Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1859, p. 2

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SOIte repuàt. Y*ur chronomter by uîme Thas 80' polit. go urbi». a. ôtaa #hm. #M MW etwltiansulirevsrd 1 PitiY Laîkopor snd MalUnda'Larksp *»ers b.4sghwt f amaili rom.,à Ufi4 - it i Wyaki ïèP 'cal t c toy annsuer desothn'tae. 1used kby swou 0 tbjr a bl omne.A t4 M-14"osanglitber victim _Ia itau-à"m w be t a4Patty awsdhute ffi pdu efor th ae " r vlwth mejted,"gm MtLadW dauà olàd aldjfor ais tîc aniy thought that <ho isarta of Mms -bu i ou through, a s KimibsI , 1rir <l,,théAIps, vith vjwxegbeh'le Put' Lrhipurbatlot .ns mot àautipgs ier tita; histor'. "Wiii YOD p.I mît Muto regilatq yourobroaomotr muh scdHenry' 8mev, la the fIe of 4b i inonee. siOh, 5Ofr, vitis pleasne-Vlt i ati ,t" id Ptty Laliapur; indtaktini ýber vitc4s f'ober .«id.4 h gv t't Sm, sif aie vas main3 as-preset; 0 and, abauly moed aw4tv thatyreclon lmmovable, oai. caId mot have smlledvid duper tmunine. 0=14 wvas the outwan ahat w. »Ys> Il,-" ;hoisegave the wstcl o tihe atie baclo-ahall w, cmoe tbat on therettua of Psu>' Lolar'. emind vus paned, mot a opaceblpodcf two.sud forty, but et tieoseclatien efIlus ass br hbse1cto the dasaof W rou th --to te.hoi a0 ha, fti.o, at tUxbidjs' snd<hat e. av la Hri>s' ic alargi bine or spproachlng thse fatalngar?1 M ho tcclsdthe replntuo ae'sw-hlm clous l o ]"ieou' parditiça 1 sud Ii h h b peronud 114liig aaai lOukli n',laber face,'lseld out <the vs<h-4o iy,'> tnmbled fli snd gais at -fûtor 1r IAgaus PaU akpr sm[lced, as se sav her vcir sil trugotins la-an ocesa or 1% vas hal(.pt"aineobckvion Henry' Smo, .Md Patty I4nhspereneed <hein ho. tel at Hutina. Patty Lankapur, vith a lov, eey and 01W of lier isyng stalles, vlsh.d Snow 4opid evening, iti te.'44i d1#9imal c*ottf a niglst'ss4undrut af, te.r 'bis jouamo, andidvia aboya t4 er roomi, Sa1ov took possessonof bis &arut- màeaý t, ut@ his auppor Lup al tise, oltd wevZnHenry>' S Wov '0t éétc'Iad bitn oelf be<eeo <h.eshootaand lreuderod i hlm self op se aleP. Morpieus vesbowly de, eceadignupc bina, vh. h. va s tartlo -by a sharp kamkig athle door; Suow ait op I <hè be4d did1£preelyl what -nieoe" ouiô n t y Mm reaouid have do.la i situation s ho gaskd, "WhWO léTh. lY7-lb.lay, hcasme do" tfh yo," awe &d Oleutoidà. I'n-I'ji a au ndHenr>' Saow, azp$&Àfng ,I'l 1 itoIli o t. fnghten ,the. visitoeMlias sp«Wuge, rom thse door.- The hknfvas ropeated Snov puilcd -off rnmqtjarateliod ushea& -Another haswckapP ied? viti mev emphusi, brought Smow oîto<h.dupon tho aqet. 4î1 n*ýot detala> yoa a smioute, sir, siBut"-and Smov <.<t the blood under lis ,ry mils liagle a" sput the qustuiw -b#tarhsldo yomw aut 7" "I am sont b>' the lady- "Sent i" la0 l Ab 'o, elo d<r a nwmeÉea 0dr -"eam vho are aThew ker, -8frs" sMd Slmoithti mms spolie e ords h.ohé fi eeback Mud' lias boitv*0draffo. "lhtdo yeünat?" as ked Saov. "tiat" nid 14,M,' SQmov <or be eSUdMotrepreas <h. malice 0<theti.nsus., "iThý ldy, f r-fslua 41--vasabout to'goto bd<vis ae rng er bell,4su cua l e lim to-morovr o rge0 raquet Y01 iu, ir, 0 h' bd p pieu t A"d loc MMe rom h&y seolm, ut th# Tova wlth more bitiainwasla bis e1rslstta liha aisiieliba auft. 'T#hl gal .r, f ~ sa41W "Yas>' ela Vary', vlai MSchto fast!,Mdwl Wth the'slv0ofa maâ W bo feels ts4d ha .bu, b>'te. tnara y firmwuse-puta tnt? t. têan sa, »OisconsX10p, - eip csov 1opl ide 0144 lai tubatlganiypsmn esr " Taousae, din" ontto.da>-ast Mi f rand Wiiatlton'-.Wbutas1Ihadme eo anegi, I ubsU 'home for b.d ut TsiiOhouhabeor, sud ballot *1alpthmaseIf -fodme, b. bs<ookt a b àcae0 Ëbs <wndi, vire Parai! cenviviaitye MAd ide hlmaspecis fvrt.,The dock buel s<rem, *ud 1 ovvas gloving wvifithh. hast botule cf et. our bacelol,. 1Tint la Sir, mot a mais, but--" phexet? olk déI1vas toidt? <oviper <o ycu," nsid tise seant, "bl is-"f1ý: .e11 "dé e 11m " saelhi>$.feobnasue. ý it 15 a lady 19 "A lady exehaimmed Sov, sud h. blusi. et? vîtha sprop"e<. ouse0<bis danger. "lîtt11" .«W Mn. Whulljle; sud . 1er à1 low clisMant £atefut look at ov, heqait?,.Johan,,Ik.is lady lu." "No, u00j,MMasuov; andlieu h. ra- solutel>'d?~"fso e Jolgiqulu e rousu obai% vapoadmto1uform lis bifft < bisl servant nuad lu a bired chaise, lin, taken b>' th.,boni, 8îrn-bvaasteusa mmdisputa es 6e <ueud vatels', viityon ,tailwhr l(sw bel,1feut or toc ulow?" .Sayns W1lcalb pu Ionnw wach Tb servant ish"g Iefthé la c, S00v, amiut ti s aut<raed-ugbof 0<Wjsistesand hal a dozen bososa 'fîionda, began <o mar. rate t4se litol>' of, bint meetng vIlS Mis Lekapr, f bs buet aglas su ovil Mmomentbe <Wunenjng qvualof làbi ova iratc, sud oh euth e prece. DîÀtïm or lMrn. Aunv1.Asu. We despl>' regret, and as viittsassa>'of or Sour diet? it-T*o to yetevdaylmoraneg Kv. Armoar vau v01I2 knowm lIn bis oit VIS" be7 lie rany, raeg , aieil a n Tenantore rM. rAlddt lthe ta. of lis demiand foW-smae y.ars preotssl>'. solle wau ovsd bhic lato fathaer, Mr lIob. esie svo nleto'.mteio wisa ethe proua thon ceâsedjiud bedevaea? lselftoý titi'y amaU, ntSoivlé', momip« W11t' 0004 T«qgpIanS, omsMai#l, Mu> e.ln ~pI.opuI(.3hrehg. o', isag $rt, Il 'oleka. ., ud o'lo~, p W. (AI&ktn- 1aWO. A, m, and 6 p.il SEV . T. LOWEY, Cbrh n' Orf rotrei RZ V.?. MIL mal Unitedl Pr» btojmn 6hQr#olî,M*uc'I ititue, 230So Mock, p. itu- 31.i.H, TflOI$KTQIÇ. Coua»ty 1Faite, PiatWodmdoy lniJues, TYirdt Wudîsodiiy ln Sep:cui., VitWe.odAiyfm teim,m New *avrtlsents us ay. Coaati Treaues co.-.J.M Nole-~ adonell. Wh.ae sud WOOI.--T, Moody. Edc.-Ontaro Tarf Club. Sctîhprovinci aiAsunsiceCmpia. nomesasu Lot<for Sl.J W. C. Browa. PuMa for Sae.,Àulgoes.of J. me. For Si-hsé Draper. W 'tbFîUsy, May 27, 1859. d othe, Thci,.Woekly ChMA*iCZ w lb. pbîishcd ila ture ma O*ad'vanc.; $2 tlbec a when psyable otherwise. ast Whibly The. mt"i dy ot eou,'Mat gain S«on iaQum iaVletera lisi>' to bu #Peretuatea holkday, «M a 84er Mer M»aty shah have psseedavy.ers 6 m Do other hou"day%4 VU tlhe ho as O sfrîi ".14 m1 d à it 84er-.,on the QfeWd 1 ElotisMy,' 4 vu beU. hstin o Part of Hër Ms>.ty's eztomded- domlml6ms la e. Queea'eBhrtis y eelebr«M'e4 s1 W Jbltly U gré s vue h&b ' W outpc#W i trWs b>' the Too tremea; frsa wu riis>utetideeltoe. i lrém aversevehi providiug <hem vItS a (rceedluer. Afcw ca 414 dmmd-M uei pheaet? vth e <ip ààd vol saiafleeÀ; vi h.People Of Wiit. bat llisebutoinin 0ou atine lova.à A dar as bel ndte Mp-di sesOl tb14 6 rcePte smomted <o qut. a libersa u SCcetmatches vonplayed b>' h. On. t"0l CrIketClbs <l yemnog.Ontanlo Cric lb, Md crowdu of visiton, ves atttaced tcvard. s roýýsn 'Ail fie oquipagSS la lova vers ont viti Ibeir freiglhu 'oe lova>'ladsea-consplcuonsa, mongotthflmalautd f <he Mayor'wi lise vite horms pire UM, vent off unceailngl>' <nom midaglt <o midnight, sud altogethon <he Qcfea'. Bintb Day ia Whitb>' thUyear, vas <h. PaYt Sud firat ire ever vituesd. ToCorporai of0thei.Toswu5hl? - < B ech PU " s e < W lv >' B y-La eos M na'l t, taons £1 64,00 la <ho Font Wlsitby sud Ja*olàoHron Rail. va>' Comn>'. The Tovsssiip 0< Whlfl vil <.ev suit t a ismaeo905g on u a>' miL' Tise Ba»lva' us' nv W regard asa<c.The ratepyen Of Bach vwii ditely ' 5(1er. vie h6e, vorks, eviIcom- menc. Mr. Bealaehlthe Cotracte, bas ctfsrd tu, gnat?. e lnu to BneklinI bcfcre -6sis ofor tho amIe cf a Iued, bentur., or aslxipmce front ise Cmnian'. ua Mn. TamYld lpserant or the Gev. 1 - «-i l Ca ila'quttin 6rsle 'cés nsd 4 on fý ie n"aie fat <h. Tov Clerk 1h. & servnt of6e Corporation, it la eld b> éOltau iat lile le OVOer«of the< t CounucL.Wiliuthe latter i&-dej&.-yar- resolulicui PUthpWe Tova cer iýwii ont>'u sMtasbt, pleaseti bith'Cou.j ordee sd 'oluinsdu t<W minutes 0< cm COUI4 séinsarat'Icudea vork Mi, mm wvl. jA om<rict usteret? <o do the Town-,woka hatf priep s, ate be dingnesudthé proMagl si as chrSeltertaiha an Ii .f.liaag tovards the t 1,utracl OniOs vsi7 ocaason-.-aad,' @vmors>'oppottslty-4be pritate ffl. ig lasinscà, ln. civ di. ridaIab'1hploif du a1cbehti trmm wu ae£ion.'o Éfolovila, passge (rom a Quebec Pap "ToUiabasproded aàdisatrou reglmalch nder #ya IIg mre(h r esPmnaileGOOvermmeut) bas persittod i scro*d Of speculitoi t. que...the Comm Ir>' la thiwr ovn agiabonsMd d"fsiguei in the M mr e d la v. 1'c.d y Iis 5751cm haarsahedahlts d n$iproporaopï, su *fe evsgferoa vaylult la beaidesprsgmant, vitis 'dgivil vae" J Of ouisocIil', snd ca 1 ufour oslgu s eour roi, tw b h o subeet0oprs -tgprgisas. Our ode gla sbt ont6e fac of Amfterl cCr regioaM as aniai Of "inmlSdad upertItions roiOf the middle qui." ' PMini>,ou lansugetù, rIsial aid car la"rsare ield. up but a Iddranc sud barri, i wich 1<lalb ojeto ',Uioea," <o evort.o; 4gavord ire vculd aeký bave, thse, Lonbardo-:Veneti" a graver casteaitlaat cf lie L«ver #p, viace , .pliad bofore 1h. vcrldIà? fir le-ovenc istet is Of ra0<tii Upper aMd tiseLover Provnce i Mc vs » us> ai, bas <ils state cof advrsq, &<ciî l ,ng boo- Pr dod? W.; r$y vitoata mmens bsittio "b' eighi yoar's ammeag tae gentid "Gloe . titi,"aidlo afis I-o be < e t ? G e m &m a s d H o t a e o v i d e n 1>' preard od 0wcry sud tormemt oc otier "nque sel aum ua., W s t h on " e u t t h . p a lI e r a & n t o f 6 a l i g . N a > , ve sd d , u nd r ' 1h . C à ," c à u e a c c s r < 1 5 5 1 f e _ 5 0 0 1 i 0 , < b i s h d o n e fe betterlet (omvrd ho plialu <fo boS re lantit»corne o 1 bio PiY& gra<1f7 th;is Glbe' su ad eparalo. y a11l>m est £ehcisrovnce mmags ts o-wu afaira* Sur il ottud couteapoosa pssbl out hu den creit for eah PronCe;# ai A le Corn ak goo sized ."-1riW,'Ines ociï vlaeiîsoîOttsaaviUnsotbe. i" ed'y permbalamvin ceam, as t.otbs "oaW mebnmosipe-ac c <ion,,~ ~ ~~~,S ca ae tsarsd it oer Mou'T f as maid; ecb e nguha If oe»t niffas <opemtf< lads."ul ,Moea sudQuse rnay mm, o>'is.lt la, lisinc a"veral l au <Iidsin scV ,qodte. too Ntc;Hmhlt tiltd bua geut îte JAoUM Sspise nsmubu B es le 'o f 6 e u p p r P a ni ; 'tlb M v tom' <asieo <may =al;the 44Guls1' nui choooes fw le u àm a tie :,1t il b- .a lo n g à da e n le >' g et msn o ol ., Me la a rare "beilr", u'r~ S7Os1lRe to$htw', uitagsnçisasgivs'.. >iSCoDto 0 d "d lymiaBrccnarootrhe Ditted 'et 'Monft tulise 0>ii oiltagiae". James Ccanolly s aMr- Wallace vos iseard befthe <i vie <o &deotia 1Cuii on tuis atioa, and tate(lt" cinns second-, a dusin frmbis prc ae evbauid. Bankt. Tb5 dcs jagi < itpe omncstd b>'Msv sebo6eIL Pregiisaq, sfe omte obseratIons fnm.tlrs Mayor~ Captain Beys setMo Mr, cdomsil, permù. Masromfur sien vas giu n. walisce t »co tiyse t <o < tb o hW dmn und the irecton Ofthé nlended oelebra<on hig Commes Ou« attesta sud' ise Kqý arIbe u Oa motion of Mr. mépjaereose<W1Maniham;a, s 100 Connilvet iacto mî<gtt e he'ole st the promsulmgato On the tÎWld mrlpor i<6estânding Coma. do i>osel uart mittqeonpr1fat1mg. Tie zpot, roonnscned payment or gwroeiesf, at bis stol the Tim os pri tin g accon t, aw on ting o- $ 3 8 . O b c t i c u . . < m '< , i >m o e 1 . . B e u s iemOa, as bun5basa ordfed b>'the Cent eeting of te 4"O0 viliou< an>' authaeity, Sfiat boshü, the priutt Ig sbo u avbc. procr.4 'of a sýs meosda, f lS Town pxdut,,u,,0weW oioligcd zEaý i&aeà ,- -courscand 0eey The Mayor, CapsItai Éeve, n. gelc ve aailt he arraget 'I. MePIrecuý, M. Iye,Mot elienmeeting,. members Of ýthe CGéIl, ezpressed <hein coûdcmWMion cf tIse CIenl'e eomdu#a t niispm stnomng ternu. Th.y cbarged >lmvtSaiê t* br fe.v t h. disciage of bis publie du>'deklota ed lm eby lie, Tom Counclisd éetisu.Whvisi nli naving, g .d bitaforutalague 'Ineif -10 dispou lR OPCeIjpand4I" rect oln4~1 e o-i.J"O" vialsot i Corporation.TheYO>' cbar edte ie . '~On emtg proermd a a5us matorof iving dresaed, mtonç malu pI a r t e s o f t l é rie n i rgo f a v b i u s v s* l s r bab u conlcnvm. . 'n air CiYOti ni tit rber ort vue Sdopted itbo t a see nt? i mt r ore 1fthg4f ns=4mtI'é' Coisin ilfeeing <tt o, ' v e s o u t? l p y o r ti e V Q r 4 o rd e re d T h e p r op r e to n s 'o f cehae fe l., niuthe C& e i.Vo vilSet ' ot4 l n slilvaiv W la tm . MD4 11.1*toi Ele-' hui go. Im taZ rma= 'fElotum-aL 'X e-coiy TA - prsualumprobl otltion. T'.. m elU eo5 td 1 yP. M. Te B4M f ,..jmXaou mm

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