Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jan 1860, p. 1

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t' e i .H.e in ~ ~IX9l'f ~ ~ ?1L~1.~ ~ î~uîîluj'Îî ~Z it r5a Ci ut$ 144 CIO rtnUd ,fl ¶009 ll >~~~~~~~~~~~~ W. rro~ULN AUA~~ ii~ don 4Pt ave coats- .îî ~EîIa E lu,, 'th rin- lu,'l- Con- r itnd ai »sion - 'I ýeÉZD0UAR" ER AUMflJME t4g9aI etbor co 9qltly ape! p: fladl jundr teRn i.»-4r.U. J.114. O Abawo bon linos flt Insýetion, (per lino). 0 10 r - ~ Ã" ~apcr Iil bodIbontlasxod until &11 arrear. Wo r ad up. - - O ' 1nlointcuty, )W BOOK AND JOB- pli -iel s0p rcire ~sourie of-tlu'ieaft 0£ , n tyç o yple froni Xceii Yrk c'pd <itl- BOOK AN) OBPRNTNG oi overy description, lu a Snipétior istylo gnd * wth despatch, t tl e lowest renuneratiug pricca.1. .. SFirst-class Prcsses aud. l 'ri nt! ig -Maocine!y, Àuctiou Bilim, Herme BUils, tourt imulcr dcscrip- * tiolim of 1rinting furuishiet withiin au heur of being ordered. C7pronieb' Office, wb1tby', .W. TUPG;E (OF TI 1E COUINTY & SUI.IROGATE, <JCourts. Office uit the Court -locuoce. CHIARLES ROUINNON, ~7ARD>EN. IRESIDENCE, BEAVERZTON, NqEL$ON G. REYNOLD89 Slgiý1,FF.,, jâOFFICEl AT TUE COURT JOHN MAX FERRY9 REVIISTIÉA1. OFFICE ON BIIOCK ST., Wlbitby. 'JE. j. MÀC.1)0lElrL. 0TkIEPLACE, OFFICE-AT JOÉN V. IFIAM, LEimJUX O0P 111ECOJN1TY COURT, AND 1te1itrair of the qSurrogato Court. Olfleat L.Regîtry Officee Brook tS'treet. *We PAXTON, JIr., T ItEASURER. OFFICH AT TIIE COURT H. J. MAC)ONELL, SOLICITOR & CLERR (OP TUE COUNTY ICouneil. ôfice at thpo Coirt 1Ilotise. 1 JOIhN IE, COUMTY RNt(s1NEEit. UFrFICE AT TUE Ç,onrt lieuse. Urat the Court lcis JOHN GQiIDON, TN1PECEOR tif .Wr](;1lTiS & MEASURES .1.fer th cc,111ofuy t tri<o. WV; Il TREiIAYNE, B AII RISTFwI ANI) COUNTY('<W Att.çcraîev. (>floe-In Arnallas Xcii' Brieck l5oc~~¶cOnlFloor. ' ou CAIUILON & MÂC1)ONEI.L1 AItUST$JXS'&-&rrTOR«NlïYS AT LAW, B ScliMttors te the Cecîutv Couneil Ontri- * £irOffce st'tho Court IIo-us-SoliiW'aur, GEORGE Hi. DARTNELL, 1>ARRISTER, ATTORNELY, C)NVE'<AN% J>cer, &e., &c. O.Mllc orver J. iS. Dotitld>aruu &C'*..Hardware Store, Brock Street W Iutby J. V. RIAM, T) MRI8TR.sT-LÀ. -FFICE-BUOCI< B streot, Wiby, 'C. W.' - - 0 O1ICIT<>R, NOTARY PUBLIC, &c. &c. sha (1 . W. .2 - N. G. IIA£My B ARtRISTER AND ATT0RNEY-AT-1,AW. MOfflce-opposite bie J<tgitry Offece, Brook street, Wilitby. I§TEPIIIE-N EARLE, RtF., LIFE AN» MARINE INSURANCE 1FAgent tom the Coli ty e t Otario. O)ffie-T over Ubnildsoni'sl iaird%%'îre Store, Birook "tract Wiltby. SCOTT'S IJIOTEL, DUN»AJSSTREET IR' II FI Ib& RT DOOR D$ast cf W. Lîiugjz's Store. -lw J W. CALDWELL 131tOWN,.1 t r«»VR~AOER, OItMSWrONER FORL Jtking ;Afîiàavltx. Aooôi1nt, Laud, Dlvil pioin Court, Notiry Puîblic anîd oeri Agent, TJxbrldge. Of'.Ie-Xlag Stieet, nealy opposite the, .Mcdical Hail. N. B.-AII busines itrmted te bis ca c wUll be. iiroîiitly attendedt tq 82 JQHN EILLINGS, ACI{ANCEI Y&CONVEYANCîNG Ofi'e rinice Alcbert. A. MAIRS, B. A., &TORNEY' AT -LAWI, SOLICITOR 1iN ACaucory, Convoyaucer, &c., Main Street àiarkhami. - G. 1I1.DARTNELL. TPUTY REGLSTIMAI, MASTER EXTRA- .L.-oýrd1nary, sud examiner iu Chsncary for thheCuty ofUntarie, Brok-st, Wbitby. 47 'a <JilTeê- ovir tIsa ~IOr Or m*sBrar-~r1amliiUn «c "rv..~veui.w'zi~sn-- rEo~ai~a l'O t o 't- c- ~ 0jo'~j ~i, Il-s c ';1 ~iit*4i( r O i O~ At ~ '~:,*À~R<~l'GZ 'i& o- t-Aa~nv~, fr~' 'ci. rkhsiu.rîjil Tri r~~Jl~ a- c' îni&2 ~ ~ b lA)x1~îirArt1rE, i î i1l~~~y b~tW1liujtJ, AltW~Q~J~T iMA~H~THI5~o ~Avn '~ié1i~n louai been ~tted sa ___________________________ 1or~.. ~val~y sttoRti~aI i4t~.~,itJluIl~a ~Ç-Qt>~prJçtu ~îî~ ru th~ l<est 'iceci'emmtxbce.ien ir. ~ WZL CUTA RG0,ACCOVCIIEUJR; ,bCôôx 'sfor the Couuityýof Ontsi%.- -LURG-P0NlqT6 ThE CO1UNTY GAOL, tByron Street,*W hitby. 4 - OCAL DNJT~OYC NBUC I4,teet, (çivr J. gqûIQW,è4 Stýür0,.$td Gpp*sto ttc egisry Ofice LAUopertiouis ýarrantcd. G. A. CAsON, M.DiD. HYSICIAN, SUIZOEON, AÇCOUCIER ýP ý&o..Offie and rsihde-Cn r ftel, Withy. 1>'aticubtr'amýtetioii givitu te Chrozîle3 EAST WNl'D$OR BÉOUSE, wmITDY, WU. GADnr, v-1-OrRIETOU. T 9 boaioell iurtdntpleaaant and 1Lr e t le ô.Lpa'rt, of thifes 't- tN ýut ' OU h e f ro n t roa d. Gôoo àcçoinmodàtro, foir tr,velers4. Good,' Sttablinizr anti ttentive o4lerim. 22 flYS4T IIÈCEiYEDe 1 Oo 4él bîseCiRN', 50 flîîiblclCLoVEt Saut» 0050 1beahel. TixoriîtyiaEîzi,,for sale low. IL 'W. WU01XVARD mrEACII IN MUSIC, TuIE JL Orpiin l'iaiio Forte Ilarmonï %Sý>$rii l nttruiineti-,is prepttrçd to' %àreceive a tew mocre Pîî pils t tât or his remidelie. 4r J. C. IIANCOCK, r.3BOOT AND 5110E MAKER,«! %JWhîtlîy ork in-aîde te orcler 'of bbgoud Matial,.tcird ly experieueed work- moni. Aleo r'pairilig doule wiLli ueiitiitss and AME ÈICAIN IITýELe w ALXCER & PATTERSON PROPrim- tors, cortier of IVowig aud irouit !trectq. Toronto, C. W. 1 PE RU S.ALON. JT AAILATIj 0F TUE I"YOU4ZG te uttn( a, t arthe- Ri V-11 yeeilîaî, 1Xiîag S'treet, 'West, 1'ormioto. Cloio'eSca)pr4-fiud Rzefreshuanllts out cal Iho i rr.4. Jé-iN mEýTCÂ-LF, CLrERR<>FTI[E FII'TIIIJIVIPIONCOURT, c u0npr*ising tha Iowusicip Jrock. Ad- drogg. Cicîîîîingrtoa. 14 FRANKLIN BOUSE. L.INDSAY, C. W. 'T)F. JEWTTt~Ri0RETOi.('01MFOiI- B. * al cr'uiiiolciull'or 'raciellers. W lo l't!y, .ia. 12 1, 1857..i (NA i.131 NET K ,12lloiTIEI,&. U )cerrie"s il1ch, ]ByiVoui tttrect, W Il tithv. l'a- Juer lainginîticiy doue, anid ailikindti îjoi li'ug,and repoairiicg off' I"itaire attélitled. Su. 1, crlature caret'nly renioved. RAIL ROAD 1MOTEL, rolruîitvl. R e Ilooiso poossesmses gooc accuilcd'utuom Trroiellars. Gcued Stabling suad attentive Ogt- A. PRINGLE, 1ERCIIANT TALLOU, JIROCK STREET, THOMAS DEVERELL, B U11,D E i, &c. &c., GREENSTE , OAKWOOD IhOTEL, 0 AKWOOD, MW. 1ANKS, l'RI oRI. O(400d acommodation for traellrs., D8 IIuRONiO H US ., r o niT' WiiTuýi, '.W., ]ELLI(>TT., S'PRO W LE, I'ROPRWETO.- Giood AccuTniaîolatiun. ., i F. 3M.. CLARK, LATE OiBai 4z 00., IlERCLANT T'AILOR, N.74, KING ST LUWesb, Tbrouta. 'l ýMARTII'çS ~ttWisxa ITL Tbv ioo loîufrontlU r.Co"ke, il'a altltoaf- tord tle be4t aocoauîmotiacti,n ho tlIcpunhie. 44' f lBK TWLFTJI DIVISION COURT 0F ~./Nortliiiuflboo'laaid iid -flurham, Insuarance Agoli t, Çotwayancer,.ec., Aticures -Willhcms; burgl, CaýtwrigIit. rF BEYAN Jr, PROQPRTETOR, BROCK el. oStre, WlitbF. UOod6 Stabljng and atten- D UFFINSýC'RtEK,'-PFGKXFRIXC. - 0 L. oarnoduction for Tricvllcra, -~ ~ 'r-W. CUTBERT. 4ei et thoabove Hotcliths.bùsine6s ol!'whlcb ah,-h-, wilin futuro car qp 'h 0 wp ý Çuirt.- Stablan.,a'fzatutelrtaadhre EDWÀIRxYq', Whb.l t 1î, 18,57. * W.ESTBRN'OU ,' 0 trav peuqôtiéd:goedeeu'tgedl'* 'io. The Bou la.Wll er»cbtiq 1kept,.ead tlie BiceSiiagartürneufs 'rooaaay aind iiry. There la 3 G 4 ' & nduae: beaqt cin larg aa cÃ"o iat, uidw'Illupieti wth th o~ b e t W in e , *.icii.îu1 e a n d , C ig Lrs. . i an ti. jeullta p sti1!4g. rouais fSr pr7ivawl par- ties. MIQUAEL MoOAULEY,' centttElior rofid jl*t N iIlOTIiTO, T OIZONTO. 'A 0. -JO&LIN, PROPRHt'TOC'; THIS e chotd la ýthe largest iiYhc.L>qrvince, îad pe ses fic!iticg'for aý'rdirig guper-ji accoua- ,ioticwtihe travelling publie, equel te the bemt Euro '-n hoifler, or. te amy otlacrcsjýtabliash- mient ounthedn'meri&caCttun. 2 Nb. i, AULT-ÂU-M.TIkLOT aTaticaT, 1LowKR TOWN' QI'UEBEC<l. t.lbAVELLEXIS AND VISI£ORiS te the An- ceat City of Qùebaà' wil end - nperiôr se- comincodicticaaaat Moderato cagse.tebv hotel.lice hotel ita%'merconveuicutly altuatcad -near Ho BnksSteuaioatwlcrves, sud prin- cpal bîcalacas places QI' thje City. eer r3ae table and bar ce spphcd »t vr Sro'erîcble enable-lcaucl daiîîkâ'blô. Visi!tera ,lit nd every atttutteioi oiciite btlîtr-couifirt sud ocveiienceeaud c,ý'cry iuoranati'on*aicd direction aso e tnsrrodunding leciis ieplplaces of remoTt, cceyil. 18 . - repractor. GLOBE MIOTEL, BROOKILIN. r~uIl E uurtlersigaîied liaaing tialhei o;cs- Ttotha bovezNc'crl kaîown hotel. whach wvill bc eoudiiecd as fornuerly with the stricteat pro pricty and regard for tho coifort and conveci- ence of the poublie. Thecproprietr aaccrcs ]als inany frienda tiiat eo-rytiniailcmaade reauly as lhoiaaeriv'te enter- tain theinaat'bé loe(lbe BiSet-, andtlat irlie *ill be îrsomhl jreacto ive Luthicinauencb re- c as i N Ci aSr iis wot. Tire lîouse his beautn r liypapcred, painteol udre-ovited, aud is lIitted1ipJievery; respect lin âili a innur ama. 10 himut-osatimtame- tirot. Tliaébàr axi'taible àzo~itcl ieforînerly 5-1 Y. C. IDAWES, Proprictor. TUE. TERUAFI.N. rI RE PR 1iOPRIETOIIS 0 F.THIS WELL t kuow'ai 8o irouare now lu. ocri pitaccai of kfon erl k1t b .liirley. The pretitacas have beeîc ucewiy reiioenated thrcotugliact, cand fiîted i'-)ii hielist style. Every procuraubie dcltc'ay inu aisoîl. A iLpaîr divacu fittîcd ip se-- par.rtclv lite wviîi<'h ono ue t the cst brandi; are 1oriitltd tIenter, 28 CARLISLrE & MrCONXZET. RAILIROAD IIOUSE, , c ORNERi OF BROC1< AN» DUNDAS St., Whitby, i(Lte-W'ieçkc Vi'.>Te Sub eerbar be!k té ahiaunt 'tei ilîabitants'et Wilb-bya- id tite troveolltug commuulty, that' lie lias takeri the abro'e tta'rt ciasa Ilooiae, wtilch lie hum titt'ol ualu na ue%' and coviei utmaritier. A tirst-rate -Tal lasrve4uttliais Ilote. Dia liera;, Lnijicheoiîa, &c., eau ha had ut as mîoments notice. Alil Liqiiora kept ou She prerniseas are wtcri'amtcd theuefi7ero;nc rarticloe. Chcoiccu Ci-are. TH-OMAS DOWNINC. Wlhttby, Marc>I i thj, 1857._ rp1E untiers1guedt takes Ican'e t inmform the T !îbaibitaîc5s ýff W 1l'y un tamo ue; icblie, liakt lie 'as flow naifitrru4"tiegaîr o f aau par'iur qnalkty whtc, ha4i's prepAred-So atu pply W horle- ta1 ate âaerchit iti dethcers, atgrcamutlyrednçed îîtlces. Thotrade liberally dc'alt wth.AI' orduré. hy mach 'ainictnally auteuded te. NATHAN -'MILLER<, - Wh'by. Anagnat i1, 1958. .230 D.AILY STAGE. ROM BRI)UCIIIAM TO 'FREIZCIMAN'Sý F a Station, cii thea Gracnd Trunk arod tôOnueèillwtliag wthte Sgr' Morntng an&. Evening Trais. _...Z JAMLES HUBDARD. N ov'cîiber 3rd, 1957i. 42 0NST>TýYON hAN », JPU1ilG 1THE Qô,011ngiming acdiai iinnr Fre.alo i irnt C rPc, wîiieh wih S bciad tbr Cash onîy, at 2à 6dt par Barra. --MATIiEw.'RL, 7 Port WJiW4c UST received, s consigamont cf Whta;key, Jfrom oo f' the btt I irtilçry's intuhScal'ro- vince, iu pîekigcsof from Ste 50 zàl1ôhs,whieh the stîbsçriber'offeri for, gie nth'a Vary, iow figure for Cîcsh. . . 1 1. THOMAS MOODY,ý EAYEIITO]I. GOOP AC;CO7*IOP)ATION B gooti Stabliîg, astidoearofiil Ostiema'awy ecârwç oing cas ýà,ws. . i '1 4 v t ! ,] 4 giverlp4 s tw eut.i S J.»oel-Cortliug;, loth1rsng&eadx ild flstablisfhnent, i'iclter!ng Wbl eardiiigat 2à. pet. l.'V Imnportelra enrlPêlri Dy;Gogds, Grocerie, , roçkeXy, CORNER 1BROOK & eC ]ÉBORNE STS. Whitby jnly l.t, 1858. 28-tf. T RE Subscriber hegs to annoniuce, to the in-' haffltantsof Treuton and lhe Travelling eommun.ity that the above lltbt-olaà;s Bouse has been fitted up in a new and convenicut ilitnner. A Jarst. ('la887'cle i 8 urved at t7Ak ffotMe. AUl Liquors keèpt on theo pro mises arc of the boat quadity, chçi.oe C0egara. .Also, a Livery Stable in conueccion with theaboveo jrcm'ises., * CHARGEFS MODESJtÂTE. J. S. GRAPoreo Trenton, AÀg.'S, 1959. 4TLÂAS IRON WORKSI W~- Front Street, Toronto. M- CHARLES VALE & Co., EU ,qto anforîn the publie tluatjicy haeve re cigitrtacteil tlsogô e±bensi%*e iteniales ou Fronit Sîreel, (forincrIy eccupied ia thie Outario Briaîg con th ii u t complote syle.,fer carry- Iron Foundiug& Smith!swork Thcy invite inspeetioni of thoir nuinerous Pat- taras; of Jmaameritnl. Ire» Faences, Ealconies Verudialie VaiultiD001r9, FMak i and rixamertai CastI roin (Mumns, Wicdow Caps, SalIs'and AÀRGII$'CTÙU1ML - JroARj4 "le ery'tisçrjpton; Cookiug, Pgrlor iuad Boxc tco'a;G ates, Cvcu 'Moutli¼CaoF; 'uSugar ,Uttles11Plain (JamtiagA and Forgiugcc, ahI et wilait thcy citer se the Tratie and eblacra on aid- vaîntageoîîa ternais. :ý Country orders punc-' tually attended to. Toronto, Ocîobur20,1857. 40ý-tt ICENSED AUJéTlONEER, - For t7he'.county, of Ontrio. TSSUER 0F MARRIAGE LWCENSES CON- jV oYANCEIZ anid ÇCMMiSSIONýkfor takiug Affidaîvits au Q. B. aiud C. P. Atidress, VROOMIANTQN, P. O. Township of Brock. NOW IS TUE TUIlE. -,T YOUR LT-KÉESS AT 1. A. rlark's lot Prize Picture Gallery T F you desire a correcet and lit'c-iikc Amiuo- I . typo~, OCatcntvpo, Letlergrîipb, or Lcatl'ir Tramucator, or a Like icesa ln a Locket, Broacli or, Rting, four .7. A. e. ciiii di) lb li t te hast style, gn t ah hort notice. W ILKIlNSON'S BLOCK 36 ~~Breck cteel iWc ('1IJMI$SSiN ME1tCl14NT, RiSUBANCE îuclGeucral Agelis. Ofc-ctl ocu- pied loy James H-odgsônt, Whitby, O. W. aident Boacd of Trade Tcironto;W..Casl, Esq Manager, 1iaun B. N. Anorici., Teroute;' W. Wl. Rausam, Esq.,' Manager Quebec Banki, broute'-W. Gamble Fsq, Milton Millm Te- 'retté lio. P. MeGifii Proident Bdnk of Mon- treci, Meatras; Meki4s. bMaitland, Tyle & ILtclsiison, Toronto; Messrs. Andarson, Evans, & Ce., Mbntreai; M3srs4. 'W. Price & Son,Quc- bac; gcamrsi. IL J. Noati & 0o. ] y AUCTION BUSlINESS ATTENI)ED te as sîsuai, bhiJ. 0C Sterling. :A AiJ erders relatlng te Anetion sales byý the pu1tersde, cil ouie a eftat tcChîronicle 0f- flce; Wluýitby. M3/eass. [iggins & Mayerbolffer -areduly autliorized to, appoInt my disys of salo, settie tenus, &Io., aaa4 t encaer into such othuer ariiigcuuantA rielaing to. my auctien business. as they may censider proper ati necasary. shaîl bc on hiuidte ratifV i ay.agreement tboy iîay malte ounaux behal. - Sales attended in al arofe euty ;' OHA L'LENGe!, 1 R1HE -SUM 0F 0106 WILL ýBE tSTAKED') 6L y ti.Uudersigf4, og :tbp sbO wok ou bya Woodeit lou 4tca JUki~ ILCI'AIS, r BISTER ATTOIIE,&.Oo- IIA D R M C lK t cIuuec. ae re èady t'ei u eoeîreg -NEY..,, -&0C. 3.M. FRA8ER, Propriétei'.' unsi fectuoOmolo tamw1jx h l Rpve x iaý-ddrua r of-hurh edrutte ,op III OSlAL,çUT 9TiQ ,-Tadiu lIs' aan ly otheýr mania, Cab tloe tà*dý) Toentoe-- J-' ' LLnd lapochor et. 1eéisssqlatho bapi J M S U D - fectuTer In the Couxty dfOar&o-r't ty of tho T" l:Wlibvj' - . " 1r- - 1u.a' I-. JoNOq& La , ' cOLVILL & H4XILTON, C±O Ll&c,. &o., GREENWOOD, FamnIrpeenMateur,, & ONELORS arLkW J;]k~Ã"~OM I.- .A2f4 Wnrw ;Mnneots. ' ~ Z SÃŽ - r a ' roin~. 1L'IAIZà EME , . 'D. -- #e tbe;N.Y4.Sdem y ERSOS n altf gtaae' hao 'Wh tad STE EBT, OSHAWA; CNA1eVerdcir ceýo CuÇ daàpa itd Wiba'onrye nM.adp lu E n~sindh& UtodSO r West. 17 afbB> cox twe, o : r J tt oti ù:'Wrr.A xeted a td.r the CLARK 1'IU'CI'IN., T dera rtS puroase' EeferalttIoumadl +7d-4irr:'r. ONVEYANOER &&cMNCIETE, ra fni i b0h - &os W. CRONe Super, s&C.4' ~~wîji o~'OAO~ r4 ri la wn,uuh. ý ý,a6c-slin- 4r TROMASi MOOD)ýy. êC TCTl Cîy I E(N",R, AN»D ja Leas ' go-omake himacif useful ï n auy.oapsAxy"' r' ' O2QoADO>4 St ~LetIL 17f ý"' e<'j4jt ~r ~df~i.p. ys.. W$bj~,,~a'l.- or cuis ong ex uqe> OUA, l#>' T'ot, b the diiffrent mi à gsts for se e. o» c b.àd.tocs., la iqbut inoesarto 0;, leuiýtobe tose$ sens came daily frouim udis8of mIl euo~b cnred. 'iha otrluwvras net ben ablé. wbiclî are naaanbem e&-I-and 2. Tbe number 1itisa rs ndbhembsýof tuscj hue, orgicus )ýattpTuîy i4vo bec,9j al,, yej ùi eaci DelM-1ilait ecivo0heJroein,-41 , iadj&otdorecb or eioepui'e mtate of b oocl. !8 p strengtbening aturo, 'd-,wihlrie n vr w.&a «Î rb~"iîr. The niber 2 le lk j 'ldmpst iaver lbc frkqu xçet ini\copic ct19fl ridtimr, all kindot Féu7er Msd k, M grt net, memovtls fin ou1part ef tlaahody ho tIie - 3r Rcapenuber te prevent conf.ieip,,tliese -Mcfl&îcli are prepareci by '<>TDýý» àý DEmNEAOVDyIl", pr4ictieem'En!- To pravent trgiud,- a correct' Iikehesa of -h Dector la; on the wrccpjien elLeecJi bobtle, spd 'Dr. Fred. DcllebIte< &Cgpufid they arb ruff-eaotic uepublie, rely5ni; ou their vitVnea iareeomniendiaig tbenIPcIVcs For sale by - S. ;-T 'J'IT T - Sole gné lib' Rouse ,._id Lot'for Sale lu the Village Af cfLande, sihuate ilu t.ue ctra -of the Vil- lage et' Greenwuod, in thi.oiewisîipeof Pieker ingi: TIie(louse aotitia 4' id atw6nts' ati theamlmsah exttellent pnMP on t iepqiuo For terans, &e apply te W 1 'McCnIldtigli 'n!., G eIwoclaer t r "br -'ý Pianos, Melodeons, &c.,r gc, eti ~,erui w'orkzâIrui'for Mie reluulrcf alilkiudW~of Mroie la trn Ëb, ia now praparAe tac reccieiîc'acI execuOeall ort-j ders cutimsted ttuai.41 rViwak eiitia it'ýard byýi v ÃŽ1 hl bei- oguoancteOt T-qaa vrkîc inmla aunfacturech.to ordea'.- liot paianitt Wckeltia, traide. Al ordersby m tail dimateti P. 0. Whithy, oe loft 'Rh hhsoun. laoi be1 içiar of to, rammaa'r $Chool culbo"pnpcsnsly attendeti te. Watch and, Clock' Makerý, B3ROÇCK ST.WITY J egltaklçghvgo to aIànn à3c J.a numeîrena s pant'tius Rsud f'iera,* t-at hé, bas aaow mad ti arga aedditiduel'tô lais Stoékl of Watchas Cloeuta sd Jcwcllcryg tOxl~Inng. Gold t dSilon, legîtala, Fréaich, and Acraîaan sud Jewelry, cf al kitcdts, wbiclc lue lis 'enableti te dism0ae cfaut cxci'ediugly lwpi~ 6 Wlittby, N<isi 89 Qîaebec Atency for the Transactiôof t Business witli the Goverient Depertments. :11AS OPENED- AN OFFICE I-N QUE.- -. bec for the Tranîsaction -of the Busi- ness of Parties residing lu Upper Canada or elscwhere, witli any of' the (tovernnent Departaients. Pensons tiosirous of securnu Paihents for Lands, or having Claims cf any other kiný< agatuat 'the Goyenunçut,' or requtntng auy information obtainable et the Crewaî Lands or other Publie Offices, iney have thcir business dilligently attenetéoih bya Rosi. dent Agent, without -the expouse. andi. iin- convenheuce of a jeurney , e ,Quiebcc. Pistents of Inventiop takeneut. .,Al prepaiti commxunication8, eaiclnesseti to -'Bôx 380, Post Office, Quebée, 'wiil re- ceéive imumediate attenition." . ' . I. J. GIBBS Quebec. Sept. M, 1859. -'87w-1-lY PRIVÂTE BILLS. pARTTES ITNTENflINO TO MAKE applîi5àtî9alt6 the 'LeghslcteAsserp bly for Pnivate or Locil Bills, 'ither for granting exclusive pnivileges, or confdmrnug corperete, powcrs lI'or commercial or other prpseg.of.profit,-for, regulafngruutvcys 'or boêuaîes, or' for' dôin'g aunythiîa'g tend- ing tcl-efl'qt the ights of pnopcrty of othon, paruiç-are bercby,';uuutiâled, thit hey.are ;Toqu iFeçby th»e,62nl,,68rd1uend Otb 4lc [wicvih are publisboèf'in"fall iii the Cýan«da Gaette] fwo giva TWO IMONTHS' noiéel of thce pplcatoth'l AfiéCanada Gazette, 'anidalso' 'anosèmo xowapaacetbliAhéd tn .$he-County'of Tnipq OdftOountiesr ffectedt seeding copiies of tlg-first aud rast 'of such notices to erivatâ'ýlO ýa9cO,. Qsec. 66 Chief OekoFiaeBill Office.; SEUnderwlg»uad giva,.,notice that tlacy, T have tis dîsy' Idùihrc "nto artnonsbip as ý-Brew'etis- snd aatsouhdrii intidûoc h -carryý TP'r" rr 'I1.X TÉ-11 f eoç RLDY, -the 3Qtli, XT!oamuattw tqt Iaoa 5p)î~t6Joao ê ad i'or& Tlïo - Ic '- t,6' ~ the, Coptractorj I fnl operatlon, sphl $helo1wa!4,C pçr,4 cu plÏiincs" hbfiiîèed with tUe' entire" syatcm cf iieatiag for oaobbtu¶idirg: 'e s o enate npQù wj.iat iyg, Tne i bused;,and -d spbIt e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~c fli iateioae'apad-with detcd drawminzâ, f itssbapplcaat*en sund te -igirautt»e ~tspqrecteffciecyr6r~enyears after it geis Inteo~rte P la6ù .j i f , , r î ,rl t 3 i 4 4 i l g m l _ àc î c -o'ifuIieto thi lé fflc, S ib,ç AncIIUictsï meu ,~FuxiLed ocxOitâva and Toronho, or th O Mcstcn . Sraa ynd Av f, fOttawa. - -'ie endrs reh bc0dtlçssd te ftcccý0 z' t a .P«drUcu Wakàý,n- udandraeaIr ' 2ilra- dau'vor fJTeatôqi 1>ublk! IBui1dings ast Ã"ttcwa,"! and te coactiuin th îceElg at4resof waaCrx1a]uve ne- se cia1ty ôfrlýt1iô duc, perfTdininca et'tbecffl traci,,4vd cont'wttcd eficieucy cf' tlbe ssteîn1i aca ac t 'cicompi idb nl1cerlificcihea and rccommeculdetleristsfleprt iaIi Cominiadionier Fablie Vorks. Offico of tîîc. Dcpirtuaeut t'fPuolloJ Woa'ke, QOiettiNov. 1859. Ç gSsw -New TafloriiigEtablishmentf SIPSOXi' & FERGUSON. JESPCTFTÙLLY annouiace to the in. rhabtlt'W .o(ýWhttby andîurroundliqg ourtry, tbat'they have opened'â *Tailor's Sbop on J3rod*ýk street, oppoaitel'he l"Ontàîo éHotel," where hlf orders'enitru'stcd to'them',Will be doue *With nestnosa and despatch.- * - Yhitby, çt2qtt<$5. - .0 N.:,W: SROWWISî AGRIOULTURAL .WOIRKS' BROCK -STREET, WHITBY, (A few roddiisoutlà.of Ibc Tank of YJontrea.) AG UWAWUX4J TS 'Mfaî'kt and Bob Sleighs, lTwo.hoiýsc'blhit va~trcaPlaubs o varil~nke amîîtle Sebrufileat, Cern anîd PotatnOcÙlativàtors Thi-a8hing Machines Repaired on Shiort Evcrthtn inthe aiboee lin' aittepdcd te witji Punctualtty anti Cheapncss.' Ageýtï for PattcrSon's combined Reaper and 'M'o'm- or. r Whitby' October' 12, 1859. - -58 - Goal Oilax'd'Lm s T E sabscribr has j ilst recelveti n very fineassortmnnt of' Ceai Ou Laanps of the newcst pattern;and -w'th the latest im- r~~om gp$anàùd" Upwardq. lHi CeaI iluis' deodoriietipcrfeetIy pure anti fi-cfi-cm -auy" alaipeatiaut emeil, anti is sold uat Troroute Pnices. 1h -ives a ligbî eqixal te gaz,' ah léss thacu hatlfttle - coBt Fleid sud cemmen 011 Lampa, alteredtu a 'buru tCoal.Ou eatt auheutrs nôttcc. * GEO. YUJ El, Ja P.S-Statoncry, Sebool Books, Violins, Fîntes, 'Accordecris, sudd upenierN'iolti Strings, for sale çbeap. 1 -a. Towîa fecret i e a u.d 'twci lieU. cocapliu *Wliieh-was thco mtoti for fortilleaatcii AI, grai e hfalaccugaîve hi' lus opinion,* ThtîotuuIîug but eSpace could isecuirethe doi mnion, A carpeater acîlîl, hlc'heS s'as wcli spoke, ;lws bet ter by t'ar toend t ua h tscîak Acnrricr lhce'sug Sy, -ui-scrý thaîcai botli tile.s to- getli', - Saidt ywbait yen phecase, 1tuera is notM4aîg,'ke '-SO sAYS- WEILIAM Mc BIRIEN? 'Luaiies' andGeilmiisFsie'le4tni Slaoa Maker, bbc aboya, lias for the liat seveua yeara tackcal' dt flrst'Jînlzc ton Bolsanîd Slcots cnt he Coun-, ty Show. Noitobutt i*er best, iiiitetlal suid beat work- ii. ip natie upoic the îielie, lits old fricoda î,îîd ucw caiiatoieîua4'whll ha rejcdulv, d- tended, l, coutrucislacicilla itigooti and claauup workla a îc. " O iirooikliiu, JuIy4, 18.59. LICEN'SED AUCTIONEZR>.FOR, ILE COLNTY 0F-QNiî-ARIO0. Tjr^,ARMER'S rSALES '. n StbcCoun)ay rwfiIn e -.-ceive pro't a t atetien, on. rasopiulIe rn15 ssiguSethe Accticu Reqtàpn vsft'kle.dspoàsecl Rlooma ave ruiti>JY. yic e m ase c f h i r s e s , lin g ho n e s s ud S pa v ilx c aetstd With- perfect siiecesa. Adaîress, wbeîu by Pest- A&uction Eooins, ýWiaitbýy, F.bnuarv Uth, -1859. , EÂTENAE.T TQIINMOONYi1~o Proeoth-.MI'W s fô k àà,Ilkni f lrlafwF aachta0 are ie n"ueitpl ostier. 1In hfa ' preniaca xvilbqa$fmsd t for h9ps itmslnc faction to'&'âi diJIi à ot4er botue ùf .LhëIk-ind Iiu "r'l 'Aj>- lk MATGHEIJ ','l)OR$$q he given~ yjfwmnisbinupprqvediiend6iied" note.,.. '~ T. H 3 M ILAN. rr IE Subscriberi 3ÃŽbes'to iudorm aail prîe TL tint are- iudebt 4 to1ai,0,that.it 'wtlibc ulEceg!îi-'for fhem t d malte amnieduato 'auai - lie reituires xaaney e-praseit, andi tlitatlac hais te look for It to those hui'itRe iîdcbted te 11111, and- faom1t.lýe lainyh a~bet givc'u aucbl, hlD no*0hpca 'it ail ihatodo ti' tlits, n tti~t-~t~~wil be ¶v And il aaiy parties, have to pay.eests>they. will luire tliuîush'ýes te blame, as the dlaimis iare'loiog stuce dao.i W1m. LAD4G- ýý N'Bi.ilkùTe the 1lfth oiO.ctober iiéxt, .J1di dims rêmainingtunpaidlm'aybee-eee. be pia-ýced i n y Solieltos banda e r co1lection. AtTCTIONEER, LAWD AGEZ'TT IViUl bc wiliug to aandîdprçarç'«a» fuA3 to aaay busDne' w*iith vhic lacie, lîoioce Vreomanton, Breek, County of Ontario. cMvLtf ArD BRITSII IRE'IEW'. L E R K o n ti n e t p u li sË h e f o i1 0iv 1 ing leadlug British Periodicals,vi: rmE LONDION QUAtTriLY (Couscrvative.) MaE EDINJIUROII i.iEW' Whg. THE NORcTHt îBR ITIH t-IEW (Free CbUrch.) ax WErSTmiNsTERit n'utw (Liberal.)- BLÂCKWOOD'StEI9 BISO SIGtziNÈ(Tory.) Theso pertetitcails à1vlyrepresent - the tbre*'gi-et popiticel 'parties' fGi-cnt 'Br- .1 ain--wbig, Tory, atnti Radicl-but pôli- tics 'orms oily one feabune oethleir chvauct- er sOrgaus' of, the inos' t p jofou6n4 wait.rs 'on Sine rtrtle oait g114 Roligion; tcy tat;nt1y'er have stoti, unrivalicti in thec world et' let- ters, bein nÉ die'idipIsOto theý scholai' an4 btie proeesional maxi, wle ho the in teligent readereof'eeyelaLse bby fumnish ,ia nmorç correct anud atisftuctoay ne- ec<rd of flie enti-etXt litïrasture' et'the àdal throughout the w 6rld, ithan ceu lacpossibty obtaiaaed fium an <oblier source. EAUL COPES.- The reçeiýt et' ADV.ANCE SljItET ýfronv.tlxe -Bniti.sh 5pbliýshens gives stiditionaivamhie to the ' Repnintqs, inîtsmucb es;'tlu c e ncw bu placedinlte:hnhls of $ubscmlbctns about as soon ais the oî'igtiial u'itiqns. - Pereami; nFor any oee of the four Revtews. .. $,3 00 Fjor any-twp.oet te four Revicwsi...;'5 0 Fo ümy ibha.ee'cf the io-rÈRevicwt. 70 For àllfoaîrof the llevieeWa. . S 00 Fqir I3lackwoods ,Magazineç... '. . For Blackwood anadioee Re'iew.5 00 For I B1ýckoed âd twq ,RIeview. .7 00- -For'. Blackwood sud thu-ce Rtevews... 9 00 For Blackwooti and tlîufoupýBcvicws.10 00 Jieil current fin tfie',State xea'e iuued cIll be reccinved aâýpar,1 - A discount of'twe-nty .fi ve peir. cent. frocu -the abolvo pide&8a.wiWll-eilowed hi> CLUBS ortie!,iuug ýotlr oemmeacqpics et' uuy oe eor more et"the' ushove work-s.Tlu:Fc" 'èopteà ofBl kvod rloiialReV'ew, xiii beseut teouaadmssfri;four. copies of the four Reviw a g'Bc&%ood for -CaGnadinmail sabscnibeu's xvili bo sup. y:lid free ofU.ý S. Postage.1 - Rmittanec for any of the abiove publicsa «ENARD SCOTT & C0. 46W No. 54, Gofd Sfrécét;-ýNé'w Yor1k JAMUS.f. 'EIMJB - N ?ov. 179, onceS- in- l>1fl Wlilý!)Yî S Cpt.: v * * 1 - ýv & e 1-yi of t

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