Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1860, p. 4

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RC. sud s r. TEONABI> SCOITT CO., N1 ing leadiug B&il Prissi: chu oisSes qc «msaar(anervaliv.) iia WEaSTUUMssR svtaw (LiberaL) 6. Tise.poriedicela aly represent th. treoealpolitiesi parti etGreatBli-i tain-V'ViigTe'y, sud Badica-but pOli- tics forisaoid eue flluiio etlsircissaot- er. Au Orgaus oft Un mst protaund writeys ou SienceLlleixtnre, Moaiiy, sud Religion, they stand, as tisey ecir Wrst o unriv41ledIh tise vortd of ltl -Ir beng, countdred indispensable te J S cisalar sud thesupratessionsi man, whiie fo tis.intellignt nodr feeery crisse s> turlsruh a mure cofreol andudstistactor>' re- carl aftie currentlilterature ofthtie day, iisroughaul lis. vorii, tissucau be possibly obainet ruai su>' alisarsourds irAB]4V CPE9. L.ANK 'RH8-InChancer Wiaeus Thie recetefAt va'S a seurfrom Ibue '.is~ ~ ~ ~~~~n ;hVamnVes atuy uhBiti puishhera ives solditiosalalîue te rgale r ugovau Carl. Dlvi. tis, pintý natuci S tâty Mnueo Coaéý' W. esNota-.le haitepn t ~a s s abe bout Cier- ofÛiso Peanemel ,;tCounu'as soa asubise original eoutions. Maon ug andTownasips' DiedusTES an«c a&H forma relsliug te lte aPer. àuù u>siOforanyaUof t'thoefourRqview...$8 OC ~ "~&LO-For asu>' Ivof thé four rlvie*e..5 O0 * w Baile" sud (iouetshles' For amy-three of isq tosuleuiow8 . .. 7 OC kalbv the doso.hotýdred, br tihou. PeFrsil feu of th iseRvsoe......... 8 00-, outprc..For Blackwaod~a Magazine . i.....OO0 it~r.um, II<SAND, ~ For BlaCkwood sudonReieeo... .5 0 >1 £iieýuaier Dllu PAaet, For Btckwood sud tva Reviovr... 7 oo 1 ~ sserDolrPce, Fer Biackwood snd Ibro. ltoviown. ..9 oo ining 1% shots fine ruled Loller For Blackwooad udefour lioview& 10O-O0 r,, 2 sisee , Nte, 12 self-sealing Ltt' iJMoeoreyct iT MeStetas viueieda uvelopes, 12 "oelolini NoIe Ens-e- riltE &inreirct ce por. , Frasetr buton Ponaald loider, CLIJBLING. laoaet f Blolling Paper, sn uentBat- A discountt otwenly-flve per cent. tram Ink, ssU to~r a Quarsr las. M a4shOV6 pricus %viii lieallooetetCLUS TO PR INTERS, - ordcriiig four anrutore copies ot an>' aneor 1 kigh f Ptxnx PA ew mtuo oh te ahovo works. Thui: Four telga sft PAt et paaNoc, epu escokycout, or aloiotRauiow, -211 of etIhe four llovicwasud Blackwood fer \ W ~ . $80 ; adsn 111 ~rerioçicti4 t aUkiulePOSTAGE. ýttiugf cahI. Cuuadian mail aubscrihers viii ho aup, * plieut treofe. S.8.Postage. QlIll0~ICLB ~ Bamillauce for an>' of tise abovo publics aar. tiona ahoulil alotasalha ddrescd, post- The WrKY0151 ,tepaid,ta tsepuishsers, «-Ytr, i adojtc&44w No, 54. Gid Stroeotew York. W. SOINSq8 WWIII ", r. TI0X" NYME, Y, fiai>'4, 1889 "\ LICESED AItCTioNEESI FORit I N W COUNTY 0O DX2RIO. N V ST T O AR J ' S AL lIte Couty wN e 4 H1*l.S, toisa:-Likew'aeê, G snsigu on o «U ttntonlakm ' t te Aut ivten aoo ttlihedhapi st aiiNewStsa@erg, vhOSROOMnA eury siugeano. laehdoeDIooeee heres.llioghonecs ad $Pavin$, . 1kls i"and uEPasy are resail oittd uiree ucos. W-lIg I0sl's1.apig THOXAS liTES, p*pl4rc çth 1 ale ateess, * 9%Anetion itom POaI qkP î b ,i. , sv Ib dy ti> 1h,15 . lu aot t4lefr tT ee rdeossrihgq e olsiig PAR THENWARE. * --------o ~ T ORS' )MONET frotePréoatt afférr foi a.oas, e. ~ , ~ e ae aIl k«indaot4 Mlhoewreouiînttor L-&WRa B~ÂNK' * TEOMASMOODYL lbi . L mni utIan i<d xsiin îl o tt pOMas h * 't.whyN. IW, lmQ lui istxnMl7. à-nu t-T AND1if iM;~. '~al la1l1(uiî~ "'AWRIWULTOJMIWUmK Manufacturer sud Dealer ln au kinlds eU exe AGRICULTURAL LPEET teu. wîî i I IT vGOa sud tbe Markttand Bob SIegis., Tva-bers. Clli vaboOS, Plonghteafvvcua maluosand style 'uOig.Scisrofllousu sud Potabo. Culirators .9Was4 SeutandI Tnrnip Drills, Jlead cSmpes ér. Yotie&. îi\rQw ng là gittissabsovya110e ttendei la feur Pt-eos entableut Iaper and Sta,. Whibby Octbe'12, _1849. 68 Coal m ui"dLampa. -tir* n1 ue amueatuja t osaCi O0L4 p a tii. neweot psttwmtsnd elt leb std ' a poe bre Fre. 8 andwr@ is ColOi n edom igeW ue tA > 'V U _ _ 1an ym el , a andec MI On at ~ s, ~ ~ n Subcib« cue t ir e l;i n "m.ril pen lu seds11.. aai o>se ~tî~wtso i ri cos t fin.'bsines Tise charbersareipracîtil suad cdmnpe4ut wroeslez' expanienice.4dsu lise> deyete lis eoubie of their owu Ishor te ttiit hnsiuos hCP melncarti athelle 0rAFTÃ"RD TO S TIRF4 CIBA~P Tiss thoga visa bave la lire tise laboc of allure Ail Articles sold aI lise lavest livin pricoe for Ca sh, ol praveol Plusse ci snd erseuiie. AUl ktndsatfnubor sud tannera prooluco takon n uexc go Ailwork ted BEGS toamsounco tp his mnserons fblonds id custome it Iho lt, Dow ying IN AuL ITS XRN}E on th roieshrlooo cspic bbM. i'.lo' n Mr Sreet, betweeu 'rau and Brook.îStreeta, wherî lhe is prepsred, as bersufnre, tb exýitc ait. ordera in sted 10 bis marm CARRÂGES BUGIES SIIIGLS, TTER1S, WMXaua catured and $ýold at the ~rs remu tîng Prices. ALL WORK WA ANTlED. LU7JIJJR nid PRI9DUCE T.' iKI,,YV IX4'LI 0E, suJl.RJ<ET P D.OI4D'S long experiecrofuthtirty yens tae prin pimtancoies h States ud Canada bas glvennIhât exPerience ii ,tvry bs t he business ch reio have theeuable to arriveuiii.anti fnr beat>'4*esg,ciel +of iih, duraliy, aud soliity of wurkuuaesbip, hie îork cannet ~xcled ë-FCati and sec S8imens. WhitbY, Augngt 16, 1859. 1 - s 12 12 SINGEW'S CELEBIIÂTED SE1yNG RN 1 o:- 'iIAURIANTEI) tio tuI& t uirneiinierv reipet ae tinue9%( by j. M. SVOtatunu, torît titututoie s slioctamto itua, 'lIe anouil- e aîli> isgoit to e tttuiletittur o eîttncly ebvitiv Uist Tucu oatite aao llîîîexitiption tthe î bictun e poa 0etur PRICES uItmprevet, NO. 1 MACHINE $65. NC2 MA IIINE $1 t No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND ImROV, 1 lises roceivaul iiovroite trutimouiltub fi.,Booît aStiv 555 stinm.e ora, Drese ors, PrivaI. Fatoillus, asut oiere, wo arc tie u olgîs eir ite i . ittlit' meeuitic_ Aier g uei. Rend tue tuttowilig ertiiutes, ivnitIes lu>'tise tagu me oe li s futilhtctitrrro iiiCeinula.es iMote en j Bxei sud Sit onreutil, iuDec. 1859. ~ a.i o.u Wetsq ioslire lu bcstssri-ouloisthe10lIa WiC Iitve toodfnit J. Nait'5,e o J.dIa1l0, ltaeiug lied tirQcîin iea seui 4 1.tt fo 0 ix ouilut'. Tht>' are of tituger'.as iî tieiu t-iigltIiss ktattr ut Ur Ontellitýoubitttfc i.r- aul otgttiny' iule i =o Botre idoutibai t'oînirqaiua une.' u uuco v til evend etheki~i ROWN dCiID.C11141 i. AU onmnnicaliona relative. ta Sev'lug Machines, etc,. lu progii, as on Ot!hone v41 ha e ceilresl E.J., NAOLÉEI (JAàuvAsç Sauitu MAci4mý 2U esNotre Dame Streot, Montreal, t'. I.Factor>' aven BestiejtbSreis Canal fa MKontrws, c' . SAu SA 5Q"M st-o JOHN-LilE R PIr 1tu isfit0s publie g«enrsi visa baire huIs ruilwenly plronW hlmlit isiformer Starhoiat«U ho inuthisityI>, bop t0liaat lho bas les - c for ale=m 1,,et,,ui itemmeosa pe isaeses resue. Muài, ot*ei la sd Pr uni 1Stnm&*, ~publiec pose _n thbo gmts nr ni ai svj vasetas cu stoma Thse1 thi cist -t amnuyje Ji CRIEE Nr~3 . ITDING Almonds,-ý--soft sheli Almonds,--bitter,, Wainuts & Filberts, Pickles ai k .1 Aied'Ipeel i: 'tron, Lemon and Orangi ust recei4-ýd, a large lot Of AMERICAÏ ESE, Of t)eb ie t quality. e lBERITS, DTý,tECT FROM THE 35 Bo*)s, and 50 Caddies Tea. 20 Boxes Tobac o. 50 Boxes Raisins. FII LAKE 1 RlN AND) PIRES QU' ISLE.' 25 Barrels Salm nTrout, 50 Barrels White ]Pub. 25 Barrels Round and Split Herringa. ,le noiie o 1w n dispute, lu aipt Unitcd States, ier esîl.fyto their *lca ins gtethe irhulêÀ Y., tacw, -t- iv A&Uarren iaJturmuJSJLeUAAAagi. --xame USU 5.iU&I OYSTERS EXI>ECTED IN A FEW DAYS. PURlS K4D BUFFALO ROBES. 1NIBLY' IRICES WAso, large ldditiôný to our Stock in ail its branches._M1* u ,.We wouid Ca# tise mttetion of tihe" oveis-fgo,od TEA,'"to our larg e stock, as Ie feel coifident it canneotbc sîtrputssed. O STORE, LOWES & POWELL l l r u c k S r e e t W h i l b y ,1 Z E T R BERIV CAMPBELL Sail Wiiter Iniportations'1 -i iik Dresses, mtnties, Loîîg-felied Shawls frons $4. I" Frenchs Me inoes, Schusiiie &'nrfi, CA A)fI>Y'S obe and Fýo need Drktss, &c., Ladies' Furs and Fur Caps, New t Stor1I1, et lueur lIte st. i7tls, lankeia, /ibdors, Carpets, Buffalo Robe8, &c.1rof 0 Drotude Ù8t, Beas'oi, Doeskii, Tweed-t, Chevoits, Yc-tiutgs, cip 'fEi ioinotlo E YMADE CLOTIIING ite t h pbi se t lta t rop îf'lo o utvr I argoestock cinfi made pMou the puemis-tliefit aud workmansiip eau b. e I Riif'a rt Cash t h t tt deoudcd ou. lie'h ipir ti yi b itiiroa- 1 1n'a suad Boy' Top sud lady Conts. Puinis aund Vests in ovr stylo, and co s eolIgI1 for :iiro Sei qît:îhuy. t ~ si PTell w ll Galne'CohnMd Pto Order on thse Latest Style. vuisîtîuy.Tu il ES. A FRESH STOCK OF ili t,, NT NFW lIAS, 1RO tERU s JUST RECEI'VED! t hoLodn n hi.si uding Pnuu -ia mw Io w cii tomutil bef'oru pitrelliîg eiaevhra ra ~~i 4oT'ultho ùtru id tintus viii hogiveit for Casth,.- no 11tthooo uhes'ilti sut1 sont Th igetî lce eil be paid for PURS of jfink.,Fx psii fr ttî ffusLrat and Coou.No Iudred flhests!1 'W IB 01.1813. PERRY'813RICK BUILDINGS. BLkIl..n Siiil . ...3î. ITB, 01 15, 819 *cern a. 4ice. (aSt-.lie 1titropriaîc Cutnî dolo* re , ai,.rc d o1 "Keepers,«-g»S Up us. * o PRO k slu~ udH. Thoo. * t h, mti s d el5db ci oftILdssi scu oiegpr dd]llutona l ie u alatir ans£ W ir uiosjo ù d. YuKra 1>',~~aFI. ailtoc Monots.meIa iirll', hn eaa Yi" A.4r ficI.LS 'tmi -,%, PR -AN ]~ S EIi ~TEE TRd XST19 en or iIru t ir la HoUgE 0pulie [Jj'fl g »L' tcks wli tew i ,hyad"t o arhscwn t VueIs Plmtoht. hDE&OKE tT~ "IIaI.::.. OUT,- ~yCARRT-AG ~'IABUt~CI UT G àýAl , AIIII, a, as Dr wiu bé Veil BROCK STE <M/eimiay me Reg", WHITBYe, o à ln ti t a lne, will find lire a nd wei~l cW StockaI lisisienc of t * uudtrsigued, la Ming, att prmcdeutedy ~4~bO~S,, Joèrnala, i." a tÉ4 rled Ior!lise ription ta t oder, inieu tél 04 Pas houautiluaasupe ka, IVriing nma- ats Seaiug %ax, % -PouztNote.,Let- ng tdlciiiBank Fait, -Pottl lko 1tl.APERS, homo' maaifaa. ilis. rawp. Cimmiri, Eh.- i èy vappingippr-i an*,~d varionqusiuls. ENVEI D L) te ittee-k lite livr, I ad bytiiamOiOitg lucitty have sdant- titi lduuîn shaitis * itrititie bo, l an tisIng trainti ii ýcei iptif prilleandl tnit lre t, sud 6lpro iie, tsuluseadriliii ild'a Il pootertil anti- irylng afew doses 0f g rouiedy; wilîstover ad otee igugiza- ti sîirsotilus. id lremedg tots ia £54 ousCoidm, ues si Foiat .,aiîîîigestilnu, Iuntiait 101!18c, Vureal Affes. Liare goniuutilest th l 1rk amisd wWi a ittiotlit uvery leuttof the ttd oait u t or box; th Qrîucbi iauth,1Jf lia revard otilI bc gîtes t l iiltrititosiMailliy d t uy torty or iparleâ Coitr 11o1s.r vendittg tlits î'Lj tuetory uor Professor L New York, liaitby îîîil Dmitera in Stodi 'J, ùI i tttn td titi ulvil' li dworld, ýCets, 68 ccntmansd $1 Xir.T4cý blo ma% lg b>' skîig thb iarger s 1S4oh-)]e8oianeofkis!eàt l'e ýo w eeir scdAge îr 01ug 1ues à,ttela, lauf saitsuait Illi rsce svpiedh o1rcil to ropl lesf. iu IlyBî> it0îld b, outlen,, a > ir tine taiueo mueht sud0 ..n nxunu 1y aaae. lîr4psrsd byWILLIUX Oir' WL. Y6ur,and for Saleby---- BIUFFALO IMEDIC416 DISPEpgs, E5TABL515ED 10a TUE CjRs op , Gpqi i earnl DebUUiy, >lec am, 8crqfo 14, Old Ukera, &Great 1MP 0 w o,p Sait R/teuîs, Ptstl, Pllite1, Piles, &l Dd'itity, la'firmities of yoli asnld No, DR. AMOS & SON, (soot, t. aAa',QUAi T m., a5itFAl RIE TIIE ONLY P5iYSICIANS IN STATE w'oare mouiblrof thtiti1 C ego ot'toecuaLondon, lus>bc ho:t 8 o'triuek Inirite ,uoring ulil 95ua it or>'neiage asu yîuptiunoi Disqeue. sl ticatiiîcuttaly suiojîl !a lie reau]t, otOf8yas'extensive aud aurtcasata tice..î.on. The. môstl lurteratqirut, Disi ce eridiruttod lu 8 ur 9tisys, andur, a&]t ntulre Ii2lor 8 du)*& at a modeiu Pil The clinere eicit otiithoul confie, or Ili rance fronc business. TO ia XE TO A" PÂtTIiLAs t050 Tii le au oeil haitth nmtîc iiindtag 27a.ilt solitudte, oftun groawiug liý t lent iuanulio ui deItIICli, If fot reot, iii due tclnnet ou>' bogote aurions ubstt.4 tîtatrii tih iiuîituemgtttiv et rime toi.> ifprolt tdiitiiaitî,and dovatIufia Fiw thutte vite giv n vîtt tispeuth -ntoici ru ovîre outhie t;ouaeqieeuA Cli i>'li t ititttrotisaeti uiuteaitl, ftrtii e ind.ctilti oiiu~ut lOSi' oCIEiTIFIC INVTION. ai latiilitentforttectu oguirai l) nr Nuititi]Eiiit4iliu, luorepropecriv I, ttiuil"'ittitroaml, &td. cî' uitMietî Ilrc i oui 115 dttys, lte2umetheti~ l,t of t 1 iitetnt, vtiîtei cudtiqsittl NE5101 1EDIES AND QItICE Cettt Dr.h1, 4au a Sotak fl.-iit it ilnuotiý ltthe lit otituilti ut imotai. t lrtt i tu e eoftheht vbie dtuisos a itu a ud t e thy tîl 0omt ee itiefitil lit -aiet er a i ivuitud fot ure o îlSe utn]tW aittknor n>'iUiagoi -gatii. itirbllylie unm irate Dr. A &Soî it it urihr luealil aîclllotil 1te thu ititu<of, le lîitrt ptleulgo lselve t ei at).i s>nec . i y uî 1 a~~uttloftir fter a aWi lthe îîuîtnrclIII bu refuuded b>' returuiî1 119rielit giond irder. l'eranti iuiit t tt e usofl etr tull oboci t t t he l iteu , viit, ithêicoî ig utreot itit eocroy pîte ied sdct i vlos, le itoilirit. ri2r'latre ii of iLrosdiltntleP tel 'rofi orsil attait cetabuthnoveut. Dr* Ait c & Suit hatve for a lonîg ooriev of broltiitl'utl in liit tuttis l ttttpusltiit , lia uit nly t iiii tiri noîch[te ou atlý'rtile i thtucit îttitdltttt Pres, oo crerr ëoiiltlîiii ,orfronttt w llîîît (eîtîtiao Eî t li iietîloit lbu oliiittrd. Permi li anpatlultthe î'erld tîtîre4 o rl l i o i r ate , v ti t a r c î i i t î î c e f u i M eljî &0., vîti t yullbcu rtlit-dtI thii laitto leltîteît îîd cetre roiobservation. CELEBRATJED ( beg leave to cail 'the at tion of' the Trade, andn es ially the Physicians of :ou ry, to two- of tise most p lar meclies now before thse pt Dr. Cha& Ilee'Lass Cilbraied V rmifuge and LiverP' *e do flot recommend tsï ut versai Cûre-ails, but siiTiý1y w at tiseir name purports, vi . TRE VERMIFUGE, 1r. expelling Worms froua man s 1ystent. '07t has uaIsob ministered. wiefo' 'th ots .ctory resuits ta various.A ubject ta Worms. THE LIVER PI1, or the curecof Lîv:it CdÃ"me"LAi iBîiaus DERANoatE4TS, S [lADý-ACHE, &c. In case of FEVER 'AND AGUE, )reparat ory ta or after t i king âne, .they almost .invaxiabiy speed>r and permanent curitM As spcifies for tse abovt ined 1i-n ases, they iirstJ, id neyer icnown tici Q whe2 inistered ini accordance witI Urections.

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