Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1859, p. 2

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eii fmw<ut - iosains a 'Ab, thm zt as 15-'w u mel M ,ls&' I1.ellyou,, ians, 1don't vint bu e aWord agen. Wlay amutyo la De.p blushéï cedmond lie young gid feu., u@ahmalcak say <coin ber comp ion, am Mt cown. "Beesu" abesauswered, in tome th vere totrmaloaa. vltb deep emotios '4b Usr lo, ia eau save me ov r f o utrw 9@4 wSud brlug ber gMeyhaires the grave. Ilink cf it ann elauay( wedr tlat 1do ai, Lewis?2 lues, ai " #*py long siolnc, you taiked or ou; me doagein eloqient wotdsý ad eton nov vili not,- dare no4t talk you meat t10 i ceave me- I vus ouly goiug 1 ésay," sl &ddedý more almly, "lthat you slaould sa Ilsliesueome bock 10 niy facewith >t] oy tw My b.art vbec we vwere marie.l '%oundlb. Word I I telyou >ILt a n« tf huntai1!am rcady; snd Ivarnuyoi If ever yon expect to 0b. any ifel avini Leigla, not 10 -mention the. Word tg z aain, until 1Ispeal itilfirst."1 Vifthout a word furtber, vithout a lool lu tiaWMOll-or a cares, he Young a tarawd.uay. lie strode acrois lb.he oon tbicopn the onter door, aud vent- eu fmtolb.ebiac Iing4 it ila abrow as cloui id aud a beart as <Yack..- A deep oilence followed lais departaca hro&en oniy by a few ehokiug soiuds froc die " ckcorner vbre the. Young girl au cewoclg, vitia ber face hidden lu ber Oaa bauds. Fretty soo be NI11forward, viii ont otiior noise or motion, and iay prou apcn th. dioor, se stilt sud clgid, vith elos aileyus and face se white, that s&W migla bave-bseai istaken for lb. dead,b.d anj nye gasel"c ber. The. gc,. morulog iight carne slealiul tbroagh, t.-vindow s l lan sd fellupot it lWifeleuaforan sUlL lyiag there but ii vas no d.ath tht eheekeil h»,puise oan bound .h limnbe. For tihe chili of earci dswu seemed te roua. ber frointhe lin gwoen, sud stheaMtup, iooking van aUn ghbsty as a corps. iu the dim light, sud an '#4b '0l a liiother lumates cf dti = % aseiol esheard astir, sb. Crept ava: to ls ber lkWeafor gabrW fbout upon iti steeple"s piow-te sebool berhfai hear and train ber te1-tale face before sh. mei the eyes of b er mother sud siaters. lavins AaLigh Waidbeen two *Yoms i betrouhed vife of Lewis Arwutong. Hi vu the laaudsome yeuth, and ah.ctiie most hanutiful girl lu .11 lhe countr'y, aud thougi tbere vere mnay enrylugsasud besrt-burn- ings vben il vas kuown that lbey vere to be married, everybody said! ht t lby vere jusl fttod for eseli otier, sud tlb. Luesi »oule in ail W-"_--. Ev.rybody but M-s. leigli. 8h. bougltatnsd spoke li warniuj tb. ber dauglater of Lewis Arn. sleqaglaslbere tenpt and love of pover. SkW dreaded-i for ber aveet chu thlire1f thai sbo muet lire vitla, one wbo vould brook n.obsltacle w liswvllI,,aud.v loved self <ai beM tirt a b vascapable oflIbv iug another. But in vain. To ail ber ce. mcnstrisnmLavinla ouly answered, "Mo- ther, I love hlm soannela," suad liii.uasuy auotlaec mother, rembliug fox b.i daugla. ter's happiness, sb. was forced to acajul- Tii. aotler' axouey noted the. pallor of the. fait young fane, th. listlesa mlep snd luaguid naovement, as 5theb fixasi intrysimiles that ah. &houe lirongli test-w. But abe vas poverleu, and, eould- cnly veep in silence, sud pray. For La», vzn neyer spoke of the uffeulugs. There vaa orrow wlaicla ah.could net ,pour la. to ber motber'a boaom, sand forebodings of ofil tuat miglat sot b. spoken eyen wo ber;, an dulas!tberevwuasin tlaaîiay dsckand MUb betwveenher seul sud 1h. liglat cf heaven. As tb. veeks passed on she met b.t- lov- er Moro tlasasonce. Sornctincs la. va tender sud kiud, but more frequontly-i patient, M itseemed, of hec vecy preseuce. Slae neve mentiomi e la word be had for- biddeu, but b. sometimus spolie oftbeir maariage iu his brief its-of patiduco, after omeianterview more stormny and vcetcbed thais umal. 3Mca. Leigli vatehed the at- tampa at eheerfailnes, the furced amile sud Mrm. Leigb, full cf hope, veut basiiy *bout ber household sud rlaxed 'ber -vigilance over L4vlnla' lochs and actions. 1 ouinmrag Mr#. Leigh and he« daagla- tors weegatbered lu the cb.eful, SUaay »itunûg ceu, each basied il ubsioning goise article of Lavkisi at$teful tsouffla bIon .4 uelllborce»in. Lavinia lcoked liTie vudfor Uae viier vas eue of ho.. ob.eviugg goeiping porions via lu. test aaisi *frocy aelghbb*d d, 4ps upon ibe happiunad peso. of societyl RIe vasmar. ad iieSroUp) k eo*ld haro broght nD oi sr- dire disuaiy and'aonishbmst - Layiuam I. witb ber <aced tmmcd fromlie visite Se- beiding .vec;ber 'wcrk. AÀslanddec ru .i throngbecr vh.le trame, but tht vasAI] a. Tbeuane4Je still vent inasand ontthélies hoe fabrie on wlaie1i he vorked,'and ber 'laà moieti meclaaicaIly white Mam Wooalvon al ca, aNPprently umne ftoan,~ lal"Jeob Willys-tbld me liait-old Mr. À] au 10% P 11cis'sfaîer, sud ber- brother Joli came orec yâetrday, andlbreaten.d Levi ýk Armstrong vili- a suit ýfor'breacla of pro an MI[obedld net:nsrcy ber alonce , Jacob naid tlaeybad l ettera ho prove tii at ougagemàent, aid lbq bliuted thaàjt ley>con d. pelle hlm 1 bute-ia.brotheir aeasen iugbtoshotbim flhe dld-notnake -Pcis e, cilla s ife beojre toniglat. Ho voit in home vitb lie Ivo Allons, vas marrie( Ml Ibis mnerig, sMd took the elgiat e'cloe] Il -train from Smithýovn depot for New Yerk a- Tbere'a no *iataire ab"t 14t," added Mn. o Wood, peeriug round b Loz ber grey eyel S- on Lavlis's fa(e, "for Jacob Willis ast t thoetaItb dpot, lis ring. y"Mr». Wood" nid Mca. Leigla, "vwon'i youcoinetolthe dairy?1-have someti g chers. teslaov yon.1 ý a Laviia rose up, wlth a deep froai, lis it moment lihe vo voanen UA t h. rocua i As ah.e psssdh.cyenuitsgiàrstheaughi Ty> oeeglisupse ef 'ber fac. se convuilsed vith ilfowu vatoblir roonaandlbhey board the tbit h'edlIisseet le Alone'vwitb'ber uorrv ai terrible tràa1 T Lavinla cenaained foc heurs. Whou.n.a s4 Wood lid exlaanted bier 11cm, et gossip, rt aid, sitisfleiliatoshonld net agna' e et Wdfa , ad lpated, MW IaLigia songbJ admittane- But the roosp renained cie. a eti, sud ber dsnghter'a vois aiaeredýfrena a villain, "Nelt yet,, mother, net 70." ;t Lote lulaateraaoon s ae came out. b 8h. lied put oeus bonnet audsbawl, sud w as evideutly eqnipped foraà valit.. e 'I sin gu 10Aunis,";4-1i bali npt a reluru 10-nlght." t Mm.,Leigla vUfld bave omonostatd, suad said aime, eomforting word:,but, vili ia. gealure of<infinite.srrov andahumiliation, ahe anaeed-. "MNot nove molier, net oie word of coin. fort. Indeed, I csoeot boa ." * "But yen look se i14, my ebld 1 tao .a littie cordial before yen go. I yull prepare it foc yen" "Nlo, motlier,.1 viii gel il myseif, for 1 do feel IM. 1 vil tek& smelbiug tb quiet thia pain, here;l" and, it ilasahmraeagitee, liait Mua». Loýignever forgot,$ah. vent in- te lier mothere . t-ceansd froutahlitt1h11 enbeac sv-câte f"mly umeeines vere stoe- e thok a rial ronawlie ah. peur. ed ont a drauerht sud avilloved it. Then, vithont âs word cf adieu, ah. veut quickiy cul cfthe lionsM.. Anus Sauboru, Laevinia's mut-t-ed aiter, 'iàeti aI the distance of bslf-u.miie f<t-ehr motia,-'î houge. A piemanutweil-trodden pa"i led set-osa 1h. fieldsansd Ibrougli s beit of veodisuti, te Mr&. Snubor'a bouse, sue aing this path Luvinla directed ber The mellov, sliuaaiaîg raya of thie sutunan son $boei upon the fWeid, yeliow with Sîub- le, or sec. villal.tii-lred grass. The bit-dm la flot ail semgli thheir souîlaern homesud a robia's sousg vus beard frein the covert of the trocs, The, foi-eut Wbati yet put on theïr autuanu bues, but aetsiued mlil i tho gt-ceainess et sutumer. Laviais remeauboet, masah. waiked, the muuy tiance .liaid, passeti aloug that rural paîli witliLewis Armétt-oug bylhec aidle- andthbere, juâl beyoîad youtir boit cf shrubs benesîi lthe tali Oak, lliey ast, on lta. even- iug twe yeas aagevithhjust sucli uyellew aunnuel looding the estlbnsuding gold- en gleaisa Irougl tihe Iliicket-ing -louves, vh.u b.e bld lier bew hola.lved iber, and asked lier 10 blaisvie *, dear vite. Andi since dieu, abch. aid ved but for bitaisud nov hoi ho& he usbund of antiollca Shu bookot up lite the bine sky Ibat atretchoti over ber is idi Iat, day-nov hunglug like 4"Gud'a pily," over bier greaut surort- ,as il laid tb.tday like iea love, a asliem rmained. e" inqueutsud lh.r Ilcordil"athe bai Waideeu a deadil dwo vas premodi I. n S T taied noue may ka"v. 8h. left go, recordte solve l dreadMYs- tory. ODly on thae piper, stili clntehed- lnaiber dad baud vas %rittu:' Allorgive me,moîlaer, and do Dot Mlarn me. I eould Dlot lire longer. Strive 10 forget that ever yen laids dauglater. The gmtv covered ber sm au ,ad- soc- -row. AMd ven Lewis Armstrong and bis bride ceUrued, ter.wu'only -a aew, î- sodded monnd la the. old.gcae".yacd, teli hlm thst ILavinla Letgb laid llvedaiad died. If hoefeit like amurderer wlaenhla.pmas that grave, ouly his conscience cam 111. But thore wuas a erce frowvu tpon lais dark browt sud a glance. liaIexpresed an emo- lion thst was not love, tapon tb. gayly dresed girl at bMs side; Suo.saidt li- glanceboded no happi. nous to tho uewly-wedded bride--oîbrs that h. letrn.d in th"thour, if neyer b. fore, the. value of the geutie belug wlao lad carried te, ber grave tb. heurtlho lind broken, and whoôs. love lholaid bsrtored forth mlbsaeof lthe Circe.by bios ide.. New AdVertieme tN hs Day. Frut14e. for Christmas-Hamilton Sud Roberts. Sebool Examniatio-W. McCabe. Notiee.-Higgius k& Mayerhiolfer. Merry, Menry Chrstmas.-W. IL-Dool. lu Clancery-A. N. Buci. Circulr-A. Haves. Adjourned Court of Quarter Ssin-l J. MacdouciL Ameriea Ches-Haînilton &k Boberts. To thb. Batepayers of the. Town of Whitby -T. Huston. Finey Pipes-W^y. H. Doci. Cirelr-Jobun ». Wl" am ,eo od, c4toamn m i WIilby, Frlday, Deoember 16e 1859. Thi ement Gile auler. We cauamet, of course, pretont decide unde- what-limsaaual" elier moi-il or reli- gieus lb. 'tvo4ays Preier' mny bave imbibeti bis emrly notions cf propriety; butitis vs do know, that il vould have vautsged hlm cousiderably ladlac printd on th. tiablela utflais meinory a page or tvo of a very boneus production ; lin i'bidl where apeaking efthe social snd relalivo duties uf matu b lis brotica-an, illia sue- gestodl amonugat ether wholesome directions, tat vo are noaI oaly te keep oui- bauds froua lte major offenes ut pickiug anti stcuaiug, but te refrain fi-unitise miner cnes "lot evii apcnkiug, ly4ig mmd slandertng"l lusieuti utftIse comely aund peo--poduc. ing ambu whicli an enrly conviction ot lb. aonuesa cf thua cousel voulti bave breaiglt te naîuty, sud exhibitet inluaftr lite, it la dent- by the lue feoquent. oxumplea vhicbhoheGlobe lb u niabed of a lotusily contra-y apir-it, but more especially by hut mmeen eein a vea-y a-ceont issue lunvlaic lthe Qneu'ls ropresoutative is meut grossly assailetblat lthe trauining te vwhieh vo haro sîludoti, bas been ntîca-ly uogiectcd. Here la Sic Bd. IHead, eu- onaporary Goeemor, the rcpreâcntative etur gra- cioua Quecu, a gentleman sud a -aciolur, on. moek andi geautieiii bis oflleebove t- pt-oach.i- lal the relations et pt-leste bite, sud Who cught by bis position, 10 bave be.n- ableldedfaonthe ordi .ary missiles et au- gry snd-eontendiug <"cions, bore vo sajr is Sir B.Hla, tl iret lament. lu oui Cousti4alionsi forai of.GovomOD4 t,(vbich su long as vwe are net open profeuorî- etf Re-psablicaniaulunglal b o ne.re<oin pe- sonsiltiof M k indi), deliborateîy vnilten dcvi, 'a petjurer.' - Shame, say ve, to lia. ather et the 'label, lie unI, aid tle alantier. Ih vasbiat nongla, une voulti bave imgiued t bave fixoteten lb. limta te wlaic have as efrreda aid lie obser' vane f vlea lusopeo oraltisestvata-l gouy lia lieParentcouatry ; itvas bâd- onougiave repeaýt, 0have chegid le Ciaracter aulooabejuualaiuine dualasaet type tofsa itet-id'padasin,' bumt l grasp!of the rising generation> viiisocs fiee us froin IesemMost viaiaruao eyibi- 'doens of grtu and U4mbponng perspnaW aty t-n a freedoin <rom i teue rçpnloive apibiiets vblcb cffend offeac rutoo fréqnti -Iyewvlplhe lu the scuatôcort hipaonr4is "'Nv, laolo thle lier' vii len -W âound 2 o ;re lu the Houa. of Bepresn., tatives jsud a to'Ee ePhrase nov -nder Our Most r$gbteons copcobaticq, Y(#trust it vii be as singular as il laebaineul, sad Quartier Uéseufs. The Court opeuod liais dayaet 12'eleck. me Hon.JU40geBuain pceidng* Carie- ton Iqnde, Eiq., J.P. eceupleti a seat on lie Bonch. The list oet Grand JureorsaavinEg bon callod ever, lise pceeetauseredto lieir T"oXBoDosewPoremiai. 1is Hon. elasegeti the ýGrand Jury as feiloyat1H.congratulatethe o. ra&d jury Ibat the". ewoneopt-lanera etîpreoent Cou, f ued la inte gWo, sudupon lie fela a lbis at-ee rom lhe peaceabie disposition of lie People fet thCmntyo wbc weére net giron te broùking lb. lavas. Theêre vere only Ivo pertons iltogotiier confiàed, wio âppoared te bo Innaties. Wbitevec, offnce -if any-liaey iaad cemmittedlit would not ho bronglat befcre Ibein (tb. Grand Jury) U"sshlb.Connty Attorney oatedliat lb.y, vere affeted by no mental diseuse. The duties ef the Grand Jury voulti therefoco b. vry ligia. ',There May 'b. cases of parties whe ver. cul ou bail, of vaicbH is Hoor laid nc notice,, but h.ovwu nu; avare up te tie pt-eoent that a single bill cf indictment voniti b. brouglit befirej thein. The principal business voulti be lb. seiecting cf Grand Jurera forl thextwyear, but liait vas a malter iltogother vida lb. Court. HUs Hcnor coneludeti by rcconameuding lie Grand Jury to iait the gael, sud 10-pro. sent lb.estate la wbicb tla.y founti it. Pet-tp w. Irons,-Action for lustalmeul on îwo metgag. Verdict for plaintit for £65 Sa. 10d. 'N. G. Hum for plaintif! H. J. Mactioneil for defeÉnti. Longvo. Jewett aod Bümde,-Actioi on proiisry note. Verdict foc plintif £M 13a. 9d. H. J. ifactienelî for plain tiff. W. H. Trenisyn. tocrtiefeudant. Ina modiste exeenlion. Hagarman vs. Tuner,-Aehiou oa promiaaory note. Verdict fer plaintiff £34. 5s. R. J. Wilson for plailulliL D. Iledaua for detendant. HaîasUlon et al vs. Pdllochet al,-Addion on premaasety note. Verdict for plaintifl for $184.60. R. J. Wilson foc plaintiff N. G. Hans foc detendaut. SmWa vw. FiicJa t a a-Aclion .cona pnouuaot-y note Verdict for plaintiff foi £28. W. H. Trenasyne fer plaintiff. J. 'Billinga fur defeudauî-did net uppea r. 1Morris vo. 8Iàeely et.al,-Actiuu on a p-onsoa-y noe. Verdict for plaintif for £32i là. bd. W. EL Trenayn foc plaiff tifr. D. Be*une foc detendat-diti nol appean. But-tU ite. Gilleqi,-Acion cf lt-os pais. Verdict fer detentiant. N. G. Ham for plisinttt. W. H. Blilings toi- defendaut Dosaalduon v.o, 1timo et aI,-Actioi oit proauiaary note. Verdict for- plaintiff fer £25. Iba, 6d, W. H.l3illings for plaintiff. N. G. Hea fer defendant-dld nolappear. O'DeU vi. Cam&pbe,-&aeion ou a pt-o miesory note. Verdict for pluitiffor £37. i16s. R. J. Wilson tor plaintiff. H. J. lMacdoucîl for defeudaut. Court adjout-ued lu 9.30 a. ma. lo-incrrcv - Wednestisy, Dec. 141h. The Court epeneti about hait put ton o'ciock. J. S. M. WiIcoz, Es4. J..oc- cupieti a mst ou the IDeneb ith the Çounly Jutigo. Wlaalen vs, BrozOn,-_Actlon on promis- sony not. Verdict foc plaintiff for £59. It. R. J. Wilson fon plainif. G. H;~ Dmaneil for defendaut. N. G. Hais Coi- sel. Detendant dii net appear. QUARTERSESSIONS. This oedcas, the ubjoct of su intiie men4gthslb BiraIcascaflt. The.iudiet- aent ebat-gd poor Devuiugvitia al kiud4 et nisaief nsnlting t-oHec Msjesty'sm iaes <t-cm lb the des."Mr. Tremaiyn, prose- enteti on ' bèhai'f ol. ron. Mr. IL Ji Wils pVOaMeti cabehai-f tMc. Dowulaag, aniliL'adaditienho the pIes Of "Net guiity" 'pledtDevailugsa pread-l tWire r ofi e t;ely yearsune, sud aise li de&feaian's git etiraiàsw auae' vategr Ù4lule stt-Ot. 'ýTo li aeeid pies, lis Creva, Consl de Mrrd ane usjelimonthélie t pIe-lb. demrrq 1 b. arguetinlaTees Mr. Aluantiot risagbe vus the fBtstit. i r r. a r LJ. Gain, Fs, !.l p testimony as te ieoffenS1fàài-of- 0< li e oY,astt o i 4 1.i d rau i. T h at iIL v a s 'y1e ty ljcL u i a se beuli. iouglate bbave aheva tht lie nulsacee's <ected m1oeoliatbrépersoni toprovetlat it- vas apubl llisance Mdlit"in ts the, evidence fer thé. Crova vas deBelient. Mr.c.Smilahlb.ovuer of lhe promis gave evidence tb th& offeetliIheiparcha. sed the promises Il or 18 ye&râ a y-,,bat h.kev1.p-nauSelsom 20 ocý2l yosrsý sud liallia s-urface vater rom Scriptur' alwiaya soedovn licengh Dvaaipg' pro Mie,'s osgus he knev tie promises. -Mc. Wilson nadte a vey aeodetiv, ap, peate ieJnr-sp.aing 0t l .iu côns sien sens., wlatbr they cul ecpel Mr. Downing te cet-ytbiiuter off hiapremis up bill. Tin théb drain mnide vus the oni> meaus for cacryiug off the mterMd lia" la futl if )cvingallcved lic vater 10 ce-' t»aiu upon lais promises il vonld becoe stagnanadlais vhele place ouldtholin b. liable te bu indietedtu as apublic nui- Mr. Tronasyne roplied on hehal elte Crovu, iusistiug liaI ne pet-sou lardà rigial bo drain lais promises so ustobeb.a damiage 10 bit neiglabors. Ris Honor baving brleBly claged lie Jury, giviug, it a, lais opinionla 1h euargevwas made eut. Mter a eoultatioaa.of neidy an boni, lte Jury brcugbî in a verdict of Onilty. Mr. Wilson moed t1h.-Court thlaatidg. mient bu etecreti nutil tbe points cf liv b. -cPRSENxrxNuar CM£"oaâaSui. - The Gciind Jury mide 'a preseulment, pnesnting the satlafacbnry state liaiel tbey tonni lb. gaul, anti reomaending liat linsane prisoers at present con- finedti herein b. remoredti hle Asyluan; &Wa recommeiding lita voodi ahedi b. bnilt lu the gaci yardfoi' theIus eofthle Tb.y vere thon disobargeti by the Court Robert Muatagb, vlac stooti indiletet fer asanlt, gave bail b appear at the next Court of< Quarter Sessions, sud Etivarti Stacey, WVm.: Ptai le and Win. Pester, vero bounti over as vituessea b appear aainat hlm. The Coui closeti et one o'cboek al lb.h busiainsbavlaag bcenthea gous Ibrougl.' QecDec. 12tbý 1859. -. Tii. appointnenh otlb.Prison nspectacar is the last set cf the Goverumeut tht bas stirretinp the bil.eofthlb.gro!t guartim o f onr public iateresti aa -Toronto. Wlaat a bleasiug Il is 10 have se roady suddiier ested a patriot eer rou lhe short aI b e alU Of duîy,anudvbatasdeaduldY 't Viii, for the Province v*heu he comms to Act li tbat'capacity. As the mais nid vlaecon- t befot-e us own.- 'qî viilac is&sati cslanity, anti I visl h v ero velIover, se I8M sure, 1,many of the fieuda ot liaI boD. gentleman 2 OttonuBamy lutheir heacl-if net very -eau- Sdidly vida respect t te .iret ..part orf lb. 3 sentence, Most aunredly mo wilh re;peàèt 1 y te latter part. Ih seema Ihat lb.he-s p- rpointant cf Ductor Wcbr.d Nelsons dons net ineet the approbation cf th. Globe, but vhat peison vouattiunIess' ho vore s Git?7anti evon Iben il vOU14 dubtiesa b. cuastreti iuIè au attonapt te corrupt 1h. Party. Xuv il la net long ainée i av lue gaunt old Dector vhe la as <n fit it-y lite as, Mr. Brown bfinsf l f i<or-lbt-or. generat 'ion .cf' th. Countrysud thaîla assyiu a gooti tial especiaily if you taIse tht geai- itlemas'e uvestmmiale cf lits-enthusaantie develion. The"objection cf lb. Globe te, rDr. Nelson, us yen bave no doubt .seont arises <rom bis ageanti con"oquent - (pro- snd)plajiiesli Inmilesivini l asedby se oapectabe a t~l mu thht ofýyeur Ceeu tbhaehugb no ciien, is lat lie very leatusnoable to toas, the cahot- asthle, b.st'ofliaeg Brewns, audoulal of uabili"ties l iii b. atlaun&i.1-belina- there bas bhau aimeaappolutmeue con nectionvi ithtea. rrug.m.utot lie Meard viidlmust cOnsiat ocfi vol tvoofet viel only bave bhan appinteti vi l sariestle othi e b b.ng for the.proélaliskbu rom lb. Govenumeut Officiais, visa a Mou]"W Meèredfili,AssistitCivil &Setary West, Juin Lm , ÂÂ&n , adt À"eor sdMr.. MeDonueofetble ProinalPntnay aKingaten.This rrneu.ntviiisavel mone lu ~inaatie, sd aoul t lero., feéea WuhJy rcmmnale t101he ardent The sutleteld Rouge" Convention' de- <eriuni tofthefash qli ltinzoe t To-oni 0" l aastnd aSt0ebý4 ln", ortef oeosrýsoma. idw,W t4~~Lejr,#est g. l- lbinwr ja.ekesusàtheyvlbe able br.i 'WOU, viken lb. Prince doem COM uaeat May 1 b. lier. 10 Sec, MW69As evr, o"cA"igla ffa9îl Oý The lVatc/&man bas &eoppedleapt"lu R ove, mr.Pea'sMr. Brwa anidMr. Green. focagainat the -devow i e xec<Mc Hlggins. laInrth a e oS 'lemmas it bu a venyHecenliv vheast remiles lt-e or fu couas s et oadt typ emea veek IoedamoDhiiauinP Whylery quantity Of 7,1dwonatMetioul fl b. sawiesu ta lea thelb.rifles Of aboat'500 et ýýMr-. Wallaes ilHighlind lBs cmgpy 1',- Mafi, not ils, editor, Mc. Beael-bwUt its proprieter, Mc. James Walla, id lais Li«eunath le lite "Wcrior eit-i" e lie Town, vWho vasgseigneasflsly expel- led <coin bis situation by lhe Tovwn Coun- cil. Ilis the-lattervWho makoe ia'ibrgea anti do mc etiitoriélly--.aomucla for the i lu- -dopendont chuta-el cf lie editor urer tue. precieus shoot on viaic ela h lengaàge&i For blre. long vodka past "Mr. Beula- nain Yaraold, .qcsire," hbeauen ily, a#lteaace st tb. Ccuutyaud Tovn Clenla' offices, iuating np ont- oltiaccouais 'for printiug'cf thse pat lie yors ;andi mes- auring sud analyalslg th. saineaeeordiug, 10 l t-niues, aid molioda laid dovu by tint ingénions individual, Mi. James Hotigaun. 'Ant ik thkelb latter "4Mr-. Benjaüm, Esq.," tlie ta buasdiseeveroti a 4"mat-c'a et," sud h. sccordingly duly reporte lie same tc bis eommantiing cificr-lie Captain cf 1'tb. VoiauterRiflcqCnuà r-mka zns Bô* hla, an' d Iheyn, becoethIe t-ne -measuirraoetpriatera' ývérk, a'ndthe pub- lie champions cf purity lu Contractaéfor priaitiug 1 Nov, eut- teiders bave lie1 <eliutain-ad <cinvhaieh tth. charges agaiuat Mr. Higgins procee-ti-o piýaoï officera--one s retireti Lieutenant oflborme, or sous. othe r«i e, aù4'the otlaec a galantCaptaiu et s deîtuet ifle Cens-tï tokvaral as 1 he measuea par ezcele,e utf prinlers' ork, and mako hlie<se sd.l naifonnded-sIlieaîona liey do aguinst Mr'. t Hiýggins. .T sprutiag buaâimesavih lu wbieb Mn. Hiils stands thvads thén wl underatauti tRie aimsw ee b.cargea. L A rancorcua, pensonal anti must unclarisiai biatretiofl. nirdalvo peuq. tis,. -s t ali-pscvsiiaag ictiro wbich * t tilètatos lielaostiliîy cof ,- EMc. m-,4 lac., and Yàruokld.. - The - accouaits- fur-isiet by us have been cloeey i secutinized _by Lb.- Con4uatM"osto vbich - tbey, bavc ,beeu-,submttbed-4heyhai ewn.. cnulr .serutin !, of s rival OMflcî and thoP Prying OeeuOcMe. JaMsHoego- tiuvt- a,ý ee a d miaid0 np byt comApetost mes - lint-u, cfllee-as -good pt-ntersas are e0fi.<unin cgin he nl.province-sudvero lins saveusa 4,0hcrret. TbatsI~. oov tlrmysut nu yb.ie00 arj e,.o- e b ay meais tai the opinima et Mesrs. WaI. lac. aid'Ymsrno, eigh la evidoice-'L cou&"O!adlc t e &Wl -a' Thflipe.jjwtj V vIil hotabou sproot.' Poclaipa liy ezpect by M"k9ga funss *0atll.oatcs si bo croeanufluueuce ievsràsobtajiaig lie le contcsçlsor lis ' tà ' ' * " - next- yes. li heand theit-Ialidaaeqhio liâe l urseOft tic Itieiùàtlenglay" complants of Mur.Wal" ti Yar. A division vus laiton ient les. fDr.G u thuc, mmlis uprovemnla vere eordeatea .att t a tones On Brock employament ho lie poorl geu1.yard,-to be broken a9 Mc. M a o mczg&into-eu lmsb.la~ SPê tlwongh oni itage op I tghe folioig t ott , M Saumiaa or theclie eusuing yesr. H3enry Hsfsiaai , .W.st Xe.InutE[U, 58. Seat-e, C. W. et Tevu MiWI. John Blowl,& W. ah RoveasoneMS rs The fuslo be thesa=m asB. On motion et Mr. Bigelow, the CommaiF reonmed inoomanittee oethe viale, thé con- alderlleaor lie pve toatllLegialature Captais IReu'lteoring lioe oeav~ 0m'tteé, snggesled'lial a apesia meeting be ealIed et lt» c'loé lu inte d&y, ho disesia Bereral embere .*jcteé te meting ai ton ol'eek, as bein& s veny ineoisreaient Thie Ceni l bs veut line CoBuate, *. <Wilson iluhelb. cla an& th le relurt t as a&ploda.samensbé, reosumenfflng i asessmont ofgoeis asnd perseal pcemt- wrilhent aay distinction-as te wlelier tliuy vers th. &mnafi& property of the Pfwson rrepcoseutiug ubena, or unet. >:ýOsumotion<t-adoption, Mc. Maedèneli move thela lt-rce amouthais, eenddby Ca omn e. Thesmdaeunt vas ne- gaieion lie division cf 7-ho 2. on Motion of Mc. Bigclow tli eunuil voet. Ceinmite..on Ibisby-lsw.. Ï> 'Dr. «un moved inla amdient Ilait the-Vouaitue ries reporrt progre i riedi MIL bWttAmes X&IL recasai-. Mr., Draper anedetlait a apecial coin - mite te ouait tMsea acdcnell,_ýf Hall, manlIa. anover ho appoitedtitecon- ter vihibbc- Diroetcr'o(te Port Wbilay sudt. Iâi îk' Huaro allvsy i- rsfeaenc. ho le conétcuction of tint portion of te 'lie Iilg Wbem sWbi4y- àsd là"t Scugog, andtihia by lava paset by the Town taking atocka li saiti C'enapany. lMr. Draper oxpùiined the-objeet et bis metiow a1 Mine longth- Dr,7-',Gunu expresset inlufiet bicth ratepavecaunýdemka the , liim.aiîer tho rca4giay, sud -to e -lMr. Draper aOcuas-ý iiot-, moving thitM*. Draper a Raiiwvy- Dpit-eter, amuoe eoftàsConanittea bconte lviti bimielivas ameabiri nnprecede- I&c. Watson atteti (ioensel>Ébaithle -Obtion vus mode. 4t eloebien hine-juot uçýetnetgat reaaahadod hiaiet ropresen- lit-bp OP letoi. -M.Mc ànl tatedtblit if -the-m otici, y" via sss4 fetlae.nr o f eabarrassfag. laho bad oulyto smy liatbe irs as îeo4. Raiw~mn saMr. -Drpesl vaWU' ce objectedto ils evas nainme IO lÏpiaot-- ont " tlaie. Tii. Ralviy 1 1 ad. net aikei for dais contereuce, it vus heof Mr. DrperovigWa u.M 'làe, elioUn tb giv, al leIntena. don la ould te oh.a tepyes, and mIse. tho bieiteftt this' lta elu 'e,"i» vayi, f h» theughCItJeanaj"u 'aid beâmta elîla an bençut put-p9is.. (bI»ptaa'n Uèw ogM l'tbe presenb po- iton, efthIe Riilviy by-lava, aid boy tie rewn'ateod iu'cbgard to thein. Ho' scuaideod Iiho heconoulîstion veulti do, aroatn,su weaat lutar ot fhe, coin' _ Alter explanitionsi by Mr. Draper, Mr., tacdotieU, conaeugted to asow liasunea o6 stand lu Ie resolution. Mr. Hall wvas aîrongly lu tar ote b çommnittîc,-b4t pt-ere-d thilais ovu ane îaboulti ýb M paeuleftI osaI sbec.'> sideced liait Ibere vere moe ldceunenk., bet-a uc'eet. l , mti.on -»* "dlt. 1 B àI Ge 6siif Dr.C. i XEREDIT-As oeuber, lie vif tice iMereditha, etasi DOD)D--In mm q2,lie vite et G. -dUnghter. KELLY-i Sol indthle vifeetfJâs Ew ADVE Kerr, men liT-m, Sragars, C6#f JuaiTobmo Pubittiiera aid rtupý lfoaice utujs iday: labz W- IL I.airi sidikmtm lt-i, sud are payahi ýWhktby Dec- 13d, If #a nADoUIINED4 Zulou bs 0<11e Pj laif-evn of Whti. iA" 10 erth-e clock 1 ay, liLth dah y et J ,eaamibira. l-appnted = J'a dams sdif no il be aeWd'ând adjn D"ale tIah daytc 4~rukaLlnanalka le-, Ici - f

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