Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1860, p. 4

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i »ut reeii,,d b>' Ski w'»' sud l Dvision court sud~ a-alWRAPPING uleâtfor'i,)oilrs iid ent. iss ob elors. M.aereudum OCJ DSf eau ha . puusd am eîîe hiontrel or Troronto..- rd, 7-49. WHOLESALin A9D BETIL BOOK8ELLII A< ýBROOK STRtEET, B 7?ookslrg, Stadionere, .2lfrchant, and &il who deal lu the abovo lino, viii Sund @n hapd a large aud weli assontAd Stock at #h. EÂtablishment 6f the, undersigned, Whichholu e l eliug1 ah unpneccdoutedîy Loy POIons. ACCOUNT BOOKS, Ledgens, Jeauruals, Day, .Cash,. aundBibi Bocks, rulued forihe ne'de'imal cunrene>'; Blank Books'cf * ver>' description macle la order, rubed le eny pattern, pagcd sud bouud lu a. supe nion manuner., Sb'cbol IBocks, IWitiuig rma. terialé, IS14'tem,Pencis, -Scaliig Wx, Waters, ~ c WIN.rPAPER-OI Note, L êt- - 1r, Cep>' ig PFoclscap, Bank Post, Po tt sud Bu ff writiiuig papen, all sizes sud WRAPP1NG PAPERS, Itoîtua uaufic- -,.êoured M4at'ilîs, Brawn, Commercial, Eie- ' -phinansd Grey' wrappiug papers-oli * -ENVELOPES--Laid, Blie, Bîuff, Colon- ed, &c, aIlizes, and varions qualilies,- fromi No 12 ho No. 10. ê ~LANK FOLIMS-In -Chaueccy,Quceu'a Beuceh aud Common Pîcas, Couint>' an'l Surrogate Courts, lusolvent Court, Divi- sion Court, CornnuerSI, lagistrates,' Nota. ries', Clenksi of, the Peace, Cienks of Coun- *iesTawu;, Villages sund Townshipa' Deeds, * ortgag.*:a etd ali bérins reiatiug te the tonveyance ai,-Real Eslate. BIIERIFFS', l3iilitl',an' sd ¶ostables' Blaukiaby the elozeil, huaîdrd, or thou- aîx ITarcante prices. INKS, FLUILIS, INKSTANDS, &c. * g~rThe Quaiter Dollar Packet, * Contaîiiing 12 sheets fine nulcdl Lellen Papen, 12 sheets Note, 12 aicf-sealiug Let- toer nvelojpet4, 12 self-seisliug Noteo Enve- Aopeai, Fraser bullion I>eîus aud Iloider, u ne sheel of Blottiuag Palter, and eue Bot- lie of Tk -all for a Quarter Dollar. * TO PRINTERS. Ail kkuds OfaILaNTn'oGPtiza-Newts, Jbb sud celored-uîolal ut market price5, A or cadi. *A etilI furtber Reduclion in ail kinds etPri nÏiig for Cash. The $EMI-WEEKLY CHROINICLE at $2.50- a Ycar. j§_eTho WEEKL~Y CIIRONICLE, thc olicapeat uewspttper lu Canada, at One 1polbtr a Ycar, îi Wadn<cmîce. prînter and §tationer. *.WhItbyJuly 4, 1859 INEW STÂ1'IONÂIY! J» EGS te Cali attention to hie large etouk e01 New stationary, witich Wociudes ail kiade of Plain and Fancy Wrltlng I'apere, Merchant's Wrapplng * papersp Schooi Book@, Siates, Peucols, Pens, uink, aper,&c. Aise, Law sta. Uiousry of ecery 4ecriptiea îîclading Nlan Dedibosesmortgages, As. liaments, Bonde,, lolelises, Distreesq * I Warraits, &c. LEAWYER'S BLANKS - NEW,-MUSIC.ý ,usgrecewd b#y1h.uslesgi, WALTZEgi BONGj And Mugie armned <r h Pan ore Br~ook 0trat W7UaY ,Tp Clerks of Divisiou .Courts. ~LL enétriesilu BOOkisud Accounts wil 4 .in, lu olrs and cen!&, lirons thefÈit of Jawary next, in complianoe wlth the proviinsçf the 1cousoliclted -act. 1Oierks ghould keep this lu mind when ord.riâg a nùewiiuppiygof forma, suad otherwise pre- par themeelvesfo the coming chiange. citab 1 eokeand lorme eam b. procured at the etabllabment of' W. H. BIOGINS, erocA' flIt, WF4 # TIM 1PRESS. fhe P etQûrboo' Examiner, PUNiLIBRE2V21 THUR8DAY MORNING, TWO DOLLAR SU tANM 1u1lE EXAMINER lami lic largest circulation Iof-an>' paper pu hisdluPeterborol, aud t hereforo tue 1 ùst overti*ing mdnil hs United Couit'ies. Teri-T!o arlvrtîsiers ver>' liberal. À; IA &RENFREW, 213 .Plibls7&arg. TME PETERBOROUGI REVIEW 11, 1rtilliD EVERT~ FRIDAV MORNING At Onie Dollar per annîn, payable in advancc. Tp IF, eview lias a circulation twlce nos large as anyOther pîîpiblishied lu the Uuited Conntis tifPeter oi ad Victoria, and ls the boiît oilvcrtiisinfiîncdi.îîn iin the Old Ncwcstk'l 1irict. SAll orcder* addrcssed te the Publishiers, wvil bu puntitaliy tteiidcd to. i T. & R. WHITE, S Puibliehers. LMVRY STABLES. FO;'L BAUE ORTO LT IMPRGVED PARES, NuL SITESR, TOWN LOTS, &o. FOR SALE, fNE Iinproved Fan luinViitby, 100 One In proved, Panna lu Darlington 50 acres. Ouae ' mariposa 50 Acres. Wild Landsin l Maisa, Sonirville, Eu- phrasia, Arlcmcaiia, Luther, Chathami, Doyen, Iluuîgerford. Mill ]Žriviiege In Hampton, iownsluip of Darlington, one of tbe very best it the Township of Dur- lin-ton. Town Lots Lu flowinanvilic, Brooklil, IHampton, Port Perry, and Sarnian. Ai.so a few Town Lots un the Town of WIIITBY For sale Low and one Long Credit. Mcchanics snd others desirous of build- ing can have flrn 12 to 18 montha te inake the first payanaent. Scud for a Circulan. Addness, post-pai.d, J. Il. PERRY, Whitby. Oclober 11, 1859. 59 *aeu's Benchg, Common PlenseChan- For Sale Oheap, and on Rea-' cary sud County Court Fermes. Division Court Blanke at Filty Cents Per huudrede Èangstrate9à lilanke, Notar"ial Blanke, -ail foi gale at Torouto Privue&. PRINTING, Of aver>' description, neatiy, exp. ditleusi>l, and cheaply executed. * - At the- Whihby Reading Room will * . e ounci althe Daiiy PaVerý.,aad lIhe kbteut publicationus! hàme arA Foreign. eW, 1m.; HI(GGINS. NEWS! 1N 'S1 A LýTIFLAMT OMEAND FOHEIGN 'REAPING RO0X, CHRONICLE BUILDINGS, (BroecS. Txn;#rSmuonnioe:-4pernnuni, pay- able quarteni>', lu advan ce, I.ewyoes'asd Morchant4' Ciorkcs and othors, irhoeuO occuations preoet tii-m from reiort- in t Zte taîaug Boouu dunîuuig the da>' ili Myoi> ho ehiargeci $2per aanum, payabl1e qua:. ari>' luad"vatoa e. OFP ALL KINDS, LÂWYERS IILANES, JDvlslou Court. lanko, &an., &0t. W~AT, CITY, PRIVES. ý * W. a.> HIagCil. Chronglelo uildings, Breck Ot. Wl' sonable Terýme. T HREE gooci farina in bbc Township of ý honah, Ceaunt>' af Ont.-nia, wiîb in- provemeuts of 20 aores on each Lot. Pan parîloulans apply ta H. J. Macdou- elli Whitby, llannisten, otl D. Canionon, I3eaverton P. O. Octùber li, 1859o. D. CAMERON. 59-2in-s 40-2in-w - M111 D W E LLING bld>'y occupied es lv -Y. Nmarme, ini,"I'erry's ]lbuck" c55 liok Street. Onie iIIOPi on BROCK STREET, isouthh af B.Canîpbel's Store. On SHOP AND) DWELLING o Boce, bWSeveraI emalil3uildings lu varions parts of the iown. tVhtihy, 24th Oct., 1859., J. H. PERRY. POSTPONEMENT. FAIRM FOIR SAIL. rrE oulh-laalf of lot No. 20, broken front, bin"the towunshiapof Witb>, cantaiuing about 100 acres, wîll hcsoîd un two ioto, b> Public Auctin ut Meseors Wakefield (Justes Co&., Auciion u4rTrno t noon, ou, Sàturday, Jauuary '7th, 18O mot 29th Otober 1869,as previonsl>' advertised. The lot is about euje aud-a-baîf miles. Inoi Wlatby Station, aîud tîtere are good faui build- TheUparil.aud conditions nia>'be 1usd at .ho sale, or n poliapplcaion la - GREENE HAWKINs, - floliclborai Toronto. .Toroute, Sept. 15, 1859. - 2-td, wro usa uanit. 1rASJOR2iSTQN Tqono ~ownqhip. Mr. Jesse ad willi show rthe. land ln Uzbrlge.é 3 1IPROYED FÀIÉIS lst.-400acres suhblff 4No. 19,; ord cobcefinofWibkwna pr <the U9~8TMiNIn<ýJK IAT9 Onlytwo ýmUe. from, ib&Fêwn ofWbitbý.-0 2nd.-50 -acres South Wiea quarter of Lot& No68 th conesaloànO -'fU arigtWp abouýt elght miles from Bowmanvil. I- *NoA, Iïlth côonçe8 p, f arpabot 9 miles from, Llndaay. The aboya âet i'dlotsare firat-elesa Farma, in a high state of cuitivation, good Buiidinn, aud near important Towns. I il b ldr.aaonable, and on favora- ble torms. .Apply W 1 J. IL TPERRY. 4genzt.for tle Ozaeii. Whitby, Oct. 6, 1859. I Hfouso and Lot for Sale.' Tir KIfLt contains ou-toùrthi of un acre ot Texcellent Land, wbioh in 'n a bigh ,.tateofo cultivation. TVie bonsioli. Frarne bulildiýg 18 by 24, end confortably fiiall.d off. itis .111wl- ted in a very picasant. part of the ViII'îge ot Ux- bridge bolngner the chnrcb, the selîool, t ie Fàst o ice, and the places of gcierai busincess. ermâ en$Y, and mae, bowov a PlyiDg Ï0 Wm. 'al crpopetleret Dr. Natioî't4or tu IVW.CADWELL no ~'N, Land Agent, Urfridge. May', 1859. FOR SALE CH EAF. Lr O TNo. 27, in the Srd Concession aI Whitby <-Jl(te NWlLKi-Ne Fàuli) adjoining the Townof Wlatt y. Apply to the lion. B. C. WffmLx4,ý Cîu'ryillX iiîe, CIIAS W ILKraso, Esq., Bellevile, or to Jul>' 15, 1857. S Arise-r Steam and Plaster Mif or 'Saie. T JUFE ASSIGNEES 0F O. STONE, OFFER foîr sale on easy teris tlie Steauîî Plaîiter MilI atnd Furniture therolu,at Port Wliitby. Ap~plication te ho mado to J. L.GRNfR or N. 31ILLER, Whitby, March 2,1859. - ty. 7 - Farm for Sale. 2 -oACRES OF, SPLENDID LAND. LOT 20, in lotît Conicession cf 'ruerai. 15 Acres eleurcd. Tii Foamt le situated wlitiin four iiîlles of Bcovcrwion iiite trav'el rond hoe Mura; tlie lanîd is cf hlim et qualit>', anîd i. in the ceintre of a gond settleîiicîit, witîi a School, sud a Sawmill couvenient. »io North half of Lot 4, iii hue loti. Conces- sion o? Thorah, cousishiuig of Or) aires; 12 of whioh arc ecrcd, aud firotiting an tcl'ortage ;Bond, near Cameroi'e Miil. ~3 TEItX5 LIBERAI. ~ AppI>' to Beaverton, lOtit dut>', 1867 26EO~. T 0 LWTthat wvel kuownu Penn irathe front of the' Tow4ship of Whitby, known as the FARQUHARSON PROPERTY consietlng 400 acres, 800,of which are leared, free froïni tumpo, annd lu a higb state of cultivation. A OOD -BRICK COTTAGE!I tvith ont- buildings and two dwclliug bouse. for laborers, a large orchaid witb tb. choicest fruit whiclt null produce from $100 te $200 nnuîaily. The property is beautifùzly situatcd on tbe rising gotiud, one mile norîlu of.the OountyTown, alibrdir;g ev.ry fuclity for the sale of ail kinds of Produce aud Gar. dcin Vegetables, Ibis bciug oune of th. best Market Towns us at of the City' of Toroanto: the Grand Trunîk Stationî distance two muilesi, with a fali view ofLake Ontario sud W iudsor Harbour. The above prope:ty ar vill lie soid on easy hernis of paymcut, if parties wish to pur. chose. TiiMs :-Eilber to lot or for sale, eau bc kuovu by applyiug ta 0. Il. DARTNELLý- or y ltte to SolicitWr, Whitby. JOHN A. DONALDSON, Post-Master, Weston. Possession given the tiraI of April next. Whitby, Mo. 1à, 1859. s44w-lnri TO LET. lI weil kuowu Drug.shop Tand dwelling at preseut oc- eti cpied b>' G. A. Batiniater, situated on the corner of Dundasand Byron Streets, Whitb>'. Possession eau ho bad ou or aften the 101h Septetuber. For particulars apply, if by lbIter pro paid to Whitby, Aug. 181h,'1859. ).B U . 44 TO BE SOLD-A BAIGAIN I NEAT DWELLING IIOUSESITUATED in- 1 thîe Ceuter et BEAVEB'ON coin iaiutg Six Booms4. - Apply, if by letter post paid, CHABLES ROBINSON, ESQ. 'Wiitby, Apnil 16th, 1959. For Sale, or to let. - COMMODIOUS AND PLEA su au ly iluaîed " BRICK COTTAGE, with f of an acre of. landin l the North Ward of the Town of Whitby1 ou tbe Eut side of Brook Street. For further particulau's appiy (ifb>' I.4 ter, post-paid) at W. Il. Tremayne's office Whitby, or Wo the stubeciber, Cashill, Markham. D. O. JENKINS, Proprietor. Whitby, Jul>' 28th, W09. 80 W ityBrewery, GRAINS,..FOR ,CATTLE CLARK & WOODWARD. 'WhlùbZe Or,ý5.7 M51d on Douda&. oebrasudendL Appcaon te be ma& te 'r Lot 83, St onn9qesimi -POT salieor #0KMu t iivwpO$,i TrzTYuL n AT- sTotx f~<>a allaitdiiceof tthe Grnd Tun jie Bailway Dopot. Ai gond business ia bath trodes eau be, 4one 'b>' atcdy; ud goucod Ai*- For fartherpartculas 'l tUR» Livepool ]P- ORLSA le. A N excellent uew Frrmie Cottagnearl>' Iu -Étbe hlu rtof Li.e.,wn oaI W hltby, sud wilili f4a# ards aI .therMiu SVroeI-Dnudas Streeh-taller vitli tWO-ffitia aIan acre af lanud altacbod. 'The hou" Scnlalue Lil apart- mente, lias au exoellent -cller, sind Vere 1i. good stabliîug sud all uoeesar>' ou-buildings, aud a mu1,erior îîuamp af good iwaher ônhlie spot. For ius, , .bct i-lI h oeind ver>' liberal. Aîaply ho J. A. MAYERIIOFFER ------ -- - chrofilcle Offie, Wlaiif>. BEAVERTON. FOR SALE CHEAP"4O' AMILL PRXVILEGE AND TOWN LOTS' A coutigiots ta the Beaverton Wharf. A large and poftable Milliig buisineis s eh donc bore. Favorable termea ho emode witlî the Plroprietor by a Ireetical Muer. N. B.-Tlîere ià; a firat-rate openlng at Boa- '.rton for the Estmblifislinîut of aFodndry. Bo0avorton, JuiV28, I857ý> 28 VATIIABLE FROPERTY foi SALE. T Il E store and premulsos iatoly oeoupied b>' Mir. J. A. McM ilion, ut Utica, iithie Town- ohip ofecachitogether witlî a quarter ocre of 1Landàttachod thereto. tliis store i» verv favo rably iituteci for oîîy business. Tie Viligcof Utica ie in the centre of tàe Town»1lifp,uand ail the travel oi tt'hm Brook rWia passes t 1rýoiîjh 1. Terms wiii ho mode tue anit piîrchaseràk. Ap- r'iication to be mode to JAS. B. -CAMPBlELL, 45 Albnrn P. O., Beachi. TOWN- LOTS. F OR Sales, Lots Nos. 122 and 123, Kent Street, West of Ilrock $treot, in, tie Town of Whitby. The abôve Lotik are uint oligibi>' sistotd for buildiii î arpoes-tiîey are enclosed andiiuatcd lu teecbUt part of the Town, and wili ho disod of, on liberal ternis ge» A clear decd vili ho given, froc froîn al incunibrauce. AppI>' to V. 0. MA YERIJOFPER?, Whitby, or ho J. A. MAYERIIOFFER, -Clîronicle Office, WV hitby. TO ILET. - ALARGE TWO STOBY BRICK STORE Awith apartimcuts in the sameto accommo- dite a rcsî,cctiable fomrily, aud aoother large Woodon Freine lieusse adjoling thie saine, con- taitting altbgetlier 10 roonis and a largo cller ne excelleni veil of water witlî a pumsp, snd ail anccssary ont bul!diugs, sud a good gardn,- The lot conhains hlall' on acre, iittîmate on the cî)ruer of Dundas eiîd Anderson street. lu the Town et Whitby, only a fewsuiiuutes walk from the depot. Al*o enother voryImndisome Twa Stor7 floeuse Il, tho samo looelity oppomîto thîe resu- dence of John llomner-slpleudid varaîîdah round the aiue, a good weil of voter sud cli tern of soft water with a putup iii ecd, the frut part lis laid ont ver>' iîa,îdsoîely andi orna- iuented with tLowers fteworing stlrubit sud C'vergreene, wlich i,îs leit appeor like a little . . adieo lu, enunner, tiiere are two gardonis, and a ver;y large orcilard pr.lucing froîn three to, fourliandred buishels of apiales, wîth ail ont .4411»qt lafrnhp laue. Thiati d- soine place h% boeî'lte residlec ofthie lli Sh eritl', N. (1. Reynolds, Emq., aud othcr geix- .tlcuion of resbpetabilit>' wlich is4 a Iigli recoin- inoindation of the lplace witlrout fnrtier coin meut. -Rent Modcrutte. For particulars 1plyth JON AMERL, Esq. Whitellali, whithy, C. W. whitby, Marqh 2, 1859. 7 TO LET. Ab>' Jines Pningle, aîd kîtow astalie S T STONEST ORE, lu the Townî of Wititmy. Possession gîven on ta firet of September naxt. AppI>'teCJ AMES ROWE. IVitihia>, JumIy28, 1858. 28 Valuable Parm for Sale.. T IAT riunblo Penn composod etf N. . 3 ot Lot No. 4, lu the 4bb concesion af Pick-. eriug, Contaiuiu-g 50 Acreis, About-.20 acres chop1ued. Thle ahav neu.si si*tnated un the centre af aul exelblent iwheut-growitil localil>', sud witbuiu abolitsix miles af thi mîrpert.nI Tovwn of Whithy.1 Teans unoderate. TiLle lidisputable. ApPlication to bc -made te JAS. McA ÉLAN, Whî'tby; JAS, LOGJAN, Lut 9, Broken Front, Pickgnîng, or ta THOMAS HUSTON, Whit Sp. Aloo, for Sale A quantit>' cf gond CEDAR POSTS. APPLY AS ABOVE. Oetaber a 1859 55-sm W,& am TO ALL TI1E W8RLB, ÂNm BL fl ? mmT~ T He autf,erbe bviug 0uieided businelsd, M10vofe s eforBet for'ateruS of yeas onvo7 reasouabie terme hie spleuidld VILLAG OP8VROXANTON, STORE & DWEL iN; gHOtTsE, Wihtwou-Klhotense- Bltln~.ooora5dPer sud atraha-o-testrîs ei unusheà office sud Worehause. - The.buildingsarlfrt -clieB P:luebOailduge. PnlceAl (in îufour squaliannpa el iulmeuhrý, lr u tat tbe ~e fegumR" oFI52" Brook neeD-et nhteu recomimeudation, its Industrions luuhahitants le,5a; suifieeut meoe Vr Yooumton, Brooka e 0%* 8.: 041 aeabq.,malnloandn ~ 1)wrn , .ws.P.A Mien euïlin 'Agent aI WMdtby-G. B.Datel - *gie1e'I~a opat pf l.worid. Royal Insurance Company., Fmi Pguwi 8b8-.-Two bhundned Thoueanci, RerceFun*e onlad l'o Miéldais, #Wr F IE, SJAC o»idns~tulr and Merchauidlxe, of ever>' deeciptn, ef' fcctcd outhie most-ivqrblà ténusu.- Short peuiod riâaktaikonion.eroliaýilze for oue or MOre Monthse-- Life Insuroneon rery iàadvoiieone tenue for the ossurod, with anau+i,Onusd4vsli of p oui. err>'five >'es. u I G E Whitby, June, 1859. 2 BAItTYOiD, C0NEOTCUT, 5ýFPAlID UP CAPITAL, $200,000. p OLICIE$,grauted immedinatly> on applical- tion, *i lenut refoeicecto thu Ilead (iico., Whith .-Veh. 2, 1859. The Scottish Provincial Assurne F4dablialted A. D. 1825, amnd Inerporated >y o $pscial Ac f 1>emlament. CAPITAL, - £1,000,000 cAtîAtA-uixau orrIcE: Moutreal,' 9 Great St. Jaunes street.- SUzcRirn.-A. Davideon Parkner. INTENDING Assurors arc e rspecfhily ro Aq'ueted ta peruse this Comupany'» Prospec- tus, wlîerein it wili bo found tîtat ever>' edvan- toge, consistent vitI seceurît>',i oft'eredë Mie rates of Premiums elaarged are lo*. viie the Bannies declared will bear comparleouu with the Profith§ allotted b>' au>' oitheb othor leadiug offices. Purticnlar atteution is aoso directed ho an equl- tabJe regulation adopted b>' this Company', op to surreuder value of relinquished Policies. Wuisy.-John Agne%%, t4gent; 'Robert J. unun, M. D. Medical Advîs§er. Plailicy Au.amca.-N i'eu Agnew, M. D. Mcdi cal tdviser. 9-Bun State Fire Insurance Company of Lon- don, Englanti. CenÂnTE]ai T Tor Bts e PALIàVEST. CAPITAL ...£50),000 STERLING. BOARD Or DIRF.C'roRs GIimaa.-The -Right. Hon. Lord eene. H. B. Sheridan, 31. P. UCooel James Adair. The Bey. W. Beau. P'eter Carshairs Es q TheIlIon. 1B oth John Jouies; Unwin Jarke, Esq. Heur>' Clark, Esq ,. D. Nicliolos Detînys, Eq. Wiliamîuî. Potter, Esq. William leur>' Bough, Eeq., M. A. F. M. Wells, Esq. Peler Morrison, Esq., Mauogiuge Diroctor. Audiior.--Ambrose 11111r, Esqa aolcUor,- à£0eesrs. Milluir & lierne. $,Urvb7qeî--WiIiam Z. Williamns, Esq. Bajmera.-Mossri. %nsoém & Company.-ierary.-Wm. Cauveli, Eq. CANADA BRANOH Hecad Uftce,-Masoie Hall, Toronito. Truîatees-Ilien. John BRo*s, John Crawford. B»oar-d of Diredtor#.-%asirman.-Win. bio Mlaster, Eaiq. VLî-Cairmika-W. P. Howlaud, EuqM. P.P. Wnî. Bais, Eeq., Wm. Heu. C.ro'n rsq - F. W. Jarvis. Esq., lSlieriff, U. C.o Ior n 'eol. Bankra-Tle jian. of Monîreal. Mouiers -Boss, Crumwferql & (rombie Tlhe engagem Oilte of th. 81.1. Fire ýInsmrne Cempan>' are gmurauted by,' a repox.ei.ble Pro- pniotary. Al Losses vilI beotleci ponupîl>'vihut reforeuicç ho he Board, lu EuigLd. The business afthe Times beving beau pur- ctaed, Polie>' -ioldors% are nov gnaranteed b>' lue Statte. AL'EXANDE9R STEWART, Mfanager, BrUùhs 1loffl Amenea. JOHN A GNEW, Wiîib>, Jan. 5, 1859. A gentalWi UZrý4 protection againet Loge and Danmage b>' Fire@ WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £100,000 INSUBANfCE effected ou Buildings sud Ibier coutents. Every information snpplied ou application te the uudersigned. JOHN AGNEW, Traireing -Agent, Byron Sireot, Whitby British America Assurance Company', INCORPOBATED under an Act of lhe Third Session of tho Elovenlt Provincial Pailla menh of lpper Canada.. £iPT4 100,000. Ireurauce eftcted on Buildings sud thefr' cobitenta. Eývery .information supplied, on ap plicahion ta the nndoreigncd. Marine Biekt§ for th. eeon orfor Pnrt. Phoeixix Me AsrneCo. Oumà]I» e3MT ;A» oEAnu*a <,*05,(LONO ESTADISIIE> IN1782. ~NSUÂNCS - Agent» for eCanada. * 11aN sganaLOBFb> FIXE sud cf efeeei oethe=milfaevor»!.Ja-torme, sud LOSBpald wlloutrféréaetô the BWed lu Wilby ug..1è, 1859. GEORGE BOSTWIOK.,, W- -.4u,£» osil oýÈc TflITL fuytbéritôtice, Malle wilibe elo~ .An duo uefur dellvery at tbb-«1fie dos DoWMisgùlng 1(71 i-k~E w- menville, Newcastle, Clar Kingston au& Port no :,and other eotri'poniding offic1p, l , clàding all place$ on the West ofI1~~n, et Duor'or deliveryetlOil. M."and 1. *LettiwmforMontreat, and ljfaea L.toK ig. itou tire ofldemeqaoed bytho uight mail go- ing N.t, ut P. MI. V ~pmailgoing West iu eluding Dubartoi' pIoie ,Tro linsd--all places Wcetot To- ronto,à go th0e . ý. ILB. travelling 1,.%toffice ging est, clos1es at 7"0..ni.,euind ot 6' p. . nue fordlv7eea(Oamada im Tih Male for 11ickeriug and Duubarton arc -*nIil htaled by hie moruing tuilugofng Weit. N1orth Mails biave daily altcr the aivai cf the train from Toronto, for lBroolîl, Maniches- .ter, Port Ferry Beach, Linîdsay, Manilla, Dca- Vertou, Fort 1]Îover, .Ashbun, Epsom; Utica and Uxibrilgc, lo for ail the eorreoponding of- lices. -Mails are elsomode upat,,sau;otlze for Aud- loýy, Brougboim'Balsim, Greenwooditiid Kin- sale, daily, ana4 on Tuesday, Thurmday and Sul1urday for Altonit,.. (Jiaremont suid Stonf-' ville. Malse arc duc for dclivery fronttos. offices; nt about 5 80 p. m. ENGLI8JI MILS.-Fromntbe lot of April. 1859, au letters"for tGreat Bntain must Se pre- paid, by postage stamp.. j>4ter% intcuded for Europe shonld bc post- ed before 7.-o'clock A. M. o ou ldyo. RWEISTBATION 0F LETTERS.-ýThe Charge for BEtgistratioD, igaddition l'othe post- 'o lafloilo* on Cath letter viz: Tbuy icoi lu isb North Âmcrieo, Id, To any-piacein'the.- Unitcd Stateti, ( postage Muet beprépiid olwo >Bd - To au>' lacaiu Gretl3ritaliiand lreland(posh- mgo muetli prepod alfso) 74 To any place iu thoeliritieli Colonies or ]Posses- sieons, sent ea Euglaud, ( postag ent be pre- ah l rance, orother Foreigu <ban- trieia. aE ngland,a auounut equal ho the post.- age rate. toBl. PAIICEIS np o8I. weigbt eau beoent by pnot under régulations et la Bd per Ilb. hobe prepadby postage stainpà, and may be registor cdy'poymeut of Bd addxitional. No Matis arc despatchedl or receiveci on Sun de ys.z OnfBooks and rriuted niatter/or the Uixitec-. States, the Canadian Postage muti hbcrepad b ypstage stainpo, aud on Sucll i tterrom"' the United Stsitc.,, the Caisadiauin Poge will bc te colleet con delivi-ry. nldigtos'c Ail traubient Nwîl)rs§ieuig hs Eugfiaud, Muâst be rpaid t'y Pos§tage Snonup or they caunot bc forwtsrdeud. - Noepapers for tic Brititth West Indics, or Newlouiîdlaud, musot hocpri raid by Postage Stontp, 1Ud iencli ; and for Indui, China, A ustra lia, aud other places beyond sea, 2L4d ceci.. OFFICE I4OUBS.-'Week dayg, froîn 7 a. ni. to 7 p. ui. Sundayo, froin 9 to 10 a. nm. Postage Stauips eau bo purchaseed et the Post offlu. .A. McPIERSON, P. M. Whit'hy, April, isSO. . 13W. DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY I t.S.Jones, m.». surgeon »entlst,'&c., R ETURNS 1lis sincere tlîînks ho the citiz-ents JLtWlitby aud vieluit>', for the ver>' liberal Ptrousgeoextended hO hlm lunlis 1rofesieu.- Henow takes Icive o hacquilt lis numerons; tioessuad lte public, that lie-houi)fil canîple- ted baie arnugemnenhi for bhc permuanehntpraetîce afIslis professionî, in the Tonu of W hitby.- Teelh usounned ou Gold, Platfina, Clîeopluaetic Motil. &c. Teeli flled witht WGOLD AND STANIEL POIL, .M sud wilb Dochar Jou'. new invention lte non-, caroisive Pearl cemer.t-equaîl to gold,bUt not so cotl>'. Teelh extraehed b y thoesniai procees wi.thomîl pain. À pn acice at twenty yeuasilubis professionu. enables Dr. Joues ho guairaulcoia is pabieiiîa unl Ilat, profeeeioual si i and expenience cen saffmplish oards alevahînpg human effring. inute i. reuumeut af al affec'.môntofthie Teeth, guansd facial iiervee--Tic-dolorcaux, &cne i.Jones oprations bave altwuysbceuîi attendeâ wîitk thec gréategt 9succes OF1ICE ah hutaold 'Dental Stand, oser Joc leowsDyGoacis Star. Remuoae-J.Hem Ferry, Es*q., Mayor oh .Wbitby-, N. G. Beyuolds# Eeq., Shenifi C. O.; W. I Tremayne, Eeq., Dr. Cheolnley and Dn Gunu. Novei-er 241h, 1858. DIENTISTRY. DR. C.'00. JEROCME, * .1~ ý>1I ubïfube'requess ubliè atte I t'ôe bis u' ýJ Isupert SIoerThe>' includë,e'h.followiuguia MEf RINU 0F STOYEls, T.7PRINCE ALBBFRT, - DA Y CROCKETi ior t'w GRAND TURK, -IRON DURE, Ciii sund examine?-, -PuILe)t.hat ho -a'- eoé4uumtyofl - r Poundiiesu BO OK, ANI ai cran>' decipi vli depatch, o FistelssPrs tiani oIf Pintin"' being- ordered. Birock StreetWhity *SHEERIET'S SALES. SHERIFF'S SALE 0 LANDS Oounu of Ontario N.- SATUBDAY TUTE To10Wr, 1 ; CiCJScvcnt-ii hdau' cf Decemnber, A. D. 1859, ntetvl voo'ciock, noon, wiii be sold by Public Anction, utý niy office, in thic Court flouse, iiltîhe Town cf Whitby, the riglit, tile, sud iuitcrest wlîieh hue Uudirmuueu- tioned defreilauîlts seëVerallv pomsseèiii tlicnun- dermnticîicdLande, und 'i'euements hlereon, seized hy me under and bh virtue of cdrtuin Write of Fieri Facias ta mue airee-'ted, vii lu the Court uformcMn Plea. WilliSam Corri'gal, plaintiff, vs. Sylt'esîer llad- le>', defeudaiît. 1u thie Couil>' Court. WVilliam ('ornigal, plaintif, vs. Sylvester lIed- le>' dtefendaînt. i *'et hall of Lot £No. 5, iu the clcvcntli con- essidon of Scugog. 111 the Coriut>' Coprt. J ' Seh ier, laintilIl n's. John Sbier-xnd iii, li Enjul. Yxecaîtors of lihe lusI Wfla4'nd Te,4unieint of Sterling lauaginon, doceilsod, de- A Il tic interest wlîich the isaid ýýterlmng P'aig- 111191, duesssecl lu s !$liffe lime aid Ah the lime, oflhiîjdeutfid 11u tIc northli t iiftyacere» af l'ot No. 7, lu tihe teventi. coreasion of te Township cf Brook. The Zamuiennama Duk,- piuiuitili' vs Jeunes Locnaîrt sud Audrew Ileroiia, defc-duiitsg. , Lots Nos,. 7, 8, iwîd 13, in tîhe 2ud conceson of Scott* Lot 15, in thie rd cneesmsion of Scot. Lot Ia, lin he 4tlu eouvesaioui afScott. Part of Lot 18, ini tlîe th concession of! Uxi bridge. coutaiuiug 89 acres. Ut eo. 19, iii t-be îhh concs4sion of Uxbridge iein ptoit of Lot No, 28, iii tient conceassion or Uxbridgeý- cortiiiuug 100 acn-&. - NELSON G. REY.NOLDS, F'Cr C. $0,uuMx. SI1ERJFFIS SALE 0F LANDS& Couzerv Or ONrAXto, flN Saturdayi-ho ro ~t f Third diY, of Marc, A:D. 100,nt Twclve o'clock, noon, wiii be solci by Public Auction, et my Office, un the Court Iaep in the Tôwn af. WhiLby, the right, title,"and untei-est w*blch -the ùûrdcrmentioued defeu-dsmtse erclly posgsslu fle undo mentionedlands sud tenements thercan., seize'd hi me un- dicr, sud b>' virtue of certain Wirite etFPieri Fadas to me dinected. viz: lI the Court af Queerî'Bflnch. William1 P.hlIowlanid and John Charles Fitchu, plaintiffs Ys. -Paul F.WbituÏ,,'dÏn- daut. Lot 23, Biroken F'ront, in ,the lI conces- £ion of Pickering. .Lacthir Townshuipi tai, beinc lb. T*elftl Ship of Bne ,teneunents4 beu Ihercui TN retuniing himauke ho bie numorou% friende Jaesi an suthie publie geucraîl>' for their liberoi hurgjb, def trouagesingce lue ceunmenced praciue i,4t Iis AU isd- o wuwoul bore.hoko occasion ta state ta al pance .la thase who are neql"ug Artificiel Totii, that lie a< 1 lias nov ôbtaîued à Machin. for, wenkiugthe Reach, sIc vulesulseci ubbor, upon which lue viilfrnsert part,,ILot ail kindsiqsuddstyles ai Teelli, £ c7aaper lAce coouiesn hAu éver Sen docte berf îi thue isprocecs. , al that nupa 1Dr. C. C. JinomNS vll guanutoe ta fit thé Thma l mnt difficuîtcasevwilthebcgreatee precià;iouei 1as In all full cases, partiesenu bave Block Teitb .burgi, coi wltb SahIid Gumins, vblemte, >luever>' respiect, more on lei *in supoflar t» ami othor hind of work knoWn! or panceù làue.. Tisvork l Inhgbiy pproved of hy aflj hip ef'Res of the. lesding Dntstîu NwT-ork, àmd 'prin-! 'Cipai Cilies thinougbotttbe Unitcd State, ewirËgt Lot uumbe ta Un. boiug mich lighter sud ota iuon-conoslvesien aI lii nature sud il i, aller s test of throo years,-kuovu asa deeà biglier sud mono prefereble tbSp gôi L otwh or 'alliter metallo pista.ttWlil ,Jn8om. woubdielhit té bcbd'in mind - .xeu,,o r' tat ha' bas croalyreduee thjnlo -lit Waggouer iiutlirs tate Itbmho liaen oéuanitlyusbu1 njod as -th î,sô6ée namned -niterifi, 1fodr seral ui'U past, 4mrnug iioh lime bliaspu Wps'g ofal l o!~~~ eàlt«ton asba mauiîoated by thhu, souk-uêvo patienta. . 1.,1 msoufifftieà GoI, htiveér anid ,Plaf a Plates ulSouth east s ith La".I,7yl", .e - ,àl Ailid "ugeloertcaoile Teetli or Gume eet4 alilliul prformeci. gW'Teotlt extraeted viiollt pAtb miauon o lMy - WIIQ? t ,uioèo OouuîgationFrMa. 4fAl oork Warranteait l sal i P.S. OslIaadexanse Î, ansf tblqwork Sept 1~ 185. ' l~i.v v Whithy, N *e Court of Conimon -Pleas. a, Davidsomi, plaintiflj vs41ýlviine defeuidauit. ýparcel or 'ýtract of land lu 4ue of Bnock, in Ibe CeàltyzbfO' - p gn , Lot n umbr iieteen,!(1O»yn tg" coneesgsion of Ihe said Tovu- rock, wîhth ail sud siugularlthe hêrediauuexut Ït8 àI*1pÏulai!- unto iu auy wiso belaugiug. h. ourt f ue,,' e .~ - in ls u1ff v .Pete sto uten- fendent. Isiuguisn, liaI certain- piecce r sund, situated iu the'Tosyn4ahîp," *f broaaid, sud'beinug comp" 1 at unuber, Seven, in the Bigrîh. pIofthe sid Towuanhlp,.Anid'bei-ng* art heretofors, -onveyed .by- one odon, 10 lth. said Peler Stottn- es icaisa,- aillthaï. biher pec > f-iand'siîusled lu thesgi o - each, beiug compeoseci of 'part ef âe Seven, inu-the Niuth coucou- lei m 1ai Toýwnblp of Reâoh, snd ail tie ieuuainiug part of s«M ba o itherto béensoi'o ;preional>' coiiveyed by*Jeabu '10t ThonisMartin, whicb iiIý ione&,;piece or pa*rceI'umu4 e fjlolFs. - omnin on front N Z4CHi r- JUDGE OF TII W CAR.] niELiOF1 f-ILER-K 0F T LhBgsrOffit W. * la flJ21ther: . JO B lRS TE X Atfor.t W. CAU4 $olLeg. itor. e tMic l Hlu N. .UBl Uuiwc -tip - Tre, W, e ctbV,. FIE, L]FE Ag Or 'lfi lieuCoaurt, ota0 i 4-C-1 4c. 1 22,1859. 1 ýc ýj5mý ta

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