseove firat-clas;Hau12sebas beeu fitteti upiu e usev andi esuvesiist 1usanner. A Fi r8t- Clasm Table 'fa serred a t th i8 Iotel. Ail Liq nars kert an the premsissesare ut tise be:4t, qua1it', ehsaiee Ce g arn. Also, a Liver>' Stableisn conuseetiosa with the above promises. CiiA RONS MODEmSATE. J. S. GELIMAN, Propriefor Trentan, Aug. S, 18-59. 30-6mW1 ATLAS IRON WORK89 £~.Front Street, Toronto. ,.J CHARLES VALE &. 0o., B EG t'u inforun thse publie thsat tise>'have re cousstrmlted tiiose extestuive premuses ou Front Street, (fornierly aeucti a s the (>ssturio Brewery , isn the iuost coutpîete style for carry- issg a1is tIe business ut Iron Foimding& Smith's work lu sllita branches. The>' invite inspection ofthseir sîunueronsuaut- <crnss of O.rnusuasntitl Irait Feusees, Busconies Veritsidahs, Vait lin -rs', IlIss uusd ()nanseuuta Caat Irnu Colummîs', indow Caps, Silîs' undt AiCIIITEtCTUJt.lI hW0RRI ofes-ery secriptsiss; ('okliig, l'iirlusndi Box Staves ; (;rutes', Cveus ?utls', Cauuldrssus, Sugmr xhleme, i'liuui ('suisig»ansîd Forginugsasi of whieîs the>' culer ta the Trade and athers on ad- vasugeosus ternisa. e Coussn>'y rders pusse- tual> sttended to. Torouta, (>toler 20, 1857. 40-tf DI. MOPHADEN, LICEN8EI)AUCTIsIWEER, 1For the County of Ontrio. TSSUEPà,0F MAJIRIAGE LICENSES. CON- .1 NCE anti COMýMISSIO'.NER l'on takung Affitiuîvits mun Q. B. auss C. Il. Atdrets, VROOMANTON, r. 0. Towiahip ot Brook. NO* '18 THIE TUILE. (311 YOUR LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark9s lat Priz. Picture Gallery T F yotm demine a correct anti ife-like Ambra- Jtype, Ctnseotype, Lettergnepli, or Leetiter Treusa4fer, or us Lukenes in aineket, Broaclu or Bing, tonr.1. A. C. dais do it lustIse hîcat style, and t i ort unotice. WILKINSON'$ BLOCK 38 llrock Stree Wïibl/. H. W. WOODWAR), C OMMISSION MERCHIANT, INSURIANCE, %Juand Gesseral Agent. Offlce-Latel>' accu- pied b>' James Hodgs'oi, Whhy, (7. W. Rxrrnxrcx.-îsonas(.arkson E F, ,Pro- aident Boad of Trade Torouta; W. G. Cssels, EAq Manager, Baunc B. N. Ameriçs, Trouta- W. W. Rant4om,,Ea;q., Manager nuoecBan k; Toronto - W.Gambslé Iraq.,-Mllton' MMIIeTo-ý ronto; IYon. P. MeGili, Prealdent Bank of ken- treal, Montree ;ý Messrs. Maîtlsund, Tyle. Hutitehinson, Toront-, Meurs. Ardonaan, Evans &Ca., Montreai; Mtssaro. W. Prie & on,Que- bec; Messirs. H. J. Noad & iCa.; 52,îy 1AUCTION BUSINESS >: N, TTENDED te as susuai, by-J. 0. Sterii. ..L AUl arders reiating»taAmioti«hoir aesb t uudérslgned,~boud .eftet thieClîonile 0,f.. Are duly authorl.zed ta appoint my', 4aya of sale,ý attle e rnsi -&, suüd ta ester lut-n stich ot-hêe sy &inko os &É;bof rts o ieCountuy. Sales atende l -ail - STERLING. faesurer S la .tustwy ýil nir. ' , o ,OU2iSÃ"1-ÂtL UREDI.s se beutj Ir mnu Wheat'aud WooI, bushele of ,Pshal and Spvi ng WH BATI,'bo,ô Sfly q9tiBi4ite 0 for *hice liiglfestia à fWOL aI fOi POTÂTOES! j5 Whitby, May; 1,5. , 16 ow TailorngEstabliuhmoutl g SIMPSON k& FERGUSOê]. 'R ESPEOTFULLYOWmulf&u'e tô the ilu- habitants of Whitby ind surrousndinig ountry, that they have eme Trai lor's Sbop on Brock Streete oppoite the 1"Ontarlo HfoteL," where al orders entrusted to them ilI berd6newietb neatuessansd desspath., Whitby, Oct. 12Oth, 80 O DR. FRED. DELLENBÀUe1I, 0F BUFFrALON.Y. A FTER an tsnpreëodented suemaflul pyîctieo LLor over thirty yers, being aboutretlrlig froî atepractice itishe requst ofittuieroia fred ualprtsnt tIhe counutry, lbas consent- cd ta malie t loaeicui prepsurtions, up'n which lielisa betavasi the care amid knowleco teilog expcrie]tp mdhsIf hmiiî tedifféi freu mggissts for aa'e. Te those wô ar aquaiured witîs the Doctor uotlîissg xeed ho aid-to othuers, it is but uecessary ta as>',t that hecbbu for )-cars poreticribea for fraits 4,000t te 15,0c0 perbang, sand alwsuyi, vith the greata auct-egs. Casmes tsat hsave baffled atîser inedieul mne, yieided readil>' ta bsis treatsstent1 sud per- saits coesii daiiy train b injtrdreutaies t» ha curesi. The Doctor, iiowever, bia s t<t been able. like atîsers, te turc everytiug with oime prepur- tien, but lias t; p u hsmedi ,e>sinsutwo botties. *Wliiteh areuui e d -1sund 2. TIse ummber 1lis a 13LOOD PURIFIER. Sisperior to tbo pureae extraot of Saronpsîrillia madie entirci>' ofirout*anad iserba o' 0%laansi foraign eommtries, tisel'est propertiefp of wlssleli are extracted b>' n esîtire new chomical pros.esa. It sets in larger dos4es sus sou active physie, Ini ainaller ounesass'ais alterativo w.orking drectl>'. ou the Liver asmd Kidnescy, expelliug theretroi alsuurbid matter, tîLsabrinig n ut astail 1 the organa tîsat mss>'bave bcomue initittive,t and me>' be relieti n out cure Mocer Cmaints, ands CaVmplaits qioftkese iees, lnut tCUs- sumptiot, Dyspep«ia, &'sueral Deilliy Old (l Z.91&oal,&d'Jfm limpIes, , F ser- tass Debilit>' £ryspel.e, InJ4iyeftiouInufrmitlks Jouth catisenAgez assd ail otîser .iisecswlsieh have tisoir orrim Iit a disisrdered or imîpure Mtate of' blood. -it ia of a strengt lseiing siature, ands will never weaken or prosutrste tise bu>' The nuuiber 2 la. a FEVER MEDICINE. And must never bc tsskeiî except 11-i conuectissu witn, No.1. It uriil thcusreu<lffammurfar s- salism, aul ii ado of b'eVers and Aguts Lie seorst orc1ff .Au.-lssoand icPinswll tet erCUL F$, nat rousiovals traiunie pasrt of the body ta tise utîser. je- effnomber tQ prevent coiuf-.Imiou, thése Mlediciiues' arc prc-parec&by <)Li> IDucraii Faaa isERICsDELtsuuiAUetu, Whs) bas' pracmicod iu Eut- taulo) over 27 yeers4. To prêvcut traud, a correct lilcencas of tise Dotîr us oustise w aspîîer af esseli, bottle, sand "'Dr. Fred. I)elleiibugh & Co., Buffalo, N. YI'& blov lus tIse gîsas'. Dircetioita accosnpanyiuSg cacis bottle. No. 3 la solsi for $1 per bottle; No. 2 for 75 cents.' With this simple notice they are uffered ta thse publie, relyiug ou tiseir vurtuca li reeommmmding tlscmsè4ves. Fu'r sale byJAS. H. GEERIE, Suie Agent IVîiths>. Wiuithy, Sept. 14, 18.59. w & R 1->' Ilouse u.-d Lot for Sale -lu the Village of Greenwood. A N; excellesnt Freiine Haonse îud quarter acre of Laud, silmiate lu tise centre of tlhe Vil- lage of Greesswood, imntise Tawsis'lipof Picker ihsg. Thte banse eosstamims 4 ssîssrtmxests, asnd tîtore la an excellent )uusp ais tise prenuis. For terms, &c., suppl.y to WV. A. McOullossgl P. M., Greeisvood, or ta JOHN bMeCULLOUGII1 20-3m. Tise proprietor, Uxlbrsdge P.0 Pianos, Melodeons, &o. J(uSE>II RAINER utanssusie eTtrrfPiassos, iselodeons, &0, nd gesieral workmnan for the repair oftaîl kînda of Nlutical Instrunients4, is uow hreparedti tarecivis aud exectste aIl or- ders entruua4ted ta hlm. il work sssaîssîfaetimrcd b> hlm vilI bus guaranteed of.- equsal workmnan ah sp tea au> in the iProvinee. 1'innos tramn $1,50 ta $800, aeording ta qua!- t>' afisnstrumestt. Pianios, Meodeosis, auss otîmer lfusieal instru- meusts;-sîsanufaetmretl ta order. Part pimysaussît tushei in trade. All orders' b>' mail direted 1. (). Wlsitb>', oi loit ut lu is Isosso rosirofuthtisGrasasmar Sehool, wiii bc pusietutii1y tstieudc.d ta. 2 Qucbcc A'euîcy for tise Traisution of Business with Cthc Govenuiment Departem C. H. J. GIBB3S H AS OPENED ANtOFFICE IN QUE. ness o! Parties rcsiding in Upper Canada or clsewherc, vitis au>'of tise Gosersument Departusents. Pensons desirosus o! seourng Pastents fan Landis, or isaving Cleims of an>' otier kissd agaiust tise Gomemnt, or mequiing au>' information csbtiinshibse t tise Crowu Landis or other Public Offices, may have tiseir business dilligentl>' attcudcd ta b>' a Reai- dent Agent, witisout tise expeuse anti in- conveuicuce of a jouimne>' ta Quebec. Patents o! Invention t-cho ut. Ail prepaiti comrmin!cation s, atdmresseti ta Box 8, Posit Office, Quchec, ull ne- couve inmeédiate attentdoe. Quebec. Sept. 281 1859. - H9. J. GIBBS T HE Snl)iscrîber boga- ta lnf'orm eh ,pentues Chat are iutiebtedtahlm, tisatîit-vili be uscoésmen>'fur tiseni o make Immediate emrie-, nment for paylng Clite sme. Se vould say tist hu equires moue>' et pros a, -: suc Chatllue li& ta look for le ota hose Ct tare 0indobtetitao hlm, anti frointhtie lonlene>' liehialilthict giveus sucht lbenov lsopos thst wlh attendlta <c Chia, aq ofuD e o tiev»b. v Ài Ad uIt an>' pftrtiosýbàs'u'o apuiy <iote thOèf lh1saveon theusshieeat t-,blasme, as tise -ciahna-art haong incýe due. bé N0 41r -ie U4h ocr ioùa- 0 ma om ~ Id .plaead uin My gouiitos lau 1or, iho-lu Wbitby, SePts/22, 18659 8W i néttes 'tasuhe rrmvnte nil jisce, iq~UdOC. 615. hief CierkOf Priate BIilofficd., PT1LIC3~~XNBOTTA- V nooh o! FRIDAT, tise Sth DECEM IJER NEXT, fr'imuoh competent »Pimimbera usiMsintsas are rred neud diaposeti ta undertake, tise 1EATI N G f tise PARTIA MENIAUF andtiDEPARTMESTAL IBUILD INOSast OTTAWA. Tise Tenders .ta sij;te s bulk sum, for whleli tise Costractar la willing ta supsi>'isltthism- tdrials, andi conutnuuct, ereet, aullaput Ù2 sucea- tuui orperation, u itise works, muciistsud ap- pliuseticonaunected with the ofi' yse i h estiisg for eaeh buildinsgHeine te -étate upan whi:t syýsteun lis Tender i bogeti, andi suiit a fusil tpeciflatiau isecomépanieti wxth detuulîcti dniuwiis,, of ita application andte t guarutee ,s perfect efn4cieno>' for ten Years aflet it gôos' into aperatiait. Plans oftise saeveral Buildinga me>'hle stens on reference te tlii Offic, or ta tIse Architecta4, Messrs. FULLEIS end JJars., Ottawa anti Toranto, Or ta Meséns. SEYNT sud LAvais, of ('ttawva hcTenders are ta be tisiressedte thic ee retary qf Publie tVork#," eandientiorset Il Ten- der ?or HeefisigPublie Building# et Ottawa," andti acoutaimi tu l¶it atures o! tua or more ne- s1ionsible persons i eare wiinig ta 'betouse s'ecsîrsty for tise due performanece of tise con tract, anti coritinistidefllliene>' of the aystem, and are ta be acconipansiet b>' sueis certifitates anti recommendetion as tise parties me>' have t ftcr with respect te ita aperation. JOHN ROSE *Commshouer Public ýVorke. Offc of tIse Depurtnmcut of Public i Works, Quehce, l4th Nov. 185P. f - 69sw N. W. BROWNI AGRIG 'ULTURAL WORKS- ]BRtOCK STRET, WHntTB7Y , 1 (A few rodv sentis of the Bank af Montreal.) - Mfanufacrurer sud Dealer in ail kinds of AGRICULITURALIMPLEMENTS LIGnT AND ttEAVY WA<100N,B Msarket sud Bab Slighs, Two-horse Culti vators, Piouighs o! various umake sud style Scîsioffiers, Cern and Potatce Cuitivators Saed aud Tmrnip Drills,,11usd Scrapes &c. Thralting Machinas Repaired on Short Evenything lu tise ubove uine atteuded tel, witls Punctuality and Cheapness. Agent4 for Patterson'ui combined Reapen sud Mow- er. ' Whutby Octahier 12, 1859. 58 Coal Oil and lampe. IE subscriler bas jusat receivcd a ver>' J, fine assortusunt of Coal Oi Lanups af theunewest pattern,sund-with tise latest iu- proved hurners. 'Prices From $1 and Upwards. Ilis Coul Oit ls decorizt-d perfectly pure au'nd frce from any isupiensant.ismeil, andi lu soid t tToronte Prices. Tt gives a ight equini ta gas, at hess than half tha cast. Fluiti and caussnon 011 Lans altered ta hurn Coal Oit et an hotirs notice. GRO. YULE, Je. P.S-Statianery, Sehoal Books, Vialins, Flutes, Accordeotisasnd superiar Vialin Strings, for sale cheap. 74 M. MOPHADEN Conve yancer, Commission In Q.]B. & ]B.G. ISSUE R 0F MIAIRIAGE ICENSES, AUCTIONEERLAND AGENT, r DIVISION; COUSîT AGENqT, &1. IVill be wiIlingz to attend prompi>' u an e- li>' te au>' buainess . -.ithis îicshe usiybe cutrsisted. Resideuco-Vroomantoi), Brook, Couint>' ai Otntario. 86w-tf THOMAS MYERS, LICENSED AUCTION EER FOR THE COUNTY 0FY ONM2ARIOO VARMER'5 SALES in the Cosuttry' ull ne- F Ceive Proumpt atteutiait, ou rnoal terms -Likewise, (4oods cosssigssed aoncous- mission to <hio Anctiost Rauns'. ilI bec ilapbiseil ofto tho bcs't nantiuuge. Sales ut tise Auction R60MO cVey 'SATURIDÂV. Pisease of lierses, Ringluones sud Spavins, arc treateti vitis perfect asucesa. Atidresat, whcu b>' Post: THOMAS MYERS, Auctiosi Rooina, Wislitby, Febnuary 25t1t, 1859. ERARTHENWÂRE.: ,JOHN NOONEY <ýrm Prescott affers for enale, .11 kinde of EartIseiwarc mansltbetur. entIiispatter>' insPrescott, et exceeil>'low THOSI48 0>Y- KBMereisauls andmDxerswlllàfirit t timir advaittage ta inspeet Mn. Moonoy". stoa, tise agent lu Whistby p satnell hto prcsbeo opuacingexposai-e pureisasea «WTILL"'bapspYi>ltaeo echi% 81d >friends'afid VI vustomtet-iss - -*s Corner Dundes sud Brook Sbresta ear hMs aid piacus o! :busitness ai - ldeatrpyea y à re. Witby, nue 2&,1~' - -stuer bn East Mark -Taronto -A PAN Oý MATCHIÉI:)- JiORSE Sq *n  n et o svr outt repalias,'t Wîth' Poai udShafts, o'uvwhicht ememili he gi-en b>' fsrnit;hing appmcved endurseti notes. - - -. T. R, MeMfILLAN,. WThiitby.Oct. 5o'11859 AND BRITISH REVIEiýWS. ing ieadiug British Periýodicaha, viz- miE LoNnoN QrAIêTEIL-Y (Conservative.) 2. litE EDIxIt8uRGSI niiVIW (Whig.) TUE1 IÇOSTU EBRITISHi REVIEW -(Free Churcbý) 4. rTE WE5TiIINSTER REVIÈW (Liberal.) àl. , > 1 ,1 BLACKWOOD y 8EDINBUIIOS MAGAZINE (Tmr-) Tsee periodicais ably-' represent the three great politiczl parties o! Greatli- tain-Whig, Tory, sud Radical- 'but poli- tics farms aniy onc feature af theircharact- cm. -As Organe of tise snst. profaund wmiter's on Science,. Liteeusture, -Morait>', sud Religion, t àe.tad,.- as-they ci-ev have staodc unrivalled in the warid o! let-, tees, being. con4idcred indispensable ta tbe scisohqansdftis e oiessah;ua1 man, wisile, ta thse inteliigent;esadem of eveny clissa they.- furnimh a zmore correct asuaaîisfctary 1r e- cardof tise current litemature of tie day 4bhnoilenout the world, tissu can be possibly 'btained.fronu any other source. EARLY COPIES. The rcceipt of AD)vAN >c£E 111 frou tise Britis'h publishers gives atiditional vrue ta tise Reprintsu, inasmuch as tisey cun -now bc placed in thse isunts of suhacriheri abatt as Boon as the original editians. J TERNS. P er anu. For su>' ane of the fouir -Rciews.. . . $3 DO0i For an>' two of the four Rcviews....5 00 For an> tisrce of thée four Reviews.. . 7 T00 For ahI four of tise Uevie wr,......... 8 0, For Bhackwood's M0ai0.....sO For Blackwo',d and one Review ... 5 001 For Biackwood sud two Reviews. .. 7 OU For lhackweod sud tisree Reviews ... 9 00 For Blackwood.and tisefour Beviews.1O O0 Ifoney current ina the State wUore iésued voihlereceivedaetpar. à CLiUBBIN G. A disceunt ai twcnty-five per cent. front the above prices wihh be alhowed ta -cxxnis ardering faur aor mare copiesi au>' ane or more of tise above works. 'I'isus : Fouir copies of Bieckwood, or af oue Review, viii be sent ta eue address for $9; four copies of tise four Reviewsaund Bhackwoad for $30 ; andso0 O 1. Canadien mail subscmibers will be sup- plied free aof1U. S. Postage. Retuittauce-for an>' of the above public* tiaus sdtouid always be addressed, post- paiti, to the publisisers, .LEONARD SCOTT & CO. 46w -No. 54, Goisi Street, New York Partnership Notice. T I îUlE sler.sigmted Igivis. ntisce that thle> T bave tlim d<us>' cutted uit" jsirtsscrshtip as. Brewerat >aMitttera, uuutsl wifllcontisîlicto5 -arr>' ou thse bus4iness et the Whutthy -irewery. CHAS. CLàRK5 I. W. WOODWARD. Wliitby, Xov 145h. 1 8 .-a JLOST!e ONF'Prday eveuiig, ou the rnd between Wisitby sud Osisawa,- a Iady's tise finde; will be rewar 'deti b> leaviug ît atý tise Ch4roniele Office, or' et thse 1ev., Mr. Proulx's Oshsawa., November 12, 1859. 6 WOODS AND P ORESTS. tss,4 ',- thébe,'ý NTOTICE l lereis>yovei <bat ief1htls j- Tin.ber Bentîis, in tise Upper Ottumws ber- ritor>',yï b fve onseb ulaAncthoi gt te Orawn Timber (uflce in 'tue, Oit y o! Ob- tawa, as-tise SîXTI daY ai DECEMBEI xext. No. 1,0 aquase iles ou Laike Teeemius tgte. r 21 ,8 River Petavawa. -Tise descrition, euEpoaltion of, tiseBerthsa cahn beo mee the Crovu TimIs*r-Ofee, Ottava. The Benth t tteir etçuimate.d areu, moi- or lÀrni.to bI A 5AIui o A te mrtvns b 1iidine thel t T- s. Ilus tIselin-' 8 thurcon, ,esteir hhîst- cutis coun- îi tise t1imý -usIeres or, ions o! tise chi. vs. Jidse ita. Co néoelahi o! Ux- ,DS, .,C. 0. 'n. Charle K, defoju. vine the, On- r, t-ho. toutou- iece or' l4tbp of oaed of et of sces-q and àMoS W. CRaON, A EÇ~~T, CIVIL ENGINEERI EAtate Agent, Wh4t, AND 1 Lii

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