mi t ant. lamei Ilosîli xol ter.) - TF7 nug OD 1018Nlab aosla Ibto 1w hptovau,of SOtY'ata b vroiting Brook Strob4'#mà 'I or Duma ndu etri4,e bifPWrad itoe1n oblat or htfla uga aatl h ih fî t1. fs, béjesnd ounit b., 1601d Per corporation Lo «am eaoSli1;7 fr par1Ude lut6 eaffaln e e à e &ve brliely refend tot d bcond;tio., bw 4'% M aiour of puult i. 100often of Br#cii 555radille4 < nuh8sACflby wlîIo -f1Oks btI lia Mustiond gré nomt6 da wua dkggiured, rn(d tii.o Mul, nIprer le o_ fr -tmporuq doisys. Lue sent of compaiiJu5 parties who *Eiedtis the Isera 'ulg iutha formas of -mateivlal kv, and thé -Town authot4o itie uneto uaoar," bt*ih lowl7gather hawvy ountil abats <houa necs noiu 1 ;sQ WUwd li* 1a ot$funa, explosonu land-ildes thesa te of0< 0tetPalrfs of 1hjowa.vhere amsm cLêv aiaropifsr...o ealld-I&ak. tii. artiS,4 n - Ibo publie stremtsgo plan a<&in iig otruefim 80anrilo round, os f0 saka l tth tiifoiover t5wm Mwsef op the gg'waî moral Iew of reuto,iofien and inost danjerons. RIis objeet vus <o Who tk hi ilrauily lgarad *hsa xitsume. paat sh*Pii, à osa tà thaio 'Comina.ý meno no u tise vlad mut tth, ecsmihlook mit b l ls., and m wit badi il hw'ut. ç t f te ow wre ad b o u*ID trensfor of tishDo. k.mc-Our coter Improramasessgud ol p WinsdejpePs-4 caia sndo u aam "Mp those beoeftgs à umour bu oa oneoad t1ianaine of ono of MU. Madouail atatedbis intentlon eOf tb. besrrt.rs o <lpr Cana vth111 briigf ng the. mata, lan c chhobapi beore Store auagamut, but 1 cnuot, Lad <bei IseConaîtil dîîrînstihe aven It, dea.vould tisea iadogaite grocndo for' b. report. eomplotaiy Mueat Ib.o'<eva of CatitBW4. Thstammsuais change,. ban SIncon- The eaCpwialu vksd.vbis motion on tis 1 *,wplationay W issabat t uot eh-bar aadorstendlng bava beeu fpund Impacticable or Mog A8«T igNIÀcu »vxo mMn apr ore cof vasb wuba r..Macdoiell, as a poWm oýb tof difai n d I vo tr l-lole-à ..a lfittiflg bis rasolatlou promcded so rd s ,ad 1 Mtr.yarogly -poflsitait sud 'i'to h. oloig <c"munioation, wbik h b Ld I'ro.b beyapps t b.ga"rely racelved <om Mlr. MI CI Camarula reply i Frenb thy apearto b puill is. tisahequestions vick lMs. matdcînufon-. PW ost. support tis a oOrm ss ait dortook to sabinit (ou Mr. Cesn.ron'a iSsu opposition of the Woot. Tii. ontlu i"o rsaif: opoinJournal va tisaNatzonal '60 blav t a departed tdis ife w~itls ooiti c.2nd 69 Ilnistort ait mindiusg thel, way t. Qu.bce, -Mir DEA% 81% andina a <w doys, Iud.swnd, vili o 7mm hGW lmo 4 e " 1suppo s of550I11110vuItroà biIIIgyoa wfh loem s, (or ypur radm egré lot fsu fuiWitoroutad l6, amlly mm o ea d- n ating b uis., 10 dullrsuy of< k. gosipf And roMain you ai WUhisl COOK, *beterq/ le ag if'Mb Wt puic:-, ifl <en1 ItWuy auds sait hénastly bdq". tIsesutO bas Jastadam tla avanlir4g you a1 IL Sago'Suâ S l a omnt o.bomli me ho autuiionad a jq Imutuit ars e'si.Ati bssi l itSlleai t. <urisîs. fusai<o the conviention bosi-fis-. on ltse Dib o! Novomiernext, vilisout ifartier pr.. fahlm iWe alSI10, 1 pnesassa skelutots -apmoafm. eCoavar.uloa ortisy; ,,,G(a5ewd",nor Mr spaita-sa oce-. 180cluMuse,~Qntiacmn, lm, aoppos.d ta' tLe «orommen Inb brnziug th, uisa,us t.nfnrto -aSnt, I 1bsin5 iyael! ((loi arat l' OsisSaSa i y) lato eontampt, Whà tivér maml (se lb eonsuqueaae, v lbuet not msaa *à praupllstta,-lî id lau' pasisible tl a efora med st. Vmeryisièbu obouldbWis 'grade'(gradaui wa preuuss, OU1f'prosSusty ta ttsa kankoeigîlala i'liS <se vit, Aligan TiugeIbon, sont. b*aÙ5acd' inaetýhin 'Iallt.sta (illibtel) Y A>- capS lis plisrtsae. I bita an ovation (Suno- ) valses). 1 lovaenp-vmsut a 1.ts ettin aqaio--Itoiiitia boss, alofeof tié mîâsisf,tisi tistatiehr porltoli. ol is (ruina hblsold blsuib, for Opposlsîetisa iray' aiswal oieo! naln/or au on# I 1 avin h. relais (o 5h., - bundie o( sticks.' ---à laggot l8aHi Fey lins, but 155laat« s-ail# ouIà a tickp vsy o! pleclIng l, aqaaatsos 14 jilposa i lisafor thsi ona.ided tua.- susa,'0 tiseCivil Srv Ttlil. lais clcanly -almise> Iual el'a, air t ýtboise ry is asi 1 ans proad .té st-vasuly ili - 'ilar Ut#,"ie, ba ilussy look n-eu lu Il)@ y" se osy), bais lvo#'t i, >01, Au -aalsiton 'b#farse un,tlUu,-TO , n-ba tsre va eoSsins fIV@. want ne * cor. as' <qaomusu) ef EXsnsltnem Slôngtwed j e los& bu,liuwil!i Lots assis lo% okt-At IIose, (04f t ofly;or Vx , yoe , Smr 1 udulelais âdoasà nu ducu ) :f i sLsî>puqsdp nithwy ol quels (quoa). î 0,'onwikya (Cnvois on , i- 8 Ui".Dlà êuogts Wxli>ptu,-Th. enztuiqt ii#t ~tls-vedaling of tiboMels Ba«S04ýf. baiIse4 yotesad - 7Vhsafiuatb oftw 4tA«fndrsateO ns t L60 bî&4",éoriiMr-, Toton of *tb "I udositauddiahepIantifts cm s beb tbis fRe bhua s oa sn dprends a ron- tiug on one of tisesaime" in the Town of pool of stigssent w" h bheeioim.d on tisa otëeoat 7"usaoa of fi Sdliy vtu e o ailevid te owroms tisaprmiotef Mr. sesptr..jutote .psromis« of Mr, Devws- ing, astI tbeaee tbromgbsà dme adot bylim <Dovie>f(or 1isepurpiffetAstb iùm 'I"ithors.aAr#e oaav.irslis tisa à Ut, sa n dn.auleaflau âI r mt o er off, 4é0e»m (cs.! 1tsz audic . toau- swrer G leIgsgb,. iation-o! tisais.,but (rosi tisat of aprivata isaiidaai V' "Srd, Sisanîd teiaOaporation ordar <bis dral 'in ! oiug'sta W stopp'a m as nh uà in c eoujPud of! abotïntsi fowfnt te cllr o! 0- a ne'sg f< Downinqbas ,0 ans anion dapg-0 or ponation or iusî »0-agPl i4To the s< usinIas-r prlvto part, lamane 0sigi t o akae nuisere pon I.a on - ?rem"sMdassi-l Ain-itto rua lnto tÊeia araitluinsba menuer us tb beoos.aanunisance, AÀ0C postion (Municipal) la bibla to ltaapilsa posa o!fbaiýYtvalad wvus ar(tyt and May Lo lnds's Ited<1aiIoo is. etreets <o lea out of, repar osu ",<o- bo daugaoi And vilW aso lhable to aayouo nho May mmalalinjasry byu"ehi sireafs Seing out or repsrin l a cii tion pbut il .1 ,so !"ÃŽ under 11m clrmu'uaiWet »reinZe fore Mlatcd (o Air. ThornpÀn." dfisa. Tise ,Cosposaîl!Âo nds tbosa Ian- t. ,etaove s smsas 'pool' not, oc- ousionedby its ona ctlbut of tii nction asud. Th. Cotra4frt aamsop Dona lags'id bu 1w ut uasqaired *a rlfle psqssant vaer or otiser valer getlIota -DoWsning's rnei4bbios epremiaes, D9rnsila Corporation." ia tisapublia streelWt1 d heby «eba-a Tise Corporation May by by-lan- Impose e Peouly on passois draluiag loto tis On motion of Mr.modcssll, oeoad W Dy. Oann, e% miotlo bau pussllus. slâtrctiag *t roamp'0<s faveCopslustt.ý on OUtm, s*sâ 1r0014ÃŽeut t tp OP 'Don-ogs dr*ain sd o stop up ai!11snlise conat oubtweau tha dWeu'saitise vu pa W«gb P LT c il 1' n 1h om . Mme Zr jimuj n ww un.1'Mr csssu tý s- Uè ýéiIâS of, the Counel wb.sitishe vi'ôs a doctor thon .s.igned ino 19rèU M 81 FIforOVBE,-.:Whitby 101^"ie ,I t $. j>j>d to 50111 in tonege.2&h I11554 by thaéI1er. J1blsuPout- or ava r of "ng tTir v -se.1 FuidL r banks Jr Esq,-<e Elià bill. Nosle Eq., of Cobrg-boti o! Whitbyr 1 Ti. Coueiladjoarnd antil Modq thé JG.BI~OD<.~fsa< Tewabip of Valsess. it~~~ W.,ciinOnsonIsroUyglian<Ifon tisellho Jaob Ldmach ta a«y abot.-N.v yoj oeJ ialfit er<e g îlia. 6tobe. <rais Whfoisure.b, Mary tisa baloved eoisst of <La Rav, JamsDagaar, Mud daughtar Wvhy, b attme nK.Goe !f JO lo jba Btthn/ EuttouvfnlMark-. l'où ui.vsr kjI*cd s pr@eU)ý xsri, or JOU bout. :8h. ýlueva.A ireliol'moura- low rdo y 'uknovrblst i4 heî *Iwspped lgfins Ing, vue tirarefusai of Rachel thAlslo t 1,5w t Lbiea gin->'ia. - fIO%0 ri Wbat--FaSnt, id, DiSaeo - 84.3gds. losropiPion, Jacobi v.pt boou.hSi b4aîkis.t'4he bel ora--, ; Mbsoblit LfoJd . At on& ëBh m. "Wu' bom >fay 4. Jk'ui#o Yba fy îlv,wss euîsf IalIt Tisa tniso reou'n !0ntswb7 dao rapt 8e ak .bwuassl vbeusa-m, éould notuintuhemome aint. op C rae euougtado ao a second lima, r, ta arrass2, Use sdifi ut o an s tdoetçim A nan-sptpas18 about belisg etsbuish on boy'd tlf Qra.ui#etn. Mosas. ugiuniStrfnao thess, ti l (Loir~ ~ ~ ~ sïo lial wsnadla.beau di f iii <JsbLqlas il celvred sa guullcent promit :of s Sta Obair, (roms bisfrleds la Cînciati, gînw Tb4Asiss omsan ono day Uex4 i#8ist luit ~ift le non- beyond question tîsat th (l«Omuior (lener-s labostai t j.- o!~ ~ ~~ u un 'ie -segrand deuoson W"Th proosaiBaae-'sils matcis 0 tisa Anmienian.îtis (b. theAil Englat ileen liats bcen gîven up. LoallOrsmeLodgeo Nos. M enad lm lâtestd oebrating th. 6&à or NovambM Port Wiiby. Tis e uropa's mollo. Tise teaisb>, <Lis stesnsoie elied ba oun tjtùrle mruss. isa>, ooîtaii à dviase. stlîaîi in-î ,Ila.,L Tiie iorninq (Jlroukl. o!flbth# is co tailla sus oriiclu un btse S&n Jussa dillelty, lu le vritteu in a very coasilistos-y spiriî; 0ssases is orbeourtie andi goot ilîsa 0o 'ivrorDous3ill; "o0s!vos'aby upot rt-gardx ns. oua lo!tUs.he gasarasute otoil is lt for pesaa batven Eujglisul Md ilsa« United Stauw, l. te(set, tisat Preadeni lJCiuclassu "ucsnot oSIer jin,iafor ere. Min Bol . 1 r aeo- ,içy-, Thie e.27f ub will uaod«tstandîiu mlsa susaeabeYin the b.annoa ao! 1h58 suciessu 0vCi y, n isao ria> b.t T-*.s u oult dipon iscussMimon on 1W ta. ton 1u"ý«. ansi lie L.gsioni isoistl su intass.ùiu ai'ediwn bts 4ti g publ ia esatssoe1,0M501 ,p bik ildlnnp«.w osst-ÃŽ-" AIHiSdlatt-statio thsat anions tih* puOos giase4 st-Mue <m os- l-avs telian part ilawbefou" q4 OtIiSia>'Il lsstiArtrivabon, *iso vas guùw,,i #110 1- tLIn b«r .we aamPers.l 1« t'O oe t# " b M5a ra ,,d argus1o! ise Ãœw*"tabm1555 ei,«s. kiiifrsÇsS tisaParts Tb 1 ,~jalmail Saaaasî" Prao 0 hj lfin fivaǤlsorabaat1W, 1afliu Vbebi ~tiw su1y<5up QM*45P yis, !oa the it gof ti tsaitt ne ad et wy4ewt =,rie mu t. 151. r~w ~rr.~. lir cets eu - lu, sd best Coaul b. ail Waaaacaais. re'Juction, Tm ait Cà &"A*Ah. -GOIIGB YULZ r To ao;ù th#lraùintfdqra1s,Çtrs, ai.ip obféuias'e and Rana,- <al 4 par«la ut Fýirlusfuir <Iuo L«%uitso n Mnofalsro Mur 1e o Ane Viit*d Towluilps , ei- Slav an Stok, iras,à gremlurî - Bains, bai tlsie s to y.sr 10O isasgm lu M40s kîisids, will ian-Us l n f«" 010 uWiitby, ta" eesuad gb0!4 annusi isgtivpge*efasnp fo 5ONWEDXEDÀY, fou XOVEUIBFJl ?EXT. g4i. va ecaion of lirve Conilnbm a;hipu viobeaeCesau4lL ofa4 Aa5e ad miwlvqraapu <Ts IS.41, dot b ejramnted W th# MuanI su-the sold'Uniged T'J' f0 SZOIL -N TIC t -~jî,by7iii#>.iy of thse 4ualllat tons o!faEd, Uni aTon-nabi ,elilng ci GARÂT EWULIag KE>ishLDW.tise ouà tgl0<qaldjlglcpuit ~~..~a T1 ifJMIo"" *aSnormis'gbkll Celbva~eB1?'~1ePl, 22 Vi 70.> 8, ta fe.botislssa ,i'RuTiicTva> LETTERs "Au kat enad tIsaAd. rep.ctini neTT.tisa municipal Insttutimof oUppar Cens, su B<l' ROYAL do. 1-Seedon tvo isasdred-sud alxt>. 01,J' Prv4/onu a prt#i<uo '81 J r < »~t, ilfour. or sard reoit.d Act, Is iby repas P., I'Plai. £4'i a t go , - etS, aud th isedulownsg uistluted dierewo ofaaan tny, OlesqualiLed l cto Tido Tlsllviasei slo iisanla nn(ing In the o af#pi) itiha là .t rcviad*tu" eusse &rail t oitai ndoei'e nodisusasi nent rolil, d e ptipodtion un-rltlpt"4~ imodorataa*Il oea sud ssiaue bjet It cd by tissusAitply go bse ounîll of the Ã0do A ue b bsla-Townshsip, ta dIvisse tihaTownaislp luto or lIen a 3Mb. Io pauîarly ausîbat.n'-IWa'rdo., if uoî als'cdy amdivided or- to i A t7sIort liase, brus5 o011the ssonlisly abollals, or Alter lus uuaauer tspMiltis tUs ri e l Iod thrsa, ol, sua lise ( e tltlon5 essy ig division lutaoWssds, 0<(ras Blaltepavithe.lioil isait n-l couu onntI tisas- lalos.u'Ntnrvosiunibd0biutts., petltion, suaa isl, li, nte By.Lsn-, reItt l'aislu tii. M wk sud Llissio 0s~ a t 101 i4t isa p titIn, sud ais o tise lpromunt o io n si isl hhil t IieîlllsWîîitt 0u, - ofacs tl,%sact snd &61a1idoclae tisaI tise By- 1l de ten M ar tli r ail saitaw l"p$a u uiplilasiecwiîtiste pray. -pnarfa usiydo41 1 iali ronsu, co eou of tise petîtion. and iai thde By-ià u 1 luo., ris J'saSrt ai o tsbe csiti §allSitoké,ueeetoafis heIlst daY o!Dq VusUslletlot.aeoni<eaIspueIi~e. ber nuit,' Alter tossoiostis (rom tise dat. ot .10E, dseon «M=suus vigsl4 p in Sel. uà d ýau- ht'ue tst u en-én'i "1 sppesV in al(ata 1, C. Jsidwlnk&CU) tise Tonus.uilpla *'aiuautcA, onby prinsed >. 5eabaîer, X hY. uudbîil a ssteu I tlenaât tveuty public, ]Nortbrup&kMoo, KeveusllaV. W,, Wbolo. 1 acit i e'!oasas "1 Ssit. lotu bu asa Wcti.- ý i .eose tis iridpiiolas lo t NI -~ ,(swud Thol-tes.tasn tossmisuonlrz.aiAgasioIii a b ai eo To this uuiVleC«ncli oftise unît., thse ïloo by rubiuru aUiL.'Foe uêby's Il , rwi.sp le Ranloamal (oa ForndsiaWdsbLy J .ûiist.t, ucilusosid euests4t<W41 DelBedcsre. : **' "TiseP8tJtlon 0f tIsasindasslgn A W rîpo raatemaples. iiys !tishe "oiasp,- Rt lno L, Chaee,niu, X, M en-York 4ty, - - Tisajt le.nnexpedlas,îIn tise ora tIsa rasi A long i sd.su pis...0'ne.. v orP«to" o' tib Tsyuuuiialere<u uaeslig dfl4lossof thsesai Tovusiipa. myà og nus.,rtio iïnru mue4. lltoWérfAs-tioet si4, division duprivaus, lo~es, jg~' ýk .s OsmrdSILlssof theaCountil oet sud XMa fr otm pi i 0 nîtr.ets iu*1d. ud 1that Itl aftnuoos. t vi ~s~ti~?tSiyts1,bw'ghvna> , lieoio ., k , tisaufua~ ou tf'ilyrequetyour Municial lîus Me AU thé ropraaaust. do. sforea19 tu puas«-.le n bIiha ~ hum10d Wardo, drî UaJaIpossible ~ ~, _ dlsy 'su yA rp.lflr, au ln duty sont Ms, losemuiag I t it OW11à ios .3. ierss-isgqtd, viii e mpr the ,tM C Aget ui. vokly , br<guleoesiToa t itUN#.± "Brog. h& 'IoruXt«09 au_, it,-Io ho ý ~i~~YIS-Tiaailstnom Juw. ï TQI>EALERS IN STOCK fi£ab.rierroqtasts publie attan- ef tio~411sA neW lstocut el eiçp.>or iehys toe1adë thé follo*éint nav 7T1E KINO0or BOE81, DM'Y CR0012,; GRAND T7RE Caii end esnmine 1 JOHN'IRýYAN' 62 * Brock Striet, WVlitby. Néw TafonEt~lumt aaSity. laiTiY hava apoan eth Taler'.s sop ou Brock MIrant, oppouite-,Ie.ntà rio IIà oel, vIier,ai <r'pma>4sed te thesu vilIib. dou wktb Wltby,,Oet 2th, 1859, foi LU ua01 an Lampi ai rdueed PrIcu. TUEo -'- ierbu msade irsgaments b o e a c r dui vol tux WINES. TItKG AND PALE JNDJA ALES, laitss,tsf pIsuli.mdo Piolet, Cnotllo', &C, iwood ansd boul, in landigÈlfnil u Js uJx tz - v nm p , uu t r & C s.D o u q s , P p r i ' , . IIURUND>J, IOCKS, MOSELLE, LIQUEURS ,U &aLe pria i l sdsain la amy b ihd on applicain. m ont rail 1 :blune, 186 9 C IA ' A ta assonceta bs namus'ou frand undcsstasnrs laIhai maov earr,'lug&*e» 4 ~ A f U 1 A .~ 1 m w ~ u & ~ Purpus u, u«' tise %ma tw ou h. _ -, ~M r. N A G ML1 I» . bal o Ii.ex k m ", a 1m e n O u s.P rs'a m i a. h r to !f o o c tp ied b y 1fr,, K . R A , o n M ry S tr et, b o t va en E 5I 5 *1 u l ut i . ?5 ., l i :d j givns t. <ruaeatsss5.isedu l tath hiu oir.gt.. jtW. aepinaasnorlibe ti,»)4, i sj r ai . ALL'1VOIIK IVAIRNTED, - d bî i. 11. J. glo, luvlu 'ie ne tause a, tlortiot, JasIWtwonisl,. Tlsey are of Sus &e' JEBEI auj iZOBVZ TAJEK I( LXQAKGF,<Ct .uzuFatt*Pmur; sud .ql to.glr ut Ouir 1 qtuseua Do:I1 FORD'8 long, ezperlenoe of thirty, yeans in tiheprncpal xMsulss-torî Of the.BIQK MI SStatcua4 ua4beiepÃŽtesp»o neaybra'sne o! tise busliness viois OJ'SI or uy 85 "« fnisergb6isabîlwà ut, alnd jl'or eusty o iesign, eleguies o! lisis, darauly,w. bave uassad J , l' eiL Mu" 4andduoiid ty o! vorkmatssabip', Simt wos'k cesnot b. oexcelled. t* Ourr 'ao 'tur ssfie ps-'tjire. uelinhis, sud jWCau ad se , Uplmeu. i u. - dO. s.yng'bri" gy sse in lus Ma»lseaof issel e Jl v av, v.sJ la SA-LE B3Y AtJI%&'ION CULDI,scLS& AIES TiaE Cià UEAPET LIGuT 10 or Musoel ay 261h, 1850. e VAtCAisI ~ 1 hava beegn aslng otw of EX JJ Ngl's $dir lo biIlne i ne.160& giIse!egufl or UD mualus FftEEHOLD PROPRTIES, J Ncsors. Wakcild at rtd, siuvcsi,4nljr BDOIMdUNTO, oranumwleru',nrd, duslssg sAT on TTED»AYiSgIh, 'Nor. 1850, WiSi lme IJuave as"id Aseiusue rnaetigiutn r- AT 'WZLE 05.0K ,i. adin btse 51.1.. sud or, biot eunslder og s ~~ussssn5'sstarud by ir.rE.J. N«10aMin tIeht E DRAND DY VVZtJE of Povaaasa 'rniauiiulprpm.. Tl.y du UNE lOLAR GALON U o Sae coitolhed Ilu&£ certain )fort. '~« ansud iewo i qui y vuis, and i10WM& loiugxeossîpos.nd 1of VillageLot No. 9uinIP.1ggF-DUIILFSNL rBsock No, 8 outhie Ton-, s'a Whutby, b. c-]mo sd W-os Msnsislvgarnr, laNotre ingss fbrokus, Lot l>m. 27 Iu the Lo*i. Dam Sbreet r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~q ee b iî,o liby. lu tise Co ut fUnei. ~b~ aiucnIuiu T U E O I A X E I L I G I T 1 5 c o stass in g o g ou a b a! C T C o n - icwr 1o0h T s e Uhh iov e u S t i , u u s % Otie4Insus. Dit,'o. ilo snorth.hsli'o(sasu.~.IEJ~;adsy ent- Lot No. 11 ounIBond airent, in tiese- id i.e..itelu, rceonawndisso.ss nrur ',10, 0 Tono Witb>-, eing pa-i o!broken Lot Pn41aC ' No. 20 Ilu ti"is sld Towusiuiwip, coigiaîin 2uîosUNtal.t J l 28, 1859. U~aA5AA6 U Franju Cottage 25 x 80 ont. AIsso;. tiahe iisvousd y.E. 14(nvle's ew't-MaMn," por is bylf #f L ot ; N o. 4 15 lu D .l is, u, w for îii W$,- b u m ol i mvss Ç I kilsd Towna ofVhit1y, ng pah-i Lot No. litetry, andtikiitîotWil fl tis tlb.usai.--" ONE DOLLAR 27 ~~CbruAlifront, o! sutd tonshi, conl.ia- ~1 1-.< ui fuW O SInsu G l g o n t a u o fr o n s u a f cire u o s o ' l gsln <a . . J . L î T C X-&e r io t e l ýWlbisis' erisetad4sFIWumneo n- 4abolJaly 2.- - - gitory )Wflil 2D z 44 furt, sudsa Wo -20 ji to y F ra in a ila ssq ç, %sit o4 d (s t, D M* sa e n O t E . J a i ' p ed for a M trîr, to «ttdt iii Ois-tnî, o ti.Purcisaemoney tt buamad»oîhi asa Fou ( ttms wiber asismre atheai, PEDVD LL' AT MESIIS. OKEr to., <ha 'ut,» ns Pmouc IcaiS .08uet~%ovl edae id iewrt4utjssn;sd Tosonsn- eedy sa tsesêmahtosq itféêrya JAMES H. GERRIE's ~&Duo,, Tl,JsesaIputiarais LLprosharings sy elofa s st« ELJ« NÀoaa esq. ȟRUG STORE, WHITBY. , Jlais~ tu, or the WToW#ipnai ' -Dab ijr,--Tiio onwaile W, bek 1Wbt qisl Wistby Otolu95.1 1fl 1us-sky illao 'O ,snou and anypren p as-o ns o v i g th i §tg t è d < of oral - O os-a li te o. aboIe ss»iuualdite, ' asu.t vrdsJg à * il *va - AmilstsrL iiD B4. iUsTLE a e~.~fiérart muza. the rZ YutrjrevsBÂbeEX î e ___ alebeldij Inlyou tiugbatv__ saonr<r ie. e iSs nner. ~J»ý" AL"t.t~4% - rau-s CG, 25 dom, vill de veil te attend thisidbai M'ffor*lengihL i-of<lioars. an a nliy;o! aompe$ing (ordse valaesbl. - EMS 0FSALE, Oneajoutth Cash dovr él a Na t2mo.atlielbalance sui 10rtaa lfour rqaaiau n tal vils ntasast on <lie aasunts-esasls Pa04 .4t ia tiasof a"eh peymants. ~"Sain (o coaunence on the, aI tise« =£-MElTygL, on ? th#e 2nd Ioy«qf o/ï embser dcloek noom . TitI. inhlsspatatAsr, an #ZîtmOý.1 (roi Lb tio gkioîry Ofi0y, ~ea th. 'inme of usJe. LAINOI Dow, L'WALLJ *tO tePad Mes t4 a r:t B"S iln4 cmtonwm tbit ho fa on bis 4stoïloitýro buoinm, ý if