la Publathol ontb* mornyaof SATUivrDAY Ici "vobi, at ,0~o1 oLÂà 31 AKuXlg Ooui r 0,usiqpaper peb#inasi a B&nwmý or Aà bU~wmnm- mw VfU.; #"rtun" ......a $100 l.earUos,<pe ln.0 O10 ZPW>'bfleqOut sntLî@0.,........ m.. BOOK-AND JOB PAINTING ESTA&BISHUINT. f751<1t MOPIUT OP VTRI WJMTDY puletmtjbave preessrd noms 01t auntm ty4%aoelptois ls upa$nor tyl. sand pio, t ;s; loesatr.snunersl Fin-ds r~aneaitiI'rlastlasg mabinmr, ASMat101, DIII.,l uit#11, s lani nl« rdsiaevp- 'eAds. at'Piflu oisibd witlin au 1rlIu t fui sorssrsL 'OW#nkZOtks, Wlitby, C0W. 4bc ju o t UR-Nifelu . TUDOE<>Y TUE COIU TY à £$UEM>GATZ cpCourt.. 011W. ut tihe Court Boe.. 1 s RE AI LE, IIrO INrIUNUS TV iseI. - 1j JOHN HAX E IRy, a. J. KACUONETL.O ýÎLII OP TIUE VACE. OflIOE-AT tbtiseotsrtfliou"e. JouN y, HANI, ILUI9 OY TlUE CUUXTY COURT AND 1JJqltror of tiheSearrogate Court, do.. et tse BaLeU <>n*«, lirect- Itreat. 1 W. ImAiToN r,;- T ILEMRE9.LOFFICE AT TUEI COURT c ortlieu. Ji ttCourt i Os W. H. THEznAIrN11 B ARBISTER ANI) COUSTICVR Atiotwsey, Mmlu&rndl'o 1er Briek Ilioec-Vaçcoud loer. 1 AUtia4TEIIS s&A't'Olt%YY& AT LAW, B Sa,11l"lis s aner , Wltiby C. W.- mt0c-eOVor lginilt"sa A& ?ioberts. I ir Wlflo, Wbthy ' W. 11 il ?inig» 5>nîsawat. 82 CAIViIUN & JIACVUEILL B iARIittTEI kA'-rJlNEsAT LI, Mdolloltor*, to tihe (7osssty &.7um-l ntri. AOlo t t$ba Court lssa-IatsWig. :GEORGE1 l. DABRTNELL, y> ARRIiTIIIL, ArroRNIy, Cs>NVIIVAN. .8>«Yer*4h. e 11.svcr J. a§, Dcrîlu aI *, . IzsrZ'are tore0, lirock airw ititby. nAI813ZeT-LWUYYWEF-BROOX IB s. out . FAIRDAN C.IW a oIAcIT0U2 NiTARY IPUBLIC, &0,. &0e tbhaws4 , 0W,.2 . . (0. hAN, rARISTER AND ATTOILEY-AT-LAW. 00104e-3pposlttsa uegltryCOie, Brok NDE.LTEAI)MAIUE IXSURAICE XAgaut kIT t Ob Cousit>'oft atrio,. Oc- Mer iJual4uo»'e ardware liter, rook oreet ATTrIEzyS CUELEJ LAW WILLIAM WowION, WI.sLIAM TEMl'ET, a. v. X Klii. TETaOSIAW,CANADA Wut.7 ha. <aal~.ab'~Cit rek, haler- D.EZ. ENWSoN,:CAu Ê' OAL ENbSq.OÂYI£WINVGD, h IL HAm,'vrLE MotS AYNE. BflACs gINTE FAIà (airtJr., Wb,*liy IFrtîslar atteuitleugiven t cisrsels X. B.-ÀAslie te tii. peer @V4 y oà olarJvs ON tise lUne Ieasiisg frountBreklartb Grien. 0 wod. (oodâiablisgassesamowdatis JOUHNSNELL, 1roprietos'. BAsT WINDSOR uioUIE, WIIITB,o vit. xontI, VSOfulOL rH9aboya lRotail la aite# usatei plessanta&M T e.ira...pant ef'MiseTowin, en thé frét rond. Uo.! ammedîtien 1er traoIîer. oud P;tà biissg asu ttntive estiesu 2 bsalbels cnue, 50lsulse, a u t 100 60 bsîsebç Tinmai zs,,for ie Iew. IL. w; WOODWARD - T ErVACILIK le 111 SC, TuEI g lOr ls0se Perte, Ilann 1 sitring' Isatrusuen s5spreparesi te or ~ ~ ~ n hiiralauia 4 J. C. H1ANCOcK, "BOiOT AND mSlU AKE1L,..* gf'tJ litit, .Work monde te order et 7t4 toirli, and, hy «puil.eoesl werk. mons. Aiso erîpalriug doue wittii stua sudas1 daupatais, à 8 0B OCT AND I4ioEMAKER, BROcK« aiis itret lq(astdueor te T. fq su 'as l, Iisalîrai otel.> Repaira uessiy doe,,oaitsi werk et' al lklus azowasid las geeît style, ansi loisa workmmssîkouasiner. 9 19UTELIIVIOIUP & AUNDEBI, (LAlt . STrai.) TAILOR9,&o.. 5 Al 4D M ICNG STIIMET IST, TO- 2route. kLsu46 48 ut ltiat We.t, liarn- AMIICAN MOTEL. W ALIKIIL kPA'rT£MSN F1'rOI'IE Wr., tcorner er Younugnoa k hnt stuc«. Toronto, C. W, M - F11217 SALOUS. J AlUtAII, LATE OPVTIt Il"YOUNG e aaia," sieur t1oe Royai Lycsul, Kin 4 treiet, Woot, Toronto. ClsolcSpe ijaruan Iterresimunt Ast ail heouro. 11, JOHIN NBTCALV, d-4LEC O E 0111ITifI DVItiON 'CCOURT, V ceomprsing th* Towramlip Brock. Ad- dra" ins (asuisgtous 1 FRIANKLIN MOUlE. LII>aAY, C. W. se table uaiosnWsasleii fur Trs'rel.ra Witlv. ,Jan. 21, 185à 7. A. IL RICE, CABINET MAlER, UPliiUATJIREU, î&o,, ciOri.'.is 01, Byron $trîstWlsitby. t'a- ter lisoglug stali>'donuadsst ilkins"forJob big, atsi repà tlrint' ot Và aiture attesislsslte. Ysrultsre meatssly renmoesi IBAILBOAD MOTEL, ?ARMER, PUlEO.~ TRIff 1LElUMANT TAILUIt, BROCK STREET M I.Whltby. j . THOMA8 »BVEBELL, B PL E ,..&0, ,GREEN STEET, OAKWOOID IMOTZL, OA AWOO>D, W. BAIES, Th(upEIETOR. ?oui W5lsTIT 0. W.,1 VLLIOTT SPIWIW, îEOI'E9MIETR -Çà GeedAcouomdatlou. - ONTARIO MOTEL, Ir MYAN, r, TROPIET, ,oBUC ftreet .tiira. b>'. ued Stabliiug Mdattn- MARtTIN'S (lat. Walssiss) ]MOTEL. LI XDoA y T U SUSCÎBE LVING TAKMENTI T abo" oer toii roi 1fr. Cbeke, Ite able te etf- tord tise btucceîtnmedatin totlaopnui.. 41 ESPLANADE MO0TEL$ FT riNTSTRE?,TRsNU. 1DF tasru.rreuriTer. (ltsT e ieMr JAMES OUD A UMONESL . ho., &e.R1EENWOOD,. Angustîl, lu 41 Whitby#MsaA lb'ns 187 a& Md aO dla MOEl, lw -0, CJ. i, ,M. fAS, lrpit Toronto, Jul>' 10, 105 7. EV iS IXN -NATIONAL MOTEL, wlll uur arou, o ais ri euni 'LtaSMg. aSit u l.atrnlofer ma nansooi hes Iitby.May 4fi, 1857. 1 T UEg ABVE 1'REIIE HAVE BREN XJsut tpend by thse uisdscrsigues wiscre tmvclienscosn wwll#ad geed seonassto The Rieude ta Wal <urnisetes, well kept, agd usai a ,lugspa tég intsreean ainiîiry. Tihora lu gecein Wtbl tbl nsd tisebeatmatn- Sien lutalsi temunMd herse. 'isiebssr.rmen las large aii ceuveasit, andi Wall suppliesi witla ti boust Winss, .Liquers undt Clgss. liasd- eeonsoly ittii up sittiiug roonis fur privaIs par- MICHAEL M.CAULEY, ROBSON'i MOTEL, maa<tla, fia w flaun, wanev Ç~TItI LEADINGSTAGE RUAD LILY wa*yWleween WhitbysnlUzbilçe. Tisis las. beau rettest ansîtfurnilslsaîtensu cx collent atyle for tios a uccsaodtimof e travcI- Jars. Zier>'attenition pals te traveilers, aindi tise bout soenisnesatlou ProvidoeUer issnsaisît herse. i0A aieny i> atler slwssys lu attend- TUE BoUSIN BOUSE. SunorCi' 55AUD %i$* ronqx5,ieao?e AC. JOSLIN, Plt0l'lLlE'rU -,TitIS how*Lee io thse iqsth ii 'o'unsd sa s sstuea ite setravsellinsspubIL. esqual te tist best Ettro~iscunl, or te sisy o esrestabuiada mot ntu Awie&i Conutinent. 23 QUINIV96 MtyEL. Pe, 3, atf TMrKfl. t lmg, LOWER TOWN QUEBEC. Qr <l o Skis &m&at S Lsuainq en opqU. aIR VILLEIsIAND Vls*lTOIbto th ie An- y aienît Clt r etQuebw W ittit sai iaparor me- aiemaudatloss At>lolarats elsargai.84 thtiaiabeve isoei. Tisaiboletid aver' couvns'entiy sitasatos -uartlse lkauk,4tmisboa ihrveus, aasd prias. ci2sl buaisu piscaiors e saUt>. , beis.le auiilbar are asaspîolied vithc pressrsiblai eamable ma 4driu5k-ileVisiterawilI 9aini cirattenstionpKii te tiseir esusaort aind euaueeaaa ver>' hs5emnatlosstund directions eu te tigai suresdinlclticn, prinial place et raetaene>' .JOUANNA QUINX. i'repriet.s'. GLOBE lMOTEL, BDROLIN1. eeoductid mas <orisn>'witi this trictaiet pro priet> aat regard fer tise cotsafert atdu eoxsrrs Tiaipropriaitur ai.ossrcie iaauy friondu tist evorytlitiImode renîty sformearlp te enter- toitstîten utSiseOlob llooi, nd siti ue vîli bai peromu>liy pressentlsugisv. thaoin s ocisas rai- eept" oisaswu lie weut. Vle ie us.alus beau thorouglsly psipered, pelutesiansi runeaes, ansilIolttied op lunivaiiy reepeet ii siels astsea'mas to e usai'aisatitls tiens Iste barensitable a.s;plsid, aafenaiairly vîtig tise bust tAiule sddrsnkoblcu. Cai aid 8-1>'.C, DAWES, Preprletor, VAILY §TAGE, F BO MBRîIUTu YIINCIUMAN'o L7Bay' Station, ois tise Grands Trunk Unllress, es.usectiiasg witii tige Mr Neïrming saud Ev.ilg Tralas.«g% JAMES HUBBARD. l5seesuber orali 1857.414 CEDAS OIS 104 in81l vaut o e aiir loeu t a Clap Tprits., elîotaid appî> te tise ussskuigaSd. à u> onnsy eli r uplit, e«D b. supplscd, asi st'sr fsssissseuis..ti]e greunît or doliier- BENJ. ARMSTRONG, Fort Pain>, Dec. 1858. 4 JOHN-JIeGILL, L ENSD AC'IIONER OIR CANADA Wcss, ofair bisecrvcsute inhalai- aisSa etrUOntario and DssrlsasssCenisties, toeat- taisît Slon y Ascui nnaelaiît Furniture, ceinmies.- 10 THE TERR1APIN. a£seiiY OPUîETORs OF Tais WELL JL knwn gýloot arunie lnatreaim u 9,zew nsedwl renovateJ tbrougimot, suld dttais U.) lu tishet tye.W Evor rocurabie dealleu ie 'se Aclgr 9vn teop à se- çasoylIte whlehnoebaa but bad arepairuSlteteenter 23 CA9L SLE hà MoCONKEY. CENTRE MEOTEL, mraen 5uo8ag1 vnîîaî, UJ 1581VAN SYLIC, PROiIETURt. Tise saibasr b r ssesuuiedtise peosailn eof lt boiv al ksaiiluste, ansilmseleave 50 kdmIt d*r iepatrons sasi pblle.tb"tnetiig l,» isal sallsfetioft assît onferlI e tniofa tS ido prvleus oisateer bdfetise pueema llotél Ireper nias>'bai te osa. oat'pe#Oo- nieudttpublicWor, lier>' sttio mat th "l ofts.vfsileuu. O lt C~g. JESSE VAN SLTEL ) ZI (51 isTy .AID SurEEos 21 a. W. WOObWAâbI, by Jnna tod WlIdtby, (, W. E!qfta]W~ , enl I.Aiesisoromot reatot ionu pfiz d k unset or - Ilsthaseu orsaoMeur.Aude"~u las bee* M&r 0.J es e bs-ly TUE SUBSCRIDER O M f«E ts ale, eltiser for O(i,bor osht orti- dit, Twe HUnaîsrcîtTlsoussd fs tftgoed emsnu Lsssubadopta osfr BSilâlug p- 'sea" s biles*Saied Lamber ordsr t tisaisherisst neti'. IL.'T. BUTTON à ; Ce. tlxbrlige, Marlis, 18M.8 C LIRE TWELFTII DIVlIM§10< COURT OF VNontianmberlaud MdsuiDsr"sa, lsauranoai dgea t, Cenvaiyaueer, &o. Airs-ilsm bssrgls, Cartwai<lst JAIES B.LJ(ILBORN, PLAME14 , DUOKLATEE4 , .,DUULOP-MT, BIeee rlarlae kf Wlttif &. lis mg.&ed werkmnaullke mans er, AU k ati o ernaanerstal werk lu Brick anti 'lser llkewws ezeented. AIl eiderg Ieftfet hig esiace DUD4 treert, Whitby, wll luetwlintua a mu JAESILKILBORI W bitby, May' 27, 1858. 18 vine, las pisekagais eftoi,à te 60 igalin, vîsica tIse subucnber 09fr le Ma , aà aver>' 1ev ogue « abo. TJlOMAS MOODY, 1 Cenasaixoos Agçent. LIME FOR SALE. nO >ITANTLY 0ON BAND DUEINO TE enuig prn unîtsignen raeis Burnt ussaic isisIll bupI us~str Culs oui>', st 2m ud MATIIEW CARL 7 lort Wkitqj Cash 9 Casb 9 T f sii e sat upai iim be rplîtlu Cassisb>' tise uss Cenasi7atre Street, (aMuir thse Wiibye be 15, liO.S wekiapere.9n eae0 i&Crns Wliitby, Fois. 1 , Ot.. 1 P00 OLLASTLE. r» rit> euns unleSi. ppicaFti e msdset isa vole. e smlet DAiLbTh. 16TAGE Ji ilAS Ewtoied8 t uivltaio gb r esum- aitîsaeqirpie nrdttis e a l ia>'. t Tise etshestco sl sdes niIesaia SBrtsEE i.,W ue>', < TÉIBA ANOR SALE VN CEAF.RO Therut«ej re Jî,isu and ut teceeropsr rielu tm epplytoc ot etm e J une $0, Ofaeolobe,>' T'Ilrcrfr Ose be a earte ForhieCovicle ofOn Wto. TbaklugoAidaurtuOsu D.llariî a C. 1 For f i suw, o nro VRunITNT.O- Tovnsip of Jreck, &anoandPuA Iatr Moi f« »a. H SGIFSOF fflSTON4 OYYTEE Ja M erwseeye mý u te Zt mTuser Apleteso maude 6 Wlsltbi- Bol wbur lot. Tlaip$;eiouîl ] I î7mkaao wase SItuaS, lu tiss vesitis>' Tovusbilmsf e t' lZs Mu aieFu ieili,<. etl a f rooki4lsu.T sais laful. alen siva fli46a sg er tieMstei mus, ai ad ,ufoiuly a iJpl» lu c ioe ugls.oWtlsai o. A-) mtapUr luor te ;,tiseMli la Of IO ro dW téoths amu oI lotwt e0m 51% vwiilfy hch isviii sol ti ssomi]or" aipreey, to, uiit pur S3ud, Sentis lal f fL o, 4, la tise CtIscons- 100 mcin, een.ldea'bll mpoe sdsttd near lbencnnW' is1, 1 i ,asiststt $rd. lit Ne. 4, In tise Mtis .ousolon as eet, Conat>' ef sinio, 2e0 scie... ",h.Lit ntanber te, Mi conessiona, 'icker- ltig, no>iee-iO acres ispnoeîtlandt, ess 1980.8 BRICK HOISE, pea fais aislIns, tvo Basane, asît an Orelianss 'Conga bh cuil> tilvideîsfto ntstwstairos. Tlia prpet fflers sotnuailloiduaeLonotati- te Jaur- chseavth asuail saptal»,,ose e eempnatvil> suaiisunt on)>' vill i iored dewn. is. Tiarte.Villaige Lites ntisaiVillaget Breeklli,sapon cotisela cwliib Iasà --z Commodious DwelliznÊHou.., adî nomeresss etiscn imlsreveuinte. OtIa Tise ustiivssled lisai t isth veilkss'wn centims, unoerly fted totesaStore, litge tonn, e, ti, 1,>'I'Doit ego, Toilspropertinl miii o eiois. Campaiti, asdas tise oldumo u biet kasen bu*sc isssauaisîi lasitise VILSLA GE]0F BR OKLIN. ltis. On@ Acre, sud lionse, isclieg part of tie 4th Con. Pickering. Al of' thse tîregoint' pn-prty lasnoireltere4l fer iesasîsali if ntslpii-<.tf iq priviaile cols- tract, wili bc feresl ait Publiai Auctiosa, ON FAIDAT, lot 0F JUTIT NEIT. Titi. of propon'$usil raiessians #ni&id ktiovu on sspplijcatiQis tethse ulensagsc, sf b> J.O.M ,WII.C*OX Wiltbl, C. CAMP'BELL, llreekiî, Wisita),', aris b21, 1852. 1 W«ly ,Globe, gislcsse nsa't ntil lut Jol>', ctionduiaccoutto J, . S. .Wtlcox, Enqiuite, Wlsitby. COIMMERCIAL HOTEL, utecz as'usszr, WaITDY T lir SUBSCRi3EIs TAXES LEAVE TU> luferni thliej.aitIs m oi» Isu pelleîthtIe ae' Iliell. 'nise presiffart iethse lect auss mnt ceatruall" siutastd loi tise Tevu foi publie eeeîsmssîltios.TIsera iéais. everi uplewls. jaissi vli furnlclscd Sirtiucng is.. a sînice? Dsnfing RenandîtTwnty Fîs e Bd RZ-oussa as, tise lieuse. 'flare ilac very rsusJsui oue nient Priving I0uandasstis sbîl'le) iaci I capable ocou si p Is 5>leuse, ,il h t outu!t equoi te g au> ntise Province, No toirîeneeiaitasparesImcie or ontaide, te resulir tis COMMERCIAL IIUTEL oi Whllls eq tu t su' tifClsOity Blonge of tise kinsi. , TMie leg-esperio of e iaundsersIgned, *tos ies dextre te seune a assit otjasblie jstromotg in essabliiiuhg a Y'sast-Clsim eta loi Wlitas>', are tise lbecS gsasrstist aise .wii sas., eery endtavor te coter te tihe public tanstoeusW.g$lys 0*tilrtActin te jsjo guemb,. moue butùtisens-t Llqus, Wineu suasi tlgnrusoappuliesi ut tise lar, Chaerges aucosusly al rute ta suit tioseisad Separi nctereuls terprlvitte à fsais. Jl ild VA ROIKER. gWTie OmnlIs loi ad front tseCar, opu nt tjise broe îotc Wih mr lati151. WATCM.IKAKING AID jEWELRY Watoo, Cloks & Joery,' CAU BE OIITAINED). 2=1iilr of ail eAtsed sitA tore Aflange stock ef EngiilibAnseicon, Geruia susd Gceo'c Watt5cIed- asd Jewalnyair. ivint' cicr>' day. WILKINSON à SMiIXr, Watclamokema, Jovaileroi &e, Wbiiby De, 2,188,Brook lStreet, *bitb paIntigg, Paper Ilanglng, GlIazlng, &c. W ILLIAM DEVIK,llainte, Giazia De- eectrho, egute isiforni bisa frid; ans tisa publià e tisut Issa bas nameosfres tise Cemnierciel Builtlhig, Brook atrset Wliîby, '0laepeite &eidé et tis eatnet.-oe bl:eckfurtberSoustdi,0oppeIte W. H. Doeels Medlee lal,M wieaihalie à srpcresîtoteuni- tlertaui e U e <or Pai nting, Pape>' Ranghng, Glauing, se suid te eeocte ise »niW itbdisateb asît open nsedsateternus. ,- Ail kinbde olttes.lg.he., &» *uuehaerà ey Ail sok exeeutein lu *atmatr nau Wbiatby,July 21, ton. 26 BfOUSES TO LET. ymmrooassie ci, onsMetisrteTerni...Tb«X9 uskosted lu tishe W-plms a sag eot'tia wtapera, Ssç4o 4Fo, lut, Wl doaIK>1<ye tise Dads at-m, wh" pis puéupe "çtwmyu mey SU castty Court rTom- magiotraU'S imbea. notarial BIamks, ailt f«. le et Teooto Fuea. P.RINTI-NQ, Or cir ecIuofah' xpe- At 0h4 WhIIbyra, lgegBom li be foud »Il the Psu>' Paers, »si tihe ait;GINS h NAYE.BUOFFER. 'WatchmkeandlTewen«o. E>ls Wbtusor Wîsitby nad suruuiigcUsai'tIsazle bu aeaeddte tbuise1"-s Î ,dosstn, b> Mi. Tistssui à ssga irsst clsa Englaib worka" u , 1la0i Con5dcaai tit ait vrk entrnsted tu bissagare, À saw md wel ussrW tockeof lewe lry, ,WtcbW, O1Co<ks, -&e.f, 01HEAP FOR CASH!! sif JEWZLLI5T MAlfit9e0eO»Egs, M ât prieo, :aucl lewor tisas sssuauly cîsangei. Wilsby, Fas. 9. 1679.4 J.SJoaes N..sur'eon Dmlth. ER'I41 ET blLCStaaincaine tl.ask* tte sicitizen#. R Wlitby aindsiiiîty, f(« tisaivery lllerul pstrussaqce exesisl tue lln l lis rfass. le< tuow -st leuie te ucqnaint liais snnssreus6 ltraaiadtishe puieis, tla'ie, uhu a li>' enpt- ted lsis siri'aiascnaiuasfr tisa iatisn raicv of bis prefcssiî, itisai T.svan et W itbv, Tfacts iounun u Gid, Pl'lstis, Cielss lui, h&.Iretisiià OsIwswtis ;0GOLD AND STANIlEL FOIL, , ausi wiîli Doctor Jesse'. ssev invention tiue nses- eerooive jsearl sinjai tg. t'bld, st net s cooti>.lieus cutrauaisl ty tiséu»saI prixseas witlsesst ps.'sn Aprae&t lt t en>'ycsars lu lu preaisslon, eisalesusDr, Joliete Jo usrnate te îil. ail Utkin .rofc.uiosai- aliI ansidzeaoittt*i, as eeeepmpîsliudwaanficviaiglti b ussas i clsie. Ili tise traiatsunt o! i l'es eon*a ettisaifrtii .i.ecea'tieu avoa-sau cesattsssas ,wiîls tisiheasstases 077CE aStsi, eld.Detstml Stui, ever Jeai Foat'luw9n Dry isOda sStore lttuincj-.lisas lerry, Zaq, Mayor et WliLb>'N..lesliEq,$aieift, 0 0; W, JIaiy ssîtDr THON" KYfl8 COUNTY 0F 0.RO FAUJILEISSA0,Lt la mei.Ceuntr>' lre. cotlis- promasausttenstions,eis reuae, teasu s-Llsailse, tK.du oeesigssied es on n- misuii,îste tise AMsoison us.', nilllm i siiaesc ofto thtie beai sdvaaitasga. Saes& ut tise Asstoi loosss aver>' *anuussx. lllsesa«.e etles iugbosud vis ara trautîtwith otieticoese. uSssh, Wbltby, fetirur>' 25M, 185. M G ILO,RC., îree andtacceptai mor i. lu- tend caibrtiug tise lestiviil et kit., John tLai Bsaptist, un lthe M24t1sefiwe, b> ai PubliscDent- Ti.e Bretiaeras ylmSnet et tiir Le,.Ilouns on thse morning et tise 2 ait ue 'clck ' Tihe' wili aftorwasrds sreesed te thse Eýglius(Ilssarel sSiie'cockw r a o a0 b preateid bg y 1v. Brothier(George,11Big. B. À. trise>' viii lent Bras, Band,b> nazj Dinnier wlllbo;'oervsl cf. Brother bsglWo' isotel, nt 1p..a Breslsersifïem a dltaisoare ieepcctnly, gsud trssternahly isivitesite attesî.16 CORNER BROOK, k COLEORNE BTS. 1is 10N A MI'ig 88 8I afq basmine,' aIlglvaye Wib. 'ti dbeseso uenausi o tessi. Apréh t wie nm mn =10, abeaut'e ea, 1evWBougasn. nlasa, Cisauî d ss1.- s dle i>,sud on -Tssily, "iýrîsunia>'j Sstuisiy-<fur AiSos.Ustatueçat rdito,-;- Ville. Malle Art us fer dalîvm r>'tnm thon u e 10 EOwflwaIM oMAiL -9J'tr, v iz1at r TO Ml9 ii lu trs u t Bs-liai i b . esi Moeie fliaoioek . M onlloas.ame eJ7, la u olisn, saasslaie.1 y s z T.ACEI an>' tgise Ibu , Brsuis Ket m u ern t 1 e an>i$ee Isitisi Vsntelm d S uIi, 1peta'a nreiustb i"atogaie tdS Teaa lueliGrstBlah masiiaiaa(s4 Numai b. re epuicil i*a.') 7 on E tb - A.- seAilICEU u te Shelie etistotn :cs po 04ti oe it tog.ath I e l ' Eates.4i, ti Utsasisais i eassae u.sat i, se or c'.tlect ot btIlia's ei, Aeim forns? thu Ncwapip, ssIlisu't niosea.-0 Nga'qrlaasd, asat U p kri-plil us'..y un, alidu{~t, lImu.. Bl()l ai' il.ii~ - oFFICE ~ ~ 41 JiUS-tkdsi5jrom a7,u. . :, Potage tsuapi ab. pruriasentsutise l,,,! A. MPIIESONP. il. Wiily , April, 1659. 66 13W. NOTICE TO ARCRITEOT0. pD1411a'iA'ND DERWSIIVon101TUlTFI" « Ia publisc Bsslsl;g [rc <se1 0 ni as., Cý -mnisiioMi rpiuullo-Itork>, nIl 1*Leos, up tdotise satts0e fc of:re-.aliss. ('ùi'eW TEY 'ARE TO COMPRISE- 1.t. Eleaiotse, pissaiso.-siss-, L sasit. «nA Trasasvoe, $t, go'm insl catin-ta' - bu-si',thse lattrtaite s.e dtic'.pr'.a'. 21js. lIhvssloa, >1.,. s;,1 Sectianxs, -- rpa cfe4muioa1J Und lt-fgsuga6 id! sue lnlsn s@'Psblie c's'anss $rd, i'utau,1'as-î., Mid .shîsccll* Apceillusioaifrai -ptisajnte W1t ise n'iaill-icts tise Gos' mer CaslermI, sIÇI 1.>1 &lit- ritqss 4tis. Fur ife sisuaitnpoet î Fer»"s'cI (af..tfdii< for tise î'uli -lsst-at Bssl-iii5c., £%&i' ;i1 -. saarded tigoais Siseirat it 'ins, sus. £"0ok15» - oecesaît. Y-ir tise ?public tTî-,'san'sgu £m in k4, x-- wa.'idaie thse irat1sssl»$ 5s at' s For lise Gars-r. nmm 't s,£100 Wil'14- vanrdd»ath is r.t I-esissss d £0 sM Thse plas, g uiisctcsl e t'c-tli proerit tise or'ussl 110,cne' iule'.sr. ie .at'ovail4lcc n-psr ato!,e 'es- lissus ft'lhul o sb.ta îi1.1 ,>i .fAas.stOul:e £5,ur" ihaassint.("- sr->sa'e5 M,- ~Il Iiis ip.sautd sut J-s, ni sd s-ut .; -'se qu-lg, IIW;" e sia'-a>i ga, enraalcs'ite s-a si ae~. 'Mie Ir-li Ius-lig Z,14ai laiiltie ii)it> cfrsic Cit>' tif i.- laiite iien orwo>i. t., etoislks'ok Tise Cesuau*islaier of l'u-Ii 'Wska, w~ due ne-gitr.lte jsspîsi ad o sus'Aitinesi. aa s u-t aloi'aavasrraneissisasa- -,<-r srtiltifi- iwsetlossg. nlsits tisa wi o yîs .e aasscIn- Ellfce* tte isctlion> gÇ oai].>L s 'Yen Ilnilisaallî,'s .Sl- u'" Due pnevi.Ien to e h tsilu for ti«se sppiy 'aitser, Gis, o, sts c, &C. Tise Dnsss-iossire tlis asse s' ssaattoe st c tiars-to, t-csrïnsLaui-goay nvJiPt' ee, vtkI-ol..s saiuiig i.c a soia" isaid.drc(Y 0.1 c sii i.îa <5- osiy tub e l ;-l or aposa a>", - eis..5 Of t5e ' a gase aa;;swuritig Lsotiiaet-.fa',czâ4d Ailn af 9sstos uta ien cforts' s- huig, Slaein .ize. tuie , uasal'i.r 'isoiti, A-c, 4'. - gaîcss>a-aylulsi1 dierote 1,I00, tsis., etsud at thi.cle iseDp. sia JOUX UOSE, DG - LOS1 SOLEN OU SIRAYBIJ, k-OU TÉ TERIER. a.d> UGrey'solir abot Iuo.u i i, iasing lais i ..ns .cd 'i!îrî'~ is> re;s-a are' arsîjissg 1Mn etise »ubbi,, or aiýsJ'asig .as.Ia isi., saao.'la>n a106 mii k-saît go-1L;. rcueoy, ni» isbu ;bi--ars-r' aie-i. .ï. IIcpIIEI1soN, P. 31. Wh.iuky. 310Y asI1,8e-9. Tanna Lande for kbaleà lasthse Tewnsksý TrI 1111E F.r v .' -acre. s cs, with is 5. :' X ; is>ssciesarei îscaselsissicia (i'd 117, slsip osTaanl. a g iosi L r lA.Si,, a i 'ullldpo uissof CssnzslFoi Vies,,gis b> latter Io &lisitor. kc., 'ourS HUo, 1fl41ss. Beeorta, May, 16». ' 1. reUt, CWou £ngbine'ar n L; 4gfeus ni