Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1860, p. 7

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-ouulion,, mre thse liser au,', 'auc ea tâta 55i onopolY àfeïulT'oxte tender, luere cvuscd ho su1 lial avlog t ho'uvceuntry' of,$25,060., Aud îiifi ls tact twtore'flsm, spe, caluxterl byFE oint Comnatlce ot bots lieuaof etPariJament'a vr ttOuislt t retersu hisa bocensuunmarilp th teeom.1'ts saolonu il MPSa.navuud 1 bat he tb riainduiuinîig uthtu e bag iveuiout _Z ppubliéteundut." est, 02te-42.-Iilct.41-eegai salsihis ilsotiu5g for thé oiiensd Ilocuhuigaîrnt I. Il mwsS aise uovedl tuaI "prlntiuug efthue, Oflilel Uuafbçhogiven uta hpiubllux tendr I.- Last,'67 te42-iey Upper Cusuuudisdhîuvoting fer il, adcocî o agablfueIL.Il. Larr Canada icuinedthe ul nie Mmesurei P i/fot orniorgc$8781. s mannerIli mwuhihGovermaul uobteins 1h tgeInlathie press lameli exesuplified hy bu casa cf, lia Mtreal Pila. TVile journal, ' nhle clicly reuarlzablo fur Ils vesemuenî g use,, et 'ail imue opposa thua Ooverssment, boboanstalixucl fer,'ye.us hy Gavorn- £patronage.Ilis. propriehour.3Mr. Rolle phIl lixa ur o esue yerepriolcul ItusuJouns- Set u secsbîy, and lisera are sortie extrarit; thue report of thuaCommeu o sn Priaitig lue 7c i 185, on lis accouaIt :-" ,tosr usmileco canuunt lus hile instance--I)c.ik o! n of nhnact, tor il dae coul ppeur Ilint à contrect lu laeo fre lorc wi mb M ai csphel, no rs n pour t'uuu*i5 ica îc'n euun u iluathtender $ hicb masiceelutcl, Tonusnaing Ibeir calcut- x tiens txny lialu, buc guideil ly luhesporloul rices, mid lupîouut1uuue price tleyr base their g port.' Ail aflur expiaiuing a ussber of Coumiittee o nuîcîdsu __IlJ'y lAaSiatmtit iii be oonu!Cualte amunsst orrJtrged s $88786 1". pettlicý-e uroiaxuta uaci na ,ruarly su- cric, iitisercasu paus ovr hou lr. - 1bel i dei Roi'. Dri. Jipreoos CarrA Aduantages.t usiiuolîing raliC OXhIIit in lî unre startiingt t he o Ianposiion haut us e bcn rece inl mnaenofetpublc affuirs, thaxu the dis- u res-uxusude iii1858l'y thie Couonillao et Pcb- 'Io ccotits wihurofc-»rixuc te the re'aroudisuer- li ndot fublic o'lxxeixuî orUpîor Cnd," 'lerpsnîx*. Thi genîleunuolun'as ipiInted ho 38 Suprianuic.îry of 18lctioiuu 1844, ns aOUor rd fosu'entoring ilh ulic arona In defenra jud tue hliu-iidexd proreodinge eofthlia, hrco1 mua uxodur Sir Chlesioe lrai uiclieFesP nce for fSui osntiu ls in fisure o e luCo- hi tien. Ilu du ppuintefl ah e rlary of- o! 00 per cnxxuun-hstlhie Infiet reccovedthue e Liug siols 1n 8o4)î...................815W) lus 181..................... 1:590 e ln 18J8....................... 1 180 l Io 1810............ 1680 Of a0 St'titotc uoscdIn 1850, Dr. ityoreace as-n mos fixel ct £2,000-whmiu ha reccivcd for MI second hunIf of tiretper, m4king thc In 18«.............. $1,840 of In 1851 ............. 2,00 ho In 1852 ..................... 2000 8 In 1851..... ............... 2,000 thi n the 21rt Mar, 1855, Tiiap Ciariocnel'a 10 tare tan ioîuî lBill, of wululiDr. Itycrenasuete illeul, thhîtiuaulil parui, as propouseil, Ilour no le 8,0 sysuas i cy anoliuoum habroien B p,"--cuurc dam te lise Asscmbly fetrho perliosusu'. uera t ila eduntroduced sud Pu led hy nafuanor s"souîliann Ths elelalre Iu liou si ts8 in Quuuli, --ao.l nal one0 mie. th eofthis Bill ind henlicIcrîl n Upper Canadat il Iti ie luuhn ate te forces Iltirougi Itauxent. 'l'liiaiolignuitiouu hlrougbouulUpper ros adoaa-inlîeniweu thue fltsha moe le lu1 piedo tbuhle publie prose; but on the 22nd y, Mtr.Aitoruney Generuui Macdnonaldl torced I mauure tiurougli asitre ading. Oic rssv v AY usinfs ireut iei.u=a of aIuste, as Goder is wa uepi,., ai, uiiuîgDr. Ifyrasss ue!uuofrossmu $1,000! o leou mnt ofe îuiuîty in ronclndingthuaI I nuu et s Bporpetrulcul sn thiat par- rou tor tise express puu'psea qt ciasiusg Bu ý0e, nl'amouuuii. Thueurevercou gentleoman s .18 7... . .. . . .. . .. . 1,1>0 l 185 1 . ... ... . 1... ... .. 1,000 4twitlustrilnuing liaeeliberul lloîrusnree, 1h o disclosed bl hle P'ublic Acaunts Ceni- s tto of 1858, thaut Dr. Itycrson lad tou r oule huan synteoatirusfly draning trurethie hlic cheet large suas o! tisa public ecusany, g beforo 5ieŽy wre oaodcl-inuhting tluec e ou àspeèi eipit aethle Banin ofUpper a Usel uc('tir. nuqein otu >,c lieus srgnu ol5erereure ltias uleunlo- tisaI iuu hue îNvy tho everoud gentlemnan 1uid a lulseui f sthliafollomuag samu:- In 11 ............ $ 24,1 -M In 185........... 1.13 (;5 lu 1853.........C i8 In 1854. *......... ..1 2. 1 in 18........... 8,17à 30 Total ..............5,64 fl Io d te mht itetnih nghh have genls lie h g ne1 arcidcntally been dicevereul, il le not 71te asy -forsi ho appopriatilenosre moel monîlu te meonti milu Impucily, tise ha- ces aeunmulaed mih progressive régea. te merda of the Audîler Gensal: ndcncp etf suci ea syBtero la feeeulp Olu ted hy the grudnal grotiioet lb asesa lueelhprntendeleul bands frorqui 18561, ian lie practice mas fuitîbegon, t101 tuee 'n Ifl. 'The balance. ou, bluis ho reehvd et inte efint bel! of 1851lppearsto- va beert $6.312, excluaive ofthbluologlsg the Building Pend ; sud it coiiahentlp in- eused, 5111 Oin Mexlaf s 8S l/Aslinsuu/so 112,940 1" an lieso feactiwrnbrouglul te lgilf4 iyesoen averred tel lhe eppropetateu tuls rsI mihohesanction ot M. Blacis,Wben cd te irrite Mfr. Hinoku for proo o! Iblis, Ilileil te adopt tsaI ceurse; and ohun ugit betere tue Commltteelet Publia Aý- teaul nos-exnmlued, X M c o'sanatios, IYlyime hts: usI n meutiainç(te r.ý eoste-1 hin 1 xestiouued tuI of W'tIisfni*sInc wsDm meo aIes smoontiug ho soin.£22-bs sinulae m seu te thiikitusasmalisateran aI Werite t 'a ot ru d..a.t ps il0-4hcf li4p--le rooney 1 tis.- -Thtet slue1BI are leu14i, vac lcbidl-U aéthe eiormnou&gu ff 8 of $M Fund-.auàt put ,ln navigable oian*Va ialprniuleu h ipe ao u4g. Il daïn Mm ers f te Rugeplau thaly lppe %_r t-hn- 7 "1< the town o-iaara- oenta41ng ~at luatèoeugus Streem from teù fthe p1&aride. -7 , 1 cI ouly dtioii of his glg te 8.840 iolh bof lvc $28,0; that the. - o iioç. "ccoIIcAy WinhbleaiUZ1Y Ple-id taovlthhoi«N-1ta 4ayOtefon h coey lhber0lty" shouild te-u of ruttord, wth 8,877 seuls iieoirecelvoui And llisch appesah amjn<> noun volton,,turI Ili the eercisee o Oidooubted prorogatve i ru oint t 1m trt6 ox21 of, SSOO hati.twoffrklUwth or election coutsa hr a Lme wh uwhic1armOO ecant et May becuuxo vacant in0fdivorce. i retB tir vj se Cia," thoeud of fourteen yers 3,930 sou18,,bad rocolved $400,000; and tliof hffggltitest a. snoeed 0lla týiaI~iaoe80fushto ieuui.ut, Quf il. ubioîu ébflo!ail Peport of l140the town of Port Hope, O>ntaining 2,476 seuls, Bugcotouldthave fsoalcdte USuilt thu arýdt 0 o.gnimm hr h&m ie h nrmu o.os8 oo h cniaefrelection i.pe00a804Wo fa Amnstain 0 afI f, ib.nih ýpcrCn- lhnJs i fôUa rcâdl forUt$,3 ir vry ia'i, iro n d x 'su Il drpeel el und abtoili - 1l the place eu ~r 1pTow iea l ownuvi o dIri nUtarI; but lt8la o er0*aNy' ohseto»oftePovne"The Date of ltdin2 (ntic apppC oXxpcdt; oeý fo ýiedlerie, V nà ggae _ ulaion f 1,M, ucoeded lnIWO avearrlvod ut* a point t viien directoobdlntt. uCýIe oIi i xtractiug frein the. Goveromnent the. veet sumof1 ilaBItelpra1th t oam tonllapnf 1. 2 640,000, or more thon cone-third Q(bih rboe pplicatIon of corrupt influecs te oembers duisute 17 agaistIL. -Wbi aBi to o ath,.o>teptdx~iic. t~ 5 aterDr.R3'csonde-i7i 1 ýîý ý1, 1' On the 281h April, 1859, thla saineomotion u la o h ony cf NOr1isuS t- b ,rt granted poyu1t; of 0epeafollowleg80tUbper eanadatmmi.amunlCopacltscX ctula very viJO bto8,o~ r. yesexuiti 01 I~P~btins' ,wjth*thcir rop;tropouloforalsstîjo 3flnsteiiapollcy for avertingfo1hai2agusItTucswc 0510to<lt r.snohamf onsidpr LicOou a.Eglpp3the reent of!a oempcLadeft ~the ipole4it ,' Fo!ey, Mixro, frt Monday lu Fébuar; o uatwltamd uthh.cnierC ùýFgn ýp),418 060,000 Wben tho ià'el ola Ùoàe orlp t i v mta : d l D r . pB t . h . . E e ô X . . . . .1 0 , 8 1 7 3 2 , 0 0 0 f Wîi a s s e c r t l e d , t h t t0 1 G o-e <a r H a r c o u r t , P t r c k , 1 m a d e , , l o w e r C n a a v o t e g t o d t p u r e î ; Là . ù . là haid Dr; 1 Ryorm VeBebasu, Rogn, Poell Wake, local Ésttr,-ad the moGetion... ..1,nos0( ot-hd endfetdillýe a Baa oSn oelWle thowtnot~, 40poaIl Buhnn,-Iowvand, 11cm, JamneR, 57 to 89. aüM ti l"dfl 1,91,_17,«»-0 da at thellut gencral election, uOTeen Burwell, -, MeDônald, J. 8.Rlymal,V ful....* 1,M676 j..4 ..1,81e 16,000 1the friaudsefetthe Adminustatiton coacelved tisat Cameron, MM.ujtile, Bbott, .UtC' 095z11 ayL.c.riu Irk&lonrew,6,72 80,00 qio woîd vntuokener ~ ~CarkI MoDougall, Stirton, A BUl repetnmll idm eass.- ful ... 288Q0 Lnchorlnend ....2,884800 r, MêKelar, White~ , per Canada, entirely af U. pper Càalind illoter Oeunî«I ...... 1 ,200 Durham ...01,961 460,000 tomaticaenY te rue UpperCeaayowraa To tlese would, have beou edded , .had tii èd b25, pt _____o 4 -U Oxford . 22,0118 20,00»Cnd0yoe aa hdte i n.i l.g:wihgle u 06,11 Peh . 104 ~0~0 d vîoeuigrbg en proent, Masre.ý Cook, D. A. McDonsld,: i oste 8 De Wahbridge, Nerritt, -Dorloud, Hfartman, sud fewseseosi ro ecue or hiwn sco i eltlistCnej qullocovertho:amoun - -225,000quence. But tue Governejnt ognbdnwpioiably (lown-msldugin uî9 i .Prvn etu allte 8cfslw oRad af ll josfeZ 8o~htuoz a ropaid, aniother O.rjler o0fl she ue ehrmmes eemiti oeonn onthe maminjirinciples sud vnginvlsvth Ma o ls ct ~efdcn .,imaklng'n secrond pet-. .- , Uglt on thoeccm. I"Qurobjcct," sad -udtatlefotprbbl-t'ceul a 5150odects ~ mne ft~hu n r.Ryorson Is 9i .lary cf Towsessu-fertio ... 2,737,$40,000 ---~j edosui sosw~sups adnl27vteis;sut plablenlhtcbeouelu<i- TA o'ee cedo Tsrr t .erdt L 7 otil r if te ulet mon at 0 ceof he Satue Brntfrd ..4..0.50,000 "usprne tor frtha ppose U p. abt2tocee s lcfb bof et lestU.C densusL a' grees t enerpulielie i 'ayer IheRe. aboc,....... 1,1 a apaen ve 'ed tbat tue tblrty sevon oppositionista represent vou.. ePect et? i trno u rn ,fi To11v eueo 1,161 8,000 tr orteOpstionin1p7' 5uhItocus hchaa itlu ouu :ra .34 0IV )0 lHope.........5240 14000 per Canada conttuenclers le te brlog about a population ef-400,00O, unie thems uppcrtugOn liiiMayt 1858, a.43ovramnt moasure ùve s tanies, if the içal Iorupulong ebc, ......... Rp ........ 2,76 00,00tise Govermnet'ropresent -osily 890,000. Tisualise allbctiug iùucrlusly the 1modeofÃ"! el, lul edith tholate t: ?làiI surol i7...........'o1,0, Moulien sud Sber- -'reolstlon," &c. IlYouX CCime Ont le the (loveromnent o! the country -thonbas een =urn nUpper Cassadul wu-as movlod uteaater . 1,721016,000 inost seoriont isecci1i- the Oite od rc nfr vrtoyaelu"otoen esdx. An ewnest exposseocf..aa iul Il o ýraenthse ebter S.6:2115tbros.....1,218 ot-ofiebfo5bs:0sWsdh on eopraetho Bill followodi aud,27 te 24ofe ,th-per CshuobaAasinmî g e"stm Noralcb .6,289 200,000 ~~~tic! erCasdaof tue feelingsau lles of irammuu-viuiauutil; bttioLweeete o obt-- l Op e .......on hie nsrrwboues bete yoinnIstnC tivm anadia phaauvolcdttlug, no oli OmPI O» u ayahd a f buOihthT it.7' lu O jfoes é o U. .IUa Sp £x. b8kenpr mit -anetse nups.c,tt.. tieGovrnuiont during Woodhosco.2,94 8,000 «"Gyero h veirogrly (cognizant of h1tPbl for n ppr Canada, oTpper anaof meT&Sl fV 0 ~te, nc~sedBut sUtrlpa - 87,00 ct f Edumltion to tour 89,471 "loopuic àtct. ILet our Limorosoreaulece, tuenir, Lui andeas asben rcod fintmps orgnéme Ceséudo ne t ose e hmptlondlgmfsma ofrth U anum, , tors, Lomië er Csusclorioms? Who, for instance, suuudtheconluidencergetlemenoofo o'W aeaos oxsc i 0uee, sl-dtu teTw'o.-Barsis...1,007 $12.000 ak corae.Ile wost sthatcnbcfulus ie hécommenced &theoistie cnfdunsuo! he, c Uper -jtôi7 ppr<4enida ht li te Iuotrc, usJauy,1867i sud lBellevile......4,56 009 Whoueu sc.t II. fS8c9ailn taIaton?&. ad;but they perssitbsthe maie me c bem uýueî taite<,pal lu te publicu ch wsthout imtis . 17 000 paymmnt of a amali sum, for a tom uray ClouWo b ilt14 o sruIaa ls th xcliuorll oa fiesl lIem 1eiag ui not friiu t."Brantford for.ilsu...s..a.a. ,070710,000 t md cfrn te ntonlsysein, o! t ad f hopooplebl oJom .nt wieW dahr!itenmo r *" Lost-y 40,.neys.......te 2,286 40u0,000> Grits." The mnuistrydld not scceed ln huying erolu ruxlentoa veo.mtotagift of the Ceoirs, sud aid thora lunterde iI~ae1th ~ -r Cnuda votes Catam...1,193 200,000 11p0110 triod member ofthle Opiuoêltio-hul tue utereted-motr, nh Soaiacuedreremiion lie corruption le' exposed. IL, gexltthegslo~pe ~ e!nt on ourg .8,871 500000 tact le as unqucationabls as It ls e ý1)-tut f'IM,0t.Scolari.schoo bl cf 1851, and ofsÃ"! htLwec . e.rzroee e4 itiàbvtdoscuirý 0:atnlus isetin amiI...1,646 12,000) e i uce a euigt hi tppr'e 83 n f1855. sud et 185W? Whut tueesmnihe liaI Lawrnce W. lfcisur .opee4osueowl p mce ihovidence of Dondas ......8,5117'62,000 te i uco usdca elei )îpr c 81 u fWi, tiations mitu Hcnry Van Allen Itapsle'iSe4adnt'n f'hjs-nro t wh licmanagemenut Godericlu.1,829 100,000 vers! uxembera.elect, irbo had desuncedl their mezabers treinx Lomer Canada? Il 1055-'net o u onyc oulfrlepcseimhv ellee~sc j~ cunrAundecsudd ...e...17,8058,4000 procceinuga et tue polis sudmers itumedin n ougitatuwemuuuî1tlespatientiyh b isusofficemand xgrsed upon rs u;,that MMe' 14mtiiout e' "itM'o!f1ppez Niagara ......,840 280,00 eWp ulo e e.Whelu1rILwsb-pmi 1..,if1ls wu oub mrJs ue'Otu . .70*IDesborvnc-lmsnt onnugi lattensof thosu icer applieri te Govemuxont fo u ofc l bn )wutOth wr a th Otaa .......7,6020,0 oesnt of 2Mr. Rpios us -giali upthuer disgraceful Paris ..........1,8w0 4)00 ieapiaca uw ytue e ae, tho pub- suds of pounuis aunually muet hi ad froro the a svourbleepY;tblM ecu' ieo i ~ueolttpr 41a f)hc hGvriet Peterbo...2,191 100,000 . litenuay neyer knom ; bt hul us la urtin, îiiaî euegs ttiite poople 0f Upper Canada tor the paid fotor. %lji]>2,000*enutonnSayve d*seat-TIls ~~~or iiihhGoolsit PolHope..2,470 860,000> o mmerh rseongda h tsisg m uttloaluUprOuou ust h amn ehx±blpuj)Ã"b121 eeoM1enoubi 'îsbrougbl. Wespeaitnol onPrneberht.2,104a 100,000li Il upprof ectrarlsduction inowr Canada-- rroui stelus o ti velà£o!$20 ,OOOesndaTiny ':criigsution osuthIe Cuiesr. St. Catharines.... 4,808 190,000 wt ne gP70aett e5e ia *c ueu n hpdt teYdso u Ioe uigbs ana e- talaCal'&0 ls uo14e - àn, *lyC ,tien lu Augusl, 1858-et Simicoe ....1,462 100,000 Ç suganst tGPeriment, auue rooeb lau haodtetu rmeo!oLmýe rlugule nteurel llfsu iotdolitho eqlesie 1q y f office te 3Mr. Brown- ttôrd ...1,5w0 100,000 0whos r55ttsOoenuinan'u eplloi nda oustcelari Rspljtereupeonuthel %d b,e oeu dn solbeelthaintbocysawu ssM te~ .f confidence ilulu an Woootck ...2,112 100,000 that lue charge mss ulterly gonu2se, sud tha aI ry vRefetsiUs s. C. DMW ei5. . Voeu. mes apjiinted lu Isaplaceu. Upper Canada? They wmr-- uolon Government being ~ - 427,40ho Il mouîd seUi ailthe riais ho hll bainstIL lit OU 111 t sIe ,uon'u M lerl-~hisgrass alto!corruption, it 'ait oisfs. Beriln (oln oermntbin t,5 sace on~gbteprortulo tiaI unansinlty vesy et o!goedgeruunentmaapro ' Busetesi. :ltai uxmes bil hol ven $7,3W,000 tor a dolisr"-husureceîved frein thé publiiclest on tue purtl-ot tue Jury shoulul nout bh1oaneeesay dslliueeacm ihesdter5e e ,Payb * eoarlog butor, tueir cen- NuI dlaeoervdla utoftsforty- lu the tire short sessions ha basosuîo ôteeteuutilcoseain p rCanauuir< cosusities mes follomeil up byie om=iulu ayuuiuu Xo f eto Counte in Upper Canada, only fourteen ThIirty-two- Uppor Canadians, on the Onirt sUri- Bouhe fer an adciron t ée tho Gveroo Caore, r urt dfiueg uci polcyreceuveul uny moneytrom tiie Laoan Fud. Iiese Ont un cash 8125,769; second ln 4ashi, $14,004; Sien votei tor .thtlmeanuro, sud tmesty-oni settiug forth tue' taris, sud urpaa>btS et, what foliomeul me mesu foueheen fai-ocoof counties and henti-n o h eon iiintwny4j teOiin& hsHt"ýmdJ'-Xwoad Sd dleoutont 2~2,60 lretysu u gree d ho lestivtag nOm te obaii cvrctirly A.u eon iuo met :npJ~ti1 ;A7uacdonzuld, fflda 3ravw islto f 2256 iety n 2,140,Z)tbrosg'h luoussud dollars turlier as lie i4anco eileged 01b ae aaavtees<p Oss A cousussuatdwi haipcsity'ousIl. - iCsu,- ~ r matllecy rfuaeeu tograsit & tcwnship sud town munlelpaliticg, or 'm ail to luoudueon the very cdema ie hdaenledaut tuahe leeCin dl rsMacleteodg!s ege.de tus of %W,0 was borowh7 y25 tomes sud foin. huetinga te'leot, and.offered te ullpeesoftue any P»<lk Wos* 4J3705in CU. C. Dek îed5 by L. C"sud pslg lBliencytrevole Wo'eee net loftlin <suit on tiis o e leulfiro îieîs 00. Te blneou u ,or misson o! li, olulL. . aer aruss efffÀtorusYQeG ai1adoadin' ,uookery. The usaeununsos shipe, centawsng su sggrogate Population ot cee for a dollar iWlote ul otr. oi IeorlPr aequeuce tcndered their oly 70,147 socle fàIthisle uiiolo tuondlof lî__thubie____il________a-_orok.padonreod oto gsro ah once sccepted; ,but $7,300,000 iras ewnllomsdud 10by an' agrOsueIaent lst Session,;Il iras propooed sud carrie flue olvecatesouf luis uxotion ireo sthy feeing - Ott aiaiul cislo eopl iono 6,798-aud the rernainiag par- LOWER CANADA RULES 1 CA ~that mien dlfféeuceri arase betirees luhe Boary,"Ii!tue cbarwie crliuago tfhoIhe <mu ofie e a U toglion of lia peopie of UpperCanida, ceruprioing NAOf LOALocrks end'suy Contracter, lie malter sbould loinI r t d us. loir, It l nce > on~l scll 'r ~ ~ ~ ~ p olor reoeaeu n uuhapîtoutstogîfo 10puu.IATR.hrbihmarfiy settied by cee or mcre CommIs- Thiswu m î 1prraa re-cleohsud. Tic There mouid bave been litle iordshuup ta tuis Net only de me cempisin tousthli nfluence elonars appointaitl by Goverasoont, withoul ay lO mrlt, at~dO 't .i,.,,...x '~ aiiaycd eut--he Ieading te thoe a ho got ne money trusu lie FuuuI, hauu o!flteUnion on lue genero caducl !pt ,rgadhmseofthcPublic.sgslst105pcled . Th tueinSdt ' ' o!lppor9wao" t tuedoieouofhe omselonnerrCosusssgin.eanner. Ti ut mn appole : L I, l hL of M y f tiehé ,>uiavng eentr itOe mhegotitbeen cempellostopay1eck. Ilut-sl8ll"a9"tterly unsalisfateey-uuî %- fardie ers g o appolohed, It mes provlded huatinlu amr 'Woi di:sia lm Ipesr, utot~ite ev.sactsw osnotli èiirlinen--anI Mr.Oel Oiefror hale6 eenssiielofou ey ack-heyCanada lucre shouldble anappeal tothseCourts OU be de se oTe 11Iadé ls, how"it04 il f )r"' without resuit thie bave heen encoursgrd to repudiaho; sud lu, lllegç, that il ecabies Lamer Ceusuini pollhltatls o 1 Upr PP -8 ete y e ai bckth ldMiises.ran ople ho pi n o rrlueuroi c M i dtste rulo lie peopleo of Uppcr Casuiuia te an oxtent Canada clalunanta no apPesul miatever...'.-teoie toisghtt;tien ma sued <by ~ ~ 'osdh4lrl*o~sdoaue flcu the0 iray 3MrJohu A: bave bi e e endlt llomed? Casrud - 1 t il us-a ho n;, ZÏd,cr andl Ieir cleiesinun l and a large a iaret their detaultiuug sud in a rannér sui hne iigh pirlted Ipeople VieMr.Jomng sunduieliesesccorisgiubigrfcaeebylàéiof >ril 4ous!ld B IiM~IIOt bun loiers. TIueir Calincl mes neigubona' delita hosesc. 1ue GorerontogThee ea, uts fogpaeleLae ove t i 1011:- . u g ccord'wJs l d d "tir~sgsrltei ffcs iulau !resisting the grouiing tendency dian roe~:s U5tE#aus staèfl u ob'~Duin Goreuun.uuut 4. ~rrepadiahion, lest Sessionu nippeulte li l- Canadiaus are enahled not osuyt eclln Thot partire luUpper Cuça havlng daissFruae*temteis~are ebiqje~s~ u14 .uu . u. îleutl ulns inpesu fo om publie uen tfor lue hlisapositions etf "for logssesor ulmgaacnn5fosePb auCut, ouos euuoln ~ u meut, <d o '. 0 .emd ,bti td r"u'.u "%ada votes ho got tucie Loar Canada lic Wlrks of thgProvinoe, shHlaote 9mue gel, sud Mr. Mercer cremovcd fromolU015 Ou ' .. - - n. rubbery B hiceugi Parlsant. State, hut luay place Ili Citan dothe : 1'of a 1 ' Y r th. ùU.L b- Css.uk Ar.'d,.. -.hut, r u. c'. ' eo m'ai~, '. x. sel milu10 a gneral supudltioultain lueraeasalue repréentatives ot UpperlJsaa itýisýpuh- t, . e-elecUil, 2u 1 col for the ssuunicpaiimunuubie te psyii tl-i ifofthe c udr- munid ticswr ecl be t ect f le rnoie voles? Te-lr-' U , . [lit; 1. _- Pl eWfound of esnuplig oblugation.fTue mhoieof lheborrcmisg munir!- condemned hy a majorily oft!lus Upper Canada IL sud tenety sgul's ..elcino 8,D h ersnaioc alwae toîrnul.An Act bof palitl-ties mnllomed te gel eff froin their bar- memdiera. LaIns pluc sco luft beyond daubl. Cisuediauvoued a stIt nslud o n,. l.s lecuen uf 88foas't irees ttfi eO05~ 1 i ui' en of 1814.5, I"fuor te alinsby poylugin sunuany te ht.le Rer len-e t once o! Perlisuuenhl, -ùsorsala 8Iuýoqsai te one ssintPparjcuuo .a On tue 201 th of y, 1810, a irect vote cfat ~of tîhe c01555of17 o! ll y ma ppaesnt __ inI pou pota ! ofdn s ovd 1u iteteicwl g de Rre'uf orindesou UuC. C. ky-L. C. iva mIte LY overbir. Lonux o! r tea vte u andefo tsu xcane tsesacd anneel value oethle taxae pWhon OaaofuconidanceCourt 1101 watheboierePar- n hnesoi e ond bis ieut she y regardCurte lus bemoeulta oferthil wclsvedomnitucsveal m ni-"ene t erme etotueettGoeou~ue- ' o n otte ledb rs eucosals tix cc r -Oenre, &.,suu efe tot ch e g Ban ord t ua rm d b eptheel ueju e peleroictte uale Curth e o, s of 86 -.t;yCoourlsvdeti a e s bolrheen . a _ls.me uxhootioegl- h ou.bt 9,48psrnath" eaî ourof ethe tlPpves' "adtyblliintueucqaryteçueueî, pU-o l vu e Irtele '.' on I1r*2Aaa e etat ut. rto ba orroe athnahnif hwol, usblo dvsoo71 7 peee miai >tubun Oeouty sud8ut eu btef. elo u mi l agiba at of h. o heseeU etLS,,.th urgtutu lrlytreo e i uerst ion vt dte,~Oae Court." ' baplafecouz8urd on M. b vLh81a;é egea~~i6t er làbût resaUetats1 Io ld~ wing heef e c linuet One* r ted 007 bu owth309 le sudenitn ty-eeven a t i Te usilp 4 s4 oesÀ,te;ms ot!<ofbpLoe ntlln e och e. .tol efuc liefa4 tuh~esiem. Brafrd, thmt jiereu ass)O resind-the uexprssgof ~tfeda votes, Couss taluaiuntCuts uietu ly g Damechlonbta Touemes b- ollhérs. Ooandtu ,abUpees n aeetpCxs el oWent- l. oma 0no ve moruitieruthe Ile ' ththLnorrou t /~uboudlembI.1iIgpneieuf per -'saPeander umef Irhea /eUn ,hhterl Bill lu . mdch5no -- 0ereu~ tpe.1aAudaontaIof lu u ffls xlmt o PerJlsent 47; cetein tin., lteulof ethe borrmit mrtlpa r e $5 bitgpa ies urd - p~ <*lce cfér~.Eidot uMr. eu oo<a folk#im héut O-) t storesen aofi ve c, tysd ahtndn bwJul re u Icutaht-tseèUlp aertu reis vothaenforlIel, 'QabCue'.vmout 11fr- ee8ig b Hu aasIto 4b laises!naî! ad ody "nt-sevn a t i. Te MniÈr Pa riis OSIX4t 185u lwO s ti0 owt ' it~ i0O, t,$5 45~1l5p* aler ltenu esyo tap int prlc ee-"cfrsrgrslt prCnd opee.u ofteeévnt orule o U rd aada"a t mc. 61 te 50-lfr.15'ied, owondve oyMr nve 'alioe htI i o rîho Mnt0t0aadabu t 2,721le ayger malistdisp "ey wsuucne lluita n aa ~ *ouue.e.-leUprCn-l l uibvs~~~ % t t9MiiI tus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ëd'y miajolfxitMrre 'salnittci etl)naace ia te, p"vtstuhpre.~ , rlae Ch spn# i.nassatI;bttetsaled 15e"t tio bim e o! . s>!Up L -uàWa ust boecets bn'e3ieIstOaflptW-.at brroç4onlyU lis eametic wOhjebu tue' "uner s u The'r rmier o5.s.i1 OwissasinupLoe hp4a e',7L'sa essd 1l"xl asbéis bo) tbla Clla te le, Certainte l ole à 'ostitnoiisno "h.. hdson," lisuttev Mos. inmùfrslso n U" . lvipoMl '.y"at ie1105i oeCiicueaii4 uaçme'1sdcmoulooiel u dfsllfm s 1 Ibhio o mude fo io lte Ixpap e>t susset Ik 5'CT.C. L L. <s eoieou. iy raLdOf ene t cOlasclai 3kLin ie, i tiu vagt- bro et basa g au oomtelled.ulsipa e y bis nlor tu, r esoit Adm0<fp Iornbailsueisi expeeseul suas.gABull us iteho do <à 85 oe rusm B -wý. a ntbo liMe»1olo slp qab$çnsoea, es;hoda,*iis" tlagÃ" ytrL an tiesint aIaroé llea e nis *: m"atolfot h voveam en onie basdo stal 1te statrOfficeola Cills, Unlos 'ie ssbInsu ulvLsuul l holding o!mafierIfut kle o e stayn cf pirrpu- anada "dopensgo Ur peaada relsu tisenienvell n t e.o nea. il otlulIFile g h forUprC 4fd gla dae, SrouVA-' as iha ovsr d-atil iesh usmarla -luof "peatquseticeshotora couusry," airale ux-IO iia l ha est$Illsbàsditlsbees deseàAnadUr tic s&ttd saae I errelel8~~adsleltrlln ueOoerutnlaterd*use: oir gisais e isenaa o t its. L ado vstr's sb oe tèr naiap oes.' un pppgr i ho-raudaa %e suçe Clefîme çilai d (Cdil, 4w)nyf lleai i;bisipilassM"ttis ueo», s Ltoniut afUprt uDn W'itts éxpee ot <iftisa s.ti n h o ti ,poith joas denreui' luPeelaent b a regf vet o tSutI ieitl* lma t titis Louerer CauhlaoPimTh%, sues . tisitie fat ouufs lsp aI Iefo$rsgts 31mIllO,0o0 dhtehlely<fQeha.-oc ëessux w ne s lmuts est are acfm "eU sdmisa eoitosusus esaleford- .CYL 'â,4 ) 02 1vt' 48 tbes et. Teroux*& Ut. ~ ~ weaist> pf t<a ppusltices~ ani e!tus esomtp." Iltosasua O!volsaasyb eorej 10beland t s",at ,bb TI sosoius al sth tu Ob-- Bil wu is tthsodueletsarslMbovemm di"-l arp eni7t hjhaa ob gpps potseofb-ccfqcan!d- bte' 44ilasêl, Uuer vt ine ci y flsI " leth-~sè etoont - .tataL ç > twua u4 Ue lltrto e hewr t h.la Ertegly apla t fi. 'tisa la vt feo timlaIiisq Ast t tuper Cstada vote - IlInaultheb9i tas-. o 4h. it be IPg f hoLq"Oiso,Utat auteo fiduce. aper Csuda u is éumê o telbh UtioiaIBe!atISI uct I ilsaUim ÉoIl m.,Adsir le>5rm g th ilN ofê >per- a1titueétur foctai* fa e a nt Meir mdy:+ hodigofth 5udal1ma W7 fUpI On.a l is ,vpQ ndôig oli 1. b vlt ait.a Il&liepisu6p.ss

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