liWtYaMd tdme But 1IUP- Ill cmoetiVo.tI amethse met lui thlW4 f6 uglait Sgusla tise dou't getaffrntà hever do tfsau' you are sus ati kiok avay, If lot Thai'; rlgbt, Ibysmong lb. »M bho c«due!.! tfuwteà .ms i vorite 'wtjth*e w lie, ..M4 Bai bis ftbois..,gij l'Il toit yon. USmnodd. il te fea My va>w te u oeeti4u fmlmW, lhe uta or à . m bol eau dW&- o lte j M lyour optini * vwomah,-vgh gij NI oh@dià Wt kneî mr;forifis e in w s&4or asqs fau se vsWhoIeC t Ai M u M ii, 04 t1 bosspulbh -ý It, ud p4"4$o~.te by JJ>or4 ilsyouv ~tefty 6an#ad t se tew vbu YOD, Wk1irat;"eodu .ap u pibro*i Rgibesaui q opoite pltclCee mMdl«Oveà '.wtrilps. Th" are Ilbeal man; suif j'On (oery< u' -pu plaie Tbe*w--4iier, 70W hr p tIhei.ý big a 9so osd bls;thm Thser'.o à Sod ", in hslnid &Vif onêo Wspe utQ s nânly r*dosetu so tbo ma u asg minuable poliy, Be dfps. istaucpof Itis .t iffltieSuad coufrol yeur Tisat tises larespossd.d the ulkona," MW ervbeyou sets ae";lii.lips ô@ pieMas"bu, Double dMlIDg id a agfio and a chà e orduwel w &nI be~ft# of evybedy ~bed ~Zm~î or every. Wl..Z ivdBeby- ig> mt y~migg.ttq~. ,, hersoSi% I vua rst goi., 1wuas *bo hil yfollhü utp*r a ite, @vlug to loiy maua e. meu-ai i .4 ouq. Tbe e gos. 3ontph 1 De rlenI jo fig te bsild a Town Hoom, Thes.r v noem @0# Vdiine I tb@y te," parti, euh beà lg a differo#ato-fe hMlwd ortii Tiey sent cmmittoafl o pk MY Opinion. uhemtal Ai f«r s' thé or 40 ' 4opat4, von, about equal in auZ, ÃlW611 dnough to ks.pulssr, »r sMd la wudaeucJ, I hn ta &M r use, are mi> abo i ut#irw pu of o!tim te <avror muetdiop or gvmai. But ,lowd« 7ou 9vorcom ithse dientiy7, ýitii'on. o014,a 1, Ioldthie emm«nutiith If thq.youd Neverkick a dog, mileiscatameetinýg dbo*bpartiejz voulgfJve. et d iws't ago n, thontsei ]Pi> oplioî. ýýTii eeigvuc nk 1 I ed Jvcir 8*l9 aud thi e t osmuIr4, 1tboy ai*L oed arosee, aid sie op Sagaln, Bu, saille agalu. ý tiserowdlee gea.ral1y1 thse $pirn vo galned mou<nuf. Itlà jllll"te , 80 sefoeth, dlcalà edmy fots' smleat thse wreu gIi4 .sor $toit. disting ozser cou.l is Ofi a opn b udu poW « me0, ,9rtedelîU ap,,,Ob o 0 witldu jugmt. Do. YOD on thsubultoj Irva, Anativeoteba T vue alvays IIii, f. #Pbp i 8 ae. (w vu'net .de vouenT pesasMyupmmfeo -e, y piio. I el bgnimwoid ombl gm t se boa- tbsmslvup and wltls gret inodeot>1Ibou,à fi lever ~Ma *«e,,e@n atwns't ils declr'e"ol t, amuiulgilyaMd vu "tisai "»Me Ye OD~ye ver@soectd te the 1gaatse caul4 nlu ise Orsi pac, Y, -4 -wsluOtifluy rth tiiev0onsse$ took Mer aishi Iublunouuhou .1vebracer, ueiseui.proerial Ivu ooapérod te 'Cldount.el tIelauvai..aid boe .tue Md Geuea uugosptu o il 0"i da, tisebock Berunttive aid eIeWedb>bturis uever toeopeak dlao*P«1k ' PrMPU...<O 1' lied~ ~ ~ ~~ o al omsaIvui' es iat T' Ilsa 904, 8Mutq1ssâ bwof a amne hulli ~ste 1 'C41I i tise uileteraid tise otiior T à b« bety dffferedasd boros, qulek Ibut remmber, pelley,,&u4,Ib vli oue1 sad t'a emrne And vusth@e uniisbcdword, vlafcisd oi ilyyni macis auto 1>008 hWguldig «turhongh lire, upon tmg,~~~ via 'a sfg. fu UPali Hon1?DS. Biniu infk epired. th l' Ide", hber«utlleeof. lutalgeucethb &-dos M 1 vast.emphed Ii 'wanythlu]PdI'da k«e'lier Mov UWlN ,sue>6agreMa.y e 91 way 1 seldom 'misd ai,' tonial .obitunl eor@ vrfita over l ij MIyu00"eu,îbt Yofnd a eudingvîwth,,. '* SI7, immoral, sud s'fool Noùe kisw tii' but te love iii.. in.c,lâ4 t lhW orok Xornaimedth".ntprIe Wise hîasn'îbotss ou. good mmer mot b A Young mau, usaief 1ékloc vte bave ~ ~ ~ been usrle, ab"etit eab gete O s'îm til e laId o! sU t. bien g v m a n aio 890,lu ts r e u hesit forai« b. 01 iha.itY'o! St. Thsue Tseday for Use mar- te pi«e., M P4 t age uo.uà ý ed. Tl' t surprisse!the te persou Moml. 'drst~ed. udsjiare acouPl e Mder stnluy&Pay. bforsie aruaa sse. urbro- tl*r4uavauiasa d rà &Ibe d 04 VUt a gisast"lecme 4 h M"i Wjanver&a ga se> e l iapt mi!It lpro", mii xizff te skies. MIaM i ties cp m dom la une stuwflsd f.sbolraieof ,mo. Md, koep blsem tisre. af u oIltas , llr 41. TRIse derteffeb;,lur.f Yo t ma Quawrj ie ~o~ur yii Vpt,vle lauSeptmbr la , - iIýoENTor. GuuNoL$*verY0"rss Wkitby, kta*y, lja, m 89 Z1ieterwi for dilgemori-Woojdy wjff b. $2 6 0. ln na4vm., o., a the .4 of tiseYesw. Theo WeeIdy C/hronkicZ iil b. pbf..luutr vison payable oiborujae,. W.i undertasi: thaýt caveraimi»g ave4 bOq » in dif 4ffer.ut Section#of thi@ front thé, Board or Dretors liaaliu p sent. Thai tsbmentsute ,tii.pmatiou sud 1prOsecta tiie com paftiîà bOme Foy ïî@UTubu/ roevMd,-smg iia . iid 4 'rad Ow la remowfmg mmu, usimPPre. suelosi w h h4p rifrbM tiaor uQ.4 , so ý îo ge qle~sufaR" neT@ Plie o4iie ap4l OMM obe of oùii grdynd sturà 4Y. r..eOý,itlnt it rOI 1oai u i in ermi i lmîguajë«rinJ kler b! the- BY.IAv, butof ood ,uge on b. frlud ol Use EaIà fY* toe ilt eftr Omo, ail W arbo 8 tbi. Poilï# sue th# W ilnkaep It. Thism$eiscameOffet Blevllet ou tisé tiluad fus. lellell ibe toviotou. 'lie vestser vu fine, isud'théepla,'flg ou botbsl1desgoed.- The ficlag sad bovling d tise -WbitlsyClub la V0r,'hIgisupolcus >. Tise Whltb,' playebs tinbte tse wles te ceialadiitdvantsges muder bicis, sey lsbone ,t tioyvould bave coin. sone "rvé rul Iir.Tiehol4siona r Mn ModylieZelei spine, gave sUr stIsacio, sd ietreatmontvbick Defoe" iHoms, M.Waren I Ii ho ne.0 cusberedb,'tise Whltby plaie'rsitis feela 2ud do........l s Tota..........,194 à rvai r awif Te t" 364 ulteiçb o bt.i 4:i ,nÀlîalu 4rdy thse thauic ,rarem 4 i. 'YQURTS DAY.' F rontthe Effee<of Suln reaion to Abrabani Bpbà m!?» daim a. ,Local Buptr- Inteiident O 0110018l. o iieTvel lr !Ubig Ousatd bmofu Àwetia !otns'ms> eTow Li"r crs itwod o! t Mdie irasT'o kaumbeaýrw VS.t1110, tbeo umti,.f Onswmotiof etMr,' kvet4 £Aoh sau tL wvu dlricted to bWpuid tisrlmv«freeadge r rlý 1eje,~~Is .the ; oêut, ~o<l:aoi Mr. Hà iellff breugt up tisu woriges Standing 'out5tteOI'f*titi6CwbjeIn u-umid tb payis$ <vdeq.isls r 5oWAtà biý OtItJfli60; On'motiot tof Ibi -Kvete, r5wo"4d 1 fu, B4merlett, M Dr"&, .r q pWoutd, bob of tise ,comusltte teo on!ir ',*1 l<l tise, Conil vent lotoedemmlefiwer"on, Tii. rpot rsco*uneusdd yuist of! ths variow prinà ting accous Md coni yowr oaimite b4oM co.lwne fr rte, Pon esmi*, -tis Ifedise tduthlsicost> Prlutms or tuf Oapr, 0 <ml tse tention! e! tis 4ouel rteruoslprorM4Wrla ,vlsericke WJmunal. or tise J.unsryBeoný W Mave j beea prf t b l o rf0 n tss.p usu t oniî On mo ion hur.Tifts osty C ierIt nation l!usoll-te expirtOfn o tie susera totisnt o'rspert* 1 Os mot,«n"o«,Mn. Tlsmpiontise iesi. cia veut file poussuftIe on -tiserepent od tisandings miteeon Educate. The reportvn dpe.Ti olwsgam' tise pmo!mvo., statd te ho neru red te b. raisod ibis yenc:...- srok $5e f ;m-Msd, lama,$239 .Toai400,visci ~t0 Sperent forcol. jouousiùA es tise amouat 441. Tise auoiutereqsired te pa,'.laise! Bnpeniatesdntao!fedueatiou tho us yaren, Brook $61?'20f M»rs adzesm $37 80; Pickerng,'$92 04; Beaob$720;cet $26 20 ; Bcngog $12 0; Tsora&$21 ; li. bzudge$42; Wiby $3560o;,Wlsiuiy;ut $46 20. Tota-$444 84 vbih cmludes uisj f vs per cent expenu et ol lection. e2 te bcpaid toAb.Dagsisv fora. pe*intending oiseols in Scott. Be«. Geo.jW. 1MoDongalto e W Lcal Snpcrintendept '(orNMars and Baiis, la tise place -of Mr. ewett , and co. W. Col son for tise Township o! Wiuiy, lu tise place of Ber. Mn. Dochmu.j FIMTHDAY, SÀaM#xà ytjue itis. At the slttg of tise Conet çtié,;oni. nits. rjkitsd0a , sudtie ispenuvu sdopte Cenui, uie*1ngý* Ssd.nsb1. balseq te the, eeoftls;Couuiyr r relatlng tsi,Ssbenl' hrga ie eu Faille.bfty4ý8 leaedtiattIeMaelîibgm -t1 wn s'y» a *&y, Iduvourser 40s ra. cithe, theorÈt rislu Siou. rlir.Blotte 'hm tukéY tJlui a i I bnrepe . cng sonte d$ s allegatleua'4ioMv. Hope, sud t tie t#ie iiç»a et~sh t 1he*lm4pi diusoiution iabaued on a veu, Ieaasotise visole-fab u l 107to oto t opoeas frsgi*s.Tho etr berengb ReLw disconwsestee la-A, ve'y sancy vay te Mur.B)rovn, laid tise bcauîy o! Wt logic fafr tIt à luone' offuct, ia ad usà beudable, viserca. tise Brown-HopccM. respoudeuce lu s tisane o! bottemîcesfictions a~Iues. t ~sosupperdpsli ée *, and 4nomm otheOloe ra", ,tillesa I ,vu~' tuis ssttae ti.lateat effa or th rcposiatecwi iot' kcJyte hc jus u sunc tesEIt W inlit.y, cn hardly seme.MI Tiso *eep Omi 0estfc w ielcsbujugl cloiod its'labourg in flfl*à ibus itsccrn giyeui 00eeo,,XrÃI3rWdW, ~thse Epis. copal Netbuodio fCf<ouroe t Ot tamis did a ferwt 0t g,4, lie latter mldreud1 a ,YM 4latetdogrntemvinl te isBsseeluc, the Gove rup lnejui, paklig occeafo t te spprovse!oftise Quents selectiou of tise 'e rj Àe eimei $gt or GOverm nususd tise' toer goseudesd agdnsi the'bést't oUd 'lak-isoaîlllty te tiens. go! b te RY.88.ATI%m 9, Movdby tisr.. . . S Neliasqoud .4 bydr. -I Lyuswo, T aiad h o k of ole l i Tifiletseaconve tlitlof te prperm ni nsot alwSige t uajr oni e!Dtise fuiab itaustM bCanti'à tiser sns f puwic ~hionbranhé d. li day scisogosd, d rmelyvithmet tse youts golng th a diaoise rom the, $itema il roof and ovrsigsi),i ld à bo'plaeed In isutemiom DýÈiiii tualulg st of ul, vstbedeve su dl> oldèd for.; amul conviction pnactisil'evdnib ifct, t nut oui> tie iembs of thtie Weslqyn but tbe menbers o! lis lciureso!ýEug. b]M 14(sid, ,,B.,dtland R onie bave conuin1buted large1>, sud ezentid tlsensaves t&'etab.ý lcanng, for theosupenlor euai o ii -chuldrnu. Ilud.Tisaine >proviion fonurue tiennl acula, leruf i ens aa0co penaste for tise ussspe!povso rae fo tise religiom nsdsi moral instruction of jM Yonig a fie nPut, 9oeed cri" and ivewutl perleod ethi lifl. laid#Tist ita e!oftthe Iigises lnpont. ,Ti am oetbisoj,intereptsOf, C"44a ai the :tegSlaiîve provwuson fer!upioreduea-, tion alin 2lulssmnsny vltbe ~con.. olulou cnvcton Mad 'c=umeS contituftise C4rigtiaciyVo the ee*atry., "1Mb. Thmate exclusive appicaonCd <lise Lcgaltive provision fou SUPMaor ldneatiote tise enldtato! a'cole9 rtise sdestos o!ftkb,sgus of tisi m .Ck y.suu e d. C o 1 " MPe. s d M , a nd ud, Johla alti't t thequA sle, D mieka4 e(W,, ir, F i .: ,lot 2a lot; lsu" Hope'# Ciscs. , "clp Usy mig Hetse, ged, To salkyl 2 .4. N , P a y a 1>i 1, b ,,» " i t S ' j , sg ed , T euaddlo. r r 3 r 4 . J o h A d a m "C' e f e . J » lu l s c , sg T Saeu.,. BiJcyl" aged. Cvlor, BRed sud 1Dîne. - - ui ga u.1 , f"gigblaasd 14u " ~ a g o d . ' C e l r , B i e a d il B l e . n i & , Joh n M > . i . O . b r' loc4" agcd Colon> rwandBlc 51k.P. ~sweld 6.' cot, Colonel Baa lu m# eauold. BaMuwd1Bed. ' 0"hu Porte -f$s ulot r4cs lw clored "J sudia ioibloo sud al bl du,. ila Srd. N.l ML . 1 à tb. Wm lit. N. lay' Sud.t W.,i li, 0k "Cabot1 g.." DAY. umu mini