Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1859, p. 2

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evsy swmm .o.ver.je.m Nw% lOtrw oAJ Mar toe. N70 soe" &'M, MW aqTis, ytrlaa Uaahléum u 30,dsauapv..s. 5. . 1,Uod ualasOURNsNW.Mo lrldq.vs Faim wnaauuonn taftely on - Viruus Wcdms.,4j Isnlcsm. oâ'1». 1471n#ft Book of&k k«t hmeasu IMi. Days appOhda4 and te,,,.made as*& tA. i of</t paper. ~tiAon «#rasrg4ed, and arraEgwt#W# ùf0o tA« ow oUt MAWAonae '&ife.. = 3 uid pmtedla tbe beft ,g>7P,2wu hs9 jtheir bilLeat offwtea m&ietr &las oted tm<» the pqw ehmaJ.>w fw 0hrge in cd,'tA.lse. wof. t)k WaNya md Rides 1 Bdeoi-D, MeMmrchy., TO SUBSOPLRS6. The. tenus for th.e8.mfi-eWvin b. $2 50 iu adraMe4 or $t 50 'At these .v4o<tbe yosr. Tie'W.ekty Ch.'do w0li b. publiuh.l'a Musre on SATPEPArN,09si $a 0 f jPt4~ in akane;,,t2 vM W.hb p vhiso pyaite ervai.. demi"".9 w*Pt Mv. de u no h't é 0 deeenoml 1qow Io walid e A Mtrt1eus %4» be Uto uva, uragnaes.c tb f« ou m tlu 1044 téurmu snay, 0 u~.doo r , be mata tbugb demoom W. o l hw Vnbd( aosi tire.Buauu tea foepmuo hmpefi "t4 Do die. $oh" lof o! t is tling uiM ,MA ats4 plme, but by a hS t6LMdvote or thse uA e, "s dtolution tmpln "hldmg l*îala o<seorM otm deu4" w g ngsportions of tise #181e0<ntarWeteispn, tim t ion, teb. ~uspe, burrsÉed d oe*sa"r praetéaly o -de BWrIg tises.points u in ndn,,.maily vielI o. mir tiser a ussod,ltyortbuur set <diusMi." 0ser do miS4, ton, fetieduolts bu qom. » ysputo te rlsk tise futre ofa àatiowalMo""mai to islcbtdmond mut oalwrsamw=cewoàl 0ltlmafey gvestMmesba vigor, fer tie vns'y -debti'ul &Montage of each seotion baVing its oawn Wb sud nidoing igt ewn mulu mi Ieoig-aa 1sII i of no p., clanklug of patren., Md moubal I ng, of g. Partngton'sWinin«motrminsto li a meUt igiosmissions defea, wsumver au appui osah b. ma&e, o.-ma&i lemut ou se oomomseteua équestion, neft tise fgw fat.cperforuner. sic cege'.u twcomvmtaoa <aroe, but-te tise ,seund1 frupatie. ofUse îboîe Cuadiau poope, frw amtboSgfly (<olnw, tistwbose tiseFP Opeaslai bh 0d8, lwiAiaiu foundlsat nita.L Monode suiS zdfflgl ail tise Convogtion »&..PsaSrUgo Jliw b icglis FÎaldin tellesno. tisearn ;iy tvotbiug crta, daisaiouitames5t sisail Isbold e.songb to,,dd, tii. oraez- 1 d euhrto asstd We do mot mewto b. seeeumaldiss bsJr, Ifi ofseetCOOlsý à& a reapecttnl ovordtie patritie gsntleà lo.tss.subare tonna bisv a.uity ofur mise ecottate Convention,' but t*0>&'MidUlftmtim51 sis oumsl meed f« do reinid W lrey toribiloftsu"emtrm 5anSvtrial.Tise mot imargusced ss fiat onceoccrudeinlu*0 e o t ryadtim *01"o udem"ies!. Douuc Atoiuej equaly oo d o! 0gwm ocn"neof s.ex. f> s bng sU t staigu & solprnqdin cealtantohldyq, ens Mas. m rllmggum ou teCi of Stepise*na-aiem i" lig ««dtocason. Tise. iappeneti, se amys tdlainiu irginla. Tise-Court, iseeever, lmu tise story, a vesuy great Rond ti ti. rse's",isi fe ' i.essei orea tu, se IL. S& Ma. tesumlsseedtbla isbeighst, tise aera eiss! »salGreen, Ot pCopelAnd, oui CooS;ýt im upon thae lsonsU»I sai eeytslgvas vers AUsenteai to banusg on, le* lt îbmktcied Vidadestruction. la thm# to<Decmb.r, am itIoi sliGe..Wlse 0(tblis subime ad ileiM orn% Dam vili pte'Brd's seO ntenceSe as mtO bn Paatmgen vie lspon *be bme, -, s~ Ou*0 ama$ y meen at du dsor o e h ouse vIta m " ai paitt,tmiughas r mopmqueezhrng outf * tis emer Hngarla, hic i ai.ý the sea.irster, asid vlgeroudlvpnsiigàaira>' est off *0 pore o! t os' esus tise Adamute. Omo. Tis Atiss uti m moram, ve bave Ièiermol da&tes, te f ii rosi.Mi.Frtington' spirit ira q0p; Za i lt.,olle daW lferfla4iio b> but v. e n eDt &AI>ft tise0cteft vas the C ity er BalW oe h .~Iia snoqual.Thse Atlotie Oum ean batlas. tJoisus te Lsýad 42peraus ed >br Psringon.Bis us ezsihuta asop r oiur(rm -tise vreek oetà vnaei rt a paddle, bat ais ahontd net bave sacddied librado.' TseH.biuga'f44pese'agî a villa a tamàpes. For mm,. Fss-tirgon 'vif Te ahip ObC ise olmbié,,<rom Liveapool, rnop ans patteW 'rei ftb ioHm.G. BiOvu bonni te Miobied beasunntot&lly vreclc. ,sêiai h <etten cottation,' sd f sop - ed, s ai fisoei et. fergl plication. la perfect aase ta ecela««*".bu4oseureon fie Bng0,h " oatbttiea etcà (&M, wgiec,iemilA s pi.oitalvessnditerm le AmenCian ippingfet alop, or politisai ddle,butiid s*lest 'rports. M otlsissSaporw rltivet fi I>' indifférnt b, 'asitt lUg &tempew ior 'W"eeof d» R oyal Ch",e bs onlis si g ati«onal dety<., Sssiblae e-ed, escep fiai tise prospect ef recoveuog fora. Conservstivee may tberlèae b.st tfe geli s.uk- h&ti wub i irs aueouase- ila beus hquie4 ami otso4 adi boum iIug.. NapoleU hadi lenaift mmto t6s luferusoue u rueS on 1&MmMu@ tesi, iai-Klagoflaluoy urgik bittoemi«O tisa etla,'mstuflosalraet gon tis « reor tlt. Lelalwr atu. dEssenUvt fo d *eub. boW dpg "' ,&ep 'd "lesréalédy thse vili under ich ie p lis ~ ~ w" Làe0tlse tcPierUnon o Must-imir, a 01s, he cio tl tisa emmb.'orprcdcblevmed <o dwLis. nsauow encogssserdinledm 0 lovra. sssnt otCanadattIo be ossd In tihe' fo.M 041 ien or two or nrelolgrrý, nns t* wliàl Osiaîlie ommleted tise feostroi 0 otma tro 0( à loca or a"§MIooal eham ter,a.ui pueri overemet srid i mti *wsois£7 satr are nccaril> comnmon te dws changes propiliain thse laetvesolsstien -Men tg, yet 1IaMmddéal&eu atiitactey the peopleort (pper Canai. wilè i net tused upoué principle of epre.eut4tlon 1wj Pepuic Te tisa Ofis resolstimi, Ma. (teor ge Sbep- pa-rd Ïored ssusendmont. litî osfo9,fie #$Tisât tise jodnt of Ibis cônren tihe mset simnple asd effilccole s emfo die prevuillorgilaend a dministra. tire ow bin tegislwative Union oetUppor o ow er Cmai Am te thii asneni Mtfr. Uac&ougai m«ees fariese mndm4 ~propesliss stdike mittis rh gteragoveerntss in thseoriginal resoluflem, man upplY ex. pirmaioe ssué" os oe jo ut Satsisty.' ,Mr, seppaad wlthdicw fi t eient, soiisd th"OfOi ,Moiaitvas adopte- 'fises resolatiom, embraoe the entire îotk efUh, convtentio4--at Ieast goe Much of it aasid4seifllliso!ay otielt day thse reportffloft tieL s wl> e.r excluded, whes, vwo underjWnd tisa tise tollovimg promediogs teckplace: 1. Moei1y George 9, Wlka. or wmt. ford. oeceicby VW.9, (»ri o0< Imsat *ed RmtteJ-TIsat an adircus te tisePeoo- Plu0 dCaoa&a explainiog tise refôrwil de maniai by ths!* convention, ansdthse asvp. 'nats In support of tisoi,,b. preparetl mnd ii7 cfresltcd ttisroughoutthie Profince. 2, MoeeibyYK Leonartof foodonseW OM5<.4Iy-Dr, Yrame, ou4 Reuibvd-Tha a Pdtin t th pryinftPtrliamnt, pma<ts.p.fr tiadoption et tise conlif. 'toanby isePePM#dbotCsr>10. o- Redd, W, ou e4 ThatsàeOffyOftlle promedfn4* of th.0bn.» le e isla,&dtors. mk «« m&te-e f .m--mmu, h Iaell* Womahlp Use yor, sud J&mm lies .sar., Tee nuve "asrdsy, Nor.,1x41859. 1CoMAnrafjO l ut Ligeos ÀAM, The Wnfodon, vos lI&U y *0 Llee - ms Meeaowckmlg, vam Blyké , -as!Pet. tard, voi ýcbauged ithei llngliquor te -S ouerW, onS B.nayg aotassyte l1W lie su.,ent tjèe àisv,.tuemivitusce terns Ma.Bouclaer lu Deirnngo bar4voe ui Bonctser WeCm' oi ois, sudaPosé- 44W terpos stepped, uép tetise-bar aMss 1ercalai ~i glsa fore Ilnviug, h Ma.Dovulmg vooli netlet il. have mu>' Wsuseýolni m i>'fittiIa aslq, o fie ame dayl, atto leFvng DovuiagN vltbea4srnt *vis Peucieru e liat'. "*osscisesef or agimoscfWik- ,»dI ,pemred ont fose0ttie-fiutç0 dmkoal t.Bouclhier tiser"' u»on oufia ossswe la pmymens, ans!aise niel lor ad' i dtuk a oeconi #çne, OaUn "s am, day, vit.es venete Van Slk,nbt eano i14M s4sk tire.j lise elsaagu ee t Dcownng - 4so.Il Sly i . e, d- , ..Plla s.le Id I. 'I i 4 u s. v 't e e e e b ti ise lesos t bu s t e ol» y tW noth Im ise»abu Isiis. boutb aWd puaotbm -w ouaes'idie"t ehamct h sevnly nais.w Omratm àoýd u o lu ils" fapse O F sa,1 .04 mocé eswd f« is lnde<api lnlu nn ihe,1utetbesrie ka loy for tise pu lsbmut odruuhaa4 tiey sisouli mote b sois lr beuy bel #de.la travelling aldm tise ar l11ttUebetté,) àr'pie.ito eMcp drat tisatl bu memst oftbeaug 1wbid Iunota m -bof- ePvSge inbp, s l kîeu fi. motter-lu baI, mdi ie daimri bb h"tiâ luevolmoiép"Meay buemal dm imlctdin iseoe iagrue<nlpteoeedngs Thse dwelllng bome et Mr. HOulle situatedopot Np,, 4, la ind ,MCm,0 Esl ucivsburned dowm ou ThaI Idebo Nov. 10is& Tsebom'usemd eeu en vboly iestroyei d <rettoe coi be eire.Tis r asppsd1 a 0ouae proves!mort suctu dln-upprns fins fie disoriedy boumesWh".c4bega t spuimg up ilu *0Tovn. 'Thuongs fie s fasymem . rmorWto tbyHRitWorsi> dti eousrnity tn longer acanallsd by' tise pieseueeoftaning Dp*soede la Part in Mra mom publieisorogbfm The i (l suienttatsb viiivelgis viti0 te-payep in fbrorrg fleiîgoo! opinion otlomr IL" P rmors flanml*0ptbetdal seaibling tht viii««ve&Pmigs is o. f tuusetMa COOK#» coKNEPooloNDBNcB. Tise (MW.o.t0e usget confectiounit ta toise, mai fiai viii doubtlceu have b.- coma m leo*fs;~ratstate pmper 1i asanov sss itn vocesyonr «S« eàe1epu boas ailse eW fieiMI- uraebere, osa f* ngwo-powubly bai( a ome-nub.u odi 'lu fe; it>' vie, mile fie, dodwi "y tiey appreaof< *0 paogruo* ê &Ww an te 0 bah il lrtckvileCtole sa preosa bele! fii diemkt4ptseqaisewbomMr. Brewnu ,asMWae- obisaid Wini dvise s»eans<or mlsyu mliiatl n sdi. laoductg ds m-ssgloaMo'» poltiomie-am las vIsodsnSe-,Ton fe yeAks sornslb sorts. gai a are &Vvcr y uvllg v ae fi ghim tiai bu' aTsy oonduel opimg are ver>' uach sginst tise uovemnmo ao, -bat " og rentï etsum bv, oi more 1prokm1,y <ai more desperate 1Q ebcéed i ïmis an&Torytiseres wrod6st imio !l~~m$ags sil probabeibtstishe amimal viii groir unions lusi lsnrry. 'Witb *0exoept of e me lu relation te tise political sme naUpper Ci" u 1 let 1, or tiereaboute, neos0se ames or toks about thse convrention, and 1 aiy quetlespi-betieil1Out oftbpesos k*50t1 tlatuk m ýas6airifteo ome -jo. i tg bi th eierti !uyuoclwn oui a poli" alexistencaS gai&, Se su aine sblpvrek etit setur t" ié un 4 * ?ek. betbe~ r. R vcrondold lie e ti.Wisetlse DArcy MOG. Ilm doe smore boImw tisuis good t Mr4ou" 7 &sato eMment for ever, Voeuinet wisetici tieflMiùùld ù« remilido fts or sol tisingelsetla>omiu ae " 1ccu lOÎIs. WbedserMicomCasnerou'really k nv lelirelu le geBrosrm, or vistie lUis Wlutis a the.semèreea ef eDr, ýCboaoopinion sisouli idbceasidercd *12tb. -Wletiser 60 GritERouge -and! , Robge.Git affaira are neton fie vIàole p ettcniderasl tangedamnixed op. EdiMr.f or 1I opinionate tisai fhée teregofng piltsiims ie, oft tis. o isumortamci Md thisâa (mctit vould vciy gral ailitate thingsinlagcncrsl ifth"e eeodydispoed'otbetom"Y oiganle changes wee irought up for debate. Beisg di Mysclts lover o! peace, but visipi tét au otiumto Mapon a aswâdaàd bonor- able buis, I coseve itvwouli b. for the latèeoeof pullie rnorslity, tbàt tise coai. tiens adirteo.in mluocerai ert ties.queuest siohmidiseexpomWsdcdan ie te b. <ir eo adhoncat, cli.t*0re vill b. Iroorn for (ear atti n lu fig uure otiors equWlyuiagmiar sudi7 inosrecuble ou *h01o4 faiiona primeiples of tisitis sud hoaor> snsy b. baoughtaboul. Nov fiero ta M. Thoma Fergusosi, foi instance, vho ma sMost'las. pasuiomes!"aupevcr(mfal àad vocate of Oran,- geula. Rpsuseuteus by Popnl8Fa n' m fihe etimcýtio2 et Bepart. SMlso11smigus arrange a cernprosn ivils MMr, eeO; tbis aColonelPisYtair, visoola*0 am va>', afier lifting higk isfé ef«m cano,.m rnsgtjolMr.~oulai,puosoting a- nezation; thisc t--b'ut-I rtu for o tise ucre posr.iblity ofsuebIscnn"si JO tee spollug te b. lmagaitiseu",teIo- 0"o, sui Ia&mnàa ry enistolm mouMr. Onutisehote 1tsiAs, lt-y»l areeil for me nowttego te b4.d, sudires. off A Chidli em igh Tv. Jieado-âane. ewefulAmpitatfion of Ose* lu glitngvhat tellovsi tm"I ho pro pr to »Y tint ire findt h la a&Cincinnati pip'ei creditei te 96s correspondent o! tise Norths 'Ol i'telti34etSOptembýr, WJas4 ciili vas bora int*0 lova of Palmnyra, isavimg two beau.- ,Tisb a*etù&"oiste paets are 'oha sud >Ikîy Waed.Thse ina umter' ai bleaiacmei os ucsrly perfect sthm î of musani,"t'Meay,; *'tecond,, or nan-i terad iseadýiuesceneeted--by a nooli of miset * aal ehadae, 10* baci or poateriom Oart fe luut ondoya littie abmotise, f t vieiê*0 eai Md Ssek a(uàIfyjolis. Both i1ad" voeeof about t "M e. size Mans! tuopposite vays- Hala grev peitcty naturelou botis alpa but tise smimi 6i s dsifà fir>wlaninl ttruife.ver. a fMomistliirreguJar. tiea vsrtseaeorf<satures soni bare baenaspes.4si a; f natureauctmpted toù 4onu testures, but vift suocese Tise iseati of tise cisildsOemed gond, s"d. h grev well i the *0ltis e!tise Presentt mftL.(oefober,) vise tise muSumbeail vos sueceastssly amputafat t e kliy Dr, J.. Mau JSnon, eofPittsldk1 sa diectionof tissiowçd tisedýmU te lie ceimposiedoi bweaad Îi WiUé ahe via Ymuhity ls JiW c strawlre are eeJy lgniO tien buristlto mu unmuèoldam, sa e lest endi n lu eis.iouomy 4, pd qality lusà peer mau, for h leuIalàis vautn,-sa mke àlifw goa gmetvay. Ee&Mty fi"lis sdeep sOleep, Ieelling :oll witisout 807 regardlbfr auk or wéth. Tise FeLLoiîrnz BasBmras-Oge ofltie train, faom Niagf ar OlISfls " morning bmogita youg vOruaý n, uber îay front Detroit to e NcvYoriin se of à.asmoa Whsou 'dibe hadIoed, nes iaely but too vWeli," o. ppeaaoo, m tliated Sue 0a- ied s letter îrittem by a elergymn o!D. troie ureo.d to ,d"ail iso. lmay con- cernf'l ," u télàrAlrcai Oias"luWpartie. ta.'. Tise lUestsWbforth l in feraisf dme condti«ofotlhe bcare-tse caus end couasquences'et icr indiscétou, ami tic valter am"ite ail teo mstthe vkci àI nàiplaoed onfidnce te li ber belsrayr se vent long on ber vay eutari"ki doty deternzind . te tirev bilf ,spou i 4s probabletiataie, viii etaiDoneatis facton rom 'tise ma# hov isese lembe- susme.encrmhly ýbaie bearta ateeled mgaiuatthe sappuiof theu victime. Mmcli serr,, a4$ismew O estd .avokide f vo- émà coul i;le maie- te lnderstandsud be; lier, Ibis truth befre'tey tabe tiseflrst ~î fouglsmmbl to s Mus. Dr. IqiisSéyerHo.irobs u&Wj keep a0"t ntil 1o eornrnssieaseodlc"alg thesuijeets 0oris. remainai Ù4a peuicoâts, pantapnk.,tla ail leir utes, mngtilacouple leugils ami ïeàd(i. Aid s tsare sme of* tharguineuis mAM. expreséions uses! b>'very marroir esespe., *0e vitcs. Buter B.IL IL scioris vwraies gays: . fosPrinc e luirlco Va.: - -,i ' I ar gla tiaI smca'4L . ~!Pi I ~Judge Gud,-i hope ve am OU l.tater and!brothernlatise pltedimt ima$elr 0 or ,'s rgist..,-od !religion or iai lu*0m inu s100a ni, gv itb mereqntre tvoýiyeS in te mi1ýàî tïbe. wyettm o th ration, liefora iselpia ,priciplo fiat 1 amn idvmcing.,As >'pvd plac on tse Besit. the styloe!d droie<m netblg cezn! ý4insthe0juge, vnieis sister "B4V' (cet MIL-7>. eer te fuar mould b. tise cam, cau ony suy, fei-on -Uail fiatelnceIo;Lmt fie Ii ltter ee ,-"aid asan les eubjee, a lady testeithe motterby rvsg "slect oue>,u-i boatiise caisaseqrltA«, ms itiai oti n hy, foSsd tie gresat eiefit froua iseWleg u.boms tirovisr1t a vle doiag, , te visk, osa-àtrou ', fsud malin6 ansm oioer mfia icmtuc. , ,"ris zyntIsât mntPr sinu Mdt tuevs.r1a. -à * asssy sli.ctselu re nerasucer.of lslem eldu su tins vosuiy visehave varn fie Bloomer 7e'd" e00 on o o r om rees twl -dil ear0sai suuMaméi P. -H1 bave lyet It o tracve ituSlmpoSter r ee t, st. 'L ,or lnetattendbng lie parlg e tse1wards.Tise istert .«M; WIle ou the otier baud I imd,*uciWh P"MI4 loirs. ite admire. I go npou -the pwiat<e of0an tis e 0< "eqasl ~ ~ ~ ~ an thest te ml." W hy sor -Bdre ~ iellcste for s femolei veu Pents th"ia. tis iiscmoflêstôrsa for'à s ise t0 ve sagowra? Dis!Go&eteéguusfy sr £i pe Crbcertain ames udMregulmtions cou, bige vie ouid cfî ccassiug thekesaiof AMon. md lEeeîSitido. Dis! ha nmm sreas tiem qual, ike, ssov. 'ine-poaatlaity? 1, - 11 1- ý,11. The Accident ou 1%"&a tise questina-N"hit Tise vrite menth ie folloving inci. ~ pasuing doeng *0 streets o! our"m ~ - citye nq long oélue, !uoticSi a lay dreso. aid1f the * heiglat - of <asiinw,sMene Wamert reuy idesirous or eisiusg te tise oppuiga -- A l'iei oide 0<0ýit Thýissketbiuig rery . o t ris> -eiy 14, manage. teaecomplsh * thef Sa ceusé Tlle troin comsalned isiseot ftu. rom tise cua0geOf sie&lliey; Cbit1s90,go, te (Or ashe umt cid se leber allis or dra n eg s"-,. theisn tb*0mud.1- 1 ifflu lm en , t'y ofthfe lnters, and BuWmut k Bredstds-enosllquie, exept <IoW vriih àiulgbtly imrov.d'ts. Ioo,-,quoit- dies, Ricisadsen, Spec..& CO., report ifur dm11 but téaAy ea i M.àê179.T 1Wiscat-11 ud stcady. 'Beài rpês Aimcrm s. Bd.a 9s. 6d -,Whsite, Ii. Corn-È~u n pwaeid eýyvltb sa advaoe- of G ,to là. perquarter. Provisious-.geneily dm1 snd trm-. ections uDimpb.juu Lard~ quiet mà Dsovm.-4uige Gouid met vith an ne cient ai Albany yesteiiay misung -isw" p1socubis Meifjeeporiy. . ,Wàdinutise met et stcping fao. thse Hudon River fep,. zy-ist, upon tise bridge, ha 'ipe5»&~ ft1 lcot dse-a1- Thse --st vasmeroing <rom tise slip vis ete hcdeut.oceuriedé »maisc vosnlatise fac f et"akbsve o 'eue friemdaclst tse tiufV e vo.probsliy' loekusglaaoordeto"ai .L Greeasvooi Min.- n'the ckifre U ffud and trutmWdgi levwigl. NOV. 1.- W.. -Ahfr di tilcl in MI snai wuy ~paSduss2, 1 Il,

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