1h.Ceui!oies sé>ongdournsne .as o~r. soitn Téw mo oto bitbi lieopomme The *#lqvlg iM"Oitmymotbov'l5is. - Mt I luer ê . IRe.u tesusntqilee Ten. (Coiasp Midb. " f~ouWqp5.< & b ~ YOOr A.or-lasIm mthia Oe liboplukxic i duwwsor viue ccci our 4OveM" or bei I4bf-Iý 0079l hWlar sl e .pma.q o <d»~O ibetserle 14 osOvis vekfoisuéd-e '111:4Wol e dm »ùp m eqslrm fo bLobe L W su ld.ly eu4sé si, slGolf5h. tb a voil#o! vila sé punleus,<huko sid r wi muet lie ie porte, (de , r oh. ls.for .B die Mtulu; o aS rer alli ,bi duOf aloi o ti glu- MW mb.ai oilé ove aeil"st' lo ylre l ymabwl hm,*Odeoyceaioe1< la twouofuiss dou eb eluia n sias01 MW s~bs té vaSrere S. dbrlnlmsd nve P" his oW igetMerd, vllov ue çlsfWnýVls4hNIl sué sholu-'aatvouer WIf bat iiueé lboa h~Pi <Jnanaeuee c UIeel. efibiuk 'nsIa.vllïm is po* afr,<is in e hé anv b "utsaeélis elgla.Gonte a4aspns o!pot, sué the yu sbatqse o<wlubar seeier MrbcM easu mt tà Md bero! Oie "0br i k u e osch," las aiys sebng) T<brkkaudlx-pn« ~. ijwh u-ilaed 'aleré. (ie ncemxubec!t li itIiy a a set.rsvaip"nAu Corpos-sto dînuesw, 1W uns; vlsich h. r ofk rter m .dea c Ibi in .1 La<baj foto bot i buure,& a.nd , a lmhrs - rkoe otest.Io ols ery hou- é u vidtole melsnholyi b oay overob, f Sacbeu "sud ceBlessa ot aIsmOa orn1tueuin tout . Scde"ofals OIerine b. ué , dr. oere.)di equestion pro omS ! epome"t,à aé noest dW laSidiIt S. i dug*tëors o! f or ; ina 7suy chsnoteà . iiiin tu9 (tisOfhsd6u luss.f) l, b i oplaui, A kTlu.Butontet, bpurivey o w" t~ IRor non jmoly sho Lr a r sud ului a tebsud bc Ceonat htCOaasnm;bao onIi!. (7h. tIsidOu- ounoimeeestée! dink, embeu'o use va Monupcro ropeivofvilree llpettera " isa Nos t01i5pulibi -veoe l;;dBurt o se o.péu-ee 5diaion, dl -« goln iethe stor andusé Le veau Oecl'md m«bo bau s0i0 eg, iiid dru" , , ! 1h. eeus o - go s oimtOfer îg, m elimk*m.oSue.b OluOusu (oi)eep .1g b) Fouri ;luese oué ban dý i a tan b eplllsuéartqulcaly;i. Aiml7 praualesi 1vhtbe ie baude m odlep uls ou-,suédriksbot- lO Tee tof a 81 5!4luOAW v*e sval Di Se""a tlIe nov 60m" O ie ?eMeae aid: <Tiohband thmeera.>if auadamdesoWR .u~'Eodar sule sé aapo.i j tise m f Lie oh Nuuéuadhlhn,4ile h oulérqiuOýot l, héLer m doaiM4.)W . migit oie 001,81Ypportbis.- u am kLTae 'sC*(w milw i t w o- ai-à md...4 a* wme. M Od a we o w diKa4, w.O à # lavmsS*.k"sseiasgé"i 0e Itw* 1reeept#bldles w 001 lae .kyjy*he.o ees<l. tW roisb, ïï pry, aat. e ns vUS. <1e6,4%1h" F; r, ate PO«aMm' nateipe~o v 1 omw10 at L 60ho ,i, é-ke,amilt F eor t&ree euh-big vef )fa., shailtMd MW 0e â54o1o h- o. m , <lie om et a ig '4 g r la is lig e < i, oi j Otb moor ssss# Oeaié !*0 oel day olf,. rlaisi m So atShoe s t lais ih cdA gdlo iit SlokmoeO th. maume ies 1.4 efai1~ v.4 rý$ tavol lue faulin.y_ * mdrn donel ptd a Pd s&Mdae smpllsmd fladyc, c Sfisei" bis90, geric, Soolt fie ÃŽbi oh@ du' "<o'sg resy uovr Se sf» C$W4hi. ore", a ga foe amope. h.Isised lainaou, n5 d tolam,,Salapvb, a ontheSiu r"od La hmsdte 4 suéjeked vill h ls ussieoryaThe getof ., immiedoOM4a sd, la- , Md oujofyi me of à ui ibticof pà ofured h. baudsu o nUrin di~ rueDIprooud hm pasio, or oet tissohs vs ao ohe ol ce s u-eakh ne lm seaiedau wýer to. 4be en lmu l ioe, "y %=%nt ccpes ai ffa,Mv am in #ar buespbefor IW tiioé h ouana A sm4 dlose ,thkuing .!Of 864 tFa1il 608b;,<o$ *m < ne w* ; b1esÇjWiv7eOià . M- b saS tlave .beena jm;à wo *w4rm «aem Oh I Wb" & o» ntomeîhou-a1 0"0ego by-h 1 Jaat UImm es promaaS sw* flss 4h1 oWlag « 4«W t bP bà oe o bu<ola-1'e riu4bd, .a4dSrpê WM é&,isp, a. v an mis31la. mWrfW" u PA*iy emifr 0,ns t1obo wka *te ma,,susvig oves vuiIJoUÉbis - c '-' n -iu veIo," o*,bi" '.% P" ;swne, - ntvis w i, e e e WMiynà W.f pain omsi,~lI, om, suat e.a oy about vuWis ltvst tesisa osmi afat cOhn sfiué010aOrkueehiug pe tol ber *imo<I.o*rZonvulurtire t i w 11 -46.boisis. hcfhpdorp' sent w-top oa.*ere41oé te f yo vilaS iu Lb' -tb o sis miry. Broýend h tbue msulty ,oe g keWsukeh aad ienvaofyrkesroalmetUre Ow'«kbb o UIe olWgob Mor.k<s nrvk ugL T ot «04slïsuos duot rea re lory w bori ilo derk mesese, ud& h ou seatu'vp' trou thevkha ti. bl& vsei . pacesl b le d.o,tl oeupe 1eswq ,~i S i D e a é o z e et o u e v g ptb UIf.u.osnse v T.Ro..'Je puistéhfI tbylsovitiln SIu o " b IRséoùnbofutir! h0"ectriagaetb-cur ré siito tueuaport <dbeeate ci-iti hiesirou~ hsn os ot o iaiieô ; of isd,ohevoaSndol!u-j vrst re !Setn WusIRe gie.ém abeIn oain, Be. bdrein t.ri a4(t«wa dloçsiutiofdirr iro ttibfnise v welook #sbot of igisio , sla trin ull aeof ieonu.4oaliugi i- ae baniatà i; tirptws ln psaso(s;Ios- ai %youjsnaed @ o! ii. cas-logesoda b've adt rii os, plnurch n talse ier w in fi a ev, w tch e§ d, suffe-li- de ranSpoo ues'iad ltb joy, an1roiîa y sit. tIe indva ecitod "leila i-etsoiaisé or-l diior;sFi- essai hu tha, ,- alu rioailo ans!vda tis i, g eta msy ov ungrooon&' Aîtpasng i!th@ -o.e yo g Loves-s aspon aIl aoi oi-ioa d 'sir 0 iw ay sodend ront,-l ecrteriis ulLsiasîts-iolorans! tis e i-qel ta. endki lai s bakgrisn. Anon;tis creé the it la a counwaprwdý acf h ioo lone,.aueqlseopjtaldi n q.v~m~u- a ut. $, lai aIR in"> a,, ~ ~ f» o<iesyhncOhî,Oé- 1 Cauè% b'.4p.peéo w divlý te Jrrais a he ri i-o p.c!t Of heir of', vbola'Srovoth" eyîlg e0e lto tbm Mi~ote ÃŽd . -a~ otisavfcà te vida y-mUii 15Us à t asp.eêo MY ias4 frlu y#e tufd 1 , xolo dae fr.ytia. vJueuabut (oim t ono sie otins iiý lu e u va Lb. itulbo!t i-nbsro&p maS house !, da"e. t boe.ottLoers, hm s clppig cf"bania, Mlleifr.<~59, 'y raie etis -byplaiuo hbaonouh 1 »atbof4fetmyas tkn, foi ltsa imie -no intqs5PO e- t 8 S"un ati un 9 menint-ste sboit"aieos uésu-le(" R ith9v, tber <bswsuya"lnhen i notbi a omm nt. V o d a to ted Lbn; rade Sol teW> in" t W"tbe rd [t1r voilé-la.. been Plsdoupble"youI« vo eSa irélgn hséstas Atltuflanapb16. ist Pl it reasf Wil ntonyva o dtiop io Minom n suopproabi, u Neor, opedi kuiformedor 1*05 ali»S.icu qtwi- wuaiciphosolireruyot,&tol L seAt ri sth eint prp fr IRrcptlo i th hreopp4 d itan t, Q;enbt a4dT $Ãba y it-moet as aprouishing. Noed rassmjiythoor of th; cmsudth-eui nid houé tbe, Sdlv& dOôpsI. fs airor i sf ïbret oi W là <ts col o pâma whlcaraaout c ir tildGues Diditt, dabukymd botoT n ainblyo Therai i-yo hid giai preud a iadelesiedupîhiis m (ma ti.mout tIR.suà o8 oer.lgn,4beêKInu(«rInî aitheIho. lîdsofWbho, anrdy <huiror ngtei gbo rcto frlov.d lsy thse u st drT icriLet ond vas chouan tla ips ethiou "M4 lnvwatsella Jhe î aïipïe visol, . ý lus tifd o-r" Pbewcl 6utPeolevas .11 Mg ral. sneA o!is ai-iai ressth& th n;lsvIs v I rs -dyhinga;L. rasastsgsai l. NoaieJsaso'joa<rp m ieton r ua v"leicli tuet 'lt onse Ti aco e te<vlsll te tu-rae om< l4tieboesr<cf4eoPi.Ppis-ed;W Id slsoidmy. tLréoch s bv oen t- ia "r. - 105W t'Ubrate a Te'.DIIWL TiReCai I dru b hen sresdy d eeor a i" . ý4 or to-day Lor-thst parpoee, but, ft doeunt M Àwmtbat, tvl esyhn f lt kWu " ;r, fo te p L I.t i 8..,w iiefa rt -las, Md 513M 15 »si" 5Ioof " wMnL Èn viekod efery*blng t'O foin oh.Be rdlulniân irny, it n oeréeSy budobteJ t"m*oy F7 .111 eos. fiard nov, when no obameI for iitboy Ut" m1.omW mnt asavitaoa dolnh aîas>U4t wy ar0 pot wo tot X, l une U, O iRE Th#e fot1wg b.W'.*Umuy of, ber -1-I tû thé e or..the Oglio jure, te 181!u a'pol.CÀ dm, Uqun bobné ise Mnde, ThRe r"neluoop. ver, heing eencen- Whftby 3 trat or a dedgjv 'a"e, *4 a £ giest ,abt" ww ae sUcp*W.vithi. s w.k, 311 Lord Polmeon b.d orm.da on Osbbwn nelda&*Lord John l17MrweB (llsstoo, Lod Elina, Mr, Coo., i, lfllnaGiben, smm!touGranvlle, obund ants d unebsi g d ! r d , BZigagWg-,nSmth, sW embuent Oa,, London pbyi;ldan,hbu litty be nasklng 55~ iornetnesof the co,nopinison tIai -fodOf the, gi-est rote ut Wb" nIl n" prea train"fM s ri-ns n prdoern sjuou ifotupc. SI0# mlnd. TIR. plan adopWed utodatemil . iniOé ba w«rveuo< of yst.ns viii ,laprow uordion So ta.seulty of ShoofnetlongAbli Or, âmiuh, <floeço,.,tiaelled urinatad. ly in euh of dtIR 51w.. ls -os ofEngllsb lioJ saae on the. quaailty o<alr lweatbed vas aertled by tIReus of" ýiý j rho s'rester panrtw 4i uen, vre ~f ladpon the.Wod goe, but uome ~ iere prosocutedl on the narrow gpuge, ~ lie r.sult; fo! epérlnsta enr-nS h sow lMst be i-outtvii-onùSIRe e o c- srre4l whilot sitUai; s pon the engie. ' Me prie ava"angoeresoair lisopiri. 14 ib. a bout tvo bundredj and fllty cubla mobe* pur ItnaIUon tgfun,ot!wo hui. We4 cubie Inebe in tIR e Ond clés..and - ne bundre à n Oty b.jee î4 for 11U0KSON-mýiSTboNo0 ntIR. à wkzobm7gy, C.W,, (brotber of tb . bride) I woudi by tIRe Rer, T, 8.,KeLnnedy, Sec,..1 o.4he Chaack oie Dio4eje To-> wto, 4Kgluaruyonue# om f ~Ia~dpshserc Sht.se Rer. lai-ch, Hamilton, ont Sfo 5t nd, 67 by 9m lie Hamilton Spe-eteCor, * theln itildi4 daugli'tter îb.ý k~aéW T S ni' ; id fo-u70 iR t y Klldiiji, boU 'la99 lESIfberM busaà few mors cf bisas«- Wad:TWO-Io02E oeLtIVATUBYl, siaçbp.Jlom4 udPoe oro *01 eiiOg*9 bigh '-5'---- ~may t~ &~, k~, ýADYMÂDE CLOTHIN,9 lesml" Peselomiff, O<.Y*eaiy 831lm fox, o uep& ms. W~Ina.mbAUP"eys obrick4 jruldn atapedg Ph, treeomgà § t> il," ArviK ordelslfCommi or ae mmsly sud strlt'for*vArdmio,* by 1,sImf - sub Zdftor, aitii. lla. Wne~, s= # WILU/jfr- OWSONt - pfrse1dp (2rkJZBad"3 34 T! :Â1121. bondi# Msgh,agad,4itb "'Jlep.ta ; botit lgiouls!r.siýt,çjPy<h. "0> bill~ rha.,,o-gllgesi 2yt,liisgeo y y 5 e r ' drs!. it be rr's-ié l'-Jm.S,,IL5, euhjan,16. !8t' S~A À trontso% d 1pess Il MMdhR~N jBsou,.'lb -r. 0, Ionkb , fhusfrlsis;red. , O7VCE-2iZ TOERNTO Z~A<2 Fias Faawwen 1556-Tuo lsagzndTiousl d 1P7~nd tuh.. sawFraa ofauet4-sursd Wwfod i e mosai-n avor abrile tà t-na. UliorupMrod-rlulastakien on 3llchmdnize f.'r wowor uoreiosili.. LIC. InSus-ana -on, rety-a1vfas-iaS, 4ýojft» eusy folar Whiîliy Jiailx,6¶A Pian., hIOdAiénie. TH puEBrOTJGIiah- lRte YfiEW éIT FRDAY MORNINQ, A5OuEXAINrERastýt a q~ aybe isa deon Cui. 'oeDy i- su d V" ictruoria , mS ta T«b. T pt ad yT. IR.WIT 1 1m R£Nylmwhs TJ2 ororu8EaiIe~ PýtiY5LtILD m TIfRSDV ORNNL b, iol. vu Ol e m