Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1859, p. 3

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M 010"oe the nowe anoiüte ekers.lj sud becs=h«4wI( total rib.r1 , e"eivér, _Yw;YW, , , RIADot 0"T3 AUPU- Frs eepo f .RadFj0DCA' ~ '122.- utto.ay. wmi'~y ~ ~ ~ z.*ry. re rfri fGROGBRIISof every kind ùeiinýUjg; LT-KEY j'y OVQBZdM IRZHAYg a UET16 ' .FORD'$ long epuma. f tWiryasl l"H~plKn eO h PUif ;4S c Fst-M t - , e ": 4 , "ibo'. 'E tLI Q rJ O R $ gI1I1 tit nc n v -i. a4m'O9d& Sub5r559$Bqýwroprto fur i dm fpew'n. Pl± i ito llol h insptronis of the wIit~by Brewéry znin0ii I~Wlitby, Àaugust 16, 1859., hhtkectct Bauy8 bsa.gai wltls an exZuiIOD$articl, lu soi nac fl On ~alsds.£pemn. rfhjc1 Po's~s8d~kg4. IDA b0 roquil".4,>ad on tuÃŽius to ur, XSliSii CtK *&ê(ODWA2D Hs uatw'w ýtsivtpbls rOt*tou lsSd Ol~ ~4»whithy; Nov. 1 th, îaop. *i.I,.. enial 'Zwnk L yIqbTonhpf Biutter Pd 01Ild.,, I pi~ hakypm 6d 0 7dOITdo GÇFnpowdêr0,a~.liLb o $1 b 0 2.0N Frida e4n non té odbe eiOUn1gEo ToteMn llsy i t, 6 ' ct.Wht$y and O1»hab0TOa o ng 5* ta$8 ~ws, a144' Congn. Bzgar.Lcelar sied ad td Ã"wnuxfoù NEW the flnderwilerwalI1 evig I t 1» prcetrdciu -éleb1 ___________ffiee,__or atýbo É; Mr,"hefti AD~IERTISNENTS. ltv. Puce. eretoforecharged. Tbcdlo mknad"h Poi JALa Oshawa. o mknn Nofebe 1,$AIX. Oiein. AR"RT A GÉE 'BIU- 1L DER $ , pioiEvu 81Ja"roiseor xcellent ]Land 1>dll,,es. oanal~n~* *inoWrs h Out LOt 10, fi, thi, &Cois. or Uxbrldgo & 7r4ù !ý ic!- Uvi8nty. -AND .MANUlATRES0 te f eri tituber on theo Lantl et~a. .n.5~am i '*' vtr Al for ale orto let, Saurf00 ni'rlenred lund CSTRAE fQ9 loprmaacf oden andothr ~ a Ile,~ j~~~&~,dr e:.lt rue yownc! ty Ur, iRobert,*,ThsIud Ji aubacîber, Lot No, 22, lintho 2nd ti Ytrato limier cnltt%ýittioi, and flu excellent order, > It0on, Wbitby, about the . t> f ugust IO"Âud every article ithe. Grocery Lane.... BOOKSTemET,- WUJT>hY. ne lt;ir wil o i *Ody*,tu m'ittibb. with -rewl b J" * l o a td te itt.urlucu rwt .ln,~'J8bcle- l>,- .~plit , oen-uaeal u.c 1utuaxi.ppyb 2four year old Ifbraf ' Tmm SubmoN Stg, iform të the have1 JOIOneor . TOpIè6 nM, T1E';theofei,& A T ~the prinises. 0 4 'veaj y Mr. Ira B. Oarponter, atao uBro tetjou oiinr Msi os,, ilip, la complet. i or; $b. seth ian. eILîJf~ TOk0F LOCEY.ub Eaat Oftbilsik i rny opposîto the. Market buildingwhrteyaepearepcfyeu sanie minfeNaov. 1151b, .i1839. Dj E - A TheFou r D TOre $aca adeLten oimofllE ? Ri Sptmor - b praente scerIn~to ______________________________MINE?_____ dévTontesh"bo hve to ire h lbor t oth borete' C îto a:lejiA jnDE4UONg, Ailrticls ot 6'iesvterldivipiccandforeaeron appoe i'dt bes 2ndCon, Wbltby. New TaàÉilingibtabliahment 1 oaîî sud examine. J Departmental Notio.. Whltby, Nov. 18, 1859.0,IM N&PAUON l kindaof lumbers aneraMmproduce takl ezchine lwrkwratd INSPECTOR GENERAL' OfPIcs TJAMESJ QJOHNS4T NIRE5PECLLY-nnou o etho e- OOIn.W LEY Co E LJIA.~J -'""9 - habitants ofWhitby ad surroundia; J Crirexa DBPAETMUT, - ~~ountry, that they'have .pened a à 97~~Bottorfr O T i c E ~Taller'.sihop on Brook Stree, Ouclo h OT[CE lo leroby gIroen tîtatby art erder lu e81 pposite thie "Ontane Motel," viier, al IMPORTERB OrsuRa;adi JjNCLonncil bearla.g date t*ie i4th Instant, Watch and' iClock Kakers, ô rdert;ontrustod te thon> will b. don, with DA M fTL 0çt - - ,.ury i "-rt tioii s olt "Il arfla" uof< rlà 1W C .Wbitbay, Oct. Cth, 859. 60. E e reiBsudND Ir]t Mdc#rBro% elo itl. or Zinc, matin BR O T WHITBY. 0191T.Wot atr u fi i rntaotefred, actually tuuod land IrJ, would take ]cave te auinonnoë ue Ma, culpoyed ýtiil'n etua bi-ling sud ragcagdsnaeesprrusadflni' htleTENDERSO I ufnnysti> ut lt iith li lagnirs uftlCils 'n)'liasu ov anode large additionu te' hi#s tock id ILL BE EECEIVED at this, Office until I ubcie Wt ùfmalpartie. »tarIe, or bny-CrNAD nd upeuutt"Il $4 aimrtice* .ç <lndasg Watcilie» <j<><,ka"d jewoley,, clyasng mn o<f Y1FRlAYI- t e gotflJIE ujr-g> ~ ~ ,~* CLAA~nvpprpbi the cordae, ie.uf Clist-.u. sî141,911 hve Gold xauJ tilver, Ènlladai, French, and <Ucrnzîi BItt EX, rei uda crnleitPiimeei Ttlnt are Indebtea'tu n, t bat ih wl11bc UEMM OSCAPANS ottrn> u ben ad v itan(or b 'leperisoit or par- w:tL.liepç, cocks, cf eaery vàadety asu tyle. d rseiitaa Ar ared and dispo.'t l cnto b hnit ak ~ P. A. MtIMMS RUIENISEIIVINES. oaia h b'ons'rrm lmoîey sisal a,.ve l>rchafiod tii, sud Jeweiry of ail hirdit, wlaehl U e lalod undertoke the IIBA iiof utthe 1'ITIA- meut fer payiiig the saine. n ldit 4aute),luu(in tI irnp ( iauttti Canada, te dfi;po e fat ézeeedingly loir price.. MENTAtY aend J)EtARTMEXTÂL BUILI> ho reirea. louie>' ntproeaty ndt tiÃŽ 'J. l1uWAR) MARS11&C.SMDIAIINI sesdb u Ti t)rfj li hasasitfardircetit ilant th lW.t ryl Nov. 4th, 13,59, os68 s u(YrI'AWA. te'loor fur It tu tise.that are lndcbtod te JULES ROBIN & CO.'$GOG.NAC BRAND)IES. Slalp Balildor npîî!yIia% f e Colrttlsack shall-ie Tonder, te stifto a 1,alk snm, fr rbich bina, sud frointlthe leoncy lielas, lthorte BRANDENBUIIG& FRERES BORIDEAUX WINES firusl thf Ltut' C oirl t , t stuis a trltia d p il -- ~ -thse Coutructr lu t,,Illsg te sup ysl ts n-given àueli, lie new hepos lt a AUwll attend te O)FFLEY,CA P& O' PO T I NE.* M rsn Rni, ettion or the Cordage artel cîber article,.ei E ' ' tonial., aud cûtaîritet, erect, sad 'ut lit sta.c-p ta LIaisPa.BUTERf&tIser notie viii beIVees>. An vbehli cata.ua'l dobaks.îoig tt ./ .d..d m atiee ful oporation, nitthiao rks. noclrinery sud a ric lave te pa>' eet» tlîey vilihave CAP UE O' IEIYWNS <iuiti&l'sond laltil', lv wtiiili sand vu iniî- p nec4 nected vitha Lise entare yiteli or tisss.lvenu tebhst, s the claims are long WU. YOUJNGER & CO.'S EDENBURG STRONO ANIALINAASE..'. - tîor.d assi LIheatiouuit of gdtoa. 'iài, inti alio A SPAN (>F lstn orec, ,stiding. Ifl a testat npon Ince due. ~c,&C., &C.,&c Cao taimie out tachtp or sli i tue buiidinsg hiai i*stn 'fo Tnder lu bnsed, sud obntWinm. fLAINGnorrceived, Dize nîo ue rusPLLCV er ouowTo, their Srn upis u fAROL q uît riggng eof viiclisthe maitoe no'thac articles Rjg ulopacification seeompsuied viLla detaiiew fer for sale, on ver>' atvautageous ternis- uielitlotted mere ui ti viseas i)thac scai slip or .LYTLj 5.JÂJjJJ L FLIJ.d'Z>q ' fits applicastiasu sud t rgactc aiB.*fter the ith of Oeteber aaext, BADE batl',Hnise',Rbns iuCsi chuiips eisraad fer a foreizt Port;Lthe aiti s4 1- dr avîys, ncyfor ton yousu 1t;ILgotq 1c Uis is ig uudmay b. e e te OlonYleiiste'sW supperted i tise outila s'f»ilo Andl set o 0f oine lauo, loa tuto In.b. tue in m Solicitos bnefor cleto, GN - oln n Egi4,o etbadI odadb Sprtt illder'itcosadoelaratisîilpreî,araad iy Cao Plýion t tue everal Bildings suay' IW3e scasRUMS-Fine eld London Dock Jauxaica aud Doniarars. Djrtnt, tnffrmiug te tritr of tise cohntents TOoa n retereuce te tisis Office, or te tihe Arelstt,W L ALES-Bs'Allse'ç.andi Youuge's, in iveed snd bottle. auatrro oft"iletiedpctlulinatu-bu. ttacheti undur Scal 5(Jj~ Mousrsi'uLtXit S"d Juras, Ottoaa anti Toronuto, phty et 2 S9PRESB isHWVanGunsInwoad te macla deelratîýiln. M I 'B UGG 1er te Messe.. SnT #sd lýevasn, oft ttaws. Wity et 2 S9 - 8w6s, OTR-rdesHbctasdGins' ewo n olARCJ'U -Tih. (joiixi'tr hitvlug sal4 d tiuase't thi t Tite Tenders are te b. sddrea.ed te tihe "&te- WIIISKIES-SCOT6H anti IRISH,o e iseuat favouroal quniîa tii, saunant of drawblsaila sisani1.tarret, With Pole sud Shafis, ou wiih tie w ili raucof PcZlk lVrk,"sanal etadoràea Il"7e- eh ANNUA.L AWNOUlICZIEJqFT PORT WINES-Offiey & Ce.'s, Ssndcman's, snd otiser favoitars Xalcertify Cith e clc i asaitrausait tise lie givon 1->oLWe 1,'asildiogm taI Ollss'a,' aai o Dîcien asitî aftdd=o7b0rfurulain; aprevpd ederaed ..,tlit ieUogSHERRIES-Cramip, Suter & Ce.' Domecqs, Peuartanli,,&.Mîe u o amtion ao-olecater vilbster dui e notes. sudtouini eeos quature# of twUEor mu0F TUE CIAMPAGNES-Meet & Ctianden's, anti Mumne'an sd variosohrbad, vtrPogs puatt aotatesutd T. H. McMIUAN. soeirity forerLue neperî'oraaace. ef the couCAES-fvaisaglewdsuboteShuferCn o ii, tir cviakliereiiof'rorg sauentitiaed te ai tract, aud eosstitscd eticiencey of the isyesote, i. iJ 0l -Se an " pi oseiimpaliatirsaîs oatiy, oettuhe pecificti Wbitbv Oct. 5,1859.6i' saet . acma'tx b'sc etfcae àtJhWiUAl j ~ J ioJj-LS , - -- iifi artà.leas, as mere mîade inte tht. Province a.ibset- ansd reeonitiiendsation.s asltise parties rnay baove > BURGUNDTES, ROCKS, MOSELLE,'LIQUEURS, &c., c,&.2hahs fzk or AI Pîanl eLt avsal a fAiîst, î18")$ Prî .., -.(fPIer miii repect te !tg uperaatiora. PieLsaadsm lsmyb napiain " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e - iedyuotwacsLt c22 Ve cpN7&oictC o.aloyala r wuges. -JON11SF FROM ailiRections oet te conntry ainisserip ER grsut'yug'sndravbck outiseimrAtion ea dutt- ctrPtublie ïVorks. X tions tth!Laispepular Art Insqtituto,(o 2eLassdaapbsna'b aio picten IAP  - - abe atices n eartsia caesenue i"oc y -1jigns &eMaverhofrer offloe e part;est tofPublie)i t itsya, r .u eeva uarLe Mnralt an,15.2 vrtigl h andstietffct. AJlgg u,1thNv.159 'W 1nPattaflled wit -ist fsetau'proviens year. rtsPnatai> B>' Vottascald, WHOLESALS LSD aMAIL W<a uees 4i .V 89 9 taBy pernsu» e.becoino a menfekPstceon' co I. 8. M. Bo>uc! fETTE, - unsbcenug, .ee. NOTIE.Zr -k 71 Comuasissuanr ot-Itçtema anad Excise. STATIONERS, 1300K-SELLERS, ANI Whieh viii outtLle- hlm te ~ Zb'l ivenoeiat THE CHEAPETLGT1 Whtyctbr1 MALT VINEGaAR. PAPER DEAL-ERS, - 1i-Thél)5ZfttheBtg7ZOO9 VPsLerhigtd, av tie use d À- VNGA!euaawt îo ulag ECKSRET mIY,- 8"hakeipearé aand ffs 17rimd.9. style cil Denevan, Wsikey & Ce., *; fer thseTOTEA AL V IîlNeÀ'atîtcuatise bc lia onn laudeOnd..A. Cap> of Meekgant4î Illatra- purpm ofetcsrryieg ou thse C'rriage huai -7J~Arii! orMl qeld@, tte aeo hA rt Journal, a1er. ceas te ail iLs branches, ou tise promtses I~ jiii,, mN im. Whtby 02eey ~ z ia~ 3.-A Freaa Seamo Admission to tkehe bretofoe' eccupicd b>' Ira B. Carpenter, { . Pcdcrpaa InfrmaionWaned CE TIFOATSgalles*s,, 548 -Broadica>', New Yor.k. o c Street, (nearly epposite tIse uti 1- OlE IO KKS is MIOT D ni i trB Ies apeai u TE ibcs iulâvanll Market Building.) "euauag'sac An llohe lnk ppranistoteWerkî. et Art are g$vsn te Snbuorbers am Pre- M. O'DONOVAN, tJ uaau13,'eu ieaiî tlan Loyal Orange Lealges, c'bich 'tioe>' Bi'*tniiuu» oninng choice Palingp, -Seul;» SAMUEL WALKEY, ttu, unBn t euiotrEgad.ptepare o e siturs4tlinciq, &è., b>' Lie lirs Anserteu sund C. F. DONOVAN. Au>'infueuîstioaî ceinînutietedt t tlls.Office ,hkrueg rhts Pieaps bepto iwlle, t>sutsuir, nisssd, cc b t 5 ercnporb Ee.nrvlng, whioh overy';uci- Vhty uut 2,15. $1 121 CTS.AGLONluCeartin a.ansîus>' receveti b>' 25 centber viii rccotvo imàmediataljeou reelpt oetjsuis- ADt> A lis i-rotier, Chaarles Hopkiatîs. tbsn an>' thor Establilimont in the Pro.riton ntte Fu lJ'ee#Oitice Leoudun, ovec.acairedsres eip naule n ~~Notice.---Ch.ap Light. Pio$5pvtn Gie n mi .o enTuuode lcf a cliacter te glie'.unqu lodstaSe. 0a ~andlLampsa a>irealzced Prwes Whitb Browry.ion. Ne verk et $quail'value msu ever bofee O RA I S 'O R C T T L éà ýce Theengavig lu et s ver>' large ize, te oeil Cosi *Oit t ee daillstr tienty- OnAIS FR CATLEGRXEIWOOD iibosuapitd n -a l'os te Dîer.sa v A etR u as eIOJWsiiy u.2t MIN ooOqsý t I " «îÊ Jms t entii. 1sf.' ove..', t pplto Tie, ail OODdsof-gIJilaeucga m WIradte ox. - eO M Alko l i usts ri~t / ' t J~ e rdlail - ' ytthi ai e- îf'nietn Dn ,ý 4 o then ft l e Ie P b a u i prit«.eU___te-Cort oftheOCunt7 a~.-~* - N.B. erhana nalDeler mi fu eînhbérovnâ t b dilar e d Si ai; T E R i egl eep amnd irgtise pabfte are e & esi».ica aia 101 ,th e Batia. ineu aite conlnd<>vu ae n a nd > idm av& Ctc tash. - -IO MAS E , n GLIE, atd I2t1 w---aran-- 00 irti.onpan Iveei u'l11 the Rame - - lI. eIu en Y. ' lo - MMot A e l, E, « U- ns. - M ARY M ORRO W - stil elSliuS a lnaius.ea Wh g tIsiitb> M ine,1 5 .; l-w 4 w -1Z slV ftk ' 55 . 1 5.iet ci fo--r o sa , ov , 18 9 ' ~ ln 4 w W h f y . e .l4 l , 18 9 W I b ',  ', 4 b lie sortie indoeaigued-Raite- id Townsip,- ireti,- - - àit i launorpodientle tise Spetitioners, te continue îtboufthacsiidTownshtips ct pSaisudivisien deps{vies fths: of tiseir isuiviieges, as unicipality. That IL von- t tie.Ceuncil of said lin- ePniibb. e t our-flftl, eof reofanti titst if lii; itcos- - w,,>as itincrensets tise ihip Oficea, &é., &. c 1thertafere earncstlv, but est ý >'e iniicipîat'Coun- îas sBy-iaw abôlisliaag* I mi tistie leait peissible 4r potitioaser, as ln dut>' 1850., CILI1EL ÇDNGI lIN TISDALE, ARTIN 'KELY, -C. MecmUISEN, tARD GITTINS, )RN HARRIGT0Ný And OtIstus. eonacted b>'the. Municipal mYited erasisipg ofl Mers it a isereby eênacted by Lte aine," ina Cônplisucs-Iviti the t;rsadpeii nt t ae firit do>' of December unts freintise date ef thse Sof this B>'-lom, an amatie ished in tIse <ouet>' ot Osa- idhandhill, posteS- III af Ibie places ie tise aiti îtd Wrds shah ho be bl. ;entinued.- D. G. PWT' Igth Otoher, 1859. 41 SURAL WORKS, rREET, WIIITBY, 1cf tsife ank of iMontrenaL) ati Dealer in ail kinds of RAL IM1PLEMENT Sligss, Te'isorse cîsiti 'tvanTIOti alte anti style suad Potatoe Cultivaters Drills, RondScuapes &c. ansRepaired cms S7ort ?%rotice. abeve hune attendeS te and Ciseapucas. Agenît rshincti Reaper anS Mloi- ORIMUTTRIST. ilManLr6 la rped Io Fali H f. rFzïrritzER Lt x ir Asîer.- -ucuaent tatai ,et soluble , L valnsable lu Fitrm Yart ws, Nitrate nt sodta, Nitre- îles, &C.,&c- From Liare to'> lVeCwCVt. )'tltree c-rt. ecil. To ba Imu of' Dun'IL Sret leal Blils, citser fer priviegea, rceutenriug fr coimercial orother for regsilating aurvey5 ýr doin; an>'thiug'tend.' tufs apropcrty ofetser uotiedta hyr )d g864 AÛi 4t ùls l infl finl-the Canada 'W( MONT11S' notic*- ti >t.hëaaa Oasrete,> IWOP&M.~publixadin nt ofcunties affecteti; eý-firt âzpdJlast or mci teillOffloo, <Quobec. JeFREU T10D, ,of Private Blil l fflce,

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