Whitby Chronicle, 1 Nov 1859, p. 2

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av~om~uuT idt, aise bu #t t. show ,' oas O(Toupemnd4sWhtby Divlsioa, No à1 Soie Rail, We4îdmyevoumlnpm Monde>' s 'hsgm (food Tmpla o,, Is»Te4y qVIDb £plmoep.lOhurels, ts', KgIrn te, Il~ ~~a à lok a 0.,mm 01oeock, p. UseA.(lt- Fs tohChoauls, me.oos' ,Inmutet, r$eof 110m and 11 trem l eok s. 04, aoolk. P. nm. xxv. ziOWEY, zwy 11,1ok, A. m., and fp. S W'ýeom y. utodit £%uréb, ooro f Cntrs s1nd Mary tro«*t, 10 30! 0,1044 &sM., and 6 o'clook, P.sM.. ,Xxv, ML. RUNT. United Prmbpeifma Cbarh, Mmdssnl< in- NsbPtiéChurèhs 4#ol.1P. . Mii>'Su - C«r FaimFi. (*UW<DQuarter i>FIn t- Firot Wofdi u lUImember. W'41fr. aou<enlngs ook of Sgale -kP9 heae ai usual.Days appoinie- andtenu made at Me ee Oj f Sml# pqper. 4ucétlon ord#rs rmdeved, arn arraisgmm>ts madefo,. othen fou>a A4uctloner.'le s farAncica Blih.printemin atise lu style at (artser vedmed icu. (e-Parelee pnocurlng t/ad,.bille a #/Ais office <MUhave tWr nSalki note wuzde .proper heac4 fre. ofcharge mtni- Wsek4'Clronki.. ý s g f * - Aucti4n sdes to Corne O Sale of John Lawton, of Faim stock "ce Lot No. if bh mis.uPickerng, on Thurua>, Nov, 8, 189.,J. C. Stge New Atlvartsemen tus Day. Téo CeIm of Dviuloa Cmol....gîmà Blondin Once ore-John firyase Oponlng of the, Nov Scotch Kfrk. Wlihby, Tuody, Noveur 1# 1850. The Conuwati« Nomrb. It implesmit enougîs for-W, vWb, have nocfalth ln Counvernimýmubol upon - Writtcn Conmdtlttiow mai&Poole# (grsve fllng, t1 examine * u ouislmre thon AMasi calaiiies which ik le pomed tb'r e.dy by Ibis suret -fanclit pparatts, The- tstges ofthbmpreesGli tffdbmea M Wrmn niof (*oldmithlm laughable sout d het b lncremed Importance whlch safreqamatre- petition and ile rior impart4o thse moml t4fling circomoances. Thse bil l ficpmn.d fred>' by smre Idie and dluegar4dd *ry of *alitile dog 11tiss s-gone Ibro' a nelgis borlng village, and whlch va thoughî 10 be mad bymorei Who mdeuu him, Tb@e neat saccows cornes that a mmifunatfrurol a certain maau bit ive geemeé; whlch Immedlately mi a ud<oammd at Ibm blil and died lu grenti nemoon -afier.,Thoen «omesan a fectiq MSo fLlittie boy bit in the log, 8aaodm tob 4ppéd i tShe mlt vate'r. ¶Vhen Ithe People. bare suffcleatly sbaddred uet- tisaif, ,y are eoagcaied b>' £ <ilgisIisIaccouasof a mau vise va MW' Iltely Io -haie 6&d-',trois a bit, he had reivf orn yaebe<ose. Thi reialo sprepere thoeway for uwmfOsbvNl more hideous, naboy IhebM@@W d' oa <sal; i>wth mVea mai!cbdkeu wen ait Ntby amumdjuM'& aid bow IbmPOOrc 6feebr fuperceireftW iafeilhbyai- o loi foraà dia if otvater, in wâhha be. it munI mm# fl gom m.v" th se4 ewildhb Jack Roblumon 1- Thm e ,réfislo< vels iompsiou. ýod'dimplay'. lise>onm p h >' ci m onisad m pg rà"lon sudr v e la mltlug uun .4 . W.isoioug 11' belleve bovever, isaItise gimat. body of idm peope elu to àmidde and aodý OPWinn.They Perem"e tmotud vounu bave bmulliect a d mats!lsfrmltimu rýeveie.Tise admsmml su y'dr>me& coisimntiaItise :puit ame f<a irm bolet OP to tieheglt t hqr romulod b>'mti eosseegM"1ou0 âd -foreaèmuee eclsf;lm*lymqmal t. thésevoiin5 of tise Otatevemmel, provdedonlytWstiè 'mleco do tiseir dety whig ealled upo 0exercime tise bigluà't' t 001o'%dÜd ti 'ponsibie situons, via :-4wýî 5Ie e rascMse, almwe do 0ot uatéisl>' dmfr rom vhaî fisprofudimosigmithscout wl'r f oui oppemutm, but ire requin mmr, sution, more macritimme more temper and more thme; .lbm ti!r ambitionds ïléeaeme llioed l gut r. Mi Mva4 ;dre, e a meeting of hli Mondse t tise mchanice'Hall, in bis ITes'n, -On Friday"oinsaglait. Tise mml- lng, s advertsed, vas la meeting efthlie rPart>' for piiii' 'urposesg," non@e"but Ibm ("esde of them"1Uppor Canada Oppoiioh" belu; allowed totie pailla tise piomed . Inga. làachier ,word.,Il ws.ma meeting of rà tise clique comsposed of Ibmhev Gits lu ,le t#Towa cf Whitby, assloed le 0W>' tise boucau ofri. George Browa, Tiser. migisî W 80 cf lis frtersltypreumal...scs more--tbe remainder of lise aditory bç- aorvasvee, end 7elbois, total>' OPPemdt. MEr George Broyâanmd the P-re"'tzmone. men of itisim buholm, th'iastlgsioi. Bo issaêup voie tise Gritsiof tise Towna-fo seateriai for s cisairman imongat tisese ; jeýtstisI by vesoligedtoil pe oag"steemvis sml>residmist Of tise Tova, to ad t a i apaclîy, and amucoi4 lagI>' J. S IL WilcoZ hq., vasmeetm te ,diselms-thIbmdalles. Mr" Mcvaî's as, Aequmtly rdefum taie, thal Uppues C. nadlusm iad te pay for lise public e rS e! Lover Canad; tisaIt pper Canada vu d b>' L0o#e- i nds; tisaIUpper Cana. daia emore -otrol et Iti ovnagafars nov, tisubefore Ibme Union, mmd -ln Ibis rempeet as verse or nov than tisOa 1ho cacue mmmnviseruied bolore tise union 8POkt the came isaguage,_ and-véocftise ame cemd vils Uppei -Caadians, «vise. mt, tises. bo rnled lson"s apreact ie 'altogettlerumcaof otherIdeme, wvises. 1 patisimavero lai Mmre strengi>' lanfaor of1 a lorelgo nation, ,tisa usaI <rom viels Upper Cassadlani 'sprung. Thse Revenue belag £U6urmd j vllisouî i.snction ParllamnIMl tise enoieamlug mmd 2Sioa5 0 salaries at pleasure b>'tise Govrnunt; tise clam OfMr,.âA. P. Maedenald;qtise tiemesslof thieognormi teuure; i, e15,0 fraudol voteWsgiron las Quebie; lb Telloe e ction; tha lus e! 2609M0 thesalk of Gnouent debeutasris, bl ppcrtdUpper, Cana"apsylug ý l' thsrdso 0 ervmuand i. Brevn- 'loi paotiso Ceste sîtte. ou publIe countu, voesIbmhe norlastlng tqele. vWicisNr Mm ovaI dviii aud v'Ihs vi beentertalasof bit heavn . Ho tmp '1 tojustif>' Ibm pns.t sMvemethky tatla tisa tisepeople e! Euglasd hddm umeblugs40 baîCawu y ot" tiainl&"f vas Wb@ «Cromvel r lgini lotiseniut"I1' ' &H tbelamf poouedsaf, yus i4'î sa0d ,ie 1 shéra mu eaanof bis'j ou, eboà 0,&PPoarqtoi syverehbe de le Md mcu . As*a repsrsessuveof ltse iole "dIg tise say tisaIhoiaboudt i hae eoned bis imeuaomdmddreamto aportimof~ tis electorebut tisaIduais m cossmtlntb sihoati bave been vitt e arviat ho: ld to my, 'Téoa7 dum14eato<lrýftw la ve W . fu&te-m Itàmbiwed a verni mdmnttng tbo ho w«@ vrekaown tl eWiieh Tisoet fmmsm rom "Whsgbry ',teh 'balla in-bl4Ton uStudyvelg purannt t. o uraei rm b & ah. u4l0" hallon Ibte n" seveuagor lise purplof t lectlug -'eam thé cGri convention ou the Où < of eimi i Wlicz aaluiesneà 0sechslr, aid Mi. Bec ce sSecretia>. Tiseesui fnly cstud ait, pre a t tiaInoe von Se laie part'lu them proedigi but Ibeme Ila <aver 0< 9WCpbntiou About 15 cf the 29 voe m lua:to =by one silsrlie majorit>'etof t ?ievai lîbdrev, iming Itmhe ictO il ent cf vhicb 5 vere tobeumlected. Tisevotebaviag boo en . mn fer maeh oethébmmena, ewuted as fci. 10i >-:Chuater Disporu1 'L 9"uc2a; J. Palmer 17; H. Aais 141 W. W. Cald. voll sud' J.8IL M. Wiiccx29 mach, <tthe vbholo forc;) JIo'n Beng&s 28. Bea. gc0ugbWiicozý, Caldvei, HoucSend Palmer yen IthendeclaWio etho ie lected dAmi. gales. F ourinammvere ssbquntypuîuop sesom monsud zociref tise toioviag votem E.Aae29, <Ibm vbole force) a. Assies 22, C. Draper 7, W. irow 1. das ansd Misses Weisg eloccmd.It vouid besau iamitlemaythîtbeme meareprentmdlf Ibm oith, iilelgencm, or isca>ti olme of thse Town cf Wbithy. Tise>' m>'i repreet thse 29f andsicarcel> tisai, for some, ofti sprt>' vbo vore proeustvo Ssov1 nov id (simt vitis Ihm Solution. ThseÉ represoutation a. <ai as the Tovss cf WbWt b>' la concmd simpi>' rIdicubou la, &Bd1 viii be iaughéetilb>'an>' one icquainted1 wv!* beTOWv.,Mr., Wiicox, a4 vo bfvl mttdelseviere--is qRt a reidmat of tise TownuAt ailad yet for thm salie ofa&P, I pearascem lis simois selectd. Thse wbole a Ilüne ltSe 'iconvention"itslf lail pinc cf dception, "amocher>', a doluicu, sud a muaft.ire. Ilspeivei tIb hie n o r fo u r ib o u ssad q u iet, a d pdi io i s citiznaisItbmty did not lie up tise 29 cosisrat abacS 16 bacS, id ducS Ilsesà Tàe W&Ohmu aOr the Llbei. k1 X. Waflacm li Il il e be 10r o f tentlon of publitisng in one of the Town papoue a Hboîlou article on the Posmuster, l nas s ie, b i s orîm 1 remve t at ge t - man proved umrcef'And that be *ouid do mo la order :o1 ive Mr1 MePie. mon en, opportunit>' of bringing anation for li 'bel, auJ o u that ho (Walilac) mght bla a better position 10 ubtantaî. tise o hi ges brought frvard by hm , attie l invetigallo. ia Ibm report of the investi- 'ation already prwmnted 1 o u ede%7 it 4l nu m e , a w< Faris r and o oren et-~ge ~ nttPmt ,* , t er r w M a t e v n e f't é j 4 n als vblh Im>'onmaipao, àIbl, s.cy aand uu>bermuoiv' gly aidl 1190 orue. te am eoater ansi lmI offie. 'lm 0*èofllcy Mj< gmi Beach, Ibe'udloicI m V&h.' lî ý4 f) ; - 'e ' H l y aM d day 0f1, g e s1Th" a igr Ibrougbe ouaaforIbthentfl v t ,ls iscsPrO vldeM b u blem med the ble IbsIbl e wpouulug tiatM WMouithe BanS laiftfvmeh, *ia'lbu titit5ôISjwv onî sou are sfmaRreateaoi ater r ser et; toat.TIs 1m. ulputhepblie on Isola 89 md Lui 4u à ami nro s il becoW...j Acnrmislg Jss:lttiôszla cosvinced o( Ibm yb <st1he gureS tiserein iate. A p i l lai t b m AI5O Ob iS O 5In oir d 1 i 20b proemlufor mv murire fr£64 £818 Stering. -Tisislàa s iom enor»moaa bumfncu veus fr imes cOfcommrilpo - Pr» peiltybntIbatcsmà>dOWîIiamase 0( scaîcit> sud depreasion im ebaepe m md ~ ~ ~ I O tb o g - S s pivii , t s I e mry m a c. nov fel <omistisaI àny' ssdiocf bisous 1 a y p a t a p r o v i s i o n f o r b i s t amù 'l a n a.u ù aysiling, sud that itbm oui>'resed>'àa je Wbat Ou uO" à m esý Aid au u immund tise no'mm longer,' up 1 thon, ye m ue'4<die inaple, soumento Ioy es De.sm, Coe i "h1iàgyosu' momlearcnmd patoce, Tbeachage cf acres cntsUm'er heed- e W lso v o ulýW l f r i . e u sf y s e d If euh ifm scame, and puiseà AàS, U p I t 'i e i mp o n ,'ý m d 4 I b u h a , » ' Lot Wbl., by us ise'ait;é mmtr,,,, Headém" y be Iïuwmrw lCh utr L ed by ' ae i.f.f so t mé m d: g aiscit The '# ul f as,,m u s W4s Z war1 F o r v eli v e vo t,às u d& U haov e- e H o v gp on t & e v a , n I t Ib ere " rei l4 f "lfo e o u s , i e a l Y O D c h ri Upt ea d vh- ornobly 'e h I Ad maoe ou .< f plK ov.ue Ab." re kh vV ailremembte Wrn hoadel bu, by 1 -ffNo Whoc it it hlmcompmerVBJr Oai k Co., B>' Oabbagedeaf la bat ye'lilknov 1 Au emblese liSefe l éamleus le W!!! cause yourfofa toijquei ud eqamai1 Bal <ar lieYlid t *Ïil;nl WeIsber, M e e's of ba g",a ifi belbr, " (Tho' enrg li~m s chpm-fe A skia Q o ~i Uya1 Pm Kra or'ým Cu 1' hhbliw tion Z Worship oiscosplainî f Mi. JobnAgnew, for uiag Ibreteaig lusflten md plcig bimmeiat a irealeaing attitudelortise pupm famitissg bise s tise staic Kr. Agna ted t lat bu veut fate Ibme fregh ,ofim 1 bm tatin aud, mde, e n u r m e p e c t i ag ' i b m i m e o f t i s e t a l a, <rmPrt Hope le Piterboro' that ho !epeatedbit inquir>' Ihimelim ehfore Ibmo Station ma$r ede blise auMyrepi>' and that after Ibm Ibhird lenqair>' theStation. maser rome plced isesefinla a thretez'À ln g a tM d e s ud tu r a d h i s e A g n ess> O n t of te offic. Mr. MeMane deied ibm charge, and produ cd là b. r hur io vas la tie o ffce s -the'tim e , le prov e that,, ha bs as wm ered Ibm en qir >' cviii>, sn d lb4 he did not kav nyhig abot tie ime f the train vbichU1r. Agnev maquir!d for.j Edgar Mi-amdid' notm h is brotise plce bbaeiWliia tr.aenagatiud-M Agnew vas uredout. Mr. Âgew lso mtae,tisaI ha obtied al1 Ibm i fo rm mdo nyi o4e m dS lm b >' e ei - I l tionuter, rom tht--porter TrnS, sud intention o'f MoMin la>' violent bads n on bhi% f e s ot s ~ e e ont of ýls odite.' Tie Mayor defered bis decision uni!! W se. W ad dle vio, wu ! <bo d d runk on estet on the preions vning, sd uvp by RiS, Worbip la propriapenï WùdCEWT ON 15ii 0VIorltL'TAJag.l ,M.Richaérdo s MAnMa'Torb.s, 'e. Henberaad Bon me aort yen brou4s cêNs orsmblp chargd vils' SÉkplg ho m o(t iiif sm e-; a i y um o Name>' SUbI,. ad-Elles itSulou astimilar coma. 9is W-cmip and the Cometblama&md. b alc i v a " a i t d ia i m d i g o l.' o as Ùe at m odof IbIS rom bit o n bw orva. Daiod-km vIL n'ade&-&No e enIsnov? 'To v e*lp b e wuse l m , a t y o m e 'Il. îW I t i n h" e mi , Eâeisu-W.î ssal' f e 5e amarebi lof . 4' ýl i Q i> <ur eadr is ve noit sd msade Ibis provisiou should loge ne lim in doi6g0'Ot soiadwre csanolgie tiose.&abotter, ailce lisa leoCali onthe Agent Of l e A s. ào a io sc f r s ýa d is tict, sud jel a torse ofpioposa <rosehi.Te ithoral and boumficial e amuere .Oiuweoor, Sor som Lki~...t& s nov Scotch Kirk, st Whltbyt, vil W oipen. id for divinq rlcenS~,4>yje x theb 6Ils net. ThW Bey. M.MNueB suanvilie; Rcv- mi. Bain, Scarboronis MudRe . ,George, proestaprt Queon'm èloe, Kagsim reexpected teo ficlate on Ibm occaiosi. 09TbP rriespon <TieLs dms Stanreports ImdioWllteaetiug "Tha datis t Ibm àure1dAru stLyou buai é thne bmviole devout populatiofe dsietof tise Emnxoëte Isuruyrovdi ito M T ha bbe Lacoerf ho su rem inod v i hl or vsevoual menâs *à i1vlbb islls dyjqng1laur"*, r- aim e I uret vndron'uenlaomm, n smmns~ isèpas.ge romlite 10 deas 0o asi é b Mtio f tb;t b. ulalsarsy ngblattisue tomb of the d' -s ,eç, co us>' fboiov ho taie;sol in qmSanliM4auqieI' o 1)00 enac t Itisegrave cf o iar Pailu. Theblme a" made tome',tIé conght by 'a prayou'al Ibm tnev"sicli iuvsu vise ulifl>the Campdlb.,hri of 15.ýPrince-ImperW tof0be ovhsg to th eily ,Iwomiz'itevComclen, lamtl bhua tc c 'Pl Ic thmy heuram nb, zpreé.ions, iýt éï 'ibm co w <afj im lai a r"n>e , d nOIbi Uu7p but courtes çyl4 fo Mr. N- ,c rk. Frsmî' * ~ ~ '~FPOLE, ht Parffa sor . Tlmesst, b T he ar bit fi* qu qW '. clones o d et W II J 8- kl"dpeop e cps <rom- PUaiaI IÀbIS ýanJdBavd i4 àon Of iseparÀÂboadng hoc"etalu twoiVîis4M Ibm ou!yoetvlweh u internaIfor thbm>c me nnspu-4,IbIme$mdml~ e~ q»eday: t ot i* bepemer on- goaPHlnemA fa>' laIbth 100of Lrds; It l iD4sàuncathes17 W 4 *eli t 'mîthUe 010v>' belo,Buis bu Royal là *e mmd l sud mde il polair. mvdId n041 p.,q. The re ir ng à i&r imàbetca h 'the dirool, 1"! Icmr vicb Ëpýipp ri'lo bougtit,bet,, o sngt, vho lesrtâ a bo"risg bous to cemýasùiseïr maide. haIî ppià imie;îa »4 conseqm l choose for it bsj i tIS purpome tIbm largemî aid mml <amllcons. (rome lori bie lath p Ib ýe,,young,lj4y, Who Wbad ;58 amni neyer bç(re i lie nrfsîsol rcliosi bac r <rmChuter, wvs dzed saIthebMa> - Whe' Ifnovant a cjtbe1asbionabie,4oaiing, bon"m, vbfflish 41 thl Ibmtench ladies are cf the--.bigbeiî abusdasL« rauk-c< macbh h-is rmski 1'udeed, Ibat ýReports em' re evea ambovée prejudier, sud - boiave chainee in- as eoss people, sever ' fwoi -'dan Ilt e 0co Ide. Sho found eut isesedite> ' tisI edab&Ibme Ibaas Ilie lie, aud Dot thse bu' dr0s&'x- LV latïiance cf Cheaisre, <r f ih ibm vwu TIOLiI crea«ted; sudl moýWbise. mF»Mscisgenfle. . dwy& mm e atpy ber complmns1 Ud',wser PMW ngiiumigihorea t lie dînnerU> o cnils nudgeher'eihcw, ae<it.i wImIabo1&iep opkm admiration of beharud Iniover6vs >) b fde ud nulmd 0 nspire an>' <u#ber MURDpB rlaterest As hrevity idsthe oul Of this MrY WÎW- &W be'tbé..onl c f ifd'nSiis. Ad ;ou. Tise youaig lady, dissppmared one e likevis, l Îtwuvas fust tl bre wvi wesn md Id haked 'ésU"'-,blaisoîu ý IMsneeded. Mi.r-,ine, Sei .made, b>'lsy diaýdloue cbRii aid iscosolt ateri," sa Ibm>' vM rè iWOd51 calied b>' tbm Englisb boarderm;'as aise for uy 8" Ibm 'peroet f#moufreoa"lromp 111,as1t In * As '.en@ callid b>'*tbe' Frnyi, bullten suc e - cl s ta <met. k' Âllevsrsevdnfev d>4 Otisut. la wsey~vmey- >'badjiustbeen mardof aid vbmuee tho>'meat to utart immedfiatol>' forLesdon 'Mtemâio<tbÉlgi ccm mo ondon, aluitBauas eclmluToef0 uclm"utonishmest Mad vas 0moon tais, aima,>' e id ontut Udàl"sise< i'011 tIs or>', ciarge and vbhich, res>'lsashim e usb'arpse « , Ts 50< scarcelyIsvqew *montbm pafàmeâuc .b i a rn u is eam 'Dng e p e a u D ali n rel l P a a , l u a" ' a o n tIb m i e o f -o un e f t hIb m d r î c es mosl brilliant seoli i"f 41e.Englimk'aristo. Ibm saste cme#,-be loklu 'g bomh ,wil a1pi. du ytcbes mme, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Te hrdatvlhnupi Ti.bril 0 , fevg vitfe, aid Ibm future Countma.of C. L t Ibm.~ ~ ~ ~~~~od sieepeudeIac5e'a' ,1 vligli'promomDpsg havre been gono AtlTorom tl!regh m irceCourteauJ isam bm>'J ebr vil W frm SoOWb éàvorshm hati& Chaues he çevitu ~sh»asputo re- NulrdmudW4aube , uldEe a eY Sa et T*bz oVaugisag. PU I 9« saâî il aOur oS plam isinhair- B ail à(, the ste -1 miss ýhT icecboï%, ihe&w5imr PIC TIU m

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