Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1859, p. 4

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W HI1T B Y,'O. W.ý Boolaers, S&aèneri, Jeimknee and ail wbodeal lln teéaboye lino vwll OnsI on baud a lar'ge andsi s'aI asser teSf t thse rabllsbnseet of tise ndeilgned, wblbichtley are valiilng_ at unprecd.ntedIy ACCOUT BOOKS,L.dguro JousinuAo, Day, Oah, andI Bill Bookxr ds for-Lic new sici"iaiurreney; Bimnle Dools a(s tveiy dseriptleauassi. leoruier, ridst paiao ae4 and boun in à»astp vlor giinner, Sdas> olok, Wj'lUsigma- telai, Sistea Pencila geailag as, 'WaITING PAPEES-POa4t*, LotLi- ter, OoIPS aP ooiscp, Bsnk P4eat, poi s",,Bu wrltlasg aralsc as WRAPPING PMES, hlion anua tares! MouilaBrown, CswrisE. phant, sud (rey wrspigpae'- alzei ansi ,wefobwe ErNVjLOPE.-LaltI, bine, But%, cr.- ed, ho, &aIlas, ans! riïidus quilies,ý irou , 2 o.tNo. Io, IJLANK PORNO-In Cissnmey,Queeis's Besch at (Jonsîiion Pouf, Ccnsfty lýad Sw'rogate Courts, Inaolvcnt Court I)il Mon Court, Coroners', Ragltrates, Nota. îles', Ci.rks cf lhe Peu., Cicrits'o! Couô *IeaTowssu, VilhigesantTowýnsbIps Deeds, Mortggcs, ans! aIl forums relating te tise conveyance oti eaâtt.ý SIIRIFS', EaIIif ansd (5onatablca Bians t'lb. &oun, Isunâr.I, or thonu- sans!, ai Toronto ptices. -£MaThe qiarter lla tr Tachai, Centnttog 12 uheeta lUne Tules itLtte,' lper, 12 oh.<L. Note, 12 uelfi-eung Let, ter' Envciepcui, 12 sdf-aling Note -Enve. lopo, Iô Praaevbulon Pens ans! Ifbider,* en ueb.t dif BdttingýPope, and ont Bot- £i 1 lInt-ai for a Quarter DOllar T O PIIINTHIIS. M lkindui i etPuitr n PM'-Newiw, Job and! eowoed-aol4 Atingat tpricea, A stili uthecr Bedactloh n lU alkinds 0( Prinin; fur Cesh, Thse f4EltWgEKLY CHIIlCLE iet $2,100 s Year. Clepst uewapaper ln £'snal at une VoI asYeui',4Ana4vaner.' --MIOGINB Ak MAyERHaorroit, NEW STATIONAR1Y "0 <I t alil ttent'Ilon go tiéeir large includea alilkiade Of Iailiand d'istcy lapeî*ra er# eelBokstfi , ppei., IPeu., ulw, P.epe,. Mee,'Lrmao tisari y r y derpla uidu eery and Consty Cout rt om*# Divaalea Court -Biskait atti Ces per buudre. ail f«orl itaToroul ?t'a-c. p R 1 N T 1 N G, Cf ciry Rearipuou, IIaeatly, este. - dltlouuly, and cesp.ap zecsuted. At the Whhtly Reading Roem'wihl lie tossmd ail th. Daeug apetanadsithe latent pubulcatziia-home i' A: Foe;.. JiMOIINS d& MATEILUOFFER. Nt4WS!1 NEW$ 1 A LL TJI!LATI!T HOME AND FUJIJIGN .Nwp.emsEvlewi., Maxgîszneé, sud CIIBON[cLE BUILDINGS, (Bi'oeh Rt) Trzmm.or'ussinrriso. e-44 p.imafnf,' suie ,quaateriy, lu sdvantse Lawyora. sd mborct' lrlti.ans!otisera, ,mm=mli. acjistlîlip!#Vst tuai» i rons mosrt. Mir tpethe of xom acable q4 s d STA;TIONER y - clrsrcoeBuIldng», Brock$t.Wbibr '-Éhe.Poterbfo) 9Ëa81Uz.r. ruPlE8D hICET- THURBPAV M9ANUIN 111EXAI&NER Ç a. i*ite lsrgeat cirlraton 1>1 anypprpbllalsud lulat.mbi.ro' Sud tiierew6. 11=e14det.dgussIijtale tnlteil Cosiiitmosi Tn si .lvcrer i Aiii 28 THE PETE.RI UGU ,RImWI F R 1D AVY MOR-N IINO 119 JiRerie-f m àa a eresilailontarie. on la Toaan by otsaiterm puilsidlin tu Uulîes Ail orden. sdu l%&el to tbee slalh .f,.wt b. punniuaily %tten"ls!te. T, k IL WIurE JINE~ ~ na lopo a u n Whtbtby,00 osse lmprreti Farus iu Dmrhgtm 6 0 acre%, Ils! Lind#In l ais, Sonwirvl1e; Eu-ý P!Isrus, A«tenesl, -uieCah. Pyr itungel'ord In Jlamup f 10m pofP of! thse îery faUitas'tbe owsp a' lit l!cwusanyillc, Broakilu, lulontPort J'crry, avis! $arsia. Aise a few Tewa Lots on the Towns of 1WIIITBY For salé -Lais and! oneLong Credit, -moeehnle. and ti ters desîrcais cr buil. lng can have frein 12 te 18 -mon"iate suako the finit payaient. Sons!for&sCirtnilar. Atldruçs,1,staid, 50 For Sale Ma d on.a sonable Terme., TuRFf,'eIý,c arsn latIse Township of proveaueiusof 20> .Nwm.on e"ie-Lot. ?or partilars aîqly to 0,J, mutdon. dli, Wilby, larriassr, sar te D. csssiroau, &-avorton PI (0, Oetoler 11, 1859. Dl CAMERON. 5t-in.a 40-2hia.W1 * TO LET. f~J~7~J1I Il I'LLNa lietoly ocoîple is ~l0' on IIIICK STREET, acuth is One i81101? AND DWYLLINlG on Dimca S$er ousnasth of Polltrd'x Rote!. 'egeritl *MAU IJiidingu lu varioss part. Jil. PEUXR Whtiby, 245h Oct., 1850. 41nar'Ua FARM TOR SAL. - Je QssntiIidto lot No, 20, bokai front, tIsMe tiôwssliip of WlalîIy, entaiiig fabout l1ti acrei ilb A ai! tu ntir It, Wtty taLIon, ani Ctlire aire goos! Sinusbulii- 4- HE }AWKINIS9 - 4, LE. Pl& Msy e,. - - niaon os. i tnus-w *%D owgue baa.licps. Pdet, Lat rqgo,' A14DW BROWN 1 'tiwe Wu X Tonaa Whia,.Applytuto ie>Mn, L V. % ils o lhirhit f ba <poMe7 '141 be solti on cx ihas pe 4Ifpar" ieuwlatepur. txss -iLlit etor for, 0 a,a r be ksewn by gpplylsgte o,' , ltte teSolicitor, Whliby Poit.msster,Weun Pomscsiengiron tiseliai e Arhof zt Whhtby, Mo. là, 1850, 084wl TO LW,. vIlE wel knownDrguij IsL ddweilng At preaent oc. 'ecnpled 1 Do.A.Bnnistcs', %itusted on the corner ofDundsumd Byron Strcet#, WbhIbyé. Pouivo caln <usb.basi enor aftei'thb, lOtis Septenber for particulars spply, If by laItte pre- pals! to B. fBOUSE. Wbitby, Aug. 11h, 18511, 44 TO BE BOLD-ABAGI 1 APPIYi Ily loSter"ot Pu§d Wlsltby. Aprîl lotih, lm1. For Sale, 'or to Lot. iiL BRIOK.=0OTT AE wâh fpoyf entâ W.!ofl"d, mW ne' .. Whld tbey, Jo!7 2 W5111, *R-1t8y4 mw brdfty 3rowepy y .1 GRAIS . , ATTLE Whtj uyFOR b&l6. g JIEHOPPEE (.>lIlcc, Whlday, BfEAVERTON.' " A IL 7CR lLEUCJIE AO" À. 114Jw m 4aaletèriu nia fbésadeltth N. .-hcr l 'as¶at Ilt png .nrt isa- wertonfor tholsutsslillîsent uta ïunaryd 13uverJm.A. - ~'É1~toa'asduresIa.-JtoIy Qeualcibyý UMr, i. A. meMillan, at Ut!ea, lu tie Towns- phipot suoll#e hs!siviOr9 'uid attub2 1l iemt& iistore siv" aveo thsa truvel on tMA Broock rospisssiaiitirongîs IL Tensmi.asimaiadto asidt purciusss p plistlonlllmaet j'As. B. CAMPBELL, 45 - Ashbnrn P. 0., -Rouch. FXJKent lire4 Weat ofi' Hroehrceto lu tb Tcwn c f WhItlay. Tite ab>oya Lots arc Most sr.wedmaund aicssated lnut :, 'etpart antt, SA clear deed viii bu givusa, ire. iroin ai Aliply ta V. 0, ÀHAYERJIOFFER, 'Wlïitby, <Jiîra.ukde 011e, Wlihtlly. TO ]LET. £ILain ap aliter 0 rin ta sud alao eucorb nre azc.leupiteloi v aerwb nuq.t, suarge Tise ee l uinadii usse, istis *mon iii, orner of1)nndaa sud Auelaî srees aIn tise Towi ot Wiliitby, ocly saiev injuste. wgikfrom tile deput. Ala uiioter verhubndttcieTwo Btmay hlouss be l h.me 'umility oppiï*lte tise reisi- dae.o f .Ioun lur--upieudid -vausdsb reond th* asine, àapond veoiewoter asud doa- tari of sitivotr with î mp lu «Ch, Lii. frout par t ius ont ver, liaisshusîîely »MI orna- toosited wiUsflwe 'llwe iiarul'. ud eaer rUns, wlîich nuLe& h ppeur liii.a liti. piiwf4 1~in umsneiiere are twoe garins, sud a ver y large orciusrd proiliselng frs.au tire. to fostr isiudr.dalsaieioa iipploo, with saii ont. 001nîn bo.,ha b.,.' ett am otiiis111g tiheri i, 14. C), Beybo do, 14 asud.otiier gm.» W, ïo -T Auihiywîki'aailgirecoin- Fur psrtleuasr,* a1l1 o R ~ WiiubyMard 2,wo. Witty, C.W, f IliPl8Mcrs a" si .liUjg gonutt oecOuple by aiic Plisio aidknown »ath# inuthe Town cd W iftb'. IPosession gl-»ou o the,a otocfdptsnber ueist. Apiy e. ýValuable Farm oSle T T ~ ~îPrsemnpoedloi L7 Coutafiilng 50 Ares, 'rieaboya Y,îrui hi *iltdd 111<b. contre or vi .zwîlenl wiiut-grcwn inlfty, amd vj*w abont oix juile»W 1i'the inpomý it TOWÙ e WIhatby. Terni. sosieate. Titllpnabla, Àpplicatic, t b, sj o a .cLLAN, ,Wh t ; JUS. LA t oO Jo runt,, THIOMAS HUSTON Alao, for Sale A quntity cf goos! CEDAIL POSTS. AI'1LY As AIIOVE. nctober S&18M58WwSm a TOALL TIEWUUL1I, lie pow offeml o MLIl o nwat ifor iatornsii Towsshp ercWk, wmitatlgot à : id e o, e odteiiiea we ml 'farsla elualraMde uIldigs. Pl bu= or0iui5r oeu<nna ~.t.,vtbte w i CAPIAL R.era. d ou or sucre iostse itinaion T«7y 441 WPITAUPO&, 1lSOO,OO. pOLlC1'DI mu4 ie,îanedfa$ely é- in t i e fu4k 0 tlas ée iadnm aith*Tl'roule,0 Cadopte-içMby misCmýii),o i6 ou tyiue a fralin iest St. jame. Btet. Ouunia , Oy.-niA dvldmo Pake 1NT- JDlmi Aarooirr elu, r toiiletlitC iipZfy'EI'oiie< fitee rre Juairane.,Compa oy .1 ouaon UAPITAL. £50OOSTBRLIFO. H. B. Sbrdon,M1 P Tiie MJhev. W Moean Tise IIonB, Bootlbr.s - tlmery Clark, 2£q.,IlM w4kiia oens«i Jiq Audifir.-imtbroae Mile4;,yi~wp lletr Eu (tub. Io *ieq JJme Fo.q, ucluuTrno 1 ,',Crawlord & crousbie. ; 'ý -ý Ts eanmnto of th# iaSWliYb# naaraom Coin * psyaguasaselby 5e aronable l- 'Ai L.oiff. vili be setledproyppty witbon tdefeotO@ thi Boadtn Ingl#nil . STiie bu..ineua et ise TIsuellîoWi'ebon pur- chues!, 1'obla<ieraar uwgs.aueey6 ALEXANDER STEWAUT, JOHN ÀMINEW, lflstby, Jans, 5,185. oWWi by Fire. IWESTR N ASSURIANOC OMPM(Y CAPITAL £100,M0 [i busANCE efcctcd on Inouinsd iter eout.nts. lWiver Iforanjs uleona asppli"sticis to theénndermignel. JOHN AGNEt.Wlt' Brii Amoilea Aaeuranee Cemuy INC]EJYORATJID nuder an Ast f duseThiirs .Liuiiioas vi ueEovleuiPoilipartis, contento, Ziveryl'4 ieriiilloiisyp"'edOn ap Phoeix ireAOMsu e 1Col. O.a»i ars. ai <aausqo forcmo" M- GILEPXm OT iam.M sudi i>Uïbfl #14e, rnoiViisOt coOf0Ug Omo. duuly, anti on Toeashay, Tbursaday sud llatnrdal fur Altosa, (laremiont and tgoltr-, Mut!. arce furnq iv elvpyroisthsc .omiceaý ENGLIBJ[ k(ltB.,Yregs tIiis14 or ApIli. ASiS , aus étuÇ'*cs 1lhtut pro- ilaid = 90I P. cd e r 46 9 p sas, i s fcllowugoiilhîlttri!zS Tui anyplace ia fn rtthbNortli Musrieo, hid; muat i epes ls)34s Tousyplace10» d"sa3rtIColoniea s' P-Osa..- ugoe rate. fo CLSu i 8Ibo.egt~~ ae.n poat nuder regu ts ila Sd'prbt prepsld by pouice s'tmruî',u nmssy b.register, ed l'y psipnet cf ad addsioitcusl. No m00110are odeq.utclicd or receivcslon àSun unBock. and prltcd matterfor' thse Uiste.. Atatex, tiii.Caustdusu1Postage csst 1 bc mli .sn as eau-on Saell nmuts-»o thle Uiltï.d St tse (2atindisai Posasge vili b. to collet$ on delivery. Ai trssaieisi NssWnqsPDçars !clui.Iinjtlgdm c 1r Finglauss, aiAssi O jJM ti 'y Po*i"s tamP or tlîey oantisoi be orwàrdid. >wparafor ,ilàs Bri" Whesot ludie.i, or gun&,v to to a l. l'tag S eau i .pureisudAt tie Polit U ET'JRNU lIia a'ýiscerc ttsnlis. te t lsax >;* )jty sud viciulty, fvr die vy1lirai kAtfuesedsta Iliil» liiihw = 110 M011 14 h lie t ussnulit ogis rncrcual& titi Isiaarrangemaentus oris erua-iaeasî ratife or i*i prefeass in M is TworoS WIitly.- Teeh monaiotes on Gcld, ilsistltss, Cleci Uetal, ste. Teet iIed mati, £WGOLD AND- STANIEL POIL, - ansi rtîs Dectdor Jn' eiîcnhutcn erousive 4peuri eeuset--esgni te golti, (liet sic cistly. siei eatrueted 'tbutisenol preeussu wa ïtnd-tmeslie oloiircauin Dr ona pailo».haomve aîmyabeesaemanorso iowtl,-iigreutatua ce.I.. 0111C at ae o Dcstll'qaui, ovefr Jo vaa XL.J.as1er,Eaao rw wuDbeNTISoýoéTY..e o l Dh h r#. O. 0pg44i Jg E tM, th ha Asi &m At dons bsô/cs!its la aU fll1 casea, partie.cen i wi mu 94l i Inus, vihlehsl. ta u.. Tial vr l. f, shva of the isading Dietitsl snos. dp.1I citiei tirongliout tlii.Uni tii fa belsg uuel llhterand-c ,ature, a Ith10,a. a a a t £0." -til. Sprciaion Riock Teetia r-liom ±)'.tx«ousoussi via tIs h. hua ureatly redid ieore v er tie -aitai Golsihuer m j op ta the Lai ThDd the-CcisrofUue-j BW. ]iOta No,Il,8, sud 1le u ilsO!eoseajj Loi 1,5, lu the.Srd eonicepmaici, or seot. Lot it1 tî ti cu' io*f$11 ~ Part sof Lofti, iha due 70ji c'nscesion et us- bridge. eutsjii~t ce. U .t Nu-.Dlits l)4Ii lseifes.alu of Uxbridge - sr prt Qcf Lot Ks'48,ia>tl$ii q io . - - NE$W. G ÇRTNOLd day -of SlM Ofic e, - Town' of WJsiUy,éteu. US, -850. and . tsi-' whcRE nernie'l aAL -e.O dantost-i Cor -Gralypim ntuwo4 4 eIt'gorpd ytb 4a TenomtW the 5v, séTirdy etý Micari tiA.-». 1800, . i tey, d-pt#» Loot1, BroikenéontiPnflic lotcon, ai lay th-ie, l iCourlo CoseI£um n eu"t arMo Whiy-h-~itrahct of and in te misi Tet uns'"gion of -dte aiTown-j eili p...... wt» h. snlcrandiinel hein aensi eneatibu âteo nd oizeti ,se n- d her ans! y intAso ý Cf certan Wia ie lIilse Court cf Qîîeeis'a Boucla; _0iteuLpainius. Pn! TvPbt« u te , i» bu Loi, Ben Fotnt, ts li<cs si nd icinglr te er i- eo uaI! oflatart'i.lgorustractIt& auR li tn or pare.!or, Mon o thaae "ide q*o or Hi e i taeor previç Waggenrià 'loS dt sailt lAt or mot atangle o b nenrhsixtem dialoisd tgwenty. aeventy.four degm iasît 0' fasss!demu front or mm l ot; I tis, sais! lo t fis 1'lans JORN À L1EGISuR. OJTIC (N¶ZFRK OF' THE l1>3 thse Court Ilý,sae. < JOHN V. d'ILERK OF TliE C0 W. L'AIt fitCEASICMU UI1 ELH J. MAOui SOLIC5TC)It & Cî)UTY EJINGlXEE Vi Chu Cosi l.,Us' JOHN GO Suvr tieC. nssty oft0 W. IL TReE ARIJSTEE ÂAND Mt>AILISTlItt$ & ATT7 WIu à& ii b.Court 1l(j . . IL] 154BFAIMY STIIPHEN h EEE AFE Ax NI- MA] F At t or the cosiîy MCOTT'S Il 1. W?. CALDWE1 EY AT LA %% ', Cýonsrsynssss T WOooI .W W1t ol 'le b 1,

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