Whitby Chronicle, 9 Dec 1859, p. 1

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BIT. wr r k à 4 0* - RARLEs WAYNE,4 agar pepa to It~ UOTIOSE ElMAOITÎP EC J OB PMITNGul nî o ÏÀeo &ILIFyylusr DVso OR.A gnu& Prlu'i KelACISn, me »ià,i. RR'.A AZ e N i.' ý4. byw 0. 1V. wDORm"ts l ieCK~,N Co Gur E Vfi sthE CortHNn . a Byonstes, aW w, b . -I Whiby, '?AtlWhkby. to ÇH~JES 1lDSjONIR.at iojeu, M i 'RgN E5ICOT BOE ATN OCaLDTIT...omj isim 00 a dgtrve tee 'Stinop.t JL ÇEtft: 10TPIC A TME COURT D SOLICI &ýCLUX (JYTR. A.u CAul . OODWARD1 u i N AN zjFRRY, HYSI1A1Z C"h 1r101 ON lx Whsitby, - IL Z.NÀCDOEJ.L. - dlieaees 'ZOHK V. HAU3 BAIT .Ii>ioRMdTS2,kiTBT,à Lt'»-T DVISON O"Ie OCEI46 trilu astrumen a.ra W. LAcoitRoitO , rG O d n, @ ontilit s e*l'go 4rselr. Go Ne 1'1102 AEl4fT TUURT Stbigu*.tvoslr. 2 fo U Vbw r TUE o. OUXTY 1AND.$oW. WUUDWAE %j-HW SUKER, RUGr FELIéteOre4 0 CA sUNT zÇGnRER. 0 101TY TUEW ÇLE~C ~lLSTDIS1 LI OURT. Z7101 to. Ring Streu pet psred à HW GORISZOT AW # onsr at é Conn ty o sio. sBoT ID$111 AK t SVIO" st theCourt lsd."t Wlord r - tom, co« of Yo n ou sud Pu to K>ARI TE ignD CUT Y ON (LATE e. . OE) -.!* voJHIA52 ARD KING TEZrTBETON IB stoet h 411 W. 1ELL e, Wer , oo. 8nt eet Westli al tis<1W57 ouneertu o.- Nusltsn lbersC . MOEL Cs..Shtwore, Broo 2Wislsby OF MEU SALOV1ONCUT i W..; itg hT~ont»h Book Ad S &Rf M ,N AOTA3Y- NYVUB L0, O0ebpote the Eeglitry Ofi", Brook FAKLIHU. S&etb, Whiby - 1 LiNDLAY, .W *TzplJ[Ex @EARLue ,W" ORO, oio L . IL. KICE,àWblb sugad rcpolrfng or P'urnlture ttndd to. RAILROAD IIOTEL, TOm 1853V. YANKEE, PROI'EETOB. WTRIS 'IROBU ' winindatin fo Tràvelor" = Mt"bfiog4Md tnule O»t- ore llos.dee'a lardvis- Store, Brook titreet WlsAty; -7 Ç-1 O3VÉYANO11, - coMKiuSioNE Fou. "a -44«Aâ tàfAooomtnI, d.DIVI au oe -moy Pbli su (Fmoal Agent, z1d4é, Il g rlTy oppogiti i--NI B IUb*aaàl du etrusto hi.bu.e,v*l M 3àcu C0INBYANOIN<e ATToEsinEY AT LAW, soI4oiTOKIm "JOHN NNAN,'Oes MEE<,IANT TAIWE RM TEME THOM"S DEVEREILL, B TiL.DEIt, " &0h, 03111iTERETa OA&KWOOl> OTEL, AR EDW ANMK, PPUMILE OGoo4 ooooàuIZ d*IIO foi tnirs. 58 - rUO OJU Wb.byjly ahS, off. ý Ï , STEN Hr~, P0vote Pa n058O oUE ae unus»., ei~ A. C. J0SII, oPE IrxsTRI fodons 'tisetesvell ub i t t b.utsroeanote~creL, omtabli Ocsstfessî - 0 <J AVELLEES AID VSTOSt.se aient aior nearhe ank une whârve., au dprlu, prosrble s Afisud - rlnk51lge. istoe lnd eveiy attention pald Wo their oosssfot and oonveclessoesud every lstoiusnanfsd directio M to *0ises bm Rouies, primepsiplse -feoraoeeI "<IOUANNA UINN., 13 undesigned issvln> tskce-spes boidisotedioimeivthe s.stricout prol pef.ey sud ry.d for tie oonot aud omos Tho gropîletor musra s Ms mauy ftlends thot Uaetdy",a=Mor*ueriyW nter tain .bim attse I olilmaâ hos .VIII be per.onaly promeutt W gire thonses sc are- so n a w u b is b e sU t s i u g l y p p r plusd sud ruevse, Md 08"2w spln ey wapeot uInbs mhangaer a tuisire salsso tion. Tise buarnsd table =jji~ o ssmaly VItls thseboit eatables asdle. cianS 1-17C. DAWI8, 1Fsuoptiétoi. r ICENSEIDAUCoTiGMrnVoE CANADA L4Weut, offers hi. servies W tise luiabi- souse of Ontario sud DursausCounne, tW ai- ted Soles by Auion Eonublold Vurniture, Ierobaudlzssnd otheor eleeis, asm o '>smlelon. ruojl Oshawa, Auguat 18"e. TIRE TERZRAPIN. Hic PrOPnmEoîw 01 rISW WELL tb.oldlt IR ICIIOLAS, Ring set04oro y CAe bin eiisiatd hougiss, sud fttedu ln.itse71nst stylo. Every piooursble coimcoy lis semso. A cigas' divlas1unp se-- paroUtloto wiolsboue but tise bes isiau< bre permitted W oenter 20 CAIIIJLE h McCONKEy. RLAILROAD ROUSE, nORNER 0?1 BROOK AND DUNDAS St.., J Wiultby, (Lae .Wlcokos.) Tise 8mb Friberbq be snnusosce tise wluisaint4s o1 Wiltby, sud tise trsvelli ~smnniy, tlsut ho a" tgslîinuSte abwoe trs Rossi., -viSeSis .t fitted nup lisa new sud oisesslesst russisser. AÀ §nst.rd Table lsaerrdathaIli otel. Diu wre, Lunwoeo., omn b lai t s mnoments 'tic.. Ail Lquos .k.pton tiese ise, lare rissied tiry ai. ri"J. b~(lg TMAB DOWlNIN. whltisyMas-h 118h, 188. VINEGAIR I VINEGAà&z 9 tes1 nov snanufatnrl Au. ieai Of? u i sslty vhiebh.olm p epuedo 1ces. Tise Traite llbermilj dosstJ'Ai, rdem tby mailj snosusly attnded tW. Angussil, lut 8 DAIIY STAGE. IM MBEUGIUXTO YZC AI 1657 , . 49 LIME FOR SALE. «OISTANTLYOIgIwS»DUEINO TiE j eusufssgspsiugsMd 0Soimr FPreïs Sos-t g' MAIHEW CAUL Pol FWitly d e la ew are , ho. s - cORNERBnocR & COLEoRNE ST& 'bc Whsb> July 1.8, 5585. 'EONT ITEMS?, TE TON. 'pus Ssbue, b rte WanfOsucMe Wtise ln- j. ,sbtasg.etTetOifn snd thse Travelling aem Uni thst tis br,» t-clu. Jlons..ba besu p slaà.n d conVenlent UUM À. Fbw >rt.zm Tab. e e ù, t M Ht 'AI, iq nboIlem %upremlas ofthtié a léq li s b l e ,f eo n o o U e A bie, à 05i .er .S.ERt , .roipr4ei m Trmtàest Ag , 1888. -m ATLAS ltit -WOIS W-Font stroci, Tmauo. «m CHARLES VALE & Oo., irpr telaor thepublchet they ha* e IL eM7»Oruatd neetie e r .osD lagonFLoulng&Smuhaorr TiseylInvite Jiupeu"o osln userons Pst- teu a Ornmemntadlyon Peue", Bejoonle V«" OUt OfPlan d Ouanets Oy de.riptois; Oooklug, Parler sud loz Store,; Orsi., Cru On X< Os Culdrens, Sugir LKtloi,Plan eti g , ail, of 'Vantagu sternis W C4outry ordespne- tusiiysttended te, Toronto, Oetober 20. 188. 4- XNOW 1MTEETIXE. OI ELIICENUnS AT Je.& A.Clark'. lot Primo Ficure CGaliery FYndeulre s correct and lifo-liko Amnbro- Or&Lk» n s Looket, Brous or Ring, foi J. A. C. mn do At hlatise but style, Mud st short notice. as ILKINOwsrnBLOCK~ [AVING prsucd tie tlostock of ILj IL Danlcls h0<vis snàadItIon ot I I e'w Stock, ..M veSteaursolves bit vosnisgve cciii. atPi- f*etlon t Wh io nMay favr i ltis oIl. JOSEPRHtT11CKINS & Co, Brookîlis, lNovomb.r lotis, 1857, 43 AUCTION BUSINEss w eilshiosld bi loft et the s.hrigre of- W5smtbMer».j Bn& hayerisofer au dly atbozad o a my dassof",leC seule terni ,t.,sud 1 tue=r listosuob otiser sîr"Mensnte relstlngtW My smotioni busInes, a. he m~ onade pops-and nocosary.îÏ sia .onIssdWîtf sny agreemnent ho nZZa4os sldu 11parto of the oinn ,ICENSED ATOXMM ?bigTEE OOUNTY 0OPN2ARIO.à FMABI S ALIn la teéCouniy Vilre- mhLon«it POtisa-uM-90uon so le~~ Of te Use bouts*dvage. 0A5tise A=t Zooms ves Smar. Disuse of BHie. boe.Md Spavin., me trested itspsc ues Addre, vmby Pe.t Aietien Booms, m - ... Wmuur. p w us.uy, .esPiwsy usn, 180,. eor ÂLdENGE1lmI"A je.v*WwnL B S btKE - U&n ýdeti 'e, n M is. b *ëY'm mud totbaoktiii b0~OITALL1N, eiteb of bWo& Tbis of aotiy i.jse s u d w l n o eydr v e a k e n o r p o t u j q b d . a n a m l s S n o r b . t a I e , e c j t l sà o u" t V i u s N d . J . î w l i is'0 1m c o ~ , j eau n, ilsd f 21=11Mea. pott renrl roinou@ part uoithéseodythUe éthser.-bd Doec±-aon tise s-aper of eu5.h boffle. a JAS. Il.GERIE S0l. Agenit Wliltbv. ~ltis7, Sept 14, 159. w 1 -Y N:O T I 0E. ment, IL Il SOHOMILD à; Go. July l1t, 1858. 284tL What aMd Wool ýTHEndegne bujust iefed o. busbela of F&Uand Spring WIAT aiu sy qus=Pût , of 0< WOOLfor blcL 7b; THSOAS MOODY , W litby -M a y , 1859. sf iè i m g nt TEE »TE]RNAIONAL IOTEL, ILUTr MAIET SQUAît, TOBNTO, JOHN LIXENS, PROF'RMEOR. lIN RETURNING SINCERE TRÀNKS Ltoisfrcndisud4tiepublic-geuorally, vise have iitierto s. ibcaly ptrouized bum stis fomeri stand, te tia iauru it lu this City. bops te uay tsat hbua leased for a terns of yoar.f, tise commdiena per- mies issovu setise INTERNATIONAL MOTEL, sitiateil on tie Eut ide et tie St 4l.v roe Miakot, btvessRing sud Front Stree, vier.e v il! sivaya b. easy rte me h bold friands sud Lthe public e ueri- e.Bm n utie boat buiewspartofthtie OIty IL viillibe fousud scourenfent Hotal for tie bie iu gen ou. The expens. iscn!rroulnlu uw1y lttlug tp sud fuiih, ln &0 bouse thîcisbout As encrions a TABLE v s wys be sup ieod vitis tie;boitthe, muaikt ffords, usr y in " sais soan, sud rofOUlsud Attentive er. tanta viilbe ovsr raidi to vait upon his customems T> BAR il! b. supplieS vti tie *dpujossud boit ef overy kind of Winos, aJsm~u Cigrs, cf Preign sud Dome M ILES re lage and Mar ilsu are uiàdr tis uperntendelce ofobtging ostIers. u ela ge ' y a tta s d te thée prom iseis vIS hote f ni!d-b. bot sheds lor herses, waggos ho.lu tie City. In ahr< 1sam deterlulued SisaL uthiug ubail bu vantig on mypsrt to geeentireati. sOin t i, n stratot &e as pas sy tier ho ethsekid u n thea city. JONLIKENS, bt;MrketSBqua Toronto; t g ,1 5 ,8 4 w T'u tisai re ludet0.bh., tisS lb. e.u n ary for tbo rt sa m b o si se» dwste as-s ge moumi Meu théea, ane nStss v lu, m u d tr o us *tise beu l en ey b o -h m . is tleb i dîâs04h o b b A IIattnd t lfi"er .] 0 104 ilSoideta uia, toï ou"g, .W.L Uw4fe, ~ subîbe, u..ts publie en e ~o t~ ~ane tà" o upro ruIN Opndls 911l sud exmAur.,, M uibiàwws te e isey cmtrreeawbqs.g. iageofGeenooa Intis ovaihîp of Ploker lng. ise bis..oeistliss4 i nte,'-sd 2P8.)f rOeit«,Gbid.P Busu ewltis te, Go*eransem nets DtP paWre uega U eu lands, or haring Clainel .1auj ther kiuuý apiiLtise n a ut r uid or etiser Public Offlco_,, suai bve.ls bisAum.dfflikmetyaU.itnjejte by aR1W. dent Agen t lbost tý iepoue "sud-An. couvfiace t ajoisrsme te -Qee Paataof lfveutionukenout. AU propsîd -CdmuinlcstloiiN addroes te Bi ox 8, Pet Office, Quebou, vii reà coive Ammoedltat totion Quebe.. Sep. 20, 1 859. 87-.l.> A Tovwen eS .4.. sd 'tv. hel onut Wije wastise metisod fer foitilcaton; A gi-are kilful mason gae re bis opinion, Tiât, nlotiing bUt astone oonld asei tsedo miniois A cosienerssld, ttbi isavareli poke, 'Twaabetten by far tW defond It vih osk;- A cnirer belng by, viser tishon*1tisUs.. W-t geSSes-, WIILLIAM 'MO]3èRIBEN, Ltd< nll,'sd Gesstlesenis pasliomsble Boetasd Sso Maisci, J3UOOKCLIN, I W Tise aisove, bas for thse laaru yer talten tise dlrs p jrize ton Bots sud so.. ai tiseÇu- ty $ho. Çq 1Noneisut tise set mat ai-nsd but vosk- mîiAp mode up>ontiso promis,, is. old fiendi "sd» MWv customors viii 6e î Adist- lessd.d, and funnihised vh goodsuosep verI s siussi. Brookliu, J cly4, 1859. BROCx STREET, WifITBy,> (AT0 fow-ohssthe NoBsk of jçout) lmufcturer sud DoSberinlà ki11 o &TOUTDT ANuhArTWAousNI Sorflrormsd PottoCultiv&tar SM aud ITurnlp Drills, Rocmsp..L Zferyting iu tis bowe lUna eudt *",i Pouctnslity aiS Cisepues. get or Patt.,ioo'cemiblssUdReape rsudMev CASE. fOUE Tb* Uneuwgedii pripsrôd.o sny qaultty ot Wh 1.BarLt SALiT Flot r0pseeof rtse flrmt ud lait or ucli SIMPSON tk PERGUSOL. oRders EfruLLY'uo t unwl c e t n notqadofWibadurud SCTT ks e' hpo ~el Cor.,NEW LEONAR them il ii h o epw Whtyù, contnule g»Y e iniedig riis etodA asvi» 4.C, .AO, EW la ldig BriLlM ýais PRiodicle vAn dTh ouNecDON QaTELà (Oorra he thre estolitcal age tEEiDN-iK"iToU EanBa (ial-utpoi bLaeKoori,'e Ed inEU the MGZIEory.) et te s.prlndîcals ably eroont wise, rth ics orm oly otestaiofieir7cissrt.. - vi>ea ons ce, iteroure,Mraiy thud Reirin,iseystad, atbcy eow bave stod, nriebad in stse oaoult- SO towa e g ooniidefod ndsenale Fo tsyon lol A u tfoprlEinalnssu.,1$8sile ,Fursni aoie oretud oyiss5sto00-e FOs-d ofotseurrn tiera re 00is ,Fr tBrogeuttworî d, toiss an bsIl 0 Fe btacked 'and 0tesfosre.i;:1 0 bdis reoid pt ar.EESEE ro Briais pubisie gAvep" çit ronute tise Irintourior mue s is Of ,o moe plsce s tiesai mucrs- abt F9lor ssacky on.o of one Riew, 48 OO For sn too e drfor $0ov urs.5OUl ofi atefujtr c oflian four Rogt.7 FoRllsokvce or agd tL ausboyéîwîîo OU. tfons , current in t7yo 4te ieeé issued- 46wl No. 54, ved u tr eNwYr MMESUJ DIS G.; NI BRC i a * 1 ; lé. wimby, rabradoy fUI4 lm, 110 whitbrf sept. ou, um, ,il

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