Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jan 1860, p. 3

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'v -------'- -,------'---------------,------------------ Ministcr, p d iarket, tOWn&ip lie reidence -of ln Hewsen, To. =-Major, in 'fuil Orane oh,1 ~agtur of Mi. st Gwllinibury? sud got.threugba r1y by -lai estab. a lecture On the snmedlately 0& a (ew Weord où ad get the@ Banc. am-ot drey hlà na glving .it isito Spresence of &II Lbrizo you, MY naked sweord is- ay fiud me u>n now taken Place Yerthy of a Me. henceforth yen ait thse head of illpresent seem. t on the hearîng dse, it ended. wy 4tu, i1860. an advance of mQlre lively jute- te. advancs, no- ay bc quoted at clisseci25oqper J'W la ùýT5 for -'-I of Lands, suie Mlictiod, oun ub on' 50j at nomn, ji4â le ptpry tilwns lot' Nao. J, Ifh mi lots taale I0eeupp.ni, vii! liLsvrîsI,- uial il ý" CiA-ais. Ild-r>liliîniiof rii4terli ut Lam. 2-W 51 -W. Ni.. LO , Xviii isy o sut i l mfiisihu sr-r.a 1j ofni - ti ;luthIJSisu. lias' rs'îîusiituiir of eni -ri. MAil - Vtico. - 1; 4asfllae <srr V hlty, îon A-W d- je- 'l, î i', for [G BOUSEy, aguN ouiorellurd. ut No 14. , in thse t-Iprise tise- Nssrthi àiskeis (,if %Whiliiy withlssisaireasuîd - f Ur jopi, tlu shvwill cern- s ts'9osue attensd- Ortlertuput R 1 YE~D lîndersiged weîs ffa->is boiustise suci on n.i 2, 1860; iie or testa years. fIlle 1111111 hat, ne The Cutter waaa ieuriy brokeuti (8 'u and it horse bIais- nove property, or THEW, l'onit NVhtl,)u - -ftEsbserîbera beg epeflyt nosxtorfinasdestemeru gneriiy, that they b1 ave Bmoved to WlasmNwBriek Blook BrookStreet, where ieyhveoedIn TIIE ~addition te t6.er f pndC A LARGE AND WELL SELIOTID STOCK OP CONSISTING 0F TOBACCOO. l3laok and Green of the Choicect Brando. Chewlng aud Smoking. Ita l aaCOFFEES, ant' e Domngo.oger and Valencia Ralsir.s, Fige and Ctirraîs, - ~ ~ Candled Citron, Lemon ansd orange Peel Mssseevado, Yellow, Rufncd and Cruelled. Splen Piôkleua, Sauces, Syupas. 4rnd everv description of Farsslly G4rec ries9, wlsiela tluey are determined to solilet tlie iuwelit pncn o mesh or Cmiîntry Prodisce. N. B,-Wated a lot of good Butteransd Cîeese. ê'- J. S. DONÂ4LDSON & Co. Whitby, January 2, 1860. -5 f -. - NOTICE. l.. SCIIO0FIELD) & Co. IMPORTEIlS 0P ALt. outeîiisdiig uSeousitis isut lie paid tO Il . W. Woodlward, wl-to wiii loars rnge ali cuisinesgiitst lme. CHAS. CLARK. Wiaithy, Nov. 14th, 1859. 68S Staple and Faney Dry Goods1 SAVE YOUR. MONEY UENERAL -STOCK 0P Groceries, Crockery, China, Earthen AND GILÂSSWARE. Corner of Breclc anid Coihaîrne Streetm, Wliutlsy T J~IE $srbeslsrs aie ii us esijt of Fruehu sir- r1!nVisis <f this ahve Gsiuus, dura-et frsusli tissu Miuistiactt irum sand ais- s dsi isusa'i, ssy hsoume lastise trusse West if Moiiîrme. ON SALE, A large isisl irel 85-to uitoi Dry (lîodrgkkm-p t cossistilstly sistisaiss. 11 . $ 11() i 1: 1,> u1) i & u O N SA LE, A c bmiil et e St ciifsml mt i suisu ofi G risceriesA, unad ns usi t'Li Sock ut Liuoîrs, Ci fsü -l'e is uls m- lues1851~, L. il. s.uI[m sI--îî-î)>& Cu. AND IL. PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH. rr lIE sibgcriler hi- g sIo returîs hie slissere 1'this utî,tise inai ito t' ofWhithy eand vicsisty, tr lime lubtlusrîp atronsage iestuiwcs aqîsisi hiiîmiliase Ii, i- cminînei" ieeditses.i4it i him 'rsî,was, Uas ,,dwih îsmuwijprime ril ils scustoînere tuiiit lie iit4 usrIii-Iisesl uislaisisisiiirnse stock ut iI ki is ut BOOTS AND SHOFS ititiisg for Liies'. ueihîs iv uîl liiidreiis' %iur, iiiieli lis- wiii se-il sat (reitinly Rdieed I'rmvert. A il wsîrk sîsale laorslcr sn lise preinises, luy musiserifiur î osTisuwis workuîss's. No ssrs l'i uaî d t n d~> uismisrsable iterîslti, at 4 luesis rst es. Sisiifîg 3 susr iutoilii ausi wmsiig Isouuu t- ûVlr >5155 i1 111usimmiui-eits' ypeur isesitis iy i uîcism ips itsititssl 151tefisus t hemmsî tise i se- r-fgliedlit lViskissoism liock, Iirock St., liitby, 30 ilisereiissi>is ii 1l5ltm-tcuifitiu sii kiissus of irîlci 3<) I-ramelsa i ut lii iiu--ttts-sl'e3'iî~ihc ( <ro i tiuu, is usiaegu'ou fit frsiss ON SALE, A chîoieeand1 fiahl asusortmcst cf Cruuekery, Ciilisa, Glass anid Eitrtlscsiwssre. - L. Il. SCIOFIES.1) & Co,. JUJST~RECEIV:ED 64 Chests Fresh Teas from 28. 3d. to 3s. 9d. per lb.o 27 Boxes Tobacco . frorn is. to S2s. 6d. per lb., 4 Bales American Grey Cotton 40 Boxes Seap. 10 Boxes Candios. 36 Casks of Liquor. 200 Barrels of Sait. 10 Barrels of Herring. 1.. l. til fs ii h- h Coli . Vfiae Susoýl 4-r m li v- l'uil s ions su tuo!i tisas Ni-r 1111;(), 's sosiisalire tlis1Ifst- CAS Il SYSTi,, 1W'iel is' s-uienatle tfur iui -s'i( m lliiui ics sr ansd give generausi i-aricitiii. - T t --isursu ssi le T'l'nu, itip s-sm t1--wa. < t 4, i tife i'rujri.- usr. A LL tissus,'tisst arc jiuluits'h sue sitbmiu-s-i lieis a itlisîr h3 ,- '-r hook usu %v u, sil] *dmiiisfts.rtise IFirýst uy of Jaunusry, 180,e asl Ji y tiiir rosess eisce.- sa-ists4. L. if. Schofield & Co. Wiiithsy. .susu' f 's t~i STRAYED HORSE. asti tn fis eisels Mie ii, uum-lr4g:,mi lei'its uss' -alibisie lus' s;is ivIii t<ims. JisiN 1 iii The Anniversary Meeting of flic Tow-n out Wiitluy Will Uc lfid ai tIse W'eslcyan Metisodist - Chatpel on FRIDA YEVELNJNG; J'AN. 6, 1860i. Crown LandeDopartment. Quebec, 161/t Decemtber, LS59. T I1IF. aîimii " e iuwiiiususforAy.lil anisd I i if seks, esutIity fits' irsu, ui ll(11f e ssesfosr saleOt'aur setuik seýttleussesîlt, douts isi auter thisl-ti Jas.i seXt. For LIsutis te liand cosulîndlitionses (f su. ap>siy IsuIlsuuserS Fss ri cE?, Csiure, t. 'rss auss Mgent, to W'ake 11 l, sisisf(usut -. 82-tiis-e-w -Asistaîst 'tIrusser SQUARE TIMBER.- fIIE undersigîsed liu,- i-u large qsîantity ut' aih T kissds of'Si lserv' iliib"r suti ussîs, w fuselalise wiii disuposeo2011aliîeri ternusubo j-parties re- quining tise cere. Appl iciation, if by htter, ý(sîst psid> to Uc made SW JAMES B. CAMPBELL, 80-4in As/bile aP. 0., C. W. CORD WOOD WÂNTED T HF, UNDERSIGNIED wiii neecine oflers unî- tii Thursslusy Suis Jan.iliesst, for thse delii- ery befsure Iut Ahrii, ut' rsîun50 lu o 00(s ordsof good liard Woode ut the Grand Trsisk Rsilwsuy tation lacse, subjet l4)tise Cuînîscîîy's inspe- tion and nîeaurerîscnt. Wood to bu eutt trcc and a haifflet lostg. Aisowvunted any qsutntisy oU goud ifir4 Wod t e b c i ee u -d u t t ie I a r h s r . P u r s ' < h i n f uy THOSMAS Ms liS )Y. '5I::Iu s-w-s?, wý B y- LA W. 't- __________ M 900AI ALE CÂRRIAGE BIJILDEIIS,, I AND MANUFACTURERS 0F BUGefS UTRS&S.LI(HY4 BROOK ISTREET, WHJTB Y.~ o jiHE Subsciiber; tike leave te inforni the publie thât te have oened business in !-teirmse orx y oupied by Mr. Ira B. Carpen~r sitsinted in Brook Street, South East of the Bank, -in, :e. y opposite the Market building,.ýwlsere tbey are prepa,- red to supply all slo favor t (ni with a cal!, with every article in their line~ of business, The subscribers are practical and conipetent workrnen of long experiete, and as tlsey devote the entire of their own labor te their business, they can produce articles of better w rkmansisip, of greater dsirability, and more elegantly finished, and :AAFFORD TO $'ELL TIIEM CHEAPE R,. ihan those who have te bure the labor oi otherg. Ail articles sold at tise iowest living pnies for Cash, or on approved credif. Please caîl and examine. AUl kinds of luinher and farmers produce takers in exchange. AIl work warranted. -DONOVAN, WÂLIKEY & Co. * MI _c B~FOGS te announce te bis numerous friends and customers1 A.Fon luis extensive busitness ot TEAS. Hyson, 'Young Hyson, Hyson 8kmn, Hyson Twankey, Imperial Twankey, Gunpowder, Souchong, Congou. At 15 per -cent reduction on I'rices heretofore charged. S YRUPS. 50 cents. L-JI Qi OR . Port, Sherry, Maderia, And other Wines. 10,000 Gale. prime Whisikey Rice, Sugar.-Loaf Crushed Muscovado. Tobacco for Chewing. and1 Smoking and Pickles in variety. Golden and other Syrups at Spices, &0 M-'And every article in the Groccry Li~ ILse Z i Z.-a mcc tZ18:no. c a Lq Tojfix t/he lime ami place for holding the Annual Election of Directers, by t/he Stockhlolder8 of t/he Portl Witby and Lakes Scugog, Simncoe and Huron Road Company. e W1 HIEREAS thse Di'cctors of the. aiui IV Cotsslistny, dii aot p.mss a TI--law' proviuhirsg for tise lisolfîg of.tIhe Aiisiassai Muetiig of thae Stos'kissimls of thse sii Coussîsasv oitishe secoumd Mloiashay3 iii Dcciii- iber. Asil w'iiert':us tu-li i uectoi-s of lUe s,.id hsy -tise I itia V c., (Cap, 190, Se.13f, <o isass a ly.law for tise hlil etil lia- sis Au îsîuîul Mieiuîg, at ;il, v tiise wus- lse issuusath lities'thesecond us ml Nilsidn ii ece-iss tuer. lBe it tiierefuire escel1»,' thae rircctoî's offle tise tifi l iasssy,dtfitlue !sext A ilisa ai Meetfîsg (if tise Sosof<ilc' s!tise suild ssissss asa i he lisellt tise Coîn îany's Office, P>ort Whmiitby, oit %'e'cdisesdssy, tise hitis Juïnuary, 1960, eit 12 o's'lm-k, isoi, foir tIse ruhrposse of eiecting itireeîiirs for die thoen cils-s-nt yvatr, ansl flinst (iea votes sisail hiu tain iîy basslot, antiul lss tiatuse abseîat isa,' vote by loroxy- OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. Ul1MiSIaAFh'l~h"a ERare Corsa- tipsssi-,li fsr tise W jiutcr ,huîitlw. Jieyiisis, Shus siu-h irîeusre this ws-c-khu% E fy .iaes',i 'u1),Li-ss1 (etsfVuocal itend Eî-ry T-uueuier, 1 j"11110 Fosrie Mueio-,ssst- Eîeryl'us il, fîsu l'lit 10i -CENTS a EAery Aiulu-r iiiiucr, ssii-i isriuiiim'eil hivtise esuirei'rests of tise Citiiry, lus ie "1riîEBES'r ANDS tuiiiAislSrWt)l<iCOFs THIE KINI N TH1E WaiRLD.11 Twcuinc ftai-sizs'd l'sgem'Vomil ss.sitiîssitîForte Misit fser seuo s ~essIV,$5;ihssl-issry, 2.50 uo;Qsurterlu-, $1.25. Sîsiseritue li) 'tsurrMuusifea rk teî,' r.<ris-r it t»rsîis il-se raiarst Nwiisis-r atl vuui tilI isst (! Nli iisis' s'isausgiu forsur t i r se- finil at tis isiîts esai t t ; sai-i N'ell Vîu siial ut llie Iler tettisu fusXiuuiii. Citruat, i'li.irîosust, /Aeeu)iliiiu, &c,&c, mustiierii taustIse t oîutsissssg 12 ftaog, ceostilag oîshy 10 Ceissa Number; Vear 82.50; JIaIf.yeusitryg$1.25. Ahi tise Biack 1Niursstis-rs at 10 ett., itiid Bouiil Voh'otimuconýiiiiig 17 Nuil-sbers, st$5 ses 70 107 Nissisai St., Nesw York. Chancery Notice to Creditors. IN CIIANCERY. REKUEN (<sut AN I)ALýLisunsiTIIISE ('hAN- PA NIA'.ihs W ife, jsiiiiititfs. ANDi ii1iwitEl't'mooN autel FIii 'ES MISNio,%, iis Wift-, daufeîuduuîut4. 1) RSUANT tsutheite S-ecinaislis nus cuusigu ih mu*srm-sitsrs ut Willfirli Kiiteiisry, fute oft tise 'l'usa sului p suf I-cha, i tissu (otiît ,' uf it Ss rio,, yemlusi seuss-I, (i cîihlrtasotitis hileé musîmr suboiutthislt -shuy utSc;te 18.1m I!u) are )isîehtusîss3 hm- SS mis> ut.Jsiinsryriext, tu tmiiii siusti uru'utîsur iesuu sefrc sis, ths- uts1srio ssigned Master ins trdiary suf tise sais fC'usrt,îst rasy C(hanmberis, inu Osugoui sH, iii tise tt'of Tusrsuatss. or ina 'lefiuit tiuercssf tl-ey wifi ie srecnptoril)- exeltad(ed tisu beiseit ut AndIis ofuthtIechus-k inficseforessouîsof Tses- sic>, tIsas24th dasuof uititiry îsuxtaut un>'smi chauuir, is ie uiited to lu..rocceds thpis eîs suid chai ais, arnd if not tison a1oucd, t lue ahume viii liuesesrd asnd asjudieatcd sîpon st ly siuid chamIs-rs aut 12 îuftiie t-ock, isuors, oftTaeedlis>, t'-e i 7th sisi>'ofFcltiurv Ccxt. Dsted tise l7ti day sut Novcîtuber, 18,59. A. N. BUELL, (rooks, Kiagisiaili & Cssttsnach 48 Plati4fs, ¶f5iOI F O R A T Eruggst, Dundas Street. AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F CtLIOCKlEIIY. CALLiANI) EXAMINE? TIIOS. Il. McMlLLAl*. Pers-y l3lock, Brock Street, Whitby, Nov. 24, 1859. CIRCULATION1 TO THE O 1i'jiThll 'CIIROMNCLE' i0ttrIU Quce-2,011C. acn-1hIl tI1M, or pcr tuthi - 1,200. ý Qotalticrcuhltiou t Wth{l 3,20 The CIRCULATION CIIIIONIC5E 18 - - 70s. 45w AGRICtTLTURIST.1 LOSU!, ON Frida eFening,n$e rond betweu Whitb n sawa, a Ladyes theflnderýwil be rewarded by leaviig itat the Clronwle .c 0fI0 or at the Bey, Mr. Proulx's Oshawa. 6 November 12, 1859.,6 WVOODS AND ]FIESTS. Citowy LAbNDU DEPARTMNT. Qibc F1 oeember,189 NOTICE is hereby give11 that tise folowirîg Timber Bccrthis, 'nthse Upper Ottama Terý- ritory, will bc offéred for sale bv Pnblic Atictiouî at the Crown Timber Office, in thp City of' Ot- tatwa, on the SIXTII day ot DE(EE R ii~ex t. No. 1,,50 sqae miles on Lsske Teniit4cansissgsse. 2, 2,5 S 8, 85 - iver I'etawawu. Tihe description and po-ition of the Jk.rtfs cati bc seen -hi tise Crown Tianber Office, Ottaswa. Tise Bertis ut tiseir cstinatecd srea, more oir Icss, to lie tsljssged to tihe pany biddinç! t'ise lilg.he'st Bosssss4 over and ahov' the or4lnaryv 4tr<>uii(1reiit. Tise Bossus sanid irst aeuson'.srestt to e ai issesi;îe] u tsesac~Licenses to i -isse witii nse asossh fsonstishe day ut maie. 111 ail1 othe£r respects tisle Bertis to bc siebjeet toe the Gencrsil Titsnber Regulustions rsow ini force, or which sinsy lsecafter be in force. ANDREW RUSSELL, Assistant Coniaissioner. 70 Whitby Brewery. T IlL' Suscrilscrm a.re innw v rup-sresl su fur- nihth atrons sof tise WVIsiT ruwr witia u -xc-Il siit srtiele iis sinchis usartstis v snasy lie reiliii-ed, ssîud il tcsrssss tri suit pur. cil..;Sers. Bottiesil aie cq isuatro thse isspcrtes,sti.ti<. <LAl1iK &WOfsiWALI). LOST, is N n ftePssblic stsceLs of teTQwssr Iof Whitby, a sluortdisse ago, i that he is now carrying 1 B'LTJE ENAMIELLEI> LOCKET, CARRJAGE MAKJNG, IN AUL ITS BRANCHES, On the premises lisreiufore si<-cupieil l'y Mr. N. RlAY,(on NMiry..Sti-eet, betwecn IByron and Brock Street.g, irisre he is îureîuared, aS hseretotfure, tu ext-cule ali orders ints-ustemi to lais cure. CJA lRILAG(llE'SIWG(I1E"'SISM lEiGIIS,(UT S&. W/Mil.iiîsfiturcd as oliat tise Lowest s-smuaserstiisg I>rices. 1). FORD'S lolmg cx1serîicsce of iiirfv yearss in tise principal Manîsiactories of the -States siu ansi mits gmt-tu tisst s-xueielse fin -nery sra,îch of tise business whicli few havse beens suhlv 1 lu1iV- e t, sIsLMIfuiW -mît'Of sdesign, ec:ncof fi.sh, durability, ansd solfdity of wiiik ssusishlup, lu fs wirs -:isus st ot e txc.etla. -sCal i and sd -eSe»ils !-4i)ct~!ucsss I>eculiar/yt adapjtcd ta F ait Il 'teai. -ssi Iu-Nu situs- TuTsy l s uI- MAisasET. -s -sii f -j fs u suîs--îî cs- ind tîuiust iîslui- c -t-su sst- s-r i, iii usîiasui'leis iri us irsi Miiisuru-, 9 ; lsîssu, 14 ies, Nil nus- let Svitu, 'Nitru- Is (heupesr itiisî Fîrm 'asrd Illuisure AND OFus-EA.ssuus i[A LC 5TION. p" er t-~ --ui. Friutlirec tii flue oai. mil it-iimt i rrisvs-re-. l'lis suifslussrisi,- of Ilira-swl.eels. 'fmuIse lsia iof Wiil ,A iigo. 21M Il. W. 1N)>)NAC> l)uis )ss Street. 15l, 18 9. tf Merry, Merry Chrismas!f J[ Aî s--tsi -ii tagodl tsuortmcnt of Gro- s-srfi-s i lesstg uticis vil bte îsutiid Tatas, sSutigsirs, Css/fle, Cocoa Siteli, C/hi. esung I>uwdssr, JIuneh/ and Sulana )loisins, C'urrenis, Citron and Lemn I>ea/, Flaroring E.rlracla8, WiaYa Mumtard, Tubacc-os, 4-c., 4-c. -rir-s t'-,ui F>uNfY PIV'ES. luueuvi s. iS, 1t.41;w. of tlel Tlîan that of any other local Paper in the Province, and Thle circulation of ail the otherl papers in the Coanty of Ontario unitcd. ONLY PER ANNUJf. Âdvertise in. Visiting Cards. W. il. IIIGGlNS. Notice ltis Ilsîh-ntpisyers ut the 'Ioý%vn or Ivistby. f OPlES"-'of the' licvi-sod I;v.isaws sssay bc '-ol tai sîssIst tfise Iî>ai r, (uimîk's O<)iie, froîn l1î 'clock si. sn., to 1 o'clock 1p. su., esacîs ay TIHOMAS HUSTON, 48 Town Clerk. Rides! Hides! lides 1 7J' lE ursdersipssed will p.'sy the highegt -~prisc iis t't.sus for any qosàntity o1 good BEEF IIII>E*S deiivered et 1tannery lin (heenwood. All kinsof 1,E ATHI-1 1t kejît conistantly on iaand tor e.evry low for cashl.1 D. NMcURCIIY. Greiwood, Nov. 14, 1859. 67 1, Osiuli s m 'as4t, rd-suisg fis tiletsssaussst 4)elsl s.us us srs s saisi, iL-q., J suige sîttie (ousitN. ior oss;tc5' u it %, ofs ntarsiofî, prss isr tluhe exiiisiiied tisuuclî;i gsssy si,s utasse isnd'etecetsî. anid tui ii- proteesi dfromIin i rocs, ssjon ssuk- iiig a n i i issusire aind ,ssrreniser of auci 9-usiaiia J11141ei c fI :li r a~h t of mn' jîssut usid isswfii debLs ; 1îsîîd «i s r,,f f.ie give siotice, s ia tilScse sr t ise 1 sss ter ot'ttise siipeti - tii s mul I tîsi e erd is tsi bè isivertissusi iii tise Usinaslsu f ;szstt( isîsiini t'je V'iitby Cluroîsicle" ssewsîîssisr, ue osie isis itiss lesît citer iltse date iiersuf, 11%m witiicemu, ssy isond, tisis third day of De- eu-rober, i iltise ycssr of Our Lord, osie thoiuaud ciglîf hundred anid fifty une. LDWARD MORGAN. N. 0. IIAM, Solicitor fsor ihe I'ctitiusser. 46 CASH POÉ ]PRODUTCE. The Undersigned is prepared te PAY CASH FOR any quantity et Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, &c. THIOMAS MOODY, C'omrnuslion Ag SALT FOR SALE, CIUEAF. W'aitby, Sept. 28, 1859. 5 z ONLY S,65 FOR ONIE '0F1 --7 : wTluliII~~ N'1' itit tt.s sis-nsens-r>- resheet sus tissu-- ssii lvy1. NI.- Sisiger & Ca'.1 wt-titi u s' i-titi s-sf u nttsîsstt i i fsis- tkeonissis g lars-l if-ii hl isuuut etii- pae t uv t e l~,iinl' ie i isi-uissui-1v vt o is îuuss îîtî î -fsssuu sri s-f, o ii litIili. itisiiesu tîi nrs- mgot C is e cIsu tismmii s U V Mal (s isu '1ssiitsitlus-111 - 1ý Il ls sif d tfsu m lises' gs i'iu e i s islitV tuf' liii! il tus tistît lesu fier i: emtireli ubiitedi tu)tfui-. ils-ut'iusaursuî- Tisesi sîsac iîsem arc1s lte uf ist '-vep'itf I fie I sut ait iet;sitsi tsr oiks d îwS. ci'si e rst'uîadss ]PR lES: No. i MAC1IIINi'j S(;5. No 2 MACHINE l No. 3 MACHINE1l LA11CI AND IMI¶OVED, $tcO. 1 hsave-restcived iaîsaruustiifii, 5l- Iri hitiiI'u it- Nlsssutifeisuîer, ,TiiDresus cris, 1'riuue utî'i-'ssîsfiuustuul 4urisu, sulussute s-s- 11si% uuij-s--sl mtlteils-surssiu for geîîerah use. Recul tli lu-fmsi ti!mr titis ilui-, terfilltii 1>t hie t milargsst ati ilusut cxte Dus susd $iaoe Msiaitsurer- fiiu i i s lui. lliiitrm-si, i se., f iurtes, ee. 1Ç 'We tusaepisisuare iii bs-irii ris sl-is .'-Isu.iu-i-s-isI X ..Nsgie's S( eutiaisisuse uonkirse oithfs iefif iehi sutf-st su- j i1fussi- i f i-- rtise ssst six ina ci lut M r. E. J,. Namgie, liti iii lridi l s-fs s- isi s-iii issu111J i:%4 us1, lu.i-- isut f-tu fusin -o utisaitise> turtie-iisut six tiuuiu. hmsi t usir ii' -st vifismal i.t iiiis, îsit Aîîruc iP'atterîn,anud esîl; lue siCi imidr-sss1i-suti NisIs'Lt.u .Ci sf t1 sit .l îe tuaieseSetl sof tf-e0 k isîti. - tis' Ail commss-nications relative Io Sewing Mlacliiie.,s, etc., issusat te prepaid, us others will ber(cceiveil. 265 Notre 1)aine Street, 7luurssl .E. I-sctory suer lute fb-lsCîu MNontressi, 4'. E. - Itusn 0V T 1 C E. ýAL.Pro $hvi-daims againsit us, ment. - L. 11. SCIiOFWELD & Go. July lat, 1858. 2-f CAUTION-ARY NOTICE. p UBLIC Noticceis iisreby given tisat all p2r- goim foassad retlioving or tssisig .swey assy saasd or gniavei trom tise Beach osatise lanso<f Mr. Wrn. Mcli tomis, Lsske Shore, Wiihy, wiiis- onît first obtasusisîg perinissioi froin the sîssuler- aigned wilI bec1rosccutted useordilisg tsi iw. JACOB BRAIDIEN, Port W sitby, Fýuh. 9, 185.4-tf 1RtEMO VALi. Containing na Miniature, set in Gold, wisis a Golul Msutcis Key rttauciscd. ïThea finde-L7- wili be liberally rewsuudedolcosiaving jlwm saine at the " ' C'/ureric-le" offint-. s Q NOTICE. w P lIE part ncrsbspluý1 eretfiurc exssts' iss-te- T ,11INiSi- & >slÂv 11itiu-i' I ls 1 t riiîils-ri;. PPties lad 1'rssrictors of tise Isty su uls icii tî i,i iî-i l i.ss3ret dil5 bt1w old :Ë . 5ss u i-t'5 i- paid, 1--:- ----'i nit --i s-s s - - 4-srii1 lusus sus. su si-fs-. il ,) l .1 - - - s 1 ! I sM-s l l st s s s -s-i .t'.ils i., us -lui-i--u i . - - it' ! t-i. f1t sstfî l jiafi, i- s. s s--'! s! - i- iujje, llssus- f s- m u. <iisuals 1, mi titi--s- t Ii ils -al !s fi u-tsial î ts-us --- - ii i 'u r s-.r li 'i O ii iifiii r ii,, -V enî1îifu- I l i:t - tis t i .'l ii' ss! i - - -is if s' i-si i f- v ril*s-% le su -if is -f-u uIl s >11111. sî t.s I llet 1 5 i c fIlle e-;tus' itiui-stisi f utis(s iîuult'i sîsu1 , llie ru uiuIlacs '<si-s- i-,bu s-s-si i-t sus- itsu- ~tr l).it '55I t-1 o Ili -ue iu ~ l -r s rt- 71uk tu -tiieul's Information Wanted. luis a'utii, i(fins-s fort- C ,EC 0Nc D Bs-se 'esu5fii i-e. Bu-dsi PI 1ssim i-iiiourtIsoe i55c sii -ssili , u si-s i luisisTHU uprcs m iieiifrsi t iECifm si L5iisiouuCout ClIesioji-uriis-ssit - rs LAiday5 m>etuerlti, 159. '-!.in e-ion 0F NEWI YORK. Cash G(apital, al paid in, $1,000,000. îSurplus 8ocer .............400,000. F[RE AND MARINE. T 11 sssdarsissé, sgelit of the ushove urst T sua(srsîssaar js-'rd 1v a-uc Poli- els-s of Iasssresss'tsigîs i,;Ist lsîsui v Firs'tise Dai- gent of Iijisi;N-gtutsni ssssd rssssportasssois. STEPIIEN SEABtLE, IDundaS~ t. Whitby, Nov. 29,11850. T2sw-46w-ly A Missionary Meeting, WILL be heid' et the Congregational Church il iithist Town, on TUESDA Y E VENLMG2V, J.M 10, 1860 iVX.f IT'-Al The Reyd. Messrg. Fenwick, of King- ston ; Reikie, o! Bowvm.usnuiàlIe, and Duran't of Stoufivilie, ansi others, wiii address the Meeting. A L'l'VINEGAR Ciii. tiS' h e ic itigeý- iLor ssuil quansiîics, usltisshe' k.Whiitby J3rewervJi' & 4- PEEFRUIT AND NEW ARRIVLS 0F CHRIAS AND NEW YEAR'S OOBS IIIillan's'Wholesale & Retail BIROOK STIREET, WHJITBY. TH1E subseriber has recei-ved, and is now, in daily receipt of IFresh Arrivais of GROCERIE$ of every kind, includiug: -c i 'l - .- --- -.F CD 1 L. il. & t'o. 1 do

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