Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1859, p. 1

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oied With 0rmk4 O*ÇSa, Whitby, .W. ZACIBkITI BUMlnEfAX, JUDOXOlI VTE C%>UZTY &ASUOGATE e, Curt,, OfÃ"m..optthe Court 114m».. W"rO>TICZ AT Ta£ oUUBT JOX AX Si ILZfféj5AcDOxNLL. c LEoU )TIM Pu... O1'b'iie-AT i tw cout.flot** PILEIl QV TRE QOUSTY COURT AD ,'têrottbo $asa Court teUlcs W. PAXTON, Jr., 'u. l.11ACJ>oNElL,; iUL1CiTUU, A& CLKKKUV TUîE COUXZTY 'Couuu1I. Off, et tis oitt lious". i ?OITV KNUIXEIL I. ICE AT l'îlE W. BI EnnAryNF, B AIIIIISTER AN!> CUUNT B ERNA Adloew LL, .Lflulkltors lth ouls éstygCuisOnlt1aio- mgm 0&thé.t'Court lHous.-Soutiî Wlng. -~GEORGE né DAsTKELL, ÀrELSTB TtoEKtxa OI<VEYN .9>~~~0 *s .A Ofcvar J. 0. Dousldsouî AU.'.. lîemse'iwar, Store, Brook StsuwWhIb>. isîroat Wlitbr, V. W., PARUISTYRt ANI) ATTOItKEY-AT-LAW. (QuUo-sgpposleoto shiotry Uffla, Brooek a Iltby. ii wrirnslî7&.ldwre More, Brook 5r.. JW. CALiDWEoL BJUOWN, COU 1 leud Dlvi qQ W luE'CMMSSOE O A 105 JJLLJge A STTQJCEY AT LAWT, P4LICITOS IN TIKUTY I4!IwrMAUMt9 eXTA 1 ouriar sutluor ia Chauory for' Ustitarlo, Brook-se., Wlutbly.41 s toih.nb tp,)(Jp COVL.AHAMILTO 1,x -A ITU XEU& OUNSEÇàNS 'LAW WIJ.IJNTtiX1'ETf Di V Wcea.17_ WILLIAX POV5OU# 'AnouS W. CR0 ise gst WiDy 100 5 nhi nvgS£ JWIL WFE*JTZU ..'T£CI1EE 1Machau, u M 'E)Wbiitly.Wurk uosda e. ardr of sudor4,0.»ad work- insun. Ai.o ro#lring doua wi&h netoe.. sp 52 AIÀ*" TO ZOT A Toto, IlP-ISý1, k.. - Cturn l AID dit 'RoyalTEE1T WoT Klug U r411 o.014s' ê£9rngSe Rs.W OPPlstaMd mtoaivt ai ou sd 'on 'rs LE WPTE V BILOONCUM, ldraslsmauen$ aIai r. i ÇEY. dEVrnnDvzime rcoliw1lt C BNTMMCEI, U1'XWe#TEUE0 , Garde,* al 9roc srit ,WlitbyIl'a- itrésnvasr rdnlyr. ov MIRA T "90pçK T a * t 0 *4u *4o t Ouas e aloi Wf br ilr.o<dtliu ud,.ttaUl OKOIWO MTL Oz &COMM .BIS FCPITE rosi wvfîfesv, 0. Iw., F OMTAIFOtri EL, aFjottwo VEI uJ0C irqursuDi1.sa -NIN> Tà%P Ago49 JAMES GOULDmil 87 LOU KTL 91919N O? CPUXTY AND OM'EO zo Aiudmae<èbt hCowny4em- 0,id - fumONq 00 1, 4,11k ÂTUÂIbSe51 M~NIT MANNAN, pL<~UN AID UUNAMZM4LPMNTEI terSer, Pssar Usager, A.., Whieby. SI W. M. DILUNGS. ~j~ffl8T~E A AiTTOMN.9r AT LAIT. là Chaua7jr, ,C.W.-. ~'l5ap-sezt 4eorîoreh Ut. JIgfetq - Sf NATIONAL N9OTEL, 7051 WSiUT, I - i PILCV ~ L ~ ~ -. gai f«Oe n t Tomt. Wueé,. 'At am b Wkybfsoým*g 3..n'-vfl Iweia&Uthe ODaiy ,&isMd he JWPÂIDUP CAPITAL, $20,09.0 tion','W cnetto Ch. 1flod 4.fo. C.-,LYN»4,, P.a. CLABIK, '- Mý ' «t.W TOIOU . KNG 1 10 DPNDAs 915 Io ZWJ, 15à aIqpitsr fo udsr.'hoa celleony lb tide.msuan sdem Wtsun eh. has WlnyJimua": aisuppllu i*i .dsa ljt adiiltluqîfoogm formi 04.sr m1550£%u her, i t% Publi, aquatothe bOanRo1TUMa4'~4fr114¶ su a, EvauysttanLon j ilitO eriused havie.~ stodyOstorlwsAt titi a"@ .' oEUPBÙC( T OE T Y 8#0" soOlUsid odlugsueMi And- eirasoe, ianeiyE.. ' 0 1,0 D M O T E L, B EOkOV4 # l IC IN . ânoa<eise publie. Thê poplaer smurashie mmn rad ia Msd ad na «irly to .i tainedmesati»hos1W JfoeAnd $fa" ho, wtt boe pemoly proient Io gii.eba "su snoba y#- g.to asva.hi. vont. bd eu ito#deaoghl#Y nnad. Ta'pet nob sàuauuu sm te lnus u sebls louTi, bar sadUsfr u l das<uaIy withhbsnsimn dbé.Csits tio.tt Con Da f5, Vîdpiltor. ted 0"losby Au"atloq iuehold Yurutur., X«0m.rassntl sd clsif.as s arssnbt. .ummwlo. m1 irw Tille WEla Us. ta i; IICJIIL, i 9tr'Mt AD le um, rÀ vuadehsslrue u ttd mn h ustsyl.Zsrypoabl. v hl. n dv duà s d or - ' C* -usb e 1550 - * AMLSI& MWoKr uAt sOAi 0 bd 'bu hEQVi WdmEADDIA i. lintlabkro, "f . Wlaeakoau 'is u nom m"; ence t silsbsltUts a -hDowril, euantthsh VIWKOAin I $kN~aÀ~ s i T ta Imteu fie ~ prises. TlseTusute liSeraI yrlsh. AJ ord.ne4md~nseud~r ~(LTBAN ~IILLEt~ Angut fi, Us.. !M~y. CENTNE l,(OTBL1 - - .mô~s a~~g.y vuivsv. s t it eould beservingt4 y'o »-s wo musoi, Y abut Wiel "p,lulber Dm, tiid'Flel nid liw *w'o* tg Pt$ à« tied la à quWet&MdretidiaLome.-For su par4 1 thick lt vIlbe pkesant te bave ha 'iPéààiIa t vll,>tbut If.ele1 neryong Obént t; jai»f- -de .90,su a puren a àm fi ouse Cotysind, per Allsn t--4bnoteueonsise, . Tise uld tlayilpad ber etes sud uami liet siance. Jlut tien fera eusaafinsdd mode ai "4côm in Y m'id tb.old niuds galCe slender, taty.tlko young venan, drieula1 bcEidtlibsod sud tovelycouaeenan., iat, 1etoleened Inteligenee,refinomeni snfi"ng and Ymlgasato, oed diathej8ri. tstbn Se oke d r d u! dpresedp but alo plossuiy ud h i Atl Deb otdpeupke ktrti umedaeafetosf ý" xvf n eOsbsL uerA" .ked is ue 'ieans mi yunte"vu fie sept,, An tones00 genfi ftbs tfi.yvuw#t the lesrlof otileàers. If (YOn peie 1 véudlihe twfseslsbovuteénsyreooul-' Uns lentwevup pviti ber, .sud site isvig eievs.-Jer aIlhbrougi fie tisan boys, sud iag f ld ber ist abe vwu to mairelsesefss uc-sue "tbore ua glu conl, su. mt, e t -Ceined to 'one roons orb sapurtof dibe, <be vuIsrs" e seluna a udloine4itoe '~do.eonbiron mihaitlika ns, M1do-1 Dyosadiuk tlsayou en be eiiteated tete il ,puieM4t.l s.bensa 1iÈliS e gant" d idrfisyouaire, tisougbsyoung'oompsredte usy bubuu sud me." ;TIse tnnge' ene Srad aled mis" BIden, or Rate, repliot!, vits great oarss $4 flnkfla eould nott la, bueei diruetod tos&bouse morn agroosble te ns, tsete, ormmre sud;te ns, crouustanoe, tiss la fiulaoenst bosse of yoars ; sud if 1 iftvti Iike its ovuors lmsetbi I do moe, I issualvswys liSe fleus ve*, mach,' la. she-4m11 dially upon f11. detigisfe eld lady, vbebsade ber good nigiI, and hsstenot! dovu ttellaits"'51h"yvisa saàue, 11-ac0uomsd n"pisnf eiru bourder $q',us glat! ais' coma, mifter ait; 1Ilbie besa&grest dest butter flan I expeceedi1 îbsad-be l!g'$ 51gb ln ber notions st ail I moan, aise dos'lmemstéelu" "Tse proof of tIsa pudding 1in la lieest nolui, Ult Tlier' îne teti6ng mch bo »upapyhdÏr os onop nqingBut~ tbea»nà pfSay# svli" goo! rosma E sems latereste! lu ber, aubevsud bu sjut.1!g11waqetlrs.Wondai vbeh raù@ma ce.h, sum'ýd howlong bd'# kuovu ber tl eonclded-tie olâ! mans, useitaü. ba vite. ogo ' go rbaia a. bs u,éther fiands oinot. lew 0 Ikesgobs.Wbu4 if lh. baplant edo." Tus% latter venuE vusësus»M b, terh-11it IMM, W I q 9 coma., iseold d,j ras,to beve,, forbs '44" jonytie wo dolliau vek tt b-ossdwo vse to psl, 1 otu uete'lebiî be-b.la b e rf, wd for aitlià ase ltÃŽ lls v l h avo#dlSert6yfils" xpioeil of et is f.ïk »Pl , be iWaded te examlp.lhes'ruons. W08, neat a.-d et ood sfre, fueâh 'fWr , ir~ lbsracmoCb.'s4 'bers rv4 ' dh*bn fif - & i t!sns sal, ul 2ù.*u mnier. Ylauo vér 5id ' ' iaeua'i liNé* zk y oi (enEnglish. I.~ ~ ~ ~~ i woswhs,',aI ruce at tii. owuue. 'h used te oek~pla My luofler suà»aitossu ai rhbo Le vo7 mpeto k8#14 iah. fuugbtm.ohcz-artJ did ucikasow woi.io a asparast k«s .tJouged very-,»Wehb ousE a MissJldea did-not Invite inquIsy.ý Sqvswormasg. rapldly, siieatIy, MdL "Se Smioi.f te wsy Youge your livinsg, isLý le WoiI, l .p»qtty voiEbutil'us ý lriti isi ne var, good .foryour, hoaltis. -I»~Uld tlitk yo'd pt, mmo*efu it th"si ido<dsisopot. iLooksLý tiJ &otasr go. lwvs nvn yosy la iiik-, "9ot SU tdi. finsme v oiE on k, nMy de j"lugh e h.good Judy, "'butu vs myvlintes voile, whm Ihalt"motovork et i4,far doyen . Yosme, mldusr, r-Peuple 11s410 ue* îlu told n.i.prom r nning f111 uigbt itwvu voiE, voie, work,: Yoar inansd ycscout, sud 1 slvsosdid sy, 5115f. I don't do muole nov. Oit! folk. 1 Ouglt o rut; but 1 ave au=dylv miydesr,,and am, gladbto so tat your ame W#14 M4sudable. b serýa ens. 1 iI'm Vory fbauk(ulthst l'ouagel pleufy to do, snd tlsîast 1Ie leth mdskiffto doit.1IfoeIUiseJ1,mvery kindy desit with by Prtideffl.." qIsm sd to hesryou talk s0, my dem W is i $i Y u . 'TË aejrligo am't JOUI? 1 alspe 1a£MI'"vu - fie rept, a lig cusor finging tise pal. eScaeoMus Bies "Ni1ov long bars. ym nmvuM,flun dola?" mW dMm K-Ketabrupi>. -qo "Pr nsf y«o," vas tisa ansr. "éPoes ho know pour fsmily 11" "esà1, -à" ans, lia ssou flosail., ',a ipe yon'libo -for-lavigus su gong bace boena feu vael"Lué M's "Nln, per1uontelI t41i.ttua roply. T'h. ou ilad d mk 0us 0"8 fn intie 8h.i ust medtafag vhetb.i k voulu! do, t "psns" imnister la regard ;t 1h is 'toy oihr bosuder; butaba oucudoth&fi flbatvott!notbe iseas sh.stoodlintoi nsuob ave ofthb erund gontensan e.bd le «M, scee vrvol to aleo emo4 but tboi lano ksoving ,vbger say1body vii tairecm a ofnMy Pue "b4aaYODna wsoaa, ram hume?", "Tes , esiwevnt svay efgit yeari ii,, sud Vsenoverbava huad of isinuc. mev e nbs a meau bandounse lmboy, va vOre tue fond ut bis, sud gava lm bis Icum vsY tee muci, sut!d hwgroev ver, vi aid.viseslis firtiat" tala" h, b. rsnavay. 15alcmteiflt!uotsbut vs k bav id %or-4 year or Mm, àpose mmime ",usIe it be Lord, mie oseio baud vo bave consuittot!l Id# cMm, sud upos beu v et ali ou cire m i. poos', asgy bio,*vl brig bine buikte chou sudconfurs onuisttdojoy Ho lem, bav. dmivr l ekey, dsi=y busor.Jy puniisd, butmva botb f..,novtisathbu vi$ Ï«thaussdeo rputsMd 6fo4 Uela bis i, sud tg ntretobei da ftwhp'éo," Tisa ýpuso or hope iig;ber eyea sous.,sud ah. vent ont evslea sud buvidt, <rom ber baL. Wia &eP diEu.,1et uigt ube'eul m o tnt dia door, Md sltvid-vltl.6,nfuset arroit bos e bgute srUmfor Ielpi AW O,0 btàl toelue #bv'wustmberee 4bçsou, jesoalroh. hdeo v e leyoun Pibp1e-aaten nOW, nue hust5iy in twelie, , - , It vsêiWlng thm ibeoeasuy signs etf tsuslag is wuss ribl,lain ta. Wb à@i didtlopen,-he-o ly00,1t.clo tâ iSa Mm,'be eid, seMr. lent lieutoio wh e lift herbe sàbeUter pouom ý;d"sddù yuu kuo ourboy?'Te la u Offl> ayoau àDess; YRid moterl --"o mb~,uiier, aiL let hormestii mmsiug consmndud the oit!mas;.snd a ve mratierawillngybeyed. L Rte:Io os fie sote uSmylg lu m ug b'ylierse vuses. follovs WApiotslua 4or'in&i dtedi 'y, bu flseyvrpriud suMd b"sutyï 1 £ visn rclyomg- ussa.ught ut baudi kuov, <rom viat source bisgeilecn butb sb evse unki- u ovnimbà a ,tiie, 1 socewy ilsickh awmsea, sud hocush con1t»et bi *OUMi nc4 sisovbicuelfto b listes teis~lb -Buloved tbemsa; su d, iýlad oapt b, tultlsWeélo fia rillof i, bjec4 1Is cioely umie4 lis. 14, fsmlly;'t one disovuet!me--bu se liappy vsli 'elepsuhomo, nlaempaIs, eoflansm dmr er tme,àCd ul[onoathduarasth i'or, isopu et imnsortsty-4W-1 I li tait 1thaio e apailtl me. i là lot- oua'sbort yesr; in aPoifottoict of joy. My b ibsaom lidu itMd6< Lia1 I-cOnld du, se nb mt «avury vs of my beingi' Toiai turned affecttion, ii -talet,t, illM, <d " Iivas- .iEd B ivssoived. Ave& vho îWprote to loe me, iaimrder to e auniMiOns' n: Edward, t&tteme fiat ho Wvs.àegami ler, sud tiat mo u èrOge vubut sai*hm Or MY feelings ceening flili1I«Duc spusk. I elargod us, 'bashint!WvU;ilà crium;es; icuit! mot t!eiy tbemus; ruited sud hosrtbrokeia , I&4 et<soni houa.. Thisv-usa yeer ego. Wbslm suony-but ml bol, lu ssh.. vd voie~ ~~~~M myvIfoeihm.MParent Ineyer vu, g one more, aor lui,élite, Iidout!1I db!nue doira it. I.isîdailvinte la sncb pis...ne1 cond psy for by tisen dustiossue aofus, nodle. But suds lufe vau intolmrbi.'iiet1 "kiluE tbeou, vus neot eufriend fit ta vhom 1 .ssght APptfor rlef. - -~Ur e uaiýs" baL ronsedt!efils pkac. go. vus,, [mev vol, ammnte bu ésllansd ouf irol tsustod. 1vroto to lilas, telling myua£ stor,. ne e" ouc ot us.mono, bot. 'He fouud me as sIser-s aposcoinili ons but now batfth,,Godbov.knew ths oii ral««ths k fe roof of the, pareats of hm v>u vussnmy destruction. ursan Ailen »ud tise Edwaid visoni1, love4d-ayc, loue -arc que .qAul tisa-usine. Tisde tiuvo aoff.hetoiegoing eb.pw vse4 pertcal overpovsring teour oi14 Mr. suý4d EM EnL thotoun abutefoi flair pueor, sud t l bfe>' rlatot is vboles lrange Lumtearc.' MfrHaale voàs smevia uvlterd "Hou eau it bu possibat your soD lieM, saitdsu!yeov r bear d et h toteombe,""Mdi.let 4wA.tlysg, b!f rgotten." iity, vou emit genlema vi relt&,ly qite evltgr "T iis t lta'bevlgbedre. fiat~ ~ ~ ~l "i4glbs v laru.sskj i soibadse tal-pts4e owm ka à .*1 "Tleestol!ha"hà ~ ith self "<ssoudt h. bi ove ber-fiso>v oat baîipâIle sud flbe'l,*,crebeu. ' s . otfia t ise, cn do. onelsbd 'pue Jaa &d'fl L iftasinde*apreidet f0rtisoi waIsome." fareisaL. . la red USlC5Oaou,2iù Winfor'pi saud - , , 1 f - . -Chou. Lrn,ss a, le hbag Is pents' oigwrns, aud remain Pi faf to ùq Ënl bs eonsforttteiu lait t!ey. l'rutGi o"en R e s-wIàbi i . vs s Christin vo- Lae a. ait M?«wi t Fom Pir of Daci sut 'W 'oih e mot iti ber la Kor.ven, if le Store>, 2md. éerrmmereheld br on oarti; butlh s, lS tor Tsar bO, oWd be aveUiigeveirwlsere Js ts,2d tinfo hr, ndsttig 'ha. helofin Ca > Varieeof % li0 seqsseceoia v ry gret mitakoîiregard bof a hiut-AtÀ lay, £ ditnh e r on wbieh tise, luttapoke. ni - zPaL> lu " ssilus i abaL isanor wvisah. char- edmeIvi i aving vll.ly demcevdhé,uM& eo Ela ru. on fie ispur off.e moment admsitte t fit 1 Gaitesy Bail isld-îîded I ba!ha mess respectM isJa.Tv but nul la regard toesr lWeng ns, ovu tUne wilé. 'uW 1 bava lico vbely paùiubd- , - -sud i fea;at nsw uisïimat vitU- Tva mv ToI dL uré .-ort ",couctudetie dnnliDSpp' Nev Yorke Couri posed tlu the Li &,,Wimt vosteait o alvussoi! 110orunOtiig.I ,or vife leu rnt, le lat pou etaItdiagale« ho ~ ~ ~ o mstr ifamily tickets1 eIW&ýD "Sîdoeuolca sfriken Mau V" $19081 on tise i ~ aslaiet! ouI gszng ith an almost suant recoivot! (O eyo on 1r usdl.gr«aIthe lbiese 'b "Mot lto' nsFOlite, iî-.ut' for M ne la," w 15011il bec resand-b t onllussesnoty. ngIt viettisei-u -"But 1 viii 1011 ,ou a strange stor,-8 closes itsa acomn pridemnd ansd remartrbleeabovesssIj, iesul5ki...."Bve0 tbn îisa hcblas coIuse nder ns, observation' Consalst e i lor mou, jusot." yAut Io rupod Rata's as n neuîid! I holàSeuy. playors vaee ot' "ý; iLet us go It" orieL lthe looguopssu, atarus usdssnaf; buti ou ln n."Ltusg s-tatly 1,WCo- fe4ce ktheeulug trai.I voulu! uotsloop WE Ou-o etW efo au, tlm.uiht for fie viwole of bui, IInsu sCot s ep tedt mdi il, lýb. n'oie morulug' taose isoa ou orsls teiia* rescbot! AytoiWn, sut!il voent dirudtot "Y Mr. Koueis boum.e, 1_eredydiabe- W poor Rate vas'mode tu, belure ft it wvatostiug viiiode Ddber hslvmnd vbo be hetr u-wisen usca m"-"d ho Sshe foilupoh ils asandvith criecbmat! bas deiros',je, iai Sean a c ud ssoys nohav« andt ausvt!tMn foepr-'ose sodmpu ,s Ch ous reaii, isr vss ivaéi resl i-oft. asns Ith fissuks lvgçfe rs T sut! e i o fr, jî bal acu 15viisjo at!~ooiing. 1 dwar ,s, lot sau det! b, er a w -jo inm FWJ*uy E, m mnssg 1<ouan t Re vrAftecélted bi%, Esivurd Allan is,~ a a no& hadisu reslly . ..re.feqJDot!.Re. emaino tefieldan th mi £ ootoentl ih. nahWi ome s ansd oee ota!fera if jspy iuslyd n'mde uas long as Chu, ai od ndple live.-Alou ..naAsatue las. vllag; < yard. ,.1 put ~ an! <i uurenspy vs h lalb.cuj>'.cboaredOffo1-plant, menOlt ofit48suete. profits disuihoiWaà!In a drow 01 ly evirbecVdteucossnùgausbior. Youag t!- ciilèva gafeel ise vide od o m, â0 os drougi tise c ada mari, ysaca thoyumade of it t towaGrandin l'nflor sud gisadstoierspoiled fions al te tie tiig il lt bat.csu.Ts ut sunsouont ca uilI powd, Thogoodinigerbis stozuacli, di ew, Iss- not a "inmllUa aisiecongrogatien umilae s arket,> nlh vhoiieloyaL b4tter le vieiL or b, vic i eo ieýy ho wu vs ore vAe$$y beloed. Aud ovon ~iZ uut-e yot h. tiints vidfreertial vouder 7sud - devossl gmütuude apundiahe st "espeesa A Mv RGLUN vbF&.lwick loL blé te chose for th. castor CIswe 9 Stice: ib or là foiteur'dock a ibelter îorw~ns Sf o, lus fie ver,'haseviio , ushors by rigttmgsrl t e r ~ ~ m ufk loeý~ .i "Doit Sur-on bar oue Mh. eusl't Mhkn sud u uaaMare, sut! ai hie. -OB oteedo e ogM eu seODgoi bes you dia costc sosm Ps Lges Cicuseomo-On La' 1 Occasion,#sud lam ITisat a round-about way s, lers haveOftolitare, sud thseI drsivlg up dood di ut!t!ocmaaa. l I Ifmsur, ef" ' sInsoa enough, to eoep ,a&navous peygon b>'a vag, loto vies (rom "-gIeng te là*St ail.", Tbeise<01-leas-u-uOb log ia a simple. "Sýéuppose a mam visiset! baIve Saut reSu te glve spotier on osuage. notes d e hsest t-sut!0s. ma&ng Mmladolsafun, ud sym mare, bava e"d à 'I glîa en faI oan,'baMut bis sesan sdrd! iun va, >-i1dO sAUdo &di'lau, rtgI itepsd im, A iig du iwui ,Îà dcvPjjf1 la sa pug, ii.Md "l£Ji osan me poite and , drm bte, ovo$hev ýW" au j meltces ai :« fQe seme rsagelorWe fi aim est, 'vid or ithot fs ain,,riat!, Julspulp "$hall 1bava yt sud pipe, mnyflia baretofie r eelatai Toilexqtisite te a or leàouy, odiarr tedor-deed, instrmentaabout 10 comiuince ofwe t k, fuint!or atues1tise contway 'Wuatfis. oit eepo Tbeedore Book-, ?iei,.,-À Wshigtea t!ispb he he b . rXksd/ r.'v<,datea W-kwiaasza ou6 , ms;~~q~~ rm>art!tOvls, nt leu le. Féoerie, 1ot; Iphi id boier-Tses. Mi 1 ~ff sud tvo Heu die. -e..--- rier s,, s"tsa pati àgtis Elevon ceidd , "- Tsmout ofis b, visitors( nla tabats for lie maei à a9 At5) vu on tf kg ou 'Wa d vs. n wl b.vin sig arlly.o =ame lEssuv on TIN eislt mSnt be. 'le am ntor 0ie matah iti 7y eMe appesrs te b tisat orte preent M imagine that thse Ansm s- trouger flan dii L sne fiets., rei sud vesider of N te a trien! out vo ruisaturasr s&reconsns "M'il 'A fou'mail foliug puff, viieb bost8n. Thse 1"i usa, OtUer irtue,'w e. . olrelsa"te îe Sir,-Tba land couse serto bou go Isuorl I' not gut siiviug v e b"u! o isUce our 1 WM odgcvlue; but bas puttmoine onsa feu armil foncS, and in isat the rock,bat! ontJ St stoe voit encireled os ver. iSplit loto 'c as W oluel is te m2 wump-in two days ài et!d -vide coin satpu )f peaîDuesla fiit Middle, AsaM evidî stsengtb, I wOnldusyI likonof ins oiel" s louL tof potsloas1 yn dot dima bt gives die folloving m a letter from a ei felu Corporatioe iMouds, nostî1 sm te baln bu mmcli obligeâ laviii seut me do»v erorli.s ini f« e ros; of te Becoahi Tb@ aboie vussse mse bladai fe, sM bedlemeato jour i dM ris tva buhl tt s m~s l'ex,. rflaêi cutis-. itimals 1* d-/ to the #Uxromkuni OMM«. priodod Pb~ ý l 1 "à

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