la>' the. 11 th lne s' 'US,. lu 94. NEWAYTI[ET. § g e er e , e l t si t L a n A lu th e .8 . E . a un l of 1 8,otiS u the. 4(Cn. of Uxbnldge, ts tImber tou thie leudla-irât eciess plus ie lnssor to let, Sôucrem -of eird land Put i,Wl oef $1, 2nd Cois, of Imcl for-; m.rlevud'iy E,. obertg. Thua lanA t. Ustto à teody ttnat. Mr. Igue x«'1VIII how the. luud tu Eeai. ialton NOV. laoti,».U. i JOUI N OONET fto u Preoot offovu fer .dAt bis pettory lu Vremsott, mt sxooodngiy 1ev TIIOMAfI MIODY Acets 1wIitby N. B. Mo obauts aud nIrs ul Sd it to thliuadvitrtssgo te fispct Mr. Moouey's utoek,ut th@ asent lit Wluluby, nd-id î'usînlîo li* liot of' ,Meus bsferuoneulItudsepuiivlo potuiclîu. IWAJT.- À servl..ble boy waîîtbu. MeEKIEN.l Partnerghip Notice.' yd IEUnderelgneuld isnti ptiit tiflpity ias #thllé duyeenteregl"' ptsi rssl t h f Wesvrs -sud taltoteos, aud v il coutilumete oau' on tho business st the. Wh sthy Brever>'. CILAS. CLARK il. W. WoJIJIJADIT). Wllla,.Vv ti, 1859. as A Lsstst4budlng aepounits uiust ho pald tn IL H W. Woodlward, vlso wlll alo arrange 41dow ma. -, . ULA Ifit. ci" CAK mbâhby, Foc. 14t, 1 559. wii b s. nceÇ&W %ana for eos-ii e eaoue. le- appesm krfod 'bj bi e-"obrus. n kepe- by Mr. Prang. Truis Bsilwa>, e-b beiug at St. marys ah 1for li4usor', ausd ai. cel>, voe- nt viwu e-e raliva>'tracis a brIdge, bo lest - hie n ebe popspt-te- seh. Nov tomes- the laquest vas bai en lenderso, vuen lt.* a vordipe et meo- tacvu'nkesper, Pans- lie bouc>' vet," vile 0 thisrty miles u*tant tisse. , mpou, )ceie Groiaa, cf e-bI env jaîl yeterday, emais i*t ntîl lue ous bail, ai î)les inear- Ir ui( .-Lo 37 à ro eero eftebe sbp Hor df Boueon, §têtes ebat rom Calise- vhenef0> ad thie uIs/rtusue ho y vitale. The. visal irdstavltug off abot n à s fer aséte vooA ýy boUs bobsays.- .0g groe- 0#leo.aou mb*y Tà u- n ) o keep e-le ahlip fromt impm vers censlantly 1l!> roesed Hampton taseîs luChinsae-Ise neun', 6% an inteval theu following resule s 12, by tIse, eruer of ng ga*c- the number 4279eb50 ;'And tei e-bte rolgu a&b>'b Impeor lHises oung, usacouais ho correct, o Joa4ote t.stppe. D4th-le Chines. popS. yem acr eesd176. tTa, s Saturda>' the 12dm- ~sr~ Gous' Ot' the 1-,e-t ite Of' Whitby Br.wsry. 7~K5 Suiserlbraenov 1,reporaei sn fur- p. sish t. ato f tîso Withv Ilrevery wlthi on uiueoleuarticle Inlusscb quunttl fi* :na'ble ss.ul-i. sd iA eutrite -suit pur. BsttlC o li equittote .lirinrted tartiolo. C1LAItil< &WOOD1WARDI. Wiutby', %or. lrth, 18». 68h4w. OUI ANNUAL ANNOUNCL'NENT S CONTINUEl> SUCCMP8 OF TEM fit seefotiof heountry ellmerip. tienis te this populsir Art lnsttttlotiî (nov nEtslx#'h vear) lira e ing reclwd lu a ratilo unparslleiod vlthttof ais>' îruvloiîu ysar. Amy perse., eau become n member by - eoubscriblug $3.510o illlch vilI oUfitlle hMUto lat.-The becetifs.l SPt ETngrarg, suSaksppre and Hi. Frieude." tln-A Ci'o f the eieganttgJillsLa. &J Art rournt~, ofle $I(f f. &.-À >eu .&eon Admlsshmta fie Oatle', 5US 1roadteay oij m Yrk lu addition te vWlleli, seferl hunîlr.d valuable Worlue of Art ar*e lsva te Suhsciere s n r- touuoia oomprilulg obolge. I'llsgosc lulp. tur*,ôutls"., b>' tbs frstI Auetessu sud Jorolgu Ardtt. Vis. suporb E(gvavIi«, wIllch evMsuluecnl wliewl roclvre fesmdatad on neccipt of snb- * avptlcui, enUsb..d flak.Pearé and hi. I rindu, là d<a ohsivcter te give uuqliallfled atlsfae. ton. No work c( eqisal value vils ecer before plaead wthlu rTeaiof tise Iooplafit scaa pis-The enstavlni lm of a very large ilze, pong pvlnted on Ieitvy Tlat'i piper, 100 b>' 88 in.'ieumekirOb iost sipcnb orulmment, puita FIe f'orth vail e cf sither tise librayy, carluir, o r ofice.. 15 eu be pent to any part if the country, b>' "&i iavtil cfot>', boliugîM'i . lu a c- liîs'ior, Th n lor t 1 Mch awork, dellvorcud frac (f 4!elara, sud the . tJeariw2 vu yeur, for air"~ 4i INR1Tl0NS vilihbccoffived untîl the eoveulpe'of Tuembdy the Mout of dauury, M80, se- whiýh tintethi bocks Witt CIOs" sud ti Puemlums boxleen £0e ubsenhb#o. No peroIs rastilewtedWu nteluburl- tIen. Tlisersmltt!ng 01750 are entltlod te l 'iin *Ialug oto <rtusClubs vil! sppîy for e ietrof ternu &C. Thé beautlfnlly llatod Art Journal, gle. lug fuItl partlolilsr, willi bc sent on recelpe- cf 10 cents, su tampo or cOrA. AddveseO C. L. DERBIY, Ac$wry, .44À. ô" mad,.40 Broadway, New -York, o'u auplor.a-5lo reed by T1108. 3 RL, eatlroIls. Droa Store,) for Whîitby sd elln ty'._ Nov. 17, 165v. 6 STRAYED!1 TRYDfrein the promisese of the. oubeci lber, Lt Ne, 22, lu the. 2nd OCu. Whity, about tii . os f Auguet - 2 our ee~ro14 elferu On.efscomploté Red eelor;thse otiier a davisResu. Au yporion glvlng Auchilu. 'Puit ouaW lâidto the retlfrofh aboi , libieTslTewaýdid.Informa-u 1 tie n bc 6 liat plantes- betel, Uzhildge, s t Houek» otel, EPOtM. 'Ay praOM nnebou Poua.alnthé '»e*u.5ybo(onud sitar t ila notice, vil! b# proeo"(co'lu elw 2 la Con. Whby Lf Co umty f Ous'1o4 deaeuone e,.e«I'oi à ",ma Ds -evas of Ourv-tic Ton Copies, er cccv, <o addru. of ee4s subseri ber, $2.20 oaci. .An>'pensen ssnding u à club ef twenty, or oicer, viil 6ceontitlcd Cc an extra -eepy. Fr a cl ub cf flfty, vo viii aud CtheDail>' 'tribune eue year. THIE SEMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNEIlaseut te Clergymn at $1 psr aunuin. Tbe'Nev.'York Weelsly Tribune, à lavge ight-pago paper fer the. country, faspubtliîsievry fisturda>', sud cuntalua E6ltôrlls outhe importan!t telc olis. -Umea, the. noe of ti. wesk, ?tereitiug cornespodeuc. frem'ail P arts of the v61d, te xcv.Ycrk Cattie, Horse. and Produco Makets, lntestlug sud relluble Politicul, Nfeolassicul sud Aicultuval articlesk. W. uhall duriug tuis year, la itherte, ouitautl> Labo, ta. Improyé, th*e quallit> of the- iustvissclv. eut'vtainment affrded-b>' TuE W=EtY ýTRIBUNE, WhI.h, ve lsttau, absl contnue t b fltatFamil> Wo cyNowapser ub1IsbediutieOMOZ thora te bu ddreited ho JÀM ES S1OI1NsT0Ný .BROOK MST. WHITB Y.1 Jil, lvfolatale 1"#$ es . imounos te hl§ é pua f atronusud' friand, tut ho hanov mado lavas addition. toebià Stock ofý Watsb*a Oole sudan.4 4vellôcy, emnog 0.14ies ud8 1tb, ue sud vOoe.s is" byJe*;%of likth, 1il le osa ROBEERTI CAUTION fI O N TUEBJJÂT EVENING thé. lSth muot., "apersn anawerlng the followlug duuoip- tion, decemped ron my promiswt i bstweon $M3 aud $Q. 1lalà about 21, ycaru ofeuse, b iet a luebus ln hbit, fair, cMiplexion, blue cfùlim. um lliht board, -Ikd on a dsrk Tas di LEportweliow-u tarin ti es 'front of the. Township of Whltby, knovn au the, FAEQUBARBONPROMfTY consltluf 400) acres, $00 of vhlch are clssv.d, [vos (rom ostiip'i, sud lu, à hlgb stato of oultlu'stlon. A GOOD BRICK CO1'rAGEI wlth out-buildingsansd two dvelling houçcs for laborers, a lar5o orchard wlth the. eholceçt fruit which % il produce. rom $100 to $200 annually. The jroperty le bosutlfilly, ultaated on th iiun~ grouud, oeemile north eitihe County Iowun, affordirgevy faility for the. sal cof nil kinclu cf Produce sud Gar- den Vogetablos,, tusbeiugouc of the. bot Mavkct Towus esutof the oite Tu: the. Grand Trunk Station distance twc miles, wltb a fuil vlev cf Laite Ontario sud 'Windsor fanbotur. The. above propcrty will bc sold on easy v ii~ j, t.t B«b%1ýo - o a9pqrqo! ote "rY WIB be la ittUà dau. Onôtwoo, Nv. 55947 TuE OEEAMPZSTLIQU I AT' $X 12J Ci$, A GALLON.' THE CLEÂNEST LIGET I8 Burnmgeli OHE DOLLAR À GALLON oruinste ulutiplicatiou -&bda <iuesist , 'f Kôu.Podci ' wL tlnà e>ltoer agalueît viatever t tedorado Manuel IÂWbe* d t t etslisut 5,40d, f1N1 eemee.It vil! suflez7bly rýoined tbe Ufl Arts, snd; wiisrever Ci.y iMay' nokou.odd thé Àvtigius s"'Wall, teoi *bu# r ý:âdû'Ur ounryis owrUnufngyeck esoy fitedéb, .Whie- ur aboreri vesi fu fruttlese queet cf' omloymelt, laavlug tiaIr Chf[" -in luwahtof hrtvougi the. fermer la tee oftsu' conpellsd te oeil his cropst etacot iudçquatepvMe.Iu111or0 villbattlu; sgnat Filibaateviosm sud vlsîi seeke througii the.spoliation c la tobe trul>' attaiueaod oI> threugh th due dpvopmeut, spd culti*tloà 'Oetoe'? internai rffsonros, It yl i rgeu> ' adeccat a more oftectivoilydiecimiuatiugTarifl';the Freedcmi of tii. Publié' Landas, tie con. atruotîcu cf a' Rallïosd frorl, thie, navigable waters cf ticheiiwappl tote os f the Pacifie, -sud love 'otlî.n mersur vich *coims te us calculated te enhance thse dignE>'t or the recempenue cf-r'Labor and promsot. thé kvcllbalng cf Maukiud. Tihe "rrcprouibls couf et"btweou gDarnuansd Ligit, Inertieansd Poom lavor>' sud Freodoin, moes steadil>' on- ward. Isolated acta oif oIt>' sud adnees ina> for thes mesucut give sasosming advau- togo te Wroug; -tbut Uod &tiltreigus, eqnd thie Ages are truc to llumnsnty sud Righ., The. y ar 1800 inust vitueus a mnorable confilet betweu tisse lrr.cencllab on- togonulsts. Ilhequeton 1"Shall luîmeu "$lavcry ho furtiiror treulgtiined sud "dif'uried by Clu. power snd udortIse gagi "cf the Federsi Union ?" iu nov teicoivo a mnoemuts If net conclsisve anaver. "lLssd for the. Laudicas, versuis Nogroei for thue Negroltoss"lailie battle-ciorcftihe #us. bodied Millions who, haîliug st svopt l'uounsylîauisia, OhIoand. theis ovthIVest, apiemun lu tihe nov Congroe, backîd b>' uoaly over~y Fret s tatc, te demaud a vo- c onogucf ever>' mari'» vîglt Cv ultavate sud Improvo a îuodieum cof the eurint surface wbercever lie bas 'net boc'u antI clpated by thse 8Catels cecîmcu to usotier. Prise Homes, aud the. conuecration cf thes vlrgiuu oei ef the.Terrnleisste Free Lssbor -twc neoquîrements, but ciae poliey-itust lrgl>' abob the, atteution ef Cogrens tbrossglstheosan ssion, as of tise Peeple lu tho "uueceedlng. Prosidentftal cauvasu; and, viiutevcr thse isniediste Issue, wo cisnrot deulit tict the, ultimate verdict will b. lu accord et once witi the dictâtes cf Impîartial Plailsntlsvopy sud thse inailienssblo Rigites cf Man. listing inisîe arrangements for lutter sud more- graphie reports of thse doin is of Conu. gresuq, anid of wlat eduo tranxpirfîug at the Pedal M etropolis «aoitemun wortliy of public regard, sud laving exteuded botîs car Forcigu and Dernestie Corresipendsece antd strengtirued cuir Editorial staiff, vwe belleve "usa Tuinsinep ay sanfel>' challenge a companison wi an y ival, viiether as un oxponctut cf prlnciplos ,or as a reliable inirror cf tic pasiug world. We pîinpose not s o u unpuaid odur ansicipatcd in the cnllection on pregeutatlon cf intelligence, tieugh w, esclîew tîtat ncpitatlou tor en- tt'rlisc gewlslclu lnacqsired b>' bribing mss scugers and elertcs lu puble oficerg to cennivcetau tire prernatusro publication of trt'utics or otîser officil documwents, We prize accuase>' cf attonieut quit. nsmlîigisly au p-Irompîtitude, bstetionevorn ot te saorifte - tse lattenwhitle sccariug the fre.Esssetlally. Tuaiut'ui iii bc wîsut it bas beeni, whie ve #hall ceuatantly gtudy te Improve Es ever>' feature, sud "iusako oaci de>'a a critie oisu Ciuefslut"lthe Tie gêneral verdict cf tic Pretix sud thse Publie bas affirmed the succesaefroUn tient lIabors, sud tltouc cf tie future uuîssîl bis clsarsctsized by equal earnestnL'us aud ssiduit>' We. saitthse vîso believe f be genenul influence cf oe'sn -journal tu> he malutan>' te aid utS in oxtcuduug tiu n ui. once tircughs un inersusut cf cur subusecrip. dions. The Nov York Dlliy'Tribune la printed on a large imtportai sieet, sud publisiied over>' uorning tand ovenlnç (Sun. dsys excepted). It contait)* Editerissîs ou tise toies efthtiCmes, estpleyirug a 1,8!$o corps cf te boust nev.papen 'Irites cf tire daï; I>omestic sud Forolgnt (orrespou. dence; Pvoceedlngs cf Ceugroas; iteperts cf L£ctires; Oit>' News; Cattle, Herses, sud Preduco Mariale;s; eviewiu cf Beeko ;. Literan>' Intelligence; Papiers on Mocianlos sud Cil.Arts. it.,»k. W. atrire te inui 11E TRIBUNE a repspaper te meet the. vante cf tise publi-ils Telegraphie noe 1In __ st - oer-- 5,&I pR d a nnbm. JAMES I. GERIE'BS DRUG STORE, WHITBY. 1Wbltb>', Otobev,25, 1859. lm.mkw. A BY-LAW tcr,'iMaOf pa>mcnt,i Pantues vush te Pur'. yo,tibûl.h (the W'ord. linfthe United Toton- Tzlsusa -Eitier te lot on for sale, eacon io".lfrêan aa bc knovu b>' appî>'îniz to HERBAS the. Manliialit>' cfth 0.FIl. 1)ARTNELL ' United Townshiips cf,-lMasu d Solicitor, Whiby. Rama, hou §;uc.stic Yser 1850, tisn gev. or b>' lutter te crned b>' Wardu, fermed accovdiug te Cthe JOHN A, DONALDSON, loir thon lu force. And vboroeit fis novr Peut-Mastor,- Wcstou. deesued desirablo ;to abolisi snid Nards,4 Pouasîcu ongivon th iseIrfiC cfApril nez' sud te iseld auruasi aggregate meetinga fot, Whitby, Ncr. là , 159, IJS44.1;u the Election cf ire Cotumclior,.ln the place of Word Elections. And viseresa a peti. tien bas belon pncscnted te tthe Municipal Council cf Cie said tJnited Tovwuships,'- signed b>' a usajorit>' of tise qualiflad Elace tors cf said Uuitcd Tovnultip, calling cn % hCiocaucil of uaid Mufficipaity, te pans ~,a $ylaw lunuunformity sritis the Statuts, S22 Victoria, Cap. 88, Sec. 1, te abolish aaid Wuards, viici eaid section isu <clovu:- - An Act te amend tise Aoc,*rospecting t he Munilcipal Institutions of Upper Cona-. Sda. 1-Section tve iiuudred sud et>'-1 Sfour, cf said roclted Acf, la heroby nepeal. Qcd, andi the fllcviug substituted tievefer. In ucas a ussjonit>' cf tise qualllled Elecetor Sof a Township lu the list revised Rosusas. Omeut roll, do, b>' poulllcu, in vnlting aigu. Scd by tisem, appl>' teicocucil cf tise gTownsipfiptedivise tise Tovns;hip lus. Gr Wards, ifnet alncsdy se diridesi, or te Qaholisi, or alter lu mannor upecifl.d lu the, 'Ipetiticu, an>' eulstlng divisiou lus. Wards, tise iciuli eh, vithin ons ruonti he. afepusaBy-law tw giro offeet te tise peetiid, and sahl, lu h By.iuv, reolte TO LE T. iti petitigu, sudaldm theiierouent section lof ihis set, sud $aal doclare tiat the B>'. M Dl'EL Olaitl>' colipled oirawlaas &d lu cousplance vith the pra>. .Le sp,I..Noursc, litii "Prr>". J*ock" or of the petitlen, sud tiat the By-lav lie roek Street, shaîl takoitseet ou thseflrot day, of Docus- Eîtue sl(pim uou lt>K f8l'EE, iuu)ith cf ber ucxt, aftcn one menti rom 'tie date cf M. $tru'oI' lre, the. firat publicaticn lu tome nevapapen lu otie gli-îtwil,( DWELLICG ounIlsocs tise Count>', or Union of Ccuntieo, inuuhici Sviua, sottb 0frJlîard'is 1liel. tte Township lu ituated, or b>' printed r50'feveral ciri Buildings ln varice. part. blandlmills;, potited in At leautvenCy publie orec Ton, j. PERny. places iu t e Tovuaiip. Wlitby, 24th Oct., 1869, 410u .-21,W. Tise afcrcsaid petitlon la as <coyan ________________________ à ,_ To the municipal Cotenli cftii.Unît. cd T'ownships cf Nana sud Ranis, ln Ceuu- " cil afisemblod : "Tic Putition cf the. lndeosguiod Rate. - pa>'et cf tise said Townshsip,- "Iumbl>' uhoeth,- - "Tiot it la unoxpedietîln thse NOTICEei oin of youv ptltloneri, te continu. NO'i-vC Tiî I CESlo"bgvc ht e xiiting division cf the uild Tovnships; Co% Wr NIO, 4tT Ucugier aihetin Wrds, that sait! divisicon deprivS, (4,arter Sessliaos ftie lPenuce andusi Jinty Court hn f our.fiftisof hoir iviloges. As1 vilI bo isoilet lun, sssuîl or thte Cnaut>',fùntusris voteisof tiaMuuioipalit>'. That Ik yon- at tIhe Court lk.stse, i t Cie Town of Wltitby, un denrfu srfiftis eoftthe Council of misad Mu- Tuesléa> te Tiirtecstb dmy cf Decouubet, A.l>. n icipatit>', Irreponuible te foar-fiftia cf 1589, nt Clue Iour or Ts'olve 'oceiocit uon, of Tctr iro, n htItl uo vlwhhail Corouers, Justices of tIse De'ce isud tP1e r hieadts tI no. CI.ii.5a5ies, aual u otiour. coueerncd wtli t ke patibile vitis oconous>', As It lucresses the notcsud goî'ern tlumueivos accordîngly. uumhei of Towuelssp0fficcra,&c., &c., kc. NEI.ON 0. EEYNOUDS, Tour potitionelstlseefcîe .avueatly buit &'eif j. o, nespeetfigl>'requeat >'our Nunicipal douli- l'ter O. Noutrs.. cil aforc,.'uid, te ps a - By.Iaw sboiIiug shmrlf's<hile., uaid Wurdi, and vîiitisje le"ý posible. Wilsiby, Nov. 1859. 46 .dois>'. Aud yeuv potitio.eS', aM lu dat> _________________________- iund, vil! ever pus>'. To Clerks of Division Courts. Sspsembcr 15,1859. 5LLountniex in Bonks sud Accesuts viîî - (ine, lis in dollars sud con!*troITm the firat "MICHAEL MODONAGU, c1 Junuan>' ucxt, lu compliance vitisthse d'JOHINTISDALE, provisions -of tue consolidatcd sct. Clerits d"MARTIN KifLLY, siiould kiŽop this in miud vien onderlng a 4"W. C., MeMULLEN, nov suppl>' cf foruix, sud ethervise pro. "EWARI> GITTJNS, Rare tiioeives o h coming chn ge, I& JOEIN HARRINÃ"'ION, Sultable bocite sud f eau 6cne prectzred Anf othera. ut the estabishment cf BO It tuerfiOeneutd b>' tise MunIcIpal HIGOINS &k NAyERIIOFFER, Council ut thei".U-tdTowuehîpe ci Mars BrocA Çtree, ~ asd Ram;an sd It la seby euac» tbUe Hides! Eides! iEid.s I1 Ce firadaoll. ifsmube BE n 1 wil py h gboutJ -1raîtpublication' cf tus 'B>'vi ufo .Lrc O asisfor au>' quatit>' noc iuvesper ptsbliued l lIo nu> M u icept coutautly ou baud fole l'ytoi aMïn . lonlnd Do MeNURCET. Giesvoed Nv.14~ 86(al67Mars nA Rama,1tIOtbei54 I« / " bIj t'Luaiu*iJfer.a t. asbility, end moi. iatlYuuyU e5d5, eau WrAFFORD T EL IE EElE, Than t"'oWbo5b&voto lzlro th6ii.lOfotb.os: AIl articles soldastths loweat lving Prilofor C!4ahlm0on' iîpiÃ"vsd 'tedîf, Plu"s 'AU kià b'tWfâÃbuer and svoMpiodncetaksu xl mnsge.'A otwsiitd t;. J D9Np4~', à ,P êo5 WINE scorà &iaNIES,&e BRANENBRG& P"ERES 1BORDEAUX WINES. OIUM&P, SUTER kà C.'S SHERRY WNS [Have DoIV asued, vuîucr rox rua FLZCUce'oirOViR, th.rSlg Spensd of' feIr forsasle,on v.ry advautageou4 trm;- BRANDIES-martela, Houn.aey'sobI n'a, Piuot Csetllla . OfNst-lIsollspand dE olui f L'audainlui wood dbothI. Rubis-Fisold London Dock Jamilcasud flenuarfa ALI?-'S"% Aflhopp§asadYff ouIan wood sud bottle, PORTERS-BrddsHhbbsvta 4sudfGulnm nea uWood sud bottlo, WHISKIef-SCOTOH sd IRISH, of te.muit tsvotured qualitiu. PORT WINES-Offly k Oo,' na, uan sd otiier favorte msyla. SHERIS-rasutrkCo.1si D1lamc',<il'a, .. (IRAMPAGIÇES-,Moetk Ciiadop'tansd Mum!u'a, siiilous ether bmadi. CLARETS-Ofitisrlu ges, lu wood sud botl Price Listiansd samples msy beaud on applfoatlou'. !2NRT OIIAPMAN k 00. montasi, lt ue,1525 BEGS te aunonco te bis&nuneroià -fleudsansd custdusoru Câh ls0laflti*iugl - - - IN ALL ITS BRANC.HE, - On the prermises Iseretee ccuspled b>'Mn., N. -Rà r, on Mary Strecet, betyeu By'ron, aud Brook Stréets, viens he là -reparesi, as; bcrotofone, te exeçute il ordcra Iutrusted te hl#care. - 1- . ' CARRIÂGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGJIS, -CI.TTERS, &C., W'mauufacltured snd seld ant the Lolmest remuuoratlag Pucis. Aà L WORK WARRANTED. LUMB,-R and PRODUIJE TAXEN 1H EXOHANGOE, at MARKET PRICES D. FORD'S long experience ef tiiny yesrs in Cie principal Manufactoniea of -tho Stateo sud Canada ia given hat experience lu ever> brnch cf tise business whicii few have been able te arrive at, sud for boat> of deigu, clegance of flii. duvabiiity, and solidit>' of vonkainuhip, île vork esunot b. excelied. 1Whitbl,à Aujrust 16, 1859. gacell sud oso pefeue4o FOR SALE, BLONDIN lONC~EMORE Y A SPAN OP MATCHED HORSES8 And mto!Se ofuu mtadharntes, ais aa O1VEW BUIGGIl Wîti ]Peloa a4 siamt, on viiîeii ime y lie given b>' funushiug approeed eudoraed notes. T. H. NcMILLAN. Whitby, Oct. 6,1 59. 65M*I NOTICE. Tis Ioto*forbid an>' poison or prions A.purebslg a¬s of band, niadeby' Samuel Long, lu faver of Thoolsa Long or berforti.aOum o f 0,dao u Mréelioo rbut thé ilsteof Apnil, 1859. The. Brutyment of the. qot.esme due on thefirst ectbr la$, hIw li aie net Te. ceived valus for the. saiue. 5S4MUEL LONG. ,W hitby, Noe" , 85.48-91lu.v NOTICE lsb...eby givene tust the. partnersiiip Lltely oubsisting betwceu. William Oz- toby, and Robert Oxtcby, both i cfthe Townshiip cfScot the ti.Count>' .0Ou- tarie, under the dam of William ÃŽRobuirt Ox!toby, was hia day dislv.d b>'1mtuai consent. Ait debto due the ssud pantuer. el1ip tire to 6be pald te William Oxteby, Who lte pY& aIL the. debta aansil partsieslip.- 'É L AMOXTOBY, RO3RT 0XTOBye, Y%054 ~ i 1NItmllà 'sOqlsavo RE subacrbosrcquests public atten Ttion te 'bis nov stIel cfsupérlô tcves. TIse>' nleldi'h. lv s ME1 KINO OFaS7v FES - THE PINCEALET PROTEcTJONI482 GRAND TUR4 IRON flUXE, 4,C! S4., Capl âà ud m-eiu?*, 82 'Unwjes os w usn.ýsstii.quss r J aime due, Liii ~ ât à £éâ b' 'ta koober next, yisll '.g,,u nmupls~,uw sslu4ssbo xpected tu beplae.d 0ploela.sovolcin W@ L.L î7APU fats, &PD cE. ,~ StFORnm g MAT fi 10çssonAg Wbl,-PL 28, 1889. Z A LI peraona haviug auy clà imsags~ainfst fýPJmaPh ilutiwe or theiI. Ownulip.f Scot$, dit r,e Y is re eq jse opro. ofKevsuubeine« ~toI!. MoePhsden o tise Vlllg~ o Vrem#qpu1 a% aypersion Ou, porsout oweltlktbthe a4 cf tiijesssd lato .Joseph Tîffin, iare vby voquired to seutîn thei.m saineth M. MePhatlei forsaîd, On, gr 1oo~b b tt1çrd date, MARTfiFlN, FMLM FOR ,SAL T EE Mout-bulf- ofýlotlo; 20*,,bnoken front, Xlu a. t twwbip cf W4kiby, cqstisslli:g aboutý 100 Acre, ,wll b.eoliI $a îwu lot*, l'y PulcMito t Hcuros Wà kelld Contes &à not 9hcobr15peosy adi.Jçeth.1 Tiielot uIlouteenxc.fhtfIli'4 r.s Wuslsbystat!on, and teeiegc.usîtsi lutgs upon it. Th a anet04ceonî.itioso, may bc liad ut 'te r' u lE &'l ui{ÂWKINS Soll1l1*ursj;oros:î's. W, the. uuderAlgned, lavecintered unto 'Pavtuerà sip usîder théien8uIlle '11 style of Douevau Wslkey 4, oc., for sic pur=uOf csurryiugon-tise CaragLe bsx-- nuel al l ie- br.aalheech. tbe 1 reinirs- honotofore occupied bylu, . ures:r on Brocit Str'eet; (uearLy o ppomite thse new Marktet JBi lsliný. ~C. P. ONV . Wlsitby, August.22f 1859 .48 PRIVATE BILILS. PATES INTENDINO" TO MAKE P à pplication' te,1eiai ser bly fer Prieste on Local Bis, cithen f'or granting exclusive pvlvilegeoi, orccnferring cjrate,'povers for commecrcial or <stîser purpoues cf profit, for voguliting surveys- or bouudariea,-»on <r oin isthiii& tcend- ing toeoffet the. nights cf propcrty of otiser partles-anehieehutiflod'ïtttic> ne required by the 62ad,'O8rd, sud O4th Pssieu Fwbich an.1publisied lu l!lunthe Canada Gatettc3two give TWO MONTUS' unotice cfh tii. iatieun iu thei. Qada Gazette, sud alecsu in soenowsewp aper'publi«hcd in theèC ouunty cf Union' idùieuntîes affictcd; sending copies -of tic firot sud last of sssch notices to thé Pilase 1Bi1.llepMo, Qsscbc. "-FRED To), - blif gr oPnivatc Bil Office. NI W. BROwN'8 * BROORtSTREET, WIl'Y AQUICUL'i'UAI IMLIMENTS z Marlcst andBob; Sibiglol ITwo4sor.«e Cul. 1 4e. . s 1~r41aa JtAdieLROSwrd on or JORN 'BRYAN., DEODORIZE» OOIl OILLi' <nom uipleumt sussîl. AIso coi. o i the nostiertylaof-os011 s.vee'u cbasp, *M'OUee froiïe o. lusaiau4pwsrds Notfr.i'-Cho 'wLfg . ï Lyscotape k>pc, and bue- ZEver ti5ng ilu Cie sbcyp ljncattcnded le vlti tî-shii t>' à ud Olsopuesis. Agent Wiltby' October12 59-" TO. TRE, âid~CULTURIST. 0";% Sonll. itrae etSoda, !fltro, 4hty Aux, t5opsotb, 19, &<- To Unir ioeht luit mi i j -f.- 7 1 1