Whitby Chronicle, 29 Oct 1859, p. 2

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ju4~ veand! a Party4 svîw.J rinss, driva. lot o sA hr.tbey wone bMlqo "4.Sq'uttd, moasi #hoas fllçd suo tli.heson or <thu", bupt ow sprtaiyvoade T#ijurrtO<o,, m.11' n119wd@ibtlisato cousl4<rid ut ans end. diluy:oospiraqy At fsre' erse <liaiIBrowu nmid -is Immuediate sahlwvon 'uq< 'ithottuulâssuoeeeroi» &boltlonist ln 'iloas parts or h. Noith.i,. esaia 0110r Papers are suidt o bavebeau dsaoovei ed implIeatinu4 Gqrrlî Sanlh, Fred. i>oua; -lias,and tI oor foqasl!>' srong pigacliri. tii for Autksiaeery A',itation, litIibo uiovsmenî, tJaoudçh <isro la a possibility 1luiL the documuent#inlu qestion, lfgenuuhu. ay.>'b. concted with the t*arlier canir or Brown lu Kana.. Thora vus aloofouad amosag diaeu.paper enan lstruamnt deacrlla ad44s te "Couîsîlusion" cor tbe provlaloual Goyernmont. Tis lathe1kley aud clo < tlb. ntor.proj.o, Tise Foderal Obvenu totnt l " emoi wu ûOct to b. overtljrown Uu&î. satlarî, co <obu lcfs ln <ormai -poc*sloitof.##4vreiguty ; but sapreme .9rer ail wns> <o-bo John Drown, 'Comuiuud. crin.11let, tandon <h. Provînalonisl arrange. u, anti ndwu to rang~e hbotUaion etthUe bonduof!het bspati-colored troopu, redneasig wrouajs aud llbràna<lthUe t.nslavoaa ladria. lrj ax elrcomstaucaa demandedy with a Pa'urliil oua.. of Reprcaentativss, es- tabliahiu& fir i bat, ptrpoae- aomewwinl Weâtrn* Victoria. To bring aucis rude goverumouîal suachîner>' a6 tilalo action, the muudvo powor wuvas aanely Iuudequssîo The. force voiunarlly cnlistod lu the con- aplracytid i not eceed twenty-two mein, - or whom caironteen wore listes. Tlhe romaIn. et of tise army conaitf ocf icpreued slaveo ý quit. indialsoed for figtat nd cou- O5utinj a fatal incunibraîsce <o nilitar>' op. aratiotns .Tboewua,tobe sure avatarnu> or fîSîltives coutiteuspon ut certain t loiult tt)l the a iamoment the atandiard of revoit was displIayed ; 'but se llromaturo vwu <ho movemeut, andt me prompt tise action of tlhe autisoritie., tlist no ie wus given for tlhe 'iondedt abam,»acle. Brown diticussea Lis erroglsa3114dotuila hoii planas vitîs cutiro f«eed ' m. This fraikaeâIoas la oaape dite to tIse conaenciussa <loisi- bosea, vison, searclsid wouid bit round to contain uverwheln, ovidence of bis Siit and amn. pu dovelopoent of lis aaasit and ona. Thebpcim oIudvcd la toot lagrantî w admit of A ai> tteiupt <o partals uppression. Ye.. tordisty varions tiucuanents foiunn pari o( <ho inaourrectionuary maimmewere 'transmit- ted t Vw Vnljti,,Thu>' aro ln' eyphor, Aud lirf aulpu#cd <o bu ut' ha hijiasatlm-s portance,. harpe.. Frr son n uthe bauidi o! edïitroops. Oujît. Cook wlth iéî Irfsjitivoa havoaili eluteti purst, boadt!heh.chu.. la hody'urgod, Deangemeuî of the Lirerf, ofe tise nosi comns, us veilth ie fomidole of dieoses kîsowu ta busti phygîclans, l a fsdton yeara tadth ie clouest attention orthtie medi. cun,- lui aIl Paî t. of tii. United t Se. ia ua tho ti me of <tiscovery ait Dr. is'at eutciilo ,pl-panroti la>'Flemn. rc Ptburdh', Pa., 1< wasalmust id 'bc reuvh'ùr madical akîli. Thota. Wid poriâbled viiboui' even a4 hope cf sud' aiuisoalh thotuande sa>' yet b. *d te fuel tha dirful affecta of' this aoiploate4d:dseto, la tanov, <aiks s saursetDl of emcmi cern r Isrouajht wthi ithircepe cf anedl. >îsLtrol Tise Propriaotor, Fleming 1lisurjb, Ps.et tise éLivar Pilla 3osEuitia Lht tise>'offer a s li>' bas been <al>' teaild b> 'ti<luiad -bus asver faietIof auccos uhon ~Puuircbaisern vII b. carefual te ndk '.LNkdOLEB1.TiEI> VER. UE, "fssuutotol b>'ILiEMINU i'. Pn"naui'a'ama. P.. Ail ailier ver- CUL-p cusîpason ire vortlii.. ~utpnVrsiirt , - aisebis rteêl Lise l'ibis, c..»nOVb. bat uet e Wsoqn u( -La Totntain bue beeune. od byJW ri Cmwro#ad frwtrud' vo'làtIijwwil as Ig* ouais 8a it-oe 'bu ibnftenda te aseenti' lis th. Viso tise tosai lu B .' 4 à:uy 0 0 4 a T oupigu r a & 0u O s s jH all, W itt . aI u W w t1.i ~ s al1 i, * Witbyvbi1wmî e,..fûauroupa.î siL@0Th"gavgk..huaibù"l -.uý fte p.tbeguw arc 1 PWo n Cituvuli Mr , iulan'ig Kin#- str. lhlyt iuu lItI4rJ,~J.I 11EV.J, YILAND. llttdo. TIi. GrIit iiWd-4hi *M, y. litome Cl Orrub, Mlruium, nltitutu, luEnglunt!, ly Ih th tbi. aub a., ua d îcia, P. li, ltsq#Q#'iavue&'?PIW ensd limur u ýdeir Lb r.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~E. Tu,,gîlnlCaue Ã",'a'a.u sud once, of putriotism, are tuJJko the, aim'of Mu, 4gtal -ohL aat p. Radial sad WhI'g-o(Grlgt iiTory.' éLo * ~ ~ ~ j ib. .T.BEK. tt. wdoobt.d trui beh' tliroighli lot. ta ail titi y trne;a, 110 89dooh i.mîtad hh(.'ow'.Iau aeto. u elOu'lc, p. bte..l àoutcnvnioi, n tJiitqll'esi, arsa It'.. L $IN'. wrltten constitutionsa ,bshoe4 lu Our atigît, 2 8, o~'lclu-. n. crs,.,1< ia net couvrentionis wu reqir.; 11E, Kl. IIOIETZ<. but honML uswbrs.In the LeUilitLh. As. a Dtiols Clurcl, ai ociock P. M., aery fsun- ~sladd'La oltyilnlp ydal, ICEY. IL. LLOYD. form ita duty, wiutup.lt tor aiEw.nCounty Fairao,.Wtne Onurtarly Faire platço< uiot uchiere b. oitlect. 'Qur'rigbitansd AUOtIOXI Silos.paIVii@ ii't~raadg wrtte 'uailAit -, ksîow *ho chom ose e xcrset ' drlts lu tD"M. ~rhg. ..>4 ý j0 L. eqalthTe 4Y. hrovp gra w th r ~ept aro s uoa~. D4ys tppdIee "ytth--.re puràelca~opbl oî saab mi.t Mue,, ibut bo t, ut e d T i. a 'd afjymacl t mmwif 0',«,7.t t cr u hof tb sic,'-, ee- *Sçncy-b 4-ueelnoeré~ *vrcomp nd smnireuea aginout ab W 'Aucmo.BiDlei prIat- lu the oxavulfc. <bt ia ; etr'usl xerclaéo ir,fsigohal. vor- tht. Qfioe tUt lis. 1W 4110lY.N t0 I f .'aicct to do o, thé MaUiL, thna'e,. wNeproper1 ea<~fe Sai n ci he L. rror, an«d <-he' conaoèq'uanoeslie et unL alrthl ropsser Adc fth. 1 M.t r0, <o t"oirvewnu,oo r o,1WjIl lu.,,ockoo-ca'y ilt it lteblui o th., fr04Y nJ à& onvntin",huwover pItâsibly or plain. >~é~. TV.A4 4ronk, ively rs.ecbod, aritîl eîahjàt, om on#.tîle1 to-ametid, or to amceli.mte. The. honca-t A.uotion BRSals-to Co=n MOff. etor, sud' ditehrqueut -cîccîlon, ire *Il tihe country needa. To obta.ln, hase, lut smboloofJohn lawtou, Of Foruu Stock, un b. nip, sud dolbg, wben f4o'oc=a;Ion ha, Lot No, 1; btb'Con. Pickening, on offermi W, s#hall à eàn i) thur rc medy Thuraday, 'Nov. St 59. J.'C.Slrliui, for our poîkical dileippsa's0"We #hal Auctloneer. <ion'dluos'cr tiaut oui partly writton, and Sale of Joa.ph TiffiWa Faim Stock k.,isrtly. usiwri«sn 'constitucloai, wih loyalC on Satardsy 201b Oct. 1859, lb Lb. Town. clectora te worklt oui, la an eterdowlig1 ship of 6'coit, M. KePhadan, Auctioneer. ndlrtiliziug rirer, wheras the tn'bldm waters. of contention, wotld.but ton, weIl Sale of B. Sher, k 8. Tigilu's Fam rautî sara a udysdu Stock,, on tlas 20th Oçt. 1830j ini the Town. ny, îcavlng tos Ïo wunner 'bow -iro over abip of scoLi, M. Mephadon, Auctiftecr. could blac beeu su friglatcned ut bis ram. INW JllvrOem Mt tbi kDy. Dry Goodys,-1.Campbell. G ceeuR.Campbsell. Iteadt motoCiotiig-R. Cuniphebl. To Lt,-3. H. Ferry. Victoria Corners -Fal,-W. Stephsenson. Speclal Ntioe-MIr, Robent Camspbell. Stovs--Joisu Bnyan. Notice-William anti biert Oxteis>. À Biav-D. G. Heveti. SaIe ot' vaiaisbe FneeIsoîd P:oprties..Z, - C. Joues à Bro. coil Ohl-Jouie, a. Gerrfr. Burnind Fluld-lamo. . Gn. Cool Oit ind Mis Id lsrp.-J. B. Gerrie. Hulloway's intmont sud Pilla. ,XoLan,'. Vermfujo end Pilla. To Dealers ln Stock ud, P. Ctl,.. ONILY 0MB D01lLA, A EAR Mit t onn r tho &w*li.lWçekly wlll bc 82 50 lis rlvanoe, or $3 b0ato titA uîd of tlhe y;'ar. >Tfie W'el&lïy Clîronkleé will bo publ6Wîod lus futyre ou S~TUBDAYS, , $1 > ir, i I'.i1 ln adoane.; '82 bwlChe brio wlom payablo ot9lwrwie 'Ii. Tr» ro d. Nu ofo lraohrt' ae in the. ilorlous "2ioctme" ve atheb foltowidg *dnti'urbl@ deài'ptluî' "À P.. puar Prieuchr "bas wna'i. luwaylu <b.i poopt, 1ki £ bull lun aesa 'Boa.l' ant yo nuher uotbn'&Ws r rhie apre*18al pirty, 80lots0Wud uM ken hlm to e bdu<Oamoaiez ,eInsa. 4 k. the, river, TUB eýýut>,d*y, sd ugsdyc Vale owu'eu ?hV0itiAibo10ni lue <rhtà *swd aBhlm rapgku" for popular preseher, reid popalar » Qg5*41end '0rit eud pretchu ooie ayuonymuuawa s.L lie T«lastes 'l*a .aulnï Cieuvàèr ewv.od, oiýtie aColonal -flath. oona Bank ln TOronte; duo noes uof that lus:itu- ion lvuve been rc"4v.4 sis t a grealt tuaI eo' caution. Tiseeclinrtera& Baika of <lie PrVince or ut lout a portion ef tîgtni, vigrcfusud <o mcp t'of <lue blls of the ' l i al a ndoî t l i o r u .'b y e e s s u r i c a 4u Me dlr . T i e c ns qu e l <li t is e bills of tise Colonial""as wellus tisa Pro- vincili, bave a vtry ati.,. circulation, lnassaucl as tse>'oee flstad off b> thse liolde-râ viîiî ail poasible expcditaen. To mAmi'1<ili lie no niatter cf surpriusetisai <ho Colonial bas naver yet enjoyeti the coiûdcr.ce o01Liae public. The roptd'ôant frequeut 0changescf <lis Basnk -Officonuiàt .7that Insttutio on o<islag quute peculiu'ý te liait', 'sand<tIsCe. Public logtlierU- occcuntsblO. For ýexaîmplo, lie$2 billa, No. $07, latter 0, dtitd 4t1(lsia>', 1859, are aigued "or, tisa"Col6nlal B44h, T. -Hougl Ii bh, o 6ô1, lettir C, dated 22sh'Apil, 1550, are aigiu.d IIop- klna ChlenB<t tteuAan $si o, o. I7, ,le4r,,Cf dated12<1>' July',"1859, are signel Ibopkins, Catr data vittilu tiesa pé4 w, ' M '~ta anul to isip mattOs'i wevO d "i', né ,ug" igdstu' aathe Cual.r 1lu na not p#.blslaqd lu a - late 'niauher cf tIse lsyLAIde,.. ,New~~~ ~~~ svsihot usa *v Uis ,rgood; Ta40e .,up a , o ntmIalBank, 51bII,'of 'an> denoauhnatlon, sud <ho aacuitmod aigna... <pie is looket! fur, LIkeels. Llbe Ihauk et' golouiutapposas te bave one usne for Ap A,-potir - 40ezJay, "sd! & <,btird#t Juil>, and for sU w eir«,s for <h. lis-- " Otarlgmetis O! juiue - - , i ) .W. reqin. rbanklng capital lunlise Pro-, vin.~ usu L. Vlaaslanti .#cq similové ,Iiuti<on t!eoled toencn.e It,wéuld bave oar.st'wUs. t the 5sUaitiuse If, publie confid!ence là deulred to beasecr- *dbo<erobaasgetm in i Q:ffleu, , lai Gas, (Soya ud 18 .ioéàs r ge)-Ist, Win. Btowr, 06;'uIIWi Sutit, $4 j'IdiWms. MsLev#oc,1 $4 w W o . K n.rI',$2. e Afté er isics <is leab m'0)jU,1ios, 0 Mm. eTuedTit " xelost lb. rcEt luga of tbe day. Gardiner, Wiitisy;'James ua MlexL Wilkins, Pieiilug ' T u e x e ll ô st'd iisis r, th o i nt u o 4d y lin. Tweedie msuD flY, Wei M hot4 boe l.tis, sud osurt p<emea of . Nthe jB Ofd aseu w. s, formuw,$4b>' Lise va', a oer>off< '< MrCo> coleýa oth',$0,e las, hInd>'furalais usuitis <isOubo met Atcbis nstm At Pomt *ut entleuman,# ho SecetIsaanti <ho asippo sofd tis c aMrleaharaiimt o! tise caisu, ofaruhh tie prz pbutaMdsicamia fb Mn :Cuthce, t ertbs $2, t - iai prio knCaptain i # o r.e t',Aïud oatPo Wofby c r4 Wits>' entuhusI, <lobclebrutm necal nthddc 'hwti0e> Oee cfd al- <bapgennucvaruts0<nas opsllt haon ýou eltisen oftiprevieus sue day.. Great lutereat appearti t ie ahea t he romît oit < swàiuiéi mt s,»d Hrdlo -a Ce. lu <hoeHRudIe ru m i 1afeikan Mes ar, , 4theo ecoas4 out alier pss.ng ever tise second hardie, se <bat af. tor <bis tiseroauasbg vas atog.thor betveen If<imr ani aAà,'lo.Jrane. 'Bots raes wer. vell coatastetd, 4l u ill be oaccu, The follovlug is tb. nesuît; Har.rae epuarse cf $100 1 Mile boots cvrn four barticu s 8foot 6, opea < o ail hor. ses <hut nover vwon a ateeptleise or hum. due rae-te bann>'14Ibi uhaesi. C. Qusi'CharJoues .faner, 2 2 NI BOY'm&H egN* nd.,Maid, Rider.titi. Tme- 2 07, 2 Il -1 Iauheepes"a panse o0<0100 fer adallions; vitis fid. takeof $14as i llaceots, bemt 3itsa, -1ea o l it1iciia iI toot, for spd hoohe e v i 5mures; <blisf suson. T. Dovniug' b b Sir 7T«4;», 1 1 J., Gatoeh-oisisIVag.neii, , 82-1 2 S C. Docublas à bMq'nrs:, 2: D'3 Tise.beinj no'ô tre for thlise Ou4 l0, th e <hometg- puetoffo fshrug enags;<léatteaidaise -.rtuy a uot lànge, t' Itlesuoah ng ithé laie. ues lare s on-cl,s4naoabybv expçcte&. We oaroglatI to >' <bat-tise ver.po a c!enamîs. sovdyiug or daualc*ss We>sosild notdisclia 1"*rngsgOa utr' Jf veýfhld aeatioiogtb.:e o u~ omnIbus. vlftlafourisi.cavites a.N Fs>' libti ou tis e gou& . TtlaIntiset, li OU' reipéé(a 1; 1 ,evel.L i veac, a w<r s.unW1,4W mOPJ4 iag aMuuaêbuspum thefusgubleOrt. ti 'a ri rd à Pl to A wq à it *gt',ousls abo t ile t toBhe <&M 1 as-" As e,>'ý offieia do n fisv OMe iuov , e rVaiso 9 ~A or. tl lanti bis ou 0olue ac.toted the Kr. s eade piqa a rts lii. atesr au of, t eI'dca lna&s w aa4 1, Thmn dire; &id TbisIret6jei md ~ ~ o ugsituaîoc*";" , ' botvut orp a. us an. McPthersoz ivae s anwd Oth n'tser Mr. aIfe. un ,tl isa <b li offiacte shire 0"icmilu.s a diat.lbut ofg n eviTh~is 1on liais ,the accuMr. Hm fae up c«en.wi he;-'?' -- . owr' biotag n..bimtb emup the ne h'. au4vrthu.On , lbnhsala t hesperaou NtI uco001 s ae - dIîtriitner.its Msene onaterhi la.; "gotý ad , bu tlsa',t ht tfor 1V Mr,":Dot ho ýpMWusied! u ds "bord," 1boàld b. discea, oOtbeni w Oýul4 Lave be.ca ed 414suet ,but.Iustesd tb<bamel.taiy l ho utdt, Isbull publiéis bî ish. Tiat ruan, lette,, avreac400lCmelas eau bnuselon f li ra e maie, y' conhvie. bat!0t e )tin svlbeen-suaupoas lIs point, <but Md 'é nb< hua.., for 9 moUtlis pmmtl bave amo' My Iddie<5 vison cf mach lmportauce to' l fl ,. . .~eta.."P a d istan ce o f n uni>' îv e m lesIr rite i dlow nsM . W its < S Th. iattfiso fce oâsatido e i b r M r. W altace wrote. d rt neL nt aI1 suitedti te se acommotl>'ia<t fe rfiug to'5<be ami oîa4,1 W isa. Tevu 0Li. paco outaideOcf bar <oyný 0 aiet!Wbn wdi s bogb foetby 0 fce. -iÃ"Itbabenad t Mr. Swe«" asaftea reudng Over <tie -Exasntocntoi raboya .xpresaed iiaif lre Iling in h or gude1 f u, lare ambcr À Somtipaut, of<te mm ofeshmupieseut(riento of" r.'e SPherson > <th a m e ver. ha rg s i g .atteiset by a littlo â coulnet b. Tory' uclir't nicl by ofe&sae.1Ihaire nover lhé DnpartusentThe Post Office vus pleiormitaestq n op more <bian>' yother, visfi b y Lseput>îic, ce; 1'Tise coastuc a'ailtvs of tho uiusSt imnuprtno, -and,,u 0t51, 5 ri ndood tihe Dapartnaont ?a vos eq ry isue Te'hvu rf fa, t. liste thseofices pripeïly. Oued antiod ae.Thydd5 tle pablietteulWâ urtisail, propeëer <ii. -'not uOv rtecollec i . ua and attention. Re callet upon Mr. Wallacet><batt <k>' oimuglmnt tc begin, wit b lis Émoo. - iiwitvnsi mosan Il Mn. Walleetidelinetitw go 0n s uOnC' i tialair.ffice> andti ier. of hi. viiauesvea norn u'cisetu ther* ;formatidn wb!ch le eem plaInants wor: yet'pees., os r A fter waiting 'foî -'u llari>' 'bo um M r' M r. S e s a m " Miller mat i appeaaue gidgayv e . t <ing tat.ho bucomm itui folîowing oviteboe. L the'110baiutp. 0< <bu Popt .411realdo uet <he o i>.Iglalm o. M.Wlae'do-nô r-pu ie n , thUe W isly àofic.,'l I OW a t U a b #r lie bu s on s tishe Office Ivice àavei, M at nce a veeî' !oit sohr' r om etim e m. 1 baie been viit bsg lie offc e M . S e r u a ~ i o asca ns>'resitience lin Whttby-...tiseo , anc allovedýto, ego, iaaa4o th o 20 ub Of F ebru ar >' ne ;'. I d n't e cýe le, and exam itne tisa letten . 1"l letter, by lpoattory wvoir, but someithssoa'ÃŽ, 1mr- Wallao-imr. Me: do., Tiseoffice ta attëed oti oadu- ytes or. allouete<cdo so., Mr. 3lcPberaoôn, sonictimes by bie'"sona Hum go id tise i'ba Androw and Joames, anti sometîmes by ý ,hoîd t is-àùast'lok "aiît Il 111<1, girl, Mr. MicPboraon'adaughter.'iter l re oticvrisn ago mlght ho9 on 0. I bave asover toiat nmou t t<bat tise lo$ an>' ticlty in gfiig-wy lit eaie le been Mr. Ramlma cv. I Young mess voie in'thc'officeý; btbon en an sd otliera tasaido tise'bar. oi a t ie, 'aud ho, takestise aotieüy,'î< I aauig9tc eveiai bg 1 usk hlm teboock again, ho wu on li t intontudrConen-. , loochs sometimem, balat' otlsrtiasa h hevmet campalntsIhivi ho refuw!t '100ik f forautisingfur 1tte upc» one occasion, aqd4 wsa acinmettmc ln, Augnet et eniqrà. '01. asce, I tilti not Usiok. <bai louter of smine- thonreauatucd' »the<b' office -ner romi absnsa eIg it days before 1 o t l t,,&al o gir1fus if ba t! b en ' o lI.ed 0 four doses ubile '<vus lyin <orË 1 Icould 1mot sa>' .vorps Ije MoPiseasoi wus <he < broc of tIse times a bU baAsigisl bave houa w u c a e i a b r n i s b u 't : e . O ffi c e s I c c o iv e d 1 , - b u t euiu*len ho I gel 'flsletton. T1jfr w, Mn. Eoles' sÇa<a, ftqçwal lise oui>'Occusion fI bave Us eomùpuàl faei.n,"ho ie habit o aeutîug suc Mn. Svéeeman-s-Yon jcempils60r My, vustoIdht! tsas ber e.noi M e P h nso u a £n egas ar u ai! Si d' h a b it& in i n sf ta nce recc ie d tba l o ute r jour le<cor, wlaat are l1y-b It-1<net Iook; froaibi>' vt. 'it sjpeared h s g' V ' - . ' op e d n , a u t' ug à iib.- L, T ý aII h % T it a abns v >out t; fy ar .âgd ' T Ihe re s afet neei aiv'tie anneui of plâce."!qeon~ois tf n u k r d V "& 'l cultId, st get the,,e uve op - il er- "I névoi sa a the m ass drc rau the05( 1 e cr nuM ta tiit to 1 su lf, hibe . paii<es t ld - m o ."- " .> bave 4 o p o th",is s~ - M r Z o e ta iut5- ,,Y i>u c o a p a t u fi t ia L t t s o l t t o n . vi e r . o p e n 'lete: bath. a r- joiW Ikiud4itak vii Ili lo e r ssluaai v# s4oiu o ,a ou .t a lace, b at lha no evid ac e « for aJ tter, Aud 'ie'd Mo y <t h.aS<1 l tter vw a s ika t u < Dn tbpley:d ak 1 p' <q1ook fi aiulà.'j :Mauvjllé Obthé 1ltisSp K>' !D I- ! y ou 4 oi,4< litis Wh#,, tkeo' !S< A ud sent te tbé i' ' t 1Ui L .>t ou<my 1is lady lu ah4sytth& e-" nveris lm b.i ii Jgaota> trbisly -tisboothe uni r at Ibat-I eau erit of hot aItedostiuhcateddà 0 dfiu t6"'U i bat 1'concludc go lan one case l <he os toffice l'miaousMr, sior b1411e 'a"ïaàlettedl Fsrugblsclîgis enad. Hum emslu eiderte 'bis a one or i jo etmkend 1 4q.' !tslapan.*i ith came lu,<at abs wupaot,no ,rr Ilm so-o c )W 'i UEE d,!Mli5im ,ob'Uii; I sva* in coe abàofie, ûdsgeu-erauîj ig ot nide lise q$fie-per6p apmitise office, and tise gootbebavos m ai<A* 6ônidorab!e Iiiiie ýisCe/' <thein cnfidieuelu <ho ro 1f Waisce-~Hav yowvcr cen lm ueir çonenecsr rý lntozlotd at tse -Twn ova (illiune M'Psbléamn, iu Wh a 7uuar J~q1V"-' tise Office vus cO"udýUe r b r. Giuun. "Ilbave a Ma<t is him si moesgave lici'ev!4eis. <h TvuCoaclau.Ipuat su, <al<ulset orthe Pc. gtý ueser «a ins »tiserr o<aenwiço <ban aober present <Iie. n., sud'orrect,'aud attiete l ista ites. john Hum Fers'>' Ils àt Upear 'die occasion lieappe'aied toe1bc 'amdm!4tostmoiy on bel 14, ap,' but this migist «-a ria.'étheslr Son, anti atatet!, tisas of Id causes, betes trhuuig liqisor. I bave teeda anti memoriis'ma accu lina» p early anti laie attandthn bis vas- noyer oune ent fut 0. dutluq.,.upd ssoulies se 'vemCùO *!tih Dr. Hom gave slibsa In excesa and! fatigue, Ihat I l avaeamcn hlm <bat visite Mn. MOPIM rd usieep lu i, office onithO chair;ý' I bave vee egaged makiugî nothing te"o uf bis musa, but that ['have MePJieraoianti hon tan Itis fiîet oll!uel heIndiacharge- iîd * the loutera Tisat v fi <h. duties. I bave feqnqsutly acuon.ivoguaI dinner, Sus»ta e d Wa atetsofficeys lUjIsgt, amisi- ereti beueras <bat ise v. r i u n g . " .1 ý o n a n u a r a,ë g e t o ns h i t e se- Te EMn. Sveetmau-UI bave <lie nui0ot Pot office business -<l cr onfitcce lu <ho va>' tise businesa of lse1YUé y p nesver <oun rf ffice liscouduseeti" - - a o f c om paint i i M r. IWilliam *aW mro, eIéà b> 'MrW a. an>' sw crn- cierk ef tht lace.' "11bave residtéal uarly 38 years, la thatissaffidavit vus £b Wiiby'asjd viclis>'y. I gostoishe Peut- Tbalisess ever asltad i 9 offm o ver7 day. 1 get my lattera vitis tie ut tise Whitby office.T ,utuisprompitodo. I uevenia.dsu>'causetiood in -sWaçe!' Chari etCornpaàûlvbai.ver, Isnoerr aw Mnt ho(Dr Ham) r.ceved h *g)" >l~cauin liquor iu the office# I di<c oumatauc 0of bhsplacini -mc bIsaou<aide <ho office th. vois, cf Ia. andth ie light<cte e lis q4uor, but itlis 125e r l14uep 1e Ihave <bus ;1"&in thlu lb u confidence inuth. maump or thleoffice, immense namber ef meglai auti, b ~ave casse t<om 1Da -ia to th& ~genenally contined ver Wiibsoffice, to mili mportant Iettéb from a isillhug upwards. <rtom<th. gresteconfiticeI bain Mn. Mce. sonuaid to me one day ePison. I baye'jcasovi,im <c o bqrt n> ecluforqahto aa and abrupt il is ttauwer, but nevor eoIrW>.muit le anaking n. fortuna ulvo. Ihavé meen Mn. ,Ham onthlb. I ef'cred letters.t- 1 told i i > ide of tiseoffice,- vier. tise register ta bave bnail for a uni» si l~fonr ogistoi-ed lctetus-but ssci visera oýteetucumeandîthe I tise lettons are ied." - ILMitcellab, vicis1.ab To M~'Mr- éè-4 "*car positlvciy ont>'coîtsiniag'25c, -'-l <iat Xnever sMid toyoa, <bat 1Mr. Mcl'i s tanée-lte vhMr. Wal a'a vus haidble <c lb., charges. " os'I Ca stato lia< the S W. H. ýTrenisyne, ýCôaity;&ttorney, col;t ho count>' keptsq'atr[ct.1 loti b>' Mn. hlae," ave neyer te. -The nv'eelti(n , cAn -coiveti an>' ble, no sbeeI.-so»'otisaPIarsns at'tisaiho W rec4o.abuse;atise peut' office. .-ô a Postiutr,asud <t i -ï antdsu diiculty wvus my lot l- vu s tateal to bc Duly 9 a tve or tseeyp X<au . rq1FlaD<ro pans of ageueznëtrjp brouh aeslte visios bad ise1s Meopas vusae&,wmý in- pe atMr. 'Wailace'5box, ani ichisM. pertiment. Wal lace bat kept lu bis pockeii for, a week. 1, recoilset- ootisair d 1A -I gnw of no Wecnii'ugl b c ai s e " fc o s p T iu < a g a n it th é o ff ic ., 1 im p l>' su ip p ly i ug a re p o rt have fulil confidence lu tise mnnen lie'cific-etabou duwn hefoe .the a. euutucteti."' - r - - n i scùn jud4e for t<l S To Mn.r, luc-'Ibave leMn . Me-theoisange bgaunaullic'Post Pishen nuterlb.uene o iuo is ustaineti. tise 'Street. I tboagbt se, lit vusai sp'b1l'Tho tiSified 'and imp *h.s lic vas as sg 0ùl ' ?îîpivBe 4ov" vIsu 1.ivsiao- MnâOgeo.' Ro'bs'au atib'M. ale Mr. Sweetun, deservrst -"E 1,bav ne, vr 56< 'Uty ,abtse,Jor.I ba of praia..- 1 énbf r gat an>' at thoePet ffice. .- At no ttius. bave I accu Mr. JM P 3QUasthe CO' OR s t Weperai tmapagemnt othe office lias' .114 is elfal <sa b it s 1<. Uaa, ':. . sntiyou-and 1.Égh in- t ho Street. î-a~t traoat!înury ôd or if muor.e<bis nce.21'"» dàaoas" Mn.MlakhOwp.~alédîv ~r."lfuil~nu.PIeCeeri> me fron~iahe ist, e. 4office, doua te tw of siparda of îo,on miletI b>' iin, <bre w temtimenu,',ausi' hesuos anti Audrev ap tbemlli igister Sasu deive;. rhes -Mn. McPbese so, uomatlmcs tielit rss tese et Office si a day, bat!mor mu an'cuLae iW ud an, êrro,,,os' ad 'bat le aiuu cd alfud Qaartemi in makag ap susUli I'haî thb. letter'me w- xgo vauoQue vhichs 5imuelf, u4 tednè ng it bctveenhMm, ea contents oecured bt of reaeivlog u istere!-letIters. Ti4 r> umulueit~ AuidrowMcPber- <bat I vu gvssg nurnbe, 'Dr. >'o [e, go mua>' regat im 1 voaltilot Mm I sumi and b.bd up_ light froua Mm. W. ;acvcd moPieros Àssd rml I~*A sa-au. I Pm mue Coiivet<lc mans or 1fr. SI ý 1

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